• Published 26th May 2021
  • 521 Views, 3 Comments

From Their Eyes - moviemaster8510

An earth pony mare from Manehattan moves in with a young man on Earth following the unification of their worlds. Their lives and relationship, both together and at times apart, are explored.

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Meeting, From Her Eyes

So, this is it.

My new life is right through the other side of that mirror.

I wonder how Dave will feel to meet me! I was told that he doesn’t like others getting too close into his personal space, but I mean, he must still be somewhat excited, right? Why would he sign up for this otherwise? And really, all I’d want to do is give him a hug, nothing too crazy.

Either way, I’m sure he’ll be great.

I was informed the press would be there. No big deal. I don’t mind answering a few questions. I mean, it’s not every day a pony from another world sets foot on another world, right?

Definitely exciting times for everyone.

I have everything that agent gave to me before stepping in here in my bag, and all I really need to do now is to let them know I’m ready so they can activate the portal.

So why am I not ready?

Maybe Dave isn’t all that excited to see me. Maybe he wants as little to do with me as possible. What if there was some truth to what Dad’s been saying about them this whole time? Why do I have to have these thoughts now when I’m just outside the door!

“Ms. Leaf.” The voice from the speaker on the ceiling is loud and echoey. Doesn’t exactly calm my nerves, but at least I can’t remember what I was just about to say. “Is something wrong?”

No, nothing’s wrong. It is just nerves. Dave wouldn’t be here if he didn’t want to see me, and I wouldn’t even be allowed to step over if he wasn’t on the other side. No, I’ve kept us waiting for long enough.

“Nothing’s wrong, sir.” Eyes open, vision ahead. “I’m ready.”

A moment of silence allows me to brace myself for the next announcement from above me. “Please activate the portal now.”

Two unicorns in labcoats charge their horns and exert two strong beams into the base of the mirror’s platform. I continue looking forward, and though I can see myself standing in the reflection, I can’t help but notice that it’s starting to wobble a bit, like the surface is made of a thick liquid. Soon, my reflection distorts away, replaced by a shimmering display of swirling and soaring lights. All I need to wait for now is an approval to go on ahead, and I’m at the tips of my hooves right now.

“Ms. Leaf,” the ceiling goes, “connection to Chicago has been established and the portal is stable. Please enjoy your stay on Earth.”

I push off the edges of my hooves and begin to walk. I honestly don’t know what to expect on the other side and how much like Equestria it will all look like, but that’s why I’m here at all; to find out.

I step onto the platform, my parents, home, and everyone and everything else I’ve known about to become millions, no, billions… no, trillions of miles away in an instant. I wanted to be brave but…

I close my eyes as the intense tingle of the portal hit my nose as the rest of my face presses through. I keep them shut even as the noise of my surroundings completely changes. There’s cameras flashing shining past my eyelids, and the accompanying clicks fill my ears. My eyes continue to remain closed until I stop feeling the subtle tug on my tail hairs as the rest of them make it through the portal.

Now that I know I’m in, my eyes finally open.

I gasp upon seeing Dave there, in the flesh, looking at me with a sense of… wonder? He’s… actually excited to see me? I can’t help but feel a smile begin to curl on my face, and the fact it took only that long to feel one is making me smile even wider. I take two steps of a trot toward him, but then remember what they told me about him, and I slow my pace down to my usual walk.

Dave takes a step toward me this time, but it almost look like he was nudged on by his… oh my, his mom came with? How sweet!

He stares at me as we both approach each other in the middle. He looks a little annoyed; it is pretty noisy and crowded in here. They really should have done this outside, or at least in a bigger room.

Once we’re within reaching-distance of each other, he kneels down to me and– oh wow, even in that position, I’m only a couple of inches taller. Amazing!

I throw my hoof at him and he shifts back. Oops, may have overdid it. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little excited to be meeting my first human!”

I keep my hoof out, hoping he gets the gesture, and thank goodness he does. He puts wraps his hand and fingers around my hoof and he gives it a gentle shake. I appreciate him not being rough, but I’m still a pony, even if I am a mare.

“The feeling’s mutual,” he statically says back, his hand still holding my arm.

Witty, good. I laugh comfortably; this is going a lot better than I thought! My smile awkwardly lingers as is fingertips begin rubbing at the fur they’re laid upon. Don’t get me wrong, I’m perfectly alright allowing him the opportunity to feel me like this; it’s not like I’ve made contact with a human before. Suddenly, his hand yanks itself free from my hoof, and I pull it back, startled by the sudden motion.

He runs his fingers through his hair and glances around, looking a bit embarrassed. “Sorry, never shook ha– hooves with a… pony before.”

He lets out an apologetic chuckle that I quickly find very endearing. “Don’t worry. The feeling’s mutual.”

Another giggle, this one more celebratory and assured than the last. I think I’m going to like him.

“I’m Dave, by the way.”

“Hello Dave. I’m Lettuce Leaf, but please call me Letty.”

With a quiet gasp and a grin, he appears to like my nickname quite a lot. No, I know I’m going to like him!

I soon begin to hear my name getting called from all around me, and Dave seems to take this as his cue to stand up and walk back over to his mother. Before the press can surround me to get me to answer their numerous questions, I catch a glimpse of his mom putting her arm around him and him leaning into her.

Don’t worry, Dave. Just let me get this over with and we can get right home.