• Published 8th May 2021
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Magnets in a Mare's World. - Triple-Rainbow

The journal of Magneto, future overlord of Equestria and the world. Translated by the Sisterhood of Evil Ponies.

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Chapter 5. World of Heroes and Villains.

Gloriosa “Glory Hole” Daisy. I’ve been staring at this page for the better part of five minutes, wondering how to tackle my boss turned recent super villain. I’ll admit, I was a bit surprised to see the pink skinned girl turn into this world’s equivalent of Poison Ivy. I wonder when she’ll join the rest of us in here, since I doubt she’ll be able to use her recently acquired powers to actually do any lasting harm.

Before I donned my red helmet and velvet cape, I made sure that I understood how to use my powers, and even than I was woefully unprepared for what I was trying to do.

Gloriosa was one of the worst bosses I have ever had the displeasure of working under. Timber made it somewhat more bearable, if only by acting as a human shield, but it was still annoying. I understood that the 50s weren’t a wonderful time for equality on my world, but was it really so blatant? She had a problem with every minor thing I did, bitched to her brother about not needing another counselor, moaned about how “A stallion can’t fix up a gazebo or a pier because that’s a mare’s job.” Bitch even complained about my cooking, and even when she gave a compliment it was condescending and irritating.

There were a few moments where she was a bit bearable, and I nearly forgot about the annoying bitch that hid behind her pleasant smile, but then a stray comment about my ass would remind me why I loathed her.

She also had a tendency to become overtly flirty whenever she had a beer or five in her, which was about every Friday. Apparently, saying “no” to having sex with a woman who can’t consent makes me the bad guy in this upside-down world.

Normally, I would have been thrilled to get a compliment from a woman. But, she wasn’t a woman, she was a mare, a creature that only looked slightly human. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I had some xenophobic feelings towards these strange creatures, feelings that only grew the longer I stayed on this planet.

Whatever brief time I had to myself was spent on my own, testing out my abilities in the woods with whatever I could get my hands on. Forks, spoons, loose change, all of them easily moved at my command. I was still a long way away from the precise control the original Magneto had over magnetism, but I was doing things one step at a time.

A quick summary of my suit confirmed that it had a few more metal accessories and accents than my Halloween brand costume, and my helmet had also become an unbreakable mass of metal. Still it, just like every other piece of metal, flew at my will and obeyed my command. It wasn’t graceful in the slightest, though no child’s first steps ever are. I didn’t want to test my luck by trying to fly before I could levitate a spoon, so I practiced at every given opportunity. Of course, this unfortunately made me look like a slacker to Gloriosa, but returning with an ample amount of firewood did buy her irritable silence for a while.

I began sleeping less at night, waking up earlier, getting whatever menial chores done quicker with my abilities, just to buy precious minutes of practice for the next several weeks.

My powers gave me something to strive for, a distraction that would take me away from my real problems. If it wasn’t obvious, I wanted to do what every child always dreamed of at least once. I wanted to be a super hero.

Looking back at it, it was horrible a mistake.

It was merely a way to distract myself from the real problem, something to take my mind away from the haunting fact that I was on another world, and would likely never return to Earth.

I was so pitiful back then, chasing dreams when I should have embraced destiny to break reality. Still, Spiderman’s iconic saying rang loudly in my ears as manipulated the world around me.

“With great powers comes great responsibility.”

Words that I had once looked up to had suddenly taken up a new meaning to me. Power wasn’t some concept of will or inner strength any more, it was physical, a tangible force that I alone could wield. I didn’t just want to be a superhero, I wanted to be Spiderman, a hero who helped out the little guy and cracked jokes at the expense of a few irritable crooks. It was honestly laughable how blinded I was by my own childish whims.

Still, it was something to take my mind off of the soul crushing fact that I’d never see my family again and then they likely thought I was either dead or dying and they’d attend a funeral with no body inside since it would be impossible for me to go back and tell them I was alright

Aside from testing my powers, I also strove to improve my body. While I was certainly strong, I barely had any idea how to use my strength or maintain it. Thankfully, in the limited collection of books kept around for visitors, there were several that went into living healthy and a “self-defense manual for stallions.” I have to admit, I was never a fan of vegetables or exercise in general, but something about suddenly waking up with a six pack makes you want to keep it as best you can.

My primary method of exercising, carrying stacks of firewood back to the camp after disappearing, had to stop when we ran out of space for firewood and Gloriosa started to nag me for it. This also took away my excuse for whenever I would disappear for long stretches of time, so I was forced to improvise a few new lies. I was able to convince Timber that I was searching for new possible trails for tourists and Gloriosa was easily swayed by garden of wildflowers that I found. After those and a few other well-placed lies, the siblings didn’t seem to care what I did with my free time so long as I did my work and didn’t return covered in cuts.

After another week of this, Gloriosa had finally decided to take me and Timber to town, if only to just help load the groceries and see how long it would take to repair the reception tower. And it was here that I’d have my first encounter with those despicable mares.