• Published 18th Apr 2021
  • 2,005 Views, 97 Comments

Love After Life - CrackedInkWell

Gallus and Sandbar both die saving the world and enter Heaven. As they discover more about the place, they learn about new feelings about themselves and each other.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Gallus was beyond humiliated, and Sandbar knew it. Many times on the way back to the golden elevator, the griffon had tried to say something to Sandbar, but clearly didn’t know how to start. Deep down, Sandbar couldn’t entirely blame him. After all, his friend had unknowingly told him his biggest secret in detail. His friend looked immensely apologetic as if he had confessed to a murder. Sandbar knew how fragile his friend could be.

At the same time, upon reflection… a lot of things now made sense. It explained why Gallus had been so distant, why he’d been so careful around him, why he’d gotten jealous when someone flirted with him, and why he was muzzled from telling him the truth sooner. It explained the subtle comments, the borderline perverted conversations, and even the questions of what he would do if he did find someone. It was all because his best friend was falling for him.

Now that Sandbar knew the truth about his shamed, blushing friend, what was he going to do next?

After exiting the Keter palace and walking across the great bridge, they entered the golden elevator with Michael waiting.

“Happy New Year.” He tipped his hat to them as they entered. “Not going to stick around for the rest of the night?”

“No,” Sandbar answered, “I think we’re done.”

“Very well.” After throwing a switch and closing the folded doors, he inquired, “So, where to?”

“If you don’t mind, could you drop us off in Ponyville?”

“I can.” Michael nodded and threw another switch. “Going down.”

The elevator made its descent back to the heavenly realm. In the small space, Sandbar and Gallus stood side by side, the griffon trying his best not to make eye contact with his friend. For a while, the two of them didn’t say anything. However, Sandbar rubbed his back in the stillness, trying to get him to relax from the sheer awkwardness.

Finally, Gallus did say something. “Uh… S-Sandbar?


“I…” He rubbed his blushing face. “Are you… mad at me?”

“What?” Sandbar tilted his head. “Why would I be mad?”

“Because of… what I said.” He sighed. “You probably think I’m such a loser.”

“No I don’t.”

“That you must think I’m a huge coward.”

“No I don’t.”

“That you don’t even want to be friends any-”

“Gallus, stop,” Sandbar said firmly. “I’m not mad at you. Okay? You got nothing to apologize for.”


“Stop apologizing.” Sandbar took in a deep breath, “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay? I’m not mad. I’m not even upset. Just when we get home, we should talk.”

Michael looked between the two. “Not to pry into something that’s none of my business, but did something bad happen?”

“Oh no,” Sandbar shook his head, “quite the opposite, actually.”

Gallus raised an eyebrow. What did Sandbar mean by that?

“Well, if you say so,” Michael said. A moment later, they heard a ding, and he threw a switch, opening the folding doors. “Here we are. Heavenly plain, Ponyville.” Before the three of them was the town’s marketplace, the same place Gallus and Sandbar had appeared when they’d first entered Heaven. It was crowded with its parting residence that welcomed the New Year. The two walked out onto the white ground. Above, fireworks illuminated the snowflakes gently floating down.

After thanking Michael for the ride and watching the elevator disappear into the night sky, Gallus and Sandbar walked down a familiar route. Going past the cheering crowd and towards the quieter part of town. They kept walking until they could no longer hear the tune of Auld Lang Syne or even the booming of the fireworks.

Eventually, in the chilly air of Heaven, with snowflakes landing on their coats and glowing street lamps lit up the streets like lone stars, Sandbar finally spoke.

“Did you really mean what you said back there?”

“I…” Gallus trailed off, and bowed his head, nodding. “Yeah… I did.”

“Okay. So I want to ask you something.”


“Look at me,” Sandbar said, to which Gallus did just that. “Gallus, why were you afraid I’d reject you?”

At first, the griffon was taken aback at this question, “I thought I just told you why.”

“No, I mean what did you think I would’ve done if I knew how you felt?”

“Well… I don’t know,” Gallus admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess I’d expected you to say you were flattered, but just want to stay friends. That it would be too weird if we ever dated or… whatever. Maybe you’d give the whole ‘there are plenty of fish in the sea,’ speech. But… even if that weren’t the case, there’s a part of me that thinks that if we ever did get into a relationship - like a serious relationship - I would still find some way to burn it down before… you… could...

“So in other words, even if we become a couple, you’re afraid you might disappoint me?”

“I…” Gallus nodded. “Yeah…” he said quietly.

After a brief pause, Sandbar raised a hoof to him. “Gallus, give me your claw.”

The griffon obliged, and the pony placed another hoof on top of the claw. Looking his friend in the eye, he said, “Do you remember that time when all of us went under the school and got tested by the Tree of Harmony?”

“Well, yeah.” Gallus raised an eyebrow. “What about it?”

“At the time, I was afraid of a couple of things. I was torn between disappointing the teachers I had looked up to, and letting all of you down. The tree had forced me to make a choice between becoming a hero to save Equestria with the teachers that have done it countless times - or abandoning all of you. At the time, I had to figure out what I valued more - saving the world or saving my friends. And even when those illusions of Rainbow and Rarity kept pressuring me to do otherwise, I had to take a stand. To this day, I still remember what I told them.”

Closing his eyes, Sandbar recited, “‘I’ve always looked up to you. You would never turn your back on each other, and that’s what makes you strong. Now I have a group of friends that I think is every bit as amazing as yours. If I had to give up on them to make you proud, then you aren’t the ponies I thought you were. I don’t care if I disappoint you. You disappoint me.’”

“Is there a rest stop between now and the point?”

“My point-” He opened his eyes- “is that even if things don’t work out as you hoped, that even if you know it wouldn’t turn out great, and even if you did disappoint me, you’d still be okay. You don’t need my approval to make you think that you’re loved. What I learned that day under the school is something that you should take to heart now - you can disappoint everyone, but never compromise it for what you know is right.”

Gallus reflected on Sandbar’s words for a moment. “You’re not telling me no, aren’t you?”

“How can I give an answer if you never asked the question?” Sandbar smirked. Letting go of his claw, he continued on, gesturing to his friend to follow.

“What are you talking about?”

Hmm, no, that’s not it,” Sandbar said, his grin growing wider and - was that a blush? Gallus couldn’t tell from the lighting. “I think it’s on the very tip of your tongue. Right there, just sticking out of your beak. You want to ask me something important, but I haven’t heard what you want to say all night.”

Gallus gulped. “But you already know how I feel.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” Sandbar punched his shoulder playfully. “C’mon, just say it.”

“What? Now?”

“No, next Hearth’s Warming.” He laughed. “Yes now! I can almost hear it.”

“But you know what I’m gonna say.”

“So? I still want to hear it, straight from the griffon’s beak.”

“I…” Gallus blushed, avoiding his gaze, “just never had a coltfriend before.”

“C’mon dude, all I’m hearing is excuses! Just say it.”

Fine!” He grabbed Sandbar’s foreleg. As he did so, the two of them noticed where exactly in Ponyville they were. They had stopped on the same field where the Academy was on in the mortal realm. Here, it was still empty, covered in snow that glowed blue under the moon above. In the wintery air, Gallus let out a deep breath, letting a fog escape his mouth.

“It’s… not easy for me to say this because… I still can’t believe what’s gonna come out.” He took in another deep breath. “And I still expect you to say no to this, but… I do want to ask you something; something I’ve spent months wrestling over. So… Sandbar? Do you… would you…” Gallus’s face turned red, even in his hesitation, he asked as quiet as a frosted breeze. “.... Would you want to be my coltfriend?

Gallus anticipated almost half a million different reactions from Sandbar. Of course, knowing his personality, he wouldn’t respond with a punch to the eye or a laugh to his face. If anything, there was still a part of him that believed Sandbar would - at best - try to defuse the start of a serious relationship with kind words and sympathies. Or, at worst, maybe he’d do well… nothing. Probably just write what had passed since midnight off as a weird dream. There were very low expectations of finally… finally, asking Sandbar for that kind of relationship.

Least of all, standing in the January snow in the middle of the night in a field, he didn’t expect Sandbar to say:


But he did.

It took the griffon aback. “You’re serious?”


Gallus tilted his head. “Okay, who are you and what have you done with Sand- mmph!” The rest of his snarky comment died on his beak as Sandbar unexpectedly leaned his head out and kissed him. The griffon’s eyes went wide, the daydreams of long ago suddenly made real. Now that it was happening, it was as if he died again and was granted salvation. As if his demon of self-hatred was silenced from this cleansing of affection. It lasted only a few seconds, but every moment of it was just as holy as when he made love to Silverstream. He felt a warmth in the winter snow.

When Sandbar pulled away, wiping the saliva from his mouth, he chuckled, “Wow… I didn’t know I was that good of a kisser.”


“Your uh… wings.”

Gallus looked behind him, they were unfolded, proudly presenting their angelic white plume. But the griffon looked back at his friend - or rather, coltfriend - and saw that his wings were up too.

“So, to answer your question,” Sandbar said, looking through his things to pull out the seed that held their home. “Yes, I’m serious. I do want to be your coltfriend. As a matter of fact…” He pressed on the seed and tossed it to the ground. The two of them watched the seed unfold itself, growing larger and larger until their tree-home stood tall. Sandbar smiled at him with a blush on his cheeks. “.... I’m going to prove it.”

Before Gallus could ask him what he meant, Sandbar had walked through the front door. Following him, he watched the pony go through a junk drawer. “What are you doing?” the griffon asked.

“I kinda figured that since mere words to tell you that I do want to be in a relationship wouldn’t be enough.” Sandbar said, pulling out a small slip of paper. “So I thought maybe you need something more… concrete to leave you without any doubt.”

“Oh yeah?” Gallus raised an eyebrow. “How?”

He watched as Sandbar licked the slip of paper, upon which it folded itself into a butterfly and flew out the door.

“Huh,” Sandbar remarked to himself, “it really does taste like cherries.”

“What was that about?”

“Do you remember months ago when on my birthday I got a little something?”

“Yeah, that was when you were given a ticket to losing your…” Gallus trailed off, suddenly realizing what was going on. “Y-You mean… you’re gonna do it…?”

He nodded.

“With… You want… me?”

“Hey,” Sandbar trotted over, nuzzling him under his chin. “I’m only doing this because I trust you absolutely.”

“But… don’t you want to save it for someone…”

“Special?” Sandbar let a hoof slide down Gallus’s chest. “I already have, and that someone’s right in front of me.”

Before Gallus could make a reply, both their ears perked up at the sound of fluttering wings coming towards them. Then, turning to the door, they found a zebra in a flowing robe with a bow and a quiver of arrows. “Give me… a minute…” She panted, “Had to… rush over…

“Who are you?”

She walked in, kicking the door with a hind leg. “Just wait for me to… catch my breath…” She sat down to rest for a moment, panting. “Sorry, we’re busy tonight and stretched thin.” Another breath. “I’m a representative for Eros, by the way.”

“Why are you here?” Gallus questioned.

“Because someone has licked the ticket for Bonetown.” she replied, now that her breath was regained. “So who was it?”

Sandbar raised a hoof.

“Okay, look, I’ve got a long night ahead of me, and I’m kinda behind with a bunch of other virgins that are trying to get their cherries popped too, so let’s skip over the bla bla bla and go straight to business. Got it? Good. So, do you need assistance with your virginity or have you found a willing partner to help you with?”

Sandbar reached out and held onto the claw of his friend and smiled up at him.

“I see. So, seeing as you two will be given your own temporary pocket dimension so that you’ll have all the uninterrupted privacy you’ll want for the night, do you have a particular theme in mind?”

Sandbar blinked, “Theme?”

“Well, yeah. Most virgins tend to have something in mind when they want to give it up. Like alone on a tropical island, or in a fancy suite in Paris, or in a sex dungeon at the center of the world - stuff like that.”

“Why would-”

“I don’t ask about anyone’s fetishes,” she deadpanned. “I just work here.”

“Okay…?” Sandbar thought for a moment, “So any place I want to lose it at?” With a confirming nod from the zebra, Sandbar walked over to her and whispered it in her ear.

She looked at him confused. “Well, yeah I can do that but… why?”

“Let’s say that it’s a place we’re familiar with.”

“Sure, whatever,” the zebra shrugged, grabbing an arrow from her quiver and stringing it to her bow. The arrow itself, of course, was heart-shaped. “You’re the boss.” She pulled it back and fired it at a wall.

The three of them watched the arrow embedded itself in the wall, shrink, and contort into a doorknob. Then they saw lines of gold etch out a door that was… familiar. It was made of wood where the top came to a point like a gothic arch. And in the wood, there were three red hearts. This was a door that Sandbar and Gallus knew all too well.

“Allow me.” The zebra trotted over to open the newly-made door, and what was behind it nearly took Gallus’s breath away. It was his dorm room. And somehow, it looked exactly as it did when he last left it. From the desk that was right underneath a window with the curtains drawn, to the bed that had its white sheets and blue comforter.

Sandbar wanted to lose his virginity… in his old room?

“Just as a heads up,” the zebra archer said, “once you’re inside and close this door behind you - it will lock you in for the next eight hours. Once shut, no one will be able to come in, or you two to come out until then. As this is a pocket dimension, you don’t have to worry about making any loud noises. Oh, and before you ask, yes, pretty much anything you’d need for sexy times is in there.” Adjusting the quiver on her back, she walked over to the front door. “So, happy humping!” she said before she exited, flying swiftly into the night.

Now inside their home with the magical door wide open, Sandbar and Gallus looked at one another, the griffon blushing much more than his friend.

“So…?” Sandbar waved over to him with a sly smile. “Shall we?”

“I mean… wow…” Gallus let out an uneasy breath. “Just… are you sure?”

“Until tonight dude, I had no idea that you loved me. Now… Obviously, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I know I’m ready for it. Even if nothing comes out of this, at least let me offer you the chance to show me how much you love me.” He kissed him on the cheek. “And I meant it when I said I trust you. So… for tonight, anything you want to do to me, I will allow it.”

Gallus felt like his head was going to burst into flames. “You… anything?”

“Top or bottom, you have full access to every inch - for now… I’m yours.”

“Well… I never did it with a guy so…” he said, eyeballing a particular drawer from his desk. “If at any time it becomes too much… could we stop?”

Sandbar kissed him, this time on the lips. “Of course. But for now, all I ask is to love me.”

Taking Sandbar’s hoof, Gallus led him inside and closed the door behind them.

It would have been mistaken for a dream if either of them had slept. The morning light peeked through the cracks of the curtain to dimly illuminate the room. On the unkempt bed where the sheets resembled a Pollack painting, Sandbar and Gallus lay side by side. Their aftermath of love was hours ago, and they would need a shower after last night. But at the moment, the two of them were in each other’s arms, sharing the warmth and feeling the other’s heartbeats. They had rested their eyes, at peace in a Heaven that was unique to them.

For a while, they felt like they were home again.

Eventually, the light of dawn shined on Sandbar’s face, forcing him to open them. And the first thing he saw was Gallus’s face with feathers askew yet tranquil at the same time. Of course, Sandbar blushed with memories of what he did to the griffon… and what the griffon did to him was still fresh. What happened for hours last night was not lost to his senses. The sight of Gallus' reddened face as he thought about the touch of that warm body…

Gallus groaned. “What time is it?

Sandbar looked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand. “Just past eight. I think we should be getting out of here in an hour or so.”

The griffon held him closer. Sandbar petted his head and finally saw his tired eyes.

“Still,” Sandbar inquired, “after what happened last night, are you sure you’re okay?”

Gallus chuckled weakly. “I’ll be fine. Sure, I might be walking funny for a while,” he added with a wicked smirk. “Unless… you want me to return the favor.”

“I’ll think about it.” The pony rubbed his back. For a while, they fell into silence to enjoy the moment. However, this stillness didn’t last long. “Hey, Gallus?”


“So… where do we go from here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like, so we’re a couple, but now what?”

“You tell me. I haven’t thought of it this far.”

Sandbar chuckled. “Yeah, but are we still gonna be Wandering Spirits, just keep going around Heaven forever?”

“I don’t know. But one thing’s for sure is that I don’t want to be reincarnated.”

“Yeah?” Sandbar raised an eyebrow, “How come?”

“Because for the first time ever - I finally got it good. If we were to be reborn… I don’t know if I’ll be able to get back to this point ever again. If what God said was true, there’s no guarantee we would be together - if at all. If we did go for the reincarnation route… I just think there’s too much to lose.”

“I can see where you’re coming from,” Sandbar nuzzled him, “but what about our future? Even if we stay in Heaven, do you think we should do something?”

“I don’t know. Why?”

“Well, last night at the party, I ran into Gusty the Great.”

Gallus blinked. “As in the one that banished Grogar?”

“The same. She told me that she foresaw something in Equestria’s future that it will eventually fall into a dark age. Don’t ask me how, but she said that eventually, all the pony tribes will separate and magic will be lost.”

“Seriously? We did all of that for nothing?”

“Not quite. She also mentioned that this won’t last forever, as ponies will have to relearn about the magic of friendship. But I was thinking, until that happens… there's gonna be plenty of souls in Heaven that’ll forget what we’ve built.”

Gallus sat up, “So where are you going with this?”

“What if our purpose for eternity was staring at us in the face?” Sandbar gave a knowing smile. “When we got to the Ponyville side of Heaven, did you notice what was missing?”

“Amongst other things, that crystal castle and the…” it suddenly clicked in Gallus what Sandbar was talking about. “The Academy doesn’t exist in Heaven.”

“Exactly!” Sandbar too sat up. “Someday, something will happen to the school and all that knowledge about friendship is going to be lost for a while. So how about we prepare those future souls by establishing the academy here? We’ll teach students about the lessons we’ve learned so, in a way, it won’t be lost. That way, while the mortal realm goes through its dark age, we’ll still keep the fire of friendship lit up here. So when the time comes, we, or maybe even our students could use that Dream Club to get in touch with someone in the living world and help rekindle it.”

“That…” Gallus blinked. “Is so crazy it just might work. Although I don’t know how long it will take to rebuild the Academy, or even get students to attend.”

“Hey, if six mares could do it, so can we.”

“True…” Then a thought came to the griffon’s head. “But if we’re really gonna do it, first thing’s first - who’s going to run it?”

“Well, how about you?”

This took Gallus by surprise, “Me?”

“Yeah, why not? I can totally see you as a Headmare.”

Gallus frowned. “We might need to come up with a better name. Still,” he ran a claw, caressing Sandbar, feeling lower and lower until he groped his flank, “I wouldn’t mind teaching.”

Oooh?” Sandbar blushed. “And what does Professor Gallus want to teach me?” he asked with a flirtatious wink.

He grinned wickedly, “Let’s say I can show you how to tie a knot.”

It would be a long morning before either of them get out of bed and plan out their future. There would be plenty of things that they would need to do, from building the school from memory to finding teachers that would be qualified, and even figuring out how to get students to attend. But all of that was a long way off.

For now, Gallus was focused on Sandbar, and making him feel as loved as he did last night.

(731 Years Later)

“So when do you think she’ll be here?” Sandbar asked as he sat on the bench, snuggling next to his handsome rugged husband of a griff. He had long stopped being eighteen years old in terms of appearance and was now a fully grown adult with nothing really changing except for his hair. It had gotten so long, he had decided to try and tie it into a ponytail after a suggestion from his sister and Ocellus. Gallus and Yona both thought he looked quite handsome, and so he’d kept it for the past four hundred years.

Gallus, meanwhile, had gotten quite buff to the point that he often made plenty of heads turn and whistle when they thought he wasn’t looking. He also started growing a light blond beard around their sixth hundred and seventeenth anniversary of being dead. At first, it was awkward to see, but it grew on everyone after a few years. The students at their academy all thought he looked pretty cool.

Checking his watch, Gallus smirked. “I’d say she’d be here at any time now. We know she got accepted into Heaven so it won’t be long now... At least she’s not as long as Pinkie Pie did when she died.”

“Yeah, I still think the angels there have no idea how she managed to turn the entire waiting area into a big rave party. Isn’t it supposed to be endless?” Sandbar asked, tilting his head.

“It’s Pinkie Pie. Not even God can answer that one,” Gallus chuckled, thinking of how the almighty creator of everything was still stumped by that pink pony regardless of what universe she was in.

The two continued to watch as various creatures came out of the gate, looking shocked or happy at the sight of Heaven, while some had family and friends already waiting with warm and tearful reunions. It reminded the two lovers of how they first arrived, and later on stood at the gates each time someone they knew came to Heaven when their lives ended. From Princess Celestia and Luna, who died a few years after they died of natural causes, to Ocellus’s last grandson, who died at the old age of a hundred and six. Pretty much everyone they knew was now in Heaven with them, save for only two: Spike and Smolder. They had lasted this long, even after the great disaster that caused Equestria to split up. That was a hard time for everyone, especially Princess Twilight, but after a long talk with God himself, she was able to accept that, despite creating a golden age, nothing could last forever.

Besides, she had seen the heroes who would reunite their people together once more, and she was confident that they would achieve success. ‘After all, it’s Sunny that has that book of hers even after all these years.

“Hey, check it out,” Gallus said, pointing to a confused dragon, who looked as she did during their final school year before the day they died. “Let’s go!”

The two smirked and walked over to the gate where it took Smolder a few minutes to see them and her jaw dropped. “S-Sandbar? G-Gallus?”

“Hey, smoke breath!” Gallus said, winking with gun fingers. “You look like you've seen a ghost.”

Smolder just laughed before launching herself at her two best friends and hugged them tightly. The two smiled and hugged her back, even if they were a bit taller than her, it still felt like they were teens again back at the academy. Now all six of the group were here in the afterlife and nothing was going to separate them ever again. Smolder sniffed before wiping her eyes. “This isn’t a dream right… I’m… dead? For real?

“Yup, died in your sleep,” Sandbar said with a sad smile.

“And… Spike?”

The two sighed and looked at Smolder with sympathy. “I’m sorry, Smolder. Spike is alive and he’s still needed down there. He’s going to help Sunny and the rest save Equestria.”

“Wait, Equestria can be saved?” Smolder asked in awe. “We… we gave up on it so long ago… we thought we failed...”

“Don’t think of it like that,” Gallus said, shaking his head. “Trust me, we’ve all had to deal with it. But we didn’t fail. It’s just… not our task anymore to save the day. We’ve done all we could, and now it's time for the future generations to save it.”

“.... After so long?” Smolder asked.

“These things take time. It took Luna a thousand years to come around, right?” Sandbar pointed out to which Smolder had to nod her head in agreement. “But he’ll come back soon. He and your kids… In fact, one of them is waiting for you at the party.”

Smolder gasped and covered her mouth in shock. Neither of them could blame her; losing her youngest son to a congenital disorder only fourteen years after his birth had been a devastating blow to her, Spike, and the rest of her family. Tears began to leak from her eyes as she whispered, “My… my s-son... S-S-Spines… he’s...

Gallus put a comforting claw on her shoulder. “He’s here, Smolder. We’ve been taking care of him ever since he got here. Us, the princesses, our friends, their families. We’re all one big happy clan that’s been taken care of by each other. Me and Sandbar kinda adopted him as his second parents when he arrived.”

Smolder started clearing her eyes as she whispered. “My boy… my baby… wait a damn minute.” She lifted her head in disbelief. “‘Parents?’Adopted?’ What are you guys talking about?”

“Oh, right? I guess we should tell you the news,” Sandbar said as he wrapped his arm around a smirking and blushing Gallus. Even after all these years, it was cute to see his hubby still embarrassed over the fact that they were married. “Gallus is my husband! We married six years after we got here in Heaven.”

“.... What the literal fuck?!” Smolder shouted in disbelief. “You two are gay?! Gallus, I thought you were straight this whole time! What was all that about Yona and Silverstream?! What do they think about this?!”

“Actually, I’m bisexual and Sandbar is pansexual, remember?” Gallus corrected her before smirking. “And we’re actually married to them as well. Turns out polyamory is legal in Heaven so long as it can be proven you love each other and the spouses are okay with it. Silverstream and Yona’s husbands were more than happy to share them with us and… well… let’s say the sex is amazing!”

“.... I’m going to find a lot of weird changes among my friends, aren’t I?” Smolder asked in disbelief. “Next you’ll be telling me that God is a bunny.”

“.... ehhh,” the two said, leering their eyes back a bit with nervous smiles.

“.... I need a drink. Please tell me there’s alcohol in Heaven.”

“We got booze at the house,” Gallus said, pointing in the direction of home. “The welcome party is all set up with everyone there already.”

Smolder took a deep breath and smiled. “Everyone, huh? The whole gang? Our teachers? Their… families?”

“Everycreature. Including Spines,” Sandbar said with a smirk.

“Alright, let’s go. I’d say I’m dying to see them, but I think the halo above my head already kinda makes that a moot point.”

The three laughed as they flew in the clouds, side by side with smiles on their faces. Sandbar and Gallus looked at each other with happiness in their hearts, knowing that the entire gang was back together at last. There was a lot to show Smolder, from the Academy to all the other wondrous locations Heaven had to offer.

But for now? It was just time to celebrate the six of them being united once again; this time, for eternity.

The End.

Author's Note:

At last! It's finally done! I cannot express how much of a ride this was. Not to mention that this was a unique experiment on my part as this is the first story where the whole story was written out from start to finish, and only released after thorough proofreading by a couple of editors. And since we are at the end, I do want to give credit where credit is due.

First, a special thank you to my friend and co-writer: Rated Ponystar for help woven this unique, rich, and complex story.

Secondly, I also want to thank TheAncientPolitzanian and Babroniedad for taking the time and effort to get this story polished up for our readers.

Thirdly, I also want to thank LupiArts for the magnificent cover art.

Finally, I also want to thank you, the reader. On behalf of everyone, we hoped that you enjoyed this story and happy holidays to you wonderful people.

Comments ( 14 )

*Snif*... That was a beautiful ending... It's a weird feeling... But this feels very familiar, good story pal, I love it.

That was quite the ride.

Top shelf story telling. This is one of my favorite stories of this year. It's faved.

WOW that was an amazing ending. And I loved every part of it.

You've done it again, you've written something wonderful. Amazing job.

After the rant I went on last chapter, let me say one more thing: a person's sexual orientation does not and cannot condemn a person's soul. All people are loved by God and are redeemed by Christ, regardless of their sexuality. Homophobia is wrong. Will people perform this kind of intercourse in Heaven, I cannot answer that. All I know is the sexual orientation of others is none of my business.

Comment posted by CrackedInkWell deleted Dec 27th, 2021

Like this a lot.

I will admit I passed by this story more than once but now that I've read it in full? I can safely say this has been an absolutely beautiful story I wish to have read sooner.

Silly in it's moments but heartwarming in it's entirety and I'm not ashamed to admit shedding a tear more than once in it's lines of loss.

I wouldn't be too surprised to see someone actually make bonus chapters to illustrate the more sensual sides to this story but even without them, this tale is as tender as it is tragic.

TL:DR; A beautiful piece of literature that will stand out among the greats of Romance both in life and beyond.

Heyoo! Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading the story a lot!

Definitely a 10/10 from me :)

Ps I understand if you never respond to this comment but the changeling anteni, did you ever decide how she kicked the bucket? You had a mini story for the hippogriff that went to hell after all

That is a good question since I haven't thought about it in a long time.

But before I could give an answer, be aware that this is only a theory on my end since this story was meant to focus on Gallus and Sandbar. After all, the point was to leave some details such as Antani up to the imagination for the reader to fill in the gaps.

In my head, her death came as a surprise. I could picture her having to gather up herbs out in the badlands before a Maulwurf had found her. At the time, she was tasked to gather the wildflowers and herbs for the occasion of Thorax's jubilee. However, she veered too far off, and a Maulwurf saw it as trespassing on his territory. She passed away before any help could arrive.

Still, you don't have to take that as gospel, as I haven't really given serious thought about her.

Hey it's okay! If anything thank you for replying to my question! :3

Also rip anteni, at least she got into heaven.. though I'm curious if her bug wings either turned white or got replaced with the feathered wings

“Well… I don’t know,” Gallus admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess I’d expected you to say you were flattered, but just want to stay friends. That it would be too weird if we ever dated or… whatever. Maybe you’d give the whole ‘there are plenty of fish in the sea,’ speech. But… even if that weren’t the case, there’s a part of me that thinks that if we ever did get into a relationship - like a serious relationship - I would still find some way to burn it down before… you… could...

oof, that is very Gallus

“But… don’t you want to save it for someone…”

“Special?” Sandbar let a hoof slide down Gallus’s chest. “I already have, and that someone’s right in front of me.”

oof, Gallus really doesn’t believe in himself being worthy of love and trust to even ask that

Before Gallus could make a reply, both their ears perked up at the sound of fluttering wings coming towards them. Then, turning to the door, they found a zebra in a flowing robe with a bow and a quiver of arrows. “Give me… a minute…” She panted, “Had to… rush over…

these jobs being filled by creatures that are just ordinary workers like this is a fun throughline

“Because for the first time ever - I finally got it good. If we were to be reborn… I don’t know if I’ll be able to get back to this point ever again. If what God said was true, there’s no guarantee we would be together - if at all. If we did go for the reincarnation route… I just think there’s too much to lose.”

oof, yeah. it’s a lot to lose, the memories of everything that ever was meaningful in your life!

“Exactly!” Sandbar too sat up. “Someday, something will happen to the school and all that knowledge about friendship is going to be lost for a while. So how about we prepare those future souls by establishing the academy here? We’ll teach students about the lessons we’ve learned so, in a way, it won’t be lost. That way, while the mortal realm goes through its dark age, we’ll still keep the fire of friendship lit up here. So when the time comes, we, or maybe even our students could use that Dream Club to get in touch with someone in the living world and help rekindle it.”

aww, they finally found their heaven jobs!

“It’s Pinkie Pie. Not even God can answer that one,” Gallus chuckled, thinking of how the almighty creator of everything was still stumped by that pink pony regardless of what universe she was in.

so true

“.... What the literal fuck?!” Smolder shouted in disbelief. “You two are gay?! Gallus, I thought you were straight this whole time! What was all that about Yona and Silverstream?! What do they think about this?!”

it is pretty funny that this is what Smolder’s immediate reaction is after seven centuries of all of the creatures she mentioned being dead

But for now? It was just time to celebrate the six of them being united once again; this time, for eternity.

aww, full circle with the separation and loss that you illustrated between the Student Six in the first few chapters, that is very nice! thanks for writing!

“Is there a rest stop between now and the point?”

W line

Not to mention that this was a unique experiment on my part as this is the first story where the whole story was written out from start to finish, and only released after thorough proofreading by a couple of editors.

Reminds me of how Billie Joe Armstrong wrote all the songs in American Idiot and Green Day recorded them in order of the tracklist.

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