• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 17,285 Views, 335 Comments

May The Best Pet Win...My Heart? - Tailslover13

Twilight tries to show Dash her foolishness in choosing a pet, but gets more than she bargained for.

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Chapter 4: The Agility Test

“Okay, all the times have been tallied, and after including in all of Twilight’s point deductions, I’m pleased to announce that the falcon is currently in first place! In dead last is our resident unicorn who apparently was raised to become a pet.” Rainbow Dash giggled as Twilight gave her a look of shock and annoyance, the unicorn finally starting to recover after her rough mile run.

“Last place? Dash, as much as I’m trying to prove a point here, how am I in last place when the tortoise didn’t even FINISH the race?”

“Sorry, Twi, but your point deductions have sunk you into a pretty deep hole that could very well be impossible to dig out of. The turtle…”


“…tortoise, whatever, may not have finished the race, but he hasn’t gotten any point deductions for being an egghead, being annoying, or being a pest.”

“That doesn’t even make sense! I can’t be in last place when I actually finished the race! Ugh…never mind, it doesn’t matter. Do whatever makes you happy, Rainbow.” Twilight knew that she was fighting an uphill battle, both in Rainbow Dash’s silly games and with Rainbow Dash herself. Arguing against the Pegasus would do as much good as trying to get Fluttershy to be more assertive.

“I’ll do just that, Twilight,” Rainbow smirked, jotting some more random information down on her clipboard and failing to notice her flying competitors tease and mock Twilight. The tortoise stayed right at Twilight’s side, dejected that he had failed to finish the race, but feeling he could understand Twilight’s pain and would be there for her. The birds and other flying creatures, while Dash wasn’t looking, continued to tease and make faces at the tired purple unicorn, who did nothing to fight back.

“Nice…I’ve got a bunch of animals all mocking me…how lovely,” Twilight muttered sarcastically to herself, glancing down at the tortoise and giving a weak smile, “Hey, little guy, good to see you’re still here. I wasn’t trying to call you out earlier; I was just a bit annoyed with Dash’s illogical sense of a fair point system. Are you feeling alright?” The tortoise slowly nodded his head and gave Twilight a little smile, silently telling her that it was alright and he had been called out worse times than that in his life.

“Okay, now that I’ve jotted down some very important things on my super important clipboard, it’s time to get to the second part of my contest,” Dash yelled out, crossing her forelegs and sticking her clipboard under her left pit, “First was speed, since speed is crucial to being able to keep up with me. However, the next test will be agility! Naturally, my pet will have to be very agile and graceful, just like me, and be able to zoom around any obstacle in his or her way!”

“Rainbow Dash, being fast I suppose I can understand, since you’d want to fly with your pet. But, agility? Seriously? What, are you planning on taking your pet on dangerous missions with obstacles and other dangerous hazards?” Twilight sat on her sore rump and crossed her forelegs, tapping one of her hind legs on the ground in annoyance while she listened to Dash’s usual bravado.

Rainbow Dash frowned over at Twilight, and suddenly stretched her wings and flew over to her. “For your information, smarty pants, dodging trees and flying over pointed mountaintops and skimming over the tops of raging waterfalls all count as obstacles in my book. Testing a pet for agility isn’t a bad thing. I’ll be very curious to see just how well YOU can do, Twi; think you can handle my second test?”

“Oh, I know I can! My body may ache from that race, but I’m still anxious to prove you wrong and win this entire contest!” Twilight bent her ears back and gave Rainbow Dash a confident grin. “Anything that these birds can do, I can do just as well! Let’s see this obstacle race of yours, Dash.”

“It’s your funeral,” Dash shrugged, giving Twilight a little wink before flying back over to the sidelines of the second track, “Alright, so this agility test will be an obstacle course, as you all might’ve guessed. Each racer will have to complete the course in the fastest time possible while going through all the obstacles. For each obstacle that you fail to get around or you outright skip, that’s gonna cost you 10 seconds! At the end, the winner will be the one who completes the race in the fastest time, after deductions of penalties, of course. Aim for the top, my would-be pets! This isn’t a course for the weak.”

Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s speech before taking a glance out at the track and getting a good look at the obstacles she’d have to go through. She couldn’t see all of them, but she saw a large pool of water, some balancing beams, some large metal hoops overhanging a suspending platform, a large pool of mud, a giant empty pit, and several other obstacles. Twilight gulped nervously and once again began having second thoughts about doing this, since she knew she wasn’t cut out for such a course. She could always cheat with her magic, but she refused to win that way. Winning without honor wasn’t really winning at all. Then, something occurred to her.

“Um, Rainbow? All of these animals can fly…except for this tortoise and myself,” Twilight pointed out, “How is most of the obstacle course even…well, difficult for them? They can easily just fly over the pools of mud and water and that big empty pit. Plus, they can’t exactly balance on those beams, since their bodies aren’t made for that. So…how exactly is this gonna work?”

“Oh, Twilight, Twilight, Twilight…you’re so clueless, it’s adorkable,” Rainbow Dash giggled, flapping her wings and once more flying back over to her irritated friend. The Pegasus playfully gave Twilight a noogie with her clenched hoof before she gently tilted the unicorn’s head back and had her look up into the sky. “THAT’S their obstacle course up there. This one down here is just for you…and that turtle.”

Twilight squirmed and pushed Rainbow’s hoof away, but kept her eyes locked on the air obstacle course awhile longer. The course in the sky was all suspended by hundreds of balloons; judging from the colors, Rainbow Dash had gotten them from Pinkie Pie. There were suspended metal rings only large enough for medium-sized birds to fit through, there were large wooden poles with thick pieces of wood jutted out on all sides to dodge, there were very tiny openings in pieces of cardboard that would have to be flown through at the right angle, and many more unusual but clever flying contraptions. The course, like the one on the ground, also seemed to stretch across the sky in a circle.

“Whoa…but, how is that even possible?” Twilight asked, her mouth agape as she was stunned by what she was seeing, “Theoretically, balloons couldn’t possibly support that much weight; it doesn’t matter how many are tied to something! And how is it that the balloons are just staying floating in the places where you put them? This is illogical and totally confusing! Dash, what did you do?”

“Uh…I, like, got Pinkie to lend me some of her balloons…duh,” Rainbow Dash scoffed, as though she had just been asked the stupidest question in the world, “They’re Pinkie’s balloons…it’s best not to ask how they work exactly.”

“But…but…but…ugh!” Twilight hated it when Pinkie always did something that made no sense. No, it not only angered her, it outright infuriated the unicorn. But, there was nothing that could be done; Twilight just pretended that this made about as much sense as a city being built on the clouds.

“So, while you and that silly turtle are running this course down here, I’m gonna be monitoring the TRUE competitors up there,” Dash explained, motioning with her head up into the sky, “But, don’t worry; I’ll keep track of your finish times with my automated stopwatches that are synced to stop automatically once the obstacle course is run! All you have to do is wear them around your neck and they’ll start as soon as you begin the race and won’t stop until the course is completed!”

“Rainbow, that sounds quite advanced! Where on all of Equestria did you find such devices?” Twilight looked up at Dash with eager eyes, her tail wiggling behind her excitedly as she waited to hear where Dash had acquired such advance technology.

Dash paused for a moment, her eyes shifting from side to side, before she gave Twilight a very sheepish grin. “Uh…well…I was kinda hoping that you’d just use your magic to modify two of my stopwatches to do…what I just said. I, um, don’t exactly have automated stopwatches synced to start and stop on command, you see.”

“…Dash, you drive me crazy, you know that, right?”

“I can’t help it I was born this cool, Twi.”

Grumbling and thinking about giving Rainbow Dash a good lecture, Twilight forced herself to be the bigger mare and just let Dash have her way. When the Pegasus held out two stopwatches, Twilight focused on the small objects as her horn ignited with magic energy. She gently levitated the stopwatches out of Rainbow’s hooves and fashioned one around her own neck and one around the tortoise’s next to her. She then concentrated even harder and was able to sync the stopwatches up with her and the tortoise’s body movements.

After another pause, the tiny screens on each watch flashed blue, and Twilight’s magic subsided. Proud of herself, Twilight gave the little tortoise a pat on the head and gave Rainbow Dash a big grin. “Ta-da! Using my magic and knowledge of anatomy, I modified these two stopwatches to start as soon as I take a step onto the obstacle course. The same holds true for my tortoise friend here. They will not stop until either of us come to a dead stop, which would mean completing the course. So long as we keep our bodies in motion at all times, these watches will not stop. It’s a rather complicated spell I used, since matching the motions of two bodies to that of a stopwatch isn’t easy and…”

“Blah blah blah, jabber jabber jabber…look, long story short, you got them to work, right?” Dash sniffed, rolling her eyes and having grown bored a long time ago.

Giving a huff, Twilight glared at her impatient Pegasus and gave a curt nod of the head. “Yes, Dash. These stopwatches will time myself and the tortoise while you watch your bird friends up in the sky obstacle course.”

“Sweet! That’s all I needed…and wanted…to hear!” Dash gave a happy grin and put her hooves on her hips while she hovered in front of the two longshots to become her pet. “Well, good luck to both of you, since you’re both gonna need it. Twi, try not to make a total mule of yourself this time, would ya?”

“Oh, don’t worry, Rainbow. I REALLY wanted to make myself look stupid last time, but you need not worry this time because I learned my lesson.” Twilight’s voice dripped with sarcasm, but Dash either failed to pick up on it or just didn’t care.

“Alright, then we’re all set,” Dash chuckled, stretching out her limbs as she eyed the impatient eight flying animals who had been waiting for the Pegasus to get done with Twilight and focus on them. “Start whenever you two want; I’m heading up into the sky obstacle course. This shouldn’t take long; once I’m done, I’ll come down and watch you finish. It’s sure to be hilarious.”

I’ll make you eat those words, Dash, Twilight thought, slowly bending her legs and narrowing her eyes as she set her sights on the obstacle course in front of her, If it’s agility that Rainbow wants, it’s agility that Rainbow gets. We unicorns may not be very fast, but as Rarity can attest to, we are very graceful. Just you wait, Dash; I’m gonna blow you away this time! Next to Twilight, the tortoise took five seconds to narrow his own eyes as he set his sights on the course, too.

Hmm…she looks so determined…weak body and all, Dash mused, taking one last look at Twilight as her flying competitors flew up to compete in the sky obstacle course, How far is she gonna take this? I REALLY don’t want to see her keep getting hurt. Why can’t she just leave me alone and let me pick a pet MY way? I just don’t understand how she thinks…heck, I don’t understand how ALL unicorns think. Twi, just be careful, okay? You’re still one of my best friends…it hurts me when I see you hurt. I laugh a lot, but…I’m not good with gushy stuff. Just be careful.

Twilight glanced to the side and noticed Rainbow staring at her, and as soon as she did, the Pegasus hurried to put on her black sunglasses so that her eyes couldn’t be read. Flashing Twilight one of her usual grins which could rival Vinyl Scratch’s, she gave the unicorn a little wave before taking off towards her sky course. Twilight and the tortoise were both left alone, and despite both of them knowing they had no chance in such a hard obstacle course, they weren’t about to give up. One was fighting for Dash’s attention, and the other was fighting to teach Dash a lesson. They couldn’t stop.

“This is only round two, little friend…good luck,” Twilight muttered, giving a nod to the tortoise as she lifted her tail into the air and gritted her teeth, “Okay, Twilight…on the count of three, burst out with everything you’ve got in the tank and never look back!” She didn’t pick up on the way the tortoise’s eyes seemed to light up when she uttered the word ‘tank’. “Deep breaths, Twilight, deep breaths…remember to use your lower body for your power and your upper body for your balance, and whatever you do…do NOT use magic to cheat. You’re better than that. Now, one…two…THREE!”

Unfortunately, since Twilight still was no track star, her timing was off. Just as she yelled out “THREE”, she tried to get a head start while at the same time trying to start after she had fully counted down without cheating with a millisecond. The result was she tripped over her front hooves and slammed face first down into the dirt. Her automated stopwatch was spurred into motion almost immediately. The tortoise, having used Twilight’s countdown for himself, had begun to move right after Twilight had face-planted into the track. The tortoise was in the lead.

Ugh…smooth, Twilight…smooth, Twilight moaned, mentally beating herself up as she spat out dirt and tried to right herself, Right off the bat, too. What’s wrong with you? Just do what Dash does and just run without thinking twice! Ugh, but I can’t do that…I can’t cheat and give himself a millisecond head start! Wait, what am I doing? I have to get moving!

Shaking off the pain in her nose, Twilight forced her legs into action and quickly passed the tortoise and focused on the first obstacle. Up above, Twilight could hear Dash’s shrill whistle signaling the start of her own race, and Twilight desired nothing more than to beat them at their own game. The exuberant unicorn spurred her legs forward down the rough, dirt track as she came upon her first obstacle. It was the pool of water.

Let’s see…seems to be…six by six feet…which means I should double six and take 12 paces back to get a running start and clear the entire thing, Twilight thought, doing some quick calculations in her head. She took 12 large steps backwards and focused heavily on the other side of the pit. She told herself to just leap with all she had and not to hesitate for even a moment. Not wanting to waste any more time just thinking about it, Twilight rushed forward. Just as she came to the edge of the pool, she took a hard leap. Her timing was nearly perfect.

Using her strategy of making her lower body do most of the work, she had given a mighty kick with her hind legs and had gotten a good jump. Her slim body easily sailed across the pool without touching a molecule of water. When Twilight landed with a grunt, she gave herself a small cheer of encouragement, but then kept moving. Behind her, the tortoise got to the pool of water, and when he tried to jump, he splashed head first into the pool and began to simply wade across. Thankfully, his stopwatch was waterproof; Twilight had thought ahead and had added in that extra feature.

The next part of the obstacle course was a series of ten hurtles that came up to Twilight’s chin, followed by five large punching bags hanging from chains that she would have to maneuver through. Twilight, high off her successful leap across the pool of water, was using her momentum to carry her forward, so she didn’t bother stopping to examine the height of the hurtles and how she should handle them. The result wasn’t pretty.

“Ow! My face!” Twilight had barely cleared the first hurtle, but when she got to the second one, her left hind leg ended up tripping over the top. Twilight plummeted down and smashed her face into the next hurtle, resulting in her eye getting painfully jabbed and her nose getting crushed. Now that she had been completely thrown off her rhythm, Twilight attempted to simply leap over the hurtles in her way, one at a time, but each leap was worse than the last.

“Ow! Ouch! GAH! Ugh! OW!” Twilight’s shrieks of pain echoed out through the track as she painfully cleared the hurtles, but not before enduring some serious damage. She had landed on her stomach four times, nearly knocking the wind out of her. She had landed too close to two hurtles, resulting in her getting two more bruises to go with the one that was already on her sore rump. On one of the final hurtles, she was completely spent and didn’t even get one foot off the ground, resulting in her basically doing a nosedive over the hurtle and crashing down into the dirt on the other side.

“HEY, TWI, YOU DOING ALRIGHT DOWN THERE?” Rainbow called out, glancing down from her own race and seeing Twilight writhing in pain on the ground.

“I’M…FINE…DASH…” Twilight yelled out, the rise in her volume making her clench her sore chest. But, now that she knew that Dash was watching her, she couldn’t continue to make herself look stupid. Spitting out more clumps of dirt, the hurting unicorn once more pulled herself up onto her hooves and tried to ignore the aches and pains in her chest, butt and face.

You’re…next…punching bags! Twilight snarled in her mind, lunging towards the slowly-swaying obstacles that stood in her way, You can’t keep a good unicorn down…Princess Celestia taught me to never give up…and I’m not giving up on this! Bring…it…ON! Behind her, the tortoise was just working on his first hurtle, which meant he was starting to climb over the top of it.

Twilight Sparkle made sure to try and time her lunges and movement perfectly this time, since she knew getting struck by one of the heavy punching bags could easily give her a concussion if it struck her hard enough. She successfully and gracefully dodged the first punching bag to the left, the second one to the right, the third to the left again, and the fourth to the right. However, just as she was about to clear the last one and advance to the next obstacle, her tired legs begged for rest and caused the unicorn to not quite make a perfect dodge. The end result was Twilight accidentally running into the final punching bag and having it swing back around and bash her right in the side of the chest.

“TWI, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?” Dash screamed, glancing back down and seeing Twilight lying on the side of the track in pain. The unicorn was clutching the side of her chest and her gasping made it clear that she had once more gotten the wind knocked out of her. Just when Rainbow Dash was about to fly down and help her, the hummingbird came in first place in the sky obstacle course and distracted the Pegasus from doing anything except jotting down the time.

Can’t…breathe…I was struck…right in the side…can’t breathe… Twilight’s mind raced, momentary fear entering her heart, since this was one of the first times she had gotten the wind knocked out of her and thus basically had no air entering her lungs. Dash…I’m not gonna let you see me…as a weakling. I’m gonna do this…all the way through…to the final contest. I’m not ending it here…no way…get back up, Twilight Sparkle…BACK ON YOUR HOOVES! Being her own coach, Twilight once again forced herself back up, but a new added pain was throbbing in her side. She couldn’t take much more of this.

“Move on…move on quickly…this thing’s not over yet…” Twilight wheezed, getting back onto the track after shooting the swaying punching bags a dirty look.

After limping along a few dozen yards without another obstacle, Twilight managed to regain some of her strength, but the sores on her rump, the throbbing in her side, the scrapes and bruises on her legs, and the dirt caked on her face all still remained. Twilight tried clenching her teeth and just focusing on the next upcoming obstacle, but it was like walking through cement while having a heavy bag of bricks strapped to your back; it was something that couldn’t be ignored and it easily slowed its carrier down. So, when Twilight eventually came upon the giant pit of mud, she had to stop and catch her breath.

“Ugh…okay…same size as the water pit…same strategy as before…easy,” Twilight decided, once again taking 12 steps back and again charging forward. Unfortunately, since Twilight was not made for such heavy training, like Rainbow Dash and Applejack, she failed to comprehend the point of putting a mud pit in the middle of the course. It was made to test the competitor’s endurance and see if they could alter their strategy to properly clear it. When the purple unicorn took a flying leap off the edge, the pain in her hind legs instantly limited her mobility and her speed had drastically been reduced. She didn’t even make it halfway.

“TWILIGHT, WHY ARE YOU PLAYING IN THE MUD?” Rainbow Dash called out yet again, having tuned back in to Twilight’s face just in time to see the unicorn poke her head up from the middle of the mud pit, “THE MUD IS COOL, I KNOW, BUT YOU’RE KINDA WASTING TIME.”

Moaning in humiliating and agony, Twilight scolded herself for not realizing she had been weakened and therefore naturally couldn’t clear it with the same strategy as the water pit. At the start of the race, she had been strong. Here, she was weak. It had been a mental lapse on her part and she knew it. But there was no time to dwell on that now; she had to keep moving. Slapping wet mud out of her eyes and spitting out spools of the wet dirt from her mouth, Twilight kicked her hind legs and swam to the other side of the pit.

“This is…so disgusting…and so embarrassing…I feel so faint…” Twilight groaned, rolling her eyes up into the sky and taking a look at a random, passing cloud. When her hooves finally touched the opposite side of the pit, the mare paused for a second to gather a bit more strength, then pulled herself out. Instead of shaking herself off, she kept the mud on her body and just kept moving. She looked worse than Rarity did during the Sisterhooves Social event, but she didn’t care; there would be plenty of time for cleaning herself later when she finished this stupid race.

Now basically just dragging herself along on her spirit alone, the muddy Twilight came upon the three metal rings that hung suspended in the air by an overhanging wooden platform. In front of each ring was one of the balance beams, indicating that the competitor should be able to use grace and good form to leap from balance beam to balance beam, going through each hoop while doing so. This would test balance as well as good coordination. A sigh escaping her dry throat, Twilight weakly leaped up onto the first balance beam and did more calculations in her head.

Each jump needs to be exactly the same, and I must clear each hoop and land on the next balance beam if I want to do this properly, Twilight thought, giving a quick nod and sticking her tush into the air as she prepared to jump, Okay, Twilight…don’t overdo it, but at the same time, use enough oomph to make sure you have enough momentum to carry you through. Come on, Rainbow is watching…

Taking her time to make sure she did this right, and to make sure she didn’t incur more physical pain, Twilight shook her rump back and forth in the air as she glared at the first metal loop and bent her legs down. Giving herself a silent three-second countdown, and making sure she actually did it right this time, the unicorn leapt off the beam and soared through the first hoop unscathed. Her body majestically flew straight through the middle of the ring and she managed to land on the next support platform without so much as a wobble.

That’s one…don’t get cocky…now, the next one! Twilight grunted, put her rear in the air again, bent her legs, and did the same exact thing. She cleared the second ring the same way she cleared the first. Yes! Now, after you clear this third one, you’re almost there! C’mon, Twilight, focus! Starting to reclaim some of her momentum and enthusiasm, Twilight got into the same stance as she had the first two times. Just as she was about to leap, Rainbow Dash yelled out again.


Distracted by Rainbow’s voice, Twilight’s third jump was slightly off. Her front hoofs slipped off the front of the balance beam, so when she attempted to make her leap, she only got half the height as she had the first two times. The result was her landing roughly right on top of the bottom part of the ring, hanging like a limp ragdoll in the air. The hard thrust of having landed on her stomach yet again nearly knocked the wind out of the unicorn once more, and when she weakly tried to get off the ring, all she could do was weakly squirm and thrash her four legs around like a dog being lifted out of a bathtub.

This is…so humiliating…oh, Princess…please, PLEASE don’t ever find out about this! Twilight whimpered to herself, and still refusing to use magic to cheat, she instead leaned herself forward and gave a weak buck with her hind legs. The forward momentum sent her teetering over the edge of the ring and landing, once again, face first into the dirt. Thanks to the added height, this time the fall nearly broke her nose.

“Forehead…hurts…bad.” Twilight pulled herself to her hooves, her eyes watering and her body close to being shot. “Nose…feels…broken.” Twilight limped along the rest of the way towards the final obstacle that stood between her and the finish line. “Posterior…has more bruises…won’t sit for weeks.” Twilight whimpered pathetically, her legs screaming for her to stop and rest, but her mind refusing. “Chest…feels weak and sore…can hardly breathe.” The unicorn peeked over the side of the large, empty pit and saw that it dropped down a good 10 feet. “Legs…feel like jelly…can barely move.” Not in her right state of mind, Twilight threw caution to the wind and just threw herself over the edge of the pit without even taking a few steps back. “So dizzy…must rest…but can’t lose…can’t let Rainbow down…”

Twilight Sparkle expected to be met with another painful face plant and body slam, which would probably further damage her frail body. She closed her eyes and braced herself, continuing to refuse to use her magic to just teleport across. If she was gonna drop out, she wanted to do it while actually giving it her all and not resorting to cheap tricks. She was no earth pony and she was no Pegasus, but she had heart, and she knew that if anypony had enough heart, no obstacle couldn’t be overcome. But, when she didn’t even get halfway over the pit, she knew that only more pain would greet her in a second.

Rainbow…Dash…I can’t fail you…this can’t be…happening… Twilight sobbed, her body going rigid as she froze in midair, I’m too weak…so weak…I’m such a failure. My magic…is my mask. It’s the mask that hides my weaknesses…but now Dash can see…just what a loser I am. I’m sorry…for wasting your time, Rainbow…Dash?

She had been expecting to fall straight into the empty pit, but she seemed to be suspended in midair. She wasn’t using her magic, and there was nothing underneath her, but yet the confused unicorn wasn’t falling. When she opened her eyes, she heard the gentle flapping of wings. She looked up and saw a familiar face smiling down at her.

“Hey…ya know, I think you forgot to adjust your stopwatch to add in penalties,” Rainbow Dash chuckled, softly holding onto Twilight with her hooves pressed gently into her sides, “I’m afraid that…you’re gonna have a lot of them. Having good old Rainbow Dash save you is gonna be costly.”

“Dash…I…you didn’t…why are you…what?” Twilight blinked in shock, squirming a little and stubbornly trying to pull away. “This…isn’t fair…you can’t just help me out…I wanted to finish by myself…”

“I want my pet to be strong and tough…but not like this, Twilight,” Dash whispered, gently carrying Twilight along and carefully setting her down only inches from the finish line, “And…we all need an extra hoof now and then; even I know that. But, still, you started, so you’re gonna finish. Cross that finish line, Twilight.” The Pegasus stepped over the line herself, then sat down and smiled at her friend.

Huh…she really does care enough…maybe…maybe she does know…what it takes to own a pet… Twilight smiled, weakly inching herself forward towards the white chalk line in the dirt, Maybe, just maybe…I am in the wrong here. Maybe this really IS stupid for me to be doing. But…if that’s the case…then why do I not feel the resolve to quit? Why…why is my heart telling me to keep going? This doesn’t make sense. My head, which I always listen to, is telling me to stop being such a foal…but, my heart…what is this feeling? I don’t…I don’t understand. My books never said anything about a part of the body being stronger than the brain! With one deep breath, Twilight Sparkle finally crossed the finish line and collapsed. Her stopwatch clicked off around her neck as soon as she did.

“Let’s see…your final time…four minutes and thirty-two seconds,” Dash mused, gently pulling the stopwatch off Twilight’s neck and eying the final number, “But…you get a penalty for messing up on the hurtles, you get a penalty for letting a punching bag take you out, you get a penalty for landing in the mud pit, and you get a penalty for having yours truly save you from the empty pit at the end. That’s 40 extra seconds added on, so your final time is…ouch, five minutes and twelve seconds. Um…well, that’s second-to-last, Twilight…since your turtle friend is still out there.”

“Ugh…tortoise, Dash…tortoise,” Twilight wheezed, weakly smiling up at Dash and giving her a little determined glare, “And…don’t think I’m out…just yet. I’m still not quitting. Thanks for helping me, but…this isn’t over…until the fat mare sings!”

“Well, she’s warming up her throat muscles, Twi…that’s all I gotta tell ya.”

While the tortoise was just finishing up wading through the mud pit, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle sat together at the finish line, smirking confidentially at each other. Despite the intense pain surging through her body, the multiple scrapes and bruises on several areas, the caked mud covering up a good quarter of her lower body, her nose still throbbing, and her legs feeling more numb than when she stayed up for two straight nights studying…Twilight Sparkle felt good. Sitting there with Rainbow Dash and still not ready to give up, the unicorn felt good.

Rainbow Dash saved me…from myself. She really is a good friend. She’s tough and she’s rough, not to mention kinda rude sometimes…but, that’s her personality…and I wouldn’t have her any other way. Princess Celestia told me to make friends, and fate gave me Rainbow Dash as one of them. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. But, all the same…I’m still gonna make her eat her words and stop these silly games to pick a pet. I’m not gonna bow out until she sees the error of her ways. Ha…take that, Dash.

Man, Twi, you’re so STUPID! You silly little egghead, what were you THINKING? This is so totally out of your element! If I hadn’t caught you, you’d probably have to go the hospital! Your body just isn’t cut out for this, Twi…why are you doing this? What are you trying to prove to me? I know you’re strong…with magic, at least. You don’t have to be strong at all this other stuff…just for me. I care for you just the way you are. You’re one of my best friends, Twilight…seriously, you’re so STUPID. But…if you ain’t gonna quit…I’m just gonna keep working you until you do. No pain, no gain; prepare yourself, Twi.

“Um…hey, Twilight?”

“Yes, Dash?”

“Would you…maybe like to take a bath before the next event? That mud isn’t a good look for you.”

“…that would be lovely, Rainbow. Thank you.”