• Published 1st May 2021
  • 11,267 Views, 509 Comments

Adopt-a-Hive - DreamCloud

A simple guy inherits the leadership of a small changeling hive and is woefully unprepared for the responsibilities thrust upon him. Yeah, he did volunteer for it, but how was he supposed to know that some dreams are real?

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7 - Midnight Flight

Gravel crunches beneath my tires as I turn onto a relatively unused road, the evening sun casting long shadows with the trees. The fresh forest air streams through my partially open window to tousle my hair and lessen the usual musty car smell that tends to build up over time.

The past few days have thankfully been relatively uneventful, allowing me to focus fully on working from home. I've concluded that quitting my job as soon as possible is necessary in order to have enough time to find and move to a good place for the hive, but I can't so callously abandon the team when we're this close to the deadline. As a compromise, I'm waiting to submit my formal resignation until only after the project has been finished, and that means trying to clock in as many hours as I can, sleep be damned. Fortunately, we're very close to being done and, in fact, may be able to present as finished by the end of this next week if all goes well.

So that brings me to today. I don't usually go out on Saturday nights like this when I could be relaxing at home and playing video games, but ever since Brianna brought it up a few days ago, I couldn't wait to try flying. Of course, the last thing I need is to bring attention to myself, and city living doesn't really allow for such luxuries; so, to get some privacy, I drove about an hour's length to get out of civilization and into the wilderness.

Did I have to go so far for this? No, probably not, but I really like it here and the location is familiar to me as I had gone on many family camping trips here in the past. The majority of the campground area is actually at the base of the local mountain range where a small river passes through letting visitors do everything from fishing to rock-climbing, so it's kind of an all-in-one destination.

I find a good out-of-the-way spot to park my car where people seldom go, giving myself the privacy I need to get changed. Shutting off the car, I get out and look around, listening carefully for any human activity that might be nearby, but, aside from the usual chirping of birds and rustling of small animals through the forest floor, I'm satisfied to conclude that I'm alone as far as intelligent life goes.

After taking off my shoes and clothes, I shift back to my changeling self and magic the car trunk open revealing the couple pieces of camping gear I decided to bring. I had originally wanted to travel out here during the day and fly around then, but ultimately I decided that it would probably be best to be as careful as possible and fly under the cover of darkness; and so, instead of driving home in the middle of the night afterward, I opted to just camp out.

Luckily, changelings happen to see incredibly well in the dark, so I don't have any problems adjusting to the waning light as the sun slowly slides down beyond the horizon.

I stash the discarded clothing and grab my sleeping bag, water bottles, and small emergency kit, using my magic to make easy work of bundling it all tightly together into one bag for easy transportation.

After a few minutes' walk, I make it to a small clearing perfect for some basic flight practice.
Of course, I did at least try some basic hovering before leaving my apartment, so I'm not going into this completely blind, but it's probably best to start here before I commit to some hundreds of feet in the air.

I first strap the pack to my chest so I don't have to carry it in my magic while I'm concentrating on not falling to my death. Satisfied with its positioning and snugness, I move on into the middle of the clearing and prepare myself.

With a buzz of my wings and a small hop, I start into the air with a low hover bringing me to the height of which I had gotten to in the apartment. Thankfully, keeping my wings moving is mostly an automatic action allowing me to keep my mind on where I want to go.

I start by doing lazy circles around the area, slowly at first, but then gaining speed as I got used to the sensations. It occurs to me that flying with these insect wings feels incredibly similar to flying a drone, so, with my growing confidence in myself, I try strafing side to side, rising up, dropping down, and even going backward.

My confidence then becomes misplaced when I try an upsidedown maneuver that ends with me unceremoniously crashing into the ground head first. Luckily, I was only a few feet off the ground when I did, so the only thing that was hurt very badly was my pride.

"Okay, let's not do that again," I mutter, getting back up and brushing myself off. I glance around the area looking for anyone or anything that might have seen my antics, but thankfully I'm still alone.

I do feel as though I have the basics of changeling flight down well enough to once again take off, this time with the goal of obtaining a higher altitude. It's interesting how fast I've managed to pick up the skill, but I surmise that most of it is heavily ingrained changeling instincts and the simplicity of changeling flight itself. Granted, I won't be winning any races or trick competitions any time soon, but this is good enough for me.

Quickly reaching a height of what I estimate to be around two hundred feet, I start heading toward the mountains at a leisurely pace. The cliffside caves there should be a good place to spend the night away from prying eyes.

An ocean of green treetops flows beneath me with calm serenity, innumerable leaves rustling lightly in the barely noticeable breeze. While never truly in sync, the whispers of each individual living thing below sing together as a forest that is all at once vibrant and alive despite the heavy blanket of the night.

I'm not one to usually stop and smell the roses, but I'd be a fool to not acknowledge the beauty that is so freely displayed before me.

Suddenly, I get a whiff of something sweet. Wait, no, not a smell, a taste. Emotion? I glance almost directly downwards and find a small, low burning campfire next to a tent and various supplies. Curiosity overcoming my better judgment, I hook into a slow, descending spiral to get a closer look at the inhabitants.

Any hesitancy I did have got thrown out the window as the delicious taste of love became stronger the closer I got, drawing me in like a moth to a lamp. Landing silently on the outskirts of the camping spot, I begin to stalk closer to the tent where the energy is emanating from, being careful to not step on anything noisy.

"Come on, stop it," a female voice says while giggling, "I want to at least finish this movie first."

Finally arriving just a few feet away from the tent, I notice a very dim light of a laptop screen moving from within; shuffling noises accompany the playful banter of the human couple.

"What, I'm not allowed to kiss my beautiful girlfriend when we're out in the wilderness?" A male voice replies back, acting sarcastically hurt.

"Please, we both know where that usually leads, and how can I enjoy the sex if all I can think about is how I'll never know if Tom Cruise saves the world again," the lady whines, trying to argue her point.

"He has that much of a hold on your mind, huh?" the man says with mock concern, "Well, I guess the only solution here is to invite him over for a threesome."

"Stop that, you jerk," she says while playfully hitting him, both laughing together.

Of course, I am fully aware of how incredibly wrong this is, invading this couple's private moment like some pervy voyeur, but the love energy leaking from them is just so very tasty and comfortable to bask in. How could I possibly resist?

Then, to my logical side's horror, I begin to buzz my wings in contentment as well as do something akin to purring, like a cat that's just found the most perfect place to lay in the sun. Thankfully, I manage to get it under control pretty quickly, but I know right away that my cover is blown.

"Did you hear that?," the lady asks, having clearly heard my noise thanks to the fact that I, for some reason, thought it was a good idea to practically sit within touching distance of the tent, "It sounded like purring."

"Oh shit, a mountain lion!" the guy exclaims quietly, hastily closing the laptop and shushing his girlfriend.

All three of us are completely silent now, frozen. In my case, it's because all I can worry about is being found out; for them, it's the terrifying prospect of being attacked by a dangerous predator. We remain like that for what feels like minutes but is more likely just a couple dozen seconds before the stalemate is broken by the man.

"I-I'm going to take a peek outside," he says, his heightened nervousness clearly leaking through his voice.

Damnit!, I silently swear, already realizing that it's too late to run or fly away thanks to my dumb positioning. Even in the dim light of the moon, he'd easily be able to see me leave, How the hell am I supposed to get out of this?

I register the slightest amount of movement in my peripheral, and a fraction of a second's glance allows me to recognize a familiar form prance slowly through the treeline.



Mentally slapping myself for missing the obvious solution, I activate my transformative flames to hastily shape me into one of the local fauna. Just in time too, it seems, as I hear the sharp notes of a zipper opening a small slit in the tent's door-flap.

A lone eye hesitantly peeks out, eventually acknowledging my presence.

"A deer?," muses the befuddled man, trailing off, "but I thought..."

"Ooh, is it cute? Let me see!," The girl exclaims and pushes her partner out of the way to peer out the hole. Quickly finding me as well, she continues, "Aww, it is! I wonder if it's hungry. I think I have some leftover baby carrots from dinner that I could feed it."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" the guy asks as the girl shuffles through some bags looking for the carrots, "I mean, it's still a wild animal. I think..."

I mentally sighed in relief, glad that I managed to keep myself from being found out. Not that it would have been the end of the world, I suppose, it is just two people camping out in the middle of the forest. But it's way too soon to become the local cryptid, I don't even have a rudimentary hive yet.

The girl makes a muffled "aha" from within the tent upon finding the food, and I decide that it's about time I get out of there. I turn away and start prancing toward the treeline, eventually reaching some decent cover that allows me to finally relax. After making sure I wasn't followed, I release the deer form and flash back to my changeling self, taking a few deep breaths to steady myself.

I really need to be more careful in the future and-

I did it!

The sudden exclamation by Fractal startles me up into the tree I was standing beneath, leaving me holding onto a low branch, wings buzzing.

As I hang there, trying to figure out what just happened, she hurriedly amends the outburst, Uh, oops. Sorry everyling, I didn't mean to broadcast that.

I climb up onto the branch so I can sit upright and ask, What's going on, Fractal, are you ok? At the same time I hear the quiet voices of the others asking similar questions.

I'm fine, I'm fine!, She says quickly, It's just, I'm pretty sure I've managed to recreate the warding enchantment. I'll tell you all more about it after I do some tests with Maul.

Well, that's good news; I was worried there for a second. I mean, in hindsight it was obviously not a fearful yell, but... man, if anything ever happens to them over there, there's nothing I'd be able to do to help. Besides vocal support, anyway.

Sighing, I jump off of the branch and fly high into the sky again, putting myself back onto my original path. Scanning the ridge of the distant mountain line, I locate a section that most likely has some decent cliffside caves and head in that direction, letting my mind wander during the fairly uneventful flight.

If Fractal actually was successful in creating a new ward, and the tests work out, that'll be one less thing to worry about at least. Now, all we have to do is figure out how to create a portal or a process for interdimensional travel; you know, just blatantly spitting in the face of all known laws of science, because somehow magic exists in this world.

Of course, I'm no theoretical physicist. It could be that this magic is fully explainable and neatly fits within the concepts of science as we know it, albeit being completely undiscovered, hidden, or forgotten; but in that case, is humanity just incapable of finding it, or is it really that impossibly obscure?

Maybe one of my future changelings will have a passion for human science and will be able to figure this all out because I sure won't. I should probably plan on setting up an education fund for the hive.

Finally arriving at the start of the cliffside, I shake myself out of my contemplations to focus on searching for a place to settle down for the night. I fly lower, skimming the rocky walls, intent on finding a cave not easily reachable by foot.

Eventually, I find one suitable and land down at the entrance, luckily finding it to be uninhabited. While not very wide—about five feet at its widest and just as high—it was at least twenty feet deep with a slight curve to keep me out of view of the outside. Walking to the back, I determine that it's good enough for a one-night stay.

Just as I'm about to get ready to turn in for the night, though, I get the sudden urge to-

HOK- *Splat*

...Puke goo at the wall.

But why?

Ok, instincts, yes, but what's the point? My gut reaction is to just bug Skitter for answers, but I think I want to figure this one out for myself this time.

I walk up to the wall to get a close look at the organic substance, and the first observation I make is that it has a similar texture to rubber, visually, at least. A quick tap of the edge of my hoof confirms that it's at least as hard as the rock beneath it while also showing off its quick-drying features.

This, obviously, must be the resin that Skitter had told me about a few days ago; I believe she mentioned that it's mainly used for hive construction, which makes sense now that I'm seeing it. A changeling could easily use it to smooth out walls and fill in holes, and, if one were creative enough, would most likely be able to sculpt out whatever features they'd want in a room.

I press the flat of my hoof against the surface to get a more full feeling of it. Upon doing so, however, I feel myself reflexively "grip" the substance somehow, and, with a few experimental tugs, find my hoof effectively anchored to the wall. A brief wave of panic flickers over me as I unsuccessfully try to extract myself from its hold before I shortly figure out that I only just have to relax a bit.

Looking at my hooves in wonder, I try to find anything on them that would allow for such a powerful grip. Finding nothing of note, though, leads me to conclude that it must just be some inherent magic ability.

Getting an Idea, I spit a few more times above it to create a path to the ceiling. Once again I put a hoof on the new wall, anchoring it, and bring up the rest one at a time. The end result is as one expects, and it honestly isn't as difficult as I would have thought. Of course, I can definitely feel the gravity pulling in the usual direction, but I must not weigh a lot because it doesn't take much effort to stand "upright".

I walk a few steps up and quickly get to the top thanks to the size of the cave. Standing on the ceiling is quite a unique experience and not uncomfortable at all, really. As it seems to be just a magic trigger, I'm not getting the usual fatigue that you would get from constantly flexing a muscle, and that makes me wonder how long I could actually stay up here.

Hmm, could I sleep up here?

I think I'll test this with a short visit to the hivemind.

I appear in the throne room next to the cuddle lounge and brace myself for a sudden drop or impact. As nothing happens within the next few moments, though, I finally relax, satisfied that I'm most likely safe and still on the roof of the cave.

I look over to the lounge to find Skitter and Echo resting and having a quiet conversation, additionally a few feet beyond them I see that Grift is napping on a particularly large pillow while curled up into a cute ball. Ignoring the urge to go cradle the adorable sleeping bug-ball in a hug, I instead quietly greet the two who were still awake.

"Hey gals, what's up?" I ask, lying down next to them on one of my Queen size pillows.

"Ah, good evening, My Queen," Echo says with a pleasant smile, "we were just discussing Fractal's recent announcement."

Skitter nods, "Even though what she's working on is one of the simpler enchantments that we used to have, it's incredibly impressive how fast she's been able to figure it out by herself considering that she's only been through basic training."

"Well, it is all that she's been obsessing over these past few days," I chuckle, thinking back to Thursday when I had met with her briefly to discuss the wards. It's fascinating to observe the different applications and ways magic can be used; I honestly can't wait till I have the time to start dipping into the practice myself.

"I think it's because she feels like she has to prove herself somehow, being the youngest of us," Echo adds, frowning, "I've tried assuring her that none of us will ever treat her as lesser because of it and that there's no reason to work herself past the chitin while getting so little sleep, but there's no stopping her. It's just not healthy, you know."

I open my mouth to comment but then close it just as I remember back to my own week of workaholicism. Embarrassedly clearing my throat, I say, "I'm sure she'll be fine; it seems like she's close to finishing, anyway," I quickly change the subject and look at Skitter, "How's the search going, still staying safe?"

She sighs tiredly and says, "I'm fine, but my efforts are still pulling up nothing but whispers and rumors of trans-dimensional travel, and that's only in the shady and dusty half-forgotten books shoved to the back of the shelves. Not a single peep in any official historical volumes."

"Do you think it's as we suspected," Echo asks, a look of concern crossing her features, "about it all having been censored and wiped from written records?"

Skitter gives a short laugh, "Well, it's either that or no one really has discovered a way to do it."

A few moments of uncomfortable silence pass, implications weighing heavily, until Skitter continues, "In any case, it's becoming increasingly likely that if there is any documentation or instruction for it, we'll be finding it in the Canterlot library, and even then, most likely in the restricted section or worse."

With a sigh of resignation, Echo says, "That's it then, huh? You know that Celestia will have that section magically warded beyond belief. Nothing anyling of us could break into, at least."

Skitter chews her lip for a bit, thinking, before continuing, "For a couple of weeks up until the invasion, Chrysalis had been personally teaching me a powerful anti-warding spell for an unknown reason. Something she'd tell me would be for "only if it's necessary", whatever that means."

"Really?" Echo asks curiously, then shakes her head, "-wait, no, that is way too dangerous, Skitter. Not to disparage your abilities or anything, but there is a huge power gap and centuries of experience between you and Celestia. Trying to break that would be a suicide mission!"

"I don't think we have any other choice," Skitter says exasperatedly, "It's not like we'd be able to figure it out ourselves anytime soon; it would take decades of research just to build a foundation of knowledge. We'd have to start from nothing."

Silence once again reigns as we all mull over our thoughts.

"So..." Skitter shortly says to me, "What would you have me do, My Queen?"

I close my eyes and deliberate, eventually coming to a decision, "For now, continue there as you are. For both of you, if possible, see if you can gather information on the state of Canterlot, the status of its lockdown, and how bad the guard presence is. It's going to take a while to come up with a good plan and we're going to need all the info we can get."

They both nod and say, "Yes, My Queen," with Skitter now looking determined and Echo still fairly worried.

Taking a deep breath, I continue, "Now, there's something I must do, for it can no longer be delayed."

I stand up and begin to step my way through the pillows, their eyes following me curiously as I arrive at where Grift is sleeping. Carefully, I lift him in my magic, lay myself down on the pillow, and set him in the crook of my front legs. A small smile crosses Echo's lips while Skitter just gives me an incredulous look.

"No judgments, please, adorable changelings cannot be ignored," I say haughtily, then grin, "But do feel free to join in."

The tension having been finally broken, they look at each other and quietly giggle, following me over to lay down next to us.
It's not long before we all doze off as a small changeling pile, temporarily forgetting the worry and stress that will still be there when we wake.

Though, I'm glad that we have these little moments to rely on, otherwise it might be too unbearable to make it through the big ones.