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What if Twilight did not take on the role of ruling Equestria, providing strong, valid points with the help of her friends? What if they manage to reform the four villains of Equestria and also melt their frozen hearts too?

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 34 )

Discord walked aimlessly around his chaotic house pondering. "She really declined become ruler, huh? I guess I don't have to follow through with my incredibly convoluted scheme of disguising myself as an ancient evil and uniting several villains seeking to destroy Equestria, all to give Twilight a confidence boost when she defeats them."

Can we please get a link to Animation Crusader's story?

Not gonna lie, this reads exactly the same as a lot of other fics with the same premise.

It's EQUESTRIA! and it's I am such a nutcase.

''Anyways,'' said Fluttershy, changing the slide to a picture of lots of ponies. Most of them had horns. ''These ponies used to be evil but chose friendship to be the most valuable thing in their hearts. Most of them we know them as head mares. Princess Luna, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, Sunset Shimmer, Stygian, and so on.''

Don't forget Tempest Shadow/Berrypop.

The filly rolled her eyes. ''You think everyfilly have parents, don't you?''

What's that supposed to mean?! Was she abused? That makes much more sense, and also sad.

But, it probably doesn't excuse her with the draining magic part.

Yep. I added ''so on'' at the end in case if I forgot anymore

Never really thought much about her background, but yeah; she is insane to turn against her own kind tbh

Great, but when will Sombra be reformed?

I... actually never thought about this. He’s a power-hungry ex-king, but I’m sure if he reconciles with Radiant Hope then he’ll manage to melt his frozen heart? That’d be a good story idea, but perhaps people have done a story like that already.

I’ve never thought about this.

Rainbow Dash continued for her, ''we are awesome, your highnesses, but what I don't like is that, what Twilight said, why does she get all the glory? I mean I get she was your student and all, but to tell you the truth; there shouldn't be a leader in a friendship group because that will just make one pony be better than the rest of us, and let's face it, we all know who is going to get the throne: Twilight, and you are immortal, right? So when you pass on that immortality onto Twilight, we will all eventually pass away, whereas Twilight has to suffer to see us die and continue ruling Equestria on her own. Like you said before when we got Twilight's castle, and I quote, 'what is the Princess of Friendship without her friends?' unquote.''

rd makes a REALLY good point

''Why are they still not a thing?'' asked Spike, which made Rarity chuckle.

another good point

What part of no doesn't Celestia get? Twilight says no I don't want to be the ruler and the whole I'm an alicorn and immortal is is more than enough for me in fact it was too much but no let's ignore the no and try a second time.

Anyone else wants to know what will happen in this universe after Twilight refuses? Personally, I’d see Chrysalis try to make one last attempt to get her revenge before being sent to Tartarus, many of the show’s plot holes being tied up, a different cast of villains to form the Legion of Doom (or the Anti-Six), and the Windigos serving as the final bosses.

So, are we to assume that this is the prologue to Pony Life?

''This is probably another test from him to do this ourselves and boost our confidence.''
Isn't that also what Celestia was doing before?

Luna facehoofed. ‘’No, my moon is not made out of cheese. I actually, well, are you sure you all want to know?’’ She turned to them, frowning. ‘’It’s not very... dignified.’’

Sighs while opening comments.

''I just wish you had told me.'’

And why should she? You haven't exactly given Twilight a reason to in the first place, what with the fact that you let the ponies build you up as some mighty goddess and hadn't tried harder in telling them they shouldn't do as such. Why else do you think Twilight wants everything to be perfect when you come near her? Because she picked up the mindset that makes her believe should she anger you, you would give her a punishment for making a simple mistake that offends you in any way. You're the one who should have told Twilight to simply treat you like her equal, but no, you thought letting her figure that out on her own would be hunky dory. It's one of many things about you that disappoint me, Celestia, you'd rather run away from your problems than confront them head-on.

''I am such a nutcase, aren't I? If that’s how the saying goes these days.''

On that we can agree. The fact that you realized you treated Luna so badly to the point she became Nightmare Moon, you banishing her, and having to move the sun and moon for a thousand years while wondering what might have been, and not even telling someone how you felt at that time, has made you insane. You don't show it often, but it is obvious if one looks closer at you.
The point is, like a root taking hold in the soil, you allowed everyone to view you as some mighty being and didn't try hard enough to show them you're just a normal pony. You had many chances to, and you blew all of them. And at the end of it, the only pony you can blame for that is yourself.

(Sigh) Well, good luck with your next life. You're gonna need it big time.

BTW, I don't hate Celestia, just the fact she committed those actions without a second thought.

I don't hate Celestia either but I do agree with you that what she was doing was wrong.

The fact that her sister felt low because of her or the fact she pressured things on Twilight and Twilight alone. Twilight never wanted this and weren't her friends on the adventure with her?

In the show Twilight wasn't really given a choice to turn down the position bestowed upon her. Her friends were rooting for her including her mentor/idol and she didn't want to let them all down. She wanted to be seen as perfect beside her idol but Celestia never reassured her that she wanted to be seen as her equal nor the fact told everypony she's just a normal pony like them.

But oh well. The show's over, and we can still write fics to redeem her...

Just goes to show that Hasbro was more interested in merchandizing than storytelling. Didn't help either that they still treated the girls who watched the show and have grown up like young girls who don't know better.

If Twilight in this story realized how her friends and mentor were treating her, she would've told them off for it, starting with a quote by a certain Disney Princess:
"How dare you. All of you! Standing around, deciding my future?! I am not a prize to be won!"

That quote should be said by Twilight, it's only valid. The thing is she's too nice and meek to even speak up, one of Celestia's faults.
This story is pretty old but I'll reread and perhaps even rewrite it.

She could never say no to Celestia because she can't take her off the pedestal twilight puts her on because of her title and seeming niceness.

That's the thing that irks me the most. She's blinded by the fact Celestia is like a perfect goddess despite the fact she's made mistakes and they're friends now. I just wanted season 9 to show Twilight's development of her having her own decisions and finally standing up to Celestia having a mind of her own.

Yeah and Celestia took advantage of the bearers. Girls there is a dragon and despite the fact you know very little about dragons I need you to make him leave. I'm certainly not going to paying in anything but a fancy window which you won't even get that much because you live in a different town than it.

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