• Published 15th May 2021
  • 1,859 Views, 60 Comments

Kung-Fu Equestria 3 - Lady Umbra

After a year of protecting Ponyville, Twilight is now met with the family she had thought she lost long ago. however a enemy from Celestia's past threatens to take what she just got back away from her

  • ...

Twilight’s Family

Leaving the changelings to their reunion, Twilight, Spike, and Shining Armor made their way deeper into the village before being spotted by other ponies.


“Everyone, Shining is back.”

“He found his sister!”

The entire village converged excitedly upon the group.

"Everyone," Shining declared. "Everyone! This is my sister.”

“She's so beautiful," one pony noted. "Just like her mother.”

“Everypony please don’t crowd,” A voice called out. “They’ve had a long trip and I’m sure they are tired”

The crowd of excited ponies parted to let a pink alicorn through. Her vibrant light purple eyes shined with happiness, while her hair - stripped in colors of pale yellow, bright pink, and purple - flowed in the wind. The Alicorn wore a light purple kimono with images of flowers across it. In her arms was an alicorn filly with light opal eyes, and grayish violet hair with light arctic blue highlights.

Shining smiled as they approached. The alicorn stopped in front of Twilight before placing a hand against her cheek.

“You look so much like your mother,” the alicorn said warmly.

For some reason Twilight couldn’t help but find the pony in front of her familiar.

“Have… Have we met?”

“We haven’t,” the alicorn admitted, removing her hand from Twilight’s face. "But I've seen your mother in pictures."

Shining pat his sister's shoulder. "Twilight, this is Mi Amore Cadenza.”

Twilight's eyes widened. “Wait... I’ve heard that name before!” Dropping her bag, she pulled a book out and went through the pages. “Mi Amore Cadenza….The Wandering Fixer. Aka the Marriage Broker." She looked up at Cadence with awe. "You traveled across Equestria fixing and setting up countless marriages across the world." Her expression faltered as she set the book down. "But then you vanished without a trace.”

“That’s what they called me?” the alicorn mused. “Please call me Cadance.”

“But why did you vanish?” Twilight asked.

Cadance looked down at the filly in her arms. "Because with everypony I helped, there was a part of my that felt unfulfilled.”


“Because I never had what I was giving them” Cadance said, a warm smile spreading across her face. “Love.”

"She came across our village about three years after... Sombra," Shining Armor looked down, shuddering at the memory. Cadence nuzzled his shoulder, and he gazed up at her in gratitude. "She was a huge help to us, and... I couldn't think of life without her."

"So... you guys got married?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, Twilight," Cadence replied happily, before indicating the foal in her arms. "And more."

Before Twilight could respond, the filly fussed, reaching for Twilight's back. Hesitantly, Twilight offered her bag to the filly. Almost instantly, the little one pulled out a familiar rainbow haired figurine.

“Rainbow baby...” the filly cooed, holding up the toy. "So pretty."

“P-Please be careful with that,” Twilight stammered.

“Flurry,” Cadance said gently.

“So pretty,” the filly - Flurry - said, gazing up at Twilight. "Keep?"

“No…” Twilight began, only to stop when she saw tears forming in the filly’s eye. “...problem. Of course. Yeah.” Twilight said reluctantly in defeat. “That's why I brought her. Take good care of her.”

“Yay, rainbow baby.” Flurry cheered, crawling off with the Master figurine.

“I’m sorry, Twilight,” Cadance apologized to her sister-in-law. "But thank you for letting her play with that."

“It’s fine,” Twilight said in defeat.

“”Wow,” Spike said, nudging his sister. “you’ve fought against Master Luna’s son, and even the stallion who attacked your home... and you finally lose to a filly.”

“Oh, be quiet, Spike,” Twilight snapped back before her eyes laid upon a pony Changeling carrying several books. “On a change of subject," Twilight noted curiously. "Do you guys happen to have a library here?”

“We sure do,” Shining replied with a smile. He led Twilight through the village to a building with a sign with a image of a book.

Inside, Twilight found a sight that brought joyous stars to her eyes. “So. Many. Books!”

Shining Armor watched her glee with a satisfied smile. “While I was more of a fighter like Dad was, I still hold a deep passion for the written word like Mom did”

With her magic, Twilight grabbed several books from the many shelves, immediately she began to read from several books at one before sitting at the nearest table. An action Spike was accustomed to, while Twilight had her nose in several books, some of the changelings took notice of Spike and approached him.

“What kind of pony are you?” one asked. “Where’s your fur?”

I'm not a Pony, I’m a dragon.” Spike answered.

Another changeling pointed at him. “What are those?”

“My scales.” The dragon answered

“What about those?”

“My claws.”

“What are these?” a changeling came from behind and grabbed Spikes leathery wings.

“My wings.”

“What's that?” the first changeling said pointing to something below spikes waist

“My jewels!” Spike said, snatching his sack of gemstones up.

“Children, please” Antenna chastised, walking into the library with her family. “Don’t pester the dragon.”

“Thank you ma’am,” Spike said, noticing the bright smile that would put Pinkie Pie’s to shame on Urtica’s face. “You certainly look happy”

“I am,” Urtica said with glee.

“Shining,” Antenna called, gaining the unicorn’s attention. “The children have prepared dinner."

“Understood,” Shining said before walking up to Twilight. "Twilight, it's dinner time."

But the unicorn didn't even hear him.

"Twily? Sis?"

No response.


Spike chuckled, and walked past Shining. “You’re new to Twilight’s habits so let me handle this,” Spike said walking to the closest bookshelf and pulling out a number of books

The Dragon returned to Twilight’s table, Spike placed the books neatly on the table before making sure they were all straight. Then, with a grin, Spike placed a single claw on the top book before turning to Shining Armor. “Watch and learn, Armor,” Spike said as he shifted the top book and stepped back.

Almost immediately Twilight began to fidget in her seat, repeated tapping of her foot became more evident was she turned to the stack of books. Setting down the opened books Twilight made her way to the stack and corrected the stack until they were all facing the same way. Twilight paused, turned and saw everyone looking at her.

“Oh… sorry." Twilight rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. “Guess I got into the books, Normally when that happens Spike usually….”

Twilight soon realized who set the books up and purposely messed with her OCD, Twilight couldn’t help but glare at the purple dragon with a look that could kill even the Tyrant King Sombra. Spike just grinned.

"You're welcome," he noted.

“Sleep light, dragon,” Twilight growled, though the ominous words were lessened by Shining Armor's laugh.

“Queen Antenna has prepared dinner,” Shining said.

“Okay, just let me grab a few books” Twilight said, doing so with her magic.

“Are you going to read while we eat?” Shining asked nervously.

“Oh, she’s a great multitasker,” Urtica explained to the unicorn. “She’s once made dinner, read ten books at the same time, and held several conversations with the masters of the Celestial Palace.”

“That’s… Impressive,” Cadance admitted as they all left for dinner.

Fluttershy soared across a vast wasteland with Applejack following close behind. The blind master’s ears flicked, picking up every little sound.

“Wings of Surveillance,” Fluttershy whispered, lowering herself down to the earth pony master.

“Why do you do that, Sugarcube?” Applejack asked in slight annoyance. “I can understand Rainbow doing that, but saying ‘Wings of’ before something ain't as amazing and awesome as she thinks it is.”

Fluttershy blushed. "It was Rainbow's idea to begin with," she admitted.

Applejack shook her head with a grin. "I dunno," she said. "It'd be like if I said 'Kick of Power' or 'Fist of...' I dunno, 'Making a sandwich."

"That could be kind of cool," Fluttershy assured her.

Sighing, Applejack walked in silence for a moment, Fluttershy gliding after her. However, as the trail extended on, the silence began to weigh on the two masters.

“Sugarcube,” Applejack said. “You mind if I ask you something personal?”

“What kind of personal?” Fluttershy asked.

“Why haven’t you asked Discord to fix your…" Applejack waved a hoof at Fluttershy's eyes. "Condition."

“Applejack, please don’t feel like you need to sugarcoat what happened,” Fluttershy said with a warm smile. Her face fell. “And no, I haven’t.”

“May I ask why?”

“Discord’s magic is… complicated," Fluttershy replied. "It effects reality itself, but he isn’t all powerful. He can only effect what’s already there.”

Applejack blinked. “I don’t follow."

“When Discord uses his powers he is basically turning one thing into another” Fluttershy explained. “Like clouds into cotton candy.”

Applejack hummed. "So... to fix yer eyes... they'd need to still be there."

Fluttershy nodded. Before Applejack could process the revelation, Fluttershy's ears flicked, and she turned.

“I’m hearing fast movement ahead of us.”

Applejack followed her gaze and quickened her pace. In time, they caught up to three other masters standing in front of a wrecked ship:

Master Daring Do of the Vast Jungle, Master Capper of the Wasteland, and finally Master Flash Sentry of the Crystal Empire.

“Flash, what in tarnation are you doing here?” Applejack said running up to the group.

“Jade creatures attacked our villages,” Daring reported. “A few of them have taken some of the other masters”

“And we’re here to get them back,” Flash said.

Capper said nothing, merely reaching to his back and gripping a pair of double edged axes.

“Master Luna instructed us not to engage.” Fluttershy said.

But Flash didn't listen, disappearing into the ship with a battle cry.

“Return Master Bulk!”

Unfortunately, his call was cut short with an ominous green light.

“P-please stop!" Fluttershy begged the other masters. "He only grows stronger with each..."

However the blind master’s warning fell on deaf ears as Capper and Daring Do rushed in. A series of green lights signaled their defeat. Fluttershy shrank back before moving to return to the Celestial Palace. However, she heard the footsteps of her friend behind her... heading for the ship.

“Applejack, don’t!” Fluttershy pleaded.

“If we don’t stop him," Applejack insisted. "He'll claim every master in Equestria!"

"That will include us if we fight," Fluttershy reasoned. "Please, we need to report back to Master Luna!"

Before Applejack could respond...

“So….” A voice called out from the ship. “Celestia freed her foalish younger sister."

A large red furred satyr emerged from the ship with a series of jade jewels around his waist. Immediately Applejack took a defensive stance, tightening her fist.

“Tirek,” Applejack growled.

“Hmm… I recognize that stance,” Tirek said, pulling two jewel pendants. “That’s the Storming Orchard fighting style of Master Bright Mac.”

Despite herself, Applejack couldn't help but hold her head high in pride.

"My daddy's unbeatable fighting style," she boasted, rushing the beast. "And now it's gonna whup yer..."

The satyr hurled two jade pendants to the ground. Green mist hid him like a smoke bomb. Undeterred, Applejack stormed through the mist and threw a punch... only for something to catch it.

"W-Wuh?" Applejack stammered in shock.

Standing before her, having caught her fist, was the jade forms of Master Bright Mac. Right behind him, jade eyes emotionless and cold, was Master Big Mac.

“No…” Applejack uttered in horror.

Big Mac hit her with a punch of his own, throwing the pony back.

“If it was so unbeatable” Tirek mused. “Then how was I able to defeat them so easily?”

Fluttershy gasped. "He got... your family?"

“Get outta here Sugarcube,” Applejack ordered the pegasus master

“Applejack, you can’t….”

“Go and warn the others!” the Earth Pony Master insisted. She resumed her fighting stance as her father and brother bore down on her. "This here's a family matter."

Fluttershy reluctantly turned and started flying away. “I’m sorry Applejack.”

Applejack didn't respond. She lunged forward and engaged her family. Unfortunately, both jade zombies effortlessly blocked her attacks. Responding with their own, they quickly sent Applejack into the ground.

Tirek laughed as Applejack struggled with his jade slaves. “Remarkable aren’t they?” Tirek asked as Applejack fought. “Besides Master Rockhoof, these are the strongest Kung-Fu masters I’ve ever faced”

“Yer nothin’ but a monster,” Applejack muttered as she dodged blows and struggled against the jade. “You’ve enslaved mah family and tarnished mah fathers Storming Orchard.” She caught her father's fist and locked eyes with his statue. "But not fer long. Ya hear me pa? I'll set ya free!"

Bulldozing under her father and sending him into the air, Applejack rushed Tirek, only for Big Mac to block her. She fought him with all she had, but her love for her family held her back enough for Bright Mac to catch her from behind.

With Father and Son ganging up on her, Applejack was shoved right into Tirek's glowing green hand, and jade soon creeped down her body.

‘I’m sorry Master Luna…I failed’ were the last thing to go through the master’s mind as she became Tirek’s slave

Tirek held the jade jewel in his hand before grinning. “You should know you were a lot stronger than your brother and even your father,” Tirek mused as he scanned the horizon. “Had you not faltered you might have actually defeated your family.”

Tirek locked on his next target. “Hmm…the blind master is a fast flyer” the satyr placed Applejacks pendant to his waist before removing three others. “But are you faster than these three?”

Tirek brought the jewels to his mouth and uttered a single command. “Bring her down.”

He threw them to the ground, and three pegasus masters materialize in a kneeling position. Their eyes snapped open as they glowed green. All three masters wore the same Gi which had bolts of lightning all over them, the only difference between them were different symbols across their backs. The Master on the right had a symbol of a cloud with a lightning bolt going through it. The one on the left had a horseshoe above a crescent moon, and the one in the middle had a symbol of flames across her back.

Flaring their wings the three masters took to the sky and raced after the fleeing master, lightning and thunder clouds followed behind them. Fluttershy’s ears perked at the sound of the disrupted wind behind her. In desperation the pegasus master tried to fly faster only for her to be tackled to the ground by all three jombies.

The Blind Master kicked and struggled, but the jade creatures held her in place, Fluttershy soon heard laughter approaching her downed form.

“Impressive aren’t they?” Tirek asked with a widening grin. “Master Spitfire and her Wonderbolts. Masters of the air and storm."

Much to the pegasus master’s confusion, the jade creatures let her go. Pulling his blades from his back, Tirek began to swing them around.


“I prefer to hunt,” Tirek spoke with joy in his voice. “Run, little pony. At least try to make taking your chi fun."

Fluttershy frowned in defiance. She did not move from her spot. Tirek growled in disappointment, before hurling his chains at her. But just before they could encircle her, Fluttershy lifted her head and screamed.


The Satyr's eyes widened just before a puff of pink smoke covered the mare. His chains were pulled taunt, before turning tp spider webs. And as the webs were shredded, the mighty draconequus himself appeared from the smoke.

Discord The Master of Chaos.

Discord had long black hair with several strands of white hair and braided strands of light blue hair, a long white goatee climbed down his chin. His eyes were completely yellow with red irises, a mark of eight arrows adorned the side of his neck signifying his lineage. The Chaos Master wore a brown fur topped combat gi top that had his right sleeve removed and the left sleeve shortened, over his right arm was a long yellow sleeve that hid his lion's paw. His left arm had yellow bandages that stopped at his eagle taloned hand, jutting from his back was a pair of mismatched wings, his left wing was that of a blue bird wing while his right wing was a dark purple bat wing. His legs are composed of a pair of red gi bottoms with a brown full shin boot on his left foot and a green shoe over his right foot.

“It would seem Celestia and I missed one,” Tirek mused.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it isn’t nice to harm a lady, Tirek?”

“Thank you, Discord,” Fluttershy said not moving from behind the mismatched creature

“Anything for you my fair maiden” Discord said to the Pegasus with a warm smile and bow before turning to Tirek with a menacing glare.

“Tell me, creature,” Tirek said, returning the glare. “How are you here? I thought Celestia and I imprisoned your entire race.”

“You would have,” Discord said, narrowing his eyes at the satyr. “Had my brothers and sisters not hidden me away.” Discord’s chaotic aura became more prominent. “Once I mastered my magic, I went to free my kind but I was stopped by Celestia and Luna, and got turned to stone. Twice.”

“And now you are here?” Tirek said.

“No spell lasts forever. Surely you can attest to that” Discord stated.

The satyr chuckled, nodding his head in admittance.

“I was released with no strength and magic," Discord glanced at Fluttershy. "This pony cared for me despite my... less than savory approach to my goals.”

“Very interesting,” Tirek rolled his eyes. “So what now? You gain her trust to you can free your kind?”

“No. After all this time imprisoned they would be nothing but bodiless souls,” Discord said, glancing back to the pegasus. “Now, Fluttershy dear, as nice as it is to see you, I prefer to meet with you under better circumstances. Why don't you leave this to the gentlemen?"


“Go.” Discord growled out

For the first time Fluttershy heard rage in the Draconequus’ voice. Taking note of the severity of Discord's tone, the Blind Master took off.

“Afraid to hurt her, monster?” Tirek cackled spinning his chains even without the axes.

“Empty taunts, Satyr,” Discord said, dropping to the ground and taking Celestia’s fighting style. “Let’s finish what you and Celestia started.”

Tirek launching his chains at mismatched creature, but Discord repelled them with a kick. He briefly rushed Tirek, but the satyr tried to entangle him with the chains, failing as Discord teleported with a burst of cotton candy.

“You and your kind always preferred cotton candy,” Tirek sighed, staying on his guard. “It’s like a trademark of your kind.”

“And what’s wrong with cotton candy?” Discords disembodied voice rang out.

Tirek turned to the Wonderbolts and nodded. They took off just before Discord reappeared, sending Tirek tumbling with a palm strike. The satyr tried to rebalance, but Discord struck low and quick like a viper, jabbing him in the chest before nerve striking his arm. Tirek roared as his arm went limp, but his glower didn't last.

“Nerve points,” Tirek sighed before jabbing his finger in several places on his arm, regaining the use of his nerves. “Celestia taught me that as well.”

A red orb of magic manifested between his horns as he cracked his neck. Discord tried to use his magic but only managed to produce a burst of confetti. At the same time, Tirek's chains reformed from spider webs back to his original chain axes. With a grin, Tirek swung his blades, only for Discord to dodge with a slide and strike Tirek again. Taking advantage, Tirek rolled with his fall, his blades coming up and swatting Discord into the air. The Chaos Master hit the ground hard, his breathing becoming heavier.

“Your kind was always so weak without their precious magic,” Tirek said walking towards the heavy breathing Draconequus. “Absolutely pathetic.”

Tirek’s hands glowed green, and he began to steal Discord’s Chi. However it was interrupted by a burst of confetti. Tirek staggered back in alarm, allowing Discord to rush the Satyr and strike several nerve points. Tirek doubled over and collapsed, leaving Discord laughing in triumph over the satyr.

“If there’s one thing we can do without magic, it’s act.” Discord said dusting off his clothes. “Celestia taught me the Seven Point Paralysis Touch. It’s the same one she used on her nephew.”

Discord knelt down before lifting his lion paw, his claws extended and ready to end the Satyr. However, Tirek began to laugh which caused the Draconequus to hesitate.

“Something funny?” Discord asked, before the sound of jade drew his gaze. The Wonderbolt zombies had returned.

And they had a beaten Fluttershy in the Jade zombies grasp.


Discord moved to help but stopped when one of the zombies grabbed hold of her throat.

“Your magic is weakened," Tirek pointed out. "You won't be able to save her before they kill her.” Tirek struggled to rise. “Surrender and undo the nerve attack, and no harm will befall her.”

Discord weighed his options. He could swiftly end this fallen creature before him and risk losing the enslaved masters under his control, the other was to heal the Jade Slayer and become a slave himself. Either way would result in losing Fluttershy, the only creature to look at him with kindness rather than fear or hatred.

Weakly Fluttershy spoke to the Draconequus. “Discord… Don’t….”

Discord sighed. “I’m sorry my dear." He reversed his nerve attack. “But it would be a cold day in the Chaos Lands before I lose the only pony who cares about me”

“How touching,” Tirek said, quickly taking Discords Chi before turning to the blind master. “Any last words pony?”

Fluttershy sighed, before lifting her head with determination. "You're going to lose," she promised. "If not by me, then by someone. We both know it."

Tirek just smirked as his hands glowed and he stole her chi and fastered her next to Discord’s Jade pendant. “There is nopony who can stop me,” Tirek insisted, his fingers brushing over Celestia’s Jade pendant. “If even the mighty Celestia fell, who could possibly match her?”