• Published 24th Feb 2021
  • 3,533 Views, 385 Comments

Twilight Over Thanalan - tom117z

When a mysterious figure steals the Element of Magic from the Tree of Harmony, Twilight chases him into a strange realm she does not understand. Its name: Eorzea.

  • ...

8 - Eikons and Alicorns

Meanwhile, in the Praetorium…

Nero was unable to keep the manic grin off of his face as he gazed admiringly up at the Ultima Weapon. It was a colossal creation of Allagan design, resembling a strange hybrid between some form of a ground-bound dragon and one of those ridiculous far eastern centaurs. Its entire body, from the tip of its long tail to the base of its neck, was covered in a series of thick, overlapping, dark armoured plates that all seemed to flow into the silent grey stone embedded into the massive mech’s chest.

By his work was this impossible work of ancient ingenuity operational again. But there was still so much to be done: calibrations to be made, tests to be run, loose wires to be re-attached, energy flows to redirect! Every single inch of this marvellous specimen was a test of his abilities as a master magitek engineer, and it thrilled him. He felt like a little kid in a candy shop every time he looked at it.


Nero’s smile faded as a small explosion erupted from the Ultima Weapon’s cockpit entrance, ejecting the poor sod who had been stuffed in there to test and see if it booted up properly.

Nero sighed as the now-crispy bastard bounced off the spine of the machine and crumpled into a near-lifeless heap on the ground almost thirty feet below. He shrugged. “Ugh. Why must I be forced to work with these uneducated nimrods?” he lamented.

The sound of heavily armoured footsteps behind him drew his attention. Nero turned and blanched at the sight of a specific imposing figure. Blackened armour decorated his head, chest, arms, and legs, while his arms were covered in thick, blood-red sleeves. Most striking of all about his armour was the faceplate. It was white as bone, its brow angled into a perpetual, threatening glare.

Gaius van Baelsar. The Black Wolf himself.

“You know why,” he stated matter-of-factly, his deep voice immediately forcing Nero to snap to attention. Gaius eyed him for a moment. “At ease.”

Nero relaxed with a heavy sigh. “Yes, yes; minimal help from the Empire, engineers in short supply, et cetera, et cetera,” he acknowledged, his shoulders sagging. “Forgive me, sir.”

Gaius gave off a quiet harrumph before focusing his eyes on the Weapon. “...What progress have you made?”

Nero turned back to the weapon, his childish grin returning. “Plenty! Well, compared to what any other engineer could manage, at least.”

An amused snort came from Gaius before Nero could go on, drawing a bewildered glance from the engineer. Gaius turned back to him. “Truly? Even were you to stand in the presence of Cid nan Garlond?”

Nero felt his skull tingling with rage at the comparison to that traitor, but bit down on his tongue before he said anything. He looked down for a few seconds to compose himself. “...It won’t be much longer before the Weapon will be ready for you. The Eorzeans won’t stand a chance.”

Gaius hummed quietly at that. “Of course they won’t. And if they are wise, they will recognize that and spare themselves the pain of a hopeless war.”

Nero eyed the Legatus thoughtfully. The two stood in silence for a few moments longer before Gaius turned to him once again.

“How long?”

Nero sighed and turned his attention back to the smouldering half-corpse on his hangar floor. The body was already being removed by a pair of other conscripts, dragged unceremoniously out of view. He shrugged. “Had I better help, perhaps only a few days. But as it is, I have to work with these fools. It will be weeks at least before we can even begin our test runs for the motor functions. After that, it will take even longer to get the Eikon absorption system up and running.”

Judging by the way Gaius was starting to tense, he was not a fan of this report. “And you can do nothing to speed this up?” he asked impatiently.

Nero sighed. “Forgive me, sir, but even a genius like myself can only do so much when the tools at his disposal have the cumulative intellectual capacity of a dry walnut.”

Gaius gave Nero a sharp glance. “It would do you well not to underestimate the Eorzeans. Ala Mhigo may belong to the Empire, but there is good reason why the rest of this forsaken land has eluded Garlean rule for as long as it has. They are stronger and smarter than you are giving them credit for. Hence,” he pointed at the Ultima Weapon. “Your project.”

“Oh, I do not doubt. And I will see it to completion, rising our Empire to new heights and all that. But cut off from the Empire as we are, even my intellect cannot stave off every drawback. You are certain we cannot get something through? Why, I do recall your little batch of cubs held some competence with the Empire’s Warmachina, even they would be a step up from… this!”

The moment those words left Nero’s mouth, he regretted them. Gaius was in his face, towering ominously over him with a threatening snarl, like a hungry wolf about to go for the jugular.

The tense silence that followed was short-lived. Gaius backed off a moment later, quickly composing himself. “You have been given all the tools you will get. If you are even half the workman you claim to be, they will serve you well. Besides…”

He turned back to the Ultima Weapon. “You wouldn’t want to lay your hands upon a wolf’s pups. They tend to bite… and so does their father, if he should feel they are threatened.”

Nero was quiet for several seconds before heaving a heavy sigh. “Of course. My apologies, Lord van Baelsar.”

Nero turned away, idly glancing down at his scanner as the hairs on the back of his neck bristled. To hell with his ‘pups’, Cid most of all. They had the Black Wolf so enamoured with their pitiful achievements that his shining work continued to be ignored at every turn.

But, when glancing back at the Ultima Weapon, he reminded himself how soon that was all to change. At least, when he solved the problems at hand.

“Speaking of engineering trivialities…” Nero segwayed away from the prior topic. “While the function to absorb the aether from eikons is not yet finished, I do believe there is another source that could empower it further.”

Gaius looked back at him, and Nero could sense the Legatus’ eyes narrowing in curiosity even from behind his mask. “Speak.”

“While Ifrit’s output was, frankly, a complete waste of my time, there was another source that proved quite unexpected. Dear Livia did not see the value, but I would be remiss to leave the subject aside.”

“I would be the judge, be blunt and do not waste my time.”

“Hmph, well, as it is, our stalwart ‘adventurer’ had some help defeating Ifrit. A creature I, nor anyone else in the Empire that I know of, have ever encountered. It wasn’t much to look at on the surface, but its aetheric readings were staggering. Rivalling that of some of the mightier Eikons we have seen with ease.”

“I see. Another of its foul kind?”

“Ah, but that is the oddest thing of all. It was no eikon, at least I do not believe it so. But, with some fine-tuning, that should not matter. Such a source of power surely shouldn’t be ignored for our ultimate weapon? The functionality is there for all intents and purposes, it would be my pleasure to ensure this beast is put into the service of Garlemald.”

Gaius was quiet for a few seconds. He drew closer to the Ultima Weapon with a few slow, measured steps. He gazed up at the machine’s draconic face, seemingly getting lost in it. Then he turned back to Nero. “No.”

Nero raised an eyebrow. “My lord?”

Gaius turned back to face him fully. “The Eikons are beasts of raw aether and misplaced faith. They draw from and destroy the land for every moment they are allowed to roam free. Monsters such as them are undeserving of mercy or compassion, in any way. The same methods cannot, however, be extended to living, breathing beings. And should the Ultima weapon be made capable of devouring living flesh, then all it would take is one misguided pilot or ill-conceived order to turn conquest into massacre. I cannot, and will not, allow that to come to pass. Such was the folly of the meteor project, and I will not repeat that abomination on any scale.”

Nero opened his mouth to retort but bit his tongue once again. As much as he hated to admit it, Gaius did have a point. The Empire had its fair share of individuals who would leap at the chance to abuse any power they had. Nero would know; he was one of them.

When Nero gave no response, Gaius turned and started for the exit. “Resume your work,” he commanded simply. Nero listened as his footsteps faded steadily into the distance before the closing of the hangar's massive bulkhead silenced them altogether.

Nero stood in his thoughts for several moments, stewing the matter over in his head. On the one hand, the Ultima Weapon was his ultimate contribution to the world of science, and surely he, as an engineer, had a duty to see it reach its full potential. The creature he had seen could power it to similar heights as even the dreaded Garuda.

Yet, the Black Wolf was not wrong, and Nero even had to spare a bitter chuckle at the ironic thought of himself being fed to his own creation. Nael van Darnus died to meteor, as Midas nan Garlond had before him. How many supposedly great men had fallen to their own creations? Even the Allagans were obliterated by their own masterpieces, culminating in the Fourth Umbral Calamity. It would be the world’s way of making a cruel joke.

Of course, he was no Nael and Midas. He surpassed both if he did so say. But still, the thought of such a cycle continuing with him held little attraction.

Ah, the decisions…

“But of course, there can only be one route for the genius of magitek, Nero tol Scaeva,” a new voice called out amidst a rush of shadowy aether that sent his scanner raving mad. “Of course, you may incur the wrath of the Black Wolf with such direct measures, but a valuable subject such as her might be useful in… other ways.”

Nero suppressed a groan, he already knew what the readings on his device indicated. And that loathsome little voice and its tiresome sinister undertones was also quite the giveaway.

“Your kind just loves to interfere, don’t they,” Nero told the ascian, turning to face the robed mage with an almost bored expression. “Your mask indicates you to be one of Lahabrea’s underlings. What advice could you possibly offer me?”

The ascian only smiled. “I am Scarmiglione, and though I may not be of the red, I am no less a paragon. And my knowledge may be of great use to you, one who I see as a valuable ally when our respective superiors fail to heed our words.”

“Alright, I’ll bite. What, pray tell, is this knowledge you claim to have of our mysterious creature?”

“To lift the veil on that mystery,” he simply replied. “That alicorn is not of this star, but a powerful being from across the rift; not too dissimilar to the great wyrm that brought down the Agrius those years ago.”

“She doesn’t seem as imposing as the father of all dragons,” Nero noted with a sceptical frown.

“Perhaps not… in this form. But I have spent quite some time in their world, watching, studying, learning. Alicorns are capable of feats great and terrible. The one present is but a child in their terms, but their potential is to move the sun and moon themselves.”

Nero crossed his arms doubtfully. “I assume that is but a figure of speech?”

Scarmiglione’s grin widened. “Not at all. I have witnessed beings capable of just that, manipulating the very heavens to their whim. A being of fire who could render the world aflame were she to will it, and another who could bring an eternal night, and nearly did so. Their very aether is split between darkness and light, and falling to one or another changes them accordingly.”

Now Nero had his attention truly caught. The readings he took didn’t indicate quite that level of power, but if that one was but a child…

“A weapon with the power to move the sun itself…” he muttered as he glanced at the machine behind him. “And more… the possibilities of such a magic would be endless.”

“The Ultima Weapon need not even be involved, but the secrets within Twilight Sparkle’s body could go far beyond mere machines such as it.”

“Twilight Sparkle?” Nero asked with a small snort. “Is that its name? Ha! Ridiculous names aside, this ‘alicorn’, say it was to fully grow and embrace darkness for instance, what would be the result?”

“A form as black as the magic it would wield, a force that could cause calamities even Bahamut would be hard-pressed to match. Magics comparable to what once was, befitting the complete soul lying within her form…”

Nero raised an eyebrow at that. “Complete soul?” he echoed curiously.

Scarmiglione seemed to catch himself and shook his head. “Ah, a turn of phrase among my order. Never you mind that,” he deflected.

Nero narrowed his eyes. This ascian was hiding something. They all were. Only someone with the brain of a dry walnut could miss that. But even so, the notion of such an incredible source of power was exceptionally tempting…

“You do make a case for yourself, but if not for the Ultima Weapon, what would you suggest? Though, I can already think of some… tests I could perform.”

“Indeed. You need no weapon, nor her cooperation,” he said, his smile turning to a snarl. “A body would suffice.”

Nero hummed, noting how… direct that last comment seemed. He couldn’t help but wonder if that was this ascian’s true motive for this free dispensation of ‘advice’. But if that was the case, it was of little concern to the Tribunus. He could have his body, because if he could have even a fraction of such magic...

Nero smiled after a moment. “Well… unfortunately, I cannot go and retrieve this Twilight Sparkle myself, what with my work on the Ultima Weapon. That said…”

He lifted a finger to his ear, activating the communication device within. “Nero tol Scaeva to Y’sanna rem Extorris. Report to the Ultima Weapon’s hangar immediately. I need to speak with you.”

A moment passed before a voice cracked into his ear, partially distorted with static. “I will be there momentarily, sir.”

Nero lowered his hand and turned back to Scarmiglione. “So, underling, where shall I send my lackey?”

Scarmiglione frowned at the term ‘underling’, but otherwise answered without hesitation. “The last I heard, she had entered into an alliance with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Scout out their scattered members, and in time, she will present herself to your ‘lackey’.”

With that, the ascian was enveloped in a swirl of dark magic and vanished from the hangar. Nero gave off a groan of frustration. “Ugh. Those people again? As if I didn’t have my hands full enough with them and their bumbling interference already…”

It wasn’t long before one of the doors to the massive chamber opened with a metallic scrape. Nero turned to see a taller-than-average Miqo’te woman stepping forward. Her long red hair had been tied into a long braid that ran down her back, while her dark blue eyes glared ahead with grim focus.

Though where most officers wore heavy armour, her attire was noticeably lighter. no doubt to accommodate for her atypical method of fighting, as evidenced by the thick leather-bound tome that rested on her hip. A glowing creature scampered along at her side, a ‘Carbuncle’ if Nero was recalling correctly. It was coloured a deep shade of scarlet, like a walking pool of blood. He thought he could see fangs jutting from its upper lip.

“My my, what experiments have you been performing?” he questioned internally.

The woman, Y’sanna, came to a stop a short distance from Nero and threw a sharp salute. “Sir, you summoned me?”

Nero turned to the woman and grinned. “Yes, I did. Tell me, my lady; how would you like to go on a secret mission to Eorzea to capture a most unique magical creature?”

Y’sanna was quiet for a few seconds. Then, her slit pupils narrowed with a devious hunger, and her lips peeled back into a predatory grin. “I would love to.”

Author's Note:

So... Y'shtola but a complete lunatic, anyone?