• Member Since 18th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Just a simple guy who likes making stories.

Comments ( 56 )

This is good so far.

now this is something I cant wait to read more of

Ezekiel rubbed his eyes as he got the last of the fluid out of his eyes. "Finally, I can see again. So what is this supposed to-" He stopped when he saw the mutated remains of the ponified people shambling toward him like zombies. "So I've either been drugged or this is real... Oh well in for a penny," Ezekiel shrugged before pulling out a plastic bag of white powder and inhaling the entire thing in one go.


Funny, I had a similar idea for a story but involved magical girl bullshit and a very convoluted back story :v

This is the second best character ever created on the site

He kinda looks like makoto naegi

Yes this more please 🙏....

Make those Two STUPID, Xenophobic/Racist Princesses REGRET, and show WHO'S the Real Ultimate Life Form ( It's Humanity WITH Blacklight Virus Powers!!!!!!).

Now you've got me thinking, whose the first?

Okay, but you got to remember, Ezekiel isn't super edgy like Shadow or Alex Mercer, he's like Alucard, does what he wants, when he wants, and gives no fucks.

You could've put both of these in the same comment, either way yes, Ezekiel does act like Alucard.

a living virus was exposed to the conversion potion? would it be possible for him to edit it to do the reverse of what was intendid as a FU to the ponies?

He'd have to find a batch of the potion that works and doesn't make zombie ponies.

so theoreticly he could reverse the potion he has been exposed to currently but it would make zombie humans? that could be usefull too! force them to make a cure to that and you then can reverse that cure to use on the zombie ponies.

Theoretically, yes, he could. but something stops this from happening, Ezekiel himself. First of all, Ezekiel isn't smart, I mean he dropped out of middle school, not high school, Middle School, so he won't know or understand the concept of reversing potions. Secondly, Ezekiel's attention span, even if the virus has made that reverse potion by itself, he'd never notice because he's not five minutes after being exposed he snorted a bag full of coke. Lastly, Ezekiel was trying to get the potion off of him, he's not been exposed enough to create a reverse potion cause he was actually trying to keep it off him.

fair. if you want him to grow more inteligent you could use the "if he eats something he gains its memorys" thing to do it

If I recall from the game correctly Alex needed to find the source of any specific term, like the location of someone or specific info on something. By that logic, Ezekiel would need to find the original creator of the potion to learn how to reverse engineer it or understand the concept.

so basicly if he wanted he could hunt down someone who makes the potion and adsorb their memorys of it? but otherwise he doesnt have much else he can do in that way

k thanks for clearing that up. look forward to the next chapter

Sort of yeah, though with less suffering but similar plot twists regarding the reason

I also won't be using the mutations from the games.

The powers like Claws, Blade, and Hammerfist, I was never sure what to refer to them as. It was never really stated what they were. Those.


Why can't you add them? They're the normal Powers/Weapons for a Blacklight Virus User. And I do like to see them cut down some Xenophobic/Racist Pony assholes.

Ohhh i like this a that's pretty good

Cause they were gained by consuming other Blacklight Virus-infected and Ezekiel is the only carrier of the Blacklight virus in Equestria.

So no powers from the games, but I do have something else planned


Oh yeah! Forgot about that important part to get the powers. And that sucks! Now you have to come up with Fan-made Blacklight Powers for Ezekiel.

Already have, and they involve mixing magic with the Blacklight Virus.

Oh then yeah, Except it's not as common, like unique ponified people, also some ponies with special talents that the Blacklight Virus would find useful, like say if Ezekiel absorbed somepony had a talent for bare-hoove boxing, he'd not only gain those skills, he'd also be able to put a human spin on it.

So to gain something like flight, he'd have to absorb a pony with a talent for flight. This is in part because of Cutie Marks and the Blacklight Virus. Also, there is a side effect from the Magic in the ponies bodies.

A showdown between Showdown and Ezekiel and the reveal of the only perfect Human turned pony.

You really need to work on your grammar, cause I can barely understand any of that.

Thank you for fixing your grammar errors and making sense of your comments.

As for your two questions

  1. Two reasons - One: Celestia and Luna grew up during a xenophobic age of Equestria, as such, they have an instinctive Xenophonic outlook on other species that aren't ponies, not just humans. Two: They've seen the history of the human race, that war can break out among the human race and other countries go at each other's throats for Economic or Territorial Gain. Their Religions. Nationalism. Or just petty Revenge. Becuase of this, the sisters believe that conversion to Ponies is the only way humans will ever be peaceful and will live much longer lives. But with an unstable potion and with how unpredictable and prideful humans can be, can choose to use force and secrecy, using homeless humans, which in the world of Prototype, are, as Morbo from Futurama would say, Belligerent and numerous.
  2. I don't know, I'm not the person who came up with Derpy.

Okay dude, I already know this stuff, I researched the Blacklight Virus before I started writing this. I know all I need to, you don't need to tell me.

What's with the link to music... I feel like I'm being trolled...

Either way, yes your right, a simple transforming potion isn't going to change how people act, but the Princess Sisters have deluded themselves into believing that. However, the Mane 6 don't, wanting to stop this senseless killing to a fruitless goal, but they aren't equipped to take on two powerful beings that have a literal army of well-armed by themselves. This is where the two Humans that aren't zombies in Equestria come in.

Okay, so this has dragged on for a good while, so If you've got anything else to say, make it quick and simple. I took some medicine for a headache this morning so I'm going to be groggy and grouchy, and you probably don't wanna talk to me at that point.

Okay, but you have to remember I'm not you, so I'm not going to understand the things you do.

I think characters are great because their a breath of fresh air in a world filled with nothing but goodie-two shoes characters.

Ezekiel replied, "I'm not your mother last night!"


Well what did you expect this is MLP were talking about also chaotic evil is the best type of evil

yo this shi bussin I cant wait for the next one

Well what do you know the Mane 6 formed a resistance against Celestia and Luna..

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