• Published 1st May 2021
  • 1,287 Views, 105 Comments

Treasure Planet: The Equestrian Voyage - GTthe4th

Treasure Planet was just a speck of gold dust in the vastness of the Etherium. There are bigger piles of loot to be plundered, and Princess Twilight Sparkle has just unearthed the key to finding all of them. The hunt begins.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Making Friends

Both groups stared at each other, silent and blinking.

It wasn’t like they had planned to meet, or that they had been prepared to do so. Jim’s team was never meant to contact the locals, only observe from afar. Fate, it seemed, had a bigger sense of humor than he gave it credit for.

And on the other side of the fence, both Pinkie and Twilight were inwardly cursing their lack of preparedness. Pinkie, in her rush to get to the Everfree, had forgotten to pack her “welcome to Equestria” emergency party supplies. Now she’d have to make do with a few measly confetti bombs. Twilight, on the other hoof, didn’t even have any scrolls or quills on her. This was a momentous occasion, and here she was just gaping at the humans and weird cephalopod creature like some kind of idiot!

...Wait, humans?

Twilight scrunched up her face as she stared at Jim and Hendricks. How could humans be in Equestria? Had the Mirror been opened without her knowledge?

Jim was the first to break the ice by clearing his throat. “I hope that face you’re making isn’t because we’re ugly. I mean, Hendricks, sure, but I try to look my best every morning.”

“Hey!” Hendricks protested.

Jim smirked. “What, I call it like I see it, old man. That eye does you no favors.”

“He’s right, it doesn’t,” Tucker agreed with a quick nod.

“I hate you both.”

Twilight gasped, then coughed. “Oh! I-I-I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude. Ahem! My name is Twilight Sparkle, and you?”

“James Hawkins, ma’am,” Jim answered. “Ensign of His Majesty’s Imperial Navy. These are Tucker and Hendricks, my crewmates.”

“What are you?” Tempest demanded, eyeing the three of them with suspicion. “I’ve been all over the world and I’ve never seen your kind before.”

“That’s because we aren’t exactly from this world, ma’am,” Jim replied. “Tucker here’s a Zirrellian, and Hendricks and I are--”

“Humans!” Twilight squealed giddily, beaming down at them as she clapped her front hooves together. “I know!”

Jim and Hendricks exchanged a glance before looking back up at her. “Um, excuse me?” Jim asked.

“You’re humans! I’ve visited your Earth before,” Twilight attempted to explain.

“But this makes no sense,” Starlight spoke up, causing Twilight to turn towards her. “I thought humans could only exist in--”

“Sunset’s world, yes!” Twilight affirmed.

“And I thought that they couldn’t exist as humans in--”

“Yes, because they turn into us if they cross--”

“The Mirror threshold, which is--”

“In my castle, I know!” Twilight froze. “Then...how...?”

“Exactly,” Starlight concluded pointedly.

“Will you two stop that?!” Rainbow groaned, rubbing a hoof down her face.

“Stop what?” Starlight and Twilight asked together, turning towards her.

“That!” Rainbow cried, pointing at them. “You’re finishing each other’s thoughts like a married couple! It’s giving me a headache...”

Twilight and Starlight glanced at each other and blushed at Rainbow’s wording. Not deigning to even acknowledge Rarity’s giggle of secret delight, Twilight coughed again and turned back to the Legacy crewmen, who were giving the ponies mixed faces of curiosity and awkward confusion. “Ahem, sorry about that little interruption.”

“Oh, no worries, we’re kinda used to this sort of thing from the rest of the crew,” Tucker replied.

“How have you seen humans before?” Jim asked. “The Empire hasn’t visited this world since it was charted by the First Expeditions centuries ago. Pardon me for saying so, but you don’t look that old.”

“I...thanks, I guess?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you come from Earth?” When she received only a shrug in response, she added, “Does Canterlot High ring a bell?”

Hendricks shook his head. “Not to me. Ever hear about an ‘Earth’, boss?”

“No,” Jim answered with a shake of his head. “Montressor’s my home. Sorry ma’am, I think you got the wrong humans.”

“Montressor...” Twilight echoed, then she froze and her pupils became pinpricks. “Wait...you said that you’re not from this world. You didn’t mean the Mirror Portal, did you? Are you...from outer space?”

“If by ‘outer space’ you mean the Etherium, then yes ma’am,” Jim replied.

Twilight couldn’t believe her ears, or her good fortune. This was a far bigger discovery that she had first thought. Not only were humans on Equus, they weren’t extra-dimensional like the ones from Sunset’s world, they were extraterrestrial! As in, they were from their own universe, and here! On this planet! This was unprecedented, and once more she cursed herself for not having any scrolls or quills on hand. She needed documentation, and she needed it now. She had so many questions, and thoughts of Noble Prizes swam through her mind.

Another one of said questions was forming on Twilight’s lips when she felt a light tug on her mane from Spike. She looked down and saw that he was giving her a flat look, pointing at the tree with a claw, then at the stranded crewmen, then at the cliff. He then put his hands on his hips and arched an eyebrow at her.

Twilight blinked, then face-hoofed. She took a deep breath to calm her increasingly jittery nerves and called down to them, “We should probably get you three up here before I ask anything else.” And before I blow about fifteen gaskets, she added inwardly. She signalled Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Spike forward with a hoof.

“That would help a lot, yeah,” Jim agreed, holding up his hands as the four flyers in the pony grew made their way towards them.

The sun was at its apex in the sky, giving all the lands below it a gentle, golden hue. Even the mighty Mt. Everhoof of the Frozen North could not compare, no, not even hope to touch the heavens like the sun did.

And Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria, Firstborn of Faust, and Mistress of the Sun, smiled and basked in the warm glow of her charge as she gazed out over the grandiose city of Canterlot, watching as her little ponies went about their business. They all looked so happy, enjoying their lives and chatting amicably with their neighbors and friends. Everything was perfect.

With a sigh of content, her horn lit up and lifted a cup of mint tea to her lips...

The door to her chambers flew open. ”TIAAAA!”

Celestia squawked and leapt ten feet into the air, spewing her tea up and over the railing (and probably onto some poor sod’s head, although she preferred not to think about it). Coughing and hacking into a cloth she conjured up, she turned around and scowled at the door. “Luna!” she scolded. “It’s been eight years. Eight. Years! What have I told you about using the Royal Canterlot Voice within earshot of your intended victim?”

Luna paused, her forehooves still planted on both doors and a slight blush in her cheeks. “To...never do it again?” She wilted slightly under the world-ending look that Celestia sent her. “Because it causes ruptured ear drums and hearing loss?”

Celestia stood and crossed the room to stare down at Luna, a frown on her face. “You’re lucky that I’m in a good mood, young lady, or it would be no pineapples for you for a week.”

“...I’m only three years younger than you.”

Celestia couldn’t hold it in any longer and let out a laugh, embracing Luna with her large porcelain wings. “I’m only teasing, Lulu. But seriously, you don’t have to do the Voice when you’re standing a few hooves away from me.”

“Force of habit, sorry sister,” Luna replied. “But it’s for a good reason, I swear.”

Celestia poured herself and Luna fresh cups of tea and settled down into a plush red pillow near the fireplace as Luna closed the door. “And what reason would that be, dear sister?” She lifted the cup to her lips...

“The Keystone has been found.”

For the second time within five minutes, Celestia’s tea went flying, this time straight at Luna. Without even moving, Luna sighed and raised a magical barrier around herself to block the liquid projectile. Celestia wiped her mouth and said, “This is no time for cruel jokes, Luna. That’s real imported Farasian mint tea I’m wasting because of you.”

“It is no joke, sister. I am beyond certain it is the Keystone Captain Flint buried here before he went off on his fool crusade of piracy centuries ago,” Luna calmly declared.

Celestia shook her head. “Greedy fool of a man. I should never have let him escape when he tried to make this place his home base. And how do you even know about him, anyway? His existence and incursion into Equestria is a state secret. Not even Cadence, Twilight, or Discord know.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Just because I was on the moon at the time doesn’t mean I wasn’t privy to what went on in the skies above Equestria. I saw his ship entering the atmosphere, and through a scrying spell I watched as he created and buried the Keystone. I saw what its map led to, and I saw the power he had at his command. As Nightmare Moon I intended to use that power for myself once I gained control of Equestria, but...” She held back a breath and winced at the unpleasant memory. “We must not let the Keystone’s secrets be uncovered.”

“Agreed,” Celestia said without hesitation. “Where is it now? Do you have it?”

Luna lowered her head. “It is in Princess Twilight’s possession at the moment. I thought it best to keep it there until I could inform you about it first and let you handle the situation. She trusts you.”

Celestia’s features softened. “She trusts you too, Luna. Had you explained I’m sure she--”

“No, it’s not that,” Luna shook her head. “You should have seen her, sister. She was like a little school filly again, ogling over the Keystone’s lost knowledge and hidden secrets with stars in her eyes. Had I attempted to explain the situation myself, she would’ve told me that she had it under her control, and I cannot force her to give it up. No, you have to be the one who asks her to relinquish it. She trusts your judgment more than anypony else.”

Celestia nodded slowly. “Very well, Luna, I will visit her soon. How many others know about the Keystone?”

“Just her former student, her assistant, and her friends,” Luna answered. “I’ve already sent my Night Guard to...discreetly handle the archaeologists who uncovered the Keystone, as well as any associate they’ve been in contact with about it.”

Celestia reared her head back in shock and her jaw dropped. “Luna!” she cried, scandalized.

Luna guffawed. “Oh please, what do you think I am, some barbarian from the Discordian Era? I simply told them to erase their memory of it with one of those...er, what do you call those fancy new silvery tube things with the little red lights at the top again?”

“Electro bio-thaumic neural transmitting zero synapse repositioners,” Celestia recited with annoyance. “The wizards at the School for Gifted Unicorns call them Neutralyzers for short.”

“Yeah, them,” Luna said, waving a hoof. “I then asked the Night Guard to pay them all a handsome fee for their trouble. That trail is now as cold as the moon’s surface.”

“Good, good,” said Celestia. “Then that just leaves--”

The door to her chambers opened once more, and a Royal Guard poked his head inside and bowed. “Sorry to disturb, Your Highnesses, but there is an urgent message from the scryers at the Royal Observatory: a strange object has appeared in the atmosphere.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow and exchanged a glance with her sister. “What does it look like, Corporal Steel Blade?”

“Like a large sailing ship, Your Highness,” the guard answered. “With its sails folded inwards towards the mast, rather than upwards. It’s most peculiar.”

Luna frowned. “This complicates matters...”

“Agreed, sister,” said Celestia, rising to her hooves. “Corporal, inform the scryers to remain vigilant. Princess Luna will look into this matter, while I attend to an even more pressing matter in Ponyville.”

The guard tilted his head, confused. “More pressing than--?”

“Yes, corporal,” Luna answered sternly. “We know our duties, now see about yours.”

The guard saluted. “At once, Princess!”

As he swiftly exited the room and ran through the corridors of the Canterlot Palace, Luna turned towards Celestia as her elder sister prepared her teleportation spell. “Sister...if the Keystone has been unearthed, you know what this means, right?”

“Yes, I know,” Celestia whispered. “The Guardian is coming. You must see to Canterlot’s preparations for when that happens. Mobilize the Night Guard and Solar Guard, and tell them to prepare for an attack. Quietly, we do not want a panic. Good luck, Luna.”

With a flash of golden magic, Celestia disappeared, leaving Luna alone in the room. Luna let out a low sigh and whispered a silent prayer to Faust before leaving.

This was turning into a very bad day.

“It’s a fine day, is it not, captain?” said Commander Graven as she leaned over the ship’s rail to look down at the planet below.

Amelia smirked and tipped her hat to Graven. “I suppose it is, my friend. What brings you topside? I thought the cook was serving Garuvian beet stew today?”

Graven gagged. “If that’s what Garuvians eat, then I would happily decline any and all invitations to a banquet in their Queen’s honor.”

Amelia frowned. “I like their stews...” she muttered. “In any case, I am glad you’ve come. I wanted to talk to you about getting a team together to go down to the planet. Not right now, though, only when I feel it is necessary.”

Graven squinted at her quizzically. “For what reason, if I may ask?”

“...We have no idea what lies below us on Equus. In case Mister Hawkins does not return...I want to have him and his team recovered.”

Graven shook her head. “It doesn’t do you any favors to think that way, captain. Hawkins is a good man, and he knows how to get out of scrapes. He and his team will be fine.”

Amelia nodded. “I know, and I trust him. After all, I chose him for this mission because I knew he could handle it. Still...”

“You worry about him,” Graven finished for her. “He has served with you for years, and he has become as close as family to you.”

“You know me too well, commander,” Amelia relented.

“Not well enough, I would hazard,” Graven replied solemnly. “I just understand the feeling, and know what it is like to worry for someone you care for.” She paused, then closed her eyes. “Or to lose them.”

A painful memory of Amelia’s former first mate flashed through her mind, and she closed her eyes, determined to move past it. The two women remained silent, neither of them daring to delve into the past. Together they watched the planet below, admiring the waves of the sea and the gentle clouds above the land. Simply looking at it made them feel at ease, and Amelia’s pain slowly melted away.

“Thank you, Graven,” she whispered.

Graven smiled despite her menacing appearance, and she put a claw on Amelia’s shoulder. “My pleasure, Amelia. Don’t worry, I’m sure Hawkins is in good hands. He’s probably having the time of his life right now, exploring a strange new world and seeing new things.”

“Kill me with fire.”

Jim shook his head and laughed. “It isn’t that bad, Hendricks.”

“Hey, you’re the one having the time of his life answering questions with a fellow egghead, I’m stuck with Pinky McPinkerton over here,” Hendricks retorted in a salty tone.

Pinkie gasped loudly and bounced in front of him. “Your first nickname for me! Oh boy, we’re going to have sooooo much fun!”

Hendricks groaned. “Just end my existence, right here, right now...”

Jim, Tucker, and the rest of the ponies had a good chuckle at Hendricks’ expense as they trekked back through the Everfree (which Jim learned was the forest’s name, according to the ponies). Now that they had more numbers, most of the monsters in the forest decided to leave them alone, which was fine by everyone.

During this time Jim and his team had gotten to know the ponies a little. There was Twilight Sparkle, who was apparently a “Princess of Friendship” (he didn’t even want to understand how that was even a thing) and an Alicorn, sort of a mixture between the Pegasi and the Unicorns from what he could tell. She reminded him of Doctor Doppler in a way, given their shared love of the sciences.

Then there were Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, the two Pegasi of the group. Polar opposites in almost everything, but he could tell they were great friends in the way they talked to each other. Fluttershy was timid, humble, and shy (surprise, surprise), while Rainbow was boisterous, boastful, and loud. Still, he found sort of a kinship with the rainbow-maned Pegasus. She loved flying and adventure just as much as he did.

Next were the Earth ponies, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Applejack was the most down-to-earth pony he had seen so far, as well as the least crazy. Aside from the odd accent, she reminded him of his mother in a way --- honest, hard-working, and fair. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum was Pinkie Pie, who was currently pestering Hendricks to no end (although Jim doubted she meant any real harm). Pinkie Pie was like BEN and Morph combined, multiplied by ten, and far more...bouncy. She exuded joy and laughter with every step she took, and seemed all too willing to share that joy with others. Jim admired that, but still kept his distance. The pink pony didn’t seem to know the meaning of personal space, much to Hendricks’ dismay.

Then there were the three Unicorns: Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, and Tempest Shadow. Rarity was refined like Amelia, but perhaps a little too much of a prude. Still, she was friendly and kind, and even offered to help fix the few tears he, Tucker, and Hendricks got in their uniforms during their mad dash through the woods, free of charge. As for Starlight, she was like a second Twilight, although a bit less egghead-y and more trigger-happy. Even standing a few meters away from her he could feel the magical power radiating off of her in waves. She was a powerful mage, and she more than likely knew it too.

Then there was Tempest...she was an enigma. Dead serious almost all the time, but she at least attempted to be friendly like her fellow ponies, although she seemed less inclined than them (as well as far less experienced in the art of doing so). Undoubtedly her most interesting feature was her broken stump for a horn, but Jim knew better than to pry into something like that. He could see in her eyes that she had a bad past. Still, he wondered.

And finally there was Spike, the little Dragon that followed Twilight everywhere she went. Jim loved the little guy. He was inquisitive, snarky, a little bit of a nerd like Twilight, and a lovable goofball at times. Throughout their trek he had kept trying to show Jim different tricks he could do as a Dragon, which mostly amounted to some fire breath and a few tricks in the air, but at least he was doing his best. Jim could see him going places.

Jim’s thoughts were interrupted when Twilight cleared her throat, after having finally stopped scratching out some information on a piece of grey slate from the cliff (Jim had to admire her ingenuity and determination to write stuff down). “Now, what were we--OH, right! You were going to tell me about this ‘Monstressor’ place?”

Jim nodded with a smile. “Yep, Montressor. Where do I even start?” He scratched the back of his head and hummed as he brushed a large vine out of his way. “Well, it’s a lot dustier than this place, being a mining planet, after all. Lots of stone, lots of fumes from the mining camps, lots of fog and ash.”

Twilight made a face. “That sounds...less than ideal.”

Jim shrugged. “Hey, it’s home. Besides, the canyon mazes make for some great places for solar surfing, and the sky above is still blue, so I can’t complain. And the purps there taste like heaven.”

“Purps?” asked Pinkie, hopping over to them.

“Little purple fruits, sort of a mixture between apples and pomegranates. Here, I’ve got one in my pocket, I’ll show you.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a purple fruit the size of an apple, only to yelp as the “fruit” suddenly wobbled and jiggled like jelly, transforming into a pink, bubbly blob in the air. “Morph! There you are, wondered where you went. You ate my lunch!”

Morph giggled and blew a raspberry at him, before flying three circles around his head and settling in his hair. Twilight stared at Morph with eyes filled with wonder, and Pinkie looked about ready to burst (into song or otherwise). But the real surprise came from Fluttershy, who squealed in sudden delight and launched herself into Jim, knocking him onto the ground with her sitting on top of his chest, her forelegs wrapped around Morph in the cutest, most cuddly hug Jim had ever seen.

“He’s PRECIOUS!” she whisper-shouted as Morph literally melted into her embrace. “What is he?”

Jim rubbed his head and chuckled. “His name’s Morph, and he’s a shapeshifter that an old friend of mine rescued from Proteus I. He’s about 10 years old now, I’d wager. Still a baby by his species’ standards.”

Morph purred and nuzzled Fluttershy’s cheek, causing her to giggle. He then changed into a white rabbit and squeaked. Pinkie let out a gasp and pointed at him. “H-h-hejustchangedintoabunny! Oh my Celestia! The possibilities, the sheer amount of cuteness, the potential for pranks! I can’t take it! I can’t!” She promptly flipped onto her back, her four legs hanging in the air, her face frozen in shock and pure bliss.

Tucker leaned in and whispered to Rarity, “See, someone gets it.” Rarity tittered in reply.

“Yeah yeah, cute blob monster with a penchant for eating everything in sight, such joy, much wow,” Hendricks muttered. “We should keep moving, I’d rather not waste more time and be wood wolf chow.”

“That rhymed!” Pinkie exclaimed, before resuming her previous pose.

“Oh, let them have their fun for a moment,” Tempest chided as she walked up to him. “They’re in their element here, and they know the danger around them well enough. Believe me, they’re much smarter than they look.”

Spike shot her a glance. “Is...that a compliment or...?” Tempest snickered and lightly nudged the dragon in the shoulder.

Hendricks shook his head. “You people are all crazy. Anyway, how much farther before we reach that town of yours?”

“Ain’t much longer now, partner,” Applejack responded. “The Everfree’s pretty easy to get through when ya know where to go an’ what paths to take.”

“Perfect, that means less time in the forest and more time to work on stitching you boys up,” Rarity declared.

“Oh, you’re a medic too?” Tucker asked.

Rarity snorted. “Hardly, although I suppose I could stitch somepony up that way too if I had to in a pinch. No, I meant your lovely uniforms. Can’t have you boys running around in rags now, can we?”

“Ah, right. Are you up to the challenge, though? Alien clothes, and all that.”

“Oh, pish-posh darling, you’ve seen Twilight and her magic, but you have not seen me work my magic. I’ll have them fixed in a jiffy.”

Tucker gave her a charming smile. “I look forward to it.”

“Hey look, there it is!” Rainbow cried, pointing forward.

Everyone looked where she was pointing, noticing a break in the tree line. Blue skies and green fields could be seen beyond the trees, as well as the tips of buildings. “We’re there?” Jim asked.

“Yep! Ponyville, dead ahead!” Pinkie cried, racing forward at speeds that made Rainbow jealous.

“Hey, wait for us!” Twilight called to little avail. Pinkie was already in Ponyville by now. She let out a laugh and shook her head. “She’s probably already preparing your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party. Don’t mind her.”

Hendricks froze, and his pupils shrank in disbelief and horror. “Our...what?” he managed to squeak.

“Oooo, will there be snacks?” Tucker asked, his stomach grumbling.

“Our what?” Hendricks echoed silently.

“More importantly, will there be rum?” Jim added. “I still need that drink after today.”

OUR WHAT?!” Hendricks bellowed.

“Party, yes,” Twilight answered innocently. “And yes to both, I suppose. We don’t usually have alcohol at our parties, but I suppose we can make an exception this time. The Cakes probably have some stashed away for their rum cakes anyway.”

“On second thought, the forest doesn’t seem so bad,” Hendricks said, turning on his heel and marching back. “Besides, someone’s gotta check on Spanner and make sure he’s--”

“Ooooh, no you don’t,” Tucker said, wrapping one of his tentacles around Hendricks’ arms and dragging him towards the tree line. “We’re all in this mess together now.”

“But I detest crowds,” Hendricks moaned as he watched his only escape route slip through his fingers.

“Don’t be a baby. Besides, they’re ponies, how bad could it possibly be?”

“Put me out of my misery, please...”


On the dark side of Equus’s moon, a small ship lay in wait, its lone occupant staring out across the Etherium at the galleon that lay dormant above the planet. The flag that waved from the galleon’s main mast bore the colors of the Imperial Navy, and the the name emblazoned on the hull in gold lettering was the Legacy.

The Guardian frowned. An Imperial ship. Here. Now. This would complicate matters. But no matter what stood in his way, the Six had to remain a secret. The time had not yet come to reveal their treasures, or their power.

With a spin of the ship’s wheel, the ship changed course. And with a press of a button, the automated cannons on the ship activated, charging plasma shots.

He would make this quick. And painful.

Author's Note:

Next up, Luna freaks out, Doppler freaks out, Jim freaks out, the Guardian goes on the attack, and Tempest begins to question her sanity. Not necessarily in that order.

God bless! :scootangel: