• Published 17th Feb 2021
  • 910 Views, 31 Comments

My Little Disney Season 1 - kolbdog32

The Worlds of Disney and My Little Pony have been merged.

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Chapter 1: Meeting the Princess (Rewrite)

Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters and a king who reigned together and brought harmony to the land. The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn, the younger brought out the moon to start the night, and the king assisted with any problems that arose. As a result, the three of them maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the various types of ponies and creatures found throughout the land. However, as time passed, the younger sister grew resentful of her older sister. The creatures and ponies enjoyed and played in the day that her elder sister gave birth to, but avoided and slept through her lovely night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to persuade her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into Nightmare Moon, a wicked mare of darkness. She vowed to shroud the land in eternal night. The elder sister reluctantly summoned the most potent magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the Elements of Harmony magic, she defeated her younger sister and permanently banished her to the moon. The elder sister took responsibility for both the sun and the moon, and Equestria has been in harmony for generations since...

Twilight was reading this and was curious about the Elements and where she had heard them before. So, as she galloped to her house to research the Elements of Harmony, she exclaimed aloud, "The Elements of Harmony, that sounds familiar. Where did I read about that?”

She was about halfway home when a voice called out to her, "Hey, Twilight, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Twilight came to a halt and turned around to see who wanted to speak with her. She took a look around before cracking a slight smile. Twinkleshine was waving to her, a small fairy named Tinkerbell perched on her head. Tinkerbell was visiting her when Twinkleshine decided to summon Twilight. She was paying a visit to her friend right now because Peter was having a good time fighting Timberwolves in the Everfree forest. She didn't want to be anywhere near him right now until he was finished.

Twilight approached her, smiled at one of her former classmates and her fairy friend, and said, "Sure, Twinkleshine. What's going on? And who is this with you?”

Twinkleshine was debating whether to ask her about the party she was going to later and wasn't sure if Twilight would go or not. But, in the end, she decided to ask anyway because she wasn't sure what her answer would be.

“Well first of all, this is Tinkerbell, and she is visiting while her friend Peter is busy,” Twinkleshine said, taking a deep breath."

Tinkerbell waved from her shoulder and tinkled, "Hello."

"Also, Moondancer is throwing a party later today. I was wondering if you were going to go?” Twinkleshine asked.
Twilight was taken aback by the question, but she considered it. Then she freaked out inwardly because she had forgotten that Moondancer's party was today. She wanted to go, but she also needed to get home to research the Elements. She finally made up her mind about what she was going to do. As usual, her inquisitive mind won, and she informed Twinkleshine of her decision.

“Well, it's nice to meet you, Tinkerbell, and I'm sorry I completely forgot about the party, Twinkleshine.” But, I'm sorry I won't be able to make it; I have a lot of studying to do,” she replied to Twinkleshine and Tinkerbell, who were waiting for her response.

Twinkleshine was disappointed by Twilight's response, but she expected it. Tinkerbell, who hadn't met her yet, was disappointed with her response and was about to twinkle angrily at Twilight for being neglectful of her friends. Twinkleshine sensed this and shook her head no at Tink, which calmed her down a little but not much because she was still fuming a little. Anyway, Twinkleshine decided to ask Twilight one more time to make sure that was her final answer.

Twinkleshine asked her again, disappointed, "Are you sure you can't come?" You can always go back and study later.”

Twilight was slightly saddened to hear her disappointment in her voice, but she made her decision. She reasoned that researching the Elements was far more important than going to the party. At the same time, she didn't want to let her down. So she replied, "Yes, I'm sure I won't be able to make it, but if I can, I'll try to come at some point. But no guarantees. I'll see you around Twinkleshine.”

Twilight turned around and galloped back to her house, not waiting for her response. Twinkleshine replied quietly and sadly, "See you later, Twilight."

Tinkerbell comforted her sad friend with reassuring tinkles. "Thanks Tink, you always know the right things to say," Twinkleshine smiled back, feeling a little better.

Tinkerbell smiled proudly, pleased that she had been able to lift her spirits. But then Twinkleshine paused and asked herself, "Does that pony do anything other than study? Sometimes I think she's more interested in books than in friends."

Tinkerbell shrugged an answer, indicating that even she didn't know the answer. Tinkerbell had no idea Twinkleshine was speaking to herself when she asked that question. Tinkerbell decided she had spent enough time with her, so she said goodbye to her friend and flew away to find her good friend Peter Pan, hoping that he had finished fighting by now.
Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle, who had finally arrived at her home in Canterlot, opened the doors and called out, "Spike! Mushu! Are you there?"

When Twilight opened the doors she accidentally hit Mushu on the head as he groaned out, "Ugh! What hit me I feel like I was hit by a pile of bricks?"

Twilight was taken aback when she heard his voice from nowhere and looked around for him. When she saw Spike up on the ladder, he waved and said, "Twilight, you're back. Is it time to go to the party?"

Twilight answered him while looking for Mushu said, "Sorry there wont be any time to go to the party. Have you seen Mushu?"

Spike jumped down the ladder, taken aback by her response. He was curious as to what had caused her to change her mind about going for the entire week. But then he realized she had something on her mind and they were going to spend the evening researching.

Spike looked around and then pointed to Mushu before quickly saying, "What do you mean we're not going? What happened?"

"Something came up, and now I need to look up about the Elements of Harmony," Twilight said as she went over to help Mushu up.

Spike opened his mouth to protest, but Twilight saw him open his mouth and said, "And don't worry, I told Twinkleshine we couldn't make it. Well, I said I couldn't make it, but that's beside the point. This is more important."

Mushu groaned as he stood up and said, "My aching head," but then he heard what Twilight said about the Elements and wondered, "How could this be more important than going to somepony's party?" We haven't been to one in a long time."

Twilight paused for a moment before responding. She didn't know why, but she had a sneaking suspicion that something bad was about to happen very soon. Spike and Mushu exchanged glances before nodding in agreement that Twilight had finally gone insane. They suspected Twilight was avoiding the party on purpose in order to avoid becoming closer to her friends.

"Are you sure you're not just saying this to avoid going to the party?" said Spike, breaking the silence.

Twilight was offended that he had just suggested that, but she also knew it was true. But, before she could object, Mushu said, "Yeah man, it could all be in your head."

Twilight became enraged and snapped at both of them "How could you both say that? Spike, you know as well as I do that I would go if I could, and Mushu, I'm not going insane, this could be a serious problem, and you're both dismissing it."

Spike and Mushu were hurt by those words, even though they knew they weren't true. She has never avoided her classmates unless it was absolutely necessary. They decided to apologize for wrongfully accusing her of something they knew was completely false. In reality, they were just disappointed that they couldn't attend Moondancer's party and took it out on Twilight.

Spike and Mushu exchanged a guilty look and apologized, "We are sorry Twilight, will you ever forgive us?"

Twilight looked at their pitiful expressions and hugged them, saying, "Of course I will, and I'm sorry for snapping at you."

They rushed over to Twilight and gave her a bear hug. They stood there like that for a few minutes before Twilight broke the silence and said, "Okay, now that we're all friends again, I need you guys to find me that old book on Predictions and Prophecies."

They both saluted in response and began looking for it. Spike found the book after about 15 minutes and clutched it in his right claw, crying out, "I found it! It was over by the Mythological section."

Twilight trotted over, lit her horn with a purple glow, and yanked it from Spike's grasp. Which startled him and caused him to fall off the high shelf it was on. He landed on something soft, which grunted back, and sighed, "Ah, this is comfy, when did we put pillows here?"

The so-called pillow reacted by snapping back "Will you please get off my back, you glutton? I'm not a pillow, and today is not my day."

Spike looked down and was startled to see he was sitting on Mushu, so he scrambled to his feet and apologized sheepishly. Mushu gave him a gentle push before forgiving him. They approached Twilight, who had opened the book and was reading it aloud.

Twilight was looking through the book when she came across what she was looking for and exclaimed, "The Elements of
Harmony, see the Mare in the Moon?"

"The Mare in the Moon," Spike scratched his brow, "that's just an old pony's tale."

Mushu was equally bewildered and asked, "Isn't that just a legend?"

Twilight responded with a defiant shake of her head, "I don't think you guys should listen to this, The Mare in the Moon, an old pony myth. A powerful pony who sought to rule Equestria but was defeated by the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned in the moon. According to legend, on the thousandth year's longest day, someone will assist her escape, and she will bring about eternal night!"

Twilight considered what the prophecy said and gasped in fear, saying to her companions, "The thousandth year, do you guys know what this means?"

Spike and Mushu were confused, and Spike asked, "No, what does it mean?"

Twilight responded in fear, "That Nightmare moon is going to escape, this is the thousandth year. She's going to escape tomorrow with some help!"

The two dragons were unsure and tried to express their concerns.

"Twilight, it's just story it's not..."

"Twilight, think reasonably..."

Twilight, on the other hand, was not listening to them because she was inwardly panicking because she needed to write to the Princess right away. So they could deal with it before it became a problem.

Twilight immediately turned to Spike because he was the only one with fire who could deliver letters to the Princess right away.

"Spike, take a letter," Twilight said.

Spike was taken aback by being addressed so abruptly, and she dismissed their concerns. So he asked, "Now?"

Twilight gave a firm nod and said, "Now, time is running out."

Mushu saw Twilight's fierce expression and decided not to argue, so he dashed to the backroom to get Spike a quill and paper. They appeared to be out at the time. Spike took the quill and paper from Mushu and nodded in appreciation. Mushu walked over to the nearest bookshelf, leaned against it, and began filing his nails because he wasn't needed at the moment. But he would listen and help if they needed it.

Spike took a deep breath and said, "All right, Twilight, I'm ready."

Twilight said with a nod, "So, let's get started. My dearest teacher, my ongoing studies in pony magic have led me to the conclusion that we are on the precipice of disaster!"

"Preci-, preci-," Spike said as he paused at the unfamiliar word.

Mushu sighed as he noticed Spike struggling and decided to assist him by giving him a simpler word, "How about threshold?"

Spike was grateful Mushu had given him a simpler word, but as he was sounding it out, he realized he couldn't spell it. "Thanks, Mushu. So, where was I? Oh, yes, thre-?"

Mushu nodded in response, but groaned when he heard Spike hesitate again; man, he was groaning a lot today. Hopefully, that won't become a habit.

Thankfully Twilight heard Mushu groan and decided to help poor Spike out, even though she was getting anxious about getting this letter sent.

Twilight replied, "It's all right, Mushu. I'll continue from here. What about Brink?" She saw Spike nod and sighed inwardly, relieved that he could spell at least that word. So she went on, "Because Nightmare Moon, the mythical Mare in the Moon, is about to return to Equestria, bringing with her eternal night! Something must be done to prevent this dreadful prophecy from coming true. I eagerly await your prompt response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Spike finished writing the letter and said, " Got it, okay now what?"

Twilight glared at Spike as if he were a moron and said, "Send it."

Spike was taken aback and asked, "Now?"

Twilight became enraged once more and exclaimed, "Yes now, every minute we don't send this letter, more danger will come to Equestria!"

Spike was still hesitant to send it, and when Mushu noticed this, he put away his nail file and came over to scold Twilight.
"Twilight, the Princess, is currently very busy preparing for tomorrow's Summer Sun Celebration. She won't have time to read it, but you can tell her when you see her."

Twilight considered what Mushu had said, concluding that he was probably correct and that she was worrying for nothing. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong the next day. That both of them were mistaken, and that everything would go wrong as soon as the celebration began.

So Twilight said," You might both be right about this and I'm worrying about nothing. But, I have to do this I feel that something terrible is going to happen tomorrow. If something does happen I'll feel awful knowing that I knew something but didn't tell anypony."

Spike and Mushu remained silent. Spike simply nodded in response and blew on the letter, sending it directly to Princess Celestia.

"Okay, Spike sent it, but I wouldn't take her advice if she doesn't believe you," Mushu said to her.

Twilight laughed nervously and said, "Why wouldn't she take my advice to heart? I'm her faithful student, she has to believe me."

Not a moment later Spike let out another breath of fire there was a response from the Princess. Everyone thought at once that was quick.

"Quick Spike, read the letter, I want to know what she said," Twilight said quickly and anxiously to Spike.

Spike was irritated and stated, "Okay, keep your mane on and I'll read it, My dearest, most faithful student Twilight. You
already know how much I appreciate your diligence and how much I trust you."

Twilight smiled proudly, relieved that the Princess had believed her.

Spike went on, "You could be correct about Nightmare Moon returning my dearest Twilight. I will meet you at the castle as soon as possible to discuss the situation further. This letter, I believe, cannot contain everything that needs to be said. Sincerely, Princess Celestia"

Twilight gasped in delight that the Princess believed her, and then she paled slightly. She needed to get to the castle right away because the Princess expected her to be there. She turned to face the two dragons, who were gaping open-mouthed at the response, as if they couldn't believe what they were reading. They reasoned that if the Princess believed her, they would as well.

The two dragons exchanged silent glances, each pleading with the other to go first and apologize to her. Spike chose to go first, taking a deep breath and saying, "Sorry for not believing you when you said Nightmare Moon was returning."

Mushu decided to add his two bits and said, "Yeah, we didn't mean any harm by it. It just seemed unbelievable at first."
Twilight was relieved that they apologized, but when she looked at the time, she realized she was running late to meet with the Princess.

"It's okay, I accept your apology, but we need to get going because Celestia is waiting for us," she said to the two dragons as quickly and politely as she could because they were in a hurry. She then lit her horn, enveloping everyone in a purple glow, and they vanished from their home, only to reappear in front of the door leading to Celestia's throne room.

A large intimidating cat stood in front of the door; he was an enigma. Pete was his name, and he looked down at the three creatures that had just appeared in front of him.

He chuckled and called out to them, "Well, well, well look who we have here. Twilight Sparkle and her two pets."

Twilight was irritated with Pete because he was always a bully. She couldn't imagine how his son could be around him. Spike and Mushu were enraged at being referred to as pets; they were dragons.

She tried to remain calm as she gritted her teeth and said, "Hello, Pete. How are you doing?

Pete chuckled once more as he responded, "Miss Sparkle, I'm fine. However, I'm afraid you'll have to return later. Princess Celestia is expecting a visitor."

Twilight rolled her eyes at him and replied, "Yes, I know I'm the one she's expecting."

Pete was aware of this and decided to play his own game with her, as he responded, "How do I know that? Do you have any proof?"

Twilight huffed angrily and said to Spike, "OK, Spike, give him the letter."

Spike was surprised she asked that and said, "Twilight, I don't have the letter. Do you have the letter Mushu?"

Mushu was confused at this and said, "No, I don't. I think we left the letter at home. We pretty much left in a hurry."

Pete laughed at this and said arrogantly, "No letter. No entry. Sorry pals."

Twilight was about to retort when she heard a voice down the hall say, "Now you stop right there Pete."

Pete turned to see who was speaking to him and paled when he realized who it was. Twilight was grateful for whoever was approaching and smiled when she saw him. It was none other than Mickey Mouse, who had two large round ears, a tail, and red pants. He was Equestria's other ruler and one of Celestia's closest friends, and he lived in the castle.

Pete's face flushed even more, but he quickly recovered his composure. "Hello there Mickey, what can I do for you?" he said.

"Pete, you know, perfectly well knew Celestia was expecting them," Mickey said with a slight glare.

"Hold on there, I was only joking with them," Pete said to Mickey, quickly retracting what he had said to Twilight.

Spike murmured, "Some joke, he completely fooled us."

"Tell me about it, he's one seriously bad dude," Mushu mumbled back.

Twilight was thankful that Mickey showed up when he did and said, "Thanks Mickey for showing up, I'm not sure what I would do if we were late."

Mickey gave her a shy smile and replied, "No worries, Twilight; I was only trying to do the right thing. Besides, I was already on my way to see Celestia."

Mickey then glared at Pete once more and Pete opened the door and quickly said, "Come right on in, Miss Sparkle. Celestia was expecting you, and no hard feelings about earlier it was just a joke."

Twilight just shook her head, as if she didn't believe him. She trotted past him without saying anything, and the two dragons quickly followed, but not without sticking their tongues out at Pete. But, before Pete could strangle them, Mickey rushed inside and shut the door. Spike and Mushu became concerned when they heard banging on the other side of the door, fearing Pete would break it.

Mickey gave them a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry, you two, that door is indestructible; no one can break it down. Believe me, many have tried and failed."

They wiped their brows, relieved that Pete would not try to attack them now that they were safe in the throne room.
Princess Celestia, the ruler of all Equestria, sat atop her throne, as graceful as ever. She was thinking about Twilight's letter and what she should tell her when she arrived. Because this was already difficult for her. It had been a long time since she had imprisoned her sister on the moon all those years before. Her sister was not in her right mind at the time.
But before she could think any further, the doors to the throne room opened. She looked around to see who it was, and then smiled when she saw it was Mickey, along with her faithful student and the two dragons she had hatched.

"Hello, Twilight, my faithful student," she said, smiling.

Twilight gasped when she saw the ruler of Equestria greet her and quickly bowed in response, with the two dragons following suit.

"Hello Princess," Twilight said, still bowing.

Celestia chuckled and shook her head at this because, for some reason, even after all these years as her pupil, she still bowed to her as all her subjects did. She tried to break the habit, but some habits are difficult to break. But, at the very least, she didn't take too long to bow.

Mickey went up to Celestia first, then to his throne, which was next to hers. "Hello Celestia," he said, nodding.

"Hello, Mickey, and thank you for joining us," Celestia smiled at her old friend, grateful for his presence because it would be difficult for her to explain what was going to happen tomorrow evening to Twilight.

"No problem Celestia, I'm glad you invited me," Mickey chuckled.

Twilight waited patiently for them to stop talking before galloping toward Celestia and nuzzling her mentor slightly. But she quickly came to a halt because she had forgotten she was here on official business. Twilight tried to apologize to her mentor quickly, but Celestia stepped in before she could say anything. Celestia, on the other hand, decided to have Twilight ask her questions in order to put Twilight at ease. But she would also tell her a few white lies. She didn't want her student to be concerned.

Celestia said, "There is nothing to forgive Twilight. Now then I suppose you have some questions to ask me?"

Mickey decided to stay silent unless Celestia needed help explaining something since this was difficult for her to do.

Twilight was relieved that Princess Celestia was taking this seriously and decided to ask her first question.

Twilight inhaled deeply and asked, "Who is the Mare in the Moon?"

Celestia sighed, knowing this would be her first question. Celestia pondered what to tell her first, and after a long time,

Celestia finally spoke, "Well, Twilight, this is difficult for me to explain."

Celestia paused for a moment, unsure whether to continue. When she looked to her right, she saw Mickey, who smiled and gave her a reassuring nod.

"Go ahead, Princess; I'll be right here beside you the entire time," Mickey said.

Twilight, Mushu and Spike gave each other worried looks. They wondered what was so difficult for her. Twilight decided to speak up and ask her, "What is it Princess?"

Celestia took a deep breath and responded, "The Mare in the Moon is my dear sister."

All of them gasped as they didn't know that she even had a sister. Mushu said, "Hold up, a moment you a Princess have a sister. I find that hard to believe."

Twilight eyes widened in horror as Mushu contradicted the princess. She scolded him, "Mushu, don't be rude to her, even it is hard to believe."

Spike asked the Princess, "Is that true Princess? You have a sister."

Celestia just chuckled and responded, "It's alright Twilight I wasn't offended, but yes Spike it's true I have a sister. But, please don't interrupt again until I'm done this is hard for me as it is."

They all nodded seeing how sad and serious she was being and decided no to ask any more questions until she was done speaking.

Celestia sighed sadly and spoke, "It was a thousand years ago, my sister and I were very close at the time. But, as time went by she became very jealous of me. I didn't realize it at that time but, a fit of deep anger and resentment toward me festering deep in my sister's soul. All our subjects were loving the daylight I made, but they always slept through the night she made. In time she changed into a being called Nightmare Moon. She became so evil and consumed with hatred that I had to stop her. So I used my powers and trapped her in the moon. That is where she has remained to this day. I have waited all these years for her to return so I could forgive her but, sadly I think that time will never come."

Celestia stopped speaking and she had tears in her eyes. Mickey also had tears in his eyes as he remembered that fateful day as well. It turned south so fast he wondered how he missed the signs.

As she looked she saw Spike and Mushu bawling their eyes out and Mushu had a pile of tissues next to him from blowing his nose so much. But, then she looked at Twilight and saw she was also in tears and was very sad as well. Then young unicorn spoke and she wondered what Twilight would say.

Twilight was very upset about what she heard. She wouldn't know what to do herself if her big brother turned evil or even the two dragons she raised from birth. But, she figured she would do the same thing in her position.

Twilight took a deep breath and said, "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that all those years ago. I'm even sorry I brought the whole thing up. But, what can I do to help when she returns."

Mushu stopped crying and said, "Yeah, what can we do?"

Spike nodded in agreement, "We will do whatever we can to help."

Celestia smiled at them and was glad she chose her for this important task. So, she decided right then to tell her pupil a white lie but it was for the best. As she would discover how to help her sister on her own with some help.

Celestia said, "I appreciate your concern, but there is nothing you can do at the moment."

Twilight and the dragons gaped and tried to protest but Celestia stopped her before she could. Celestia then said, "All I need you to do right now is go to Ponyville, and help set up for the Summer Sun Celebration, and perhaps make some friends along the way."

Twilight tried to protest but Mickey put his hand up to stop her, "Celestia is right. If we knew a way to fix this we would tell you. But there isn't."

Celestia and Mickey knew they did the right thing by not saying anything, as this was something Twilight had to do on her own.

Twilight sagged in resignation, "Ok, Princess and King Mickey if you say so I'll go to this Ponyville and help set up for the celebration.

Celestia nodded proudly, and lit her horn, and levitated a list for her to do while she was there tomorrow. She was surprised the two dragons were quiet but, she supposed that they would try to help her with her task tomorrow.

Twilight then silently teleported back to her home to get ready for the day tomorrow. But, she was still determined to figure out what the Elements of Harmony were since the Princess failed to mention it. She had a feeling that the Princess didn't tell her everything. But, no one didn't comment on anything else that night as they went to bed to get ready for the next day.

Author's Note:

There we go the first chapter of the remake of the My Little Pony Series. As you can tell there are quite a few changes to the series and there will be more to come as things happen.