• Published 1st May 2021
  • 1,886 Views, 239 Comments

The Goddess of Empathy - The Sleepless Beholder

Sentenced to death for her crimes against the goddess Celestia, Sunset is given a chance to atone for her crimes by completing nine labors. But the cost might be too much for her to handle.

  • ...

Fourth Labor: The Queen (The Arena)

I use the old blanket Raven gifted me as a makeshift cloak, wrapping part of it into a hood to cover my face as I walk through the massive gates of the city, in line with many others. The security seems strict, with many armed guards set up around the gates. However, they’re not really searching for anyone. It’s more like they just have soldiers at the ready in case of an attack. Gives me the feeling they’re at war. Or about to go to one.

I sigh in relief as I finally get past the checkpoint. It was surprisingly easy, but again, they aren’t really expecting me to arrive. I need to hold on to the element of surprise as much as I can. Counting my coins, I start searching for a marketplace to purchase some less noticeable clothing.

It doesn’t prove hard to find one, especially with the giant statue at the center. Such monuments normally would be about the most prominent god, in this case Cadence, but instead, I’m surprised to see a very… dog-faced woman with a crown on her head. Definitely not a god that I recognize. She’s standing firm, with a hand pointing forward and slightly to the sky, while the other holds up a parchment with the words; “Respect through strength. Peace through discipline. Reputation above all.”

Yeah, definitely the kind of person that would try to enslave the daughters of a goddess.

Around the statue is a circle of tents selling different products, from dried fish to cloths and silks. Soldiers also patrol around the perimeter, putting some of the merchants on edge every time they get close.

I make my way to one of the stands, manned by a woman with purple skin and dark purple hair. I immediately get a bad vibe from her, but I decide to ignore it and look at her wares, quickly grabbing a few things that would help me blend in with the style of the city, and present my coins. “Do you have a place I could change?”

“Yes, over here,” the woman says, quickly taking the money. She shows me a smaller tent at the side, covered in several layers of dark cloth for privacy. The inside is hot and poorly illuminated, but privacy is privacy. I quickly put on my new clothes, making sure my old ones are well covered. I’m not facing Cadence’s daughters without armor. I also make sure to hide the shield well on my back, hoping it won’t catch too much attention.

I suddenly get another bad feeling, and when I close my eyes I sense someone behind me. I quickly turn around and grab a hand coming for my pouch, giving it a pull to bring the culprit inside the tent with me. To my surprise, it isn’t the shop owner, but a younger woman of white skin and sky blue hair. She looks scared and regretful, clearly not a simple robber. “I’m sorry! Suri told me to do it to keep my job!”

“I already gave her my money. Why is she trying to take more from me?” I ask, letting go of her.

“Because you’re a foreigner. She expects you'll have a lot of coins and not be a repeat customer.”

“I only have six coins left,” I exclaim, showing her the proof. “Is it really worth it with so many guards around?”

The woman nods. “With the taxation from the war effort right now, every bit counts.”

My frown deepens. “I get that you’re desperate, but if she wants crime to pay her debts, she should at least not make others do her dirty work for her.” I sigh and hand her what I have left. “Please do your best to get away from her.” The woman takes the coins, looking conflicted. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Coco Pommel,” she says with a bit of shame, clearly not expecting to have the one she tried to rob take pity on her.

I place my hand on her shoulder. “Alright, Coco. I can tell you’re not doing well here if you’re being forced to rob people. Do you have any family or friends that could help you?”

She shakes her head. “My family is all the way in Molorcolts. I can’t make it there with so little money.”

I think for a moment before getting an idea. Focusing, I try to send a line and connect to Trixie. Hopefully she’s nearby.

After a few seconds, she responds in surprise. “Wha-Sunset?”

“Hey, Trixie. Could you please-”

“How are you in Trixie’s head?!”

“Look, I need a favor. Can you take someone to Molorcolts?”

“Yeah, no problem. Are they a friend of yours?” she answers, changing from slight panic to seriousness in almost an instant.

“They're a person in need.”

“Send them out of the walls and I'll take care of the rest.”

Thank you, Trix!” I open my eyes and see Coco looking worriedly at me.

She quickly takes a step back, raising her hands in apology. “Sorry, I thought you were spacing out.”

I smile to reassure her everything’s okay “No worries. I was contacting a friend. She’ll take you to Molorcolts in her cart.”

Coco’s eyes are wide with disbelief. “R-really? I can just leave?”

I nod. “She’ll make sure you make it there. I hope you can get back on your feet from there.”

Coco suddenly hugs me tightly. “I-I will! Thank you so much!”

I pat her on the back, giving her all the time she needs to calm her emotions. “It’s my pleasure. Wish I could do more.” As soon as I say that, I suddenly have an idea. “By the way, do you know anyone in the city that could give me some information about what’s going on?”

Coco thinks about it for a moment. “There’s Maud. She works at the construction on the west side of the city. Look for a stone-carved woman.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Stone-carved?”

“You’ll get it when you see her.” She then gives me a few directions to find the construction, thanking me once more before leaving the tent.

I wait a few moments and come out lighter in coins, but feeling better than when I entered.

I follow the directions Coco gave me and proceed through streets that haunt me with their silence. Even far smaller villages, such as Cleomare, were busier than this. I expected to at least see some children playing, or people going about their day. But here, even in the market, I only see the occasional person or squad of soldiers. One in particular, carrying a cart filled with civilians, and apparently going house by house asking something out of the cityfolk. Maybe coins, probably the people themselves.

Eventually, I make my way to the construction site Coco had told me about. There are around a dozen workers seemingly doing repairs to the walls in this side of the city. It doesn’t look like it had been attacked; more like it’s just getting some maintenance done. Replacing old blocks with more sturdy ones.

I quickly survey the scene to find this ‘stone-carved’ woman. Finding her turns out to be surprisingly easier than I expected.

She’s standing right in the middle of the site, giving silent signals to the workers as they move around at her command. Her skin is gray like granite, and hair of an almost sad purple, wearing the most simple, plain clothes I’ve ever seen anyone wear, and seemingly devoid of voice. I make my way to her, and even before I can reach her, she proves me wrong on that last count.

“How can I help you?” she asks in a monotone voice without even looking at me.

Alright, she can talk. “Hello, I was told you could help me get an idea of what’s going on in the city?”

She turns around to face me, her expression showing no emotion. “Who told you that?”

“Coco Pommel. I helped her go home and she directed me to you,” I say, trying to bridge some sympathy between us, but she doesn't seem to react at all to the news.

“Thank you for that,” she says, and I genuinely can’t tell in what sense she means it. “What do you want to know?”

“Well… I’m new here, and I was wondering what’s up with all the soldiers around. Are you about to be attacked?”

Maud shakes her head, which is the only form of expression she has shown so far. “The Queen has ordered a draft and full restoration of the army and defenses. No one is sure why or for what yet. Just following orders so far.”

I scratch my chin. “Does this have anything to do with the fact Cadence’s daughters have joined her?”

“That’s actually a weird thing,” Maud says. “Those five are athletes. Not warriors.”

“But the queen is training them for war,” I insist.

“Yes.” Maud looks more closely at me, and notices my belt with the symbol of Rockhoof. “Are you here to help?” I nod, and she signals me to follow her back to the empty streets. “Some of us have been expecting some action from the gods. Cadence especially. Didn’t really expect Rockhoof to send someone.”

“I was actually sent by Cadence. Rockhoof has offered me some help, but he isn’t really in the know about this,” I explain as we suddenly take a turn into an alleyway, avoiding a patrol of soldiers.

“Who do you follow?” Maud asks with her usual deadpan expression, which makes it impossible for me to decipher why she wants to know.

“Officially, no one. But I’m working labors for a lesser-known God,” I explain as we exit the alleyway and continue down the road.


“You know her?” I exclaim with surprise.

“She keeps me updated on how my sisters are doing.” She turns to look at me. ”How’s Pinkie Pie?”

I’m taken aback for a few seconds, but manage to get a response out. “She’s okay. Misses a friend that’s hopefully on her way back to visit her.”

“Applejack, I assume.” Maud suddenly stops and kneels down, placing her hands on her dirt road. She stays there for a few seconds before speaking. “Yeah, she’s on her way there. Pinkie will be preparing a welcome back party.”

“How do you know that?” I ask as she stands back up, and the woman simply turns around and offers her hand to me. I tentatively grab it, and suddenly feel as if my consciousness is expanding further than ever before.

It’s like… I can feel every stone in the city. From the blocks making the houses and walls, to the pebbles scattered on the floor, to the earth beneath my feet. And everything standing on it. I can feel the people moving around, the soldiers marching, the animals feeding on grass or hay.

Maud lets go of my hand and everything returns to normal, and it feels weirdly silent. “Do you, by any chance, also know someone named Tree Hugger?”

“Doesn’t ring a bell. Sounds like a chill person,” Maud answers before going back to guiding me through the city, now knowing she’s purposely taking different routes to avoid the guards’ patrols.

“So, what brought this whole militarization?” I question as we move.

“The Queen seems like she’s always wanted to do this, ever since she came to power. She’s been using propaganda to sway the public opinion to her side. And it’s worked. There are very few of us that see the obvious negatives here.”

"Any idea what exactly made her go all in on it?”

“Yes. There was some sort of expedition she kept mounting from time to time, looking for something inside old ruins. My guess is that she found whatever it was she was looking for.”

“And what did she do with this ‘thing’?”

“The day she got it was the day Cadence’s daughters joined her.”

“So, the two are most likely connected. Possibly a way to force them." I bite my thumb as I think. "There are a few artifacts that could do that. They would need to be quite strong. And hard to remove."

"I hope you can find it then, even if just to take control away from the queen," Maud says as we arrive at an imposing pyramid-like structure with a tall tower at the summit that seems to shine like a crystal when sunlight reaches it. Small waterfalls slide over the sides till they reach a moat at the bottom. A large wall made of different material than the palace itself surrounds it, leaving only one heavily guarded entrance. This must be the palace.

I can't realistically see myself getting past that without a fight, so I go to reach for my sword when Maud stops me. She presses a finger to her lips and signals me to follow her, taking me over to one side of the external wall, where the vigilance seems lacking. She then walks over to the stone and places her hand against it, whispering some words. To my shock, the thick wall that would’ve taken a pickaxe and a couple of hours to break through moves on its own until it forms a perfectly sculpted doorway.

“Wha- how did you do that so easily?!” I exclaim.

“I asked politely,” is Maud’s plain response. “Now go. Before they notice.”

“Thank you,” I say with a nod and a pat on her shoulder before going through the doorway, which closes behind me to leave no evidence of the breach. Now inside, I quickly make my way to the palace. The moat is my first obstacle, but my shield proves to be the solution. Making it float in the middle, I use it as a stepping stone to reach the other side. I start looking for an entryway, deciding to go for the windows on the first floor. I use the incline of the walls to run up and reach the windowsill of one, pulling myself up, and use my sword to break the latch, getting inside.

Once in, I quickly check for guards and, luckily, don't seem to find any. I take a moment to close my eyes and focus on the world around me, like I did at Rockhoof's temple. My vision is quick to find the biggest source of magic, that being five individuals at the very center of the palace, but more interesting is the smaller source just next to them. It wasn't as bright as the others, but it was definitely divine in nature.

I open my eyes and start making my way there, staying low and keeping an ear on alert in case I hear anyone coming. Luckily, it seems the brunt of the security forces remain outside, leaving plenty of space to move around. When I finally reach the center of the palace, a large open garden, I'm surprised by how well-illuminated it is. Large mirrors direct the light from the outside, letting it rain down on the garden and keeping the plants and flowers alive. Within, I quickly spot the five daughters of Cadence training in the center.

One, sporting a ponytail and freckles that kind of reminds me of a rose-haired Sonata, is at the back, using bow and arrow to hit targets, with impressive accuracy. I seem to remember Cadence saying her name was Sour Sweet.

The other four are engaging in practice with each other in two pairs. One has a woman with pigtails and silver hair, a bit on the shorter side, wielding a large longsword that’s being easily parried by her opponent; a woman with blue-green hair and more roguish looks wielding dual short swords, seemingly having no issue with the heavy weapon she’s facing. Those would be… Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap.

Looking at the other duo, I see a green-and-yellow-haired woman with a more wild style, using a spear and buckler shield. I notice that she moves strangely, like she snaps into a new position from time to time, keeping her opponent, a violet short-haired woman with a heavy one handed mace, mostly on the defensive. Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare.

Maud said these weren’t warriors, but it seems the queen has trained them well. Speaking of, I see her up on a balcony overlooking the garden. A tall, older woman looking down at the five with disdain. I close my eyes to check again what the magical tool could be, and I see that glow at her hip. She's carrying it with her.

I also notice something that takes me by surprise. Before, I had seen the daughters bunched together, but now that I see them separately, I noticed that Indigo has at least twice as much divine magic than the others. And the first thing that comes to mind as an explanation is… she must have a direct lineage to a god. I doubt she shares blood with Cadence, otherwise she would have mentioned it. I guess the goddess adopted her from the other family.

Back to my mission. Now that I have the location of the artifact, all that's left is taking it. I figure a simple sleight of hand should be enough, so I move around the garden, keeping low and out of sight from the warriors. I take some stairs at the back and make my way up to the balcony, where I see the queen standing there, luckily with her back towards me.

I see her reach for something at her hip. A whip. That must be the artifact. She takes it and lifts it over her head. "Sugarcoat! Put more effort into your swings!" I hear the snap of the whip and a wince of pain. "Sunny! Stop fooling around and attack already!" Another hit of the whip. Then another. And another. Accompanied with more shouting and harsh words.

I can't help myself.

Throwing caution to the wind, I go towards the queen and catch the whip before it can strike again. And as my skin makes contact with the rough leather, I realize my mistake. I can feel the magic of it seep into my body, and before I can try anything, the queen gives a simple command.

"Stop." She turns around as my body freezes in place and hits me again with the whip, sending a searing pain through my skin. "Disarm." Against my will, I drop my flower and let my shield clatter on the floor. Another hit. "State your name."

My lips move without my control. "I'm Sunset Shimmer."

The queen raises an amused eyebrow. "Why has Sunset Shimmer come all the way here?"

"To save Cadence’s daughters."

The queen smirks. "Interesting." Then starts walking away. "Follow me." I turn around and go after her, leaving my weapons behind. I try closing my eyes and focusing on Maud, hoping to make contact and ask for rescue, but whatever has control of my body is blocking my access to the strings. I can't make a connection without them.

The queen and I walk through the palace until we arrive at the throne room. It's surprisingly empty and devoid of decorations. I had assumed the queen would've filled it with her personality, but other than poor illumination, it was mostly bare. The queen walks up to the throne and sits on it, making me notice that part of the backrest had been cut off at head level.

"I am Cinch," the queen says. "I had expected to meet you, eventually, but not this soon."

“I don't think we normally would have a reason to meet.” I say as control over my body slowly returns.

“Oh, I disagree. We both have common goals after all,” Cinch says with a smile that unnerved me. Because it was clear she was being honest.

“My goal isn't war.”

“Really? Were you planning on using diplomacy on the gods?”

I let out a heavy sigh. “...so that's what this is about.”

“Of course it is,” Cinch says as she gestures to the empty throne room. “Humanity can pretend to have all the power they want, but the reality will always be that the gods are above us all. Their judgments and rules keep us below them, but thanks to people like you and I, that'll soon change.”

I look up at her. “And how do you pretend to do so?”

“This was once a city devoted to Cadence, but now her daughters serve me and her people are going to war. Just like this one, many other cities will fall and join us. And with each one, the gods will lose more and more of their power and control over us.”

“They'll send bigger armies than what you have. Multiple of them. Blessed heroes will seek to bring you down just like they did with the changelings. You'll fail.”

They will fail. Thanks to this.” Cinch lifts her whip. “A single strike will turn even the most powerful of heroes to their knees. And they'll serve me and our cause.”

“They'll die! They'll lose their blessing and die and it'll all be for nothing!” I shout at her, hoping to pierce her confidence.

“Either way, it's a victory for us.” Cinch grins. “And even if I fail, others will take my place. There's no shortage of people wanting to tear down the gods. You're a perfect example of that.”

“Maybe…” I admit. “But not like this. Not by sacrificing so many people in pointless wars. Not by taking the freedom of those we pretend to ‘liberate’. You will replace the gods but change nothing about the world we live in.”

Cinch lets out a hum of disappointment. “I guess we have less in common than I had hoped.”

I take a deep breath. “The difference between us is that I have seen a side of the gods unknown to many. I see that some have been victims as much as us.”

Cinch's disappointment quickly turns to rage. “You dare compare our suffering with theirs?! All up on their ivory towers while we scramble in the mud?” She stands up from her throne. “I do not care for their ills. I'll make them respect us. We shall build a reputation of unbreakable will against those that would oppress us. We'll stand proud and face them without fear.” She points at me with the whip. “You can stand beside us. Or serve as an example of our strength.”

I can't help but chuckle. “By executing me? You wouldn't be the first that tried that.”

Cinch chuckles right back. “Unlike her, I'll give you the chance to fight for your life. Should you win, you'll be free to go.”

“I am humbled by your merciful act,” I say with as much sarcasm as the words can handle.

“Guards!” The queen shouts, and the armored soldiers quickly barrel into the throne room, nearly tripping over each other. “Take Miss Shimmer to the arena. Give her her weapons and announce that soon there will be a new spectacle for the people, and all of the Shadowbolts will participate. I expect the entire arena to be full.”

“It'll be done,” one of them says before shackling my arms. “Come with me,” he says as I glare at him. “P-please…”

I sigh and obey, by my own will this time. Memories of my execution flash over my eyes, making my hands tremble with fear.

But at least this time, there’s no shame or anger inside me.

I can hear the arena slowly fill up with people, their chatter loud enough to be heard through the false floor above me. They seem excited by the event, even if it'll end in death no matter what. Is everyone really that attracted to public murder?

I sigh and prepare my weapons. I'm gonna have to use every trick possible to at least survive this. I don't know how it'll play out. If I'll have to face them one by one or all together. If there'll be extra hazards or special conditions. But what worries me the most is the fact that I'll be fighting innocent people. Victims of Cinch's blind ambitions.

“I can get you out of this,” Wallflower says as she suddenly appears inside my cell. “Dying here won't solve anything. You can do more good in another place.”

“Would they be safe?” I ask pointing at the arena above.

Wally takes a few seconds to respond. “No…”

I shake my head. “Starswirl knows what's happening. He knew from the very beginning.”


I clench my teeth. “So, if I fail here it's the end for them. I assume Cinch is also on the chopping block?”

“Along with the city.” Wallflower leans against the wall. “Considered a lost cause and removed.”

“What is Cadence offering to delay that decision?”

“The same thing Starswirl always wants.”

“Just like with Luna.” I bite the tip of my thumb as I think. “So… I either cheat my labor and condemn who knows how many to their end. Or I fight Cadence's daughters to the death. That's what's at stake here?”

Wallflower bows her head. “I'm sorry… I shouldn't have made this a labor.”

“That's not what I'm regretting.” I look down at my sword. “I don't want to kill them.”

She places a hand on my shoulder. “They're too strong for you to incapacitate them. Even if the odds weren't heavily stacked against you. You've to fight them with all you have.”

I keep looking at my blade. My gift from her. Meant only to protect me from harm just like my shield. “Would giving me a blessing be considered cheating?”

Wally pauses, surprised by the question. “I think not. As long as it doesn't specifically help you complete your labor.”

I present my sword to her. “Make it so I'm unable to kill or harm the innocent. Even if it means my death.”

Wallflower’s eyes go wide. “Sunset, that's not a blessing, that's a curse!”

I don’t back down. “Can you do it or not?”

She takes a few steps back. “Y-yes but-”

“Then it's what I want and what you should do. If you really think I'm not the demon Chrysalis showed me.” I know that's taking a step too far, but I need her help here. I know she cares, and I care too, but this is a risk I need to make, and she needs to take it with me.

It's not easy for her, and for a moment I worry that she’ll just teleport me out of here and just deal with me being angry at her instead of dead, but eventually she walks up to me and presses a hand upon my blade as she closes her eyes and speaks in a soft voice.

“Sunset Shimmer. Due to the pureness of your heart and the fire of your conviction, I give you my favor and place upon you a blessing. Your past mistakes have taught you to not only be kind but also understanding of others. You seek no enemies and favor the downtrodden, always seeking to save rather than kill. For these actions, I give you a portion of my power so this part of you can reach its full potential. My blessing upon you is… Empathy.”

As she finishes her little ritual, I feel… the same… I expected some rush or something like when I put on the belt, but instead everything feels like it always has. However, my weapon does change. A white shin takes over the blade, making the sharp edge appear blunt in my eyes. “Will this… be enough?”

“I guess we'll find out,” Wally says, before I take her by surprise and hug her.

“Thank you… for trusting me and everything else you've done for me. I promise I'll do all I can to survive this.”

Wallflower smiles and hugs me back. “I know you will. And I'll be cheering for you from the crowd.”

We stay like that for a full minute before we hear the guards coming for me. “When this is over, I've a… big favor to ask you.”

“What is it?” Wally asks, confused at the fear in my voice.

“I'll tell you later,” I say, forcing a smile as the guards reach my cell and Wally is forced to disappear from view.

“Sunset Shimmer. It’s time for your execution,” the guard announces.

I sigh. “Here we go again.”

The platform slowly rises me up to the arena, the bright sun nearly blinding me as my eyes adjust. In front of me, at a considerable distance, the five daughters of Cadence stand at the ready, weapons drawn.

So, fighting all of them it is. Not that my chances were that good to begin with.

Cinch comes out onto a large balcony overseeing the arena, wearing some extravagant regalia that didn't seem to fit her or complement her colors. Seems like she just put on whatever she found to look dignified enough for the crowd. “People of the Empire! Today I bring you a spectacle not yet seen inside these walls. We have a warrior blessed by the gods themselves! A worthy opponent for our heroes!” The crowd cheers for the Shadowbolts, throwing roses and ribbons in their direction. “Today, we'll see if the gods truly favor those that follow them.” She points at me. “Only by their divine intervention will this poor soul survive this trial.” The crowd quickly starts booing me, but the queen raises a hand to silence them. “Do not shame her for her bad decisions. Pity her instead. For she has chosen to put her faith on deaf, uncaring ears.” The queen raises her whip, and with a thunderous snap of it, she shouts. “Begin!”

Sour Sweet starts things off by jumping a considerable distance, taking three arrows out of her quiver and sending them at me with frightening speed. My shield moves and blocks them, leaving them strewn on the floor. Lemon Zest quickly follows, her lance aiming for my stomach. I manage to sidestep that and try to go for a cut with my sword, but she suddenly moves–no, she suddenly is further away. She keeps doing this as she attacks me. Moving extremely fast in a small burst. I can even hear a small ‘bomp’ each time she does it.

A beat. That’s her ability.

Lemon is suddenly pushed aside by Sunny Flare, who brings up her mace and strikes my shield with force. It holds its ground, but when Sunny raises her mace again, the metal ball at the end of it starts shining brightly, and when she impacts a second time, that brightness nearly blinds me, and I can feel a great amount of heat coming off of it. I try to keep my defense up, but Sour comes around and fires more arrows, forcing my shield to move away from Sunny. She tries to bash my head off my shoulders, but I manage to duck under her attack and slash at her stomach. I hear her scream, and for a moment I panic thinking that I actually cut her, but despite seeing her clutching her midsection as if I had split it open, there's no wound to be seen.

“That's how it works. Got it.” Sunny takes a step back and Indigo replaces her, her short swords quickly moving to try and prune my limbs off my torso. Luckily, Sombra’s training has kept my reflexes sharp, so I'm able to dodge away from her attacks. However, when I try to block, Indigo’s strength just completely overpowers me and I'm flung off to the side. I'm forced to quickly roll on the sand to get away from a follow-up attack. Her strength is monstrous, not surprising from someone with a direct lineage. Even with my belt, I'm no match against that.

Lucky for me, Sugarcoat comes in and hip checks Indigo to the floor before swinging that longsword of hers at my neck. I jump back, then spring forward to strike at her chest, but at the last second a sugar-like crystal coats her torso and my blade bounces off it. I try another angle, but the same thing happens. No matter where or how fast I strike, her defense is impenetrable. I only manage to get away from her when Sour Sweet fires more arrows at me and almost hits her teammate.

I turn to the archer and am relieved to see that her quiver is now empty. She's gonna have to face me in close quarters, and I'll have my shield available for defense. My hope quickly vanishes, though as I see her gesture in my direction, and suddenly all the arrows strewn over the battlefield fly over to her and set themselves neatly back in the quiver before she draws them again.

So… invincible defense, unlimited arrows, beat combat, radiant strikes, and overwhelming strength. My only advantages are my shield and my skill. That and the fact they aren't fighting as a team, I need to take them out one by one. Sunny is still gripping her stomach, so the pain I inflict lingers. I guess it's a matter of how much they can take.

Indigo goes after me, but I quickly step back and start sprinting towards Sour Sweet. Lemon tries to cut me off, but I can predict her beat and I manage to land a cut to her leg, giving me time to sidestep her and continue. Sour fires every arrow she has against me, but my shield keeps me protected, and once I'm close enough, I move in to strike. The archer blocks my first blow with her bow, but I then kick one of her legs, making her stumble, and drive my sword into her chest. This time, I see how the blade goes straight through the body, like a ghost, leaving no injury behind even as I pull out.

Sour Sweet clutches her chest, looking like she got the air kicked out of her lungs, and simply falls to the ground.

I turn and see Sunny Flare coming in with her bright mace read to strike. I put my shield forward, but this time I place the back of it towards the enemy. Since it's a concave shape, when the light explodes, it gets all funneled into Sunny’s face. Temporarily blinded, she swings wildly, trying to strike at me, but I crouch low and manage to cut her legs, making her fall too.

The next one to face me is Lemon Zest again. This time, her strategy changes to dive in my direction spear-first, like a ballista bolt, using her beat to change direction in an instant and do it again. I wince as one of her dives manages to grace my side, but I manage to trip her on the next dive by throwing my shield at her feet. She recovers quickly with her beat, but now I can push her into the defensive. She tries to back down to make distance between us, but I pursue her and keep trying to strike her. Despite how small her shield is compared to mine, she's quite skilled with it and makes hurting her quite difficult.

Having an idea, I let her take a few steps back away from me and throw my shield at her head. She dodges it, but I instantly call it back so it hits her from behind. Lemon stumbles and I quickly move in and land a cut against her throat, throwing her into a severe coughing fit that lands her on the floor. Now there's only two left, but they're the most dangerous.

Indigo charges at me, her short swords at the ready. Remembering what Sombra taught me, I prepare my shield to deflect the blow and counter, but, to my surprise, Indigo lets go of her blades and hugs my shield before running away with it. I try to recall it, but her grip is too strong for it to escape.

Without my biggest defense, Sugarcoat comes in to finish the job. I try to strike at her but she coats one of her hands with crystal and catches the blade. Then, she ditches her longsword and covers the other hand, hitting me right in the guts with it, knocking the air out of my lungs. She pulls that fist back and forms some scary-looking spikes over the knuckles before trying to destroy my face. By a miracle, I manage to dodge it and use my arm and neck to trap it in place, leaving both of us in a standoff. We each try to pull the other down, and thanks to my belt, I slowly start winning that battle until I can finally push her off.

The crowd’s favor slowly starts turning in my favor; more and more people cheer me as I slowly defeat their champions and push them on the defensive. But, apparently, Cinch will have none of it.

“Stop your whining and fight!” she orders with a sharp snap of her whip, and suddenly the fallen Shadowbolts stand up. They still look in pain but their bodies move regardless, picking up their weapons and slowly surrounding me.

I keep my eyes on Sour Sweet. Without my shield, her arrows can easily end me if I don't see them coming. Lemon Zest grabs her buckler and presents it to Sunny, who raises her mace and lights it up before striking it.

I realize their plan too late and I'm blinded by the sudden flash. I quickly jump to my left, but an arrow still strikes me in the arm. I go to remove it, but it just gets pulled by Sour’s blessing, worsening the wound. My vision is still fuzzy, but I can hear them coming after me. I need…

I fully close my eyes and focus, just like at the temple, just like Maud had showed me, and I can see them, the magic of their blessings creating blurry silhouettes of each of them.

I dodge Lemon’s spear and slice her in the face, hopefully messing with her sight. I drop low to avoid a mace swing from Sunny, but before I can attack her, Indigo comes in and kicks me in the ribs, cracking several of them before throwing me in the air. Sour tries to nail me as I fall, but I manage to block the arrow with my sword.

I plummet onto the floor and quickly stand back up with a wobble, but I remain steady. Even with my sight back, they can easily overwhelm me. I won't be able to win. Without my shield, my only defense is my sword and… Sombra's teachings…

I smile and shout. “Have you ever heard of King Sombra?”

Lemon dives towards me. I sidestep her, but she hits me on the head with the back of her spear.

“He ruled this very city, in a rebelión against the old ruler that brought peace to the Empire!”

Sunny comes in with a swing. I dodge and kick her away, allowing Sugarcoat to come in with her longsword and take a slice at me, giving me a shallow cut on the leg.

“He spent a thousand years paying for his sins, becoming a new man. One that has learned from his mistakes. Learned why peace was the better option. While the ways that all of you have adopted will only bring suffering!”

Sour Sweet knocks an arrow, aiming for my head.

“He was erased from existence, but never forgotten! The Goddess of Empathy made it so! She remembers him! I remember him! And now, all of you know about him!”

I open my eyes and see Sour Sweet firing, the arrow going straight for me…

…only to get blocked by the head of a bearded axe.

“You really took a gamble there,” Sombra says with a smile as he stands next to me, his body much more visible than ever before.

The crowd erupts in murmurs as this man has just appeared in the middle of the arena. Cinch is also confused; there's no way she could've predicted this.

“So, do you have a step two in this plan of yours?” Sombra asks me as the Shadowbolts recover from the surprise and start approaching.

I take a moment to breathe and get ready for the next round. “I'll tell you when I come up with it. For now, don't kill any of them.”

“I've killed enough in my past life.” He moves forward and engages with Sunny, her mace and his axe clashing in a display of shadows and light. He uses the head of his weapon to hook the mace and take it off her hands, before I come in and slice her neck. Once again, Cinch's order overrides the pain.

Sombra kicks her off and turns to Lemon, who dives towards him with her spear, but, to her surprise, the weapon goes right through him, and Sombra simply grabs her by the armor and throws her away. He then turns to Indigo and throws his axe at her, forcing the woman to jump out of the way, freeing my shield.

I quickly call it back and block a couple of arrows before sending it right at Sour's face, knocking her down.

Sombra’s axe teleports to his hand and he engages with Sugarcoat, finding a match of strength. Meanwhile, I have to deal with Indigo, who had picked up her short swords and come right at me.

I parry the first strike and dodge the next, jumping back to create some space between us. She tries to slash at me again, but my shield comes back and hits her in the wrist, forcing her to drop one of her weapons. We keep trading blows, my shield doing the lion’s share of the effort as I try to think of some strategy.

Sombra is at least keeping the others off my back. His ghostly body gives him the advantage as arrows and blades go right through him. However, things take a turn when Sunny gets her mace back, its blinding light seeming to counter his shadows.

I get too distracted by his fight and Indigo manages to disarm me, preparing to just cut my head off. My shield saves me again as it intercepts the attack, but Indigo throws herself forward, using her strength to throw both of us to the floor. She then places a hand on my neck and starts choking me to death.

I try to knock her away with my shield but she uses her other hand to pin it down. I'm left with only my good arm to try and push her away, struggling to get air into my lungs. “Come on… you don't… want to do this…” I try to take her hand off my throat, but I can't even make it budge an inch, and my vision is starting to go blurry.

“Snap out of it!” I shout as I press my hand against her face, trying to force her to move.

There’s a flash of light.

I see the Shadowbolts training back in the garden, my body feeling exhausted but magically forced to continue.

My vision shifts and now I'm inside a large barrack, holding onto Lemon as she shivers in my arms.

Another shift. I'm kneeling in front of Cinch, and I can feel my body trying desperately to grab my short swords and take her head off.

More shifts, more images, until eventually I see one where two women look at me with smiles, one holding me in her arms and singing a lullaby.

A raging scream snaps me out of whatever that was as Indigo jumps off me, clutching her head while tears run down her face.

Sugarcoat sees this and immediately rushes towards us, her whole body and even her longsword being covered in sharp crystal. All the Shadowbolts had looked impartial to the fight, but now it looked like Sugarcoat was genuinely desiring to kill me. I pick up my shield and ready myself, but before she can reach me, Indigo turns around and punches Sugarcoat in the stomach, easily breaking the entire armor like it was dry clay.

I look at her confused, and she simply turns to me and points to Sugarcoat. “Whatever you did, do it again!”

I smile and nod, going over and pressing my hand on Sugarcoat’s head. More visions flash over my eyes, more suffering and desire to kill Cinch, but also good times in the past. Reading books as the others got drunk, thinking they were idiots, as I was the one that would have to deal with their hangover in the morning.

Sugarcoat also screams as she wakes up, coughing and cursing Indigo before looking at the others still fighting.

Lemon Zest is being grappled by Indigo while Sour Sweet is on the floor, her arms tied behind her back by her own bow string. Sunny and Sombra are locked in combat, seemingly matched, until Sunny manages to dodge a swing of his axe and lands a heavy blow of her glowing weapon.

Sombra staggers back, falling to one knee before vomiting blood on the floor. However, instead of pain, he looks at the bloodied sand and starts smiling, even laughing in joy before looking at Sunny and standing back up, his axe ready to continue the fight.

I quickly make my way to Lemon and place my hand on top of her head. Visions show me being a good drum player, among many instruments. And how horrible it felt having my loving beats being used to kill others. Long nights of crying as the guilt ate me from the inside.

Instead of screaming, Lemon passes out once I return, tears running down her face. Indigo gently places her on the floor and looks up at Cinch up in the balcony. She lets out a growl and picks up Lemon’s spear, presenting it to me. “Grab it.”

I do it, confused as to what her plan was, till she suddenly spins in a circle, dragging me with her before throwing the spear and me in the air, aiming directly at the queen.

She's as shocked as me and is able to do nothing as we crash against each other, knocking down the small throne she was sitting on, her regalia now sprawled all over the floor. It takes me a moment to get my bearings and groggily stand up, the weight of my wounds, exhaustion, and whatever magic I used to wake Indigo and the others up starting to take its toll on me.

Cinch, however, recovers much more quickly. “You really live up to your reputation,” she says as she raises her whip, making my eyes go wide. “You’ll be a great tool.” Before she can snap her weapon, a familiar bearded axe flies past me and chops off the queen’s arm holding the whip. As she screams, I turn back to see Sombra smiling at me, right before Sunny lands a heavy blow against his head.

I clench my teeth and turn back to my fight, quickly locating the whip on the floor. Cinch also sees it. We both throw ourselves to grab it. We both succeed.

Sadly, she's the one to grab the handle.

“Let go,” she orders me as the leather bites into my skin and the magic compels me to obey.

I stare right into her eyes, and tighten my grip. “No.”

“I said let go!” She pulls again, but I still hold on. She keeps trying over and over, but, despite the magic trying to seize my body, I keep myself locked in place, every muscle in my body tensing in defiance. It takes all the strength I have left, but I won’t let her control another person ever again.

After a few seconds of screaming and trying to get my hand to open, I see Cinch's skin start to become paler, and her grip on the whip eventually falters as she collapses from blood loss. I watch as her breathing becomes shallower, and just when I expect her to die, a pink hand touches her wound, and the blood starts flowing back into her body.

I look up, and see Cadence in all her glory, her wings stretched and her body covered in the radiance of the gods. The crowd is losing their minds at the sight of their old goddess, and now I can't hear any fighting coming from the arena, and I can’t focus enough to see past my blurry vision.

But I can see Cadence looking at Cinch with both hatred and pity before turning to me and smiling. “You can rest now.”

I smile back. And immediately pass out.

Author's Note:

Next Chapter:

Fourth Labor: The Queen (Bad News)

See you all in six months :raritycry: