• Published 29th Aug 2021
  • 2,138 Views, 22 Comments

Pleading His Case - origami

A what if scenario of Thorax meeting with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor instead of hiding in a cave to be found by Spike.

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Pleading His Case

The Crystal Empire sat glistening in the sunlight of a beautiful summer's day. Despite sitting in the middle of the Frozen North, the empire was devoid of cold weather or snow thanks to the powerful enchantment of the Crystal Heart. With the artifact in place, the intense blizzards were held at bay, and the delightful season was allowed to commence.

On the streets of the empire, Crystal Ponies went about their business. Some were enjoying their day, while others were commutting to and from work. More than a few in the market square were hawking various wares and produce for the shoppers out and about. The colts and fillies, all off from school for the season, ran about playing games of tag and whatnot.

Just slightly outside the empire proper but well within the range of the spell providing the wonderful weather, sat a pony, or something that resembled one at least. It didn't have fur, or a well kept mane, or even a signature cutie mark. Instead, it had fangs protruding from its mouth, gossamer wings on its back, black chitinous skin, and legs that were so full of holes that one might mistake them for swiss cheese had they been a cream color. This "pony" was in fact one of the love-sucking monstrosities known as a changeling.

However, to call this changeling a monster would a bit cruel; It held no ill will or desire against the crystal ponies. Rather, it was somewhat envious. It had seen the love and friendship shared between the ponies, and longed to have the same experience for himself.

Of course, having that would be immensely difficult now. Some time back, the queen of the changelings ordered the hive to attack Canterlot, carrying out a plan where she would assume the indentity of a princess to be wed and hypnotize the wedding procession into obeying her commands.

The plan was nearly successful, with her subjects getting past a shield erected to protect the city from harm, and some ponies having been corraled to be put into pods so that they could be drained of love, but it was all for naught when Twilight Sparkle, the young sister of the husband to be, freed her future sister in law, who in turn broke the spell on her husband and combined their love into a spell so powerful, it blasted the changelings away from the city, and into dark times.

The changeling once again looked out at the ponies and kept trying to decide whether he should go through with his plan or not. Part of him wanted to tuck tailfin and run, but another said to stay the course, no matter the cost. Taking calming breaths to steady himself, he rose from his hiding spot and carried out his plan.

Crystal ponies screamed in terror and ran in every direction. The changeling had only been in town for a matter of seconds, but everypony there had caught sight of him and panicked. Still, he kept trudging on. He knew that in a few more seconds, pegasus guards from the Crystal Palace would soon be here to surround him, with unicorn guards backing them up on the ground.

He continued walking at a steady pace, electing to look at some of the buildings as he passed them. Some of them he could guess what they were, like the large white quartz building with a ruby cross on the front was a hospital, but others he couldn't.

After another few seconds, he could make out the shape of several pegasus guards that were approaching his position. A second later, and they arrived and immediately surrounded the changeling.

"HALT!" A guard, armor decorated in upward pointed chevrons, shouted at the changeling. The changeling obeyed, pausing in his tracks. "You'd better give me one good reason why I shouldn't order my unicorns to blast you out of this empire and into the wastes, right now!" the same guard shouted.

The changeling looked around uncertainly at the guards surrounding him. They all had a great deal of fear welling up in them, and nervous yet stern looks adorning their faces. The unicorns in question had their magic lit up, likely spells ready to be cast at the given signal. The changeling took several deep breaths before answering the guard in a shaky voice.

"I d-d-desire an a-a-audience with P-Princess M-Mi Amore C-C-Cadenza and C-Captain Shining Armor."

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, known more commonly as Princess Cadance, was sitting at breakfast with her husband and captain of the royal guard Shining Armor, as well as their young and recently born alicorn filly Flurry Heart. It was soft boiled eggs with wheat toast and raspberry jam, with cups of tea for the stallion and mare, and mashed apples and bananas for the young filly. Cadance was personally feeding her foal the food, wishing to have as much time bonding as possible before royal duties interrupted said bonding time.

Shining Armor was looking over the day's newspaper, pausing to glance at the latest hoofball scores, an op-ed piece penned by his sister, and a quick glance at an advertisement for a Wonderbolts show to be performed in a few months. In fact, the same show the couple had reserved seats for.

As they were enjoying their breakfast, a royal guard came charging into the room. Quickly he composed himself and saluted his superior. "At ease", Shining ordered,"What has sent you charging in here so fast?"

The guard took a moment to catch his breath before responding "I have bad, and strange news to deliver to you."

Shining raised a brow at the strange statement. "Start with the bad and then the strange" he ordered before taking a sip of tea.

"The bad news is that a squad of our guards just apprehended a changeling inside the empire" answered the guard.

Shining spit out his tea as he looked at the guard in shock. "We have a changeling in custody, and I'm only just NOW finding out?!"

"I got here as fast as I could", the guard responded,"In fact, I think the changeling and the guards haven't even arrived at the palace yet."

"Then why aren't you with your unit?" Shining questioned with a glare.

"I was sent ahead to deliver the message of the changeling's capture to you" the guard replied.

Shining gave a simple nod. "And what is the strange news?" Shining asked as he recalled that detail.

The guard fidgeted in place. "Well", he began,"The changeling... was undisguised, and he didn't put up a fight."

"No disguise?", Shining questioned,"And he didn't put up a fight? You mean he willingly surrendered?"

"Yes, he did sir", answered the guard,"and... he's requested an audience with Princess Cadance and yourself."

Both Shining and Cadance looked at each other with uncertain looks. Shining replied with a simple "Dismissed", and sent the guard to resume his previous duties. The stallion sat down and processed the situation for the moment.

It was dead silent at the breakfast table. Even Flurry Heart wasn't making a sound, somehow sensing that it was a bad time to call attention to herself. After another moment, Cadance chose to speak first.

"Shining", she said, getting her husband's attention,"You don't think this is some ploy, do you?"

Shining looked at his wife with some disbelief. "Of course I think it's a ploy!", he replied,"I'm just trying to figure out what the angle is here."

"I'm thinking too", Cadance responded,"and I'm not coming up with an answer." Shining looked at her for a second before she elaborated.

"This changeling came into our empire, the same two ponies whose wedding day he and his kind nearly ruined, and he does so without disguise, surrendering willingly to our guards, and requesting to speak with the both of us."

Shining's jaw tightened. "It could be an assassination attempt" he offered.

Cadance nodded in agreement; Such a thing was possible, especially if it were ordered by their wrethced queen. As quick as it was conjured, the thought was just as readily dismissed.

"I don't think it is", Cadance rebutted,"Why would an assassain announce themselves?" Shining had no answer, nor any futher ideas to offer. Upon hearing no further ideas, Cadance put out her own.

"If this changeling wishes to speak with us, then let's hear what he has to say before deciding what to do with him."

Shining looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you insane?!" he shot back, then looked a little sheepish upon seeing the reaction of his daughter, who cowered down in fear and started sniffling.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, Flurry dear", Shining said to his daughter as he tickled at her stomach with his hoof,"Daddy's not mad at you." The tickling earned some giggles from his daughter, who grabbed at his hoof with her own hooves.

Cadance continued speaking. "I assure you I'm not insane. If this changeling wants to talk, let him say his peace. He might even be here to offer apology from his queen for what happened."

Shining gave her a deadpan look. "I sincerely doubt that the queen of the changelings has a remorseful bone in her sick and twisted body." he replied, a slight amount of venom in his voice.

"Perhaps", she responded,"but stranger things have happened. I mean, look at what happened a while back with Discord."

Upon hearing that, Shining had to chuckle. "When it comes to Discord", he answered,"Everything is stranger."

Cadance gave a chuckle as well.

"Okay", Shining relented,"We'll listen to what this changeling has to say. Hopefully it won't be a waste of our time."

The changeling in question stood outside the doors to the throne room of the Crystal Palace, waiting to hear an answer as to whether he would be granted the audience he requested, or if he would be declined and sent to the dungeons. Nervousness shot through his body as he attempted to control his fidgeting, but to no avail. He could feel the contempt, anger and fear of the guards around him. In his mind, he was already regretting the huge gamble he was taking.

A moment later, and the doors to the throne room opened slightly to allow a pony to exit before closing behind them. Their emotions on their face were neutral, but the same contempt and anger boiled just below. The pony looked at the changeling before speaking.

"After consideration", the pony began,"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain Shining Armor have agreed to grant you your request. You are to obey whatever instructions they give you, and only speak when instructed to. Is that clear?"

The changeling nodded.

"Good" answered the pony, who then turned around and opened the doors the whole way. The guards jabbed at the changeling with a spear to motion him forward, which he obeyed. The procession stepped through the doors and walked ahead for about fifty feet before stopping.

"Thank you, guards", a feminine voice called out,"You may resume your original post." The guards gave no response other than to split and take up position on either side of the long red carpet in the middle of the room, with uniform space between all of them.

The changeling looked up to see the two ponies that he both wanted and dreaded to see. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the alicorn princess of love, sat atop a throne at the top of a sizable dais. Her regal posture and calm demeanor belied the tempest of emotions brewing behind her face.

Next to her stood Captain Shining Armor, leader of the Royal Guard and the one pony who had the most reason to despise the changelings as a whole, with that fact supported by the intense anger and hatred hidden behind his stoic expression.

"I hope I can make this work", the changeling thought to himself,"Mother Tree, grant me the strength I need."

"Changeling", Cadance spoke,"You are to move forward until I tell you to stop, and you are to make no other movements unless I say otherwise. Is that understood?"

The changeling took a second to calm himself enough to reply. "Y-Y-Yes, y-your h-h-highness."

"Move forward" Cadance said, ignoring the response from the changeling. As ordered, the changeling moved ahead at a slow and cautious pace. Shining smirked, a feeling of satisfaction going through him as he saw the creature trembling before the might of his wife and himself. Clearly, his kind still remembered the huge explosion of love that drove them from Canterlot, and the two ponies responsible for it.

"That's close enough" Cadance said, causing the changeling to pause in his stride. The princess looked to her husband and nodded, giving him his cue to speak. Shining returned the nod to step forward.

"The princess and I are in a generous mood today", he began,"so we will give you the chance to say whatever you've come here to say."

The changeling gave a nod and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself as best he could so he could speak clearly and concisely. "Well, here goes nothing" he thought to himself as he began to say what he had been meaning to say for a long time.

"M-My name is T-Thorax" he began, pausing to see what reaction the introduction would receive. Both the princess and captain looked uninterested.

"R-Right", he continued after clearing his throat,"I've come to say a few things, but I want to start with the most important one."

"I want to apologize to the both of you for what happened on your wedding day in Canterlot. It was an important event in both your lives, and my kind had to ruin that day for you."

He paused for a moment, giving Cadance a point in which to politely interrupt. "Is your apology on behalf of all the changelings?" she asked.

"N-No", Thorax answered,"I can only speak for myself."

"How come only for yourself?" Shining asked, a slight edge to his tone of voice.

"W-Well, that goes into the other things I wish to say", Thorax continued,"While I regret what happened in Canterlot, I don't regret being there. I saw something that day that changed me, and led me to make a choice I never thought I would make."

"And what choice was that?", Cadance asked Thorax, who replied,"I chose to leave my hive and come live amongst ponies."

The remark earned confused glances from many in the room. Shining looked at him with narrow eyes. "You want to live with ponies?" he said with a hint of accusation in his tone.

"Y-Yes, I do" Thorax replied, but was cut off by the captain before he could explain himself properly.

"Of course you do!" Shining spat at him. "All the better for you to feed on our subjects!"

"Shining!" came the voice of the princess, disapproval in her voice and a frown on her face. The captain adopted his own frown as he moved closer for a more private conversation.

"Cady, you're not seriously going to listen to what this thing is actually saying, are you?" he asked.

"Listening to and believeing what somepony says are two different things" Cadance countered.

"That thing isn't a pony" Shining responded coldly.

"Nevertheless", Cadance continued,"We agreed to let him speak his peace, so we'll let him finish."

Shining gave a huff. "Fine" he relented before moving back to his original standing spot.

"You said you saw something?", Cadance questioned,"What did you see?"

"Friendship" Thorax answered.

"Friendship?" Cadance parroted.

"Yeah" replied Thorax, who then elaborated. "I'd never left the hive before that day, and seeing Canterlot for the first time was amazing!"

"We were always taught from nymphhood that ponies were weak creatures that only served to feed us, but once we got to the city and I saw all the buildings here, I knew that was a lie."

"Of course, that was seeing the city through a bubble, but then the bubble broke and I got to see it up close. Everything I saw just made my eyes go wider and my jaw drop lower-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt", Cadance interjected,"but you're getting off topic. You were saying you saw friendship?"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Thorax apologzed before continuing his story. "Anyway, as I was looking around, my hivemates were attacking the city. When I turned and looked at one of the open squares, or I guess it was a circle really, I saw a group of six ponies going against a batallion of my hivemates."

"They were outnumbered something awful, but as I saw them fighting, I also saw how they worked together, and the care they had for one another as they made sure they weren't hurting each other by accident."

"I didn't realize it at the time, but what I was seeing was friendship. Real friendship felt bewteen all of them as they fought through the swarm. When I did come to realize what I was seeing, a feeling I had never felt came over me."

"It was happiness. Seeing those six ponies working together made me happy, and it made me realize that what I saw is something that I always felt I was missing from my life!"

"I knew then and there that I wanted to have friendship for myself. I wanted to find friends that I could share that close of a bond with, ones that genuinely cared about my well being, and wanted to be around me, even though I'm a changeling."

Thorax had said the last part with a bit of sadness. In his mind, he recalled his journey that brought him here to the Crystal Empire, and all the ponies that either simply wanted to throw him in a dungeon or run him out of town, or just politely told him no in the better scenarios.

Cadance took a moment to digest what the changeling had said to her, and thought over what she felt from him as he was saying it. Shining, however, had basically decided not to believe what he heard.

"Okay, Thorax", he began sarcastically,"You've gotten to say your peace. Now, follow this guard escort to-"

"Shining, wait!"

The captain was startled to hear his wife speak so loudly to him. He looked back with shock at her. Cadance ignored his look and looked past to the changeling.

"You came here to the Crystal Empire because you wanted to make friends?" Cadance asked Thorax.

"Yes, your highness" he replied, his head hanging low in something of a bow.

"How come you haven't tried in other places?", the princess asked him,"I don't know where your hive is, but I'm sure this empire is a good deal of distance away from it."

"I could fly for a week and still not make it back there", Thorax admitted,"but I have tried in pretty much every place from there to here. This is honestly the last place I haven't tried. That's why I've come to plead before the both of you, even knowing the terrible history between our two races."

Shining took in what the changeling was saying. He didn't want to believe anything the creature was saying, but he did give some small benefit of the doubt that the changeling hive was far enough away that his statement about traveling there could be true. Sadly for the captain, that also meant that trying to calculate where the hive might be was that much more difficult.

"So", the stallion responded,"You've come here to this empire, surrendering to our guards so as to be brought before us, and daring to come before the two ponies whose lives you and your kind nearly ruined, and dare to ask us for a chance at becomings friends?"

"I-I have" Thorax replied.

"You know who was in that group of six mares that you saw being attacked by that huge swarm of changelings?" The captain asked, and then before Thorax could give an answer, answered the question for himself. "My sister!"

Thorax could sense anger in the stallion as he left the dais and approached him. "She told me about how hard she fought against them", he continued,"how no matter how many spells she cast to stun and incapacitate them, they just kept coming. She even told me how afraid she'd become when they captured her and her friends and led them back to your queen!"

"If anything of what you said is true, then that means you were in some kind of position to stop it. So, I ask you now, why didn't you try to help stop it?!"

"I..." Thorax started, then paused to steel his nerves as best he could, but ultimately failed. "I was too afraid."

Shining hadn't been expecting that. "Too afraid?" he asked, his voice not quite having the indignation he had wanted it to.

"I was too afraid", Thorax responded,"I knew if I acted to try and stop my hivemates, they would've swarmed me and brought me before the queen, and then... well, I wouldn't be here doing what I'm doing now."

Thorax didn't need to explain the last part. The looks that crossed by the princess and captain's faces said very clearly that they understood his meaning. He continued his explanation.

"I was afraid of the ponies too. I had no idea if they would see what I was trying to do as trying to help them or yet another farce to confuse them, and then I was worried about what would happen even if things had went better and my hivemates were beaten. There was no way the royal guard was going to let a member of the invasion force just walk around free, even if there were eyewitnesses to testify that he was helping repel the invasion. So, I ended up doing nothing, except hover in place and be scared."

Shining had nothing immediate to say after that. Princess Cadance, however, did.

"You truly wish to live amongst us?", she asked,"You want to make friends with ponies here in my empire? Why do you want this?"

Thorax thought on it for a moment before he replied "I've always wanted friends. It just took me seeing actual friendship to realize that's what I was looking for all my life."

Cadance nodded. "As you are aware, your kind does not have a good reputation, neither in Equestria as a whole or here in the Crystal Empire. If offered the chance, what would you do to make amends for the past actions of your kind?"

Thorax took another moment before answering "Whatever you ask of me."

"Even if what I ask is for you to be imprisoned and interrogated for information?" she countered, wondering if that threat would be as dissuading as she thought it might be.

Thorax hesitated for a moment before bowing his head and replying "If that's what I must do, then I shall do it."

Shining looked as though he were ready to say something, but Princess Cadance stopped him. "Guards, I want you to keep an eye on this changeling. I wish to speak to the captain privately for a moment." She finished the last sentence while looking at her husband and making a subtle gesture towards a door to one side of the throne room. Shining looked at her with confusion but gave a nod. Without another word between them, the two rulers of the Crystal Empire retired to somewhere more private.

Shining looked at his wife sitting on a chair and thinking to herself. "Please tell me you aren't actually considering letting him stay here freely?" he asked her.

"I am" answered Cadance, earning a shocked and agitated look from Shining.

"Cady, you've lost it!" he said, voice elevated but not actually shouting. "This is one of the creatures that tried to ruin our wedding day, and you're just gonna pretend like that didn't happen?"

"I'm not pretending that what happened that day didn't happen!", Cadance spat back,"However, I am considering the merits of the individual making his case before me."

"Merits?!", Shining said in disbelief,"What merits?!"

Cadance took a calming breath before ansewring. "You know I can sense love in others, right? Maybe not like a changeling would to look for food, but enough I can tell when a pony has those kinds of feelings for another."

"Yeah?" Shining answered, unsure of where his wife was going with this train of thought.

"I can tell that what this changeling is saying about wanting friendship to be true" she told her husband.

"And how can you tell that?" Shining asked, not quite believeing her claim.

"Every time he talked about friendship and how wonderful it is, I could feel those feelings of love welling up in him."

"Really?", he asked in a disbelieveing tone,"How do we know he wasn't just choosing those moments to feed on us?"

"Shining, you remember when the queen was posing as me?", she asked her husband in a pointed manner,"Do you remember what it felt like after she fed on you?"

Shining felt a shiver run up his spine as he remembered that day. "I do", he answered,"I was so weak that I couldn't do my magic properly." He looked at his wife with a smile. "You lent me your strength and restored me, and we blasted that whole hive out of the city together."

"Yes, we did" Cadance responded while smiling, but returned to a more neutral expression. "Do you feel any of that weakness now?"

"No", Shining answered,"but that doesn't mean he could just be draining us a little bit."

"The love welling up in him is the same as anypony I've ever met talking about the ones they love", Cadance retorted,"I believe this changeling is being honest in saying he wants to make friends, and I think as the princess of love AND sister in law to the princess of friendship, we should consider granting his request."

Shining looked at Cadance with disbelief, but relented as he realized that any argument would not sway her opinion. "Okay", he finally said,"How do you reccommend we approach this situation?"

Thorax waited as patiently as he could inside the throne room. His eyes kept looking over to the door the princess and captain had walked through. That had been nearly an hour ago, and each minute that passed caused anxiety to well up inside the changeling.

Would they grant his request, or was he destined for a trip to the dungeons?

Before his mind could ponder any other unfavorable ideas, the door the royal couple had entered opened, and the two rulers stepped back through. Their expressions were neutral, but Thorax could sense uncertainty and trepidation, as though they were making a decision they were both unsure of. The princess and captain took their place before the princess addressed the changeling before her.

"Thorax", she began,"You've come here with a request to live as a subject of my empire, so that you can try to obtain friendship with citizens of my empire. You are also a member of a kingdom that is considered an enemy of Equestria, and by extension is an enemy of the Crystal Empire as well."

"After deliberation with my husband, I have come to a decision."

Thorax sat nervously waiting for her response. Whatever happened, he could only take solace in the fact that he had tried.

"We will allow you to stay here in the empire", she decided,"but under certain conditions."

Thorax had wanted to jump for joy, happy to hear that he was being allowed to stay, but stopped himself upon hearing the word 'conditions'. Cadance continued speaking.

"You will be shadowed 24/7 by a member of our guard, and you will not be allowed to shapeshift into anypony; You are to remain undisguised for as long as you remain here. You'll also have to wear some form of identification, in the event that a hostile changeling would attempt to infiltrate the empire in the future. If you agree to these terms, then you will be allowed to stay."

Shining Armor stepped in. "To avoid any potential problems, we will announce our decision to allow you to stay to our subjects, as well as publicly introduce you so that we can try to eliminate any future misunderstandings. You'll also be kept here in the castle until we can come up with some kind of identification for you. Do you accept these terms?"

Thorax had to sit for a moment. He was allowed to stay, but he was also being kept on a leash. Was it worth it?

One thought back to the changeling hive was all it took. The thought of going back to that nest of vicious creatures that would sooner suck the love out of one that had any than try to make peace made for a good motivator.

"I accept the terms", he told them.

Princess Cadance stood up and approached him. Walking calmly, she approached him with a gentle smile and an outstretched hoof.

"Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Thorax."

Author's Note:

I had the thought of how things might've turned out if Thorax had simply come forward to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor instead of hiding in a cave to be discovered by Spike. Honestly, there was a lot of potential with Thorax's character that I'm kinda disappointed with how the show treated him. Fortunately, there's fans out there that feel the same way and choose to rectify that problem by coming up with some of the great stories they share here.

I may write an epilogue to this, but am unsure if I will or not.

EDIT 8/14/2022 @ 10:15 EDT - I changed a piece of dialogue that was rather clunky IMO.

EDIT 7/30/2023 @ 9:13 PM EDT - After reviewing some recent comments, I changed a section of dialogue which made the story not entirely G-rated.