• Published 11th Feb 2021
  • 5,488 Views, 103 Comments

Wolf of the Everfree - Undead Equestrian Writer

A wolf awakens and is destined to become the protector of the Everfree forest, and maybe more.

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Fluttershy didn't even question Twilight, only nodding in acceptance, an unspoken understanding that the two friends shared. Twilight kept staring at the gem embedded into Kai's chest, while Fluttershy went back to her cottage to pack some essentials for the surprise trip.

"How did you get this marvel in magical processes, Kai?" Twilight asked the wolf under her breath, looking for a sponge to absorb her thoughts. Kai gave a soft exhale in confusion to the question and situation. Twilight walked away from Kai without a second thought, heading over to a small nook that contained two desks, littered with papers, quills, ink pots, and other writing materials and literature necessities. Grabbing a quill from a small container and dipping it in ink, she began writing on a slightly yellow piece of parchment, the sound of the quill dragging across the paper sounding out through the quiet hall. With intrigue, Kai got up and slowly walked over to the purple pony, curiously looking at the paper from a short distance. As if happy with his curiosity, a soft voice awarded him.

Equestrian Writing Level 2

Basic knowledge of Equine letters and characters, making them appear in English when read.

After reading the small pop-up, Kai looked back over at the paper Twilight was writing on to see if he could read anything that had been written. To his disappointment, certain characters and letters shifted into English, but nothing that formed anything cohesive. As he kept trying to read the foreign script, Twilight finished the letter off by signing her name and rolling the paper up into a scroll, a wax seal of her cutie mark placed on the edge to hold it closed, and a purple ribbon wrapped around it. Kai had wandered off and was laying down in a large patch of sunlight shining in through the massive windows in the room. Watching Twilight wander around getting ready for the trip herself, Kai slowly dozed off.

Kai stared out the window of the train, the scenery flying by as the trained sped up the mountain. Fluttershy and Twilight were talking and laughing, reminiscing about the adventures they used to go on. The lizard, which Kai had learned was actually a dragon, had accompanied them, was too busy in comic that he had brought along.

Finally managing to tear his eyes away from the beautiful landscape outside the window, he called for his skill list to appear, interested about the system and his mana control ability. He hadn't much time to figure out his system, just accepting that he had it and leaving it at that, but if the system can give him abilities and skills beyond his physical possibilities then he needed to know how it worked.

When the skill list finally popped up, he tried selecting mana control, to see if the system would provide more info on the skill, and much to Kai's delight, it did.

Mana Control, Level 1

The basic skill of magic casting, where the user can draw in mana, and manipulate mana in simple forms.

This skill can be raised by meditating and drawing in the mana in the environment. At higher levels, more mana can be controlled at once.

Kai read the pop up twice, before closing it and taking a deep breath. As he inhaled, he closed his eyes, trying to pull in mana from the environment. After several deep breathes and a clearing of his thoughts, Kai felt a soft tingling in his chest, followed by a warm sensation radiating out from the crystal and into his chest. His heart began to beat faster, the temperature of his body began to rise, yet his breathing remained controlled, his lungs filling with cold air and being tickled by the feeling.

And the concentration was gone when the train lurched to a halt, throwing Kai from his meditation, yet the warm feeling remained, having fled his chest and stored itself in the crystal.

Kai laid flat in front of Celestia, the massive alicorn taller than Kai, as she stared down at Kai, Spike, Twilight and Fluttershy. The massive castle was several times larger than Twilight's castle, and instead of an Oak interior with a crystaline shell, the Canterlot Castle was marble throughout, with occasional metal or wooden trims.

"I received your letter, Twilight, but still, it is always nice to see you," Celestia spoke, her voice stern yet motherly. Celestia stood up from her throne, walking down to Kai, the wolf still laying down in front of the regal alicorn. "So... Not only is he aware of his surroundings, he also has the idea of bowing before royalty, most intriguing."

Celestia approached Kai, who slowly sat back up on his haunches, letting Celestia see the red crystal in his chest. Her eyes lit up as she stared at the crystal, a look of intrigue, amazement, and shock.

"Well I'll be... You were right Twilight, it is a mana stone," Celestia spoke as she approached Kai closer, inspecting the shiny red gem, a soft shine coming from within the gem. "I haven't seen one of these in... Well over a millennia."

"Um... What is a mana stone?" Fluttershy spoke up, confused.

"A mana stone is a an old and archaic form of magic controlling, it was designed by my parents to help the Earth ponies and pegasi to cast more advanced magic, like basic teleportation spells and telekinesis." Celestia spoke, turning to Fluttershy.

"It let pegasi and Earth ponies cast magic? That sounds like it would be really useful, why did it stop being used?"

"Well, for a multitude of reasons, the process in which to embed a mana stone into a pony was hard to learn, and I believe only three ponies knew how to do it, that being my mother, my father, and Starswirl the Bearded. The other reason being that the process wasn't fool proof, you could preform the embedding process perfectly, and it could still just fail to work or in some of the worse cases, cause mana overload and kill the pony it was embedded in. It was safest just to stop the idea altogether."

"Oh, well, that makes sense, but if Kai has a mana stone embedded in his chest, does that mean he can cast magic?" Fluttershy asked, only to be given a nod in response from Celestia.

"And he can do more than just cast magic," a soft voice echoed from behind Celestia. Another alicorn walked forward, her night colors in contrast to Celestia's daylight colors. Kai glanced at the new alicorn and immediately knew who it was.

"Luna, so great of you to join us," Celestia said with a smile.

"Hello, sister and hello, Kai, seems we met sooner than I thought," Luna smiled, as she bowed to Kai.