• Published 7th Jun 2021
  • 1,193 Views, 10 Comments

Old Habits - James Pwyll

A Changeling tries to escape the notice of a certain unicorn.

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Old Habits

He liked being here, risky though it may be. Canterlot was always a hub of activity for ponies and other creatures alike, and with as many crowds as these he was able to blend in quite easily. Then again, with his particular skillset, that wouldn't have been too difficult. What was difficult, however, was dealing with the hunger. How long had it been since he'd feasted on love? Too long. He could feel the occasional bout of light-headedness that always came to not having fed, though he was certain he could keep himself under control while he was here. The café was busy, with mares and stallions aplenty all around him. Having found a quiet corner booth to settle into, he'd been observing everypony here, looking out for any who looked like they might require companionship. Those who were alone that he could get close to. A few kind words here and there and he'd be in with them. And sure enough, his eyes darted to the cafe's entrance as it opened, revealing a young mare enter. She was by herself, though didn't seem at all upset by it. A pegasus it would seem, who went up to the counter to order some drink. Once he was certain she would be meeting no others, the drone smiled. "Let the hunt begin."

He got up, slowly making his way over to her, making sure to look as innocent as possible while he did so. But then, just as he was within a few feet of her, it happened. The café door opened again, earning his attention, and when he turned his eyes widened with shock. It was another mare, a unicorn this time. But one whom the drone recognised instantly. Rarity, noted fashionista of Equestria and, more importantly, an enemy of his. She was one of the compatriots of Twilight Sparkle, one of his queen's bitterest foes. And now, she was here, dressed for what he had to assume was just a casual afternoon at her local for a drink. Weighing his options, and trying to ignore the hunger he still felt, he abandoned the hunt, turning away from the first mare and returning to his booth. Naturally, he hoped to just wait the unicorn out, to stay there until she left so he could resume his plan, but when he finally got back to his seat, he was taken aback by a sudden voice behind him. "Can we get you anything, Sir?"

Turning, he saw that it was one of the cafe's waitresses, a younger mare with a genuine smile. Though surprised at the offer, the drone quickly composed himself. "Er, no, thank you. I'm fine for now." He watched the mare nod and walk away to one of the other patrons, then swiftly got back to his chair, hoping he hadn't been noticed. But when he chanced a look in Rarity's direction, his heart sank. She was looking right at him, and while there may have been no wariness or malice in her expression, there was nevertheless a knowing look to her, as if there was some secret she wasn't sharing with anypony. Immediately, the drone looked away, wanting to avoid eye contact for the duration of her time here. He could hear her order something, a coffee of some sort, but all he cared for was just staying here and trying to avoid doing anything that might gain hers or anypony else's attention. "Just...keep calm," he told himself.

Alas, his luck was nowhere near that good, and soon he could hear hoofsteps approaching him, followed shortly afterwards by a refined and elegant voice. "Pardon me, good Sir, but is this seat taken?"

He really didn't want to look at her, but he knew it would be even more suspicious to not do so. So, slowly, he turned to her, seeing her smile sweetly to him. Every instinct in his body was screaming at him to get away. To flee and never look back and hope that nopony chased him. But, his infiltration training was too engrained in him, and he simply shook his head while speaking as calmly as he could. "I'm sorry, Miss. But I'd rather be alone right now."

Rarity seemed at least a little disappointed. "Oh, but I'm afraid this booth has the only available seat right now."

The drone glanced past her, and saw that she spoke truly. The café was even more packed than he'd realised, and every other chair was indeed taken by another pony. Cursing this scenario, he forced a smile. "Well, by all means," he replied, gesturing to the chair opposite to him.

Regaining her own smile, Rarity took her seat, making sure she was comfortable before speaking up again. "I do appreciate this, Mr...?"

Here, at the very least, the drone knew what to say. After all, he'd make a poor infiltrator if he didn't have a cover name for times like this. "Trotter."

Rarity circled the edge of her coffee cup with her hoof as she looked to him with intrigue in her eyes. "Trotter? Interesting choice. I'd have put money on you choosing something else. Like maybe...Hoofington Manesberg. Or perhaps Neighmon Ponykins. Something elaborate. But, I suppose there's value in simplicity, so I can't really fault you for your decision."

The drone used all his willpower to avoid gulping. "I'm...not sure what you mean."

Rarity smiled. "Oh, I'm sure you do..." She leaned in close, bringing her voice to a whisper. "Mr Mandible."

Had he not already chosen a bright white stallion of a disguise, he'd have likely lost whatever colour had been in his face. He was known, compromised, discovered. She knew who he was, what he was, and that was undoubtedly the reason she was here. He needed to get away, that much was certain, and he looked around, trying to see if there were others like her here. Perhaps members of the Royal Guard, hidden in the crowd. In the end, all he could get out was little more than a whimper of a response. "If you'll excuse me...I need to be elsewhere."

Rarity looked to him more seriously. "No, I don't believe you do."

Now feeling more threatened than ever before, his old instincts kicked in, and he frowned at his apparent companion. "I will not go down without a fight, pony. I promise you that."

Rarity, reclining back into her side of the booth, looked unconcerned. "I assure you, Mandible. I have no ill intentions towards you."

Mandible was unconvinced, as shown by the incredulity he wore on his face as plain as day. "You think me some fool? I know you were sent here by the usurper. Our queen will return and bring our kind back to what they were, and there's not a thing you or your precious friends can do about it."

Hearing that, Rarity took a quick sip from her cup. "Yes, I am indeed here on a mission from King Thorax. As part of our new alliance with the Changeling nation, we've begun to cooperate on finding rogues such as yourself. Those who may not be quite as willing as others to accept your people's new status quo."

Mandible sneered. "Those...things are not my people. Not anymore. They are traitors. They could have followed Chrysalis faithfully, but instead they turned their backs on her. We are Changelings. And Changelings do not bow down to pony concepts of friendship or harmony."

Rarity, hearing all that, leaned forward slightly, setting her cup to one side for the moment. "Mandible. You're angry that things are changing. I understand. Change can be difficult. But I hope you can believe me when I say this this really is a good course for your people to set for themselves."

Mandible scoffed to that. "You would say that. You and yours have hated my kind ever since you first met us. For us to abandon our old ways and be more like you? Oh yeah, there's no question that that's what you'd have wanted for us. So you'd say anything to keep us doing it."

Rarity nodded. "I cannot lie. Having Changelings give up the lifestyle that led to them being our foes does indeed have appeal. And yes, there are benefits to ponies if we continue to help you along that path. But even putting that aside, Changelings themselves are better off for it."

To say that Mandible looked incredulous would have been an understatement, as he leaned back into his chair and looked to the mare as though she were saying the most ridiculous things in the world rights now. "You can't seriously expect me to believe that, do you?"

But Rarity simply smiled. "Oh, you'd be surprised. Even now, as we speak, they are living lives of peace, never once having to worry about hunting or deceiving ponies for love. Through sharing the love they have, they do not know the hunger you undoubtedly feel right now." She looked to him with greater concern. "I imagine your time away from the hive has been difficult. Out here, all by yourself, feeling drained by a lack of love. Fearing discovery. You may not care for me, but I am very much worried about you, Mandible. And all others in your undesirable position."

One thing that Changelings had going for them was the ability to sense emotion. Helped with finding good targets to take love from. So when Rarity said she was concerned for him, he knew immediately that those words were genuine. Even so, he wasn't budging. "I have no intention of changing who I am because an enemy asked me to."

Rarity again looked to her coffee, taking another sip of it as if utterly unconcerned with the fact that she was sitting opposite someone who despised her. After finishing her sip, and taking a deep breath, she again looked to her reluctant acquaintance. "Pharynx changed. So can you."

Mandible paused here, looking both shocked and disbelieving. "...You're lying."

Rarity shook her head. "I think you'll find that I am not. Oh, to be sure, he struggled with change as much as you did. But after a while, he came to see the value in these new ways. He changed, just as the others did, and accepted the new era your people have moved into. Now, I doubt you'll find a more loyal Changeling for his brother's rule."

Mandible's shoulders slumped. "Pharynx...was the toughest of us. The staunchest upholder of the old ways. How...how could he just abandon them like that?!"

Rarity smiled. "Because he came to learn what I am telling you now. That friendship and learning to live in harmony with others is a better way forward than trying to be their enemies. To live with others instead of against them. I promise you, Mandible, that is a true future."

Mandible struggled, as he naturally would, with news such as this. Rarity recognised the difficulty he was feeling, and so gave him as much time as he needed to in order to get his thoughts in place. After a while, the old drone looked back up to the one he'd identified as an enemy this whole time. "I'm not...good with change."

In response, Rarity couldn't help but smirk. "Well then, pardon me for saying so, but that seems rather unexpected for one such as you."

He got the joke, but wasn't really in any mood to laugh over it. Instead, he turned to the rest of the patrons, all of whom were still unaware of who and what he was. "To walk among them as myself. If Pharynx is willing, then..." He trailed off, allowing his thoughts to envision him as one of the rest of his kin, living their lives out in the open, not hiding or attacking others. It was against everything he'd ever known, and yet, if so many were growing to accept it, then why couldn't he? After a long time of just considering this, he looked up to Rarity, who smiled to him with reassurance. Sighing, he knew he'd have to take the plunge, and so, in a move that certainly took the other café customers by surprise, he was engulfed in the green flames of his people. When they died down, his true, Changeling self was revealed to all. He expected screams, maybe panicked running away, but instead he just saw them look at him as though something odd yet unconcerning had happened. Slowly, and rather embarrassingly, he raised his front appendage, giving the slightest of waves. "...Hello?"

There was some confusion over this, but the customers, at least a few of them, nodded to him before getting back to their own meals and drinks. And moments later, that waitress from before returned, looking to him for a few seconds before putting on that same smile of hers from before. "Can I get you anything now, Sir?"

Mandible looked back to Rarity, who game him an I-told-you-so look, before again looking back to the waitress, this time with a genuine smile of his own. "No...but thank you."

Comments ( 10 )

Dont forget to add this to a few groups to categorize it.

I definitely want to return to this in the future.

It was pretty good.

This is a pretty nice story and I always been wonder what if there's other changelings who refuse to change and it looks like thorax wanted the Mane 6 to help them to find them and try to get them back to the hive I think this is during 7 through 9 but anyway it looks like Rarity found a Rogue Changeling name Mandible and it looks like she's trying to convince him there's another way to live instead of being their enemies they can still come back and become allies and accepting friendship he didn't wanted to believe that pharynx of all changelings to change he did it so he has a chance and it looks like he's taking his first step he dropped his disguise but it looks like Everypony did not freak out or anything but accepting him who he is then you realize that there is a chance for him awesome job Rarity this was a pretty nice story keep up the good work

After finishing her sip, and taking a deep breath, she again looked to her reluctant acquaintance. "Pharynx changed. So can you."

Ah, playing your trump card, I see. :ajsmug:

(Of course, it was established in-show that Pharynx was the last--minus Chrysalis--of the changelings who hadn't changed, but we'll just overlook that little detail) :raritywink:

The last they knew about. Wouldn't put it past Chryssi to not let anyone know about all the infiltrators.

When they died down, his true, Changeling self was revealed to all. He expected screams, maybe panicked running away, but instead he just saw them look at him as though something odd yet unconcerning had happened. Slowly, and rather embarrassingly, he raised his front appendage, giving the slightest of waves. "...Hello?"

"Mandible! Mandible! We've got Mandible here! See? Nopony cares."

Hearing that, Rarity took a quick sip from her cup. "Yes, I am indeed here on a mission from King Thorax. As part of our new alliance with the Changeling nation, we've begun to cooperate on finding rogues such as yourself. Those who may not be quite as willing as others to accept your people's new status quo."

I've always wondered what if there is other changelings other than pharynx refuse to change and there's some Rogue changelings out there

This story does what it sets out to do, and does that well. I'm just stuck thinking about everything that could have been in there...

For example, imagine Rarity hearing the story of what happened from Starlight. The most insanely massive act of generosity of all time, and she didn't even witness it! After hearing that story, Rarity needs to find an unreformed pony so she can talk them through transformation. I can imagine her running through the streets of Canterlot, accosting any poor pony that seems to be acting the least bit suspicious. She sits down at the table with "Trotter", defeated, and confesses to this random pony what she was trying to do. And then she picks up by his poorly-concealed reactions that she had finally found what she was looking for.

As for Mandible, I had hoped that we would learn more about him. Where was he during the invasion? How did he feel about ponies when he first left the hive, and how have his missions changed that perception? What are his opinions on Chrysalis--he must have been close to her after she fled the hive, and therefore witness to her growing madness. Didn't that unnerve him?

Now you did include the most telling point, that the ponies no longer hate the changelings. It's just too bad there was no possible way to have shown this before he changed, as one of the arguments for changing.

And finally, there would be my own headcannon, which I apply to every changeling reformation story I ever read: Chrysalis has known for centuries that sharing love would transform her subjects into beings not so absolutely dependent on her to survive, and she has deliberately withheld this information and prolonged their suffering, just to satisfy her enormous but fragile ego. Rarity telling Mandible her suspicion of this fact, tied to certain suspicious mutterings by Chrysalis that Mandle suddenly remembers, would be more than enough to convince him to change.

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