• Published 3rd Feb 2021
  • 3,925 Views, 45 Comments

Dream On - Colbbie

I was one step away from accomplishing my lifelong dream. But now I'm stuck in Equestria with nothing to my name and in an alien body. But as they say, dream on.

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Author's Note:

All the information in the prologue is not necessary but it sets the base for what is going to happen later in the story. While reading it is not necessary, it will help you to better understand what is going on. Ponies come in the next chapter.
NHL-National Hockey League
AHL-American Hockey League
ECHL-East Coast Hockey League
Nhl is the highest level and ECHL is the lower level with AHL in the middle. That is all you really need to know. This stuff is only really in the prologue.

I sat anxiously in my apartment, staring at the phone sitting in the middle of the desk, awaiting the call I was sure to receive any second now. I had trained my whole life for this moment. One simple phone call would determine where my future goes next.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the very loud sound of the phone ringing nearly caused me to jump at the sudden noise permeating the previously quiet room. I reached out and picked the phone up and confirmed that it was the number I was expecting. And after a few seconds of staring blankly at the phone with it rining in my hand, contemplating my whole existence, I answered it.

"Hello, is this Oliver?" Greeted the deep voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, that is me, and you're here to tell me if I made the team right?" I asked, deciding to get right to the point. I was so anxious I had idly started tapping my foot and biting my nails without even noticing it. And the long pause did nothing to help that anxiety pass, only it made it worse, like, a lot worse.

"Huh," he chuckled "straight to the point, I got that kind of attitude from you and I like it. But to answer your question, yes I am here to break the news to you. So first, let me ask you this, are you ready to commit everything you got to this organization?" He asked with a tone that clearly said 'no' was not the right answer.

"Yes sir, I've been training since I was a kid, and getting drafted made one of my lifelong dreams come true. Getting to the best league in the world is my end game, no matter the cost or effort I have to put into my game." I finished with less anxiety present in my voice than previously.

"Alright, that's what I like to hear. So here it is, the ECHL roster doesn't have any room for you," This statement made my heart stop and my breath catch in my throat. All that work, all that effort, only to get cut? That thought and many more ran through my head. My eyes started to water up slightly, but my attention was drawn back to the phone when he continued talking. "that's because you've earned a spot in Syracuse in the AHL." And in a heartbeat, all that sadness and frustration instantly melted away into disbelief and happiness.

"R-really?" I asked, not believing what he just said.

"Yes kid, you made the American League roster. Congrats, and since there's no more training camp tomorrow, go celebrate with your pals, but remember, be responsible. Have a great day kid." He finished before a click signaled that he had just hung up the phone.

I slowly put the phone back down onto the desk before standing back up and staring at myself in the mirror above the desk. "Yes!" I suddenly shouted, happiness and relief filling my voice. After three years of junior and getting drafted, I'm now only one level below what is considered to be the best hockey league in the world.

I continued to celebrate, jumping around the room while pumping my fists into the air for what felt like an hour before the sound of my phone going off stole my attention away. And with a slight jump in my step, I went over to the desk and picked my phone back up, and read the message.

"Hey bro, I'm heading to a local bar in downtown Tampa tonight. You in?" Read the text from a lifelong friend, Brock, who also happened to come with me to watch me and support me during my first professional training camp.

"Yea and I got good news!" I quickly responded.

"You made the team!? I'm pulling up the front of your hotel now, get down here and tell me about it!" Came the reply about a dozen seconds later. And that was all I needed to hear before I grabbed my room key and wallet before heading towards the elevators.

"So what happened? Did you make it?" Brock asked as I closed the passenger side door to the black rental car he was currently driving.

"Better, I made the AHL roster!" I happily exclaimed as we started moving towards the exit to the main road.

"Oh, nice! Well, this bar should be a pretty good place to go celebrate. And also, drinks on me! You deserve it." And thus started a fun night filled with drinking, and celebrating my recent achievement. I almost decided to lay off the alcohol but thought, 'hey I just turned 21 not to long ago, AND, it's time to celebrate. 'I'll be fine.' I thought, having made up my mind.

About 3 hours later, the clock read 9:00 p.m. as we both stumbled into the car, heavily intoxicated. "You sure you can drive?" I asked, well, attempted to ask. My very non-sober mouth making it sound like a load of gibberish.

"Yeah dude, I got this!" Brock responded in an equally drunk state. Him having turned 21 no more than a month ago made him much more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol than me, so him driving was probably worse than just about any other scenario. This thought, however, slipped my intoxicated mind as we slowly pulled out of the parking lot.

Surprisingly, things were going pretty well considering how drunk we both were. Brock attempting to drive the car in as straight a line as he could, and me badly singing Don't Stop Believing to the static-laced voice coming over the radio. Once we entered the ramp to the highway and reached around 70 miles per hour, the car started swerving, a lot. Both of us started drunkenly screaming as we were thrown side to side in the vehicle while Brock tried to regain control, but to no avail. The last thing my drunken mind remembers were the headlights of a very large semi-truck staring right back at me.

It was just an average every day in the peaceful capital city of Equestria, Canterlot. The day was going by as usual. The usual tourists gawked at the castle of the princess while the nobles were as arrogant and snobby as normal. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for anyone that day nor would it.

While inside the magnificent castle, Celestia was having quite possibly the most boring day in at least a few decades. It was so bad, that it would make anyone rather work an office job for the rest of their life as it would be a hundred times more exciting.

"And that, Princess Celestia, is why nobles should be exempt from all taxes!" Prince Blueblood finished with a confident smirk splayed across his face.

Celestia let out a sigh. Day court today was even more mind-numbing than usual with all the nobles deciding that today would be a great day to propose their reasons for not have to pay a bit in taxes to the Equestrian government. "Blueblood," she began with a flat tone, "how many times have you proposed this idea to me?"

"Umm..." Blueblood began, starting to sweat, "only a couple I believe."

"Sure," she replied sarcastically, "and what have I told you every time?" She said, this time, eyes narrowing slightly causing Blueblood to shiver.

"You have umm... told me... no." He said with nervousness permeating every aspect of his voice.

"That's right, so-" Celestia stopped, something felt off. Her sensitivity to magic was many times that of an average unicorn, even her own sister. While she had learned to tune out the everyday magic levels, something, somewhere had just exploded with enough magic to level a city. "There is a disturbance in the magic." She whispered to herself before addressing Blueblood. "I must attend to something immediately. You are dismissed." She said quickly with a tone that held no room for argument.

After the doors closed behind Blueblood, Celestia quickly trotted out of the throne room and up the stairs to her own personal quarters. "No one is to disturb me unless it is of utmost urgency." She said to the two guards standing next to the entrance to her bedroom door. And all they did was give a curt salute back with a "Yes your majesty."

She closed the doors and took a seat in front of her millennium-year-old desk before floating over a quill and starting a letter.

'Dear Twilight Sparkle-'