• Published 9th Oct 2021
  • 557 Views, 3 Comments

Sunshine Lizard - CitreneSkys

Sunset learns how to take care of her new pet leopard gecko.

  • ...

A Home for the New Buddy

“That one,” Sunset’s was monotoned as she stared at the lizard with awe. With one finger, she lightly tapped the glass to gain its attention. “I want that one.”

Fluttershy giggled slightly, looking into the terrarium as well. Sunset watched her friend reach a hand into the glass tank, and the reptile shyly crawled onto her palm.

“Aw, hello cutie!” she cooed softly towards him, letting the lizard slowly get comfortable in her gentle hold. She then gave Sunset Shimmer an approving smile. “So you want him?”

“Yep.” Sunset was enamored with the little guy, and the small reptilian gazed back at her with a curious expression. She gave a small wave, grinning. “What is he?”

“He’s a leopard gecko,” Fluttershy said, gently grabbing the older girl’s wrist. Ray climbed from platform to platform, and Sunset felt her heart exploded into millions of tiny pieces as she stared at the adorable bundle in her hands.

“I believe he is a bell albino morph, but I could be wrong. We’ll probably need to ask the clerk,” Fluttershy mused, though Sunset was barely listening by that point. The leopard gecko made small chirps as he laid in her palm. His feet were so small, and his tail was hanging off her fingers. Green eyes blinked, his tongue momentarily sticking out he stared up at her.

He was perfect.

“I think I’m in love,” she stated bluntly. This got Fluttershy chuckled, pulling her sleeve as she guided Sunset further into the animal shelter. “That’s not, like, a weird thing to say, right?”

“Nope. Everyone says that when they get a pet. It’s a natural reaction.”

“Ah,” Sunset replied absentmindedly, holding the gecko in one hand as her legs followed her friend on autopilot. “Wait, why are you taking me to the back of the shelter?”

“Food, tanks, basic needs for the little guy?” Fluttershy perked up an eyebrow, stopping by one of the shelves. “Unless you have any of those at home, we’d need to buy them, right?”

Her eyes averted to the ground, slightly embarrassed that the thought hadn’t come sooner. “Right. What does he need?”

Fluttershy let go of her arm, studying the shelves before grabbing a sizable fish tank. “Fortunately, this species of great for beginners. They aren’t too picky if their home isn’t perfect. A tank would work just fine as long as you don’t put water in it.”

Sunset rolled her eyes, smiling. “Yes yes, of course.”

Fluttershy giggled as well, placing the tank back onto the shelf. “This tank should be okay, although, if you something a bit roomier...”

The leopard gecko chirped from her hands, and Sunset curled her fingers slightly as she brought him to eye level. Soft green eyes stared at the tank unblinking, his tail rattling. A frown formed on her face as she turned to Fluttershy. “Why is he doing that?”

Her animal-loving friend was quick to reassure her. “Leopard geckos rattle their tails when they are excited,” she explained, before cooing at the reptile. “I guess you really want the tank, huh?”

He chirped once more.

And Sunset died a little more.

“Aw, baby!” her voice pitched up an octave, and he squeaked. She grabbed the fish tank from the shelf, keeping an adoring grin on her face. “Well, I guess that’s settled then.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Alright, you two. If you insist.” She looked down the lineup of shelves, tapping her chin. The teen took out her phone, typing briefly before treading towards the next aisle. “He doesn’t need too much UV lighting, being a mostly nocturnal species. He does need a heat source though, and we can get him some wax or mealworms to feed on. Also-“

“Slow down, Fluttershy!” Sunset made a quick detour to put the leopard gecko back into his enclosure before running after the animal-loving teen. “Do you at least have a pen and paper?”

“Oh geez, where am I gonna put this?” Sunset muttered, looking around her room. The leopard gecko was sitting in a ventilated container in her hands, squeaking every so often. Her room was small and crowded, making her worry.

Fluttershy didn’t seem to share the same anxiety, placing her hands on Sunset’s shoulders. “Can I rearrange some of your things to make room?”

“Sure, go for it.”

She watched the seventeen-year-old pick some books off her floating shelves, placing them in a stack on her drawers. With a little more cleaning, suddenly a space was made available for the fish tank that she had bought.

“Oh,” Sunset's brain mentally smacked itself, but she shook it off. “Thanks!”

“No problem,” Fluttershy nodded with a smile, grabbing the tank from off the floor. She lifted it into the designated slot, pushing it flush against her wall.

Sunset places the container she held onto her bed. She opened the lid of the tank, lining the bottom with a sheet of paper towels in preparation for the most exciting part—decor!

She grabbed the shopping bag, fully prepared to use everything she had bought, she went to town filling the tanks with cork bark, sticks, leaves, fake flowers, a skull carving, and a small upside-down terracotta plant pot to decorate the interior of the glass fish-tank. Sunset did keep in mind where she wanted to put the heat and lighting, rearranging the props accordingly.

“How does it look?” Sunset asked, turning towards Fluttershy for some feedback. Her friend inspected her work before giving two thumbs up.

“Looks great, however,” Fluttershy opened the bag once more, pulling out the things Sunset didn’t touch. One was a small dish, which she pulled out a water bottle from her purse and poured the contents into the shallow bowl. “This is his water dish, and you need to change this out regularly to ensure he has clean water.”

Sunset nodded as Fluttershy placed the water dish into the enclosure. “Right, and I’ll remember to get him a humidity box soon.”

“Good, and remember what I said about-“

“Yes, I do, can I please put him in now?” Sunset practically begged, to which Fluttershy laughed.

“Okay Sunset, you can put him in now.”

“Thank you,” she dived onto her bed, cupping the plastic container in her hands gently. The leopard gecko inside squeaked slightly, and Sunset whispered an apology. She took the lid off of the travel box, eagerly picking up the tiny reptile that she loved. “Hey, buddy! Ready to go to your new home?”

A chirp and a rattle answered her, giving Sunset even more reason to squeal. Quickly, she got back onto her feet, turning towards the tank and opening the mesh lid. She dropped him softly onto the sunbathing platform, her excitement through the roof.

Once she closed the lid, Fluttershy places the day-night light and the heat lamp above the lid, plugging it into the wall so it warmly lit up the enclosure.

“Thanks again, Fluttershy,” Sunset said as she gazed adoringly at her new little buddy. He turned to gaze at her, and she waved at him with a bright smile.

“It’s my pleasure, Sunset,” she replied, also watching the leopard gecko as it got used to its new surroundings. He gave a lopsided smile, climbing down his platform. He squeaked and rattled, pressing his face up against the glass with a goody grin. It made Sunsets heart melt.

“Aw, what a little ray of sunshine he is!” Fluttershy cooed, tapping the glass with one finger.

Sunset gasped. “That’s it!”

“What’s it?”

“His name is now Ray.”

‘Ray?’” her friend echoed, before chuckling. “Well, I guess it suits him.”

“Yeah.” Sunset brought her finger to the glass tank. Ray looked at her finger and tilted his head before being his tiny foot up to the wall to press it against her’s. She smiled. “He’s my little Ray of sunshine.”

Author's Note:

October 8th, 2021

I have this sitting in my drafts for a while, and while I’m not finished with/haven’t started the third and final chapter, I though you all could enjoy what I have so far.

Keep in mind, most of this is research and what I’ve gathered. I do not own a leopard gecko (ugh, I WISH) so apologizes if I get anything wrong.