• Published 13th Nov 2022
  • 378 Views, 12 Comments

Discord sends a platypus - Your resident Night Owl

Discord sends a platypus into Equestria, and chaos ensues.

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Bob the Conqueror

It had been about a week since Discord had sent the platypus into Ponyville to make some funny, yet painless chaos. "I mean its not like that wonderful creature could have caused a war or anything." he said to all you nice people reading this story "I mean its not like the title of this chapter is foreshadowing what's to come, nah" he then created a portal leading to the town that housed the main six.

"ah so what chaos did my little friend ma- oh my Celestia!" Discord exclaimed staring in shock at what was before him. Ponyville lay in ruins ponies lay on the ground with ketchup sprayed all over their bodies and tongues hanging out of their mouths.

There was even a broken tank laying on its side which was the weirdest of all considering that ponies hadn't even invented guns yet.

But non of that was what caught Discords eyes, what really drew his attention was the lone platypus sitting upon a golden throne. To his right was princess Celestia and Cadence, and his left was Twilight and Luna.

'Ah if it isn't the Lord of Chaos himself' Bob thought to Discord

Said Discord blinked slowly "I-I'm sorry but did you just try to talk to me in your mind?" He asked.

'But of course you are the only one here that can understand the voice of conquerors after all' Bob replied 'and from what I have learnt from the others is that you are most likely the one responsible for my being here.'

"Well I'm glad you liked it" Discord said hesitantly "now if you don't mind I'll just snap my fingers and send you back to whatever happy little home you were in before"

If a platypuses eyes could widen Bob's would, 'no! you will never return me to such a horrid place!' He though angrily.
He then flicked his tail slightly and the main six stepped forwards without hesitation.

"Wait what are you doing?" Discord asked worriedly as he spied the elements on the bearers necks.

'You will never again be able to send me back. ' Bob said smugly 'When you return maybe we can talk about your servitude' and with another flick of his tail the bearers fired a blast of rainbow light Discord became nothing but a lawn ornament.

As Discords mind faded into white the last thing he heard was Bob laughing.

The End

Author's Note:

Well I hope you enjoyed my first story I was going through some of my half thought out ideas and found this unfinished relic of about 2 years so I decided to polish it slightly and toss it out hope you enjoyed it.

If you did maybe give it a like, if not please give me a reason below so I can correct my mistake I appreciate any feedback.

Tank you, and God bless you.

Comments ( 11 )

According to my partner, the San Diego zoo has the only platypus outside of Australia.

I'm a little disappointed this isn't a Phineas and Ferb crossover...

I have actually never watched the series.

And if the platypus isn’t weird enough, it’s also a mammal that lays eggs like a reptile.

The perfect pet for Discord.

Celestia has her phoenix.
Luna has her (fandom animal called Tiberius? I can’t remember what Tiberius is supposed to be. Some kind of possum..?)
Discord has Bob the platypus.

Professor Doof: Will you ponies stop panicking? It's just a platypus.

Discord drops a hat on it.

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