• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 2,460 Views, 20 Comments

My little modern warfare : violence is magic - The Deadlyfanwriter

Price, Soap and Ghost are brought into a my little pony unexpectedly.

  • ...

A true calling

Soap and Price go on the hunt for Makarov. Discovering crucial information that might save their lives.Price confronts a familiar face

Price and Soap pack their stuff in the saddle bags as they are about to leave. "Ghost and Lloyd, try not to fuck up this time. And always defend the town is that understood?" Price asks

"Yes sir" Lloyd answered

"Technically sir it was Lloyd's fault. This idiot almost got us all killed "Ghost answered. Lloyd then feels guilty from Ghost's comment. After all, it was his fault that they all almost died.

"If I find out that you haven't done what I said. I will kill you myself" Price threatened

"Look mates just stay on patrol. We want to make sure we can capture Makarov by surprise. Is that understood?" Soap asked

"Yes sir" Ghost and Lloyd said at the same time.

"Where are you guys going anyway?" Rainbow dash asked

"We're going to scout for Makarov, we can't keep getting attacked. We need to find their base and get some intel on them" Price explains

"But we also can't risk getting this place raided either, so we need Ghost and Lloyd to defend it" Soap explains.

"After the trip Lloyd, I wanna have a conversation with you alone" Price says

"Alright" Lloyd answers

Price and Soap get in the Technical that they stole. Price gets in the drivers seat,While Soap sits in the passenger. They drive off and pray to god that Ghost and Lloyd don't mess up.

"Alright where to first?" Soap asks.

"We will just be scouting for them. We will capture one of them and then interrogate them" Price explains.

30 minutes later

Soap has fallen asleep, Captain Price wonders what that man dreams about. But couldn't care less. He then starts to think about the time they were still in Russia. He remembers how Gaz would annoy him by calling him Soap. The rest of the S.A.S calling him the F.N.G.

Altay mountains, Russia


Sgt 'Soap' MacTavish

22nd SAS Regiment.

Captain Price fights the ultranationalists near the nuclear missiles well trying to make their way to the war room. with him is Soap ,Lloyd and Griggs.

"These bastards won't let up" Griggs says as he is being shot at by the ultranationalists.
Soap throws a flash bang blinding them which allows Griggs to mow them down. Price and Lloyd are fighting the hostiles on the other path.

"Price I'm tossing a grenade." Lloyd says as he bites the pin off and throws the grenade at the hostiles. One of them tries to pick it up and throw it back but it blows up as soon as he grabs it. As they move one of the Russians tries to surprise attack Price.
but Price kicks him down and shoots him in the head.

They make it to the blast door. Price makes it to the door first, ordering everyone to hurry up.
"C'mon Hurry!" Price orders
As they all enter, the nuclear missiles start to launch and Price tries to close the door as the fire bursting from the missiles blasts towards them. He is able to close the door just in time. They look in front of them as they are met with another door which they can't open normally. Price then hears someone on the radio.

" Captain Price, this is Gaz. We've taken control of the base security. What's your status over?" Gaz says as he radios Price

"Gaz we are in position, open the outer door to the launch control" Price orders on the radio

"Roger we're on it" Gaz answers back. The squad then stack on the wall protecting them from any fire and aim at the door.
"Standby, almost there... Got it doors coming online now" Gaz informs on the radio. The door starts to open and the squad ready their weapons.

but the door takes awhile to open. "How slow is this thing?" Lloyd says impatiently. The door still takes awhile to open.
"Oh you gotta be shitting me!" Griggs says growing impatient.

Price tries to radio Gaz again. "Gaz can't you make it open faster?"

"Negative sir, but you can try pulling it if it makes you feel better" Gaz says well laughing a bit.

"Cheeky bastard" Price says back. As the door opens they see Russians hiding in rooms with Glass protecting them and some of them hiding behind barricades. Griggs makes quick work of them by firing his LMG well Lloyd tosses a flash bang behind the barricades to blind the Russians. Price and Soap shoot the soldiers behind the barricades and Lloyd is able to toss one of his last grenades into the room where the Russians are hiding, it explodes and kills all of them inside the room.

They keep moving but Lloyd notices the time. "Price we have 4 minutes!" Lloyd informs.

"Then we got to book it! c'mon Let's go!" Price orders. The squad make their way to another room.

"Team 3 what's your status over?" Price asks on the radio.

"Team 3 in position, southeast side of the launch control room. Standing by, Are you at the far wall over?" Team 3 leader asks.

"Affirmative, Preparing to breach, Soap- plant the explosives, go!" Price orders. Soap walks near the corner wall and plants the C4. He takes out the denotator, walks back and presses it. The C4 blows up the wall. As they run through it they notice Jerome beating an enemy to death. He picks up his rifle and notices them coming through the wall.

"Took you motherfuckers long enough. C'mon lets go!" Jerome says. They are now in the war control room and see the rest of the marines finish off the last of the enemies.

"Clear" Griggs informs.

"Soap ,enter the codes! We'll watch for enemy reinforcements" Price says. Soap walks to the keyboard and starts entering the abort codes. As he finishes Command starts to radio in.

"Standby for confirmation" Command says on the radio."Standby...Standby" Everyone tense well waiting for confirmation.

Jerome holds his cross and put his faith in god" Please god work" Jerome says.

"Bravo 6, all warheads have been confirmed destroyed in flight. We got a ton of debris ,but most of it's landing in the ocean" Command informs.

"hell yeah!' Jerome with everyone else starts to cheer.

"Let's not Celebrate yet mates we need to get the hell out of here!" Price orders. Everyone starts to run towards the humvees left outside. But Soap stops for a second and notices something weird. he looks behind him seeing some sort of shadowy figure

"What the hell?" Soap says. He then suddenly sees a knife in his chest. "What the fuck? is going o-" The shadowy figure runs towards him and puts the knife deeper. Soap starts to scream

Present day

Price accidentally drives into something without even looking. "What the hell?" Price questioned.

He stops the car and gets out to see what's in front. Soap wakes up not saying anything. Price notices Soap looking shocked.

"Soap you alright?" Price asks. Soap tries to regain his senses.

"Ya ... i'm ... good . just a bad dream that's all" Soap answers.

"Ok well think I knocked into something" Price says. He looks in-front of the car to see Fluttershy.

"Ouch" Fluttershy says

"Oh shit ,Fluttershy are you ok?" Price asks

"A bit dizzy but I've been through worse" Fluttershy says

"Can you get up?" Soap asks

"Ya I can but I need to go a long way" Fluttershy says. Soap although just woke up from a hectic dream, decides to be nice

"Why don't you come with us?" Soap asks

"What?" Price confused

"I mean your car whatever you call it does look fast, you know what it wouldn't hurt" Fluttershy says. She flies in the back seat.

"Soap, can I talk to you for a second?" Price asks.

"Sure" Soap says as Price tries to whisper to him,

"What are you thinking?! She is liability, we can't take her with.Plus she can just fly there" Price whispers

"Ya but you almost ran her over, we should at least take her there" Soap suggests

"And what, take part in her 'friendship activities' "Price says

"No Price calm down, we just need to bring her home that's all, have a little bit of sympathy mate" Soap says

" what are you guys talking about?" Fluttershy asks

"Oh us uh, we are just talking about where we need to go that's all"Soap says

"Oh sure I'll just direct you" Fluttershy says

"Oh great" Price says sarcastically

They start driving in a different direction.

"So, how does this thing work?" Fluttershy asks

"That's a long story, that I can't explain" Soap says

"Oh ok" Fluttershy says. Silence hits the inside of the car for a few seconds until Fluttershy asks another question.

"Umm I have another question" Fluttershy says. Price starting to get annoyed.

"Go ahead Fluttershy" Soap says

"Why do you not like friendship?" Fluttershy asks

"Oh there it is" Price says annoyed

"Price calm down, Fluttershy it's just unlikely to use friendship against Makarov. Unlike your world we can't become friends with everyone" Soap explains. Fluttershy suddenly looks confused

"Friends with everyone? That's not what we said" Fluttershy says

"What? " Soap also confused

"Did you think that we just try be friends with everyone we meet, even our bad ponies. Of course not"Fluttershy explains

"Then why do you keep telling us about it?" Soap asks

"I understand that not everyone is that good to give friendship a chance. But the point of it is to make your bond with someone else, stronger" Fluttershy explains

"But we are like brothers in arms. I'm pretty sure we don't need to have a lesson on friendship"Soap says

"It's more of the things you do together. Like, look at Rarity and I. We are different. But we still are the best of friends. And if it makes it easier. It's what you'd do for that friend. That's true friendship" Fluttershy says proudly.
Price then takes out a cigar and starts to smoke. Ignoring what Fluttershy is saying completely

"Now that I think of it, you guys are already on the journey to friendship" Fluttershy says

"I guess that makes sense" Soap says hesitantly.

Price stops the car and sees her house. "Alright Fluttershy here we are, you could get the fuck out of my car now" Price says.
Soap then elbows him in the shoulder to hint that he should stop.

"You did drive in to her, we could've of been killed" Soap says

"Fair" Price says softly

"Actually I know your on an important mission ,but could you help me with something, it won't take long I promise" Fluttershy asks.

"How long will it take?" Soap asks

"Um just 3 minutes. Plus I need very strong ponies, and you guys getting here was the perfect job" Fluttershy explains

"Well what do we need to do?" Soap asks

"Oh just to help me with a bear, that's all"Fluttershy says. Price instantly turns his head to her as soon as she mutters the word bear.

"A bear?" Price says with interest as he pulls the Intervention( a sniper rifle) from a bag. He then reloads it and cocks his gun."Don't worry this will only be a matter of seconds" Price says happily.

"Umm, without killing him"Fluttershy says. Price then looks disappointed.

"What do you mean we can't kill him. It's a bloody bear. Are we gonna give it bloody friendship lessons or something? " Price confused

"No dummy, it's an animal of course it can't learn friendship" Fluttershy says. Price then looks at her and then rolls his eyes.

"Funny coming from a pony" Price whispered.

"I need to help poor Angel's leg" she says as she opens her saddle bag. Revealing a bunny who is extremely sad from his broken leg. "Anyway all you need to do is calm the bear down. Without using violence" Fluttershy says."it will be a great lesson on friendship as well"

"Ya like I'm gonna do that shit" Price says. Soap then whispers to Price's ear

"If we do this we can go, all we need to do is knock it out and then it's over"
Price rolls his eyes and nods at him.

"Fine I'll do it Fluttershy" Price answers. He then puts the gun away.

"Thank you so much guys. Don't worry I'll reward you handsomely" Fluttershy says as She walks into her house.

"I don't care fluttershy what you give me. I just wanna get this fucking over with" Price says.

Price then hears the bear screaming in the distance.

"I've faced harder Bastards" Price says."Probably pussy cats compared to the ones in Pripyat" Price then straightens his hat and they both walk towards the bear.

"So Price, I never thought of how we are gonna deal with this thing" Soap says

"Easy, find a solid stone and smash it's head" Price explains

"How are you going to even get close?" Soap asks

"you're gonna be the bait" Price says. Soap looks hesitant at his answer but doesn't bother objecting it.

As they walk. The roars of the bear have gone quiet. Price listens closely but can't hear any footsteps.

"That's odd, for a bear surely it make some sound" Price says

"Maybe it went to sleep?" Soap theorizes

"No, bears are never this quiet" Price says. Soap slowly walks around the corner prepared for anything. He looks around corner seeing the bear but it's dead. Price also walks around the corner.

"What the bloody hell? the bear is dead ?" Soap confused

"hold on let me check something " Price says as he checks the bear's dead body. there are bullet wounds in it.

"bullet wounds. must mean the enemy must've have been here" Price explains.

"how far could they have gone?" Soap asks

Price looks at his surroundings. Price then takes out throwing knives.

"I have a feeling that they ain't far" Price says. He then throws the knives at a random bush. Soap confused at what he just did.

"Why did you thr-" a soldier jumps out of the bush screaming and starts shooting his weapon in the air. He takes out the knife and falls unconscious. Soap shocked and confused at the same time.

"Wanna tell me what you put on those knives?"Soap asks

"I put sleeping drugs on them, I didn't show Fluttershy the knives before because we both know how she would've reacted. It was also originally for the bear" Price explains. Soap then looks at the Russian on the floor

"So... is he dead?" Soap asks

"No, he just taking an early nap that's all" Price says

20 minutes later

Price and Soap strap the enemy to a chair and interrogate him.

"tell me!" Price says as he punches the Soldier in the face. But the soldier just murmurs in Russian." Give me the bloody information!" Price right hooks the soldier's face, then throws a left hook. "Speak up you Bastard!" Price punches him in the stomach then goes behind him and starts to choke him. Soap just looking at the whole scene. reminding him of something.

"Stop .. please, ... Stop!" The Russian Struggling to speak well he is being choked

Price stops strangling him and pushes the Russian's head with his one hoof.

"You have about 5 seconds to start speaking otherwise" Price takes out a pistol and aims it at his balls." your balls are next in line"
The soldier freaking out starts talking.

"Alright, alright. I'll talk, I can't tell you the loca-"

"Well that's fortunate then" Price interrupts him and is about to fire but the Russian tries to explain himself

"Wait! I can't tell you because it will be pointless. We will be gone by then" The Russian explains

"Gone where?" Price says demanding an answer.

"To siege Ponyville. We are planning to assault the town and finally kill all of you" The Russian answers. Price stops aiming at him and realizes the shit situation their in.

" Makarov wants type up loose ends. I should of known that bastard was up to something" Soap says. Price aims the gun back at the Russian

" How long do we have and how many is he sending?" Price interrogates

" I estimate 2 or 3 days, we only just got the command yesterday and how many? A lot more than you think. You thought the Ambush at the hospital was bad. this is much worse" The Russian explains.

" Price we need to hurry, and get back to Ponyville fast!" Soap says with a sense of urgency.

"No shit Soap pack everything up we gotta move" Price orders.

"wait, what about m-" the Russian gets shot in the head by Price. Ending his life.

"Alright Soap lets move" Price says as they put their stuff in their saddle bags and look for Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy you there! we need to talk to you right now!" Soap screams. Fluttershy comes out of her house

"Yes is something wrong?"Fluttershy asks.

"We just got information that a huge enemy force is headed for Ponyville" Soap explains. Fluttershy then looks shocked.

"Oh no! how long do we have. I gotta tell my friends!" Fluttershy says she starts to panic.

"Fluttershy we need you find somewhere safe. You can’t stay here or go back to ponyville ” Soap instructs.

Fluttershy shocked by Soap's instructions.

"Are you telling me that ... I ... I should ditch my friends!" Fluttershy said as she was very shocked."I can't do that, why would I do that!"

Price is getting annoyed that Fluttershy is not following orders. Soap still tries to convince her.

"Fluttershy, You need to do this , You' re doing your friends a big favor. You doing us a big favor" Soap said.

Fluttershy was still reluctant and I couldn't even bare thinking about ditching her friends when they are in danger.

"I'm sorry Soap but I can't ditch them, their too important to me, they are the only true friends I've ever known, and not helping them when their in need of my help , is something I just cannot do" Fluttershy explained.

Price has finally lost his patience and trots straight back to the car. Soap notices it and is very confused.

"Price where the fuck are you going!" Soap asked.

"If she wants to stay here and die then that's on her ,I'm not gonna wait around to find out" Price said. Soap shocked at what Price is doing.

"Price we can't just leave her here, that's madness" Soap said trying to convince Price. Fluttershy looking at the conversation and feels a bit bad, because of her decision they are now arguing.

" What is stopping us, she is too stubborn to save herself from being killed, and would rather risk herself to help her friends even though we both bloody well know she can't" Price said. Soap still feeling hesitant looks back Fluttershy.

"It's okay Soap, Don't worry I made my choice, I don't want to make your relationship between you and your captain bad" Fluttershy said as she gives a sad smile.

Price hears something on the radio and notices someone is speaking on it.

"Who the bloody hell is that?" Price whispered to himself. He tunes the radio so he can hear it more clearly. he tunes it and suddenly hears Russian chatter. Price is now slightly alarmed.

"It's the ultranationalists" Price whispered. He can hear what the Russians are saying from the other side.

"This is jester 2-3, I have spotted 3 ponies near a house, one of them seems to be a hostile. permission to engage?" The pilot asked.

Price is now very alarmed. He wants to tell Soap but he decides to look around for the helicopter but can't see it.

'Shit, Makarov's men now have helicopters. how the bloody hell did they get those!' Price thought. He quickly opens the door and tries to tell Soap but suddenly hears chatter from the radio again.

"Roger that Jester 2-3, You have full authority to engage them, kill anything that moves" The other Russian said.

"Copy that, engaging hostiles now" The Pilot said.

Price then dips out the car and shouts at Soap.

"Soap! Take cover!"

Soap hears Price's instructions and looks around for any missile but suddenly sees one heading straight towards them. He pushes Fluttershy and himself out of the way to avoid being hit by the missile. The missile then hits the ground creating a massive explosion pushing Soap and Fluttershy metres away from it.

Soap is thrown in to the bushes and Fluttershy thrown through the window in to her own house.

The area is then met with a barrage of bullets raining down on the house and the rest of the area. Price runs after Soap, and Lifts him out of the bushes.

"You broken?" Price asked worriedly.

"Apart from a few little scratches, no I'm good" Soap answered.

The helicopter doesn't stop firing an ends up hitting some of Fluttershy's pets.

They then hear Fluttershy screaming for help


"We gotta help Fluttershy" Soap said determinedly as he gallops towards the house. "Fluttershy we're comi-" Price grabs Soap and stops him dead in his tracks.

"Are you nuts! you'll get yourself killed, she is already a goner, we have no other choice but to leave her" Price instructed.

"Price are you fucking serious we're just gonna leave her behind!" Soap said as he was frustrated at what Price was doing.

"Soap, We can't save everyone! You know this already! I'm sorry but we're leaving her behind" Price Instructed" C'mon we gotta book it to the car!"

But Soap doesn't move from his position. He then shakes his head.

"Soap C'mon!" Price orders. But Soap doesn't move.

"Then I guess you're leaving me behind too" Soap said sadly as he bolts towards Fluttershy's house.

"Soap noo!!" Price screams as he tries to stop him. But a piece of debris falls between, and prevents Price from reaching him.

"Goddamnit Soap!" Price said furiously. He then looks at the helicopter shooting at Fluttershy's house which Soap is about to enter.

"I gotta draw that helicopter away from them" Price said to himself he looks back at the truck runs towards it.

Meanwhile by Soap

Soap enters the house and sees how it is starting to fall apart. parts of the roof falling everywhere.

"Fluttershy!" Soap shouts as he tries to callout to her, but he still hears nothing.

"Fluttershy! Can you hear me!" Soap shouted again. He then hears a cry for help

"Help!!!" Fluttershy called out.

"Fluttershy!" He screamed as he gallops past all the falling debris.

"I got you Fluttershy" Soap said reassuringly. He opens the door seeing Fluttershy down on the Floor crying.

"Fluttershy!" Soap called out. Fluttershy notices Soap.

"Soap!" She called back.

he then gallops towards Fluttershy and tries to check on her.

"What is wrong, where are you hurt!?"Soap asked worriedly.

"My ... my ... wing"Fluttershy said weakly. She then tries to lift her weak right wing which is currently bleeding. Soap tries to examine her wing and notices a sharp piece of glass stuck in it. "It hurts so much"

"Oh shit, I'm not gonna be able to use my hooves for this one "Soap said to himself. Soap then realizes he might have to bite it off.

"Ok, Fluttershy I'm gonna take it out alright" Soap explained.

"ok" she nods weakly.

"It is gonna hurt really badly, so be prepared for a lot of pain "Soap explained.

Fluttershy then nodded without saying anything.

"Alright here we go" Soap said. Without any hesitation he bites onto the glass and rips out of her wing.

Fluttershy screams in agony because of how painful it is. Some of the blood spews on Soap's face but he wipes it off. He spits out the glass and then rips a piece of his clothing to apply a tourniquet. He wraps it around her wing to stop the bleeding.

"Fluttershy you alright?"Soap asked worriedly.

Fluttershy was still feeling a bit dizzy"Is ... it ... over?" Fluttershy asked weakly.

"Ya I was able to stop the bleeding now let's go" Soap said as he lifts up Fluttershy.

A hole burst open through one of the walls.

"Oh shit!" Soap said as he sees the enemy helicopter on the other side of the hole. But a bullet from the helicopter's left side penetrates the glass and barely hits the Pilot's face but ends up scratching his cheek, completely throwing the Pilot off guard.

"What the hell?" Soap was confused. he looked out the hole to his right and saw Price shooting at the helicopter with his Sniper Rifle.

"Price!" Soap Shouted as he was very relieved that Price chose to stay "I thought you we're gonna leave us behind"

"What do you mean I still am, I'm just giving these pilot a little makeover! " Price shouted back.

"You're crazy you know that!" Soap shouted. Price had a little smile.

"Don't worry you can discharge me when we live! I'm going to draw the helicopter away, you keep Fluttershy safe!" Price ordered.

"Roger that" Soap answered. He lifts Fluttershy as they head out of the house.

Price then notices the helicopter flying towards him and the pilot looks extremely pissed.

"Well that's my que" Price said as he jumped back into the car and drives away from the area.

Price drives intensely as he turns to avoid being hit by the missiles.

"Okay Price, how the hell are you gonna deal with this damn thing" Price said to himself.

Price tries to peak out of the window and shoots the front of the helicopter with his pistol.

but one of the bullets hits the gun out of his hoof.

"Ah fuck! there goes my only plan" Price said furiously, but he looks at the radio and thinks of an idea.

"That's it!" Price said. He then tunes the radio.

"Lloyd and Ghost do you copy?" Price asked. But there was no response

The helicopter fires another missile but Price makes a sharp turn and merely avoids it.

"Fuck that was close" Price said concerned. He then tries to contact them again.

"I repeat Ghost and Lloyd do you copy!" Price demanded an answer again, thankfully he hears Ghost on the radio

"Price? Price is that you?" Ghost answered.

"Oh thank the lord" Price said" Ghost the inner circle got choppers. I need you to activate the predator missile now!" Price ordered. He hears more chatter but notices some unfamiliar voices speaking with Ghost.

"How the hell did you even get your hands on that?" one of the voices asked

"Long story" Ghost answered.

"shorten it for me then "the voice said

'Who the hell they speaking too?' Price thought. He then talks through the radio again.

"Who the hell are you speaking too?" Price asked. He then hears Ghosting sighing.

"Long story, you'll know when you get back" Ghost answered.

The helicopter fires another missile to try and hit Price again.

"Oh for fuck sake do you not run out of ammo!" Price said as he was starting to get frustrated. He makes another sharp turn merely avoiding the missile again.

He then contacts the radio one more time.

"Hurry will ya"Price demanded.

In response he hears Lloyd with an annoying remark.

"They have what?" Lloyd asked. Price then sighs

"Just do what I said ASAP "Price said as he turns off the radio and switches it to the Russian channel.

"This Jester 2-3, I am unable to neutralize the target, I need some ground reinforcements over" The Pilot informed.

"Copy that Jester 2-3, A armored car near you is coming to assist, watch you're fire so you don't hit it" The Radiomen answered.

"oh bloody great, now they got a fucking armored car after me. Can this get any worse" Price said. God clearly answered that question and the helicopter ends up hitting the trucks engine, which is now on fire.

Price then looks upwards at the sky

"Fuck you god!" Price said as he jumps out of the truck. he rolls on the ground and has dirt all over when he stops. He looks at the truck drive into a tree and explode.

"Well shit" Price said. he looks up to see the helicopter aim at him.

"I know you think you got me" Price said as the helicopter comes closer about to shoot him.

"But I think you'll find out"

A missile from the helicopter's right side blasts towards it.

"That you are very ... "

The missile is about to close in on it.


The Pilot looks to his right and notices the missile, he then starts to freak out.

"OH SHI-" The Pilot shouts as the missile collides with the helicopter blowing it up in to pieces in the air.

it falls to the ground on fire.

"wrong" Price finishes.

He then lifts himself up and rests his back on the tree. He then breathes in huge relief.

"I'm getting too old for these shite" Price remarked. Price is extremely exhausted and notices he is bleeding on his right side of his stomach.

"Oh fuck ... and it's same spot too" Price said weakly . He looks forward and notices a armored car stop by the destroyed helicopter.

"Oh right, forgot that" Price realized. Enemies exit the car and notice Price resting his back on the tree.

"Oh double fuck" He tries to get up but he is so exhausted and injured, he starts to feint.

He closes his eyes as he awaits his death.

"got you now you motherfuc ... wait a minute is that our-" the Voice is interrupted by gunshots.

Price falls unconscious

Prague, Czech Republic

Captain Price

Price and another soldier carry the wounded Soap onto a table and lay him down. Soap growls in agony as the blood spews out of him. "Price... I need... to...tell...you something" Soap exclaimed weakly. Price looks at him frustrated and afraid. Praying that he will still live.

"It's fine Soap just rest, get a medic!" Price demanded. But no one assists. Except the one soldier who stands next to Soap holding his wound.

"Price I need to ... tell you!" Soap said weakly as he grabs Price's shoulder and puts his mouth closer to Price's ear. Makarov knows yur-" Soap then falls down taking his last breath and dies. Price shocked and frustrated tries to shake Soap to wake up.

"No ,no, no Soap!" Price screamed. Suddenly everything goes black, he can't hear anything or see anything. He looks around confused for all he saw is a black abyss. "What, what is going on?" Price asked.

"It's a nightmare , of losing one of your most important comrades "A anonymous voice echoed. Price looked around startled by where that voice came from.

"Who... who are you, show yourself" Price demanded. Suddenly a glowing pony emerging from the darkness. Princess Luna emerges from it with her wings open and her horn glowing. "Princess ... Luna, what the hell is going on?" Price asked.

Luna then folds her wings back in place and her horn stops glowing. "I'm your mind, currently you are asleep, If you didn't know I can move into anyone's dreams"Luna explained

"So that's why the call you the Princess of the night"Price realized.

"Precisely, but let's not dwindle on the subject at hand. I'm here to help you" Luna said. Price looks at her confused

"with what?"Price asks. she then uses her magic and shows him a vision of his squad's dreams. Lloyd in Iraq, Soap in Russia and Ghost fighting in Brazil.

"These are your men's nightmares. Which I assume are what they've experienced in the past. Your world is absolute terror, violence everywhere. There is no end to it"Luna exclaimed in slight sadness.

"So what?, it's a shithole I know. Unfortunately it's always been like this, there is nothing we could do about it but only try" Price explained

"but why allow it to happen to our world?" Luna asked

"your world? You realize we're trying to stop that right? your people for some reason paints us as the bad guys "Price said

"no but it seems you care only about your squad and no one else. As much how loyal you truly are, You will see it will be the downfall of other innocence "Luna explained. She then shows a vision of the outcome if Makarov succeeds. "Look and see what happens if he succeeds. This stallion you call Makarov" Luna says

the vision shows ponyville and the rest of the land in flames. The mane 6 dead on the ground. The inner circle ruling in treachery. Price looks at all the ponies suffering. He is shocked and stunned from it.

"I don't understand ... This is what happens if we fail?" Price asked.

"This what happens if you leave" Luna says. She then shows Makarov laughing while all the ponies are crying in fear. Price looks at him and grips his hoof.

"I know your mission is important and so is the responsibility of leading your Squad and keeping them alive. But I beg you to help us" Luna pleaded.

But Price is still reluctant and firm with his stance

" Luna I made the decision to leave because it is our best chance of survival, I'm sorry I can't save your kind and if it's so bad then why aren't you dealing with it?! "Price asked.

"I can't, like you said my magic will do nothing against their weapons. But I beg you please. My kind needs your help. Without you we don't Stand a chance" Luna explains

"why us, we are just 4 soldiers. We can't do anything but delay the inevitable" Price said

"it's not the numbers that matter, it's the power of your friendship that will truly help" Luna said

Price looked at the visions seeing what they've gone through. He is surprised how their still alive "i didn't understand it at first but it will help anyone" Luna said.

Price was still reluctant

"Luna I ... " Price is unable to answer her.

"I know you seem scared and afraid of what might happen to them. But trust me your friendship will get you far. I also thought friendship was nothing but a stupid saying, but it's more than that, Your relationship with your squad proves that. Your the only one who truly knows them better then anyone else. You're their only true leader" Luna said. She then grabs Price's hoof.

"Promise you will help" Luna asked politely. Price looks at all the visions, then looks back at Luna. "I... I promise" Price said as everything goes white.

Price wakes up looking up at what seems to be a roof of a tent. "Price your awake "Soap surprised. Price
wondering what that dream was all about. He thinks about the promise he made to Luna. He thinks about the visions he saw. "I thought you were dead. " Soap said worriedly. Price just sits there. Many thoughts in his mind at once, he snaps out of it , looked back at Soap and smiles .

"Thanks for saving me back there Soap" Price thanked him as he patted him on the shoulder. Soap laughs

"Um funny story, I didn't actually save you" Soap explained.

Price was surprised

"Lloyd and Ghost?" Price asked. Soap then shakes his head,

"I was actually shocked mate, I couldn't believe it the first time either" Soap said.

Price is now even more surprised

"Soap stop playing games who saved us!"

Soap then points the entrance of the tent.

The pony then walks in and Price instantly recognized who they are. He gasped, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"ho ... ly shi-"

Author's Note:

That my friends is the second last chapter, hope you enjoy it because next chapter is coming next week monday (hopefully)