• Member Since 5th May, 2013
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Comments ( 51 )

Did you do the cover? Its great!

So glad to see this out. It's a major point in both stories. Yay!

10737424 Oh, yikes. No. I just suck at giving credit. Been a long day =3=

kicks the door in


The wind tore the helm from the pegasus’s head to reveal a set of gray-blue eyes that froze Seed’s heart in place. A glimpse that lasted an eternity in only half a second before the Dammeguard passed him by like a shot.

And just like that, Seed gained a husbando.

Out of the corner of his eye, Seed finally got a look at the stallion leading the Merrieguard charge—Rosewood Kiss, thank the stars.

Rosewood is the Earth Pony contingent of the Rose clan, right?

Out of the corner of his eye, Seed caught one of the Dammeguard rolling his eyes. A pegasus of the Primfeather line, a branch member, by the lighter gray dapples gracing his snout. Several shades lighter than the pegasus who’d flown across the Merrie.

Oy, quiet you. Don't be rude!

Now, that, Seed couldn’t argue. And it gave him a chance to concoct a little show as well.

Yup, you absolutely are Rosewater's cousin/nephew.

How fast can you fly when somepony might be hurt should you not reach them, Prim Stride?

Clearly that question was a good one, and Stride practiced what was said.

But yesssss, I'm so excited for more! I've been waiting for Seed to really get a chance to shine, and poor Stride needs some love and help for that really terrible PTSD he got. :( Poor kiddo.

10737429 It really is. I've been glad to write it, and especially happy with how the rewrite has gone.

10737733 Yeah, Rosewood is the earth pony contingent, renowned for a rather keen connection to nature. Kiss is a good boy, but sadly he doesn't feature as much in canon as I'd like. In canon.

And Seed is so fun. He's ... really hard to explain. He embodies his ancestors, Rosethorn the Wise and Rosewine Rosethorn, very much. Especially the latter.

As for Strides, yeah, my boy has some things to work through. Fortunately, he has some good friends you already know about in Damme, though perhaps not how closely he holds or values them just yet.

I look forward to this story. And the first chapter is definitely interesting.

Both had still hit him with what they called the “Rosethorn Mothers’ Curse” and stated their sincere desire that Seed have at least three just like him.

Ah, the ol' "Just Wait Till It Happens To You". A classic~

Almost proper, he had to remind himself. This secrecy ran in contrast to everything their way espoused, and everything she had been in her younger years when it came to her loves. Damn Roseate for turning the warm, loving mare who helped raise and teach and bare her heart to those around her into a recluse.


His mind set at ease, Seed smiled and returned the kiss, replying, “Good. I’ll help.” He leaned in closer still so he might whisper, “Be with us tonight. Petal and me.”

Seed, you sneaky devil.

“This,” he said, already on his way to claim Petal for the dance, “is the Merrie Two-step.”

Aaahhhh, so Sneaky Seed helped lead us into my favorite part of the corresponding chapter. BRAVO!!!

Stars, the two of them! They’re going to give me a heart attack at this rate!

I knooooooow! What adorable cuties~

Man, I'm so excited to see more. I just love all these characters!

10742213 Yeah, sadly, Rosewater is being rather robbed of the communal support for her romance that she'd typically get in the Garden and some of the small communities in Merrie. Rose romances, especially for the Rosethorns, are meant to be rather ... not possessive and perhaps not necessarily "displayed" like trophy style, but love is meant to be revered and celebrated. There will be some of that later, for other characters, and some in another verse, but this is something that really chafes Seed, Petal, and a lot of Rosewater's friends from the Garden. :/

And yes. Seed is a major sneak. He learned from his mother, Carnation, and Rosewater after all.

Always interesting to see a story play out from an alternate perspective. Especially in comparison to the perspective of two leaders and heirs. Who wouldn’t have the full view of their actions from the top trickling down.

Merrie and Damme openly fought and raided one another, the Primfeathers holding onto the last vestiges of their power while the Primilines gained more ground, the Rosethorns gleefully flaunting their own after supplanting the Rosewings, and the Rose Shadows and Rose Knights of old battling through the night in their secret war.

Jeez, the pegasi really did not fair out well during the war, did they? Also Rose Shadows? 👀

A voice like angels singing slurred, “Whazzah?” Out of the corner of his eye, Seed noticed Petal stirring. She rolled and covered her head with a pillow. “Whassamah?”

Oh so Petal and me are both early morning people. 🙃

Kiss actually blanched. “Surely, you don’t think Roseate would be that petty,” he protested.

...oh Kiss, sweet summer child. This is Evil Horse Mom we're talking about here. Like hell she wouldn't do something terrible. (Especially after seeing how pissed she was in the main story after her talk with Rosewater.)

Rosewater never said Seed couldn’t just happen to run into any Dammeguards.

Sneaky sneaky boy. This is gonna get interesting fast.

10752040 They really did not. In large part because the Rosewings and Primfeathers presided over the bloodiest years of the war, and neither city particularly cares to revisit that. As for the Rose Shadows, assuming I ever get around to writing the AU where they were not retired by Lace at the request of Primfeather Maelstrom, you'll see what they were like. They ... well. They still live on in memory in Merrie and were quite horrific to deal with.

And yes, Seed is a very, very sneaky boy. He is, well and truly, Rosewine Rosethorn's heir.

She gave a hesitant smile and shake of her head. “I think … so, Rosemary is a sister in a … surrogate sense?”

Ah, the tangled vines of Merrie families. It'd probably give anyone a headache.

Though they, like Rosie among them, wouldn’t until it started to truly hit their income. Or until Roseate’s transgressions were dangled before their eyes and they could connect certain threads.

So politics. Yup.

Seed is already setting up the stage for some real gossip warfare. And with the Rose Palace all in a tizzy, it's gonna create a perfect storm.

I like the bit about the Rose Shadows. Shows a bit if backstory for the war.

That he didn’t give a damn about blood relations to those of Rosary, Rosewell, or Rose Powder went unsaid between them. What sane pony would claim any with those three?

Yeah...they're definitely lost causes on Rosewater's road to reuniting all there sisters.

And in that instant, Seed knew, the Garden of Love’s neutrality would be tested once again.

Oof, that does not bode well.

Ah, yes. “Those lips of yours tempt me to ask for a kiss or if you’d like a glass. How about a bit of the former, and if you like it, we can forget bits and talk about the latter?”

That's freaking terrible Seed.

Never before had a meeting with the liege lord of Damme seemed quite so enticing. Tomorrow promised to be quite intriguing.

Dun dun duuuuuuun!

10788242 Seed would just trill "but it woooooorked" and snicker into a glass of wine when everyone rolled their eyes at him.

He's a little shit.

Visiting Damme nowadays brought with it a fair share of wrinkles. Chief among them, naturally, was the reputation of the Rosethorns thanks to Roseate and her ilk doing their damndest to mirror the Primfeathers’ efforts to drag things back to the worst days of the war.

Freaking Evil Horse Mom and Stick Up the Butt Primfeather Dad are, like, in the same league.

The stallion shot him a dirty look, then jerked his gaze back toward Petal. His horn still lit, his spell buzzed in the air. “Step out wide,” he ordered.

Wow, how wrong will this go for this doofus?

“And inform him just where the … Lieutenant? Ah, yes, I see the ranking.” Petal’s smile was one typically seen in venomous snakes. “Inform Lord Collar just where the Lieutenant was hoping to search. Thank you.”

Guys, you know Lace is gonna be pissed, right?

How fitting, given the mare who’d stolen his muse’s attention and inspired him so.

has read the latest chapter

...oh dear :(

“I should hope not, for I am not shaming you.” Note took up his pen once more, and jotted a note in the margins to find something blue for Crown, just to tweak her a little. “I’m flattered beyond belief.”

.........I am sad now. These poor kiddos are so cute...

The stallion’s brow settled, a smile spread across his features. Collar nodded once. “I’ll see to it he receives them. Thank you both.”

Collar is one of the goodest bois.

10798802 *glances at latest chapter involving Note*


Shouldn't you wait until The Primrose War is complete before you start a sequel? ...Granted, I get the sense you'll be waiting a while if you do that...

10813121 It runs at the same time, but fimfiction has no way to tag it as a companion without making it sequel/prequel to another story.

Seed knew enough about Collar that he didn’t envy what they’d be in for once he found a slice of time to devote to them.

Yeah, Collar might be....less than kind when he learns about that one.

Because love and a want to be loved was defiance. In Roseate’s eye.

Ah yes, Evil Horse Mom really only wants one thing: to be seen as the overall winner, and the feelings she tramples on the way mean nothing

Rose Seed’s smile was full of deadly nightshade. “Remember, Rosewater is of the Garden again. I’m not even the scary one anymore.”

Pfft, yeah, there's a fun new threat Seed can use on ponies. He's got his aunt back and she can be scary.

10813291 In a sense, he could. It's also ... well, shall we call it a bit of a hint why Roseate's little helpers didn't like going on Garden land before Rosewater's return to the villa~

Rosetail looks to be a new and interesting character to follow.

Crown was an interesting one, to say the least. There were about half of Roseate’s daughters, his cousins alongside Rosemary from Roseate’s sister, who were actually good ponies. Decent ponies.

The split is, what, 60-40?

An analogy Seed could support. Stars, why couldn’t she have become a Gardener before Roseate brought her to heel?

gestures broadly at Evil Horse Mom things

“Mm. I can’t say what mother feels.” Rosetail affixed her gaze upon the ceiling for a moment, and gave her vision a mental prod to resume its phantom affections. She closed her eyes, adding, “But, personally, I suspect you’ll serve as well as you service a mare.”

Woof. Rosetail has some....issues, I see.

Someone is going to a party...

“Ask Baron Dapper!” Those rosy pink eyes of hers danced like twinkling stars. “He’ll take my side.”

PFFFT. Best Dad Dapper would sell out Collar so fast he wouldn't even know what hit him.

That smile told him he should’ve probably made up something about an appointment. “I see. In that case.” A hoof snaked around his shoulders. “I’d like to propose a slight alteration to those plans … incidentally, do you have anything formal in your closet?”

And sneaky boy Collar trying to help poor Stride along. Hoo boy, that kiddo is gonna be in for the ride of his life...

Instead, the sight made Rose Seed feel bile rise in the back of his throat.

Considering Evil Horse Mom is there.....yup.

“I had hoped we might handle this as family, nephew,” came Roseate’s reply. “Two Rosethorns, seated across from one another in Rose Palace. There is nothing two of our blood cannot overcome.”

She's like...a cross between a crappy Roman emperor and a slimy used car salesman.

You, his inner voice spat in harmony with his mother’s, with Aunt Carnation’s, with Aunt Rosewater’s, and with Rosemary’s. You, you horrible witch.

Yeaaaaaah, atta boy Seed.

“I see. Well, do tell me if any names should come to mind. A mother does so worry about her children, even during times they stand apart.”

...ugh...I think I just vomited in my mouth....

His Garden was whole.

Gonna have some more members in the future, I'd imagine.

Seed really is gonna be a complete cog in the works. And if he teams up with Coat to create the Sneaky Cousin Alliance? I fear for everything.

Haha yeah. Seed ... takes after his ancestor, Rosewine, and his mother quite a lot. That he learned from Carnation, Budding, and Rosewater makes him a rather dangerous boy to underestimate in any regard~

Honestly I'm loving Evil Horse Mom in this. It's like a sexy Female Palpatine trying to lure people to the Dark Side. Sure she is evil, but evil that makes one feel good for following her orders. The interesting bit is the separation between Merrie and the Garden means she has almost the need to treat them as a seperate power while the Garden can ignore her to a degree. Would like to know more about the dancing thing with Rosejoy though.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t overplay his hoof. Pursuing their hero in such a setting might be cause for concern amongst the Primlines, and the wider Dammer groups. Especially with what some already accuse them of.

Crown and Note seriously need to elope. Wasnt there something about married couples not having to take part in the war?

Of course you’d have to consider how Roseate would act in opposition to her daughters non-participation. Harassing members of the book club, raising taxes against her business and doing away with any exemptions, and of course, sicking her sex fiends and scent addled thugs against Note and Crown as she’s done to Rosewater.
The treaty certainly had provisions permitting their marital neutrality. Yet Roseate won’t let Crown just live comfortably and happily were she not entirely subnagated to her every whim and ambition.

The heart’s wanting was weakness. Roseate had been quite adamant of that. A proper Rosethorn did not merely want or sit and pine over something as silly as love like some besotted fool commoner or the Garden Rosethorns. She laid claim. She brought ponies into her garden and tended to them that they never think to want to leave.

Oh jeez...this poor kid has really been screwed with. EVIL HORSE MOM YOU BUTTHEAD >:(

She’d at least try her best not to laugh at the idea of him coming face to face with Prim Collar. Surely trying counted for something.

Well....about that...

A quick glance in a shop window showed that her disguise was well in place. Little more than Dammers’ silly misgivings and discomfort toward expressing desire then.

No, I think it's more that you're trying way too hard, girl.

Rosetail could feel their eyes following her down the street, ensuring that she didn’t suddenly veil or double back the moment they turned their back and continued on their patrol. The Dammeguard were wising up, keeping closer tabs.

That and you aren't Rosewater. You like...made yourself a massive target to get watched, ya twit. Good grief, can someone get this poor girl deprogramed? I feel terrible.

A notion crept into his mind. And how about you and your bride to be, Lord Collar? If I’m right about how things are trending. And perhaps I might inquire about our mystery stallion as well, if this potential relationship between Prim Palace and the Garden blooms brighter.

Gonna be the best blooms you ever saw, my dude. :)

“I’m quite aware of how that bitch’s mind works, Auntie. I’ve dealt enough with her little trollop hounding my lovers, and several of the ponies here are Prims, if that’s escaped notice.”


Half a lifetime’s worth of birthdays and holidays and festivals without his beloved Auntie Rosewater flashed through his mind.


Auntie Rosewater was back.


Not unless anypony wanted to witness the combined might of Firelight Spark and Wandering Star before they called a violation of terms and summoned Princess Celestia to pass verdict on both cities.

Well that might be the scariest sentence I've read in this universe.

The smile she gave Collar wore warm and friendly. Just like herself, when not firmly suppressed beneath her mother’s hoof. For once, unguarded.

I do love how, of all the daughter's she could have picked, Evil Horse Mom chose two of the big ones who're gonna definitely betray her the second they can.

The stallion turned and drew close to Petal, leaning in to hiss in her ear, “ He’s here. ”

Yeah, I think ya just missed him.

He made some friends. But would they have been so friendly if they didnt want to confirm he was the one?

10878884 It's ... really hard to answer this question without pulling a Word of God because, no matter what happens, that is an underlying part of Stride's relationship to the Garden. But ... well, I can say that you'll get that answer in a sense.

As for an answer that applies to a universe, somewhere, in which the Gala wasn't delayed because of Roseate's raid and Dancer's rescue didn't happen in the weeks prior, but Stride was still encouraged to go up to get wine by Collar or did so for the sole purpose of flipping off his family, yes. Seed and Petal would've, quite likely, been just as friendly to Stride as they'd been to Dazzle, Prism, and Tremor when they first met and may very well have taken note of his irritation and tried to talk with him about it. As they kind of did after Gale acted up.

I hate to say it, but after all that I’d expect Stride would be constrained to his household. At least, were that up entirely to his family.

You can trust me, Lord Collar.

Attaboy Stride. No doubt you'll be key to our favorite ponies winning the war.

Formal, polite, and distant. And respecting her power and standing.

Dude, distant isn't gonna be a thing too soon. You're gonna have to talk to Rosewater at some point sooner than you think.

The young pegasus happened to glance up just as a heavy hoof clapped his shoulder, and found himself met by a grinning Prim Collar, those deep blue eyes shining. “Strides!” he greeted merrily. “You look good! Enjoying the start of festivities, I hope?”

Here's the sneaky boi, ready to help Stride out of his shell.

Not an urging he needed to receive twice.


Well. If Dapper Rosedown was any indication, that was a definite yes.

Dapper is in a league all of his own. Though, Seed is the Sneakiest Boi....

Stride ducked his head. “I’ll play.”

And Stride has been caught by the lovely duo. Sorry kiddo, but you'll probably be happier this way.

“The last battle between the Rose Shadows and Rose Knights,” Crown whispered breathily. “As Prim Lace took the throne from her father, and ushered in the Reformations.” She flicked a look to him. “She commemorated a stalemated rivalry?”

It's so interesting that there's this warring faction that just...disappeared.

“Roses,” she said slowly, amusement tinging her voice. Crown closed the distance between them, pressing her nose against his. Her eyes promised he would indeed suffer consequences, and gave hint to just how full his evening would be once they made away across the river to her Librarium. “Roses of Prim blue. You wicked trickster.”

Sneaky sneaky! But blue roses are so pretty~

Stride felt himself trip mentally over her wording. Had he not given his name? After all this time drinking, playing, and being teased?

Hoo boy Stride, now you've given them all the info they need.

When Stride turned, he found himself face to face with his eldest brother and heir to the Primfeather house, Gale. “Excuse us,” he said without so much as sparing the Rose couple a glance, and drew Stride away from their table.

OH GOOD. A Prim Stick Up the Plot.

It was no secret how the Primfeathers loathed their dying influence in Damme politics. The success of the Lace Reformations in the days before Roseate took power all but cemented their status, but modern times left small cracks in that faith.


“Of the three of us brothers, I’m the only Dammeguard.”


They were both delicious. Both just perfect. Who could possibly choose one over the other?

major eyebrow wiggles

Which meant it was time to kick her over the edge and straight into a heart attack.

Atta boy! That's the kind of attitude I like to see around here!

A meal in broad daylight wouldn’t hurt anypony.


Stars curse him, these Roses were going to permanently make his face the same crimson as the Rosethorn house banner!


Collar and Rosewater, though. That’s where things got interesting.

It always is with them.

At last, Collar nodded. “With my blessing, then. Feel free to invite Prim Stride to the Garden of Love. I entrust our mutual friend to your care, Lord Seed.” He turned to Rosewater and let the act falter just a tad.

Full permission to start romancing the poor boy. Stride is in for a ride he won't forget.

A phantom ache bit into the back of his head. That had been a mistake he’d take care never to repeat.

Bruh, you're lucky it still doesn't hurt.

“Exactly! And I heard it from a reliable source! Lord Collar kissed Lady Rosewater Rosethorn last night! It’s true!” She bounced on her hooves. “And that other one about Rosemary? Raising her like a daughter, it’s so sweet!”

Ugh, the relationship of the love square is always really weird to think about...

No wonder Poppy’s cheeks flushed so.

Poppy, you should be used to Rose teasing at this point!

“ I was young and impressionable!” Her smile betrayed the lie. “Ask anypony! Stars, ask Rosewater, she’ll back me up!”


His baby sister, Zephirine. One of two—she, through blood and a shared father, and Rosemary, through bond and rearing together in the same creche.

Zephirine! My adorable little excitable teen!

And decided he’d send the shifty, slippery pegasus a letter by runner to make sure their lunch invitation wasn’t forgotten.

Oh boy, the Wooing shall commence...

10990994 Yeah. Cloudy and Stride's relationship got off to a ... very rocky start. But they've worked through that and gotten rather close.

Merrier familial relationships, Stride realized, were quite odd.

....you just realized that now?

In Damme, the lines were much clearer, more defined. But there wasn’t this freedom to just express what he felt in his culture.

It really must be freeing to just be able to express love how you want with others (barring the taboo).

Instead, she leaned in to whisper in his ear, “Ask Seed about the time I tied his tail to his ponytail while he drifted off on the couch on my eleventh birthday.”

Oh my god, a Seed Handle! 🤣

“You can be.” A smirk played upon her lips. “Once you stop seeing the world in tunnel vision.”

I feel like it's gonna get shot right out the tunnel when Stride makes his first proper visit to the Garden.

This story is always fun.

No update in months. A shame.

Sorry, Noble and I have been dealing with some things outside of fic. So, we're still working on things, it's just taking a bit ^^;

Her smile faltered for a second, then returned. “She will,” Cloudy admitted. “But I could always arrange for her to care for her poor, pained debate partner. And you wouldn’t be able to fly to escape her games or mine …”

Now that's some sneaky unfair stuff right there.

“If I can’t, I’m sure Baron Dapper or Rosemary would be happy to help.” She reached over and gave his wrist a gentle nudge. “Don’t hide it if this starts getting bad.”

Man, Stride, your PTSD is so bad. Seeking help might be the better option dude...

Was it just him, or did her smile falter just slightly?

Yeah no, she absolutely saw that little backtrack you just did.

This is the right path, he realized. They can bring us together. That’s why he wanted me to do the same.

Atta boy!

So, he put it to them. “Er … maybe this is more a question for Cloudy, only because I’m not sure if you’ve eaten here, Rosemary, but—“ he licked his lips “—what sort of places do you like to go when you’re looking for a lighter meal?”

Look at this good boy! He's trying real hard! I know two Rose ponies that are gonna give him all the love soon~

oh my goshhhh :ooo
happy new year! thanks for the chapter

So we getting a update soon?

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