• Member Since 10th Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday


It's hard to do anything in life. The first step to doing something is to get up and out of bed.


This story is a sequel to Cheer Princess

Alright, full disclaimer: THIS IS NOT MY WORK

The original story was written by MythrilMoth, who died back in 2019. He was well-loved by the user of FiMfiction and was regarded as one of the best writers on this website.

When I first found the original Cheer Princess story, I immediately fell in love with it. It broke my heart to see that MythrilMoth died and that the story would never continue.

Since nobody can get a hold of Zef, the best friend of MythrilMoth, nobody has gotten to finishing any of Mythril's stories. While I would have contacted Zef and asked if I can finish the work, he hasn't logged on in close to a year, and I don't know if he will come back. To that end, I will finish the story.

Now, this is not a re-write or a plagiarism story, it is a direct continuation of the story Mythril wrote. To give credit where credit is due, you would have to go to the original story, which I have linked, to read the start of the story and make sense of this one. I only hope that this story is accepted as a tribute to Mythril and his works. rather than be seen as plagiarism on one of this site's most known users.

In memory of MythrilMoth, the best writer this website could ask for.

She didn't think. She just jumped through the portal.

Then it closed behind her.

Stuck in the body of a human teenager, Princess Celestia finds herself trapped in the same world as her bitter student. Even as she and Sunset Shimmer both work to adapt to their new environment and bodies, Celestia is faced with an additional challenge: Sunset Shimmer is attempting to become the queen of Canterlot High, and the only way Celestia can fight back is...

...by becoming more popular.

(Original work by MythrilMoth, read the original chapters as I will not be putting them here)

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 79 )

Were Zef and Moth actually related by blood? This is just idle curiosity, because no answer could change that they were the best of bros.

Amend that, they were actually best friends, sorry for the mix-up, I have to fix that in the description

Site rules say we aren't allowed to write sex scenes with people under 18

It also said that you aren't allowed sex scenes in T-rated story. T-Sex usually just means innuendo and outfits that the real show couldn't get away with.

I may have to skim the original story to refresh, but this looks like it has a lot of potential! I look forward to this and good luck!:pinkiehappy:

Ah, thanks for the clarification. No sex, but suggestive jokes and outfits, I got it

Still miss his Out of context Screenshot updates :(
Really nice that one of his stories gets continued :)

I miss MythrilMoth a lot. He was a great guy. I really miss his Persona EG story, it was my personal favorite. It is nice to see people like you keeping his memory and legacy alive by continuing his works for him.



Thank you both! I'll try not to disappoint you

Here's my question. How did you get permission to do this? With Mythril no longer here...

This isn't the first story to do this. Pick up a story from another author. But I thought it was a site rule you can't do that.

alright interesting start, rarity does come accross as a little crass here mentioning Fluttershy's ass and titts, a suggestion would be her instead revering to fluttershy's abundent "assets" instead, and saying what those assets are only after Celestia just doesn't get it.

out side of that great first chapter.

My Condolences to MythrilMoth and Sympathies to his family and Zef. I wish you the best of luck in carrying on his legacy.

I actually had a chat with Eldorado, one of the moderators of the site. They said that in scenarios of unfinished stories, one can continue the story, so long as they "Make it clear what you're doing in the description, link back to the original, and just start your story immediately following the point where the original ends." If not that, I could have re-wrote it provided I made substantial differences, but I wanted to honor Mythril by finishing one of his most well-loved stories, and the fact that if I re-wrote it, I would get into my habit of nearly copying the events of the story (Tried it once when writing an essay, nearly got caught by the plagiarism checker because I was using another essay as a basis to help me)

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for the comment! I'll fix it later

Next, "F-L, report to Doctor Turner," Tia 'Lightbringer' (Yes, Lightbringer, I needed a last name for her) stood, and made her way to the Physics Teacher.

That's a bad.
Don't insert comments like that in the story. Save those for the author comments.

(Yes, Lightbringer, I needed a last name for her)

So just let us see that and, at best, acknowledge the fabrication in the author's note. Don't shatter the immersion with a parenthetical phrase.

He looked up, puzzled, before acknowledging her hairstyle, "Oh, you must be the Principal's niece, correct?" Tia felt the eyes of several people snap towards her, as is natural when seeing a person in a position of power. She grimaced, before bringing her eyes back to Doctor Turner, and smiling, "Yes, I am Tia."

One speaker per paragraph, please.

She has the largest tits and ass in the school, and every boy here has dreamed of asking her out at least once.

Look, I know this is based on a Moth story, but they're freshmen. It's the start of the year. They're still 13. Plus, that first phrase just doesn't sound like Rarity.

And really, that's the issue. You're trying to fill a dead man's shoes here, and what I'm seeing thus far doesn't look up to the task. Best of luck going forward, but I recommend you refine your fundamentals first. You've got principles in your principals, telling where you could show, and questions that end with periods. I appreciate the sentiment here, but not the execution.

Thanks for the comment, I'll fix it later. Have to work on another story now

Edit: Edited, finished

I'll fix it, I just made it crasser because in the original story, he used words like 'tit's and 'ass', especially when he had that scene where sex-ed was explained to Princess Celestia, and I'm trying my best to write the story in his style.

Also, I appreciate the bluntness. I'll see about cleaning my act up for the next chapter

So your whole gimmick is stealing things from much better writer

I am looking forward to reading the original, and your continuation. Thank you :heart:

No, my gimmick is finishing a writer's story in his memory. If I tried to take this story and pass it off as my own, I'd have gone and made a complete re-write and claimed the idea was mine.

Look, I understand you will probably hate me for doing this. It's like if some newbie took Number 42 in memory of Jackie Robinson. I get it, you probably will hate me for a while until I can prove that I am qualified to finish this. But there's a line I draw. I'm fine with being called a half-assed writer, but a plagariser? I'd rot in hell before I'll plagiarise any story, especially one written by as popular of a write as Mythril. So please, cut it out.

Look, call me a half-ass writer, or an unqualified one, just don't say I steal others' stories, because that's B.S

Thank you. I hope you can enjoy this story for what it is meant to be

God I miss that man I’m glad to see someone picked up this story, good luck with finishing it!

Time will tell, I suppose. We'll see how this goes.

What is fanfiction if not the expression of our desire to see a work expanded and continued beyond where its creator took it? :twilightsmile:

It broke my heart to see that MythrilMoth died and that the story would never continue.

That is so very sad. I read some of his work, but I'm afraid I didn't hear about their passing.

Quick question. I know that the thoughts here are italicized with asterisks between them, but the ones I saw in this chapter didn't have periods at the end. Was this intentional? 😕

No, that was not. Thank you for reminding me

This is certainly kind of an awkward thing to do but I really liked Cheer Princess so best of luck I suppose.

Still Intriguing, please continue! To the haters: If you don't like it, do it yourself! This author is at least trying to emulate another good authors work and giving the original author all due credit! Is it the best? Not yet, but I do see improvement already and after all Moth didn't start off as good as he was. He improved with time and effort!

Thank you for the encouragement and the help! :twilightsmile:

Are you planning on finishing any of MythrilMoth's other stories such as Persona EG? (hint hint)

I'll wait to see what you come up with before passing jugement. But you have my attention.

Short answer: Eh, maybe

Long answer: I have a rule of working on a maximum of 3 stories at any given moment. To Forgive Or Forget is one, Cheer Princess Reborn is two, and The real Twilight is three. I suppose I could try and squeeze a fourth or fifth in the summertime, but that might be stretching it, and I would probably use the space on stories of my own creation.

But barring all of that, I don't have the skill or reputation to go ahead and finish all Mythril's works. I may have already jumped the gun with Cheer Princess, and if you look at the comment section of last chapter, it's a pretty big divide on whether or not this small-time writer can finish one of the best writers' stories.

Also, I haven't read Persona EG (Though it has been on my radar for while due to how many people that I've talked about Mythril say they like it) so I'd have to read all of that to even make sense of if I should finish it.

Well looks like school is in session for Sunset. Good luck with the rest of this.

A: Ice cream is bad in general.

How could you say such horrid things?!

You sound like my classmates when I told them that. It's nothing against the taste, it's just too cold and irritating for my liking.

In that case you should tell that to your dentist.

That is when you make ice cream soup. Then it's slurpabley delicious.

Yeah, that's also when it begins to taste warm and sticky.

Good luck with writing this. I look forward to reading more of this story. Unfinished fics have always made me sad. I had no ideas Mythril died in 2019. How did people find out what happened to him?

I don't want to be that guy, but making author's notes into chapters are against the rules on this site.

Not to mention completely unecessary since this could have easily fit into the author's notes on the first chapter (which oddly didn't have one) or a blogpost.

Oh, sorry about that. Didn't realize that was a rule. I'll fix that after school

Edit: Or maybe not, because this is already a chapter. I'll just make a mental note from refraining from doing it in the future

i will say you might want to slow down the pacing just a tad. things are going by teal fast, and while that works... alright, right now (ecpecally in pinkies scene), i feel like that will be a problem in the future. we had a lot less internal dialogue from Sunset here, which was a major factor in the original.

next i feel Sunset was rather harsh to the teacher, rather then try and assuage those fears, she rebuked her for that, and while i can see sunset in a year or two feeling secure enough to do that, right now this isn't even her first day. remember sunset actually dispises her earth self for being such a delinquent, if anything she is likely to be adamant that she will NEVER be like that, with a force that takes Cheerily back, and perhaps even wins her over (just a tad).

beyond that, it was a fine chapter, loved Rainbow complaining about her classes (which explains why she would be in the same class as sunset in the show.) and her explanation on her plans for her future (that her mom just endangered, albeit in an understandable way, those scholarships are not something you want to risk it all on). and from that we have a path for sunset to gain even more friends and clout.

well now that we have pinkie i wonder when Apple Jack will make her appearance. personally i like the idea of her either being a mutual friend to both groups, or disliking both Sunset and Tia due to their duplicitous nature. plus it would mean that the crusaders would be evenly split. pro sunset, pro tia, and applebloom as the neutral.

sounds like a sensitivity problume, could be a weak enamal (which i also have). i found you can get away with in by using a smaller spoon and skiping the teeth, then you can use your tounge to press it to the roof of your mouth. also i suggest pronamal as a toothpaste if it is enamel loss.

also yeah this is against site rules to post this author comment, but i love the story, which i had posted my comment earlier but was busy yesterday. hope to see this continue.

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