• Published 7th Apr 2021
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness II - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - Season II

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Chapter 32 - Past mistakes

Past mistakes

Twilight was on the bank of the park's river, smiling in front of her audience as she recounted another of her great feats. This time, she told how she faced the powerful Lord of Chaos.

“...For some reason, after leaving that maze in which Discord locked us, I saw that my friends came out behaving strangely... Applejack was lying, Rarity was selfish, Fluttershy was mean, Pinkie Pie was grumpy, and the worst, Rainbow Dash flew away and abandoned us! Still, I thought the Elements of Harmony would fix everything.” Twilight said, theatrically telling her story, as if she had lived it only yesterday. “I put the Elements on my friends, replaced Rainbow Dash with Spike, and the six of us went to face Discord. He was very smiling, sure of himself, and let us attack him without resistance. So, we used the Elements of Harmony, but their magic didn't work… I was terrified! I didn't know what else to do, and worst of all, my friends abandoned me. It was then that I thought, everything was over…”

“And… And then what happened next!? How did you defeat him!?” A young colt asked impatiently. Scared and excited to hear that great story.

“How do we defeat him? Well, with the true power of friendship, of course!” Twilight responded with a big smile. Making everyone clap happily. “But if you want to hear the end of the story, you'll have to wait for the second part of the show.” Twilight added, pointing her gaze at the small stage that was next to the bridge.

“Twilight!” Dusk Shine suddenly shouted, just emerging from within that stage. Quickly going to where Twilight was, with a very serious look. “I'm sorry to do this to you, but you must wake up!”

"Wake up? What are you talking about?" Twilight asked confused.

“What is all this scandal?” Flam said suddenly, coming out with his brother from behind the stage. Then Flim and Flam saw that Dusk Shine was there and got scared. Then, they saw that there was also Applejack, who was looking at them with a furious look, and that scared them even more. However, what made both brothers almost explode with terror was seeing that Dusk was holding a small bell that they knew well.

Before the unicorn twins could say or do anything, Dusk Shine approached Twilight and shook the bell as loud as he could, so that the lavender unicorn could hear it clearly.

A hypnosis spell works to alter a pony's mind and make it believe something it is not. It's a complex spell, and I'm amazed that charlatans like Flim and Flam managed to do it so well. Dusk thought worriedly, staring at Twilight as he rang the bell. “However, the hypnosis spell requires the mind to accept the change through a signal, and that signal must be this bell. That's why those two kept it hidden next to the spell book!

For a second, Twilight remained silent, with a confused look as Dusk rang the bell. However, a few seconds later, she closed one of her eyes tightly and held her head as if she had a sudden headache.

“Ahhh!” Twilight screamed in pain, as she felt her head bulge as she felt hundreds of memories coming back to her. Then, she shook as if struck by lightning and stood motionless. With her head bowed and her eyes closed.

“You shouldn't ring the bell so loudly!” Flim shouted in alarm. Jumping to take the bell from Dusk. "It’s dangerous! It should be touched gently and then-” At that moment Flim fell silent when Dusk hit the ground hard.

“Do you want to give me sensitivity classes!? You were the evil one who hypnotized someone to make easy money!” Dusk shouted, full of anger. Hating to see someone use magic for something so macabre. Leaving Flim and Flam cowering in fear at such a murderous look from Dusk.

“You two… What did you do…?” Twilight finally said, slowly raising her head and looking towards where Flim and Flam were. Erasing the kind smile she had had until that moment, and now having a fierce angry look. “Do you know how painful it is to wake up so suddenly!? I told you to be careful when ringing the bell!”

“S-Sorry… It wasn't us.” Flam said, timidly approaching with his brother towards where Twilight was.

“At the end of the show you were supposed to de-hypnotize me!” Twilight said, touching her head and slowly opening one eye, still with a huge headache. Completely forgetting that there were several ponies in front of her, watching in confusion as her heroine suddenly acted all grumpy. “How many days did you leave me hypnotized?!”

“I-It was only four… Or maybe five days, hehe…” Flim laughed nervously. Looking out of the corner of his eye at the public around them.

“We thought that being hypnotized was the best thing for the show.” Flam said with a shrug. “After all, you were terrible at acting, and you needed to truly believe in your role as Twilight.”

"Yeah! It was your idea! You said that everything would be more believable that way!” Flim shouted, looking askance at the audience. So that everyone would hear that the culprit of that fraud was the mare in front of them, and not the poor, innocent unicorn twins.

“But you shouldn't have left me hypnotized for so many days! I thought you were my friends, but you're just idiots!” Twilight yelled furiously. Finally, after her headache eased a little, she opened her eyes completely. Then she froze when she saw that she was facing dozens of ponies who were staring at her.

“You… Did you agree to being hypnotized?” Dusk asked surprised, getting closer to Twilight. “You say you thought they were your friends, but a real friend would never have done that.”

"Who are you…?" Twilight asked, squinting her eyes a little to see Dusk better, even though he wasn't that far from her. Then, upon recognizing him, Twilight opened her eyes wide in surprise. Then she suddenly got a look full of fury. "You! You… What do you know about true friendship!?”

"What's going on?" A mare asked from the audience, very confused.

“Is this part of the show?” Another mare asked.

“Was she hypnotized?” A stallion asked from the audience. While a filly came closer to Twilight.

“Miss Twilight… I still want to know how you and your friends defeated Discord with the magic of friendship.” The innocent filly asked, not understanding what was happening. She just wanted to know how her heroine managed to save Equestria.

"The magic of friendship?" Twilight asked with a look of disgust. Then she glared at Dusk and pointed it at him. “There is no such thing as the power of friendship! It was all a lie! He is the real fraud! He wants to make everyone believe that he defeated powerful magical beings with the power of friendship! IT'S ALL A LIE!! And if I am exposed, his deception will also fall with me!”

Feeling a rage that she had not felt in years, further enhanced by the great headache she was feeling, Twilight charged her horn with magic and launched a strong beam of energy at Dusk Shine. Meanwhile, Dusk quickly used a magic shield in front of him, causing Twilight's beam to bounce and shoot upwards, with a small explosion in the air.

“You’re nothing but a fraud! You want to fool everyone into believing that you’re friendly and that you can teach them about friendship, but it’s all a huge deception!” Twilight shouted furiously, relentlessly attacking Dusk with her magical beams. “Any fool can make up false stories about friendship, but you… You're the only one I can't forgive for those lies!!”

While Twilight attacked, Dusk remained motionless, defending himself with his shield. The fake Twilight's magic was strong, but Dusk was able to quickly gauge that it was less strong than his, and that if he wanted to, he could easily counterattack and defeat her. However, upon seeing Twilight's face, Dusk put on an uneasy look. Twilight looked so hurt, screaming that friendship was all a hoax, that for some reason Dusk couldn't think clearly, distracted by his own thoughts.

Throughout, Dusk refused to believe in the story of Twilight and the parallel worlds, simply because it was crazy. But there was something that made him doubt inside, and it was seeing how much the two of them were alike, not only physically, but also in their feelings... When Twilight talked about friendship in her talks, the way in which her eyes shone every time she talked about her friends made Dusk see himself reflected in her because his eyes also shone when he remembered his friends and the value of their friendship. Therefore, now that Twilight radically changed her speech, it was as if Dusk saw himself reflected, but without those feelings. Seeing a version of him who had suddenly had all his beautiful feelings of friendship removed.

She doesn't believe at all in the magic of friendship... She was like me before I went to Ponyville... That pony... That pony could have been me!” Dusk thought, feeling scared thinking that.

Twilight suddenly stopped attacking when a ball of paper hit her face. That caused Twilight to get distracted and pick up the piece of paper that had hit her. When she opened it, she saw that it was one of her photographs, or rather, of Twilight. One of the autographs she signed every day. Then Twilight again became distracted when the audience began to boo her. And just as had happened with the autograph, several of the ponies in the audience crumpled up their autographs and threw them at Twilight, in rejection of her attitude. Also throwing several of their books at her, the so-called 'Journal of Friendship'. So, this time it was Twilight's turn to use a shield to protect herself from the public.

“Twilight… Or whatever your name is. Please don't reject friendship in your heart. The magic of friendship exists. Everything you said in your shows, all those friendship lessons, are real. They’re not just stories. Friendship is a magic that goes beyond what you can imagine, and I know that even if you deny it today, one day you’ll discover it.” Dusk said, looking at Twilight with compassion. Feeling like he was giving his younger self advice, when he didn't yet know his friends. “When you want to stop this charade and want to tell me your real name, we can chat about friendship,” Dusk added with a weak smile, turning and motioning for his friends to follow him.

For some reason, Dusk wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, as if he couldn't bear to see Twilight, that female version of him, denying friendship so furiously. Feeling an emptiness in his stomach that filled him with sadness. For her part, seeing that Dusk turned his back on her after that advice, made Twilight burst into anger again, and her anger flared to levels never seen before.

“Dusk Shine… Don't you dare teach me a lesson in friendship!!” Twilight shouted furiously, charging her horn again and launching a fierce magical attack against Dusk again.

Hearing Twilight's scream and feeling the magical attack, Dusk immediately turned to protect himself. However, he realized that Twilight had aimed wrong, and the magical beam deflected and went in the direction of Pinkie Pie. That made Dusk really scared, but fortunately, he managed to put a shield in front of Pinkie just before the magic beam hit her.

The shield that Dusk had to use against Pinkie Pie was so fast that this time Dusk couldn’t calculate where the magical beam would bounce. Much to Twilight's misfortune, the magical beam bounced back in a straight line, coming straight back at her. Dusk thought that Twilight would be able to dodge it, however, she couldn't see how the magic beam was approaching and opened her eyes too late in surprise, realizing that her magic beam was returned to her just when it was already in front of her.

With a small explosion, the magical beam hit Twilight squarely, pushing her hard, making her fall straight into the river. Dusk and his friends rushed to the shore to see if Twilight was okay. Fortunately, the river was not very deep, but in the same way, it had managed to completely wet Twilight, from tail to head.

"She didn't see the magic beam until it was in front of her... Also, when she attacked me from afar, she couldn't see well and aimed it at Pinkie Pie instead..." Dusk thought, as he entered the river to help Twilight get up. “When we got to the park, she couldn't recognize me until we got very close to her. And when she invited us to her show, she invited us to the front row, because she wanted to see us well… It's obvious that she should wear glasses!

Sore as she was, Twilight grabbed the first hoof she saw someone offer her to help her. Without seeing well, because her mane was all wet and partially covered her eyes.

“It's a relief you weren't hurt.” Dusk said as he helped 'Twilight' up. “The shield must have cushioned the force of the beam.”

Understanding that the one who helped her up was Dusk Shine, 'Twilight' immediately moved her hoof from Dusk's and glared at him. With her fur being two-color, while the paint she had worn for days was degraded by the water. Causing her false lavender fur to give way to her true fur, which was light yellow; and her false blue mane gave way to her normal red mane. Finally showing the real mare behind Twilight's disguise, a mare whose cutie mark was a purple moon with three pink stars around it.

She… I think I've seen her somewhere…” Dusk thought with an unsure look, finally seeing the true colors of the false Twilight.

“Stop pretending to be nice.” The fake Twilight said, looking resentfully at Dusk. “You just want to make everyone believe your charade about friendship.”

“I'm not pretending, I just want to be nice to you.” Dusk said with a confused look. “Something happened to you, didn't it? Why do you deny friendship so much?”

"Why? You ask me why I don't believe in friendship!?” The fake Twilight shouted with a surprised and furious look. “Even now, you see me without my disguise; you don't even remember it!? I never mattered to you! Don’t I !?" The fake Twilight shouted furiously, leaving Dusk very surprised.

Suddenly, a large bag arrived in front of the fake Twilight, and she surprisedly managed to grab it before it fell into the water. There, she could see that it was a bag full of coins that Flam had thrown.

“Dear Moondancer, I think it's time to go,” Flam said with a nervous smile, carrying two more bags full of coins, while his brother did the same behind him.

When Dusk and the fake Twilight looked towards where the unicorn twins were, they saw how the audience began to shout against Flim and Flam. Demanding their money back, discovering that all that talk about Twilight and the magic of friendship was nothing more than a fraud. So, seeing that soon they wouldn’t be able to contain the public, Flim and Flam hurriedly took their profits to flee.

“We’ll meet at the agreed place and time for emergencies.” Flim said, looking at the fake Twilight. Using his magic to disappear along with two large bags full of coins. The same thing his brother Flam did, with two other bags of coins.

Seeing that she must also flee, the fake Twilight gave Dusk a furious look, and also illuminated her horn. Disappearing from there along with the remaining bag of coins, which Flam had thrown at her.

“Moondancer…” Dusk whispered, repeating the name Flam had told the fake Twilight. Knowing that he had heard that name somewhere else.

Dusk closed his eyes and tried to concentrate to remember better. For some reason, that mare seemed familiar to him, and upon hearing the name 'Moondancer', that feeling seemed to increase. Thus, Dusk was finally able to remember when he was just a young colt attending the Canterlot Magic School. There, he vaguely remembered a little filly that looked like Moondancer, smiling at him from afar. But that was the only thing he could remember about that filly.

“I remember her, but… Why can't I remember more about her?” Dusk muttered confused. With a small headache when remembering that part of his childhood. Realizing that every time he tried to remember why he hadn't gone over to talk to Moondancer after she smiled at him, a shadow would appear in front of him and then... he couldn't remember anything else.

After the commotion, many of the ponies continued searching for the brothers Flim and Flam in the surrounding area to demand a refund for the autographs and fake books, but the scammers disappeared without a trace. As for Dusk and his friends, they also had to quickly leave the place, since some ponies began to ask Applejack and Pinkie Pie for explanations, believing that they were also part of the fraud, since they appeared in the Twilight stories. Although Applejack tried to explain that the stories were true, but that Twilight was not, Dusk preferred to leave. For some reason, Dusk was mentally exhausted, upset that he couldn't remember his own childhood well. And now that the mystery of 'Twilight' was solved, all Dusk wanted was to return home.

After meeting up with Flash Sentry, who had been watching the Twilight show from afar, he, Dusk, and their friends returned to the train station to take the train back to Ponyville.

“I told the authorities that if they had news about 'the fake Twilight', they should tell the princesses in Canterlot.” Flash Sentry said, sitting on the train, next to Dusk and his friends. “Hmpf! I knew THAT wasn't MY Twilight. I said it when I met her, her voice and her eyebrows were different, and well, she didn't have her same... charm.” Flash commented thoughtfully, remembering his beloved Twilight's 'charming backside'. More talking to himself than to others.

Seeing that Flash would begin his amorous speech again, Dusk closed his eyes in resignation and gave a big, tired sigh. At that moment, he wasn’t in the mood to endure such chatter; he just wanted to be silent for a few seconds with his own thoughts.

“Flash... I have to tell you something.” Dusk said with a tired look. “Twilight doesn’t exist. I invented it. The mare you say you’re in love with is not real.”

Flash Sentry stared very surprised at Dusk for several seconds, staring at him without even blinking. While Dusk simply looked at him with his tired gaze.

"Hahaha! You almost fooled me. Twilight doesn't exist… Hahaha!” Flash said laughing. Mocking at what Dusk just told him.

"It's true." Dusk said. A little upset, seeing that instead of having silence, he would now have to explain everything to Flash. "Listen. Actually, Twilight is-”

"Enough!" Flash Sentry said annoyed. Standing up. “I know you don't approve of me being in love with your sister, but you can't tell me she's not real just so I don't look for her. I’m not that stupid!” At that moment, Flash looked into nothingness as his eyes sparkled with excitement. “It doesn't matter that we have the world against us, Love will triumph! For Twilight's sake, I... would endure merciless winds, hellish deserts, everything to find her... I can see her now! Waiting for me, in the last room of the highest tower of a castle... Yes! I’ll find her no matter what!” Flash finished his love speech, with a look full of determination. On the verge of tears as he became emotional, seeing that, at least in his fantasy, it was just him and his beloved Twilight against the world.

After his speech, Flash looked at Dusk indignantly. Thinking about how different the cruel Dusk Shine was, compared to his beloved and kind Twilight. Then Flash turned around indignantly and walked down the train aisle to change cars, not wanting to hear another word from Dusk. All while Dusk raised an eyebrow in disbelief, seeing that Flash preferred to continue believing in his own fantasy than to hear the truth.

“Poor thing, he really is in love… or at least he thinks he is.” Pinkie Pie said, looking compassionately at Flash as he changed cars. Then she stood up and moved toward the hallway. “I'll go comfort him a little. Meanwhile, you comfort Dusk for me.” Pinkie Pie added, glancing sideways at Applejack.

"What?" Applejack asked confused. Looking at Dusk and then at Pinkie Pie. Without understanding what her friend was talking about.

“Dusk also needs someone to cheer him up right now.” Pinkie Pie responded with a small smile. “And if my instinct is correct, I think he need to listen to a friend more than a marefriend now.” Pinkie Pie added, winking at Applejack and then going after Flash.

As Pinkie left, Dusk couldn't help but put on a small sad smile.

“Heh… I'm always surprised by how insightful Pinkie Pie is…” Dusk muttered, always looking down, with a tired look.

“Now that Pinkie says it… You've been really quiet since we got back from the park.” Applejack said. Realizing, thanks to Pinkie Pie, that Dusk wasn’t tired but depressed for some reason. “I thought you were just tired.”

“Yeah, that's part of it, but there's something else…” Dusk said with a worried look. “I can't explain the tiredness thing… It's like I'm exhausted just trying to remember… I don't know why, but for some reason lately, I'm having a hard time remembering details from my childhood.”

At that moment, Applejack opened her eyes in surprise as she understood what was happening to Dusk.

It must be Sunset Shimmer's spell… He can't remember her, and it makes his head hurt.”Applejack guessed, freaking out a little.

“We all have a hard time remembering some things sometimes; it's normal…” Applejack said with a nervous look that she tried to hide, knowing that she couldn't tell Dusk the truth.

“Yeah… I guess you’re right.” Dusk said, sighing tiredly, with a sad look. Which made Applejack realize that that wasn't all that must be tormenting Dusk at that moment.

“You said that apart from tiredness, there was something else that bothered you.” Applejack added, staring at Dusk. "What is it? Are you sad about what happened to that mare and the Flim and Flam brothers?”

“I don't know… I'm not sad. Rather, I think I'm a little worried.” Dusk responded, levitating a copy of the 'Journal of Friendship' that someone had thrown in the trash in the park and that he brought with him. “Seeing that mare, Moondancer, feeling so much hatred towards friendship, made me realize how lucky I was to meet you... If I hadn't met you, maybe I would have ended up the same as her. Without knowing how beautiful friendship is.”

“Heh! You’re not the only one lucky to know all of us.” Applejack said with a big smile. “We also feel lucky to know you and to be able to have you in our lives. You should always remember that.”

“Yes, but… I don't think I've ever thanked you…” Dusk said, finally raising his head and looking Applejack straight in the eyes, with a small smile. “Thank you for being my friend… And for changing my life.”

After that, Dusk approached Applejack and gave her a warm hug. One that greatly surprised Applejack, who, for a second, was paralyzed.

How long has it been since Dusk hugged me...?” Applejack thought, blushing. Realizing that they had not hugged since that night in Canterlot, when they both ended their courtship.

Applejack almost forgot how warm Dusk's hugs were and how good his fur smelled. Then she closed her eyes and hugged Dusk while her face enjoyed the soft fur of the stallion she loved, and the country mare's cheeks blushed. Applejack knew they weren't dating anymore, but she wanted to enjoy that warm hug just a little longer.

“Remember what I told you that time in Canterlot, when we reconciled after breaking up…” Applejack said, ending the hug and looking at Dusk with a smile. I’ll never stop loving you, and I’ll always be there for you when you need me... especially if it’s for a hug.” Applejack added, blushing slightly.

"I know… thanks," Dusk said smiling and also blushing a little. Grateful to have such a great friend, and to have been her coltfriend not long ago. Then Dusk closely levitated the Journal of Friendship that he brought with him, and opened it. Taking a look at the adventures of the fake Twilight, and her lessons in friendship.

Maybe… Sharing what I have learned from friendship isn't such a bad idea…” Dusk thought. Thinking of a way to help Moondancer and any other pony who, like himself before meeting his friends, didn't know how valuable friendship was.

While Dusk and Applejack sat together, chatting with each other, neither of them noticed that Pinkie Pie had already returned and was watching them from the hallway. Managing to see their hug and hear the words that Applejack said to Dusk.

'I will never stop loving you, and I’ll always be there for you when you need me...' Pinkie Pie wanted to engrave those words in her mind. Thinking if she would be as strong as her friend when she had to be too. After all, there were only a few days left before the one-month anniversary of her courtship with Dusk.

In less than a week… I'll have to say those words too…” Pinkie Pie thought sadly. Feeling her heart tighten.

It was already night in Manehattan, however, that huge city was still very illuminated even at night. And there, in a corner of the city, in an old warehouse that seemed abandoned, a door opened, and out came Moondancer, the mare that had caused quite a scandal that afternoon in the park. She had hidden there for a couple of hours, to wait for the crowd to disperse and thus calmly meet Flim and Flam at the meeting point.

For a minute, Moondancer thought about disguising herself so that no one would recognize her. But she soon remembered that everyone in the city had seen her in her 'Twilight' disguise, so no one would recognize her now that her mane and fur were not painted. Plus, she could finally use her glasses again, which allowed her to see normally, and also go more unnoticed if someone were to recognize her face.

Moondancer began walking quickly down an alley, carrying the huge bag full of coins that Flam had given her. She wanted to quickly join her partners, however, as she walked, something caught her attention and she stopped. In a trash can, someone had thrown a copy of 'Journal of Friendship,' the book she had written, based on the stories Nosey News had given her because she herself had filled in the gaps in the stories it had. That is why her stories were not completely the same as the real experiences that Dusk and his friends experienced.

“My 'Journal of Friendship'... It is where it deserves to be.” Moondancer whispered, putting that book full of friendship lessons back in the trash. Putting on a very sad look as she left it there.

“It was hard to keep track of you.” A voice behind Moondancer suddenly said. One that made Moondancer quickly turn around with a frightened look. “For a moment I thought I might have made a mistake and followed the magical trail of one of the other two unicorns that also disappeared in the park.”

Turning around, Moondancer was scared to think that the one who had found her was Dusk Shine. However, that was a female voice. And upon looking carefully, Moondancer's eyes widened in terror as she recognized who it was that was speaking to her... It was a mare with yellow fur and a red and gold mane, with a sun cutie mark on her side, and green eyes that Moondancer would never forget.

“S-Sunset Shimmer…” Moondancer muttered in terror. Feeling her paws begin to shake.

“It's been a long time, Moondancer.” Sunset replied, with a sad smile.

“You… W-What are you doing here…?” Moondancer asked. Gritting her teeth so her body would stop shaking and tense.

“Well… It's a long story…” Sunset replied, scratching her head in shame.

Just a few days ago, Cadance, Shining and she went to Northern Equestria, to Yakyakistan, the Kingdom of the yaks. It seemed that after the wedding, Princess Celestia had tasked Cadance with establishing new diplomatic relations with the yak kingdom. Upon arrival, the three ponies immediately realized how different and strange the yak customs were. Something Sunset couldn't handle very well. So Cadance asked her to return to Canterlot, before the yaks declared war on Equestria for throwing the prince of the yaks into the air, when he charged her in greeting.

On her way back, Sunset took the train, and there she was able to read the Manehattan newspaper, where it was mentioned that a mare of great power had saved Equestria, and was now giving friendship talks in the city.

“When I read the Manehattan newspaper and saw that they were talking about a powerful unicorn mare with purple eyes, I thought that this 'Twilight' might be the mare I was looking for. However, it turned out that it wasn't you... The fur of the one I'm looking for is more like lilac, not lavender.” Sunset said thoughtfully, remembering the mare who had defeated her in a duel weeks ago, on Cadance's honeymoon. “Anyway, I saw your talk from afar, and how you faced Dusk Shine.”

“Did you and him come together? Do you want to humiliate me even more!?” Moondancer growled. Beginning to control her fear to transform it into rage.

"No, I... I wanted to get closer to Dusk, but for now... it's impossible..." Sunset responded with a very sad look. “But the most important thing is that I wanted to talk to you. I…I wanted to apologize.” Sunset added, bowing her head to apologize.

“Apologize? Why? For making fun of me at school?” Moondancer said with a cold look. “You were always cruel, but you weren't the only one who made fun of me at school.” Moondancer added, looking away angrily. She hated Sunset for teasing her when they were young, but even though Sunset was cruel, she was more afraid of her than resentful. Who she really hated was…

“It's not just to make fun of you.” Sunset said with a sad look. Staying silent for a few seconds before raising her head again and staring at Moondancer. “I was the one who made you have no friends.”

At those words, Moondance went cold, as she began to remember her past...

'Moondancer flashback.'

Being just a filly, little Moondancer had read more books than most of the adults living in Canterlot. Since she had learned to read, she was fascinated with those jewels that held knowledge, that could teach about magic, mathematics, science, or show what things were like in ancient times, or in distant places. History, magic, language, algebra, the young Moondancer didn’t discriminate against any book, she loved them all equally.

That fascination with reading led Moondancer to slowly isolate herself from the other ponies her age. Always preferring to spend an afternoon reading a good book in her comfortable room rather than going out to play in the park. Something that she didn’t give much importance to because she thought that if she needed to make friends, she should simply look for a book for that and that way, she would learn how.

Unfortunately, making friends wasn't as simple as Moondancer imagined. So, when she decided it was time to meet other ponies her age to laugh and share her love of reading, Moondancer found it impossible. Despite reading every foal's book about sharing, definitions of friendship, and books on meeting others, Moondancer never had the courage to talk to another filly. She knew she had to be kind, show interest in others, and share interests. However, every time she approached someone, she would become excessively nervous, her mouth would dry out, and she would completely lose her voice. Causing the fillies and colts she approached to look at her in fear, with mockery, or simply flee from the side of that strange filly.

Eventually, Moondancer stopped trying. After all, she had already entered the prestigious Magic School, and although she had already been there for a year, nothing had changed. In her first year, she tried to approach some fillies, but it was always the same result. Over time, she understood that her best refuge was books. They never rejected her or looked at her as ugly. And so, Moondancer continued going to school, thinking that nothing would change in her second year of school.

“Dear, your teacher told us that you always sit alone in class,” Moondancer's mother said one day when her family gathered for dinner, looking worriedly at her daughter.

“I… I'm fine alone.” The little Moondancer responded, looking away sadly. Leaving her plate of food aside. “Besides… No one wants to talk to me…”

“Hmm… It's not good that you’re so lonely. You should at least chat with someone. There are many nobles from big families studying at the Magic School.” Moondancer's father said. Elegantly eating her salad and focusing her gaze on her daughter. “You don't have to make friends, but it's not okay to be a loner either.”

"I'm not alone. I have my books.” Moondancer claimed annoyed. “Besides, you always say that I shouldn't trust anyone. That's practically our family's motto.”

"Well, that's true. But that's because, in ancient times, our family was betrayed by… well, it's just a silly ancient story.” Moondancer's father responded, laughing a little as he remembered the old story they had in their family. “I don't want you to be the most popular filly in school. After all, our family has an important family legacy that must be safeguarded, and it’s best not to stand out too much. But we must not remain hidden in the shadows either. You must find a middle ground. Not being a loner, but not being the center of attention either.” His father added, returning to focus on his food.

It was always like that with his father. Moondancer's father always talked to her about how important their family was, but he always said that, unlike nobles, it was best not to stand out too much. For this reason, Moondancer always believed that her father was only lying about their family's important family legacy. However, there must have been some truth in that, since her father only had to name his family's name, so that Moondancer would be allowed to enter the prestigious Magic School without problems.

A new school year began, and Moondancer attended knowing that she would once again spend another year in solitude, alone with her books. That was something she confirmed from the first day, when in the distance, she heard everyone at school gossiping about a colt that had just entered school. A colt who was neither noble nor wealthy and who had deceived the examiners, cheating to pass the entrance test.

“They say he even tricked Princess Celestia,” a filly from Moondancer's class, who sat on her right, said.

“It must have just been a mistake.” Another filly answered, the one sitting to Moondancer's left. “I already talked about it with the whole class. During the break, we’ll go spy on that low-class cheater, hehe.”

Both fillies were chatting animatedly with each other. Completely ignoring Moondancer, who was sitting between the two, pretending to read her book so that her companions wouldn't notice how isolated she felt.

"I'm here! Talk with me!" Moondancer shouted in her mind. Knowing that she didn't have the courage to interrupt that conversation. Feeling frustrated with herself for being so shy. “I'm part of the class… Why doesn't anyone want to talk to me!?

Gathering some courage, Moondancer slowly lowered her book and nervously glanced sideways at her classmates. Feeling watched, both fillies stopped their conversation and looked at Moondancer with confused looks.

“Ah… Ah…” Moondancer exclaimed awkwardly. Trying to say hello, but only managing to make some strange moans, unable to speak.

Both fillies looked with displeased glances at Moondancer, then they looked at each other and averted their gaze so as not to see that strange mute filly. Meanwhile, Moondancer picked up her book again and covered her face with it. Feeling like the dumbest pony in the world.

Why… Why can't I talk when I need to? Why can't I make friends!?" Moondancer shouted, frustrated in her mind. Releasing tears of helplessness.

The days passed, and Moondancer realized that this year would be the same as the last. And if it was going to be the same, she would have a better time in her shelter, going to the school library. Preferring to read books, rather than being isolated in the classroom. A quiet place where she could relax and read quietly. However, she soon discovered that this year, the library wouldn’t be as quiet as the previous year.

One day, while in the school library, Moondancer was distracted when she heard a lot of noise in one of the hallways. She tried to concentrate on her reading of 'Philosophical Essays', but it was impossible because of the noise, so she took her book and went to see what it was about. There she saw that two colts her age were bothering another lavender-colored colt, throwing books at his head. Who, for his part, only covered his head to protect himself. After a while, both bullies got bored and left there laughing, making fun of that lavender-colored colt.

Moondancer stared in amazement at that colt. She had never seen bullies bother another colts, and it seemed very strange to her.

That must be the ‘Dusk Shine’ colt everyone is talking about…” Moondancer thought. Recognizing that that lavender colt was the trickster everyone was talking about at school.

Suddenly young Dusk raised his head and his gaze met Moondancer's. Instantly, Moondancer got scared, dropped her book, and took a couple of steps back in fear.

If I get close to him… Everyone will start hating me…” Moondancer thought scared. Then she realized she dropped her book and wanted to pick it up. However, Dusk had gotten up and was walking right in her direction. So Moondancer simply froze. Wanting to escape from Dusk, but at the same time, not wanting to abandon her precious book.

“Do you read Hayscartes? I love reading too! Although I still don't read much about philosophy.” Dusk said, picking up the book that Moondancer had dropped. Then he stretched out his hoof to hand her the book. “My grandma has a copy of Hayscartes' Methods. In case one day you want to read it.”

Moondancer said nothing. She was first amazed that Dusk also knew Hayscartes' work. After all, it was advanced reading, even for her. Then she fearfully stretched out her hoof and took the book. Finally she opened her mouth to thank him. However, as was her habit when she was nervous, she was speechless, and couldn’t utter a word.

For his part, Dusk saw that that filly in front of him remained silent despite handing her the book. And he couldn't help but put on a sad smile and look away.

“I'm sorry… I guess you don't want to talk to me either… No one at school wants to approach me.” Dusk said sadly. Turning around to stop bothering that filly.

Dusk slowly began to leave the library. Limping slightly on one of his legs, after he injured himself covering himself from the blows of the books that were thrown at him. While Moondancer stared at him from afar. She opened and closed her mouth several times, she wanted to speak, but she couldn't do it.

You can… Tell him!” Moondancer shouted in her mind. Fighting to overcome her great innate shyness.

“T… T… T-Thank you!” Moondancer stuttered in a scream. Finally being able to force her voice to talk to someone else at school. Wanting to thank that colt for picking up her book.

Being at the door of the library, Dusk Shine heard Moondancer's scream, and smiled. Happy that that mare wanted to talk to him. While Moondacer, seeing Dusk smile, also smiled. Happy to have finally managed to talk to someone, and especially happy that someone finally looked her in the eyes and smiled at her...

From that day on, Moondancer wanted to get closer to Dusk. Finally feeling like she could make friends with someone. She looked for him in the library day after day. However, Dusk was almost never alone. At first, Dusk was always harassed by those two bullies, and the shy Moondancer found it impossible to approach Dusk when those two were around. But the worst came when those two bullies disappeared. As soon as Dusk stopped being bothered, Moondancer thought she would have her chance to talk to Dusk, however, replacing the bullies, Dusk was now followed at all times by a filly named Sunset Shimmer. To Moondancer, that filly was more terrifying than the bullies. Sunset Shimmer was known for being very talented in magic, and she also had a very firm and aggressive attitude towards others. And the main thing was that somehow, she seemed to always be attentive to anyone who wanted to get close to Dusk.

Several times in the library, Moondancer hid behind a shelf to see Dusk from afar, to see if he was alone. And as soon as she did, Sunset Shimmer, who was sitting next to Dusk, immediately felt someone looking in their direction and gave her a death glare in response. Causing Moondancer to get chills just from seeing that fierce look.

“Why are you spying on me from afar!?” Sunset said annoyed one day. Cornering Moondancer in a corner of the library. “If you dare to challenge me, I assure you that you’ll regret it.” Sunset added pushing Moondancer away, looking at her with a murderous look and shooting sparks from her horn. Causing Moondancer to run away in tears, without having the speech to explain that she was not spying on her, but instead wanted to try to get closer to Dusk... She wanted to make a friend!

For several days, Moondancer didn’t get closer to Sunset and Dusk. She didn't even dare to go back to the library. Thus, Moondancer returned to being the usual pony, the isolated filly in her classroom, to whom no one paid attention. However, one day Moondancer gathered her courage, and realized that there was a way to get closer to Dusk without Sunset getting upset.

When classes ended that day, Moondancer waited until all the ponies left Dusk and Sunset's classroom. Then she sneaked in, and left a letter under Dusk's desk. There, Moondancer gathered the courage to write what her voice couldn't say. Inviting him to a party at her house, so they could get to know each other better. Telling him that she also loved books, and that it would be fun to talk about it, that they could even read about Hayscartes, as he had told her that first day they met.

The next day, Moondancer waited anxiously to see if Dusk Shine would respond to her. However, no matter how long she waited, Dusk didn’t approach her to say anything. On the third day, when Moondancer lost hope, she saw that there was a letter on her desk. She quickly opened it and her eyes shone with joy as she discovered that it was Dusk Shine's long-awaited response. In the letter, he said that he would go to the party, and that he would invite several friends who also liked to read books.

Upon leaving school, Moondancer ran to her mother and told her to help her prepare a party for that afternoon. Her mother was very surprised and happy to see that her daughter was finally making friends, and quickly threw an impromptu garden party. Full of candies and cakes, so that the fillies and colts wouldn’t lack anything.

That entire afternoon, Moondancer waited impatiently for Dusk and his friends to arrive, but especially for Dusk Shine. He was the first colt she had talked to, and she wanted to talk to him so much. Tell him up front that she also loved reading, that she didn't think it was fair that everyone thought he was a cheater, that he was a good colt, and that if he wanted to... They could be friends!

Moondancer waited for hours, but no one showed up. The only thing she thought she saw for a moment was a few fleeting flashes of light coming from somewhere, but nothing more. Night fell, and Moondancer's joy finally faded. Sinking into depression when she saw that no one came to what was her first party. Leaving her mother heartbroken to see her beloved little daughter so disappointed and sad.

The next day, Moondancer came to school with her head down. She still couldn't explain what could have happened the previous afternoon. She thought she knew that Dusk was a good pony, why would he abandon her? Maybe he had a problem...? Moondancer was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn’t realize that as she walked, everyone around her was watching her and murmuring. It was only when she sat down in her seat that Moondancer realized something strange was happening.

Looking around, Moondancer saw that for the first time at school, she wasn't a ghost. In fact, it was quite the opposite. For some reason everyone saw her, looked away and began to murmur loudly, looking at something they were holding in their hooves.

Looking down, Moondancer was surprised to see a letter. It was a letter from Dusk Shine, which she quickly opened to see if it was an apology. But then, her eyes widened in surprise when she read it:


Did you really think I would go to your stupid party? Why would I go to someone like you's party!? You're just an ugly, boring filly with no friends. Don’t make me laugh!

Everyone makes fun of me in this school, but now, thanks to you, everyone knows who the most pathetic pony in this school really is.

'Sincerely, your dear NOT-friend, Dusk Shine.'

As she completely opened the letter, a photograph fell out of the envelope. With her pulse trembling, Moondancer held up the photograph and her eyes widened in shock when she saw that it was a photograph of her. One taken the day before, when she was completely alone, surrounded by uneaten desserts and empty chairs. And written on the photograph it read: 'Alone-dancer, the one without friends '.

With her eyes full of tears, Moondancer raised her head and her face turned pale as she understood that what all her companions had between their hooves were copies of that same photograph. Everyone looked at her and laughed at her. Everyone making fun of her for having a party that no one attended. Everyone making fun of that lonely filly.

Feeling her heart tighten like never before in her life, Moondancer stood up from her seat, her eyes filled with tears, and ran out of the room while everyone burst into laughter and mockery. She ran down the school hallway until she collided with someone. Then she looked up and saw that the one she bumped into was Sunset Shimmer.

“Be more careful, Alonedancer…” Sunset said with a mocking giggle. “By the way, Dusk sends his regards to you. He says thanks for making a fool of yourself.”

Moondancer opened her mouth, but again it was impossible for her to speak, only this time, it was not because of shyness, but because of pain and sadness. Moondancer closed her tear-filled eyes and ran away from there... From that day on, Moondancer never returned to school.

'End of flashback.'

“Back then, I was very possessive of Dusk Shine…” Sunset Shimer said, speaking again after Moondancer remembered her past. “I saw how you looked at him and how you wanted to get closer to him… So, when I found the letter you left for Dusk, I pretended to be him and answered it. Then, I went to your house and took the photo to make fun of you, and thus... make you stay away from Dusk."

“I-It was you… Y-You…” Moondancer stuttered in shock. It was an old habit to stutter when she remembered what was the worst memory of her life. "IT WAS YOU!?"

Moondancer wore a furious look like she had never worn in her life, and then charged a powerful magical attack on her horn. One so powerfully charged, that it didn't even compare to the magical beams she had thrown at Dusk that afternoon.

The moondancer threw the huge magic ball at Sunset at high speed, feeling an almost murderous instinct for a second. The attack came in front of Sunset, and she easily blocked it with her magic.

“AHHHH!” Moondancer shouted mad with fury. Launching attack after magical attack. Wishing with all her being that that mare would pay for what she did to her. However, each attack was repelled by Sunset. Who simply stood still using her magic to defend herself. With a sad look in her eyes.

Seeing that the magical attacks were useless, Moondancer lunged at Sunset, causing her to fall to the ground on her back. Moondancer then stood on top of her to pin her down and began throwing punch after punch at Sunset's face.

Unlike the magic attacks, this time Sunset didn’t stop Moondancer's attacks. She simply closed her eyes as Moondancer landed blows on her face, a pent-up rage that she finally managed to unleash. However, after several blows, Moondancer stopped being blinded by anger, and realized that Sunset was not defending herself against her at all.

“You’re stronger than me… Both magically and physically…” Moondancer said, stopping her punches and glaring at Sunset below her. "Why…? Why don’t you defend yourself!?” Moondancer shouted, crying with rage.

“I'm sorry…” Was the only response Sunset gave. With her face sore from all the blows. But still, she remained with a firm gaze. She didn't want Moondancer to feel sorry for her. She knew she deserved this punishment, and Moondancer needed to take out all her anger.

“Do you think that an apology solves everything!? You ruined my foalhood… You made me distrust others… You hurt me like no one ever did before… I'm not the bad one here!!” Mondancer shouted in fury. Resuming her beating of Sunset. “I am the victim! And now you want to make it seem like you're the good one and I'm the bad one!" Moondancer continued to punch Sunset's face. More and more slowly and with less force.

Finally, Moondancer's blows stopped and she lowered her gaze. Breathing heavily, both due to physical and emotional fatigue. While Sunset simply stared at her from the ground without looking away for a second. Ready to continue receiving her punishment with a dignified and firm look.

“I wasn't like that… You never wanted anyone to get close to you… You never wanted any friends…” Moondancer said with her head down. While Sunset, for the first time, stopped having her cold look when she felt drops of water falling on her face... they were Moondancer's tears. “I wasn't like you... I... I DID WANT TO HAVE FRIENDS!!” Moondancer shouted with her eyes filled with tears. With a powerful scream full of pain and helplessness. A pain accumulated by years of loneliness and sadness.

Moondancer burst into tears, her eyes blinded by tears and a heart-wrenching scream. She couldn't take it anymore and used her magic to teleport away from there. While Sunset Shimmer stood still, completely frozen, feeling her cheeks wet with the tears that Moondancer let fall on her. Then Sunset couldn't take it anymore, and finally her own tears began to fall from her eyes.

Sunset had been very hurt by the dozens of blows she received on the face, but nothing hurt more than hearing Moondancer's cry of pain. That finally broke Sunset's temper. She put a hoof over her eyes as she couldn't stop crying. Feeling a pain she had never felt before.

“I'm sorry… I… I'm really sorry…” Sunset cried, full of helplessness. She felt that finally, all the guilt for being cruel and manipulative for years was finally hurting her. It was no longer just herself and Dusk Shine that she cared about in the world. Now, she understood the feelings of others and all the damage she had caused. "I'm sorry!" Sunset screamed at the sky, crying, feeling more hurt and vulnerable than she had ever felt before.

'The strong don’t cry, remember, only the strongest survive. Feelings only cloud reason! Compassion, friendship, kindness, they are just obstacles on the path to greatness...' They were the words of the Archmage, which Sunset remembered were her role model, when she was a filly.

“When will my past stop haunting me…? When will HE stop being inside me?” Sunset cried even harder. Feeling that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape the shadow that her teacher left in her heart.

Flim and Flam were on the outskirts of Manehattan Park. Both were wearing glasses and fake wigs, the same ones they had worn throughout the afternoon while fleeing, to avoid being recognized. Now that it was almost midnight and no one was there anymore, they had both returned to the same place where they had done their little show, waiting for Moondancer's arrival. They were both still disguised as a precaution, but it wasn't really that they needed it too much at that point of the night since it was partly cloudy, and a cloud covered the moonlight. So, the prevailing darkness was enough for none of the few ponies that were still in the park at that time to recognize them that night.

Finally, when the twins could no longer stand their impatience, Moondancer appeared nearby, walking slowly towards them, carrying the bag of coins that they had both passed to her. When she got to where the twins were, they both saw that the mare had her eyes red, as if she had been crying recently. However, they didn’t give it importance.

“Moondancer! It's about time you arrived!" Flim said annoyed. Approaching to take the bag of coins that the mare was carrying, he quickly put it in a small cart, where he and his brother had already placed the other bags with coins.

“Now, it would be best to separate.” Flam said, approaching Moondancer and putting on a fake friendly smile. “We’ll flee with the money, since there are two of us. This way you can travel lighter. And then, of course, we’ll send you your share of the money, when everything is safer.”

Moondancer stared at both brothers and put on a cold look.

“You just want to run away with all the money without giving me my share, right?” Moondancer asked with a tired look. Mentally exhausted after her fight with Sunset Shimmer.

“How do you think we would do that!? We’re partners!" Flim said, feigning indignation.

Of course we'll run away with all the money! Why else would we have waited for you!?” Flim thought, with an evil smile in his mind.

“That you think we would do something like that is downright insulting,” Flam added, with the same indignant performance as his brother.

If we could have teleported all the bags of coins, we would have fled long ago.” Flam thought, mocking in his mind.

“You can't blame her for thinking you guys will cheat on her. After all, you’re professional scammers…” Someone else suddenly said. A voice that made Moondancer, Flim and Flam turn around in fear.

Two hooded figures slowly approached. When they got closer, the three of them could see that from their figures, they seemed to be two mares. Then Flim and Flam looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes, to give each other the signal to flee.

“I’m not here to blame anyone for anything, nor to take your money.” The first of the hooded mares said quickly. Noticing that those three were about to flee. “Rather, I'm here to offer a deal… I must admit, when I saw this afternoon's performance, I was very impressed.”

Hearing the word 'deal', the unicorn twins' eyes immediately shone. Thinking that it was never bad to listen to a new business proposal.

“Well… If it's a deal that gives us juicy profits. Maybe we can reach an agreement.” Flim said with a big smile full of greed.

“The deal is not with you. You’re not worth my time,” the first of the hooded mares said, using her magic and instantly making Flim and Flam disappear, teleporting them both away from there. “The one I want to talk to is you,” the mare added, looking at Moondancer and smiling.

“You… W-Why do you want to talk to me?” Moondancer asked nervously. Immediately noticing that that mare was a skilled magic user, being able to teleport Flim and Flam away so quickly and easily.

“I think you have potential, Moondancer.” The mare said, smiling. “That hypnosis spell you used on yourself seemed extraordinary to me.”

“How do you know it was me who hypnotized myself not Flim and Flam?” Moondancer asked, surprised that that mare knew that great detail of her scam.

“I doubt those pair of idiots have the ability to cast a spell this advanced,” the mare responded, making a gesture of contempt towards Flim and Flam. “Also, hypnosis can be broken very easily since it’s not easy for someone else to make another pony believe a lie. I guess you realized that detail, and for that reason, you modified the spell to be the one who hypnotized yourself, and thus your mind would better accept the lie. That was brilliant!”

“Hmm… Thanks…” Moondancer replied timidly. Not sure how to feel about the compliment from that stranger.

Just at that moment, the cloud that was covering the moon finally finished passing in front of it. Causing the moonlight to better illuminate that dark night. With that new light prevailing, Moondancer could partially see the faces under the hoods of both mares. Then, she opened her eyes in surprise when she recognized one.

“You… Aren't you The Great and Powerful Trixie?” Moondancer asked, recognizing the second hooded mare. “I remember seeing you at a magic show in Fillydelphia a long time ago.”

Trixie was surprised that someone recognized her. Then she averted her gaze in shame, looking with a little fear towards the other hooded mare. Who, for her part, nodded her head. Sign that Trixie took to remove her hood, and thus Moondancer confirmed her suspicions.

"That's right. This is Trixie Lulamoon, and we’re both here to offer you something.” The first hooded mare said, smiling at Moondancer again. While there, she looked at her with a distrustful look.

“I'm sorry, but I don't trust strangers. And much less in someone who hides her face.” Moondancer responded, with an unsure look.

“It's fair, after all, there should be no secrets between friends.” The hooded mare said smiling. Taking off her hood and showing that she was a mare with lilac fur and purple eyes.

A powerful unicorn with purple eyes and lilac fur… She is the mare Sunset Shimmer was looking for!” Moondancer thought in surprise, remembering what Sunset had told her when they met that night.

“My pleasure, my name is Starlight Glimmer.” The lilac-furred mare said, with a big smile. She extended a hoof friendly to Moondancer. “And what I have come to offer you… Is that we change this world together.” Starlight added, with a fleeting glance full of ambition.

Very far from Manehattan, in the distant Dragon Land, a small dragon was running at full speed, fleeing in fear from what he had just witnessed.

For an entire week, Spike had the best time with other members of his species. Ember and Smolder had taught him many of the traditions and customs of the dragons. Furthermore, after having passed the test to win the Dragon Lord's scepter, many other dragons also shared with the little baby dragon. Respecting him, even if he didn't have his wings yet. Eating gems whenever he wanted, learning about his ancestors, taking relaxing lava baths... For Spike, all of that was great, and it helped him a lot to cope with being away from his brother and friends. For the same reason, now, while he was fleeing, he couldn't understand how he had gotten into such a complicated situation... Why had he offered to help old Graytusk!?

Suddenly, Spike stopped dead as Ember landed roughly in front of him. She carried with her the Bloodstone Scepter, a symbol of her title as Dragon Lord. As soon as Spike saw her, the little dragon couldn't help but tremble with fear when he saw that his friend was looking at him with a very serious and firm look.

“You can't run away from me, Spike. These are my lands.” Ember said, looking seriously at the little dragon. “Now, tell me what I need to know.”

After seeing their new Dragon Lord landing so suddenly in the middle of the valley, several other dragons came over to see what was happening. Surprised to see that Ember was confronting the little newcomer, when they were also supposed to be very close.

“Ember, I can’t… I won’t!” Spike shouted in fear but also full of determination. Looking at Ember with a pleading look.

Seeing Spike's gaze, Ember's own gaze softened slightly. She didn't want to be cruel to her little friend, but Spike had to understand that he couldn't disobey her.

“Spike, please… Don't make me do it,” Ember said with an unsure look, not wanting to hurt Spike.

“My Lord…” Graytusk, the ancient dragon who kept the history of dragons, suddenly said. Landing next to Ember after flying quickly, chasing Spike. “The word of a dragon is law, and the past must not be forgotten.” The old dragon recited, reminding Ember to enforce the law, even if Spike was her friend.

Ember looked at Spike one last time, begging him with her eyes to give her what she needed. Meanwhile, Spike simply looked at her with a sad look, and then he closed his eyes and looked away, regretting from the bottom of his heart that he couldn’t comply with what his friend asked of him.

Seeing that she would get no answers, Ember lowered her head sadly and then raised it with a renewed look full of determination. She was the Dragon Lord of those lands, and she couldn’t see herself as weak in front of her subjects, nor have favoritism among the dragons.

“Well… You wanted it.” Ember said seriously, too, regretting from the bottom of her heart what she was going to do... She pointed the Bloodstone Scepter at Spike, and its red jewel glowed brightly.

As soon as the gem on the scepter glowed, Spike's body tensed, and against his will, the baby dragon opened his eyes, which shone white. Now Spike was completely under the orders of the Dragon Lord and would comply with whatever she asked, even against his will.

“Your Dragon Lord orders you…” Ember ordered, taking a book that Graytusk had at his side and placing it in front of Spike. Showing him the page where a six-pointed star was drawn. “Tell me… Where have you seen this symbol?”

Spike fought with everything in his being not to open his mouth, but the magic of the scepter was greater, and finally, the little dragon spoke.

End of chapter 32

Author's Note:

Many thanks to 'Silveranon' for his great help:pinkiehappy: