• Published 26th Apr 2021
  • 2,530 Views, 44 Comments

Heart of a Home - AeroFiction

Twilight attempts to be there for Scootaloo and give her the family she needs.

  • ...

IV: Downtime

Chapter 4



Twilight had awoken to a small freakout by Scootaloo. She had to admit, it was pretty funny seeing someone else have the fuss instead of her. After explaining the situation to Scootaloo, she calmed down right away. The blush on her face while trying to act cool brought a smile to Twilight's face. Luckily, Twilight knew Scootaloo would still have school and woke her a little earlier for them to have breakfast and to grab her school supplies.

After that morning, her schedule was relatively normal. She’d spend most of her days either in the library or visiting her friends. Her evenings would be a mix. Some evenings Scootaloo would come over, some would be Twilight Time, some would have Rainbow, and some would be a mix between them all. No matter what, Twilight enjoyed all of her time.

It was a great two weeks of getting to bond with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. Sure, they hadn’t had another all-nighter and sleepover like last time, but it was still quality moments. Maud’s visit had been hectic, but after coming to an understanding she was glad to have been able to meet such a close family member of Pinkie’s. The next day, though, she had something special planned for the filly.

Spike had agreed to do the chores for the day and watch the library in exchange for some extra bits. She would’ve been happy to give them to him, but she knows how he loves to earn his rewards and to be helpful. She decided to wait for Scootaloo outside the library sitting down on a nearby bench. Eventually, she heard the soft buzzing of Scootaloo approaching, breaking her concentration from her book. Looking up, she saw the filly speeding towards her with a wide grin. Twilight wondered if she was this happy at home?

Scootaloo broke her train of thought after she approached and asked, “Hiya Twilight, what’re you doing outside?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Twilight answered, “I just have a small surprise planned.”

“Another surprise for me, what is it?” Scootaloo asked, a little perplexed.

“All in due time, filly,” Twilight said, “for now we’re going to go for a bit of a walk.”

Scootaloo playfully rolled her eyes at this before quickly running her Scooter inside the Library. Once she was back, they started towards the center of Ponyville. A comfortable silence was there with the occasional question from Twilight on how her day was or how school was treating her.

When they arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Scootaloo had started to gush about a new scooter trick she was working on and she hadn’t noticed where they had walked in until she saw the sweets on the counter.

“Sugarcube Corner, is this the surprise‽” Scootaloo looked with wide eyes at Twilight.

She gave a soft smile and nod as a response walking towards the counter. Scootaloo gained a bright grin on her face jumping up and hovering for a second, with the flutter of her wings, and she joined beside Twilight going towards the counter where Pinkie greeted them.

“Hiya Twilight! Hiya Scootaloo! What’re you two doing here?” Pinkie asked curiously.

“Hey Pinkie, we’re just here to get something sweet,” Twilight added, giving Scootaloo a pat on the head.

“Yeah, I love your cupcakes so much!” Scootaloo added, “is it alright to have one?”

“Of course!” Pinkie said before grabbing one of the cupcakes Scootaloo was looking towards while asking, “and what’ll you like, Twilight?”

“A blueberry muffin sounds great right now,” Twilight answered.

“Okie Dokie!” Pinkie said, grabbing one from the display case and passing it to her.

Twilight grabbed some bits from her saddlebag and set them on the counter for Pinkie. After sitting down at a table with Scootaloo, they both begin to eat up with some idle chat.

“So, what’re your plans after this? I remember you said something about needing to leave early today,” Twilight asked.

Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head, answering, “Sorry Twilight, I’d love to hang out with you more today, but the crusaders and I are going to hang out this afternoon. Maybe even have a sleepover at Applebloom’s!”

“Oh, it’s alright Scootaloo. You only need to come over when you want to. You’ve improved so much over these two weeks you’re probably already caught up with the class at this point,” Twilight consoled.

Scootaloo, while scarfing down her cupcake, added, “Mhm, my grades have improved a lot. Thank you, Twilight.”

Twilight wondered if Scootaloo was eating enough with the way she was scarfing down that cupcake. She was always excitable and loved talking about her day, but never really turned down food. Twilight knew Rainbow said not to worry, but she couldn’t deny these were worrying signs. She’ll need to question Scootaloo on this. It can wait, though.

“Scootaloo, you improved your grades all on your own. I showed you how, but you’re the one who put in the effort. I’m so proud of you,” Twilight reassured her.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but blush, looking away, “Well, you know, I had a good tutor.”

While looking away she spotted the clock on the wall. Noticing the time, her eyes went wide. She quickly finished off her cupcake, threw away the napkin she was using, and had a small freakout before turning back to Twilight.

“Sorry, Twilight, but I need to go. I promised to meet the crusaders at the clubhouse in five minutes,” Scootaloo gasped out.

Before she could run out, Twilight picked her up using her magic momentarily. She turned Scootaloo back to face her and set her down.

“Scootaloo, you need your scooter. I can teleport you back to the Library and you’ll be able to make it on time,” Twilight said.

Scootaloo relaxed, thanking her, “Thanks, Twilight.”

“It’s no big deal,” Twilight said, moving next to Scootaloo to teleport them both, “see ya Pinkie!”

After they both waved Pinkie goodbye, Twilight teleported them both back just inside the library. Looking over, Scootaloo was a little disoriented from never being teleported before. She looked a little woozy and struggled to keep balance. Twilight helped steady her as she adjusted.

Once Scootaloo was good, Twilight saw her quickly move to give Spike a hoof bump before racing out the door with her Scooter. She quickly gave Twilight a small hug on the way out.

“So, how was it?” Spike asked.

“We had a good time, but she had to rush off to see the crusaders,” Twilight responded, “for now, I need to get ready for Rainbow and I’s reading night.”

Spike yawned, stating, “You need any help? I already did your chores as well as mine thinking you’d be out longer.”

Twilight gave him a hug, “Thank you, Spike, I’ll be fine. You can grab some rest if you want. I’ll just close the library a little earlier today.”

Spike happily obliged, “Alright, I’ll be up in a bit. Don’t stress too much while I’m asleep.”

Spike teased as he left upstairs to their room. Twilight rolled her eyes at him, telling him to get to rest already. Now it was time for Twilight to prepare for some evening reading.


Twilight was relaxing and writing a letter to Celestia to ask how she had been when there was a knock at the door. Opening it, she saw Rainbow Dash standing and staring off into space. She embraced her in a quick hug before motioning her to come inside.

“Hi Rainbow, ready for our reading night?” Twilight asked her.

“Sure am Twi, but the question is, are you ready for the awesomeness of Daring Do, combined with Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow bolstered, puffing out her chest.

Twilight just rolled her eyes and gave her a little shove. They walked together towards their normal spot. Twilight climbed into their blanket pile first, leaving the usual amount of room for Rainbow, with their two copies already in place.

“I have some hot cocoa for us while we read. I’m really excited to…” Twilight was saying, before losing her train of thought.

She was a little surprised at Rainbow resting right up against her. They usually left a small amount of room between them while they read. This behavior was very unusual for Rainbow Dash. She knew that Rainbow didn’t normally like physical contact and often kept away unless it was a group hug. Looking over she swore she saw a small blush on her cheek while Rainbow was glancing away. Once Rainbow looked back towards her she couldn’t see it, though.

“Oh, is this making you uncomfortable? I just noticed it was a lot comfier when we read like this with Scoots, but I can move if you’d like.” Rainbow casually stated.

Twilight calmed down and responded, “No, it’s alright. Just surprised me a bit.”

Their reading continued with almost nothing different than the extra comfort and warmth they shared together. That was until Twilight felt Rainbow shift a little, as Rainbow yawned and stretched she felt a wing wrap itself around her.

Twilight momentarily freaked out and looked over to Rainbow to notice a difference. She seemed very tired and a little out of it, but continued reading as if nothing had happened. Twilight decided to not stress out over it. She convinced herself that Rainbow was just a little delirious and to make sure she got home fine later.

They continued reading like that for a while. Twilight’s thoughts kept drifting back to the wing on her back. Sure, Rainbow had seemed more friendly recently, even accepting her hugs more readily, but there was no way she was flirting with her. What if she was?

A soft click of the bedroom door opening made both of their heads shoot over. Spike was walking down the stairs, looking very well rested but not awake yet. Before Twilight could do anything, Rainbow was already packing up and stretching.

“It’s getting late, Twi,” Rainbow said, “I need some sleep with work in the morning. Catch ya later, you two.”

Rainbow was out the door before Twilight could even so much as open her mouth. That was very strange.

“Did I interrupt your date?” Spike teased.

“It wasn’t a…” Twilight sighed, “Ugh, we will talk about it tomorrow. I am tired and going to bed. Don’t stay up too late, Mister.”

Twilight went to bed trying to ignore the blush she was sure they both saw. The thoughts in her mind about Rainbow and Scootaloo kept her up longer than she liked, but she was eventually able to drift peacefully to sleep.

Author's Note:

SORRY! I am so sorry this took so long. I was going through a lot of blocks on writing and art. I'm really trying to get back into the swing of things with my schedule changing up a lot. The next chapter shouldn't take as long since I plan on it being a short one. Hope you've all been doing well too! I have been working on another comedy anthology as well. I'm hoping that I'll have it published by the time I'm on chapter 7 or 8 here. Once again, I apologize. I am working on a lot of projects besides writing at the moment.