• Published 7th May 2021
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Multiverse Hearts Volume 1: How To Train Your Dragon World - RainbowRaptorDash1

What is it like to be a dragon? Will vikings and dragons coexist in peace and harmony? Find out on Multiverse Hearts: How To Train Your Dragon. MLP FIM X Pokemon X Kung Fu Panda X Sonic The Hedgehog X Legend of Zelda X Blazblue X HTTYD Crossover

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Chapter 1: Welcome To Berk, The Last Night Fury

The next morning, the team woke up, had fish for breakfast, and decided to do some scouting of the land. Later, around noon, they met up with each other at their hideout, having lunch, and telling each other what they saw.

“You're telling me that you and team Loyalty saw a dragon light itself on fire?” Chameleo asked.

“Yeah! And it didn’t look burnt one bit!” Rainbow Dash said as everyone else were amazed by that feat the red flammable dragon pulled off.

“Wow! That’s as freaky deaky as the two-headed dragon me and Team Laughter saw!” Pinkie responded, gaining the others’ attention.

“Wait, Pinkie… You’re trying to tell us, you guys saw a two headed dragon?” Twilight asked, baffled.

“It’s true, little guys. And what’s more weird is that one head can breath some kind of flammable green gas, and the other makes the gas blow up. It also had two tails.” Datozo confirmed, adding a bit more detail to the dragon.

“My word, that sounds quite mysterious.” Rarity said, the others agreeing as well.

“But Team Generosity and I saw a dragon that can shoot tail spikes just by whipping its tail at an enemy.” Blade said.

“Sounds like that dragon’s tail spikes are detachable.” Soulfire explained.

“What’d you guys see?” Makoto asked Team Honesty.

“You won’t believe what we saw.” Morrigan answered.

“Yeah! We saw a dragon eatin’ rocks, and was perfectly fine! Isn’t that plum crazy?!” Apple Bloom explained, shocking the others.

“Oh my, I guess some dragons are like the dragons from Equestria.” Fluttershy said, getting a little scared.

“Wow! All of the dragons here sound awesome!” Spike said with excitement as he and the others finished eating their dinner.

“Well, I’m gonna go for a little flight before I turn in.” Raptor said, preparing to take off.

“Wait, bro! Me and Twilight are coming with you!” RD said as Twilight agreed.

“Besides, we might see more dragons!” Twilight added.

“Alright. We’re off!” Raptor exclaimed as he, Rainbow and Twilight flew into the air.

Later after a few minutes, the stench of smoke invaded their nostrils.

“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” Raptor said as he and the other two looked to where the smell was coming from, seeing a terrible sight.

“That village is burning!” Twilight said, worried for the people that live there.

“Looks like Heartless are attacking!” Rainbow added as they did indeed see heartless attacking the village.

“You guys go high, I’ll go low.” Raptor said, planning to take the heartless out from below.

“Got it!” Twilight said as she flew up, breathing fire, clawing and shoot beams out of her forehead horn at the heartless in the air.

“Be careful, bro.” RD said, concerned for her brother.

“Like we said, ‘We’d never leave our friends hanging.’” Raptor quoted as he and his sister smiled at each other. Then they went their separate ways fighting the heartless.

But let’s see what’s going on at the village…

“This is Berk. It's twelve days north of Hopeless, and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death. It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery. My village. In a word, sturdy. And it's been here for seven generations, but, every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests. You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. We have…” A man narrated as a disembodied voice for some reason while we see a sheep get grabbed by a dragon, then we see another dragon about to breath fire at that same man when he closed the door, saving himself from a crispy fate. “-Dragons. Most people would leave. Not us. We're Vikings. We have, stubbornness issues. My name's Hiccup. Great name, I know. But, it's not the worst. Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.” Hiccup continued narrating as he ran outside seeing houses and buildings on fire as vikings and dragons fought each other. He then was dodging several Vikings. A nearby explosion from the blast of a teal Gronckle causes him to trip and a male Viking roars in his face.

“ARGGGHHHHH! Mornin'!” A male viking known as Ack greeted as he got off of Hiccup.

Vikings noticed Hiccup started to tell him to get inside and asking why he was outside while dragons were attacking. Then someone grabbed Hiccup by the collar of his shirt.

“Hiccup?! What is he doing out aga--?! What are you doing out?! Get inside!” The big-bearded viking told Hiccup.

“That's Stoick the Vast. Chief of the tribe. They say that when he was a baby, he popped a dragon's head clean off of its shoulders. Do I believe it? Yes, I do.” Hiccup narrated as Stoick threw a wooden cart at a dragon, knocking it out mid-air.

“What have we got?” Stoick asked a viking named Starkard.

“Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks. Oh, and Hoark saw a Monstrous Nightmare.” Starkard answered.

“Any Night Furies?” Stoick asked once more.

“None, so far.” Starkard confirmed as burning embers fell on Stoick’s right shoulder.

“Good. We still have those new monsters to worry about since their attacking us.” Stoick said as he simply brushed those embers off him.

“Hoist the torches!” A viking commanded as other vikings did so, making the dragons swarm around them, including these dark beasts.

Hiccup ran into a blacksmith viking when he got inside and put on a blacksmith apron.

“Ah! Nice of you to join the party! I thought you'd been carried off!” The blacksmith said as he was working.

“What, who me? Nah, come on! I'm waaaay too muscular for their taste. They wouldn't know what to do with all… this.” Hiccup responded as he gestured to his body, which was the opposite of what he said.

“Well, they need toothpicks, don’t they?” The blacksmith joked about Hiccup’s skinny body.

“The meat-head with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber. I've been his apprentice ever since I was little. Well... littler.” Hiccup narrated as he started to help Gobber, while Stoick on the watch tower decided to go on the offensive.

“We move to the lower defenses. We'll counter-attack with the catapults.” Stoick explained as a dragon swooped down and set another house on fire.

“See? Old village, lots and lots of new houses.” Hiccup continued narrating as the vikings noticed the burning house.

“FIRE!” A viking shouted.

“Alright, let’s go!” A female voiced ordered as a group of young vikings started to douse the flames consuming the house.

“Oh, and that's Fishlegs, Snotlout, the Twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and…” Hiccup started introductions as he noticed someone that made him feel light. “Astrid. Oh, their job is so much cooler.” Hiccup narrated as he saw the five teens walk away from the explosion. He leaned out of the smithing window trying to get a better look, but Gobber lifted him up and back into the shop.

“​​Oh, come on. Let me out, please? I need to make my mark!” Hiccup asked Gobber.

“Oh, you've made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places!” Gobber responded, obviously saying no.

“Please, two minutes. I'll kill a dragon. My life will get infinitely better. I might even get a date.” Hiccup asked more clearly.

“You can't lift a hammer, you can't swing an ax, you can't even throw one of these!” Gobber refused once more, listing what Hiccup couldn’t do, while giving a viking a bola, who threw it to bring down a dragon.

“Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me.” Hiccup explained as he showed Gobber a wooden ballista, as it shot a bola randomly, hitting a viking in the background.

“See, now this right here is what I'm talking about!” Gobber said as he thought his point was proven by what Hiccup did.

“Mild calibration issue--” Hiccup simply stated.

“Don't you-- no-- Hiccup. If you ever want to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all... this.” Gobber said, pointing in Hiccup’s general direction.

“But, you just pointed to all of me!” Hiccup clarified, not getting Gobber’s point.

“Yes! That's it! Stop being all of you!” Gobber said, simplifying what he said earlier.

“Ohhhh…” Hiccup said, finally getting what Gobber is saying.

“Ohhhh, yes.” Gobber confirmed.

“You sir, are playing a dangerous game. Keeping this much, raw... Viking-ness... contained? THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!” Hiccup tried to reason with Gobber, but failed.

“I'll take my chances. Sword. Sharpen. Now.” Gobber responded and ordered as Hiccup carried a sword over to the blacksmith.

“One day, I'll get out there. Because, killing a dragon is everything around here. A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. A Zippleback? Exotic. Two heads, twice the status.” Hiccup narrated as he listed a few dragons.

“They found the sheep!” A catapult operator said.

“Concentrate fire over the lower bank!” Stoick ordered.

“Fire!” The same catapult operator said.

“And then, there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those. They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire.” Hiccup continued narrating as the catapult was climbed by a flaming Monstrous Nightmare.

“Reload! I’ll take care of this.” Stoick said as he fought the Nightmare, making it retreat.

“But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one has ever seen. We call it the--” Hiccup started narrating as a loud whistle was heard from the sky, making the vikings panic.

“NIGHT FURY! GET DOWN!” A viking yelled as an explosion destroyed the catapult straight out of nowhere.

“JUMP!” Stoick ordered as the vikings on it made it out safely.

“This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and... never misses. No one has ever killed a Night Fury. That's why I'm going to be the first.” Hiccup finished narrating as Gobber attached an axe to handless left arm.

Meanwhile, with Rainbow Dash and Twilight…

The two dragonesses were fighting the heartless, when all of a sudden, they heard a loud whistle.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Where’s that sound coming from?” Twilight asked, getting her answer as she and RD saw and heard an explosion.

“What the hay was that?!” RD asked, completely surprised.

“I-I don’t know!” Twilight responded.

But then they came face-to-face with a black dragon that appeared to be invisible in the night.

“Think that caused the explosion?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

“I think it-WHOA!” Twilight yelled as the dragon swooped past them.

“HEY! Don’t hurt my friends! Looking for a fight dragon boy? You got one!” Rainbow said to the black dragon as she and Twilight prepared for battle.

Vs. Black Dragon
Objective: Defeat the mysterious dragon

The battle started off by the dragon swooping at them, trying to attack with its teeth and claws, only to be dodged by the two dragonesses.

“HA! That all you got, Scaly?” RD taunted the black dragon.

“Rainbow! We gotta be careful around this one! It seems to be really smart, fast, and strong.” Twilight warned her friend and she studied the dragon’s movements and tactics.

“Don’t worry, Twilight. We got this.” RD assured her friend as she breathed her dragon flames at the black drake, hitting it, making it growl in anger.

“Uh… I think you made him mad.” Twilight said, a bit concerned.

“Well, too bad for him!” Rainbow said as she charged at him, only to be caught by the dragon’s mouth after dodging her. “GAH! That’s a tight grip you got there, but it won’t hold me forever!” Rainbow said to the dragon while struggling to escape from the dragon’s vice-like jaw strength.

Twilight then flew over and used her front horn to make the dragon loosen its bite, allowing RD to fly back to her. “Rainbow, I tried to warn you about his strength, speed and intelligence!” Twilight lightly scolded her friend for underestimating the black drake.

“Sorry.” Rainbow apologized.

“It’s alright. This is still our first encounter with this kind of dragon.” Twilight said, telling Rainbow Dash that she was already forgiven, as they saw the dragon use its blazing speed to circle around them fast.

“Twilight?” Rainbow asked her friend, needing her help.

“Already on it.” Twilight answered, aiming at the dragon, and shooting magic and breathing fire at it at the same time, hitting the black drake with perfect accuracy.

The dragon then recovered and decided to get ready to hit them with his fire blast.

“He’s circling around us again, but this time we can’t see him!” Twilight said, impressed by the dragon’s extreme intelligence.

“Get ready, Twi!” Rainbow said as her friend nodded, preparing themselves for the dragon’s next attack.

They heard a loud whistle, but then heard something fire, seeing a bola hit and ensnare the dragon onto the island as it roared in the distance.

“What the hay?” Rainbow said, confused by what happened.

“What in the world was that?” Twilight asked.

“No idea.” Rainbow answered, but then they heard a shrill scream out in the distance. What was going on down there?

Meanwhile earlier with Hiccup…

“Man the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there!” Gobber said as he started to head out, but turned back to Hiccup. “Stay. Put. There. You know what I mean.”

But as Gobber was out of sight, Hiccup went outside with his Bola Ballista, ignoring the other vikings orders to head back. “Yeah, I know! Be right back!”

“Mind yourselves! The devils still have some juice in them!” Stoick warned as he wrestled a couple of Deadly Nadders trapped in a net.

Then Hiccup setted up his ballista on an empty hill, eager to find a target. “Come on. Gimme something to shoot at, gimme something to shoot at.” He then heard a loud whistle and saw a slightly visible silhouette, indicating that it was a Night Fury. Hiccup then aimed at the dragon, shot the bola out of the ballista, which amazingly hit the target dead-on, making the Night Fury roar as it fell into the forest. “Oh, I hit it! YES! I HIT IT! Did anybody see that?” Hiccup asked as a giant black creature appeared and destroyed the machine. “Except for you.”

While Stoick continued wrestling the Deadly Nadders, he heard a shrill cry from the hill. He turns to see the giant black monster chasing Hiccup, and gets up to go help him. “DO NOT let them escape!” Stoick ordered as a viking named Spitelout said, “Right!”

Hiccup started to hide behind a torch pole, just as he heard a strange sound. “GARCHOMP!” He looked to see a dragon standing upright shoot out of the ground behind the dark beast and breath fire at it, reducing the black monster to ash as a strange heart appeared in its place and floated away, disappearing. Then Stoick showed up and punched the dragon, making it notice the viking chief, but then shockingly, flew away, not out of fear. “What?” Stoick said, surprised at the dragon’s immediate retreat. He turned toward the torch pole as it collapsed, then tumbled down into the village, leaving ruins in its wake.

“Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know…” Hiccup started narrating again, forgetting to mention something, as the torch rolled onto the Nadders Stoick netted earlier, freeing them. The dragons managed to escape, hauling off most of Berk's food and livestock.

“Sorry, Dad. Okay, but I hit a Night Fury.” Hiccup simply said, only to get grabbed by his father by the back of his shirt and dragged towards his house. “It's not like the last few times, Dad! I mean, I really actually hit it! You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot. It went down, just off Raven Point. Let's get a search party out there, before it--” Hiccup tried to explain but was interrupted by Stoick. “STOP! Just… stop. Every time you step outside, disaster follows. Can you not see that I have bigger problems? Winter's almost here and I have an entire village to feed!”

“Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't ya think?” Hiccup asked as a viking in the background asked. “Are you calling me fat?”

“This isn't a joke, Hiccup! Why can't you follow the simplest orders?” Stoick said to Hiccup.

“I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... kill it, you know? It's who I am, Dad.” Hiccup explained.

“You are many things, Hiccup. But a dragon killer is not one of them. Get back to the house.” Stoick said to Hiccup as he turned to Gobber. “Make sure he gets there. I have his mess to clean up.”

“Quite the performance.” Tuffnut sarcastically said.

“I've never seen anyone mess up that badly. That helped!” Snotlout jeered.

“Thank you, thank you. I was trying, so… I really did hit one.” Hiccup said, being completely honest.

“Sure, Hiccup.” Gobber responded sarcastically.

“He never listens.” Hiccup complained.

“Well, it runs in the family.” Gobber simply said.

“And when he does, it's always with this... disappointed scowl. Like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. (Imitating Stoick) Excuse me, barmaid! I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!” Hiccup continued complaining.

“Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand.” Gobber explained, mentioning Hiccup's mind and heart.

“Thank you for summing that up.” Hiccup said sarcastically.

“Look, the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not.” Gobber advised Hiccup.

“I just want to be one of you guys.” Hiccup said, wanting to be a viking.

Earlier, in Berk, Raptor got to the village, only to find people fighting dragons and heartless.

“Looks like I better take care of the heartless from the shadows, or in this case, underground, which makes that 20% cooler. Dig!” Raptor said to himself and boasted as well about his coolness, as he called out and used Dig once more and kept his presence hidden from the humans while fighting heartless.

Objective: Defeat the Heartless without attracting the Vikings

Start at 0:59

He began to pick off heartless one by one, trying to stay subtle from the humans, when he heard a loud whistle, followed by an explosion at a catapult tower. After a while, when he defeated another heartless…

“Almost got ‘em all.” Raptor said to himself.

“What in blazes!?” A human with an ax for a hand suddenly exclaimed, noticing the Garchomp.

“Pony feathers!” Raptor berated himself as he went back underground.

“That’s right you mangy dragon, run away!” The same human said to Raptor as the drake kept looking for heartless, feeling insulted by that remark. Then Raptor heard a scream for help, and followed it, finding a heartless.

“HEY! HEARTLESS!” Raptor called out to the heartless, catching its attention, making it look around.

“Dig!” Raptor yelled as he shot out of the ground, attacking the heartless. “Flamethrower!” Raptor yelled again as he shot a stream of fire from his mouth, defeating the heartless, which seemed to be the last one in the area. “HA! How’d you like them apples?” Raptor celebrated before he saw a burning torch pillar, making his smile fade. “Whoops.” Raptor simply said as a bead of sweat formed on his head, when all of a sudden, he was punched right in the face by a big man with a big beard, eager to continue fighting the Garchomp.

As much as I’d like to make him pay for that, my work here’s done. The heartless won’t be back for now, but I gotta admit, that was a good punch, ‘cause that HURT!” Raptor thought to himself as he decided to take off and find his sister and Twilight to tell them that the heartless are gone for the time being and that it was time to head home.

When he got to the others…

“Bro, what’s going on?” Rainbow asked Raptor.

“The heartless are gone for now.” Raptor answered.

“Well then, time to head back.” Twilight said as she and the other two started to return to their hideout.

“Raptor, you missed an AWESOME fight!” Rainbow said to her brother.

“What?! Awesome! What happened?” Raptor agreed as he asked RD.

“Me and Twilight fought against a real mysterious dragon that looked like it was invisible in the night sky! And its fire power packs a real boom in it!” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Whoa…” Raptor said in awe.

“Yeah, I know. It’s-” Rainbow began as she and her bro both said, “AWESOME!”

“Come on you two, we’ll need to tell the others about this dragon when we get back to the hideout.” Twilight informed the two daredevils.

After they got back to the hideout, Twilight Sparkle, Raptor and Rainbow Dash told the others what happened at the village.

“Looks like we’ll have to keep tabs on that village, especially that boy that hid behind the torch pole.” Chameleo said to the others as they agreed and went to sleep.

“What are you?” Raptor, Rainbow Dash and Twilight thought about the black dragon before they went to sleep.

Meanwhile, at the Meade hall, where every viking was gathered…

“Either we finish them, or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them! If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave. They'll find another home! One more search. Before the ice sets in.” Stoick declared as he stabbed a spot on the map with a knife.

“Those ships never come back.” A viking warned.

“We're Vikings! It's an occupational hazard! Now who's with me?” Stoick asked everyone.

“Today's not good for me. I've gotta do my ax returns.” Another viking said.

“Alright. Those who stay will look after Hiccup.” Stoick added to his question.

“To the ships!” A viking named Phlegma said.

“I’m with you, Stoick!” Spitelout agreed as well.

“That’s more like it.” Stoick said, glad that coax worked.

“Right, I’ll pack my undies.” Gobber said, but Stoick stopped him. “No, I need you to stay and train some new recruits.”

“Oh, perfect. And while I'm busy, Hiccup can cover the stall. Molten steel, razor sharp blades, lots of time to himself... what could possibly go wrong?” Gobber sarcastically asked.

“What am I going to do with him, Gobber?” Stoick asked Gobber.

“Put him in training with the others.” Gobber suggested.

“No, I’m serious.” Stoick denied.

“So am I.” Gobber countered.

“He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.” Stoick argued, concerned for his son.

“Oh, you don’t know that.” Gobber counter-argued.

“I do know that, actually.” Stoick said.

“No, you don’t.” Gobber said back.

“No, actually, I do.” Stoick said, standing firm with his choice.

“No, you don’t!” Gobber said, getting tired of this argument.

“Listen, you know what he's like. From the time he could crawl he's been... different. He doesn't listen, he has the attention span of a sparrow... I take him fishing and he goes hunting for... for trolls!” Stoick explained.

“Trolls exist! They steal your socks. But only the left ones. What's with that?” Gobber countered, followed with a question.

“When I was a boy…” Stoick began, much to Gobber’s dismay. “Oh, here we go.”

“My father told me to bang my head against a rock, and I did it. I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him. And you know what happened?” Stoick asked Gobber.

“You got a headache.” Gobber joked.

“That rock split in two. It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber. He could-- He could crush mountains, level forests, tame seas! Even as a boy, I knew what I was, what I had to become. Hiccup is not that boy.” Stoick explained.

“You can't stop him, Stoick. You can only prepare him. Look, I know it seems hopeless. But the truth is you won't always be around to protect him. He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now.” Gobber told Stoick.

Unknown to the two vikings, while they were talking, two pairs of eyes were watching from above on the ceiling. Those eyes belonged to Chameleo and Viper.

“Something tells me this “Hiccup” kid is one of the two lights in the world.” Chameleo whispered to Viper.

“No doubt about it.” Viper agreed as they decided to head to their camp, briefly casting a shadow on the vikings.

“What was that?” Gobber asked Stoick.

“Couldn’t be clouds, they were too fast.” Stoick said.

Meanwhile in the forest with Hiccup…

“Oh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me. I manage to lose an ENTIRE DRAGON?!” Hiccup complained before he encountered the Night Fury once again, which was still entangled in the bola. After seeing it, he hid behind a rock and took out his knife. But he couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched.

Yeah, have you ever had that feeling you were being watched?

WHAT?! Bugs Bunny?! How did-?! What-?!

Oops. Sorry, Mac. I’ll leave ya to your story.

Oookay… Didn’t see that coming. Anyway…

Earlier in the forest, Fluttershy was walking through the forest with Pinkie Pie, Vaida, Datozo, Apple Wasp and Water Wing.

“Thank you so much for coming with me, guys.” Fluttershy thanked the three of them.

“No problem, little gal.” Datozo said as he patted her back, stumbling her a bit.

“Keep an eye on your goron strength, Datozo.” Vaida said to her fellow Harmony Element wielder.

“Besides Fluttershy, friends stick together and have parties!” Pinkie said to Flutters, still being the party pony, or dragoness in this case, as she is.

But then Pinkie’s tail was twitching, making the others panic and hide, for not wanting anything to fall, when all of a sudden, the pink dragoness’ tail pointed in a direction.

“Huh, that’s new. Note to self and team; Twitchy tail, then pointing tail means go in that direction.” Pinkie said, causing the others to sigh in relief as the followed Pinkie.

After going the direction Pinkie’s tail pointed too, they saw a black dragon stuck in a connection of ropes.

“Ya’ll seein’ what Ah’m seein’?” Apple Wasp asked the others, getting a nod from all five of them.

“A black dragon?! That looks awesome! But, should we get it out of the net?” Water Wing said.

“Okay…” Fluttershy reluctantly said with a scared squeal as the others agreed to help him get out.

But as they started to go to the dragon, they saw someone coming.

“Everydrake hide!” Pinkie said as she and the others hid themselves.

It was a boy, the same one RD, Raptor and Twilight told them about. He was obviously frightened when he approached the captured dragon. But that fear turned into amazement.

“Oh, wow. I did it. Oh, I did it! This fixes everything! Yes! I have brought down this mighty beast!” The boy boasted as he stepped on the dragon, which seemed dead. But it was still kickin’ and shoved the boy off. The two looked into each other’s eyes, as the boy held some kind of weapon. “I'm going to kill you, dragon. I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I'm a Viking. I am a VIKING!” The boy said to the dragon as he held up his weapon, ready to finish the job, much to the hiding dragons’ horror.

“We gotta stop ‘im ya’ll!” Apple Wasp told the others.

“Yeah, let’s give him a good surprise!” Pinkie said as the others prepared to attack, except Fluttershy and Water Wing.

“Let’s go get him!” Datozo declared.

“Um, guys…” Fluttershy said softly, not getting their attention.

“We will only scare him off.” Vaida said, starting to brim with electricity.

“Wait.” Water Wing pointed out louder than Fluttershy, but was ignored.

They were about to attack, but Fluttershy and Water Wing stopped them. They were confused why they did it at first, but as Flutters and Water Wing showed them what was happening, they were surprised. They just then saw a light in the both of them; the boy and the black dragon.

Earlier with Hiccup, he looked into the black dragon’s green eyes, seeing fear in them. The boy hesitated and closed his eyes as he kept trying to stab the dragon. But as the dragon closed his eyes awaiting his death, the boy collapsed onto his knees, finding himself unable to kill the dragon. “I did this.” Hiccup weakly said to himself, before he started to cut the ropes binding the dragon, as the dragon snapped open its slit eyes. As the Hiccup freed the dragon, it pounced on him, glaring right into his eyes. Then the black dragon roared at Hiccup’s face as it then flew off. Unable to process the stress of that encounter, Hiccup whimpered a bit, falling unconscious. As he laid there, six dragons approached him, communicating with each other, but one of them, the yellow dragon with the pink spines, was different. “Maybe we should get him home.” The dragon said to the other five, as they continued communicating with each other. “O-Okay, if you say he knows the way home.” The dragon timidly said as the pink dragon growled and roared, shocking the other dragons. “Oh no! We gotta head back to the others!” The dragon said as they flew off, leaving Hiccup alone.

Earlier, after the black dragon flew off, the six dragons came out of hiding and talked to each other on what to do with the unconscious boy.

“So now what, ya’ll?” Apple Wasp asked the others.

“Maybe we should get him home.” Fluttershy suggested.

“I wouldn’t be too sure, Fluttershy. The humans in this world seem to be afraid of dragons.” Vaida said.

“Which means that if we do bring the boy back to them, we’ll only scare them and become targets to them. Sorry, little guys.” Datozo apologized.

“But if he came here, maybe that guy knows the way back.” Water Wing guessed as the others agreed.

“O-Okay, if you say he knows the way home.” Fluttershy scarcely admitted as Pinkie Pie popped in.

“Hey, did you know that the black dragon is going down the path we got here with, because I didn’t.” Pinkie nonchalantly said, bearing a big genuine smile, as the news shocked the other five.

“Oh no! We gotta head back to the others!” Fluttershy exclaimed as they took to the skies and went back to their hideout to warn the others about the black dragon’s arrival.

Author's Note:

Next time, on Multiverse Hearts: How To Train Your Dragon...

Sonic: "Look out!"

Twilight/Raptor/Rainbow Dash: "It's that dragon again!"

Hiccup: "So... Why didn't you?"

Fluttershy: "I'm so sorry that you can't fly anymore without your other tail fin."

Hiccup: "Dragon classifications. Strike Class, Fear Class, Mystery Class."

Applejack: "Honestly, that's mighty kind of ya' to give him food."

Hiccup: "Huh. Toothless. I could've sworn you had..."

Everyone else except Toothless: "Whoa!"

Hiccup: "teeth..."

Spike: "Chapter 2"

Hiccup: "Begin Viking Training"

Inferno: "An Unlikely Friendship is Born"

Scootaloo: "This next one is gonna be awesome!"

Tails: "Don't miss it!"

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