• Published 13th Mar 2021
  • 2,574 Views, 7 Comments

There's a Monster in the Castle! - Twilight Star

A ladybug appears in Twilight and Luna's room. Hilarity ensue.

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This is Not a Monster, It is a Ladybug

It was a calm and sunny morning in Ponyville, Twilight, Spike and Luna were eating pancakes at the table together. Each of the pancakes was decorated differently: Twilight’s had whipped cream and blackberry, Luna’s had whipped cream and chocolate shavings, and Spike’s had blackberries and raspberries.

“So, what are you two planning to do today?” asked Spike to Twilight and Luna, before biting a piece of his pancake.

“I’m going to read my new Daring Do book, and then I’ll summarize it!” Twilight announced excitedly, clapping her hooves.

“I’m thinking of visiting my sister,” Luna replied. “That if she is not busy with real duties, of course.”

Spike agreed with the responses received.

“What about you, Spike?” asked Twilight, now looking at her number one assistant.

Spike looked to the left, now with a pink flush. “I… I’m going to visit and spend time with Rarity. You know… go on a date.”

“Well, I hope you have fun,” said Twilight, returning to her meal.

After ten minutes, the three finished their meal and went to different places: Spike went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, Luna went to the castle’s front door and Twilight trotted over to her library to get her new book.

Upon arriving at the library, Twilight opened the door and went to the shelf where she kept the book, enveloped it with her pink magic and landed on the floor. Turning around, she left the library and closed the door. Twilight was excited to get to the room to start reading her new book. She also couldn’t wait to write her summary and write her opinion about the book.

She soon saw the greenish door that led to the bedroom and wrapped the doorknob with her pink magic, making it open. But in doing so, her pupils dilated when she saw that she was not alone in the room, causing the pink magic that held the book to disappear and fall to the floor. She let out a loud cry and ran to her bed, climbing on it as a form of protection.

“Help, somepony help me!” shouted Twilight in a panic. As if it had an effect, wing flaps were heard from the balcony, making Luna appear, who was landing and approaching her wife in a worried way.

“What’s happened, love? Why did you scream?” asked the Princess of Night. Twilight smiled when she saw Luna.

“Luna! I’m glad you returned! Please help me!”

Luna approached the bed and said, “But what happened?”

“A monster came into our room, and I’m scared,” Twilight replied, shaking.

Luna was surprised by this. Did a monster enter their room? She looked around the room, but was not seeing any monster in the room but a ladybug.

“Love, there are no monsters here,” Luna assured, looking back at Twilight.

“There is a monster, yes!” Twilight insisted.

“But where is he, then?” asked Luna in a confused tone.

“There!” Twilight pointed to the ladybug that was on the floor. Luna followed the direction of the hoof and realized that the monster that Twilight was talking about was the ladybug.

“Are you afraid of a ladybug?” asked Luna, looking back at Twilight.

“And why shouldn’t I? They have extra eyes that spy on you wherever you go!” said Twilight, now shaking with fear. “This is very scary...”

Luna felt sorry for Twilight, she never imagined that Twilight was afraid of it. “Why did you never tell me about this before?”

Twilight started to laugh nervously. “Hehehe… it’s really embarrassing, you know? It’s just a silly fear. I just didn’t want to end up being embarrassed or for you to laugh about it.”

Luna then put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder comfortably. “Twilight dear, I would never laugh at you. And besides, everypony is afraid of something. This is inevitable, there is no escape from it.”

Twilight smiled hopefully at Luna’s words. “So does that mean you’re going to get this monster out of our room for me?”

Twilight’s words were processed in the princess’s mind and she looked at Twilight with a “Really?” Look. She felt speechless at the fact that she had taught a lesson about fear, and Twilight had answered if she could get the ladybug out of their room.

“Wow, you really are desperate, aren’t you?”

“Am I to blame?! In a little while this monster will start flying across the castle,” said Twilight before starting to stomp the hooves on the purple blanket nervously. “My Celestia! I think it will land on my head in a little while!”

“Twilight, stay calm,” Luna asked.

“How can I stay calm while this monster is here?!” asked Twilight in a panic.

“It’s not a monster, it’s a ladybug,” Luna corrected.

“Whatever! Just get that out of the room, please! Please, with the cherry on top!” Twilight pleaded, now with puppy eyes.

“Okay, okay.” Luna looked around the room and saw no sign of the ladybug. “Love, I don’t see…” she stopped her sentence when she saw that the ladybug was on Twilight’s head.

“The ladybug is gone? Phew, I was already panicking,” said Twilight in relief.

“Twilight, don’t panic, but the ladybug is on your head,” said Luna. Twilight’s ears drooped and Twilight’s pupils dilated with the sentence.

“Aaahhh!” She took a big jump, flying up to the bedroom ceiling. The purple alicorn trembled with fear like a cat. The ladybug was right below it now.

“Twilight, calm down! The ladybug won’t hurt you,” said Luna. Twilight shook her head, as if she were a foal who didn’t want to eat the food on the plate.

“I will only calm down when you expel this monster!” She said.

“But love, how did this fear arise?” asked Luna, now confused as to why Twilight was so afraid of ladybugs.

“Shining Armor told me that ladybugs have several eyes and that they can watch you wherever you go.” Twilight looked to the left side with her ears down sadly.

“Did your brother tell you that?” asked Luna, now surprised by the revelation. Twilight agreed.

“Yes, that’s why Cadence and I do that dance whenever we meet,” Twilight confessed. Luna’s surprise was replaced by sadness.

“Love, I’m sorry that Cadence’s method hasn’t helped you since then,” said the Princess of the Night.

“It’s okay, Luna. As I said before: it’s just a silly fear,” Twilight recalled Luna.

Suddenly, the ladybug started flapping its wings until the book was thrown on the floor. Twilight panicked.

“Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! That hideous thing will land on my new book! I didn’t even have time to read it!” Twilight started to whimper.

Luna’s heart broke at the sight of tears streaming down Twilight’s cheeks. She looked angrily at the ladybug, wrapped the book with her turquoise magic, taking it away from the ladybug and placing it on the bed. She approached the ladybug not happy at all, making the floor start to shake.


Luna’s scream caused the ladybug to be thrown back, turned and left quickly on the balcony, with fear on its face. Luna approached the balcony door and closed it with her turquoise magic. She quickly blew out a sigh of relief and looked at Twilight with a loving smile.

“You can go down now, Twilight,” said Luna. Twilight landed on the ground, closing her wings and approaching her wife to wrap her in a hug with a smile on her face.

“Thank you, Luna, for taking this monster out of the room,” Twilight thanked. Luna let out a little laugh when she heard the word “Monster” and started stroking the mane of Twilight.

“You’re welcome, love,” she said, before starting to remember what happened a few minutes ago. “Do you think Spike heard us?”

“No, Luna, because after all, the kitchen is quite far from the bedroom,” Twilight replied.

Suddenly, the ears of the two mares were animated when they heard the sound of footsteps. They looked at the door and saw Spike, who was wearing a pink apron.

“Are you girls alright? I heard screams coming from here in the room,” said Spike in a worried tone.

“Ah! It was nothing, Spike,” Twilight lied through a smile. Spike was grumpy at the response he received.

“Let me guess: ladybugs?” asked Spike with his paws crossed, already imagining what happened. Twilight laughed nervously as she sweated and scratched the back of her head. Yeah ... It looks like her and Luna’s screams were loud enough to get to the kitchen.

Comments ( 6 )

Completely forgot Twilight had that fear.:rainbowlaugh:

I like the new story it's both funny and romantic!:twilightsmile:

Really cute! Thanks for the fic!

“A monster came into our room, and I’m scared,” Twilight replied, shaking.
Luna was surprised by this. Did a monster enter their room? She looked around the room, but was not seeing any monster in the room besides a ladybug.

:twilightoops:: "What do you mean with besides?! Is one ladybug not enough already?!"

“Are you afraid of a ladybug?” asked Luna, looking back at Twilight.
“And why shouldn’t I? They have extra eyes that spy on you wherever you go!” said Twilight, now shaking with fear. “This is very scary...”

A ladybug only has two eyes... Unless you mistake the decorative dots on its back for additional eyes.
Edit: This is explained later to be just a prank/joke of her brother.

“Twilight, don’t panic, but the ladybug is on your head,” said Luna. Twilight’s ears drooped and Twilight’s pupils dilated with the sentence.

:twilightsmile:: "Should I stay calm, or is there a ladybug on my head? Pick one."

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

This was a cute story. I liked Luna being like the protector...even if it only from a ladybug:rainbowlaugh:

The Miraculous Terrifying Ladybug

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