• Published 22nd Apr 2021
  • 1,475 Views, 171 Comments

Unfriendship 2 - littleman001

Two years after the fall of Twilight's Regime, she and Celestia are forced to put aside their differences and join forces to save Equestria from the invading Storm King.

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Chapter 12: Princess Celestia + Epilogue

Celestia immediately tried to make short work of her former student by firing the depowerment spell at her, but she was interrupted when Rainbow Dash slammed into her and knocked her on her back, making her blast miss. Rainbow was about to continue the assault, but as she raised her hoof to strike the alicorn again, she found herself being held back. She turned around to see Fluttershy holding her foreleg in her hooves, looking at her with a pleading expression.

”Rainbow, please! It's not too late to stop!” Rainbow looked down almost remorsefully before looking back up at Fluttershy with determination.

”It is to me, Flutters.” Rainbow then used her backlegs to buck Fluttershy off of herself and the poor pegasus flew across the room and crashed against the wall.

”Fluttershy!” Applejack cried out upon seeing her friend being brutalized in such a fashion. She then turned back towards Rainbow with a fiery glare and threw herself at the blue pegasus in rage. ”Dat's it, ye no good varmint! Ah'm gonna buck the tar outta ye until ye won' fly ever again!”

Applejack pounced, but Rainbow flew out of the way just in time to avoid the raging hooves of her former friend. She then dropped down from above to crash the spine of the earth pony, but Applejack jumped out of the way just in time to avoid her. Rainbow crashed into the floor behind her, giving Applejack the perfect opportunity to give her a good buck, sending her crashing through the window of the airship. She was about to run after her and finish her off, but she found herself being lifted into the air by a purple aura of magic. She needn't be a genius to figure out who was responsible for it.

”That's enough now, Applejack!” Twilight chided. ”Calm down and listen to reason!” But Applejack wouldn't be listening to Twilight. Never again.

”Ugh...” Applejack groaned as she managed to muster up all of her willpower to resist Twilight's telekinesis and raise her backlegs for another kick. ”Listen to this!” Applejack shouted, bucking Twilight in the face and sending her flying right after Rainbow Dash. She fell out of Twilight's magical grip and quickly pulled herself together before hurrying after the two ponies she just sent flying.

Celestia was about to go after them, but then she noticed something. She saw Cadance heading towards the Storm King's body, no doubt to finish him off. This she could not allow. Cadance jumped in surprise when her aunt suddenly materialized in front of herself, giving her a questioning look.

”Just what do you think you're doing, Cadenza?” Cadance quickly got over her shock and matched her aunt's glare.

”Making sure this monster never hurts anypony again!” She replied before attempting to get past Celestia, but the larger alicorn blocked her path with her wing.

”There is no need for that. The Empire is safe now. It's magic is restored. You can go home.”

”And what's the proof that it will stay that way?!” Cadance retorted, spreading out her wings in a sign of aggression. It became clear to Celestia that she won't be able to resolve this conflict without violence. ”The Crystal Empire is an ancient state, Celestia. With an old fashioned sense of morality and laws. Aggression against us is punishable by death!”

Cadance blasted Celestia with an energy beam, but the taller pony didn't even stumble. Cadane growled and used her magic to summon a crystal sword radiating with pink magic. Celestia's eyes widened when she saw her niece resorting to such leathat tactic and she almost paid the price for this moment of hesitation when Cadance nearly pierced her shoulder, but she recovered quickly enough to flap her wings and get out of the way, even though the sword still sliced her side.

Celestia hissed in pain as she raised her left foreleg to her wounded side. This gave Cadance the opening to lunge forward with her sword. Celestia could only avoid serious injury by raising a magical barrier that blocked the sword strike. With her bleeding side, she wasn't going to last much longer. She needed to cast a healing spell quickly. But she also needed to hold up the barrier to repel the crazed mare's attacks. Cadance lunged back as she raised her sword for another strike and this gave Celestia the chance for a counterattack. She quickly dispersed the barrier and flre straight at Cadance, and using her own strength against her she managed to knock her back, while also knocking the sword out of her hooves.

While Cadance recovered, Celestia had enough time to cast a healing spell on her side. But she also had to act quickly before Cadance could recover her weapon. The pink alicorn just got up from the ground and flew to get her sword. But just before she could reach it, Celestia grabbed it with her magic and yanked it away from her. Cadance used her own magic to grab it and the two alicorns ended up locking their magic together over the sword. Cadance could see that Celestia was slowly winning this duel, so she decided to try something unexpected. She broke the spell and flew at the sword in the air.

This surprised Celestia enough that Cadance managed to snatch the sword from her magical grip. However, by doing this, she also made a mistake: she left herself open for an attack, which Celestia immediately realized. She blasted Cadance away, causing her to crash into the ceiling. She then fell on the ground and the sword fell on her, the blade plunging itself into her backleg. Cadance screamed in agony before trying to remove the sword, but it was deeply impaled in her flesh. Suddenly, a golden glow surrounded the sword and painlessly pulled it out of Cadence's backleg. Cadance looked up in shock and she saw Celestia using her magic to heal her wound. The wound was now patched up, but the pain was still there, leaving Cadance incapacitated.

”I would have expected you of all ponies to help the Empire get with the times.” Celestia chided her niece as she catered her injury. However, her kindness was punished as it forced her to let her guard down. Before she could offer aid to Cadance, she was hit from behind by a streak of lightning which shoved her to the ground. When the lightnings subsided, Celestia slowly got up and saw her nephew, Prince Blueblood standing over her with a beaten and unconcsious Luster Dawn behind him. Celestia frowned up at him, but despite her anger at his transgressions, she decided to try to reason with him one last time.

“Go back to Stalliongrad, nephew. The ponies there will welcome you back with open arms, but if you stay here, I will have no choice but to prosecute you along with your allies.” Blueblood scoffed dismissively.

“You would have to defeat us first, Celestia. And we underestimated you for the last time.” Blueblood gathered a large concentration of lightning into his horn and fired it at Celestia. The alicorn raised a magical barrier to protect herself, but she realised that the lightnings will eventually overpower it. She needed to come up with something quickly. She used her barrier to channel as much of the lightnings into her own horn as she could and once she had gathered enough, she fired them back at the stallion. At first, Blueblood's lightnings were stronger, but eventually Celestia have gathered enough of them into herself to overpower her nephew's attack. The lightnings Celestia reflected eventually broke through those that Blueblood fired at her and electrified the stallion.

Of course, Blueblood was not going to go down by his own attack. He trained himself to resist his own magical lightnings and managed to absorb it into himself. This actually made him even stronger and allowed him to fire back even more powerful lightnings. Celestia tried to use the same tactic as before, but eventually realised that it was futile. It became clear to her that their duel will not be decided by their raw magical energy, but by their skills of using it. Celestia released a huge energy blast that broke through Blueblood's lightnings and knocked the stallion off of his legs for a short time. She then trapped him in a medical forcefield in the hope that she can hold him long enough until he passed out due to a lack of oxygen.

Blueblood realised what her plan was and tried to break through the forcefield by summoning even more of his lightnings. But all the unicorn accomplished was frying himself with them. He then noticed Cadence's sword lying behind his aunt and used his magic to lift it into the air and send it flying directly at his aunt from behind. The sword didn't impale her deeply but it threw her off balance long enough for Blueblood to break out of the force field. He then levitated Cadences sword into his own hooves and went on the offensive.

Blueblood went straight at Celestia's horn, trying to slice it off, but Celestia was prepared for this. She teleported behind the stallion and the sword ended up being impaled into the floor. As Blueblood struggled to pull it out, Celestia blasted him away from it from behind. Blueblood crashed into the wall but he was not quite done yet. He fired another wave of lightning at her. Celestia flew up into the air and then flew straight at her nephew, punching him further into the wall. She then pulled back her foreleg and delivered a mighty blow at the stallion's skull, sending him into unconsciousness.

After the conceited prince was that with Celestia ran over to Luster and helped her up.

"Are you ok?" Celestia asked in concern. Luster shook herself and looked up at Celestia with reassurance

"Don't worry about me. I'm tougher than I look." She then sighed and look down sadly. "I... I can't believe what she's become! It's like she's not even the same pony anymore!" Celestia could only nod sadly

"I know. Nopony is more pained by that than I am. When this invasion began and I was forced to release her, I was hoping that maybe I will be able to get through to her. But the Storm King got to her the same way as Chrysalis did. And once again I couldn't quell her anger. I have failed my student once again and I don't know what lengths I will have to go this time to stop her." Luster's expression turned to one of determination.

"We will. We have to." Her eyes then lit with realisation. "And I might just have an idea how!"

Luster ran through ruined city of Canterlot in search of the former Princess of Friendship. She was so caught up in her mission that she barely paid any attention to the horrific devastation that the city suffered during the Storm King's invasion. Running through the streets littered with debris and pony corpses, she finally managed to locate her target directly in front of the steps of Canterlot Castle.

When she saw her, eyes widened in horror. Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendships, the pony she looked up to, the one who were supposed to love and protect her friends and Equestria was standing over the badly wounded bodies of her best friends, AppleJack and Fluttershy. The earth pony was moaning in agony due to her broken back legs and Fluttershy was weeping due to a similar injury in her wings. Luster Dawn's first thoughts were horror and disbelief at how Twilight could do such a thing to her friends, but the second was sick resignation that she probably shouldn't be surprised anymore. She was now well aware of how Twilight had turned into somepony who would do such a thing to anypony who crossed her.

Fear swelled up in Luster's chest. She knew just how powerful Twilight was, but the freedom of Equestria was at stake. She couldn't allow her fear to hold her back. Gathering all her courage Luster stepped forward.

"Twilight!" Luster called out in anger at the fallen princess. Twilight turned to her with a firm expression.

"You have made up your mind, Luster and you have picked your side. Now live with the consequences!" Twilight spoke as she fired a spell at Luster. Luster managed to block the blast with a magical shield before matching the princess' intense stare.

"You have turned into a monster, Twilight! And I'm going to stop you!" Twilight firm expression remained unchanged.

"I've been called the worse throughout my years of leading the Regime. I used to think that way too Luster. And don't believe for a moment that the thought hasn't crossed my mind. But if becoming a monster is what I have to do to defend Equestria, then so be it! When I followed Celestia's harmony, it lead me to the loss of my family and devastation Equestria had never seen before. If I don't use all my power, the ones I want to defend will pay the price. And that is why I don't hold back anymore! No matter who gets in my way!"

Twilight fired another blast at Luster. the unicorn jumped out of the way and started running away. Twilight raised an eyebrow in curiosity at this.

"Running away? I expected more from you." She then flapped her wings and flew up into the air, where she could trail Luster's every move easily. Especially when Rainbow Dash joined her. The two followed Luster from the air, but she managed to keep her distance. Twilight couldn't capture or attack her with her magic.

"Catch her!" She ordered the pegasus who nodded and descended towards the Unicorn. Luster looked back and saw Rainbow hot on her trail.

"Give it up, kid! You know I'm faster than you!" Luster's only response was a magical bolt into Rainbow's face, which sent the pegasus back, crashing into a piece of debris. Luster then kept running, trying to put as much distance between her and Rainbow as possible before she came to. But before she could run on, something crashed into the ground in front of her. After the dust settled, Luster looked up to see Twilight Sparkle towering over her.

"Give up, Luster! You cannot get past me." Luster glared at her.

"Like Tartarus!" Her horn lit up and Twilight was surprised to feel that the ground was raising under her. And it was because Luster just enchanted a piece of the concrete and flipped it over, slamming it upon Twilight, before running on. The concrete was then blasted apart from beneath by Twilight before she flew up and continued the chase.

Luster looked back again. No matter what she did, she just couldn't throw them off. But she had to keep running. She was almost at the place she needed to lure them to. They started closing in on her and Twilight's horn lit up, but so did Luster's. She was almost there. Luster kept running towards a fallen building and gathered magic into her horn just as Twilight and Rainbow closed in on her and jumped forward.

The next thing the three ponies knew, they crashed through a piece of concrete and landed in a dark tunnel. Luster stood up first and smirked at the two other ponies looking around in confusion.

"Where are we?" Rainbow Dash asked. As if on cue, a bunch of screens lit up around them in the room, displaying several locations in Equestria. Rainbow was still confused about this, but Twilight's eyes slowly widened in understanding.

"So this is the..."

"The Eye of the Sun." Came another voice. Rainbow and Twilight turned to see Celestia slowly emerging from the darkness. "I see your skills of observation have not left you along with your sanity, Twilight." Rainbow's eyes widened, then she turned to glare at Luster.

"You ungrateful shrew! You lead us right too her!" Celestia nodded.

"Correct." She then used her magic to seal the hole the three ponies crashed through, as well as every other exit. "She knew well enough how to avoid further damage to the city by leading you right to me. It is over, Twilight." Twilight matched her former teacher's fierce glare.

"For the first time in a very long while, Celestia, we actually agree or something."

Celestia charged her horn to attack Twilight, but Rainbow Dash beat her to it and flew at her at breakneck speed, tackling her to the ground. Rainbow pulled back her foreleg and smashed Celestia across the muzzle several times before Celestia finally overcame her shock, raised a leg of her own too block Rainbow's and blasted her off of herself with a magical bolt. Rainbow groaned in pain as she got up and looked up to see Celestia looking down at her with a look that was equal part angry, sad and disappointed.

"I have rarely seen such hatred and anger as I feel in you, Rainbow Dash. What happened to you?" The pegasus scoffed. She felt like the answer should be simple, but for the first time, she found herself at a loss for words.

"I don't know." She answered eventually, lowering her head in shame. For a brief moment, hope raised inside of Celestia.

"But I can feel the doubt in you. It in not too..." Rainbow interrupted her by raising a hoof in front of her.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Yes. It is too late. At least for me." Her tone was regretful but unwavering. "If you want to stop me, there's only one thing you can do." For a breif, moment Celestia could swear that this sounded like a plea, but she didn't have time to ruminate on this, as Rainbow attacked her without hesitation. The quick attacks surprised Celestia enough that Rainbow actually managed to land a few hits. And even once the alicorn recovered, she had a hard time countering with the speed the pegasus was dictating.

Even with all her alicorn might, Celestia knew she will not be able to keep up with a speed demon like Rainbow Dash, she had to find a way to slow her down. Celestia raised an invisible barrier around herself and the next time Rainbow crashed into her, she hit the barrier and the force of the impact sent her back on the ground. Celestia then grabbed her wings with her telekinesis and lifted the pegasus directly in front of herself and delivered a hard blow right into her head.

The blow made Dash all dizzy, but she wasn't about to call it quits just yet. She spread out her wings and started flapping them at such a speed that her body was starting to produce electricity. Once her entire body was vibrating with energy, she threw herself at Celestia again and while the alicorn managed to dodge the first few ones, Rainbow eventually hit her, causing a burning injury. Celestia hissed in pain before pushing herself away from the electrified pegasus with her wings. But she didn't have time to rest as Rainbow kept up her attacks relentlessly.

Celestia knew she was gonna tire herself out at some point, she had to find a way to end this fight soon. She saw all the magical screens floating around the room and she got an idea. She lifted herself off of the ground and started slowy flying backwards towards one of them while still dodging Rainbow's attacks. She was slowly luring Rainbow towards one of the screens and when she was directly in front of one of them, she fired her magic at Dash and managed to push her back. While this caused no harm to her, it had the desired effect of enraging her enough to lose her focus and fly straight at the alicorn. And that was the moment Celestia was waiting for.

She teleported out of the way and let Rainbow Dash crash into the screen. As the magic from the screen collided with the electricity from the body of the pegasus, a huge blast shook the room. Rainbow Dash screamed in agony as the electricity coursed through her body and she crashed into the ground in a smoking ball of energy. Once the smoke cleared, Celestia walked up to the downed pegasus and saw her badly burned body barely holding onto concsiousness. Celestia shot her one last, pitiful look before she turned away.

"The Element of Loyalty." Celestia scoffed. "What a joke." Rainbow Dash let out one last cough before passing out. But for a moment, Celestia could have sworn that sounded like more of a bitter chuckle. Almost like Rainbow had agreed with her. Shaking her head to clear it from that distracting thought, Celestia turned to the last remaining pony in the room. Twilight Sparkle was now standing over the unconcsious, beaten body of Luster Dawn. A pang of guilt washed over Celestia. She should have never allowed the young unicorn to face her foremer student, but Rainbow Dash's interference left her with no choice. With a heavy sigh, Celestia stepped forward.

"It's over, Twilight." Twilight turned around and Celestia saw that her expression was just as hardened as hers.

"Fighting on the same side... It felt like old times again." Twilight said solemnly. "But I guess we both knew it would end this way." The two alicorns stared at each other for a few moments, neither knowing just what their next move should be. Some part of Celestia believed that perhaps she could try one last time to break through to the old Twilight inside.

"Do you remember that day? When you came over to Canterlot and asked me to help set up the anniversary for your parents?" Twilight actually smiled at the memory.

"Pinkie Pie already had a to-do list written for both of us. Even before I visited." The two mares chuckled.

"And Luna proposed to raise the moon earlier for a romantic setting." Celestia added, earning another chuckle.

"A good memory." Twilight said before her smile turned sad. "Maybe one of the last." Celestia's smile faded as well.

"What happened to us, Twilight?" She asked sadly. "They were such happier times. I would give anything to go back to them. Twilight closed her eyes and let loose a few tears.

"So would I." Celestia was about to approach her former pupil and offer her the comfort she couldn't through all these years. But she came to a startled halt when she saw Twilight's eyes snapping open and radiating with purple magical energy. "But we can't."

Twilight then shot forward with lightning speed and attempted to smash Celestia into the ground, but Celestia cast a shield just in time to use Twilight's own power against her and push her back into her starting position. Twilight dusted herself off and glared at the other alicorn.

"Would there be any sense in asking you to give up?" Celestia narrowed her eyes in response.

"Twilight, I spent years fighting you. I gave up everything to protect Equestria's freedom from you. I watched my friends, loved ones and husband die to stop you. Do you honestly believe that I would give up now?" Twilight spread out her wings and lit up her horn.

"For old time's sake, I gave you a chance." Celestia lit up her own horn in response and the two mares charged at each other in one final battle that would decide Equestria's fate.

Twilight made the first move. She leaped into the air and jumped on top of Celestia, tackling her to the ground and attempted to pierce her heart with her horn. Celestia deflected the strike and kicked Twilight off of herself. She then flew up and grabbed Twilight with her forelegs and crashed her into the ceiling before striking her across the muzzle. She then allowed her to fall on the ground, charged herself with magic and flew straight down at Twilight at brekneck speed. Twilight managed to teleport out of the way just in time to avoid the falling strike, before appearing behind Celestia and blasting her across the room.

Twilight then flew up into the air and fired an magic bolt at Celestia. The white alicorn saw that the bolt was huge and very bright so raising a barrier this time was out of the question. So instead, Celestia ran out of the way and Twilight's attack hit the wall, creating a huge hole in it. Huge pieces of debris flew everywhere and one large piece of metal landed right in front of Celestia, which gave her an idea. She levitated a piece of metal in front of herself and threw it at Twilight. The metal absorbed Twilight's magic and it knocked her out of the air and landed right on top of her.

Celestia then went on the offensive. She lifted the matel debris back into the air and brought it down on top of Twilight again. The purple alicorn was still pretty shaken from the first strike and couldn't react in time before it struck again. Celestia attempted to bring it down on her a third time, but Twilight charged up her horn again and blasted the debris to pieces before it hit her. This gave her time to recupirate for another attack.

Twilight jumped out of the hole the debris created in the ground and leaped straight at Celestia with her foreleg extended forward and punched Celestia straight into the wall. She then pulled her hoof back and punched her again and again repeatedly. Celestia tried to raise her own hoof and block, but all those years of fighting made Twilight physically stronger than her. So she had to use her own strength against her. When she raised her hoof and pushed it forward again, Celestia raised a backleg and kicked Twilight in the knee of her backleg.

Twilight screamed in pain as her knee went out of place and she collapsed on the ground. She reached down to rearrange it, but Celestia was faster. She grabbed Twilight's foreleg and twisted it as well. Twilight gritted her teeth in pain. But she had enough remaining composure to blast Celestia away from herself. She used her magic to rearrange her limbs. She was able to stand up, but her legs still hurt like Tartarus. She could barely get out of the way of Celestia's next attack.

The white alicorn realized that she added sore spots to Twilight's body and she could exploit them. She fired more blasts at Twilight's injured limbs, but Twilight managed to avoid them by flying into the air. She then fired another blast at Celestia and Celestia ended up doing the same. The two spells collided in the air and neither was able to overpower the other. The collision of the two blasts formed a magical orb in the middle of the room that grew bigger and bigger until it couldn't handle all the magical energy inside it anymore and exploded.

The explosion caused a blinding white and purple flash and stirred up smoke in the whole chamber. Twilight and Celestia both cried out in pain and shock as the smoke blinded them and the explosion sent them back against the wall. Once the smoke cleared there was only one pony left standing in the room. That pony was...

Princess Celestia.

The former ruler of Equestria slowly limped up to Twilight's unconscious form and looked down at her sadly.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. But you have chosen this fate."

As Celestia turned away, she saw that Luster Dawn was slowly recovering and was now standing next to her, also looking down at Twilight with regret.

"I... I'm sorry." Celestia slowly raised her hoof to Luster's chin and soflty raised her head to make her gaze meet hers.

"You have nothing to apologize for, my little pony." Luster shook her eyes as tears threatened to escape.

"For years... I thought you unjustly condemned her. But to see what she turned into after all that..." She wiped her eyes and sighed. "At least it's finally over." But Celestia knew better.

"No. Not yet." She sighed with a heavy heart. There is still one task that needs carrying out."

Twilight Sparkle was standing on in the middle of the statue garden of Canterlot Castle on a small stone platform with her wings chained to her back and a magic dampener ring around her horn. On one side, she was surrounded by her former friends, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. On the other, there was Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Flash Sentry. And each of them were wearing an all too similiar necklace. Twilight knew perfectly well what was coming, but she showed no fear, she just kept glaring daggers at Celestia.

"This stone prison couldn't hold Discord, Celestia. It won't hold me for long either. I will be back." Celestia matched her glare.

"And we will be ready." She then nodded to the six ponies standing around Twilight and their necklaces lit up. Magic fired out of the jewels and surrounded Twilight. Her legs were slowly becoming incased in stone and it was slowly making it's way up her entire body. But she ignored it. All the time, her eyes were fixed on Celestia with a cold and hateful stare. It remained on her face even after the spell was finished and she was completely trapped in stone.

The element bearers, old and new have left the scene, leaving Celestia alone with the petrified reminder of what was once her greatest pride, but now had become a memorial of her greatest failure. But she wasn't alone for long as she heard hoofsteps behind her. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Luster Dawn standing beside her, looking up at the statue with just as much sorrow as she was.

"So what happens now?" Celestia looked at Luster and the unicorn saw that her expression was now more hopeful.

"That depends entirely on you." Celestia responded before turning to face her. "Despite their misguided beliefs, Rainbow Dash and Blueblood had taught you well, Luster. You have become an exceptionally talented little unicorn. But you still have so much to learn. If you would like to, I could help you reach your full potential."

"You mean... help me become an alicorn?" Luster asked nervously, the Storm King's words still ringing in her ears about her possible ascension. The mere thought of sounded scary. But Celestia just kept smiling warmly.

"Perhaps even that. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. For now, I believe your friendship studies are severely lacking. I would like to fix that." Celestia offered, extending her hoof. "If that is what you want as well, of course." Luster didn't think for long. "Welcome to the circle of trust."

A few months have passed since the Storm King's invasion and Equestria was slowly starting to recover. The imprisoned conqueror was forced to restore all of the magic he has stolen before being sent into Tartarus along with the former Regimers who stood with Twilight after their alliance with Celestia's forces split up.

The members of the First Order have all defected to Celestia as well after the Storm King's true plan was revealed, so they have been all pardoned. With the exception of Lightning Dust, who still had many crimes that she committed during her time with the Regime to answer for. But even Celestia couldn't deny that she lead the Regime's special forces most effieciently, so she was given a choice: she could either organise and lead a black ops unit under Celestia's strict supervision or spend the remainder of her days in Tartarus along with her former Regime superiors. Suffice to say, she picked the former option.

The dragons and the griffons all left Equestria and the rogue changelings returned to Thorax. Thorax was heartbroken that his brother was no longer among them, but it gave him solace that his killer, Rainbow Dash was paying for taking his life. Bon Bon was reunited with the abducted Lyra, but the same could not be said for Fluttershy and her brother. Zephyr Breeze had firmly rejected all of her sister's attempts at reconciliation so far. The pain he suffered when Twilight was in charge obviously still hasn't left him. So Fluttershy gave him space. She hoped that they would make amends one day, but with each passing day, that hope was fading more and more.

Losing the weather control magic of the pegasi and earth pony connection to the land was a bitter blow, but Equestria had to adapt to this change. Since they could no longer control the weather, they had to predict it's natural changes and make preparations for it. The pegasi were now in charge of forecasting the weather at every part of the country and report it to the locals so they could prepare. As for the earth ponies, Applejack and her family received help from the last pony they ever expected it from, Flam. The former conpony buried the hatchet with the apples and helped them modernize their farm, which lead to a sort of industrial revolution in the equestrian agriculture. Instead of their magic, the farmers were now harvesting their crops with advanced machinery.

As for Celestia herself...

"Would you stop fidgeting?" Sweetie Belle complained as she was trying to make adjustments to Celestia's dress in front of a mirror. Celestia chuckled.

"I apologise. I've forgotten how nerve wrecking getting married can be." The alicorn replied. "Fixing the wedding dress of a former princess with such a perfectionist attitude, Sweetie Belle. Your sister would be proud." Sweetie Belle smiled sadly as she finished fitting the dress around her mentor's form.

"I hope so."

The door to the room swung open and Apple Bloom and Luster Dawn entered.

"Are you ready?" Luster Dawn asked. Celestia nodded.

"As I'll ever be. Are you?" Apple Bloom nodded.

"I just talked to Flash. The guard is ready on every side of the castle. There will be no repeat of Cadance's wedding." Celestia frowned at the mention of her niece. Ever since the Storm King's defeat, relations between Equestria and the Crystal Empire didn't improve much. Cadance once again isolated herself in the Empire. But at least this time, she wasn't alone. During the final fight, a Crystal Commando unit sneaked into Equestria and smuggled Flurry out. She was now reunited with her mother, though their relationship probably still wasn't ideal. Celestia didn't know. She received no response to any of her messages. Not even the wedding invitation.

"Geez, Apple Bloom! You're one of the bridesmaids. Turn off your guard mode for a bit, will you?" Sweetie rolled her eyes. Celestia cleared her throat.

"Girls, please. I will not have my bridesmaids bickering amongst themselves like that." Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked down sheepishly. Luster chuckled at them as she shook her head.

"Come on! It's time to get this show on the road." Not the words Celestia would have used, but she agreed with their meaning. It was time to start. Thorax was already waiting for her at the altar.

Author's Note:

I really wanted to finish this chapter yesterday. It would have been great to have this story wrapped up by September. But I'm only a day late, so I guess I won't beat myself up over it.

And yes, I am well aware that Injustice 2 has two endings. The alternate Chapter 12 from Twilight's perspective and the alternate epilogue are coming later today. Until then, enjoy this chapter!