• Published 5th Sep 2012
  • 1,587 Views, 45 Comments

My little pony: Mexico is magic - EdBoii

Rosita pie is a young pony living in the small town of Villa del pony. Or at least she was, until one fateful day in which she met Arcoiris Veloz, a notorious bandit and sworn enemy of Rareza. How will this adventure fare for Rosita?

  • ...

Entrada En Mexicolt

Afueras de Mexicolt City

Arcoiris huffed and kicked angrily at the sand upon which she walked. She was restrained from flying by a rope going around her midsection, and the hoofcuffs made little to improve her current situation.

Rosita and Diana were walking behind her, whispering between each other animatedly. The occasional giggle left their mouths despite the worrisome situation, and the mexicoltian soldiers flanking them.

Captain Copo de Nieve was marching proudly at the head of the column, looking as proud as anypony can be after capturing one of the most notorious villains this side of the border.


Arcoiris winced as he let out another excited shout and fluttered his tiny wings around. The soldiers around them replied to their captain in a similar, if not slightly less loud, manner.

The little fillies that had been following them around for the past time were nowhere to be seen however, and they were the greatest cause of worry to Arcoiris. The deserts outside of the capital were no place for the little fillies. Not with the incredible number of bandidos, forajidos, and indians that had taken up thieving.

It was a country like any other, with problems like most and the same amount of resources to deal with them. The only problem for Mexicolt had always been the politicians, time and again going about with corrupt and unfair dealings. Generals and politicians backing each other up just to betray their friends a moment later. There were very good ponies and kind and welcoming souls in the nation, but their leaders seemed to enjoy blocking such things out.

The captain led his soldiers and the prisoners through the desert and towards the large city in the horizon, dust trailing behind them and the sun burning their backs. The retinue followed the path without respite and with determined pace.

"Ay, capitan? Como cuanto falta? My hooves hurt..."

Copo de Nieve frowned and looked around for a bit. Taking in the area surrounding him and his ponies, Copo de Nieve came to the conclusion that it had been indeed a long walk, and he didn't want to get to the capital with a company of tired stallions.


The soldiers groaned from exhaustion and began to unroll sleeping bags from the saddlebags they carried. Soon enough, a campfire and several tents had been placed orderly for the night.

Arcoiris and her friends were herded to a small tent in the middle of the camp and hoofcuffed together. A single brown stallion with a prominent mustache stood guard beside them while the rest of the mexicoltian soldiers began to cook Pozole de nopal over the fire.

Rosita sniffed and tried to shake herself free of the ropes, the delicious smell of the food was flooding her nostrils. She glanced up at the burly mustached stallion with big puppy eyes, imploring him to let her have a bite to eat.

The stallion shook his mustache and snorted, then looked over the other soldiers before turning back to look at Rosita and shaking his head.

Rosita whimpered and pouted, doing her best to look mind numbingly adorable. But the mustached veteran merely ignored her, though it was obvious it wasn't easy.

Arcoiris rolled her eyes and turned away from the view of the food, deciding to better look over at the desert, since there was really nothing else to do. The moon was beginning to rise above the horizon, and Arcoiris thought about the President, she was sure she remembered her. Who wouldn't? Fastest shooter in the Stables and northern Mexicolt! Ha! Beat that!

Ok, there were a few downsides to holding the title... Mainly the fact that she was a wanted mare in both countries and that both presidents were fighting to get their hooves on her. And the two of them were already quite competitive, always wanting to outdo each other in everything.

Ah, the Stables and Mexicolt. Not too different from each other at all, Prance being the closest they had to a third sister when it came to involvement with each other. The prench had been pressing several buttons on both countries for a while. And with Great Britrotnia mixing into the equation, well it was blind luck no war had begun yet!

Arcoiris smiled and thought about the mess that the political world was, she'd never understand it all as far as she was concerned. Not that she wanted to understand it, she was content enough with clearing her name in Mexicolt and settling in for a nice and quiet life without having to check the frosting in her gun every once in a while.

And now even that much was about to go away! She was a prisoner to the federal troops of Mexicolt and the Rareza would probably beat her to the capital. The presidente would listen to her lies and Arcoiris would find herself in a cell forever...

The rainbow maned pegasus sighed and turned back to the campfire.

Honestly, she should start to get used to this sort of things...

Rosita was sitting beside the soldiers, singing and laughing as they all shared jokes and stories. Even the odd cooking recipe or two were passed from pony to pony. Diana was happily eating her way through a bowl of pozole while the big mustached stallion cheered her on.

Arcoiris shook her head and blinked rapidly to make sure she wasn't seeing things, and as soon as she looked again... Voila! Everything was back to normal. Rosita and Diana were hoofcuffed next to her, the mustached stallion was standing guard, and the soldiers looked bored as ever.

Arcoiris sighed and closed her eyes, content to know that at least some normalcy had retu-

"And then I said! That's not a cupcake! It's a cactus!"

Arcoiris' eyelids snapped open as the laughter resumed. The sight before her was once more the dreaded, nonsensical one she had feared. Rosita joking with soldiers, Diana devouring pozole and the mustached stallion cheering.

Arcoiris groaned and facepalmed.

"Is this some kind of cruel joke?"

The night passed without even a hint of sense, and Arcoiris found herself awake in the morning. Rosita and Diana were hoofcuffed next to her, and she lacked the courage to ask what had happened last night. So, without questioning the strange events of before, Arcoiris stood and prepared for another day of marching.

The soldiers lifted camp in a few minutes and snacked on a quick breakfast before departing. Copo de Nieve leading the group as they marched onward. The capital was visible and close to their reach, general Manzana was probably already there.

Both groups had become separated after the arrests took place, what with Arcoiris' group having been on top of a hill the arrest took a tad longer than it should have. General Manzana was lot harsher on her troops as well, so that meant they probably marched twice as fast and with no rest.

The marching group of soldiers and prisoners continued marching for a while longer until they found themselves in front of a small police post just outside of the city, nothing more than a small wooden shed.

Copo de Nieve smiled proudly and bellowed as strongly as he could, aiming to grab the attention of whoever was on duty at that moment.


The soldiers cringed a tad and the prisoners covered their ears as best as they could, for it was a rather terrifying experience to witness Copo holler at his loudest firsthoof.

Imagine their surprise when absolutely nothing happened.

No guard, no officer, no soldier appeared from the post. Nothing but silence after the thunderous roar of Capitán Copo de Nieve. It was unnerving, completely terrifying even, not to see at least one pony run forward in a complete daze after the captain's shouts were released.

Arcoiris looked at the post with an uneasy feel in her gut. Years of banditry and a life full of danger had taught her a thing or two when it came to strange, abandoned, government buildings.

"Capitán? Que hacemos ahora?"

A soldier asked nervously, he was a recruit barely given the uniform. Copo de Nieve looked at him and placed hoof under his chin, in deep thought.

"Um... Capitán? Why is your hoof under my chin?"

Copo shrugged and motioned for two other soldiers, the big mustached one and another, more lanky one to advance.


The enormous stallion with the mustache nodded slowly and led the lanky one ahead. The uniforms look somewhat hilarious on the pair, for the large stallion seemed to be but one move away from ripping the strained fabric apart while the lanky one seemed to have a uniform three sizes too big for him.

The pair trotted forward and stopped in front of the shed, a few steps ahead of Copo and the others.

"Pedro, cover me."

"Wha-what?! How? With what?"

Juanito rolled his eyes and moved ahead, his high caliber frosting musket hanging by his side. His eyes were determined, his hooves were fast and coordinated, his muscles at the ready and nopony had ever seen a more perfect mustache.

Pedro gulped loudly and stood on his hind legs, balancing himself with his tail as he had been trained to do. The lanky stallion with a Coltinflas mustache raised his musket and aimed it at the shed.

Copo de Nieve looked over the scene with mild worry, the last thing he wanted was a skirmish just outside city limits. The frosting was difficult to clean off of the uniforms as well.

Juanito moved towards the shed's door and kicked it open while Pedro shakily aiming his musket in the general direction of the shed. Copo and the others were feeling the tension of the situation, as it would be quite nasty, not to mention sweet, if there were bandits involved.

Juanito entered the shed and looked around. There were a few tools and crates laying around, a chair and some newspaper pages strewn throughout the floor. Nothing would have been out of the ordinary if it hadn't been for the large frosting stain on the floor.

Juanito frowned and backed out of the shed slowly, making sure he could reach for his musket if needed. He wasn't feeling particularly safe, despite having Pedro outside or maybe because of it. Juanito walked out and held his breath, anticipating the worst.

"Hey Juan! Is everything alright?"

Pedro called as he aimed his weapon around, his hind legs shaking slightly and sweat running down his brow. His Coltinflas mustache shivering from fright.

Juanito half nodded and hurried back to the group with the dire news.

Copo de Nieve was troubled, such things were common enough in the outer states, farther south and north. But just outside the capital? It was unheard of! Bandits attacking federal troops right outside the city!

But there was little he could do other than swear his soldiers into secrecy and make a mental note to notify it to the general. Copo and his ponies continued forward, going pass the police post and further into city territory.

Arcoiris glanced at the shed as they passed it, and noticed the stain on the ground. She frowned.

Was that... Was that Prench icing?

Copo de Nieve remained troubled for the remainder of the journey, which was about ten or fifteen minutes. Soon enough they found themselves walking the large streets of Mexicolt city! Largest one in all of Amareica, of the world some may argue!

"Abran paso! Dejen pasar! Abran camino a tropas federales!"

Juanito shouted and hollered over the noise of the crowded sidewalks to make ponies part and allow the group through. Many well dressed ponies passed by, raising their noses up high as the three captured bandidas looked at them.

Several more humbly dressed ponies made the sign of the crescent moon, may the all powerful have mercy on the wicked's souls, as Arcoiris, Rosita, and Diana passed by them. Mexicolt was great city, ruled by religion as much as it was by their President. No law would pass if it conflicted with the people's beliefs.

The group made their way through the many streets and turns, taking in the whole beauty of the ancient city. The architecture was reminiscent of the cities from the old continent, and yet it was different. The city was as modern as could be, a true metropolis of Amareica.

Enormous markets and hundreds of stands stood before gigantic churches and industrial buildings, their owners selling all manner of domestic as well as exotic niceties and necessities.

Arcoiris kept a neutral expression through the entire walk, but the look of amazement was still there.

Rosita was gaping and staring at the massive size of everything, thousands of ponies of all three races walking about. Even a few diamond dogs and gryphons made their way about the streets in large carriages.

Diana was walking calmly, enjoying the sights as much as everypony else. She wondered whether the big city would be a nice place to raise her daughter.

Copo de Nieve nodded his greetings to many nobleponies and aristocrats as they walked by. Even a saddle arabian emir! Copo was definitely an important pony to know such affluent figures.

The soldiers made their way through the scents and sights of the enormous capital, the many ponies eyeing the soldiers with respect and their prisoners with slight wonder. The ponies of Mexicolt knew who the rainbow maned pegasus was, and they did not know how to react.

On one hoof, a great calamity and bandit had been captured and was now under arrest. And on the other, a legend had just died.

They looked at their passing and entering of the city prison. They were allowed into the jail without question and the captain locked his catch into a cell.

Arcoiris, Rosita, and Diana watched as the iron gate was closed before them, its bars sealing them away from the world and freedom. Arcoiris groaned and slumped down on a makeshift bed while Rosita tried to call out for one of the guards to give her a cupcake. Diana was content enough to sit down and hum a tune to herself.


Much to Arcoiris' chagrin, the day's strange events were far from over.

"Hey! Hey guard! Hey! Hey! Can I have a cupcake? Pretty please?"


"Come on! I'll be your bestest friend forever!"


"Aww come on! We can have a party! It'll be fun!"

Arcoiris felt her eye twitch and her teeth grind against each other as the incessant chattering and singing from her companions only increased. Add to that the screams of a guard going insane and you've got yourself a recipe for-

"Gah! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Don't you guys get it?! We're stuck here now!"

Arcoiris sat up and glared, her nostrils flaring as she saw her friends going silent at last. But she could not stop there, no. She had too much frustration boiling inside of her, too many ruined plans and too little hope left.

"We are in jail! And now nopony can help us! Rareza will get away with her plans and we'll be stuck here forever!"

Diana and Rosita exchanged a look and giggled. Covering their mouths with a hoof to stop themselves from bursting up in laughter.

Arcoiris groaned and slumped back in her bed, giving up on the two ponies she shared a cell with. There was no possible way they could understand...

"Should we tell her?"

"No! Not yet!"

Rosita and Diana snickered and giggled as they whispered to each other whichever machinations they had in mind. The two ponies had a small secret and a good idea of what was about to happen in but a few hours.


Generales, Bandidos y Presidentes

Juana Gutierrez Manzana, Rareza Diamantina del Norte, and Presidenta Luna Lopez de Santana sat around a large wooden table, a large map of Mexicolt and the United Stables of Amareica placed in the middle.

The presidenta and her general were looking at Rareza as she sipped her tea, not a single hint of worry in her face despite what she had just revealed. You see, information can cost somepony a high price.

"How certain art thou?"

The presidenta asked as she eyed Rareza suspiciously. One does not simply trust a foreigner on matters of state without proper reassurance that they spoke the truth. Even more so, if the information they gave told of an impending invasion.

"Quite a lot I say, and should you truly need to know, my sources have also revealed possible weaknesses you could exploit."

Rareza smiled as she set her teacup down, the porcelain making no noise as the telekinetic aura that surrounded it set it down gently on the small plate before her. Rareza was a mare of class, and she showed it with every move and act.

"What're these possibilities exactly?"

Manzana asked suspiciously and leaned forward a bit, her own cup of tea still full and untouched.

"An how in tha world do ya know bout any invasion?"

Luna arched an eyebrow and sipped from her own cup, the warm beverage did nothing to calm her mood. There was too much at stake for a simple drink to ease her worries, as it had been but a few days since a small expedition force, presumably from the United Stables, had attacked a small earth pony settlement called Villa del Pony. Tensions were growing between both nations.

Rareza put on a distressed face, but whether it was sincere or not, nopony knew.

"Oh, well you see, I recently received word that a certain group of forajidas have been on the move... I have reason to believe they are working for your sister, honorable Luna."

The presidenta frowned and lowered the cup of tea.

"And whatever business might our sister have in our fair nation? And which sources have deemed this information as truthful?"

"My sources wish to remain anonymous, but you may already be well acquainted with, Arcoiris Veloz..."

Rareza smiled and Luna's eyes narrowed. Arcoiris had run several jobs for the presidency back in the day, but had been recently more inclined to side with their northern neighbors.

While this wasn't an act of treason, nor was it punishable in any way, it was sure annoying for the presidenta and the nation. Arcoiris was incredibly renowned for always getting the job done and never switching sides. She was very loyal to her employers as long as the contract remained in effect. And for such reasons, she was a highly valued mercenary for both countries.

Luna however, had no reason to believe Arcoiris would try to start a war between countries. War would diminish her chances for neutral jobs, and it might get her on sompepony's bad side.

"And what, pray tell, could that mercenary have to do with this ordeal?"

Rareza smiled gleefully, not noticing a similar smile in Manzana's face.

"Arcoiris is on a mission of espionage of course. She passed through Villa del Pony before it was raided, and now she is leading the United Stable's troops here, to the capital."

Luna's frown deepened, her concern growing tenfold. But as she opened her mouth to reply, Manzana responded first.

"Oh really? Well, ain't that just dandy! Me an capitán Copo de Nieve just captured Arcoiris and her band o' spies then! Right outside the city. They were fighting a few others, one of which happened to be a tad familiar."

Rareza's face paled and her eyes widened a little. The one thing that could have gone wrong, had just gone wrong. Sir Biscuit of Trottingham, the darn British from Britrotnia had been caught! And Aleteo Valiente along with him! Her plan was hanging by a thread, if Luna realized what was actually happening...

"Ahem, w-well... You see..."

"Would thou be so kind so as to explain this?"

"Ah'll be mighty thankful if and when ya tell us why Valiente was there with the darn Britrotnian."

Luna and Manzana leaned closer, looking at Rareza menacingly. For the fashionista it was the end, there was no way she could convince them of anything that may have saved her. If they had Valiente then she would confess the whole thing, and Biscuit was by no means a very loyal pony. He would sell the truth for the first ship on its way to Britrotnia or Prance he could find.

And so, with sweat pouring from her brow, Rareza finally found the finale to all her schemes, plots for vengeance, and her fashionista career.

"Hehe... You wouldn't happen to have anymore tea, would you?"

Author's Note:

Wow, I'm still alive! Yay me! Anyhows, here it is! After a very long wait, the next chapter for this story! Huzza!

Comments ( 14 )

Wow its amazing.

This is an allegory for modern day mexico. Its brilliant.


Thanks :twilightsmile: Glad you like it :pinkiehappy:

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!.......Es enserio??:ajbemused::pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh:


Su comentario me resulta confuso señor. :moustache: No veo motivo por el cual no lo seria :derpytongue2:

2076608 Hahahah lo que pasa es qué mientras buscaba nuevas historias me apareció esta y cuando vi el titulo no lo pude creer y vi el primer capítulo, nada más fue eso :rainbowwild:


No hay problema :pinkiehappy: Espero lo disfrutes, y perdona los errores si es que los encuentras. Esta fue una de mis primeras historias, hace mucho tiempo cuando los dinosaurios rondaban la tierra :derpytongue2:


:rainbowkiss: Mexicanos for life! :flutterrage: :yay:

Hahahaha! Esto está genial. Mexicolt represent!

Mexicana de por vida, verdad Big Mac??? :eeyup:'Esip'

¡Santa madre de Dios...!

What beautiful piece.

5835917 Some things return from the grave to haunt us. These things are best left behind.

Luna López de Santa Ana, definitivamente necesitamos ver más

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