• Published 23rd Mar 2021
  • 3,465 Views, 5 Comments

Mommy Gabby and her Baby Dragon - Zubric

Gabby treats Spike to a very special surprise they shall both enjoy. Age play ensues .

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Little Nursery

Spike shifted in anticipation as he was led down the hallway by Gabby blindfolded. His tail swished happily. “What’s the surprise Gabby? Can you give me a hint?”

Gabby fluttered her wings as she held Spike’s claw smiling. “Hehe, what’s the fun in that. But I know you’ll love it little drake.”

Spike can’t help but giggle as he thought of all sorts of things this surprise could be. Maybe some new comics, or a special date with candlelight dinner. Best of all, maybe it was something involving the secret activity they’d been doing for a while now. Gabby’s motherly tone was a hint all on its own. As he is brought to a stop, he hears Gabby unlock a door before swinging it open. A second later his blindfold was taken off his heart skipping a beat at what he saw.

Gabby smiled seeing Spike’s smile widen as the little scamp rushed across the plush carpet towards the first thing that caught his eye the treasure chest theme toy box. The drake clapped his claws as he pulled it open and peered at the toys inside from blocks to teething rings and even a large red rubber ball. One side of the chest was dedicated to plushies of all kinds. “Oh yes, mommy got you lots of toys.,” she sang as Spike hugged into a blue monkey plush.

“It's great,” Spike said practically bouncing from foot to foot as he moved on to look at the next item which was the blue crib with a gem mobile. He felt the soft mattress letting his claw sink into the memory foam. It would be perfect for nap times. “Comfy,” he cooed, turning his head to look around some more seeing a highchair and rocking horse in one corner and of course one section segmented off by a gate to act as a playpen. The amount of detail made his cheeks turn red especially as he saw the main centerpiece of the room a changing table. Moving up next to it, Spike grabbed at one of the rather girthy diapers tilting his head. “These look rather plain,” he remarked seeing the whole thing was pure white without details.

Gabby skipped over pulling Spike into a hug against her fluffy chest. “Oh, they are special ones, they are enchanted so you can design your own with your minds.” She chirped, lifting Spike onto the changing table. “Let’s get the baby drake in his diapee before he gets too excited and pees himself.”

Spike bashfully put his claws to his cheeks. “I will not!” He wiggled even as he was laid on his back. His heart raced a little more as Gabby giggled at him as she pulled the small safety strap over his tummy.

“I don’t know, you are quite the super soaker,” Gabby teased, grabbing one of his hind legs and ticking the underside of his foot. “Coochy coo!”

Spike instantly burst into laughter worming around with every small tickle. “Hahaha hah! No, no tickle monster,” he squeaked even as Gabby tickled a bit more running her talon up and down the sole of his foot. He made sure not to hit her with his other foot, of course, he didn’t want to get in trouble with his mommy.

“Mommy loves to hear her little hatchling giggle with joy,” she sang before letting go and unfolding the diaper. Playfully giving Spike’s butt a light squeeze, she waits as he lifts his rear for her before sliding the garment beneath him grabbing into his tail to needle it into the back. She always enjoyed his cute blushing cheeks, looking so innocent as she sprinkled the lavender-scented foal powder across his bottom.

Spike was both eager and calm as he is diapered staring into Gabby’s happy motherly eyes. The way she’d always use the gentlest touch during such an intimate moment was very reassuring. He lets out another small laugh as Gabby pulled the front up into place securing each tab into the landing zone before ending with a small tickle to his tummy. Feeling playful, Spike reached down to try and play with the tabs knowing full well what Gabby would do.

“No no Spike, no playing with your diaper, we don’t want leaks, do you?” she started moving his claws away only for Spike to reach down again. Smirking at his act, Gabby reached into a drawer cooing at the drake. “Now, now, if you won’t listen to mommy, she’ll have to make sure your claws don’t get you in trouble,” she sang pulling out a pair of green mittens carefully grabbing into his arm.

Spike wiggled the best he can with the belt still in place. “No, no mittens!” he whined clearly, still smiling as he half-heartedly tried to push Gabby talon off him.

“I did warn you,” Gabby said, sliding the first mitten on his claw securing the velcro in place. Spike flailed his mittened hand around even as the griffin secured the other claw in its protective wrap.

“No fair,” he played, pushing his mitten hands against his diaper, listening to the crinkling, and enjoying how the mitts muffled his sense of touch not to mention his grip.

Gabby giggled once more pinching his cheek lightly. “Oh, come now little hatchling, it’s time for the best part. You can make your diaper look however you want it to. You just got to mentally think about it and focus. Can you do that for mommy?”

Spike eagerly nodded once he sat up and stared down at the plain diaper before closing his eyes. It took a moment for him to visualize it in his head but after a little tingling feeling he opened his eyes and clapped seeing his design. The leak guards and landing zone were a shade of grey to match Gabby’s coat while the main surface had various gems printed all over no doubt the perfect wetness indicators. “Look mommy me did it,” he cooed getting swept up in the mood.

“Aww! Aren’t you a smart one, yes you are!” Gabby chimed patting the diaper before scooping her forelegs under him and lowering him to the floor.

Spike cheered as well before taking a step in his new garment. Unfortunately, he hadn’t realized just how thick this brand of diapers was sending him off balance as he wobbled on his spread legs before falling back with a light puff of air barely feeling anything. His cheeks once more turn crimson as he kicks his legs some.

“Did the little dragon fall down?” Gabby mothered as she hoisted him back onto his feet. “Here let mommy help you.” She gave his diaper a few pats as they spent the next minute or so walking around the spacious room Spike’s bottom swaying as he waddled with his mommy’s help. The drake was slow with each step he took, but he loved the feeling, nonetheless. As the two stopped by the closet, Spike watched as Gabby slid it open to reveal the small rack with a few outfits just for him. He let out a short meep as he thought of the worst possible scenario that might have happened. Gabby sensing this was quick to speak up. “Don’t worry, I got them tailored by somepony else other than Rarity. She knows your measurement and might have connected the dots.” She reassured giving the drakes nose a quick boop.

Spike sighed in relief at her words but a moment later stammered as he noticed one of the outfits. “W-why is one of them a dress?” he said his face now redder than ever as he saw the pastel blue dress with some glittery hems and a bow on the front.

Gabby grinned sheepishly. “Hehe, I uh thought you might look cute in it.” Reaching up she brought down a green onesie instead. “But you probably don’t want to wear girly clothes. Arms up little guy.”

Spike would be lying if he would have said he hadn’t thought about that dress for more than a second. Holding up his arms, he let Gabby slide the soft onesie on buttoning up the three buttons that held the hatch over his diaper. Due to the bulk, the onesie only made his rear seem bigger. Giving it a wiggle, he smiled wide. “Mmmh, I like it, mommy.” Finishing up his first dress-up of the day, Gabby slid white socks up his legs adding green booties on top to match.

“Oh, such a cutie you are,” Gabby cooed moments before hearing Spike’s tummy audibly rumble. “Uh oh, seems some little drake is hungry.” She sang, taking his claw as she led him over to the highchair.

“Yay nummies!” Spike said babyishly before being lifted into the seat and the little buckle put over his lap. Getting into the mindset, he happily banged his claws upon the tray even as Gabby tied a bib around his neck. The bib had Celestia cutie mark emblazoned upon the front.

Once done, Gabby glanced at the counter nearby and gasped. “Oh, I forgot your oatmeal in the kitchen. Can you behave while mommy goes to get it?” she cooed as she poured a few cheerios into the tray.

Spike nodded watching Gabby move to the door before leaving making sure to shut it behind her. At least Spike wouldn’t be caught in such a state. Staring down at the cereal he peered at mittens and whined a bit as he fumbled them around the tray trying to grip onto the small pieces. The helplessness was euphoric as he kept trying managing to grip one with both mittens slowly bringing it up to his mouth. As he chewed, he felt great pride in his accomplishment. He only managed to eat a few pieces before Gabby returned.

As Gabby came up the highchair, she snickered a bit watching Spike fumble about. “Aww, do you need mommy’s help to eat?” she teased which caused Spike to laugh too. Placing the bowl on the tray, she shows off the plastic spoon with a cartoon bunny on the end of it to Spike before scooping up the oatmeal towards the baby’s lips. “Here comes the choo choo train!”

Spike chomped down on the first spoonful tasting the mix of apples and cinnamon. “Mmhmm,” he cooed, eating a few more spoonfuls before turning his head causing some to smear on his cheek. Gabby kept trying to get the spoon into his mouth but each time he turned or leaned away unable to hold back a giggle at his game.

“What’s wrong Spikey, you can’t be full already,” Gabby mothered, poking the spoon on his other cheek when he turns. “You’re getting all messy silly.”

“Nu-uh,” Spike played, smacking his claws against the tray almost hitting the bowl.

Gabby cooed back. “Oh yes you are, are you trying to play? You can do that after your num nums.”

Being devious, Spike sunk his mittened hand into the oatmeal managing to pick out a glob of it before tossing it squarely into Gabby’s face. “Hehe! Splat!” He cheered before sticking the now sticky mitten into his mouth and suckling it giggling at his shenanigans.

Gabby swiftly grabbed a washcloth from a side drawer wiping off her face as she rolled her eyes. “Oh, you sure are being a handful today aren’t you Spikey?” she cooed giving a playful frown at him. “Guess mommy will have to feed you a bottle instead for dessert.” With that she

“Baba!” Spike cheered, popping his mitten out of his mouth, and bouncing about in his chair.

Gabby smiled back at him reaching out to boop his nose before strolling over to the small mini fridge and opening it soon pulling out a small baby bottle with gem dust mixed in causing the contents to sparkle. Peering over at the small rocking chair in the room she cooed. “Does baby wanna sit in my lap too?” Seeing his gleeful nodding in reply, she easily lifted him out of the highchair thanks to some magic from the clothing and sat down in the rocking chair adjusting Spike close to her chest. After Spike had adjusted himself as well Gabby pops the nipple into his mouth watching as the drake began to suckle away constantly. With her free talon, she slowly reached to his back and stroked up and down his back beginning to hum softly as he drank away his meal.

Spike was in heaven as he leaned in as close as he could to her chest to feel her warmth as he finished off his snack. The back rubs relaxed him as he slumped in her grip listening to her heart beating against her chest. His eyes began to soon droop the combination of a full tummy and cuddling lulling him into a calming sleep Gabby’s humming fading as he did.

Spike dreamed of a meadow of flowers waddling along as he chased after Gabby laughing as he wagged his claws around to tickle her. Upon leaping on her back, Gabby opened her wings and took to the air passing through a few clouds as she did. Spike squeals with joy as she did a few loops Spike holding on tightly. As the griffin swooped downwards, Spike watched the various plants zoom on by as she swerved through the trees. Upon reaching a larger tree in the center of a meadow, Gabby flew up to a high branch whereupon a large nest sat.

“Here we are,” Gabby sang, landing inside it and sitting Spike down as well. The surface of the nest was plush as well like a bed. The drake waddling to the edge to look down. The motherly griffin cooed. “Careful little drake, you don’t wanna fall,” she sang.

“Nu-uh I’m a big drake,” Spike insisted, puffing out his chest. He wanted to spread his wings but oddly didn’t have them. The confusion fading quickly as Gabby gently scooped him up and laid him on his back before sitting on top of him. Spike worms around blushing. “Mama, you sitting on me.”

Gabby shifted before she smiled back. “Hehe, just got to keep my egg warm.” Leaning down she kissed Spike’s forehead.

Spike opened his eyes slowly as he awoke from his nap letting out a yawn and stretched. The soft mattress below him hugged his body well as he reached up with his claw towards the mobile. As he did, he saw that Gabby had swapped out the dirty mittens for a pair of clean blue ones. Reaching his new mitt towards his mouth he finds his mommy had put a pacifier in his mouth too while he slept. He smiled contentedly giving said pacifier a happy suckling while he kicked his legs to make his bottom rustle. Given there was no reason to really get up, the drake remained laying down sighing and pressing his claws into the mattress for a while. Since there wasn’t a clock in the room Spike had no clue how long he’d be laying there idly waiting for Gabby to come back. As he waited, the inevitable need to pee aroused. Sitting himself up, Spike shifted to get comfortable and focused for about a minute at which point his body let go. The warmth swiftly spread the dragon letting out another happy sigh of relief. Although he cared more about just acting cute and being cared for more, the thought of his mommy getting him all fresh again reminded him how much she cared in return.

Thankfully, Spike didn’t have too long to wait after that as he heard the click of the door before it swung open. Gabby skipped her way in and cooed. “Hi their sleepyhead,” she started approaching the crib. “Some drake sure looks happy to see me. Yes, you do!”

Spike hopped up and down looking up at her with a grin behind his pacifier. “Uppie!” He declared holding up his hands.

Eager to oblige, Gabby lowered the bars and reached over scooping him up by his armpits. Thanks to the enchantment on the diapers, Spike was made light as a baby and thus she was able to toss him into the air. “Up you go!” With his joyful laughter filling her ears, Gabby caught him before sending him up once again. She repeats the game a few times before setting him down and patting his diaper. “Oh, did the baby have an accident?” She asked, giving it another poke.

Spike nodded as Gabby firstly removed the onesie setting it aside leaving him in his faded print padding. Next, she lifted him up and sat him down upon the change table, the drake happily kicking his legs. The change itself took no time at all with Gabby knowing exactly what to do. Once done, his fresh diaper is given a few pats before being put back on the floor. He smiled giving her a hug which Gabby returned without delay. “Gabby, can I have my claws back now?” He asked, holding his mitted hands out.

“Well. What’s the magic word,” Gabby sang.

Smirking a bit, Spike flattened his ear fins while looking at her with big puppy dog eyes doing the best baby lisp he can muster. “Pwease mommy I’ll be good.”

“Hnng!” Gabby clutched her chest dramatically. “Oh, stop it’s too cute.” She laughed before pulling open the velcro and slipping each mitten off. “Alright. How about one more outfit before we finish off with some tea?”

Wiggling his free hands, he nodded. “Whatever mommy wants. “

“Oh, you sure?” She asked as she skipped her way over to the closet and pulled out the blue dress along with a silver tiara.

Spike’s blush returned in force as he waddled over, unable to really say no to her adorable smile of hers. “Y-yeah mommy knows best.” He said sheepishly as he put his arms up. To his surprise, the dress was rather soft on his scales causing a faint smile on his face. The dress was pulled down stopping just at the base of his tail leaving the diaper fully on display. To add to his monetary embarrassment, the thoughts about the dress had made the custom diapers change to blue stars and swirls. More so when Gabby swiftly slid blue and white striped socks up his legs to match his dress.

Gabby awed as she finished up the dress-up by setting the tiara upon Spikes’ head playfully giving his cheek a pinch. “Hehe, aww what a cute princess.” Suddenly having another idea, Gabby moved to the toy chest digging around for a second before pulling out a five-pointed star wand that sparkled when waved about. Placing it into Spike’s claw she stepped back and did a bow. “Your majesty.”

Recovering a bit from his bashful state, Spike waved the wand around some before speaking. “Oh well if I’m the princess that makes you my humble subject.” Glancing at the changing table he had a funny idea. “And as my subject, you have to listen to my decrees. Thus, I decree that you shall have to wear a diaper for teatime,” he giggled.

Gabby’s cheeks turn a cute shade of pink as she thought it over. All she wanted to do was make Spike happy in the end. “If you insist, your highness.” Walking over to the changing table, Gabby grabbed a diaper and laid herself down as she wiggled it on smiling at Spike as she did. After applying some powder, she taped the garment into place and stood up wagging her rump a little towards the drake. With a snicker, she focused her thoughts and made the diaper say “pat me’ on it with other paw print patterns. “What do you think, princess?”

“Hehe, oh very nice my adorable subject,” Spike said as he walked up to her and gave the diaper a few pats. The two have a good laugh before waddling towards the small table near the kitchen area of the room. Taking a seat with a light puff of air, Spike watched Gabby reaching into a bag she’d brought. “You got me a present?” he asked grinning.

Gabby nodded, “Yes I did. Would you mind warming up the tea while I dig it out?”

“Of course,” Spike said eagerly as he picked up the teapot and gently blew a small stream of flame upon the bottom until steam started to stream out of the spout. Carefully setting it down, he looked over at Gabby, his eyes soon locking into the small red box in her talons. His thoughts raced on what could possibly be inside it. He didn’t have to wait long however as she soon placed it in his hands and gestured for him to open it. Taking off the lid, Spike blinked, lifting out the small golden key, the end shaped like a small heart. “Oh, is this a key to your heart?” He played giving a wink.

Gabby giggled cheeks going red for a moment. “Oh, you charmer. No, this key is special. Only ones who have the key can find this room. It’s our own little hideaway.” She said showing off her matching key. “Little hatchling’s nursery never has to be far away.”

Spike tears up with joy hugging the key to his chest. “T-thank you Gabby, you’re the best!” Standing up, Spike waddled up to her and grasped her in a big hug. The griffin happily returned the gesture kissing his forehead.

“Anything for my little dragon. I love being your caretaker.”

“And I like being your baby,” Spike said nuzzling into her happily. With that, the two sat down and enjoyed their tea both happy with how the day had gone.

Author's Note:

Not sure why, but it feels like it based on an RP but it's clearly not.
Anyway hope you enjoyed it.

Comments ( 5 )

This is so sweet!!!

Not bad. It was cute. :twilightsmile:

It does kind of read like an RP. Then again it's two characters Roleplaying so...

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