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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Comments ( 101 )

My lack of preparation is the reason this is dropping over the course of days in unfortunate updates; the good news is it gives all y’all a chance to re-think your life choices or at least your fic preferences.

It won’t get better, flee while you still can.

Yes, that is a thing. It's the indication that he's a male, even if it is on his rump.

Poor Kitkat she just can’t seem to catch a break. I hope she has a plan on obscuring his/her cutie mark, that could be considered obscene.

Muffins not in a plastic wrapper? That there is fancy stuff.

KitKat, you're a vindictive little mare, I still love you. :twilightsmile:

Mares [...] didn't have dicks.

Well, you see...

It's really funny, she jokingly suggests to continue how he's been doing magic until now, because he totally missed the horn on his head.
Can't wait until he tries it in public and someone says, "Ma'am, that is NOT how you use magic!"


Yes, that is a thing. It's the indication that he's a male, even if it is on his rump.

But is it? Maybe he’s good at other dick-related things even if he doesn’t have one.

F:yay:ing cutie marks, how do they work?



Poor Kitkat she just can’t seem to catch a break. I hope she has a plan on obscuring his/her cutie mark, that could be considered obscene.

She kinda caught a break, at least he’s a mare for now.

And don’t worry, she’s got a plan to cover his cutie marks.


Muffins not in a plastic wrapper? That there is fancy stuff.

I know, right? Cheap hotels give you muffins in wrappers, mid-grade hotels at least unwrap the muffins for you, and the best ones have a proper buffet (that you pay extra for [but it’s tasty, so it’s okay]).


He has a robe.

Yes, but it’s less practical for a pony than you’d think. Unless KitKat wants to get out the scissors and practice arts and crafts on his robe, that is.


KitKat, you're a vindictive little mare, I still love you. :twilightsmile:

KitKat’s put up with a lot of his shit and she hasn’t murdered him yet despite both the opportunity and the temptation. She’s a real trooper, and I mean that in the best way. She’s a pony I’d like to have at my side, even if she does occasionally fuck with me.


It's really funny, she jokingly suggests to continue how he's been doing magic until now, because he totally missed the horn on his head.

Of course she did, just for the lulz.

Can't wait until he tries it in public and someone says, "Ma'am, that is NOT how you use magic!"

Or maybe it is. Maybe the real magic was under his tail all along.

. . . actually, now that I think about it, the real magic is that contextually, both your comment and the reply make sense despite there normally being about a billion layers of ‘that’s not how any of this works’ stacked on all of it.

One must always be wary of the Feral Roombas. They cannot be directed, and become hostile in the presence of The Dirty. It's much worse with the more evolved formes, which are quieter and more difficult to spot...

Feral Roombas? pshaw. Nothing like a pack of feral spots to get a pony moving - https://youtu.be/6Zbhvaac68Y?t=2

Not sure why, but I keep reading the chapter title in the cadance of "What'z Ya Phone #"

Feral Roombas

How do Roombas go feral?

⬆ That wasn’t foreshadowing ⬆

Yes it is, it always is.


One must always be wary of the Feral Roombas. They cannot be directed, and become hostile in the presence of The Dirty.

You’ve hit the nail exactly on the head.

It's much worse with the more evolved forms, which are quieter and more difficult to spot...

The good news is that even the more evolved ones tend to navigate by bumping off things, which gives a good adventurer a clue at what foe she’s facing.

I’ve heard legends of Roombas with knives. Hopefully just legend, but one never knows.

To quote Citation Needed, nope, that’s not horrifying, that’s not horrifying at all.


Not sure why, but I keep reading the chapter title in the cadance of "What'z Ya Phone #"

BEechwood 4-5789 . . . my own internal response to a phone number query. Props if you understand that phone number (because it is a phone number).


How do Roombas go feral?

Abandoned by their owners for whatever reason, they herd up and no longer keep themselves to domestic tasks . . . it’s a wide, wide world, and the world is dirty and needs cleaning. Leave them alone and they’re benign, but put dirt on their cleaned paths and they seek revenge, hunting down and vacuuming the offending party.

She will never be rid of him will she? She may fantasize about killing him but since she is a pony she will not.

It isn’t, it specifically says it isn’t, and you can’t put it on the internet if it’s not true. :P


She will never be rid of him will she? She may fantasize about killing him but since she is a pony she will not.

I mean, she could. Just slit him from guggle to zatch, that should do it. Probably if she hadn’t signed the contract in the very beginning she would have already and if anypony asked, well it’s obvious that he clearly suffered death by misadventure and there’s no need for any further investigation, right?

She’s maybe not the smartest pony out there, but she does respect her obligations, and she promised to help the Wizard find the McGuffin and will do so to the best of her abilities.

All y’all have made it to nearly the halfway point and have to ask yourselves if an erotic scene with the Ever Given and the Suez Canal might make an appearance because who doesn’t love dead memes?

Er, uh, excuse me, I need to get off this ride

Attempts to get up and finds out that Dear Reader has somehow been tied to his chair sometime during the last chapter

Hey, uhm, has anyone else noticed that they've been tied up? I'm sure it's just a mistake. Anyways, no matter, it's alright, I have a knife

Attempts to cut through the ropes, only to find that they're steel cored

Okay, now this is getting a little scary. Nevermind, I can just --

Finds out that the knife along with everything in his pockets has disappeared

Nevermind, it's fine, I'm sure I can survive another chapter or three of this

Hears the Power Up sound of a ROOMBA

Sheer Terror Mode enabled

Did you know there have been people that attached claymore mines to roombas Biscuit?

Also you play Magic? And the fact you named Koko makes it likely a lie, and lastly, Mongolian horse friction, I remember that story. :rainbowwild:

So long as that peach stays that way, we'll all be okay...
Fun fact: feral Roombas are actually intoxicated by unicorn farts, and a sister species of vacuums are especially attracted to them. Stay diligent!
The Wizard isn't fully embracing his pony-ness. Not sure if a good thing...

I hope nobody tells KitKat about Owlbears or or the Bugbear from the episode Slice of Life.

Skunks are already weaponized for their personal protection, but Kukka's shown how deadly they can be for everyone else when yeeted by the right mare. Clearly the two McGuffin hunters could use a tactical Bag of Skunk Holding to defend themselves with in the future. Offensively.

I still love how you made Dutch your pony language of choice. :rainbowlaugh:

Something tells me said cave may be currently occupied, said occupant happy with the current situation and not big into things like 'change' and 'new cavemates'.


The NTSB study concluded that after the bow of the Genesis River and BW Oak passed each other, suction and bank effect from the approaching west bank yawed the Genesis River to port overwhelming full starboard rudder applied to counter this port yaw. The ship continued port across the channel where the encounter with the east bank curved the ship’s path starboard and into the Voyager’s barge.

Although Pilot 2 gave rudder orders in an attempt to arrest the Genesis River’s sheer to port, the yawing moments and side forces caused by the BW Oak meeting and the increasing bank effects on the starboard side overwhelmed the rudder, and the sheer could not be overcome before the ship crossed the channel. The rudder had little effect as the Genesis River subsequently encountered the opposite bank and sheered to starboard, forcing the vessel back toward the Voyager tow. The NTSB concludes that the combined effect of the speed of the Genesis River and the passing of another large vessel in the asymmetrically shaped channel at the southern terminus of the Bayport Flare resulted in an uncontrollable sheer to port by the Genesis River, initiating a chain of events that led to the collision.

—From the analysis section of the above-linked NTSB report


Er, uh, excuse me, I need to get off this ride

The ride never ends :heart:

Nevermind, it's fine, I'm sure I can survive another chapter or three of this

Good news, I did drop the long lewd Evergivenchan chapter for a shorter, less lewd option.

Hears the Power Up sound of a ROOMBA
Sheer Terror Mode enabled

Watch out, they’ll get you!


Did you know there have been people that attached claymore mines to roombas Biscuit?

I did not know that, but it honestly doesn’t surprise me one bit.

That’s not something anyone should ever do. Knives is dumb enough, TBH.


Also you play Magic?

Played, and I’ve still got piles of cards but none of my friends have time to hang out and play, they’ve all got jobs and families now.

And the fact you named Koko makes it likely a lie, and lastly, Mongolian horse friction, I remember that story.

Well, it could be a lie. Sometimes I lie about characters not being important to the plot.

And yes, Mongolian Horse Friction, the best way to see trichromatic and understand triangles.


So long as that peach stays that way, we'll all be okay...


Fun fact: feral Roombas are actually intoxicated by unicorn farts, and a sister species of vacuums are especially attracted to them. Stay diligent!

The ever-continuing evolution of home cleaning products in a magical society. Isn’t nature fascinating?

The Wizard isn't fully embracing his pony-ness. Not sure if a good thing...

Maybe he’ll come around, or maybe he’ll wind up turning himself back into a human by the end of the story. Stay tuned and find out!


I hope nobody tells KitKat about Owlbears or or the Bugbear from the episode Slice of Life.

Oh, I’m sure she knows all about them.

She knows about yales, after all (and she also knows that they’re sometimes called centicores, hence the chapter title, but she never got a chance to say that in the story).


Skunks are already weaponized for their personal protection, but Kukka's shown how deadly they can be for everyone else when yeeted by the right mare. Clearly the two McGuffin hunters could use a tactical Bag of Skunk Holding to defend themselves with in the future. Offensively.

You do bring up a good point. A smell-proof bag, make it comfy inside, toss in scorpions every now and then for the occupant to snack on, and when needed, lob her into battle.

Sort of like a falconer, but weird.


I still love how you made Dutch your pony language of choice. :rainbowlaugh:

It’s a fantastic choice and always pays dividends :heart:

This time instead of trying to use Google Translate, I just found a helpful ‘teaching Dutch’ video.


Something tells me said cave may be currently occupied, said occupant happy with the current situation and not big into things like 'change' and 'new cavemates'.

That’s entirely possible, and if it is, KitKat and the Wizard will have to decide if they want to stay anyway, or if they want to choose greener pastures. Or if they want to lure the yales into the cave . . . really depends on what they find in there.

I can, in fact, recognize that as a phone number, thanks to having baby boomers as parents.

When you have a single thing you're good at, everything looks like a nail? Er, wait, there was something about hammers too...

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