• Published 25th Apr 2021
  • 1,712 Views, 7 Comments

The Game of Love - SuperPinkBrony12

(Requested by Derpy388) Sweetie Belle realizes she has feelings for Button Mash, and her friends encourage her to ask him out. The problem is, Sweetie Belle isn't sure how to get Button's attention.

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Player 1, Start!

"Button Mash?" The familiar voice of Cheerilee called out, trying to get the colt with the iconic propeller hat's attention.

Button didn't answer, he was far too engrossed in his own world with his little device. That wondrous thing he called a joy boy. "Come on, almost got it!" He said aloud, either not knowing or not caring who heard him.

Cheerilee tapped a ruler against her desk and tried not to let it show outwardly how frustrated she was. "Button Mash." She called again, a bit more loudly.

"Yeah, yeah, in a minute." Button answered again without bothering to look up from his joy boy's screen.

Cheerilee was about to raise her voice to the colt, but before she could do so she saw Sweetie Belle tap the blank flanked earth pony from behind and that caught his attention. "Button, you have to put that away. It's time for school." She whispered to him.

"But I'm just about to set a new high score." The colt complained as he continued to keep one eye on the screen.

Sweetie wasn't going to take no for an answer. She just used her horn to envelop the joy boy within the sap green glow of her magic and turn it off. Then she stuffed it into her saddle bag near her desk. "I'll let you have it back at lunch, okay? And then you can play it all you want until lunch is over."

Reluctantly, Button Mash agreed. He knew he really couldn't do anything when Sweetie Belle used magic, it was so unfair. "Fine." He grumbled and lifted his head to look towards Cheerilee's desk. By now he was aware of how it seemed like everypony in the classroom had their eyes on him. Some were probably even thinking to themselves about how weird he was.

Sweetie Belle, for her part, just turned back to the front of the classroom. But as she did so the filly couldn't help but think to herself. "Button's always like this. I kind of like that about him." She didn't seem to be aware of the faint red tint that formed on her cheeks as she thought about this.

But both of Sweetie Belle's closest friends (and fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders) noticed it alright. Neither spoke a word but both silently agreed that they would bring it up with Sweetie after school. This wasn't the first time they'd noticed such behavior from her.

Cheerilee, for her part, just cleared her throat and did her best to pretend Button Mash's ignoring of her hadn't annoyed her. "Well, now that I have everypony's attention," She declared after briefly glancing at Button again. "We can begin today's lesson."

Not one to go back on her word, Sweetie did indeed give Button his joy boy back at lunch. And the rest of the school day came and went with little fanfare.

Once school was done for the day, Sweetie Belle happily followed Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to the clubhouse at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres which doubled as the headquarters for their club The Cutie Mark Crusaders. A club they'd radically expanded from its original purpose of helping them get their cutie marks.

Sweetie thought for sure it was going to be another day of helping clients (ponies without cutie marks) figure out what their special talents might be. But upon entering the clubhouse and having roll call completed, the unicorn soon became aware that today would not be an ordinary day.

"So, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo began as she locked eyes with her fellow filly. "You wanna tell us what's up with you and Button Mash?"

The filly with a coat the same beautiful shade of white as her big sister just blinked in response. "What do you mean? There's nothing up between us. I just know how much he likes video games, so I didn't want Miss. Cheerilee to take his joy boy away for the entire school day. It's what friends do."

Apple Bloom was anything but convinced. "It's not just 'cause you're friends, Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo and I have seen the way you look at him. There's somethin' else goin' on, somethin' that you ain't tellin' us about."

Scootaloo chimed in. "So spill it. What's really the deal between you two?"

"Is this just because he always invites me over to his house to play video games, and he always beats me at them?" Sweetie Belle pondered. "It's not my fault his games are only ever playable with two ponies at a time. I promise, the next time he invites me over I'll ask him if you girls can come too. I think you'd like some of his games, he's got a really good collection."

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both shook their heads, they could not believe their fellow Crusader was being so dense. If it was obvious to them then it was for sure obvious to the entire school. "It's not playing video games with him. It's how you're always looking at him or hanging around him." Scootaloo pointed out.

"If I didn't know better I'd swear you have a crush on him or somethin'." Apple Bloom frowned while briefly fiddling with her bow.

Sweetie immediately tried to protest. "A crush?! No, it can't be! I mean, I do like him. Like really like him. He's a good friend... and I do like that hat he always wears... and I really like it when we spend time with him... and... and..." The realization slowly settled in. "Okay, I guess maybe I do have a crush on him. I... never really thought about it. I just always felt happy seeing him or being with him, even when he's doing weird things."

Apple Bloom exchanged glances with Scootaloo before she spoke up. "See? We knew somethin' was up between you two."

And Scootaloo quickly encouraged with a buzz of her tiny wings. "So now you just gotta find out if he feels the same way towards you. All you gotta do is ask him out on a date."

"But how am I supposed to do that? He almost never pays attention to me. He always thinks about his video games or about school." Sweetie remarked as she shot a puzzled look at the others.

The farm filly just nudged Sweetie in the side. "Don't be so unsure of yourself. If there's anypony who can get Button to think about somethin' besides his video games, it's you."

The unicorn filly wasn't so sure. "I don't wanna take away his joy boy or anything else just to make him notice me."

Scootaloo protested. "You don't have to. Just go up to him and do what you always do to get his attention. He'll notice. Then you just ask him out. Can't be simpler than that."

And Apple Bloom immediately nodded in agreement. "Then it's settled. Sweetie Belle, you'll ask Button to go on a date first thing after school tomorrow."

Poor Sweetie Belle found that she couldn't find the words to protest such a decision. She wasn't even sure what to do if Button agreed to a date with her, let alone where to go.

The next day came all too soon for the filly. Almost before she realized it it was the end of the school day, and that meant it was time to go up to Button Mash and ask one not so simple question.

Button Mash was of course too engrossed in the game on his joy boy to even notice Sweetie strolling right up to him. It wasn't until he felt her tail brushing up against his side that he even knew she was there. But he only looked up from his joy boy once he was certain he'd paused his game. He was so close to a new high score again and the colt wanted to be sure he got it this time. "Hey, Sweetie Belle." He greeted with a smile while keeping one hoof on his joy boy to keep it from dropping.

"Hey... Button," Sweetie Belle answered as she seemed to be struggling to find the words she wanted to say. "I was... just wondering if... maybe you wanted to hang out with me later on."

"You mean, like a date?" Button inquired as his propeller hat briefly lifted off his head.

The little unicorn nodded as her confidence seemed to slowly increase. "Yeah... if you want to, that is."

The young earth pony immediately gave an answer, one that Sweetie wasn't expecting. "Sure, a date with you sounds fine. Mom would probably want me to get out of the house more anyway."

"Well... okay then," Sweetie sheepishly declared. "But let's not go to Sugarcube Corner. You always start milkshake races and you always get brain freeze."

"I can't help it. The milkshakes are so good!" Button Mash proclaimed.

Sweetie just replied. "Yeah, you say that every time you do the races even when I ask you not to. So let's go somewhere a bit more... quiet."

Button quickly came up with a location. "How about the park? We could just go for a walk together."

"Fine, but we don't have to hold hooves or anything like that. It's just a date." Sweetie Belle insisted and quickly trotted away.

Button Mash watched the unicorn filly trot away, taking notice of the faint traces of red on her cheeks. "Why does she always do that when she talks to me?" He thought to himself, before his thoughts turned back to his joy boy and his paused game. The high score would soon be his!

Sweetie Belle was quite surprised when she saw Button approaching her some time later at the entrance to the park. And was even more surprised to see him wearing a cute little orange bowtie that matched his mane and tail so perfectly.

"Hey, Sweetie Belle," Button cheerfully greeted. "I'm ready for our date. Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Sweetie happily replied. "You didn't, Button. I just got here. By the way, I love your bowtie."

The little earth pony let out a groan as he fiddled with the tie. "Mom made me wear one. She said I had to look nice for a first date. I told her I didn't want to dress up at all but she wouldn't listen."

Sweetie just replied by trotting up to Button and brushing her tail against his side. "I think it looks good on you. I mean, I didn't really know if you'd agree to go on a date but I'm glad you're doing this for me."

Button Mash smiled. "Yeah, I'm glad too. I always like hanging around you. You're the only one who doesn't think I'm totally weird because I like to play video games all the time."

"Well nopony else even really has a joy boy. I only got one because you had one and you made it sound like fun," The young unicorn explained. "But you know, that's what I like about you. You're not like other colts I know, you're different in a way that just makes you you."

"You... really think so?" Button asked as he faintly felt his heart skip a beat.

Sweetie smiled back at Button. "Of course I do. If I didn't I wouldn't have ever let you talk me into buying a joy boy or come over to your house," Then she declared. "Now come on, we've talked enough about games. Let's just walk around the park and spend some time together."

"Okay," The young earth pony nodded in agreement as he waved a hoof. "Lead the way, Sweetie Belle."

"Thought you'd never ask." Sweetie Belle teased as the two trotted into the park side by side. They didn't really feel like holding hooves though, at least not yet. Neither was sure what exactly to expect out of this little date of theirs, a date that both were really only doing because they felt others would approve of.

Time seemed to pass slowly as both Sweetie and Button strolled along through the park. They stopped on occasion to rest their hooves or if something caught their attention, but for the most part they just trotted along side by side. Neither pony said much, they just occasionally glanced at each other to try and gauge a reaction.

Eventually, Button Mash found himself looking at the shield containing a musical note that was Sweetie Belle's cutie mark and he couldn't help but longingly sigh. "I kind of miss when we were both blank flanks," He told her. "I thought for sure you'd stop hanging out with me once you got your cutie mark."

"Button, I would never do something like that," Sweetie protested with a shake of her head. "We may have bonded over being blank flanks, but a lack of cutie marks wan't what kept us together. Besides, I'm sure you'll get your cutie mark someday. And it'll be just as great and unique as mine is."

The colt seemed to nod in agreement. "What do you think it'll be?"

Sweetie just shook her head again. "I don't really know. It's not my place to guess. Even as a Cutie Mark Crusader I can't predict what a cutie mark is gonna look like when a pony gets it. I'm not psychic."

Button then remarked. "I kind of wish it could be something related to video games. Someday, I wanna make my own games for ponies to enjoy. And non ponies too."

"You mean, like the creatures at Princess Twilight's school?" Sweetie Belle asked, recalling her limited interactions with some of them.

Button Mash nodded again. "Yeah. I feel like there's a lot of really cool experiences you can only get from video games that they're missing out on. As far as I know, nopony's ever made games for them to enjoy."

Sweetie Belle suggested. "Well, maybe that's something you could do someday. You know, if you special talent ends up being related to cutie marks. It could end up being something completely different."

Button was quick to ask in response. "And what about you? I know you said your special talent is helping others, but that's not the only thing your cutie mark depicts. It's got a musical note in it. So that has to mean something, right?"

Now it was the little unicorn's turn to longingly sigh. "I know eventually Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and I will probably go off to pursue different things. But right now I really just wanna focus on enjoying our time together as friends and Cutie Mark Crusaders, helping others. Besides, we do things on our own sometimes. And someday, I kind of wanna be a singer. Not the next Sapphire Shores or Countess Coloratura or anything like that though. Just something I do for fun, not because I wanna become famous."

"Well, for what it's worth I think you have a really good singing voice," Button encouraged with a sincere smile. "You're definitely a better singer than either of your friends, don't tell them I said that."

Sweetie giggled. "Yeah. Apple Bloom isn't too bad and Scootaloo has been getting better, but their singing still could be a lot better. I'm not really much of a music teacher though. Just learning how to read sheet music took ages."

Button then encouraged. "I'll bet you could be a good back-up singer in my brother's band, as long as you don't mind rock music."

"Eh, I prefer show tunes. Far more catchy and upbeat." The unicorn filly answered.

Hours eventually passed, and at last Celestia's sun and Luna's moon rose into the night sky. It became clear to both little ponies that their time together had to draw to a close.

"I should probably get going. Mom's gonna start wondering where I am." Button Mash declared.

Sweetie Belle agreed. "Yeah. I don't need Rarity to start worrying either," And she looked across to Button. "But you know what, this was fun. I really enjoyed spending time with you."

Button nodded in reply. "I feel the same way, Sweetie Belle. A date with you is nice. It feels like you're the only one who really understands." And then he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.

The young unicorn stepped back and blinked in confusion. "What was that for, Button?"

The little earth pony answered. "I just wanted to, that's all. 'Cause I really really like you, a lot. And not just a friend."

"Well... I... kind of felt the same way about you. That's kind of why my friends made me ask you out on this date," Sweetie confessed as she was now noticing the blush on her cheeks. "I guess they must've seen something I couldn't. I just didn't know if I could compete with video games for your attention."

Button giggled. "If there's anypony who can make me focus on something besides video games, it's definitely you. You really seem to know me in a way nopony else does, Sweetie Belle."

"Button..." Sweetie Belle began. "I... don't know what to say."

The earth pony colt just replied. "You don't have to say anything. I already know," And he proposed. "We can do this again sometime if you'd like."

Sweetie hesitantly answered. "That... would be nice... I think."

Button Mash just smiled. "It will be. I'll just need some time to think about where to take you. 'Cause our first official date as a couple should be somewhere special."

Author's Note:

Button Mash having a brother is based on the only details that were released for JanAnimations' second episode of The Adventures of Button Mash, in which Gibson was supposed to debut.

There are also some references to that now defunct pilot episode, because a ButtonxSweetie work just wouldn't be the same without them.

Comments ( 7 )

Awwwwwwwwwww~ :heart: Lovely! :twilightsmile:

This was a downright adorable one-shot. Definitely liked the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations, sweetness and general wrap-up in all the right places. Particularly enjoyed Button and Sweetie finding common ground as well as both of them getting help from family and friends.

Certainly going to be looking forward to more of your work.

nice to see that you gave them a story too. It's really a shame what happened to JanAnimations. had a lot of potential. plus, who knows what else the fandom could have created with Button's brother and father

ButtonBelle is finally sealed! :heart: So cute! :twilightsmile:

THIS WAS AWESOME! It was so adorable and just AMAZING! I just LOVE IT! :raritystarry:

Úff, þau eru svo sæt saman. Ég hef aldrei heyrt um þá áður. Ég myndi elska að afla frekari upplýsinga um þau hjón. Núna er ég önnum kafinn við að leita að spilavitum a netinu og þegar ég finn þessa síðu mun ég safna upplýsingum um þau hjón.

lovely little story, I do say so myself

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