• Published 21st Mar 2021
  • 5,094 Views, 58 Comments

Friendship is Magic But With More Chill - hamster wizard

Nightmare Moon tried to take over Equestria but everyone is just kind of chill about it.

  • ...

But not really

Luna had dropped the Nightmare Moon look a few weeks ago, and things were pretty much back to being business as usual. Celestia had given her a room in Canterlot castle, and while she was technically co-ruler of Equestria, she hadn’t really felt like doing anything and spent most of her time trying to catch up on the 1,000 years of history she’d missed out on.

She was currently just waking up for the night, and slowly inched her way over to her bathroom. Splashing some water on her face, she reached over and prepared to brush her teeth. A sudden tragedy struck when she attempted to get some toothpaste but found the tube empty. She was certain she had left enough in it before she went to sleep, and angrily stomped out into the hall.

“SISTER!” She yelled out.

Celestia, half asleep, poked her head out of a nearby room, “What?!”


Celestia blinked, taking a moment to work out what Luna was asking before responding, “Yeah, I guess? I ran out earlier.”

Luna threw the empty tube to the ground in righteous fury, “You dare slight Us is this manner!? We shall see ye burn in the pits of Tartarus for thine foalish affront to Our authority! RETRIBUTION SHALL BE HAD!”

A maid walked by with a small trolley and passed Luna a fresh tube a toothpaste, which she took looking a tad befuddled. Celestia shook her head and went back into her chambers. Luna glanced back and forth through the hallway before gritting her teeth and saying, “Very well then! In our magnanimity, We shall forgive this slight, but only once! Behold, the merciful and beautiful Princess of the Night!”

A single pegasus guard standing in the hall gave her a small wave in acknowledgment before going back to staring listlessly at the wall.

Luna quietly ducked back into her room to get ready for the night to come.

Author's Note:

So I'm working on another longer Luna-centric fic and this idea came to me. That is all.

Comments ( 39 )

Short but funny.

I thought this said chilli at first.

I didn't realize how much I'd wanted this until you made it. Thank you.

Always good to see silly ones like this.

Looking forward to the next one.

"Friendship is Magic But with More Chili" Not sure if that sounds like a very similar or very different type of fic lol
Hey thank you for reading :twilightsmile:
Fun for the whole family™

So I'm working on another longer Luna-centric fic

we wait with bated breath

Story kinda puttered out after the milkshake.

And i guess they never became the elements of harmony?

Luna had dropped the Nightmare Moon look a few weeks ago

But why though? Fangs are always in, aren't they?

Fangs are always cool.

A sudden tragedy struck when she attempted to get some toothpaste but found the tube empty.

She just got up and her day night is already ruined...

So did I. So did I.

I was only briefly disappointed.

That's pretty much my line of thinking. If the two were supposed to have equal powers as rulers, but Celestia was the one who was really in charge, then it makes sense if Luna would want to oust her sister. On the other hand, casting the world into eternal night out of jealousy is just because she's a literal cartoon villain, and as the cartoon villain you don't get a lot of sympathy.

Pretty short, but pretty fun and to the point. Nicely done

Poor moonbutt, she's getting infected with the chill :pinkiesad2:

The chill supereme.

I can feel the relaxation coursing through my body! Also, a lot of laughs too! This whole fanfic in general is so friggin' superb with all of the humor and the delightfulness! I hope ya didn't mind, but I couldn't resist making a reading of this excellent story!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/5llMxuDDK-s

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

That's cool, I'll have check it out when I get the chance.

"Vengeance shall be mine! This tube is mint!"

I'll put taking over the world plans on hold now. Yeah.

"What were you expecting? Boysenberry Bubblegum Drop?"

Hall Guard better become a reoccurring character lmao

I didn't expect this when I read the synopsis.
It's probably even better.

This was fantastic. It left me in stitches, no joke.

I like the idea of a whole series like this. Crazy ancient evil entity emerges. "I will destroy everything!" "To what ends?" "..... that is a very good question."
Our even "I am the rightful ruler. Surrender your thrown!" "Oh freaking thank you. There's a meeting at three with some nobles that I was really not looking forward to. Good luck with that, make sure to turn the lights off in the thrown room at the end of the day. Those lights they installed to give me an ethereal glow really run up the bill." Hands them crown and leaves.

You want eternal night?


But wouldn't that cause this half of the planet to become a frozen wasteland as the plants die from lack of sunlight and ponies freeze to death?

uhhhh.... hmmm.... haven't thought of that


Agreed, a series could be interesting.

Hands then crown and leaves.

Reminds me of "Winning and the pitfalls therein" (hopefully hamster wizard doesn't mind mentions of other stories in the comments).

I could see this easily snowballing into many chapters of Luna, in her old fashioned ways, taking everything as a slight.
"Didst though mix thy curry and rice, A POX UPON YEE!"

It's cool, talk about whatever fics you want. Just no shameless self promotion. Or NSFW, this fic is PG after all.

Regarding a series, there's been a really positive response to this fic overall, so maybe I'll cook up something just for fun and see where it goes.

Reminds me of the Dorkly cartoon where Robotnik desperately tries to remember why he was trying to turn animals into robots in the first place.

Oh god, I don't remember how it ended but I do remember he has an "of wait I remember" moment and it's something dumb. Love dorkly, they've made me quality sonic content the sonic team has in years.

Author's Note:

So I'm working on another longer Luna-centric fic and this idea came to me. That is all.

how long will we have to continue our waiting with bated breath?

I was working on a longer sort of AU series where the elements wiped the last 1000 years of Luna's memory rather than just magically making her good again. I had the first couple chapters finished, but I didn't like how it was going so I scrapped it. I'm either going to rewrite it from scratch or just move on to another project.

“Very well then! In our magnanimity, We shall forgive this slight, but only once! Behold, the merciful and beautiful Princess of the Night!”

A single pegasus guard standing in the hall gave her a small wave in acknowledgment before going back to staring listlessly at the wall.

Sounds like someone's a big fan of Luna. :pinkiehappy:

Luna gets banished to the moon. What does Celestia say? "Calm down, it's just a prank."

This is really good, but the ending also seems a little bit sad, like everypony is just too chill. Maybe Luna's isolation on the moon saved her while the rest of Equestria was taken over by pod-ponies, i dunno.

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