• Published 1st Mar 2021
  • 702 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset Driver - LiQuiD

Sunset Shimmer asked for your help to learn how to drive well, but maybe you taught her a bit *too* well...

  • ...

1.- So, you want to drive?



”Really? You failed again Sunset?” Rarity asks.

“Yeah…” you sigh as you leave some books inside your locker and then you close it.

Your name is Sunset Shimmer, and once again, you have failed your driving test. You thought this struggle would be over after you took the schools’ driving course designed and taught by Mr. Cranky Doodle, and even though he failed you over and over and even with your friends' help, you managed to pass it in the last chance, maybe Mr. Cranky was getting bored of you and your antics. However, that course was just preparing you for the worst, the DMV’s driving test that you need to take to finally get a driving’s permit, you’ve been obsessed with the idea to get one since your friends have gotten theirs already.

”You didn’t forget to rhyme right Sunset?” Fluttershy asks, “start your trip with seatbelt time, nine and three is-“

“Yeah yeah I did…" you interrupt Fluttershy, "but my instructor found it annoying…”

To be honest, you find it annoying too. Especially now that it caused you to fail on your first try.

“And there was the other time where I had to change the tire myself…” you say.

”Hah! Told ya that knowing how to change a tire would be useful,” Applejack brashly interrupts.

“Yeah, I got some points, but it was kiiinda my fault because I drove over traffic spikes so the four wheels got ruined and you know what happened next…”

"FAILURE!" Pinkie Pie interrupts and makes a buzzing noise with a device that makes funny noises she made herself.

"But seriously though…I’m starting to believe that I’m a lost cause, I think that I should just stick to riding my bike,” you say with a sigh, "I just don't know what happens...when I'm behind the wheel I'm a different person. I know the basics and everything else. But when another person sits next to me and starts taking note of every move I make I just get too nervous."

”Come on now darling…don’t give up yet," Rarity places her hand on your shoulder, then her face lights up, "well... if our help isn’t good enough then perhaps you should ask somebody else for help! How about asking Flash S-“

"NO!” You yell at Rarity, which causes the whole hallway to go quiet, students and teachers alike stare at you and wonder why you shouted like that, which causes you to go red from the embarrassment and in a futile attempt to avert their gaze from you, you open your locker once again and stick your head in, eventually the people standing around you keep on going not without making somewhat hurtful and mocking comments.

"Oh dearie...I know things are still rocky between you and Flash Sentry. You both used to date and all but that doesn't mean you should cut him off just like that," Rarity says with that soft voice of hers to reason with you.

"Yeah, but there's a big problem with that. Something else...happened between us, and I don't think we should spend much time together," you say with a tone full of remorse.

"Why's that? Afraid you might fall in love with him again?" Rainbow Dash teases, "sheesh. Give the guy a break already, besides! All he thinks about nowadays is Twilight."

"Me?!" Twilight freaks out at first, but then brushes off Rainbow's comment with a dismissive wave of her hand, "come on now Rainbow...he knows I'm already dating Timber Spruce."

"Oh...so that's why he's been so depressed lately," Pinkie Pie remarks which causes Applejack to bump her arm with an elbow to shut her up, the damage is already done however, you somehow feel worse.

"Well then, if you don't want Flash to teach you, then who? Hmmm..." Rarity says before taking her index finger and thumb to her chin and starts thinking.

"Got it!" Rainbow Dash snaps her fingers, "Mr. Cranky's list with the driving course's scores is still taped on the noticeboard next to Celestia's office! Why don't we check the students with the best grades and ask any of them to teach you?"

"That's a great idea Rainbow Dash!" Twilight says, "what do you think Sunset?"

"Couldn't hurt to try I guess..." you say, still feeling a bit unmotivated.

You're now standing in front of the noticeboard, reading the spreadsheet Mr. Cranky left with the test's results. Your placement? 60th, a score of 69/100, three retakes and a clear time of 29 minutes, which makes you sigh.

"It's not a competition Sunset..." Rarity says, "people learn at a different rate. That's all..."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," you say with a weak smile on your face.

"WHOOAAAAA! YOU GUYS SEE THAT?!" Pinkie Pie says as she looks at the top of the list.

"What? What is it?!" Twilight says.

"Alright let's see here..." Rainbow Dash reads out loud the student placed first on the spreadsheet, "Name: Anonymous...clear time: 1 minute 45 seconds?! And a score of... 100 OUT OF 100?!!"

"That couldn't be true right...?" Applejack says, "look! Lyra is in second place, but she got a score of 89 out of 100 but a clear time of 6 minutes...oh."

"What is it?" You ask.

"She also had to take the test twice," Applejack adds.

"Wait wait wait...so you're telling me," Twilight says, "that Anon got a perfect score with no retakes in record time?"

"I guess," Fluttershy thinks, "the test was pretty hard, I got 80 points and cleared the test in 15 minutes. How could Anon pass the test in less than two minutes?"

"Yeah, that doesn't make any sense," Twilight adds, "but then again, we don't know much about him either."

Your friends and you agree, however Rainbow Dash just remains silent.

"Dang right, guy's like a shadow..." Applejack says, "I've never seen him hang around with anyone when classes end."

"He barely speaks..." Fluttershy adds, "he's probably pretty shy."

"What? No way," Rainbow Dash says, "he isn't shy, that schmuck just likes to keep everything to himself."

"Oh, so you know him?" You ask with a delightful tone of voice.

"Duh! We're both enrolled in the carpentry class, he comes off as a cold guy to many. Nobody dares to talk to him though since there's some rumors about him. He's a pretty chill guy once you get to know him."

"Rumors? Tell! Tell!" Pinkie Pie inquires, "spill the beans sis!"

"And damage his reputation further? Heck no Pinkie...in fact, I'm his only friend. Not his bestie, but his friend. If I go around telling the nasty things I've heard of him to you guys then he'll stop talking to me for sure. He doesn't let me know much anything about him anyways," Rainbow Dash crosses her arms trying to recall things to him.

"Well...I think we should ask somebody else then," Twilight suggests, "what do you think Sunset?"

You keep looking at the results.

"Sunset?" Twilight calls for your name once again.

"Rainbow Dash? Do you think you could introduce me to Anon?"

You're now Anonymous, or Anon for short, and classes have ended for the day. Once again, you had a rough day at school, not that it matters much to you though, even if your grades are poor and people here avoid you-

"ANON!" A high pitched voce calls for your name.

-there's a beautiful girl that, albeit being somewhat annoying, makes you feel a little less bitter. Rainbow Dash, who this time appears to be accompanied by one of her friends.

"Heya dude! Uh, leaving already?" Rainbow Dash asks before she reaches for your head to give you a noogie, she even brings your head closer to her chest.

"Ow! Haha...Dash! Stop it!" You playfully say to the tomboy you've grown fond of, despite her efforts to bully you in whichever way she can think of, you don't know why she's like that to you, but you like to think of ways to mess with her as well, and most of the time it works, and she's the one who gets flustered and embarrassed.

"Dang it Rainbow Dash...now my hair is all messed up," you say before he releases her grip on your head allowing you to stand straight, then you grab a comb from your locker and begin to comb your hair, "how many times have I told you not to do that?"

"Like a million and a half, and I'll keep going. You can't stop me...hey dummy, I want you to meet one of my friends, her name is Sunset Shimmer," Rainbow Dash says before Sunset shyly raises a hand and just says a meek "hi."

"Hey...I don't think we've ever talked bef-"

"That's because you never talk to anybody, you mute freak," Rainbow Dash rudely interrupts with that classic smirk of hers, which only makes you sigh.

"Well that'd be true, however you just keep trying to annoy me. People are gonna think we're a couple or something..." you say as you arch an eyebrow at her, which makes her very uncomfortable, however you can see how her cheeks start to show a slightly red tone.

"Wow, you two get along reeeal fine..." Sunset Shimmer giggles, mocking Rainbow Dash's reaction.

"See? What did I tell ya?" You mock Rainbow Dash once again.

"D-don't say dumb things like that again you dolt...anyways," Rainbow Dash crosses her arms and tries to keep calm, then lets out a sigh and rolls her eyes, then she looks at you, "there's something this fine lady here wants. And that's her driving permit."

"Uh huh," you nod, "...and?"

"T-that's true...and um, if you wouldn't mind-" Sunset Shimmer briefly says but stops herself as soon as she notices how you arch an eyebrow in a visibly annoyed manner and give both of them a stern look.

"No no, keep going..." you insist, Rainbow Dash pressures her friend to complete the sentence, and Sunset Shimmer lets out a sigh.

"Anon...would you please teach me how to drive?"

"Well...I guess I could teach you a thing or two, I guess..." you ponder, "$60 per session should be fine."

"60 DOLLARS?!" Both Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer yell at the same time.

"Dude! Are you insane? No freaking way! That's too much," Rainbow Dash angrily says at you, Sunset Shimmer looks down, "you greedy jerk! Can't you see how hurt Sunset is now? Now she'll never get her permit!"

"What? Did you actually expect me to work for free? I've got tons of stuff to do and money to make...if she can't pay, well that's too bad!" You say before taking a good look at Sunset Shimmer's curvy and beautiful body, "unless-"

"Forget it Anon!" Rainbow Dash interrupts you after noticing your lecherous gaze, "come on Sunset...let's ask Lyra instead, and if she doesn't want then we'll ask somebody else."

"Wait!" Sunset Shimmer says, then sighs, "I'll do it...I'll pay."

Well, that ended up surprising both you and Rainbow Dash. Sunset must be really desperate to get that permit of hers...crap, you should've asked for more money then.

"Are you sure? Anon is totally trying to rip you off!" Rainbow Dash angrily says.

"Whoa Rainbow...hold on a sec, you know that driving classes in this state are around a hundred bucks per session right? Don't worry, she'll get her money's worth with my lessons, besides....I'm willing to teach the first lesson for free."

"I'm not so sure about this..." Rainbow Dash says, still reflecting on your proposal, but Sunset Shimmer just says to her friend: "it's a deal, besides you remember that score of his right?"

("So they noticed the spreadsheet Mr. Cranky left on the noticeboard huh?") You think to yourself.

"Very well then Sunset, I'll be teaching you how to drive at evenings only and then at nights," you warn Sunset Shimmer.

"It's okay, I don't mind. Besides I have to work at the mall in the afternoons, and so does Rainbow Dash. Do you also have a job Anon?" Sunset Shimmer asks.

"Yeah, at my uncle's auto shop, in fact I was about to leave, he'll get grumpy if I don't get there on time," you say as you take a look at your old watch.

"Wait, you have a job Anon? How did I not know about that?" Rainbow Dash arches an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Maybe because you didn't ask?" You say with a smirk.

"I couldn't care less..." Rainbow Dash scoffs, you dismiss your cute friend and talk to the pretty girl who is now going to become your student.

"What time does your shift end today Sunset?" You ask the red haired girl.

"Oh umm...seven o'clock," Sunset Shimmer hastily replies.

"Good. I'll be at the mall's parking lot. Third floor, a quarter past seven. Don't be late okay?"

"Oh! Y-yeah! I'll be there!" Sunset Shimmer says.

"Well, I'm off. It was nice to see you Sunset," you say before turning around and then walk away.

"Stupid jerk...I hate him so much," Rainbow Dash mutters.

"I heard that sweetie...love you too," you say, mocking Rainbow Dash once again, Sunset Shimmer finds both Rainbow and your antics kind of endearing and giggles at the flustered Rainbow Dash.

That same day at 7:14 P.M. ...

You're now Sunset Shimmer and you are hurrying to meet Anon at the mall's parking lot, you had to finish your shift by taking care of the dishes first and you were able to at least change the stupid clothes you're forced to wear into your regular outfit, too bad about the hairdo, you couldn't comb it back. Right now you're standing on the parking lot, and there are a few cars parked, since it's closing hours most people have left already, leaving you wondering where Anon could be, all of a sudden, a car's headlights turn on and you have to place a hand over your eyes to shield them, then the driver turns the lights off and steps out of the car.

"Heya Sunset...glad you could make it!" Anon says.

"Anon!" You happily say as you take a look at his car which looks quite old, "wow...is it yours?"

"Uh huh," Anon says, "my uncle taught me how to drive it properly and now I'm gonna do the same with you," Anon happily says before he hands you a sheet of paper.

"What's this?" You ask.

"Your test," he answers.

"Umm...Anon, tests usually come AFTER the study sessions you know. Besides, this sheet only got words on it, not questions," you say in disbelief.

"Yep, I know, this test is different. And you'll have to clear it in less than a minute," he says with a smirk on his face.

"You're...you're serious..." you blurt out, squinting in disbelief.

"Yep, get in. Let me explain with an example first," Anon says as he opens the copilot's door for you, your first impression of him was perhaps a bit too rude, but now he's being cute, maybe because Rainbow Dash isn't here.

Once you get inside Anon closes the door for you, he gets behind the driver's wheel, closes the door and takes a stopwatch out of his pocket, then he puts on his seatbelt and asks you to do the same. He then turns the engine on and drives to the end of the parking lot. He grabs the list he handed you earlier and asks what's first on the list.


He starts the stopwatch and accelerates so suddenly that the tires start to screech, smoke even comes out of them, and the car quickly reaches its top speed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" You yell loudly as Anon keeps accelerating at full speed to the other end of the parking lot, luckily for you he slams on the brakes, he even uses the handbrake to stop the car, a mere few inches and you would've become toast.

"That's burnout, speed, brake test AND handbrake right?" He calmly asks.

"A-Anon...are you INSANE?!" You loudly yell at him, "I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE!"

"Pay attention, this is gonna be your final test," Anon doesn't even look at you as he grabs a stick next to the handbrake and cranks it, oh no...this car has manual transmission. He then steps on the gas and now the two of you are going in reverse at high speed.

"EEEEK!" You freak out as Anon violently turns the steering wheel and the car makes a sudden turn, you're now facing the other wall.

"Reverse 180°, " Anon calmly says.

"LEMME OUT YOU PSYCHO!" You yell at Anon, who is just driving at full speed around some support beams, turning left and right each time he passes one, he even avoids some cars that were parked nearby, then turns the vehicle violently using the handbrake once again, and continues swerving around the support beams.

"180° and Slalom..." Anon calmly says once again before he drives to the middle of the parking lot and turns the steering wheel in one direction completely, then burns the wheels once again, making you freak out and feel sick, he goes around making donuts on the pavement before saying, "...and that would be 360°."

Lastly, he goes driving around the parking lot's edges and completes a lap, then he clicks on the stopwatch's button.

"37 seconds. Huh, neat. I beat my old record by 3 seconds...what do you think Sunset?"

You take your hands off your eyes when you realized Anon finally stopped dead on his tracks, you immediately start undoing your seatbelt and fumbling with the door.

"Whoa whoa whoa Sunset! Calm down!" Anon says, and as soon as he puts a hand on your shoulder you slap it away and then slap his cheek as hard as you can.

"CALM DOWN?! CALM DOWN?!?! YOU JERK! YOU ALMOST GOT US KILLED!" You angrily yell at Anon, who just places a palm on the cheek you just slapped, but he doesn't look angry at you, instead he just lets out a chuckle.

"Well, one thing's for sure...you can hit harder than Rainbow Dash," Anon says, wincing a little in pain, "and what do you mean by getting us killed? We're alive and fine aren't we?"

"What was the point of all that Anon?!" You yell, trying to calm down a bit since Anon is not letting you out of his car, "why did you drive like that?!"

"To show you what you're gonna be capable of by taking my course, at this point my mind and body are connected to the point where the car reacts naturally to what I want to do, I consider my car yet another extension of my body so I never lose control," Anon happily says, "besides, you saw that reverse 180° right? You didn't see me turn my head around my shoulder to see if I was gonna hit a car or a support beam, nope...I had eyes on the mirrors only and I know how much space my car takes and how well it turns, it's really easy."

"EASY?! GAH! If I had known you'd do this I would've asked Lyra instead!" You angrily reply to him, rubbing your temples with your fingers.

"Suit yourself, Lyra crashed against a light pole in her first test though..." you shrug, "besides, what would happen if you crash against a light pole or even worse, another car?"

"..." You stay silent.

"That's what I thought, look...I guarantee your safety, nothing's more important to a driver than the safety of his or in your case, her passengers, think of this, the passengers' lives depend on the driver of the vehicle, who knows? Maybe the driver in the car on the other lane is driving under the influence and makes a wrong turn, crashing on the car you're driving. So are you just gonna stay in the same lane and do nothing? What if that friend of yours, the light pink haired one...what's her name-"


"Yep, her...dies on the impact? What are you gonna say to her parents?" Anon arches an eyebrow.

"Umm..." You gulp down some saliva, "gee...I don't know."

"See? I'm gonna teach you everything I know, the things I do and the things my uncle have taught me made me an expert when it comes to driving, and I'm sure I can turn you into an expert too, unless you still want to ask Lyra to teach you how to drive instead."

"...no, I'm fine. I'll keep going," you say after reflecting on Anon's words, "I won't give up."

"Atta girl..." Anon smirks and step on the gas pedal lightly, driving to the parking lot's exit ramps, "we're gonna have so much fun in the upcoming lessons."

Comments ( 4 )

Oh yeah...This is going to be good I can already tell

Driver first mission I could’t beat as a little kids comes back to haunt me again nice story man really brought back memory’s of driver.

Glad you're liking it so far!

Thanks, indeed this fic is based on the Driver game as an homage to one of my favorite PS1 games

This is getting good. I wonder how this will turn out.

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