• Published 4th Apr 2021
  • 1,499 Views, 18 Comments

Anon-a-Miss: The Undertaker - Arthor2017

When an unknown user from a website makes everyone blame the wrong person, a terror without name is unleashed upon Canterlot High willing to take their souls.

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Fantastic anecdotes from the collective imagination over time, mostly linked to the supernatural, conceived with the purpose of giving an explanation to the origin of events such as natural phenomena, the environment, the cosmos and the human species.

There are of different genres. There are legends that instill terror in the soul, there are also those of passion and romance as well as the ones who offer a life lesson. Whatever the case they captivate the imagination in such a way they are transmitted between generations, lasting over the years to be counted later.

These tales can be heard everywhere, whether they come from quaint towns like Dodge Junction or ordinary cities like Canterlot. Especially this city.

At first glance Canterlot is like other cities but stories have recently been spoken about its inhabitants and buildings, mostly about a high school located in the suburbs.

What is so special about this educational institute to attract the attention of others, you may ask?

It is probably because of its design that resembles a small castle. Perhaps it's for the statue of a horse standing on its hind legs, a symbol of the indomitable spirit reflected in its students. Or maybe due to the sound of their bells.

Save there's one thing that deeply rejects the previous premise: Canterlot High doesn't have any bellas, it never did. Nor is there any record that certifies the existence of these objects in the school since its inception.

So where does that sound of bells come from as some witnesses claim to hear? And why did it feel so gloomy?

Well, as unlikely as it may seem because it is something common in these stories, everything is linked to a certain object or person of the matter. And in this occasion, it's about a person.

Only those who attend the facilities of this school know the truth of this individual, since it comes from another reality quite alien to ours. And yet she settled here.

As far as is known in this regard, that being crossed the planes of existence through a bridge that connects both worlds but not with good intentions. She was thirsty for power and ambition since that was her goal from the beginning, to the point of going far in order to achieve her purpose no matter how many had to suffer for it.

She waited a long time to obtain what was hers, as she believed back then her greatest desire; and just when he suceeds an unforeseen act takes place that turned her life upside down. Unable to control this power, all the bad things her heart harbored such a unstoppable river flow came to light with such magnitude that she was about to lose everything - including her own life - if it weren't for the fact that she was aided by a handful of kind souls who took pity on hee misfortune after everything happened.

Now with the blindfold that clouded her visión - and her judgment in the mean time - removed, in addition to the understanding regarding the horrible things she did, that being decided to straighten out her path by committing himself to correct each of her faults.

However, human beings never forget any harm that may be caused to them, which increases the resentment within them and in retaliation they expose all the bad actions committed in order to make the person who committed them in the first place feel worse. And she was the object of said resentment.

Despite the circumstances that work against her, the individual was willing to redeem herself at any cost. Curiously, an event of dire proportions product of destiny or coincidence, would put the determination of said being to the test in a series of acts for the salvation or destruction of this world. After suffering many impasses of all kinds, fortune smiled at last granting her the opportunity to prevent a greater disaster and with this our individual obtained the long-awaited vindication in the sight of her fellow humans.

From then on she was able to start over again with joy and hope, as well rebuild her life in the process.

Nice anecdote certainly, but perhaps you are wondering what this has to do with the tale. In fact, it would be unrelated if it weren't for the fact that there will always be a reason to create havoc - be it intentional or not - sometimes ending in tragedy.

It is in this part of the story that the following legend will take shape where the origin of the sinister rumbling of the bells will be involved, announcing the storm that is about to unleash on Canterlot High School.