• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 2,734 Views, 156 Comments

Kitty's a Long Way from Home. - Ocelot the Devil

What was supposed to be a normal day at RTX turned into a nightmare and resulted in me being sent here... now I look like Blake, have her abilities and wield Gambol Shroud... what else can go wrong? Answer: EVERYTHING.

  • ...

Meeting with the Royalty itself and Conflicted Feeling.

Meeting important people really scared her. Actually, that was a lie... she had a huge fear of meeting newcomers. Back when she was Kohaku, she was often weary of strangers since she often kept a sharp eye on anyone that might try something funny with her.

She wasn't entirely sure how she had ended up in this situation or if she could trust these ponies, but she didn't have much of a choice at the moment. No turning back now! She prepared to face her destiny with a confident look.

Blake couldn't help but wonder just how exactly this shit ended up with her in the castle and meeting the two sisters. And to think this morning had started out perfect...

(Earlier in the day...)

Hugging her pillow and snoring without a care in the world, Blake was resting and sleeping with a blanket and saliva coming out of her mouth.

She wanted to sleep all day. No worries, no distractions, nothing. Just a decent sleep...

"Mmm... soft bed..." She mumbled with a smile on her face.

All was quiet in the room... but then she awoke and sat up before pausing and taking a whiff in the air. The smell seemed... different. VERY different.


She tried to place the scent. It felt... like a scent from a pony... Oh, shit! They found her!

Blake got up and shook her head. "I need to leave now before it all goes to hell. Now where's my clothes..."

Recovering them from the ground she got dressed quickly and peaked out through the windows in the living room... so far, all was quiet outside yet she knew that the ponies were already on their way.

"Ugh, why now?"

And at that moment she saw movement in the form of a tall unicorn with wings landing gently in the village along with a shorter one next to her... followed by a squad of royal guards.

"Oh no..." She whispered quietly with a gulp. So many ponies outside!

Blake needed to find another way out or try to hide until they were gone. But where? How?

At that moment though, the tall unicorn with wings' voice could be heard. "Spread out and search the village for survivors. Also, there is someone that we wish to speak to... so, treat her with respect. She did save our kingdom from Nightmare Moon herself."

The tall unicorn's words made Blake gulp. They wanted to speak with her...? Why?

Blake wasn't sure if she wanted to know... all she wanted was to go back home! Maybe... they could help her get back home?

But they were strangers to her. They weren't to be trusted!

And yet she couldn't run forever let alone fight them off. For now though, she hid under a bed and hoped they wouldn't find her. Blake clasped her mouth shut and became one with the silent room.

Of course, hiding under the bed is a supremely stupid idea and she was found almost immediately and it didn't take long for the royal guard to flush her out... And so here she was, in a room in the palace about to talk to the rulers of the land.

"Why did I land in this world to begin with...?" She asked herself with a groan.

It was a mystery. Although, a bigger mystery was why she was even wearing this dress to begin with because it made her look dumb and fat even though the latter was a lie.

Instead of her usual attire, she wore a short, purple asymmetrical, halter neck dress that was split up the right side and has a black collar. Translucent black mesh covered her shoulders, décolletage and back, and decorative black swirls cover the left side of the dress and continue up the left strap. The outfit was completed with black pumps.

Weird but it felt... familiar. She couldn't place the style though... and what confused her more was the fact that it seemed to fit her perfectly and was made for a human. An ironic thing to state given that she was currently in a world of living equines.

Why did the princesses gave her this...? Maybe to show their appreciation?

Oh, well. At least it was a fitting gift. Soon, she made her way towards the throne room and went inside, wondering how this was going to end up. A deep breath had been taken to calm herself.

Once inside the throne room she was in awe - a beautiful sight to enjoy. Tall pillars, colorful windows...

It was a sight to behold. And on the throne room were the two princesses whom she learnt were the keepers of the Sun and Moon.

Blake gulped as the two tall princesses stood to attention.

"Thank you for bringing us the girl, Royal Guards. You may now leave us." The tall white one ordered to her fellow subjects.

Fear took over the form of Blake Belladonna - not only for her life but also for the judgement that would come in a few seconds.

The guards bowed in respect and left quickly, leaving the poor cat-girl at the mercy of the princesses.

She couldn't take it. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I ran from you both but I have no idea if I can trust you or not! Please don't me to prison!" She pleaded while on the ground with her arms in a prayer and shivering.

She was so doomed! So scared! So terrified for her-

What caught her off guard was Celestia's amused giggles.

"Young one, you don't need to be afraid,"


"We're not going to throw you in prison,"

"Y-you aren't?"


Blake raised a brow. "What's your game?"

The white unicorn raised her hoofs to indicate that there was no malice or threats in her words. "No game intended, young one."


"Yes. I wish you no harm... merely to thank you for freeing my sister from her endless prison."

"Oh." Was the only thing from the cat-girl's mouth.

Blake felt a little more calmer but nevertheless remained on the offensive. "So, why have you both brought me here?"

"We only wish to question you on your identity and where you've acquired your powers." Was the answer from the Sun Princess' mouth.

"Ah, I see." Blake nodded back, still on edge but a little more calmer.

"Before we get down to our questions, introductions are in order: I am Princess Celestia of Equestria and my younger sister is Princess Luna... A.K.A. the Troublemaker." The white princess known as Celestia answered with an amused glance.

"Hey!" Said younger sibling, Luna, pouted in annoyance.

Celestia turned away to hide the smile.

Blake snickered, not at all imagining these two to be a pair of jokers.

As for Luna, she crossed her arms in annoyance. "Not funny."

"Sure it is," Celestia replied with amusement and watched Blake trying her best not to explore with laughter on the ground.

Celestia was satisfied to see that their guest was at least calming down. Just the effect she needed...

"Now that we've introduced ourselves, perhaps you'll honor us with your name." Celestia questioned.

Blake nodded and rubbed the back of her head. "How... how much do you want the full truth out of this? Entire story or... just the important bits. It's a weird one."

"Try us, we've seen a lot of 'weird' in our lives," Celestia stated. It was truth... she and her sister had seen many things in life that could be classified as 'weird' or 'insane'.

The cat-girl sighed. "Very well... to start off, my real name is Kohaku Ume or Koko as my friends call me... but in this form, I'm called Blake Belladonna... from a series called RWBY."

Blake then explained the entire story from top to bottom without slowing down until she was finished. She gave the details about the cat-girl, her story, her likes and dislikes, Team RWBY, the history, everything that she had memorized when she was watching the show back home.

Celestia and Luna listened intently and were astonished by Blake's tale. It was definitely the weirdest thing they've ever heard. A world of kids having weird super abilities and using weapons for the greater good of mankind... it was unbelievable. And they thought Discord's spells were troublesome!

After she finished everything, Blake went silent for a moment to let the Princesses process the information.

Seconds later, the silence was broken by Celestia asking a question. "So what would you like us to do?"

"Well... not sure. Unless you have a means of me getting back home..." Blake trailed off.

"We'll look into it," Celestia promised as best she could.

"We can't promise you anything but we'll do our best to find a means for you to return home." Luna told her and shared a glance with her sibling who nodded.

Blake gave them a grateful nod. "I appreciate it."

"In the meantime, you'll need a place to stay," Celestia commented.

"True to that... although, is it possible to have a place... somewhere that is quiet without too much company?" Blake questioned with a nervous blush on her face.

"Oh! A fellow introvert?" Luna questioned with interest in her tone and the cat-girl replied in the form of a simple nod.

"I don't like people that much... other than close friends plus I enjoy reading books a lot... kinda of like Blake does in the series." Blake admitted with an embarrassed look.

Luna cheered. "Finally! A fellow introvert!"

Celestia rolled her eyes at this statement. Again with this conversation...

Blake raised a brow. "Let me guess, you enjoy the peace and quiet?" She questioned.

Luna sighed. "You have no idea what it's like to be cramped in front of a crowd of ponies and freezing while looking at them. It's horrible... and don't get me started on little Miss Sunny Side on my left." She pointed her hoof at her sister.

"Hey!" Celestia sent her a glare in response.

The Princess of the Night gave a deadpan look in return. "You were always telling me to go outside and socialize more... It was very hard to do, sister!" She stated.

"It's good for you Lulu!" Celestia argued.

Luna crossed her hoofs and dismissed her words. "Uh-huh."

Blake was definitely not expecting this... she was expecting either tyrannical dictators or wise rulers to judge her. Instead, the rulers turn out to be a pair of clowns. She started giggling at their antics.

Celestia and Luna turned to look at her with raised brows on their face.

"What? You two are funny." She admitted much to their embarrassment.

Celestia and Luna shared a glance and then one at Blake... before they hid their faces. "We're supposed to be the wise princesses who protect our world from threats... we're not a pair of jokers."

Blake rolled her eyes at their words and smirked. "Sure you are... sure you are."

"Lulu... do something." Celestia pleaded.

"I'm already being embarrassed enough as it is, Celly... you do something." Luna replied back.

While they were both having disagreements as to what to do, Blake stretched her arms and then paused. Oh, right... the dress.

"Why did I get this dress though? I mean... it just gives off red alarms, Princesses." Blake questioned.

"Huh?" Celestia raised a brow of confusion at this question.

"I mean... you both gave me this dress... free of charge, I might add. Is it laced with some sort of sleep drug or...?" Blake asked in a worried tone.

"O-oh! No, no! It's a gift, that's all. You are in the presence of royalty and its only fitting that you dress appropriate for the occasion." Celestia explained quickly as to make sure that her guest didn't get the wrong kind of attention.

"Someone's paranoid," Luna muttered under her breath.

Blake deadpanned, having heard the Princess' words. "Blake's character is filled with paranoia."

"Oh?" Luna raised a brow.

"Yeah..." Blake rubbed the back of her head before continuing. "I mean... from the way your face is, Princess Luna, you also have a paranoid nature in you."

Luna grumbled at that statement.

Celestia giggled. "Probably a good thing I'm here."

Luna pouted in response to Celestia's words. She sent a glance that said 'Stop embarrassing me, please'.

Blake rolled her eyes. "This has been the most awkward day in the history of Blake Belladonna... or Kohaku Ume."

The Princesses giggled in response and then Celestia cleared her throat. "I'll start renovating your room as soon as possible... although, I'll need some preferences as to what Blake likes and dislikes, Miss Ume... actually, what do I call you?"

"Uh...I'm not sure...I'm half Blake half Kohaku..."

Celestia rubbed her backhead with her hoof. "Blake and Kohaku... hmmm... Blahaku?" She suggested.

Both Luna and Blake deadpanned at that cringe name. Who on Earth would name their kid 'Blahaku'? It sounded so awful...

"That name sounds awful." Blake admitted.

"This is why we don't let Tia name anything. Last time she did, we got a town named Ponyville," Luna smirked at the amusing memory.

"HEY!" Celestia yelled.

"It's true Tia, don't deny it!" Luna replied back with a grin.

"Shut up..." Celestia hid her face with a grumble.

Blake snorted. "Is she always like this?"

"Yup!" Luna declared with a proud look. Then an evil idea popped into her head... this ought to be an amusing story to share with the newcomer

Luna then hid her giggles. "And... she... accidentally started a fight against the Griffin King and herself... over cake."

"Oh?" Blake asked with interest.

Celestia sent her a death look and a face that said 'Don't you dare!'. She wouldn't! The last thing she needed right now as her sister's ongoing teasing routines!

Luna smirked and rubbed her hooves together. Too late!

"Hmmm... Well, since you wanted to know, Blake... Little Miss Sun over here... was basically provoked by the King who was just having a laugh... over cake. Now I've never told anyone this... but Tia is very protective of the word 'cake'." She answered as Celestia's face morphed into despair. GODDAMN IT, LUNA!!!

"WHY!?" Celestia demanded with a betrayed look.

Luna's answer came in the form of chuckles. She had won this day! But there were plenty more to come... more teasing and annoying her older sibling. As for their guest...

Blake rolled her eyes. Yep, the princesses were a pair of jokesters. All she could do was release a heavy sigh...

At least she was in good hands... for now. Guess she was worried about nothing. Just a simple misunderstanding that turned into a good end to their meeting.


After getting out of her dress, Blake equipped back her old attire. It felt good to be out of that thing!

For now, she needed some peace and quiet... watching the stars outside. It was nice and calm... guess this place was a peaceful one indeed. She relax without a care in the world and enjoyed the stars outside.

"My favorite spot to come... or at least came before I turned into Nightmare Moon." A voice spoke next to her. She didn't need to be spooked and guessed who it was... Luna.

"Hi," Blake said without turning.

"Hello as well, Blake. I apologize if I'm interrupting... but I was hoping that I might keep you company." Luna requested as she sat down next to her.

"Sure," Blake agreed.

Blake didn't mind the company... in fact, she appreciated it a lot. They sat together and continued watching.

"Something about the stars... it just calms people down." Blake admitted while watching the shining stars in the night sky.

"Indeed," Luna agreed with the girl.

Luna watched the night sky and sighed in content. "I often miss nights like these."

"Oh?" Blake wondered as she looked at the princess.

"Ever since I was imprisoned on the moon... I couldn't see my beautiful night." Luna admitted in a sad tone.

"That sounds awful," Blake sympathized with her.

"Indeed... although, I do find it a fitting punishment since I had become too intoxicated by power." Luna stated.

"I see." Blake replied.

Blake was glad to have gotten rid of Nightmare then and returning Luna to her previous form. At least she was able to grant the Princess of the Night her freedom... for all it was worth. Blake embraced the princess in the form of a hug.

Luna was surprised by that hug. "I won't let you be alone to fall to darkness again," Blake promised.

Luna's surprised face was definitely not fading any time soon. "Blake..."

Blake just kept hugging her as Luna started sniffling

"I... I've never had anyone show me so much kindness before. Except for my sister, you are the first creature that has shown me such compassion." Luna admitted with tears dripping down her eyes.

Blake blushed. She just kept hugging the pony... was this a feeling of attraction?

A-attraction?! What was she thinking?! Where did that line of thought come from!?

She immediately shook her head. "I'm not doing anything special..." She assured as to not get the wrong impression.

"Huh!?" Luna asked after wiping her tears away.

"I'm just... being a decent person..." Blake blushed at her words.

Luna raised a brow. "What are you talking about?" She questioned confusingly.

"Gah!" Blake quickly hid her face as to avoid getting more embarrassed than she already was although it didn't stop her from blurting the next sentence from her mouth. "S-stop the hormones please..."

"Oh?" Luna then raised an amused brow. This should be enjoyable.

She wanted to tease this kitty... and tease her she will!

Luna got closer and snuggled her. "Being a Princess of the Night is... lonely." She admitted.

"Eep!" Blake jumped up in an embarrassing tone which lead to Luna releasing a set of giggles.

Then she wondered if she was going too far with the teasing... nah, probably not. She got closer and planted a kiss on Blake's cheek. "GAH!"

Luna chuckled. This one was indeed interesting... she would enjoy teasing her quite a lot. With that, the Princess of the Night took her leave quickly and flew off before the kitty could explode. The catgirl was left on her own and wondered why her hormones were flaring up...

She was a pony! Ponies and humans don't pair! It was bestiality! Although, she had to remember that she was a Faunus... plus, there were Human and Faunus pairings in the show. Well, if Luna was human... well, maybe... but she wasn't! She was a pony!

A human Luna... Blake blushed heavily at that thought.

Unbeknownst to the catgirl, Luna was having the same thoughts on her mind as well. She must find a way to transform into a 'human' that Blake mentioned and then maybe she'll have luck in... Hmmm, nah. It was just a simple joke on her mind.

Granted, the teasing bit was just a joke on her part... but... there was something about Blake Belladonna...

It was... alluring. And the kiss she gave her... Oh my!

Luna found pink color on both her cheek. Hmm...

It was just a simple teasing prank she did... then again, she wasn't kidding when she said she was alone.

It had been so long many centuries since she had someone by her side. She never did have a chance to form a relationship. Luna found herself blushing once more in her thoughts.

She kept flying while deciding that perhaps it just might be time to focus on her own happiness for once. And she could start by getting to know the newly arrived Blake Belladonna. She nodded to herself.

Even if she was a pony, she didn't care. Based on what Blake told her, Faunus fell in love with humans as well... and she was half-Faunus in a way.

Yes, that’s it.

Luna flew off to do her duties but there would also be free time... time in which she would use to get to know Blake Belladonna better.


Blake was awed by the state of room that was gifted by the two Princesses. A room filled with books, a comfy bed, a telescope... even a tea set. Wow... she was so lucky!

This was perfect! Some peace and quiet... and she could even read books without getting disturbed.

She sat down at the table and poured herself some tea, she closed her eyes and began to drink it slowly... hmm, strawberry flavor.

This was bliss.

Then she got up and looked through her telescope... she was in awe. The night sky and the stars were so beautiful.

Was this heaven?

Probably. This world was definitely a lot more peaceful and quiet than Earth. Hell, it was even friendly... might she dare say.

She sat back into her comfy chair, relaxed and closed her eyes as sleep overtook her.

Author's Note:

So, I’m back with a new chapter at last! Sorry to you all for making you wait… writer’s block and laziness. Hope the chapter is worth the wait.

So, that Luna and Blake scene, eh? Well… originally I just planned a ‘no romance’ thing… yet I dunno now. Luna and Blake have a lot in common. Plus, in a way, Luna is a Half-Faunus minus the human bit. A pony still, but you get the picture. They’ll be lots of Luna and Blake moments so developing the relationship will be interesting.

Also, how about that RWBY anime, huh? Lots of potential if it’s made by the people who did Puebla Magi Madoka Magica, FATE and other anime that SHAFT produced. The trailer was impressive and so were the interactions! Way better than what Rooster Teeth did… hopefully the anime will satisfy our expectations and do justice to RWBY. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. Provided RT don’t do anything dumb… which one of their VA already has. Bloody hypocrite.

And thus I leave you all with the new chapter of Kitty's a Long Way from Home! As usual, I don't own anything - except for the story itself. RWBY and MLP belongs to their respective creators!