• Published 1st May 2021
  • 9,049 Views, 79 Comments

World War 2 in Colour - TheFrozenWarrior

The Young Six learn about world war 2 thanks to a documentary from 2009 with coloured war footage.

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The Discovery (Edited)

Author's Note:

This is my first story, I hope you enjoy it. Comment on any spelling mistakes.
I saw @Rated Ponystar make a reaction fic with the young six on the fallout lore series, I decided to do it with a documentary called World War 2 In Color. So, enjoy the story.

TheFrozenWarrior 30/4/2021

Edit: Did some major changes.

The students of the School of Friendship would not deny that their school was a fun place to learn. They would admit at first it wasn’t good at all, but they could forgive everything after the minor changes. But, this place was still a school, and there was the occasional homework assignment the teacher would give any teenager would find hard. One class had gotten an assignment from Princess Twilight Sparkle. They had to do an essay about a war between two tribes, and how it could have been avoided with friendship.

A group of friends was having trouble with deciding on what to do.

“Okay, so, what should we write about?” Gallus asked.

“I don’t know,” said Sandbar, “Maybe we could write about the War of the Three Pony Tribes.”

“Uh, everyone knows that war Sandbar,” Smolder said, rolling her eyes “We should do something most creatures don’t know about.”

“Like the Storm King's conquest of the south?” asked Silverstream.

“No, we already know about that Silverstream,” Said, Smolder

"How about we write about how King Grover's War against the Minitaur?" asked Gallus.

"Gallus we already know about that, we need something new and exciting!" Silverstream exclaimed.

“Yona say group do Yakyakistan's war fought with Crystal Empire, and how Yak so great, Yak won! Until Two sisters came along” said Yona.

“Yona, I’ve already heard about the greatness of Yakyakistan so much I’m hearing it in my sleep,” Said Gallus sarcastically.

“Ooh, all your ideas sound great! I can’t decide!” Silverstream said excitedly.

Sandbar looked around as his friends argued, and his eyes soon landed on Ocellus.

“What about you Ocellus?” asked Sandbar asked, “Is there anything about your race?”

“Well,” Ocellus nervously said, “We changelings didn't do wars. Before the invasion of Canterlot, we would usually foalnap creatures and suck them.”

Ocellus realized everyone had gone silent and was looking at her.

"Of all their love guys! Get those thoughts out of your heads!" she said, her cheeks becoming beet red.

“Okay,” said Sandbar, “Since none of us can decide on what to do, how about we do a war that happened between two races outside of our races? So that we can do this without any bias. Is that good?”

“Ok,” Smolder muttered, rolling her eyes. “But what other races are there?”

“Oh, well there are the Minotaurs, the Diamond Dogs, the Deer, the –“

“Ok, I think we understand Ocellus,” Gallus interrupted, “How about we head to the library and pick something out already? I want this over with?”

“Oh, I get to learn about other civilizations!” said Silverstream with her usual vigor. Her friends smiled as they walked out of the room, and soon, Silverstream followed.

“Are you kidding me?!” yelled Smolder, “All the books on history and civilization have been checked out?!”

“W-well, the students just came out of nowhere and took them all! They said it was for a project about wars in history given to them by Twilight.” Spike said as the dragon glared at him.

“Well when can we get them?” asked Gallus equally annoyed.

“I can put you on a waitlist, how does Saturday next weekend sound?” asked Spike.

“The project is due Friday next week, we’ll never get it in time!” Gallus yelled, growling in frustration.

“Guys chill!” Sandbar said as he put his hooves on both his friends. “Maybe they missed a few books, we can just check and see what we find.”

They all nodded and Spike sighed with relief. The group split up searching every square inch of the library but returned with empty claws, hooves and talons.

“Yona not find books on other races, can we agree to do Yona’s idea now?” Yona asked with excitement in her voice.

“I guess we have to choose one of our races,” Gallus replied.

“Guys! Guys! I found it!” Silverstream shouted with glee as she came to the rest of the group.

“Did you find a history book?” asked Gallus with hope in his voice.

“No! I found a copy of the book called the Great Maretian War! I’ve been waiting for it to come for weeks!” Silverstream answered.

She showed a book which looked as if it was very old, and the cover showed a pony and a giant machine.

The glares she received from them made her giggle nervously, “Oh yeah, and no history books, sorry guys.”

“Well just great, so we’re back to square one?” Smolder asked.

Spike saw that they were leaving, and after seeing the upset look on their faces he went to check on them. “Are you guys ok? Didn’t you find what you were looking for?”

“No, the other students took all the books. I guess we’ll have to figure something out.” Said Sandbar.

“Hmm,” Spike thought, rubbing his chin and then he snapped his claws, “I’m not sure about books, but there’s something I know of.”

The six of them look at him with an eyebrow

“Woah! This is so amazing!” Silverstream exclaimed, and for once the others agreed with her.

Spike led them to a special room in the library that was not open for students filled with glowing crystal lanterns. Smiling, Spike told them what the room was. “This is the Lantern Watcher room. Before his imprisonment in Limbo, Starswirl the Bearded traveled the world learning magic and history, some even say he traveled to other worlds too. He used a special spell to record his findings in these crystal lanterns, pretty cool, right? When he heard Twilight was opening her school, he gave a few to her for the students to learn. It’s not open yet, but Twilight won’t mind you taking one… As long as you return it before she notices."

“Yona think this is amazing! Any glowing lanterns of Yakyakistan here?” asked Yona before she tripped on her braids, “Woah!”

The others gasped as Yona bumped into a sphere shelf and several lanterns fell off. The others rushed or flew over with quick reflexes and caught as many as they could before they could shatter. All of them glared at Yona who apologized nervously before they began putting them back.

As Gallus was going to put the last orb away, they heard sompony coming and paused himself as he heard two voices. Spike panicked and said “It’s Twilight and Starlight! Quick, go through the door!”

The seven rushed out of there just as Twilight and Starlight entered the room.

“You sure it’s in here Twilight?” asked Starlight.

“I’m positive. I make sure to keep all the lanterns in order. Though I don’t know why you want a lantern version of… what was it? Mareheim you called it? Twilight asked with an eyebrow raised, “What’s it for?”

“Oh, just research.” Starlight said casually.

“What kind of research?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Oh you know, the private kind”

Twilight stopped in front of a shelf with her and she realized something. “Hey! These lanterns aren’t organized! I thought I gave Spike a list of what goes where. Ugh, now I have to spend the rest of the evening checking making sure nothing else is out of order.”

“Well my lantern is here, so can I take it and go?” she asked as she put a black and white sphere in her saddlebags.

“Hmm? Oh sure, you can go ahead, if it’s interesting I might see the lantern myself.” Twilight replied as she rearranged the orbs with her magic.

Starlight looked at her mentor and left the room.

With Twilight in control of the room for the next few hours, the six friends retreated to Gallus and Sandbar’s room as Spike went to help Twilight organize the lanterns. Lying around, the group sighed in defeat except for Gallus who was smirking while lying on his bed. “Well, I guess we’ll have to choose a war from one of our race’s civilizations.” Ocellus said.

“Or we could check this out.” Said Gallus pulling out a crystal lantern.

“Wait, did you steal that?” asked Silverstream with an eyebrow raised.

“No, I didn’t steal it… I just forgot to put it back.” Gallus answered with a shrug as he sat up, on his bed. “Besides, this one doesn’t have a name.”

The group looked at Gallus with curiosity.

“What does it have then?” asked Ocellus.

“It’s a letter,” Gallus answered, pulling it out and showing it to his friends.

“What’s it say?” asked Smolder.

“Here, read it,” Gallus said as he handed it to them.

The group read the letter as their eyes widened.

Dear Twilight,

This orb is very special. When I came back home, I decided to go beyond the world, so I built the portal that is currently in your castle. When I went through I came to a world that was inhabited by creatures called humans. It was different from the human world you told me about. There were no alternate versions of us. In that world, all of the sentient creatures in our world are either myths, don't exist, or non-sentient. Magic to them also does not exist. This orb details information about a war that happened a long time ago. I would like to give it to you for you to study.

Starswirl the Bearded.

“Okay, this is for Twilight, she might notice it's gone” Said Smolder

“Oh my goodness.” Ocellus said. “Another world? That’s amazing!”

“Let’s watch it! This could be great for our essay!” exclaimed Silverstream excitedly

“I find it weird that some of our kinds are non-sentient in that world,” Said, Gallus. “But anyhow, let’s see it.”

"And also, no magic? How did they even control the weather there?" asked

The group of friends placed the orb down but they quickly realized a problem.

“How do we get this thing on?” asked Silverstream

“Perhaps it’s some sort of button?” suggested Ocellus, “Such as... here’?”

Ocellus pressed a small 'thing' jutting out of the lantern, it clicked, and the lantern glowed brightly making the Young Six shield their eyes. When they turned back they saw it had shot out a stream of light making a rectangular screen like a projector in a movie theatre. Gallus went and closed the curtains to not allow any light in and to see well.

It started with a black screen, but it then showed a flying creature in black and white as music played in the background.

"Where’s the color?” asked Gallus.

It then showed a strange flying creature also in black and white cam next, but the screen then erupted in color.

“Good timing Gallus,” Smolder said

It then showed another creature who was old of age stepping out of a strange building, on the side of the building was a circle with a red dot. The creature itself was in what appeared to be a trenchcoat, and the moving image like the one before also erupted in color. It soon showed a multitude of creatures with beards, and they wore something on their heads.

“What are those things?” asked Sandbar.

“The creatures? Those must be the humans Starswirl is talking about.” Explained Ocellus

“No the –”

“Oh shut up Sandbar, let's just watch.” Said, Gallus.

They continued watching, and they saw a man with a mustache speaking, humans waving what appeared to be a flag of a country, what appeared to be soldiers marching and holding flags with the same symbol as the flags before but they were bigger, what appear to be another angle of the same scene, a metal machine with an explosion going off beside it, more soldiers marching, what looked like a ship with another flag, it then showed a series of strange weapons firing, another flying creature dropping something, what appeared to be a cannon, a huge fleet of ships, a strange machine going up, an old woman, a quick scene of a creature raising his arm, another of the same creature saluting, a creature with his arms up, being escorted by another two, and a few more scenes, All having color come into them.

The Young Six realized they were going to see something extraordinary. It soon showed something that made them all gasp.

World War II(WWII) In HD Color