• Published 9th May 2021
  • 1,351 Views, 3 Comments

Full Circle - Necrogen Lord

Shining Armor has a heart-to-heart with his mother.

  • ...

Life finds a way




For years, Shining Armor was trained to be the epitome of the Royal Guard. Having made his way to the rank of Captain, he understood that these words had no place in Equestria's tongue. The Guard were tireless, always ready to do everything they could for the ponies of their homeland. They'd know true purpose, and be more fulfilled than any individual could, knowing that they'd be giving their lives for a purpose greater than they could ever be alone. And more than anything, he was taught, and had even taught others, that no matter how many times one is knocked down, a Guard is never defeated.

As he was now, walking down the dim lamplight of Canterlot in the deathly cold quiet of night, Shining knew that all of it was a lie.

Only just a month ago, an evil sorceress had attacked the Crystal Empire, siphoning the power of the Crystal Heart to bewitch its citizens and terrorize the city of shining stones. He and Cadance had put their lives on the line to stop her, combining their powers to sever the witch from the Heart and freeing the Empire once more. However, in a last ditch effort to spite the Princess of Love, the witch had cast a spell on Cadance, flinging them both through a portal to a destination that, after days of research, even Twilight and Discord couldn't track down.

So for the last few weeks, he'd been heading search parties and raids across the entire known world. Chasing lead after lead, desperate to find the love of his life once more. He'd scoured the Badlands, fought off raiders and monsters alike in the Lost West, and had checked every crevice at the bottom of the ocean. No creature could find evidence of the witch or the Princess in any capacity.

'She's gone.'

Colliding with the door to his parents' house, he shoulder-checked his way inside. The door flew off of its hinges and splintered against the wall, the crash shaking the mare who waited for him inside.

"Oh! Shiny, be careful!" Twilight Velvet said, sitting up. "I just managed to settle Flurry Heart down for a nap and I won't be happy if she wakes up."

He didn't answer his mother, his hooves scratching against the wood floors as his armored shoes slid off. Trudging his way into the living room, he sparked his horn and unbuckled his armor, letting it clatter to the floor before he let gravity take him. Slamming to the ground, Shining didn't dare stop the tears as they poured down his muzzle.

Velvet looked at him with sorrow and ran her hoof over his mane, kissing his cheek.

"It'll be alright, dear," she said, whispering in his ear.

"She's... she's gone, mom," he whimpered.

"Now honey, you don't need to-"

"She's bucking gone," he cried, limply pounding a hoof to the floor. "It's-it's all my fault!" he hiccupped. "If-if I'd been f-faster, I could have... I could... AAAGH-!"

He pulled his mother down to the floor and wailed into her chest fluff, the mass of fur silencing his vocalized anguish as she held her son's head, cradling him and trying to calm him down.

"Sweetie..." she cooed, kissing him by the horn.

For nearly half an hour, Shining screamed and cried into his mother's embrace. His tears ran down her chest and onto the floor, soaking them both up in his liquid regret. On and on he cried, until the tears stopped, and the fatigue of his failed missions finally caught up with him.


Shining Armor stirred with a hiccup and a whimper. The once proud Captain of the Guard flailed his hooves about in bed like a foal searching for their lost toy, desperate for something to cling on to. Finding a warm, soft object, he pulled it in and wrapped all four of his limbs around it, hugging it close to him as possible while muttering about Cadance.

He sat there, holding on for Celestia knows how long, as the dark room soon flooded with sunlight. Daring to look, Shining opened his eyes to see him mother smiling at him, stretching her hooves out to hold him.


"Shhh," Velvet shushed, pushing her horn to his lips. "I know you're sad, but it'll be alright, Shiny."

He blinked and pulled back, watching his mother's horn as he laid his head back down. Sighing, he just shook his head.

"I can't believe how badly I failed her," he croaked.

"Shining, you did the best you could. There was no way you would know Articia would have had a back up spell."

"But that doesn't change the fact that I should have been ready!" he said. "I was trained to be the absolute best defensive spellcaster in the Guard! I rose to the rank of Captain faster than any other pony in the last hundred years! I should have had some kind of counter, or a passive defensive field around us both! Instead... instead, I just watched, as she was pulled in and..."

His emotions in turmoil, he simply closed his eyes and replayed the scene in his head. The witch casting the portal, the magic striking Cadance and pulling her in, the look in her eyes as she reached desperately reached out for him. The snapping sound as it closed up.

"Stars above, if only I knew what would have happened."

Velvet brushed aside some of his mane and brought herself up to eye-level with him.

"Shining, we need to talk."

"Mom, if you're about to talk about Dad leaving and how he could move on and I should too, don't," he said in a cold tone. "I knew you two never actually married one another, and just stuck together until Twilight and I grew up. Cadance and I love each other. I can't move on, even if I know... somewhere, deep down... I might never see her again. I can't move on. I won't. She'd never give up on me, and I can't give up on her!" he said, shaking Velvet. "I can't give up! Even if I have to wait ten years, a hundred, a million! Even if I need Celestia to turn me into some kind of monster, I won't stop until I find her! I will never stop loving her, and I know that no matter what, if I love her enough-"

Shining found himself unable to continue as Velvet shot towards him, planting her lips on his. The sudden kiss from his mother shocked Shining to his core, and in that moment, a thousand thoughts rang through his head.

Breaking off, Velvet licked her lips, trailing a string of spit from Shining's mouth as she smiled.

"Her love will find its way back," she said.

A million alarms rang in his head at once, telling him to run, to jump, to attack, she must be an imposter of some kind, an agent of Chrysalis made to look like his mother, and the urge to scream. Every little thing piled on at once and he found himself paralyzed as Velvet chuckled before she pecked him on the snout.

"It's time for the truth, Shining. For a long time, I've been lying to you and Twilight. Now, though, it's finally safe to tell you the truth."

38 Years Ago

High above Canterlot, the skies cracked and rumbled as magic swirled and pulsed. The air sizzled as a portal opened up in the midst of the clouds, a pink and grey shape soaring towards the ground.

"Eheheheheheee~!" the old witch giggled, her cloak fluttering in the wind. "At least I can meet my demise knowing you-"

Her words met a bit of traffic as Princess Cadance's hoof crossed the intersection between the air and her mouth. Teeth and blood flew out as Cadance tackled her to the ground, slamming them into the Royal Gardens in a flash of blue magic. The Princess pummeled the pathetic pansy witch with several more strikes before she cast a binding spell on her, healing the witch's wounds and sealing her flesh into the stones she laid in. As she healed the witch, she made sure to wrap a tight bind on her muzzle. Rendered immobile and unable to recite any incantations, Cadance huffed and flipped her mane back as she stood victorious over the broken body.

"There. Try hurting my family again and you won't have enough of a mouth left to fit a straw in," she said. "Whoo! Feels good to really beat a villain one-on-one! Glad I started working out with Shining again, I haven't felt this good in years."

The clattering of spears and armor drew her attention, a good two dozen Guardsponies surrounding her. She smiled at the gold armored stallions and motioned to the immobilized witch.

"Thank you, gentlestallions, for your quick response," she said. "I've disabled the witch, so I suggest you relocate her to-"

"Silence!" the one with a shield shouted. "Not another word out of you, trespasser!"

Cadance blinked, taken aback by the statement.

"Excuse me? Trespasser? I'm sorry, but-"

One of them thrust the spear towards her as she took a step. Angered by the sudden and irrational action, she took it in her magic and snapped it in half.

"You can have this back when you learn where to point it properly, young colt," she said, throwing it into a pond.

"Stay back!" another said, backing his defenseless friend away from her. "Take one more step and we'll-"

"Everypony stand down!"

The Guards took a step back in sync as a familiar figure descended from above. White coat, golden regalia and a look that could stop any force of nature, Celestia stepped up to examine Cadance.

"Auntie, good to see you!" Cadance said. "How are you and Luna doing with the-"

"How do you know that name?" Celestia said, her voice cold and even.

"Um... because you told me about her? I met her years ago, remember? When she came back from the Moon?"

Princess Celestia took two steps closer and narrowed her eyes as she leaned down to glare at Cadance. Unease crept through the Princess of Love's veins as she sensed the various spells that Celestia poured over her. Vital checks, disguise prodding, even a poke or two into her head for curses told a worrying tale to Cadance. After a few moments, Celestia backed up and nodded.

"Everypony, bring the witch in the ground to a proper cell and ensure she receives medical attention for the infusions to her body," the Princess of the Sun said. "I'm going to have a word with our guest. Do not worry, she's not a threat to any of us. In fact, I believe she's a welcome friend."

The Guards obeyed and lowered their weapons, a few of them gathering the witch before they all left. Celestia motioned with a wing to Cadance to follow, taking to the air towards her private chambers in the highest tower. Once they arrived, Celestia shut the windows and blinds, silencing the room with a spell.

"So, time travel, I presume?" Celestia asked, sitting on a pillow.

"Um... e-excuse me, Auntie?" Cadance asked. "What are you talking about? What's going on, why did the Guards almost attack me? And why did you act like that when I asked about Aunt Luna?"

"Time travel it is, then," Celestia said, setting a plate for cups and pouring out tea. "Sit down, ma'am, because this isn't going to be pleasant for either of us."


Cadance laid on the ground, her body numb as she processed what her Aunt had told her.

"So... thirty years, huh?"

"Evidently so," Celestia said. "I must admit, I'm glad to know the future holds such promising turns. My sister's return, the Elements reforged and renewed, and Discord becoming an ally?"

"You get your flank handed to you on every occasion," Cadance said, venom dripping from her tongue.

"Maybe, but at least my student would be there to excel where I'll fail. It's quite a good feeling to know how it all turns out."

"That's all well and good, but can we get to the real topic?" Cadance asked, sitting up.

"And that would be?"

"Sending me back."

Celestia went quiet, her face going dark.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I'm unable to help."

"Excuse me? You're Celestia! Even if you don't know, there's a tome somewhere in here about time travelling and-"

"Starswirl's work only covers temporary displacement for periods between seconds and minutes," she said. "Anything longer than an hour strains a pony's body. The temporal magic recognizes its surroundings as untrue and reverts to prevent any severe injury to the pony. If you try and overwrite the spell to dispel the failsafe, then all of time you moved past has to catch up with your body. Going back in time freezes you in an instant, turning your bones to ice and rendering you dead in a fraction of a second. Going forwards in time means your body's been moving faster than light for who knows how long, and you end up incinerated. But what you went through, was a cursed wayportal."

"A what?"

"A wayportal. It's supposed to be used for travelling between dimensions, another of Starswirl's works, though I'm certain he used it because the old coot was too lazy to leave his library to take out the trash. It anchors one end of a magical tunnel to another point in space and time, letting you displace something far away in another time entirely. However, a cursed wayportal has no other end. It's a vacuum. The fact that you're standing here at all is nothing short of divine intervention by Faust herself."

"Auntie, I love you, but you really need to learn how to get to the point."

"What I'm saying is that you can't go back. In any way. Either you settle for instantaneous combustion, or you learn to live your life in the now."

Cadance's heart shrank in her chest as she processed the news.

"But... but how-"

"I have no further answers, Cadance," she said. "However, to avoid public outcry and protect the integrity of the timeline, I have an idea."

"What? Wait, shouldn't we at least try to find a way to-"

"I did try, Cadance," Celestia said. "I found a future, long past whenever you're from, where Luna and I are relaxing at a resort like carefree mares and I wanted, so desperately, for that to be me right now. But I can't change the timeline. If there was every a pony who tried, to fix her mistakes, save her sister, and reshape the future, she's sitting here in this very room. And if there were a way, I'd be happy to share it, but Cadance... I'm sorry," she said, tears flowing.


Hours after airing their griefs, Celestia assured Cadance that she'd concocted a reasonable coverup plan. Making their way to a small room in the depths of the castle, Celestia ushered her into a lit chamber with half a dozen ponies who were prepared with special dyes and other makeup equipment.

"So, what's going to happen now?" Cadance asked. "It'd be real awkward if I stick around and another me shows up, wondering how I got so old and fat."

"First of all, don't talk down about yourself, I'd kill to have your physique. And secondly, I wouldn't worry about that, since I've gathered a team of specialists who know exactly what to do. You see, in the event that a time-lost pony ends up in the past, I have ready a method of making false papers, birth certificates, medical background, college degrees, everything a pony needs for a fresh start in a stranded timeline. These fine mares will help us find a disguise that best suits you and will help forge an identity that you can take to hide amongst the populace."

"But, I'm an alicorn," Cadance said, flapping her wings. "Even if the disguise works out well enough, won't ponies begin to notice that a particular mare isn't exactly aging a hundred years down the line?"

"Well, I thought about having you come back every few decades to reapply the disguise, but then I remembered that it's only a few decades until your eventual disappearance, right? You can just wait until then and just take your place right back in the world. After all, you're an alicorn, dear. You've all the time in the world."

Taking in the Princess' words, Cadance let herself smile.

"Huh, I guess I can wait after all. I mean, it's not like waiting for a dinner party, it'll be decades. I don't know if I can handle waiting that long."

"I'm sure you're more than capable of whatever life can throw at you, dear," Celestia said, hugging her with a wing. "Though I am wondering how exactly we're going to cover these up."

Cadance hummed as she smirked, a spark igniting her horn. Her body lit up with a blue flame until her body was engulfed in it. Now she had no wings and stood much shorter, at the same height of everypony that wasn't a Princess.

"A little spell that a Changeling friend of mine taught me," she said.

"Impressive. Now, let's get under way, shall we?"

The ponies around them went to work, leaning Cadance back as they worked her mane and tail, cutting pieces and bits here and there while they submerged her body into a tub of strange liquid. It shrouded her fur in a blanket of gray while one of them searched through a collection of Canterlot's ID cards, shuffling through Cutie Marks to determine a good middleground between certain ones for a fake image. As they dyed her mane, they kept whispering to each other ideal names.

"Maybe Night Time?"

"No, too casual."

"Night Thyme?"

"Too flowery."

"Knight Thyme?"

"Now you're just pushing it!"

"Hmm... Twilight?"

Cadance's ear flicked to the side.

"That could work, but we need a last name too. Maybe something that compliments the mare's look."

"Well, she's got a mane like velvet, and fur like-"

"That's it!" the ID forger said. "That's the name! Twilight, Velvet!"

Cadance's heart dropped.

"No, no no no no no, that-that name's taken! It's taken and she lives in Canterlot!"

"Not according to our records," another pony said. "No mention of anypony with 'Twilight' or 'Velvet' in their names in nearly eight decades. Oh, this is a good idea for a Cutie Mark! How about some stars? Maybe purple to match the stripe in your mane?"

As the water washed the soap and dye off of her face, Cadance stood up and gazed into the mirror, the spitting image of her mother-in-law gazing straight back into her.


"And that night, I got absolutely wasted and met your father. That stallion, I swear, his voice and scent were almost exactly like Shining's own. In that moment, I lost myself in grief, and just jumped him right there, on the bar."

"That was a heck of a 'how-do-ya-do,' I'll tell you what!" Night Light said. "And when she woke up and found out what she'd done, I swear, I thought I was gonna have the Guard come after me for making such a beautiful angel cry."

The two held hooves as she nuzzled him. Taking a step back, Cadance-Velvet looked out over the shocked expressions of the Princesses, Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and Shining Armor, who was holding a napping Flurry.

"Honestly, I'm sad that I strung you along for such a long time, but I want you to know-"

"I get it," he said. "The perfect stallion was waiting for you, later down the line."

"Excuse me," Twilight Sparkle said, getting up.

Wordlessly, she crossed the room and found the trash can before shoving her face into it and hurling as loudly as possible, the basket leaking excess stomach fluids.

"Ugh!" Velvet gagged. "Anyways, that's true. I waited so long for this moment, but now I can proudly say that, yes, I was Cadance. I never felt so alive until right now! Keeping a secret for so long, oh! No wonder I always thought I was jittery every time I met myself for dinner! Ha! Oh, this is-"


"I've got butterflies in mine, actually! I feel great! Shining, I want you to know, that you've made me the happiest mother and wife on Equis. Seeing you so emotional after losing me, I'm glad to know how you truly feel, and I promise, I'm never leaving you again. No matter what."

Shining stood there motionless as he gazed into infinity, daring the universe to do anything to pry the awkward out of his soul, and make him decide.

"I have no idea if this is some form of cosmic torture or all of those porn comics I read coming true at once."

"Wait," Spike said, "How come Celestia didn't mention it when you went missing?"

"Standard procedure for time-displacement ponies going undercover is to wipe my memory of meeting them along with the team that worked on her."

"Wait, how many times has that happened?" Luna asked.

"You know, I don't know, but there's this one wall in my office that's got a bunch of tally marks."

"So is Flurry Heart supposed to be Shining's older sister?" Spike asked.

Twilight's basket broke.

Comments ( 3 )

Thank you for the inspiration and the encouragement.

Oh...oh dear sweet Luna, poor Twiggy will need a bigger bucket. Time travel is a bitch.

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