• Published 2nd Feb 2021
  • 1,313 Views, 7 Comments

Shooting Star: Six Points of Light - Alchemystudent

Ancient beings of light awaken from their stone prison, forcing Twilight and friends to explore the unkown west to find a means to stop them

  • ...

Vox Machina

Sometimes friendships can cross realities

No one knows why, or how, but give it time

And the friend that you made in another world

Can be right outside your door.

-Twilight Sparkle

Celaeno walked out to the deck,"It shouldn't be much longer-"

With that, a couple of armored pegasi landed in front of her,"State your business?" One of them said,"Oh... it's you." He said with a sigh.

Rainbow Dash landed next to Celano, "You have a problem with the captain

The stallion sighed,"Her and her crew caused a lot of trouble over here."

Celaeno smirked,"Oh, but you know you love it."

"Just tell us what you're doing here." The guard said.

"These ponies from the East need to go here."

the guards blinked before looking at each other. The other guard whispered,"I thought all Equestrians were too timid to come here."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" growled Rainbow Dash stepping forward.

Pinkie sighed and waved to the new ponies. Then she said, "He means we win through singing and dancing and warm hugs."

"Wha-I-We do more tha- you know what? Forget it, I'm going down to see if Applejack is done yet," Rainbow Dash said, walking down to the hold. "What has she been doing for two days anyway?"

As she walked down to the hold, and the largest area of the ship, she heard the sounds of grunting and punching. Curious, she opened the door a little to see Applejack surrounded by the pirates. Panting, a little bit of blood running down the edge of her mouth Applejack stood up and looked around, "Again."

One of the bigger pirates shrugged and began to walk into the ring, only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash flying in and spreading her forelegs, "Whoa, hold it. Look, I love a good rumble too, but we got more important things than... than whatever this is."

"Training," Applejack said, looking away as she wiped herself with a towel.

"Yeah that. Now, come on, let's head up." Dash said, taking her friend by the foreleg and walking her out. As they were a distance away, she growled, "Ok, what the buck AJ? Are you just wanting to get yourself beat up or something?"

"No, I just wanted to push myself. You know, push my limits and all that?" Applejack said, "Thought you would understand something like that."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash said, "When I am trying to train and perfect something. That looked more like you were punishing yourself because-this is because of that alicorn, isn't it?"

Applejack looked away and began to walk, "I couldn't beat him, Dash. I was just a little punk compared to him and I couldn't do nothing. We had to run away and let somepony else do the dirty work. You know how hard that was? You know how painful it was to just lie down and take it?"

She leaned against the side of the wall and shook her head, "Now we are heading into the unknown west. A place, mind, that Celano says is different and practically untamed compared to home and I have to lead everypony and I might not be-"

"Hey, none of that," Dash said, "You are and always be good enough. Besides, you have me as a leader. You can just, relax."

"You, the leader? That ain’t filling me up with confidence," Applejack teased as she left.

Rainbow Dash sutly lifted her foreleg, and smirked, before looking for the others. Walking a little more into the other rooms, she saw Rarity finishing up her makeup and her mane. Then she pulled a rapier and put it to her side along with a bow. Closing her eyes, she made her way to the door. The last room Rainbow dash looked at was Fluttershy, only to be surprised to see her gone.

Stepping outside with a quick flight, she saw Fluttershy flying alongside the airship with a few birds. With a giggle, Fluttershy said, "Aren't they cute Rainbow? They say they are Osprey. You don't see these kind in Equestria."

Rainbow smiled and flew up with Fluttershy sand said, "Come on, we need to get goi-" she then paused and gasped, seeing the port town peak through the clouds, "Wow."

Before her was a large port town, with several airships and normal ships floating in and out of the ports. There was also small schooners leaving for fishing in the ocean, creating small little wakes in the ocean. Dash marveled at the sight od the gleaming small buildings with the towers in the distance.

"Emon ahead captain!" shouted one of the pirates.

"Good, get us into the harbor! I'm certain Jarret will allow us to meet the Queen."

Applejack walked up to Celano, "Who's Jarret?"

"A very high ranking guard. The queen trusts him almost completely. In fact, there he is."

A dark coated unicorn stallion was on a platform near the harbor speaking to a couple of tiny ponies.

"My how adorable," Rarity said, "He is teaching some fillies."

Celaeno laughed,"Those ain't kids, Rarity. Those are fully grown Fjords."

"I didn't know that there were ponies so small out there in the world," Rarity said.

Fluttershy, who overheard Rarity speaking, landed behind her, "Some of the birds said that there are a lot of species in the west that we haven't met. Though we seem to all speak the same language for some reason."

"I know," Pinkie said, looking over the railing, "We both came from here. I remember seeing a history book on it when I was looking about Pudding head. It said that the founders all came from lands in the west before the bridge was destroyed."

Applejack looked to the port as it came closer, "So when do we land?"

"Right about..." Celaeno said.

Jarret finished his talks before turning and seeing Celaeno,"Ah, visitors." He walked up to them,"What brings you here?"

"These are Equestrians, looking for an audience with Silver Wing." Celaeno said.

"Hmm, Silver Wing is a busy pony. I'll see if she has time for you. Until then, these ponies can walk around this district for a bit. I will send a messenger when the Queen is ready to see them." Jarret said.

Rainbow Dash landed and then noticed a distant tower, one that was taller than the rest of the buildings, "So what's up with the tower?"

Celaeno leaped down next to her,"That's where the queen lives. She likes high places. In fact, notice somethin'?" She indicated a lot of flying ponies,"This place is home to a lot of pegasi. Pegasi love this place."

Looking up, Rainbow Dash could see several pegasi flying around in the sky. Letting out a chuckle she said, "Wow, you're right. This is so cool."

"Ok Dash, let’s keep focused," Applejack said, "Celano, how long till your buddy can get us to see the queen?"

"Not sure. The queen's a busy mare, it might take hours, maybe a day." Celaeno said.

"Right," Applejack said, stepping up to look at her friends, "Let's go and explore the town. Rarity, you go and get us some supplies with the money. Clothes, some rations, and get some rumors."

"Right, I do believe I have seen some wonderful sellers out in the city," Rarity said as they began to disembark.

"Celestia said that her contact with the 'medicine' will be arriving in a few hours," Applejack said, and then looked to Pinkie, "Pinks could you-" she paused and looked at the pink mare, her head held down. Closing her eyes, she said, "Flutters, could you take care of Pinkie for a bit? She needs company."

"Sure," Fluttershy said, taking Pinkie by the arm, "We'll meet back when Jarrod says the queen is ready." then she took her friend by the hoof, "Pinkie?"

"Mmmm, I smell a bakery," Pinkie said.

"Hey, AJ?" Dash asked, "What about the map? What does it say?"

"Don't know," Applejack said, pulling out the stone tablet. "After that riddle it gave us, it just gave us the map and the saying that it should be in the west. Then just this map with these weird squiggles."

"Yeah, what is that even supposed to be?" asked Dash.

Applejack shook her head, "I don't know, really. One of these has" she pointed to three dashes, "look like three little dashes. And this is just a line with three lines dripping from it. It looks like Claw marks but..."

Dash looked at the map and then to Applejack, "Look, let's figure that out later. Right now, we need to get something to drink! I'm thirsty and I bet if we try hard enough, we can not only get buzzed but get a lifetime's supply of drinks for the road."

"Dash, you can't get drunk, remember?" Applejack said, looking at her. "No pegasus does."

"Yeah, but new land, new pegasi!" Dash said, "They might have different, metabolism than me. I mean, look at them!" she then pointed to a very short pony with a dirty blonde mane and wearing armor, walking with a taller mare that was wearing a long blue robe. "They have shorter ponies here. They are bound to be lightweights."

"Sounds dishonest and tricky," Applejack said.

"But we need to. Listen, here's the plan," Dash said whispering in her friend’s ear as the two walked away.

"Captain, are those five equestrians going to be ok?" asked a boar.

Celaeno smiled as she leaned against the ship,"They'll be fine. After all, they're heroes." She turned her head as a ship slowly came in. She frowned,"Tempest."

The small schooner slowly landed at the port, docking with a small lurch. The gangplank lowered and allowed for the small passengers to get off, alongside Tempest and her two 'refugees'. A shipwright walked to the captain and began to talk, "Ok, so what are you bringing in. You know that Equestria shipments are off-limits."

"Surely Silver Wing wouldn't object to some health potions, brought fresh from Monarch Industries. Why..."

As the conversation continued, Tempest got a little away from the ship and began to look around the city, "Look, your friends have probably already made it to port by now. I bet if you look hard enough, you can find them. I'm going to go and get some information, secure the cargo, and-" she paused and saw Celano. With a growl, she began to walk towards the parrot.

The pirates, seeing this, began to gather around to protect her. Celano held out a wing, "No, I got this. She is mine." she then brought out a blade, ready to slash.

Only for Tempest to push her aside and began to walk towards a small halfinger pony in silver armor. Smirking, she said, "Hey, BITCH! How’re the wimpy scars!"

"TEMPEST?! YOU BITCH!" The pony said walking right towards her and then pulled her head back, and then gave her a head butt with Tempest following after.

"Still the hardest head out there, huh Kima?" chuckled Tempest.
Kima smirked,"Ain't harder than yours!"

Celaeno stammered,"That no good-" She turned to Twilight,"Can you believe this, Twilight? She ignored me!"


"Twilight?" Celaeno blinked a few times.

"Hi," Twilight said.

"Well, I'll be, AJ wasn't lying after all!" Celaeno patted Twilight on the shoulder, before looking at Percy who just stepped down,"And you brought a friend!"

Twilight chuckled nervously,"She lied?"

"Yeah, she said you were on another boat, but she acted like you were dead or something!" Celaeno said.

"I was. I got better though," Twilight said.

"... I'm not going to ask."

"Where are the others, anyway?" Twilight asked.

"In town. I'm certain you'll find them if you look hard enough. I'm pretty sure they separated though."

Percy sighed as he got up to Twilight's side,"Then we may have to split up and look for them."

Twilight nodded and looked out the port to a fountain,"Ask them to meet at that fountain." She looked at Percy,"Do you know what they look like?"

"You are the most famous six ponies in all of Equestria. Yes, I know."

Twilight cocked her head,"But nopony else seems to notice!"

"Twilight, if there is one thing I've learned these past two years, is that ponies can be idiots."

Celaeno walked between them,"You guys do that, I'm going to go after my archnemesis." She ran off,"Don't ignore me, Tempest!"


Twilight would see a house of ill repute. There, a red gazelle smiled and waved, "Ever met a Gazelle before cutie?"

"Um, no." Twilight looked her over,"I'm... not from around here. Speaking of... have you seen an orange earth pony and a cyan pegasus around here?"

"Yes, I have. They were quite beautiful," the red Gazelle said. "They both went into that bar over there."

"Thank you," Twilight said. She headed into the bar, saying, “What a nice hooker.”

The bar was moderately packed with ponies milling about, ordering drinks, and yelling out catcalls to the wenches and swains. Various others were found playing games or talking to friends, bragging about victories. With all of these ponies, Twilight was lost in the confusion of where her friends were when she saw some figure sitting at a table, "Rainbow-Oh I'm sorry."

"Huh?" the female deer said, looking over and showing her guard badge. "Did I remind you of someone?"

"Sorry, you made me think of my friend. One's a Tough rainbow-haired mare and she might have a friend who-"

The deer interrupted, "Is a blonde earth pony?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Twilight asked.

"The two have been here for an hour, trying to score the free lifetime drink deal by tricking him," the deer continued, playing with one of her weapons. "I'm just here to make sure this doesn't get out of hand."

"Right, I'll take care of it. Thank you miss..." Twilight began.

"No miss about it. It's Mrs, for one, and second, you can call me Gwen," Gwen said, sitting back in the bar.

Twilight nodded to the deer and walked towards the bartender. As she entered, she began to overhear the voices of her friends, "And Ah'm telling you, she took your strongest stuff and she ain’t feeling a thing. You lost now give us the prize. Unlimited drinks and that bag of holdin’." Applejack said.

"And I am telling you. The offer is null and void for yer friend over there," the barkeep said, glaring at Applejack. "She is cheating!"

Dash, with a shawl over her wings, shook her head, "Hey, I'm no liar! I drank your 'babom boom bang special and I lived! You are holding out!"

Twilight let out a sigh,"Really girls?" She walked over to them and then tapped both of them on the shoulder and gave her best annoyed look.

Rainbow was the first to turn around as she looked at her friend, "Twilight, what do you want now? Can't you see we are busy trying to run a convincing argument as to why we need the free drinks?"

"Yeah, Twilight. Look," Applejack placed her hoof onto Twilight's shoulder, "I know it seems risky, but we got this. How about you just go and wait outside for a bit, ok?"

Twilight nodded,"Fine, I'll wait." She walked outside and began counting the seconds.

"Can you believe her?" Rainbow Dash said, shaking her head.

Applejack could only sigh, "You would think ever since she became a princess, she would know to...just..."

"Was that..." Rainbow Dash whispered and ran away, throwing away her cloak and leaving behind the bits for her drink. Applejack followed soon after, slamming open the door and looking out. She stood for a second as she looked at her friend.

"I swear if this is some sort of trick," Applejack said, feeling conflicting emotions of rage and happiness warring within her.

Twilight raised her foreleg to her mouth and bit a little to draw some blood, letting the red fluid slide down, "Not green, so not a changeling. And I’m not healing, so I'm not a revenant either."

"So it's, I mean, you're really," Applejack asked, feeling her eyes start to water as she looked at her friend.

Twilight played a little with her mane as she smiled warmly, "Yeah, it's me. I'm alive."

Applejack said nothing, instead, she began to break into tears as she ran right into Twilight and wrapping her forelegs around her. Holding her tightly, she refused to let Twilight go, "Darn it Twilight if you had a plan to come back, let us in on it next time! Did you know how worried you made us?"

Rainbow Dash stood outside for a moment, seeing the embrace between the two friends and looked down, muttering to herself, "Damn pegasi, don't know how to keep it sunny." she said in spite of the sunny day and ran to Twilight, tears running down her cheeks, "Darn it Twi! Next time you go out to see something like a freaking tablet you take us with you. I promise, losing you is way worse than being bored!" she said, not caring at how many ponies were watching.

"Hey, I didn't know that thing was going to release gods!" Twilight said, feeling a few giggles come out,"She sniffled,"I'll explain everything later when everyone's together."

Applejack nodded, "Right. We have a lot to go over." Then she reached into her bag and pulled out a tablet, "Think you could translate some of this?"

Rarity walked along the shopping district, looking at the many shops and stores with her bag already filled with particular clothes and some small weapons for their journey. She then paused as she saw a sign that read, "Gilmore's Glorious Goods."

"Hmmm, what a fancy sign," she said, noting the sparkles and rubies laden on the sign while the storefront was extravagant. Curious, she walked in, "Hello?"

A purple unicorn stallion appeared in front of her,"Welcome to Gilmore's Glorious Goods! I am Gilmore!" He was dressed in a purple robe with various decorations,"See anything you like?"

"My aren't we the extravagant one," Rarity said, holding out her hoof for the gentleman. "I am Rarity Belle and I am quite curious as to what you have," she said, looking at Gilmore's outfit

"Thank you, miss! I pride myself on extravagance!" He motioned to some items on a shelf,"I usually have a vast array of magic items! From rings of protection to powerful weapons!"

Rarity began to look over the wears, seeing the various rings and diamonds alongside their shinier weapons, "I can see that. My word, these weapons are few and far between back in my country." she said, using her magic to pick up a dagger. "It is a shame that you have not done business there. My clothing would look fantastic in a store such as this."

"Oh, where are you from?" Gilmore asked,"I may try to set up a branch over there. I wouldn't mind going to your store, you have impeccable taste in fashion!"

"As do you, kind sir," Rarity said, taking a bow. "As you can tell from my faint accent, I am from Equestria."

"Equestria!? By Sarenrae, I never thought a pony from over there would ever come over here!" He gave a wide grin,"To tell you the truth, I've always wanted to set up a branch over there, but every time I would try to make a diplomatic trip there, there'd be some new trouble." He laughed a little as he put a hoof on a piece of cloth,"Well, there are rumors about you, that you solve problems with singing, dancing, and warm hugs. I'm certain that's simply just rumors."

Rarity let out a chuckle, "While I must admit that my country does indeed have a tendency to solve problems with song and other frivolities, we also have a tendency to strike back when need to. Although, we do seem to attract the weirdest bit of trouble here and there. Discord, Tirek, Storm King. I assume you have problems yourself."

"Oh, yes!" Gilmore said with a grin,"Beholders, The Chroma Conclave, and the occasional evil necromancer."

"Be...holders? I have never heard of such a thing," Rarity said.

"Oh, they are terrible creatures! Imagine a ball of flesh with many eyes, and a single one that disrupts magic!" Gilmore said.

With that, the door opened and Percy walked in.

Rarity turned to look at the newcomer, "Oh, I am sorry sir, I was just about to ask about these dag---"

She paused as she watched Percy come in, watching him shift back and forth as he walked in. Her eyes focused on his tight rump, his flowing short white mane, and his chiseled features. Behind her, Gilmore put his hoof to his chin and smirked, "I know what you are thinking Rarity, and I agree. I give that stallion a 9/10. Let me know if he swings my way, will you dear?"

"With pleasure, my good sir," Rarity said with a wink as she walked up to Percy, "And you are, sir?" she daintily rubbed Percy's foreleg.

Percy ignored the rubbing,"I am Quick Draw Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowki de Rolo III. But you can call me Percy."

"A pleasure to meet you, my dear Percival. I am Rarity Esmeralda Belle, from Ponyville. But you can call me Rarity," Rarity said, holding her hoof to her chest and looking back at him with dainty eyes. "I do hope I am not interrupting your shopping trip. I'll finish my shopping in a minute. Monsieur Gilmore, tell me about this dagger." she said, levitating a dagger to Gilmore.

"Oh, that? That is Whisper." Gilmore said,"A mysterious stallion gave that to me, said that it can be immensely powerful in the right hooves. It can frighten enemies when used."

"I see," Rarity said, holding the dagger in her magic. She held it aloft and then nodded, "I'll take it."

"That'll be 10000 bits... unless..." Gilmore leaned in,"we do something special for each other."

Rarity put her elbows onto the table and looked into Gilmore's magenta eyes, "I'm listening."

He placed a card on the table,"I promote your business, and you promote mine."

"Hmmm, I find that deal to be adequate," Rarity said, "Some of the places here have given me some grand ideas for clothes." she then turned to Percy, "Now, your turn, good sir."

"Actually, I came here for you," Percy said.

Rarity let out a gasp and then stepped back, "Oh, really?" then she paused and looked into his golden eyes, "Who sent you?"

"Your friend, Twilight Sparkle. She's alive, and should be waiting by the fountain." Percy said.

Rarity frowned and looked at him. She glared daggers into his eyes as she looked at him for a moment and then said, You are lucky I am good at reading ponies, otherwise I would accuse you of being a liar and slap you for such! Now, show me where she is."

"I would not blame you for not believing me." He headed towards the door,"I also need to find your other friends: Fluttershy and... Pinkie." He muttered.

"Well, Fluttershy is currently helping take care of Pinkie," Rarity said, walking out. "I do believe she and Pinkie were near some bakeries and food items."

"Well, then I guess we head there."

Rarity nodded, walking with Percy and standing close by with him.

After a few feet of walking and down a few blocks from the store, they saw Fluttershy sitting with a deer and looking at the passing by cats, "So, you do more than just talk to them?"

"Uh-huh," the deer said, smiling a little, "Sometimes I heal, and sometimes I even turn into them."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful. I always wanted to turn into an animal, but Equestria magic works differently than here. Wonder why that is," Fluttershy said.

"Well, my mom always said that magic is magic. Especially nature magic. Maybe they just haven’t taught druid classes over there," the young deer said.

"Oh Fluttershy," Rarity said, waving her hoof.

"Oh, my friend is here," Fluttershy said, walking away. "It was nice talking to you, Voltaire."

"It was nice talking to you," the deer said, walking away.

"Rarity, are you done with your shopping?" Fluttershy asked.

"Why yes," Rarity said, before looking at the departing deer ass he walked to his mother, "Who was that?"

"Oh, his name was Voltaire, he's a druid. They do magic like unicorns, but they do it with animals. They also can turn into them and work with nature elements like mine. He said that I have a talent for it because of how close I am to nature," Fluttershy said. Then she looked to Percy, "Who's your friend."

"This is Sir Percival," Rarity said. "He said that a mutual friend of ours is waiting."

"Mutual friend?" Fluttershy said.

"Twilight Sparkle," Percy said.

Fluttershy's opened wide, her face frozen in shock, "What..."

"She's waiting at the fountain," Percy said.

"I'll take you there Fluttershy," Rarity said. Then she looked to Percy, "Percival when you talk to Pinkie, try to break the news carefully. She is very fragile at the moment and she needs time to believe you."

"I... admit, I'm dreading this," Percy said, heading towards the bakery.


A silver pegasus was at the bakery, a cloak over her head.

Pinkie looked at the silver pegasus. With a sigh, she said, "He there. Tell me, what is good and delish here. I want to buy stuff for my friends."

The pegasus smiled at her,"Oh, well, there are several kinds of cupcakes, including chocolate, cherry cordial, and even peanut butter." She cocked her head,"I've never seen you around here before."

"I'm new. I just got here with my friends," Pinkie said, lightly touching the cupcake. She looked at some bread and chuckled lightly. Then she turned back to the silver pegasus, "That's a pretty color. I never saw a silver pony, I bet Twilight would-" her shoulders slumped and she let out a tiny sniffle.

The pegasus smiled,"Yes, my coloration is certainly rare." She tapped her shoulder,"Those who are lost may be closer than we think." she said as Percy entered the bakery.

Pinkie looked up and saw Percy. For a brief second, she felt the urge to say hello and hug him to welcome him in. Instead, she just waved and then turned around, "Nice pony, hello there."

The pegasus had seemingly disappeared as Percy walked up to her,"Pinkie Pie?"

"Yea, that's me," Pinkie said glumly, "Why did you want to find me?"

"A friend is waiting for you," Percy said.

"Yeah, I know, 5," Pinkie then gasped and sighed, "I mean four."

"No, you were right, five," Percy said.

Pinkie tapped her hoof to the ground, mouthing out the names. Then she gasped in shock before shaking her head and stepping towards him. As she glared into Percy's eyes, she had a small change in her look. Gone was her doldrum look, and now was replaced with a little spark of happiness. Pulling closer, she sniffed him, "Hmmmmmm, you don't smell like a liar. You don't look like a liar liar pants on fire." she looked at his kiester, "They aren't even on fire."

Then she began to walk along his back, "And you don't feel like a liar, even with these thingies!" then she leaned to his cheek and licked him, "And you don't taste like a liar would." she then jumped off, leaving him to wipe his cheek, "Ok mister, point me in the direction of her. If I find out you are lying, then I'll bring my-"

she then paused.

"Are you all right," Percy asked, looking at her as she paused.

An eye twitch, followed by another eye twitch, then her hoof tapped twice, and then her nose twitched, "Wait, that combo...That's a 'Twilight is about to scream in utter frustration over something she doesn't get and needs a warm hug' sense!"

"Your wha-" Percy asked, before being given a big hug.

"OH THANK YOU! THIS IS THE BESTEST BESTEST GIFT EVER!" she said, before giving him a cupcake from the shelf with a shopping list. Then she let him go and took off in a sonic boom, causing Percy to spin in place, becoming like a little top for a few minutes before stopping.

"TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" Pinkie shouted, becoming a pink blur as she ran out the store, past a few guards, by a deer and his twin sister, through a vegetable stand

"My Cabbages!"

through a bookstore, "So you see, I think that there may be differences in the way we treat magic here," Rarity said, walking with Fluttershy, "It may be why I find the lack of-move aside Darling," then with a flick of her horn, she moved Fluttershy to the side, "Fountain, Pinkie dear."

"Thankraritybye!" Pinkie shouted.

To at least three fountains until she found a violet ranting equine who was looking at a stone tablet. Seeing her coming, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stepped to the side.

"Gah, I can't rea-" Twilight yelped,"Unexpected hug!"

The force of Pinkie's tackle hug ended up sending the two of them into the fountain. Raising up, Pinkie's mane was down as she began to speak, the river of water mixing with her tears, "Twilight, you are alive! Oh, I am so glad to see you are ok! I thought I had lost a sister but you are here now and I am so glad to see you."

Then she began to giggle a little, "Did you see me back there! I was like, so depressed it wasn't me. I was like, boring and gloomy and mopey and took things wayyyyyy to seriously. I think I was getting close to using an effigy of you to make me sane. But now that you are here I can go back to being insane again! Oh I am just so happy to see you again, and I am wet and happy. I am wet, happy, and I am so cheerful!"

Applejack smiled and shook her head, pulling Pinkie Pie out of the water, "Pinkie, you are making a scene."

"Silly Applejack," Pinkie giggled while Rainbow Dash helped Twilight out of the fountain. "I can't be making a scene if I don't have props and toys and-"

"Pinks that's not what. That's not even close to what she-" Rainbow Dash was about to complain, before running a hoof through her mane, chuckling and saying, "Never mind...welcome back."

"Did I go somewhere?" Pinkie asked, flashing a smile. "Oh, Twilight, have you seen the different kinds of ponies here? I need time to go and make parties for so many of them! I got to go and get-"

"Pinkie, slow down darling," Rarity said, walking to the fountain and straightening her hat, "We have to focus on the bigger picture here." Then she smiled at Twilight and hugged her gently, "Oh it's so good to see you alive my dear."

"Twilight," Fluttershy whispered begore hugging Twilight tightly, "We thought, we heard that we would never see you again." she then began to sniffle a little before pulling away.

"-but let's focus on that later!" Pinkie said stepping to her friends, "Isn't this great? We're all together again! And no one is going to split us up! "

"Pinkie, you know we might not-"

"Well, not forever silly," Pinkie said. "I mean we won't die alone and separate. We'll be right here, for each other, like always. Because we are just not right when it's only a few of us. I'm just happy to be with the greatest friends, ever."

Applejack let out a chuckle and then hugged Rainbow, who followed with hugging Rarity, who hugged Fluttershy, who hugged Twilight. In the group, Applejack smiled and said, "Yeah, our little sisterhood is together again in a place that has danger everywhere on an epic quest to stop a great evil."

"With only our wits and inner light at our side," Rarity said.

"And with no idea what to do," Pinkie giggled.

"It'll be scary,” Fluttershy said.

"But I think we can manage because we will not fall because we have each other," Dash said.

Twilight smiled and chuckled. Then she blinked away tears, "It's so great to have you girls again."

Percy came up to them, carrying a package of goods while munching on a cinnamon roll,"I hate to interrupt, but-" Then he felt himself pulled into the hug by Pinkie"Yipe!"

"Oh, you got my list! Good," Pinkie said. "Ok, so I got some apple spice muffins for AJ, some chocolate chip ones for Dashie, got some jelly filled for me, some lemon cream for Fluttershy. Oh, I got Rarity the really sweet crullers, I know you love those."

"Thank you Pinkie," Rarity remarked.

Applejack raised a hoof, "Wait, you still focused on getting us what we wanted even while depressed?"

"No, that would be silly!" Pinkie said, "I did it in the five seconds I was feeling better and looking at all of the goods. I then wrote it down and gave it to the nice stallion over there! I knew he would have enough to buy all of that and some of that lembas bread. The owner said it would feed you for a month... I had three!"

Percy raised a brow at this.

"Don't, Percy. When she's like this, the only answer is Pinkie Pie." Twilight said.

Pinkie smiled and then looked to Percy, "I knew you were a Percy. Something told me you looked like a Percy and then I was right! YAY!" she then shook his hoof, "Welcome to the group. I'm Pinkie, that is Rarity, that is Fluttershy, That is Rainbow Dash, and That's Applejack!"

AJ sighed and then rested against the fountain, "This looks like a good place as any to recoup, relax, and talk. So let's start. Twilight, spill."

"Spill?" asked Twilight as she sat down.

"Alive, back, and how," Dash said.

"Alright. When the alicorns attacked, I did die. My original body's probably still in the ruins of Canterlot somewhere. However, it seems like a powerful necromancer named Briar Wood had some of my DNA and made a clone with it. My soul, instead of moving to the Elysian Fields, found its way to the clone body instead, giving it life. So, I'm a clone, with all my memories, all my faculties, I'm not degenerating or any cliched clone stuff." Twilight said,"I found myself trapped in a cage with Percy over there, but a mysterious armored pony came to our rescue, then we found Celestia and made our way here."

They all stood there, a mite confused. Pinkie was the first to speak, "So you are still alive then?" when Twilight nodded, she cheered, "Yay!"

Dash then raised an eyebrow, "But why didn't you teleport, or use a spell to find us?"

"That's the other item and reason #1 why Percy is here: My magic's gone," Twilight said with a frown.


"WHAT?!" they all shouted together.

"That's it, we're dead. Mage is gone, we're bucked!" Rainbow said, facehoofing.

Applejack looked to Twilight, "Your magic is gone, how did that happen?"

"I'm not sure." Twilihgt frowned,"One theory is that the disruption of the weave caused by the gods hindered my resurrection."

"Speaking of your bodyguard," Rarity asked, her eyes directed to the weird devices on his hips, "What are those on your hips, Percival?"

Percy looked at his weapons,"Weapons of my own design. Guns."

Applejack shook her head, "Don't look like any weapons Ah've seen before, but Twilight trusts you and you helped her come back to us."

"Hey, maybe that silver mare might have a way to get Twilight's magic back," Pinkie said.

"Yeah, but first we need to meet her," Dash said, "And that won’t happen until she is ready."

Percy looked away,"I'm not that trustworthy..." he muttered.

"The Queen is ready to see you." A pegasus guard said, landing,"I was told to bring you seven to her tower."

Applejack said nothing to Percy's comment, instead she patted her hoof onto this back. There was a small reassuring smile on her lips as she looked at him. Dash looked back at the guard and said, "About time, let's do this!"

"Come with me then." He flew ahead of them.

They walked up a long staircase, wherein several stained glass windows were shown, depicting various battles. One had a group of six ponies fighting six others of various colors.

They soon came to a large set of doors that opened to reveal a silver pegasus reading a history book while sitting on a throne. She looked up at her guest,"Ah, you're here." She smiled at Pinkie,"Did you find the one who was lost?"

Pinkie gasped, Hey! You are that pony I saw back in the bakery! And yep! I met up with one of my best friends again."

Rarity took a bow, "Lady Silver Wing, I am Rarity Belle, one of Princess Twilight's top diplomats, and I am proud to represent the rest of her entourage."

"Lady Silver Wing, it is a pleasure," Twilight said, bowing.

Silver Wing smiled as she bowed back,"It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Twilight. What brings you to my kingdom?"

"Our country has been attacked by a group of alicorns calling themselves the gods of light," Twilight said, looking down, "They managed to kill me, and thanks to their servants I was put into a clone body. Right now, they are ruling over my country with an iron hoof and even Celestia and Luna were useless against them."

Twilight looked over her shoulder to Applejack who pulled out a stone tablet and gave it to Silver Wing, "I found a tablet belonging to Meadowbrook that said to come here and look for the vestiges. I believe they can help us defeat the gods. The problem is..." she lowered her ears, "I can't read it. It's in a bunch of squiggles I can't recognize, and I know at least thirty languages and a hundred dialects."

Silver Wing looked it over,"This is in Draconic. I can translate it for you."

"...Draconic?" Twilight monotoned, "You mean, that dragons have an entire language all to themselves and I never studied it?"

"Well, to be fair Twi," Applejack said, "You said it yourself that a lot of ponies don't usually want to study draconic or study dragons, so you most likely didn’t know."

"Excuse me, your majesty. You can tell me what it says when I get back," Twilight said, walking out of the room. Finding a small place, she closed the door and began.

"Why am I the only pony in this whole entire country that seems interested in freaking exploring. I get it, dragons can be big and scary and breathe breath weapons I get it, but have you seen the population of them lately? They are teenagers who are in over their heads. I swear, I could've beaten Garble with little to no problem if I wasn't worried about an international incident. What am I saying, I did hand him his tail! BOOM! One ice storm to the face and he was crying! But NOOOOOOOO! We have ONE pony who is actually exploring everything and ONE pony who likes to research. And I tried to get more books but nope! Just stuck with little to no information on ANYTHING HERE! One day, one day, Celestia will be gone and I will be in charge, and you know what my first three tasks will be? FIRST; hire a crack team of explorers to help with diplomacy and exploration. Second: get a team together who will actually get off their flanks to STUDY. and Third: train more ponies to fight dragons than rely on most of my paternal side of my family!!! And maybe some medicine to calm my nerves down!"

Her rant done, she walked back to the throne room, combed her mane with her hoof, and said, "Proceed."

"Very well then." Silver Wing began to speak.

'To find the eight items
Go first to the four points of a rose
The four pure metals will offer aid
Now that gods arose

Find the fire fallen king
Whose scales are blacken
He will guide you to the fifth
Near a body of a Kracken

The two lay in places sacred
to what ancient races hold sacred
As for the eighth
It lies in plain sight."

"Wait for it," Pinkie giggled.

"Say these sacred words for a free banana split for a lifetime or a lifetime supply of blizzards."


"Ok, now we are just getting weird," Dash said. "How does a rose have points!!?"

"A compass rose!" Twilight said as the map began to glow brightly, showing four lights on it. One light in the north, one in the south, one in the west, and one in the northeast.

"The fire fallen king." Silver Wing frowned,"It may speak of Thordak." She looked at the group,"Are you sure you do not wish me to summon an army to aid your country? it may be less dangerous."

"Queenie," Dash said, "I don't know about you, but danger is our middle name! We live for that and breathe it!"

"Yes, as the rumors of Equestria have shown," joked Silver.

"Hey, we kicked loads of flank on our homeland! Monsters, chaos gods, you name it. We took it down. Yeah, sometimes there is an ass who gets the advantage, but we still can kick his rump!" Dash said with a cocky grin.

Twilight looked up, (An army would make a lot of sense, with her strength and this nation’s power, they could devastate the gods and handle it. I could then spend the next few years focusing on my magic and getting it back plus the other two quests I got lined up. But then again if I did...there will be death. A lot of death, way too much for me. I don't want to risk lives if I can help it. I never want somepony to die or fight in my stead when I can do this.)

She then shook her head, "As much as I appreciate the offer, I can't ask you to do that. I don't like the idea of death and if I ask you to send your armies, then it will lead to a massive loss of life and I couldn't live with myself if that happened."

Silver closed her eyes,"You certainly have a big heart, Princess. I will not send armies then. However," She opened them again,"You must understand that I have a duty to protect my kingdom. If I feel that these gods threaten us in any way, I will fight back.

"Don't worry, we'll have those vestiges and be back home in six months," Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Rainbow, I don't think-"

"You're right Twilight, two months!"

"Rainbow if you-"

"Ok, I'll be fair, give us three months and two weeks and then you can send your armies to go and kick some god ass!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Fine then, three months and no more," Silver said.

Twilight looked at Rainbow, eyes wide and mouth agape, "Like how I solved that one?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Ya gotta let me negotiate more often."

"The time limit will begin when you leave the city. Is there anything else you need to know?" Silver Wing asked.

Twilight looked down and thought for a moment before asking, "Why are our two countries so different? My friend Tempest said that you have some different approaches to problems but I want to know more."

"Well, when our ponies found out that windigoes were responsible for our plight, we banded together... and burned them alive." Silver Wing said, “How did your country stop them?"

"...with singing, dancing, and warm hugs," Twilight said, a sheepish grin on her face.

Silver Wing smiled at this,"Well, apparently that worked."

“Yeah... it kind of did," Twilight said, her ears drooping a little.

Rainbow Dash whispered lowly to Applejack, "Though theirs was a little cooler. I mean, we did it with an awesome heart, but they burned them!"

"Rainbow!" Applejack commented and nudged her.

Percy raised a hoof, "One more question your majesty. While I have no doubt that lady Rarity is talented, I think our quest would be easier if we had a little more magic on our side. Any help with that?"

"Does Twilight not have her magic?" Silver asked. At their nods, she frowned,"You did say you were resurrected. Resurrection magic is quite common here in the west, but there are drawbacks. first, the pony must not have died from natural causes. Second, there must be a ritual given by the caster. If the soul is willing, then the spell is successful."

"However, sometimes the resurrection is not complete. There will be complications, from something as benign as a stutter, or something terrible, such as losing your magic. The magic will come back in half a year... time you do not have." She brought out a small map,"There is a faster solution: These are fonts of magic for all three tribes. Go to each one, and complete their tasks to restore your magic."

She got up to her throne,"You do need another magic user, there are three talented individuals in the city at this moment. One is more concerned with his shop. Another is my trusted Arcanist Allura, but she is incredibly busy. Finally, there is..." She frowned,"A bard fjord pony, who likes to hang around in bars and houses of lady favors. He is strange, but he is the most likely to help you."

"Thank you, your majesty," Twilight said with a bow as the group walked out the door. Looking down, Twilight said to Percy, "You didn't need to say it."

"It was kind of valuable information to let her know and do need the help. It's not like back in Equestria and you know this," Percy remarked.

"Yeah, don't you remember that whole Storm King thing? We can handle it if we-" Dash then paused and said, "You didn't want to admit it, did you?"

Twilight frowned and then looked out the window, watching the pegasi in flight," If you lost your ability to fly, would you admit it? I just, don't like to admit that my magic is gone, it's like I lost a friend or something special."

"Twilight, I understand," Rarity said, "I remember when I lost my cutie mark and felt...useless."

"My point exactly," Twilight said, "I know I am not like Trixie, but that doesn't mean I didn't take pride in just how much magic I have. And now... now I need a bodyguard of all things. I hate feeling like I am the most useless one here and that you will all have to protect me. And if one of you dies I just....don't know what I'd do."

Pinkie walked over to Twilight and gave her a big hug, "You aren't useless. You are right now the smartest pony I know unless Percy is smarter. Are you?"

Percy shrugged.

"So you are right now, our brains!" Pinkie said.

Twilight sniffed and smiled at Pinkie, "You know, I was trying to have a sad moment."

"Yeah, and?" Pinkie asked with a smile.

Twilight smiled back and then looked out the window some more, "It's a new world we're in, and we need me to be at my best. And right now, we gotta find a spell caster while I...just plan and keep us on track."

"So, let's get looking," Applejack said.

"I think we should split up," Twilight said, "Rarity, you, Fluttershy, and Pinkie go to the bars and lady favor houses to find that bard."

"Twilight," Dash asked, "You are sending them to the house of lady favors?"

"Yes, and?" Twilight asked with a questioning look.

"You do know what those are, right?" asked Dash.

"Nope. Why are you snickering?" asked Twilight.

"Never mind, let's just look for that mage!" dash said.

"Are you looking for Lady Allura? I think I saw her and her wife walking downtown to look for some books. She said she needed some new spell books," a guard said.

"Books? bookbookbookbookbookbookbook!" Twilight said, walking away.

"Well, that's where we are heading, you coming, Perc?" asked Applejack.

"Might as well," Percy said, following AJ.

Twilight looked to the right, seeing a tall light tan unicorn with braided blonde mane walking into a small bookstore, her blue robes flowing behind her. Twilight raised a hoof, ready to call the others, but frowned when she saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash leaving to a bar, "Girls."

"Look, I love adventure books, but normal and nonfiction are OWT! I'm gonna check out this rockin music," Dash said.

Applejack shook her head, "Might as well follow and keep her safe. Percy, you keep her safe!"

"Will do, better there than listening to the rumble that is bound to happen," Percy snarked.

The blonde mare began to levitate a book from one of the shelves, "Is this to your liking, Allura?"

"Not really," Allura said, "I already have a book on the Weave origins and Mythica by Sonambula. I was just making sure that this was not a fake."

Twilight sped in,"Excuse me, miss? Can I see those books?"

"Yes, you may," Allura said, levitating the book to Twilight. "Any particular reason why?"

"Um, I'm kind of not from around here. I'm from Equestria." Twilight said.

Allura's eyes opened wide, "Equestria, oh, I have always wanted to visit there. But, it seems every time I tried, some problem arose over there that stopped us from traveling. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Allura Vysoren, Arcanist for Silver Wing. Let's talk over there about magic shall we?"

Inside the bar, at the same time, Rainbow slowly stepped in, "Ok, so I think it's time to impress these punks."

"Rainbow, I don't think we got anything to prove," Applejack said.

"Don't we? Almost every one of these westerners thinks we are just a bunch of wimps who solve things with warm hugs and singing!" Rainbow Dash said. "I need to save our rep and challenging a tough pony is the best way to do it!"

"Wimps who save things with a warm hug and a song?" a short pony with a large sword cutie mark said, sitting near a table,"You the Equestrian wimps I heard about?"

Rainbow Dash turned around, looked up, and then looked down at the halfinger pony. After holding back the urge to laugh only a little and then let out a louder laugh at the halfling, she said, "Yeah, we are. But I don't know who you are talking to small fry. Maybe if you spoke a little louder, I could hear ya up here. Tell me, can you see my face, or do I have to lean down?"

"Heh, a wise pony eh?" The Halflinger pony smirked,"How's the weather up there, or are you too featherbrained to tell me!?

"Yeah, the weather is pretty awesome up here, a shame you can't feel it under the shade," Dash taunted.

Applejack walked up to a bard and slipped him some bits, "Play a nice beat, my best friend is either gonna live or die tonight."

The purple beret-wearing fjord smiled,"Alrighty then!"

"Tell me, is your brain matching the size or are you just using that sword to compensate for something."

"Sounds to me like you're jealous!" Kima said,"What, intimidated by my sword's girth!?"

Rainbow Dash snorted, "Ha! Me, impressed by that thing? Surprised you ain’t falling over by its weight, or are ya just too stupid to know how physics work?"

"Are you just saying that because you're worried your wings are too small to carry you!?" Kima asked.

"Oh, my wings are perfectly big enough, but I can name two things that must be really tiny on you," Dash said singsong.

Applejack looked to the barkeep, "Hey, just in case things go south, as diplomats, are we responsible for damages?"

The barkeep spat into a spitoon,"Nope, this happens all the time."

"Bigger than yours, you rainbow mane sissy." Kima said,"You gonna sing me to death or something?"

"Oh I don't need to sing ya to death," Rainbow Dash said, "I just need to step on ya, and ya would be beat!"

"That's a laugh. You'd chip a hoof if ya did that!" Kima said.

"Yeah, you're right, your little potsticker could poke my hoof," Dash taunted.

Applejack got in between them, "Ok Dash that's enough. We shouldn't belittle the little ones and you know it."

"But AJ-"

"Look, they got different customs and different outlooks, no reason to taunt them," Applejack sad.

Kima laughed,"What, you her foal sitter or something?"

"No, I'm her friend and I would like to try to keep this peaceful like between ponies of the east and the west," Applejack said.

"Yeah, besides, their booze is probably weak and their apples are second rate," Dash mocked.

"Now, the cider thing maybe true-"

"I thought apple family apples tasted like swill," Kima smirked.

"Ah'm sorry, but what was that?" Applejack asked, tipping her hat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I not yell it to the country bumpkin," Kima said, smirking, "YOUR APPLES TASTE LIKE WHAT I SHOT OUT OF MY ANUS EARLIER!"

"OK BITCH! HOOF WRESTLE NOW"! Applejack shouted, steam coming out of her nose.

"You must tell me more about your medical spells. I didn't think that the east had such magic," Allura said. "At least that is what I heard. Though sometimes it's other...unflattering things."

Percy was reading another book while Twilight continued,"Well, our healing magic isn't as good as yours, we mainly just use ours for utility." She frowned,"Yeah, I heard about the rumors said about Equestrians."

"Curious, I wonder if it's because of how peaceful your land is," Allura said, sipping her tea.

"How so?" asked Twilight.

Allura paused and thought, "It's like this. Say that there are two brothers, twins. One is raised in a peaceful land, taught to embrace kindness and ompassion. While the other is raised in a realm where magic is needed to survive, to use it for battle and survival. While both are equal in strength, the peaceful brother finds no need for healing and battle spells because he never had to experience the pain of battle and war."

Percy frowned and looked to his gun, before putting away the book and looking at another. He smiled a little as he pulled out a book labeled 'The Feywild: Peaceful or Deadly'. Then he began to read and listen.

"Which, of course, is why you haven't developed your healing magic. There hasn't been a need to do so. Much like there hasn't been a need to focus on particular battle magic like here." Allura sighed, "Wich leads to the rumors. I am sorry some of us think that way. I do not. You aren't just singing and dancing...you just have a unique approach."

"It's fine really." Twilight sighed,"We never really had a chance to interact until now. Celestia has always told me that this place was too dangerous, so I suppose if you came over there, a lot of ponies would think you were warmongering barbarians."

Allura chuckled, "Yes, I can only imagine the reactions. Although, I hope you can see that we are a lot more sophisticated than some would think."

"Look out! Kima is wrecking another bar!!!" shouted a civilian.

Allura sighed, "My apologies, I need to go and stop my wife."

"And she's fighting with those two wimps from Equestria!"

"And I gotta stop my two friends," Twilight said.

Percy went to the librarian,"How long do I have to check these out?"

"You have three months to return those books," the librarian said.

As Twilight ran outside with Allura, a table broke out of the bar and was thrown across the street. In her mind, Twilight began to run down the offenders, "Ok, Rarity is too noble so unless they really cheesed her off it can't be her. Pinks and Flutters are out, which leaves only-"

"Hey, Bard! How's about a phat beat for me to own the small and delirious over there!" Rainbow Dash said. "She needs to learn about Equestrian manners."

"And barkeep? Put the money for the damages onto the Tab of Princess Luna," Applejack said, tipping her hat over her eyes and glaring at Kima while standing side by side with Dahs.

The bard smirked and then whipped out a flute to play a tune.

"Not sure how to get that, but sure." The bartender said.

Kima creaked her neck,"Well, let's see what you wimps got!" She leaped up at them."

That was when Kima was wrapped in a magic aura

"I am so sorry," Allura said, holding Kima in the air with her magic, "She usually knows when to reign it in. Come along Kima, we mustn't be mean or attacking the diplomats from other countries."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack winced and looked behind themselves to see Twilight and Percy holding their tails down, "Ow, why always the tail!" Dash moan.

"Oh... hey Twilight.

"I'm sorry too." Twilight said with a frown,"I expected this from you, Rainbow, but Applejack!?"

Applejack looked down, "Hey, it was all fine and dandy until she started to make fun of the apple family."

"Yeah, then she had a hoof wrestle match, which she won," Dash said.

"And then she made fun of my family some more and their honor, so I had to start the fighting!" Applejack said.

Twilight facehoofed,"What am I going to do with you!?"

"I can't believe we couldn't find anything!" Rarity said as she and the others entered the bar.

"At least those hookers were nice!" Pinkie said.

"They had a great fashion sense," Fluttershy said.

Rarity looked at Twilight and Percy keeping Applejack and Rainbow held back,"... Not even going to ask. You at least found some info on-"

"Scanlan Shorthalt!" a gazelle came inside the bar, fiddle in his hoof,"I have returned!"

The bard with the beret put his flute down,"Geraldo! Didn't learn your lesson last time, did ya?" The fjord stallion hopped off his stool and walked towards the gazelle.

"I did... never challenge you with a flute! I am best with a fiddle!" He brought his fiddle to his neck,"Behold!"

He began to play his fiddle hard, causing images of fire and other nasty things to show around the bar.

Scanlan laughed,"Nice... for an amatuer." He held his hoof out,"But this is unfair, I don't have a fiddle of my own!"

Pinkie pulled one out of her mane and threw it at him,"Here!"

"Ah, thank you, Fluffy Pony." Scanlan grabbed the fiddle,"Let me show you how it's done! then began to play it hard. All around them were the beautiful images of various fey creatures flying around them. As Scanlan began to play hard, he winked at several mares before leaping up on a table and began playing even harder, causing lightning to burst from his fiddle, before stopping and pointed back to Geraldo.

Geraldo stared wide eyed and agape.

"You come on back if you ever want to try again." Scanlan laughed,"I told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best that's ever been!"

Geraldo bowed his head before walking away.

Scanlan hopped back and handed the fiddle back,"So, you looking for someone important? Or just someone special?" He winked at Rarity.

Rarity could only let out a scoff and a pull of her mane at Scanlan's attempt to hit on her. Applejack was the first to step forward, "Yeah, kind of. Ya see we're on a quest to find some items and we are needing a mage. Silver said that there was a really good bard in town who could help us."

Pinkie ran up to Scanlan and gazed into his eyes, "Hmmm, seems to be a pretty great bard!"

"Well, I don't know about the really great bard, but you've found an amazing one!" Scanlan put his hoof to his chest,"Scanlan Shorthalt at your service. I can sing, cast spells, heal, and maybe cut a few guys up once in a while." He leaned in,"I heard that you were Equestrian. They sing and dance their problems over there. Sounds like my kind of place."

"We do not do that! And I swear the next pony who says that is gonna get a punch in the snout!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, you would love it! We sing, dance, and have wild parties!" Pinkie siad. "We also solve by being talkative and loving to each other!" Pinkie said. "So, do we have a teammate!?"

"Wild parties you say!?" Scanlan's smile grew wider.

Twilight frowned,"I don't know..."

Percy frowned,"Allura said she was too busy, and we do need the magic."

"... if he's our only option."

"Yay!" Scanlan and Pinkie said, and then hugged each other.

Rainbow Dash looked on in shock, "Oh Celestia...there are two of them."

"So," Applejack brought out the stone map and put it onto the nearest table, "Where to first Twi?"

"The poem mentioned four points of a rose, so we know that's the compass,' Rarity said, looking at the map, "North, West, South, and East. Are there any major cities over there, Mr. Shorthalt?"

Scanlan looked down at the map,"Well, that four cities would be Vasselheim to the north, Kraghammer to the south, Westruun to the west, and Syngorn to the east."

"Where to then, Twi?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Hmm," Twilight pulled out the other map, noting each font of magic,"The first font of magic is in the west, near Westruun, so I guess we go there."

"A little to the left. Lower, lower. ahhhhh."

The huntress groaned as she laid under her ship, hidden deep in the woods of whitetail, "Adam! You are making this sound weirder than it has to be!"

The camera from the ship lowered itself to the huntress as it watched her tweak it with a small wrench, oil mixing with her blonde hair and giving it a little green tone, "My apologies lady, but with you working under there, it does give me a very sensual feeling." he was then hit with the wrench, chuckling while the huntress pulled herself away from the ship.

Taking a washcloth, the huntress began to clean herself and looking back at the ship, "She looks ready to get us to the west. Tell me, why do you think we got that message?"

"I do not know," Adam said. "It was peculiar when we got it. It didn't come from the Elk federation, and this planet lacks the technology to send subspace signals. If we go by the prime directive-"

"And I don't. I swear some use that as an advocate for genocide," the huntress said, walking to where her armor rested and began to put it on gradually.

"We shouldn't have a reason to come here. But your suit had a warning and a signal," Adam said.

The huntress nodded, "That's what's worrying me. It doesn't feel like a trap, but there are pirates and my suit is acting funny.."

"Well, you could go home. Forget about this-"

The huntress put on her helmet, "And miss out on kicking pirate ass? Not on your life."

"Yes, lady..." Adam said with a droll.

"Did you prepare that subspace message for me?" the huntress said, "That one I asked to be told to those 'gods' as well."

"Yes, lady. Translated in case they don't speak basic or whatever they call it here," Adam said.

'Hey, Asswipes! (Translation engaged: To the dear pirates and gods of this world)

Just letting you know, I'm here on your world, like you asked me. Sad for you ya pieces of shit. (Thank you for your marvelous invitation. We have accepted with gracious respectability.)

And what's more, I don't have all of my tech. Wich means, open season on me if you had the guts. Wich ya don't, I don't think you even have the spine to face me. But if you do, I'll be in the w4est ready to rip the wings off of ya, tear your horns off, and use the insides of the pirates as decoration.

(Although I am currently without my weapons, I am still skilled enough to welcome all challengers to my home. Please bring a friend)

And if I find that you pirates are hurting these ponies here while I'm in the west, just remember who was it that kicked your asses a few days ago. (Please do not attack while I am gone.)

Up yours, The Huntress.

(Sincerely, The Huntress)

One of the alicorns stopped as they landed in the west, "Hold! Before we continue, we must discuss how we are going to attack. As individuals or together as a united front!?"

One of the others looked back at him,"It's obvious, we must unite."

"No!" Cayrel shouted,"I will not squander this opportunity. The Queen forced us to fight unfairly last time, I refuse to let that happen again. I want to give these mortals a fighting chance."

"But Captain, we need to win, this is no time for your honor." The stallion with a purple mane and tail said.

"My honor is more important than what the Queen forces on me, Antares." Cayrel snarled.

"Who cares about honor? Don't you know how this works? It's called the law of conservation! The fewer soldiers you have the stronger you become! It makes sense that we fight separately!" One of the alicorns said, looking through a book.

The other alicorn rolled her eyes, "Oh there you go again with your pages and tropes. Antares is right. We split up, we are weakened. We need to bolster an united front, or else we shall all fall down!"

One alicorn looked down and lightly kicked the ground, "I just hope they don't hit too hard. I would hate to see them broken before I can..."

The arguments began to get louder until one alicorn stepped forward and spoke with a mighty voice, "Wait! There is but one way to solve this pressing issue! We must embrace-DEMOCRACY!"

Cayrel sighed,"Again, Pollux?"

Pollux nodded, "Indeed! If we are to present to these ponies that we have a divine right to guide them and to rule them by our power we need to present a united front."

"For if we do not present to the mortals that we can stand united and solve things with the beauty that is democracy, how can we immortal gods expect them to follow us. They would believe that they have the freedom to disobey us, to live how they want and when they want. We must show them that we are able to decide for them and that we can tell them how to live. Indeed, by being democratic, we can decide their fate while sticking to the liberties that we hold ourselves so dear! Don't you see, by sticking to our own democratic ways, we can ensure that we take away their freedoms and show that we alone know what is best for them. In this, we show that democracy is the true and best way to rule ourselves by divine right!!

The other alicorns stared at him.

"Well, that does make sense. Let's put it to a vote."Cayrel said.

Pollux happily clapped his hooves together and brought out a small hat with paper, "Ok, so let's all put this down and then write it out. Then we'll Cayrel read out the votes and count them. I am sure she will do this fairly."

Cayrel smirked,"Yes... fairly.

After a few minutes, they all put in their anonymous votes and then put it into the hat. Pollux then gave it to Cayrel.

Cayrel whistled as she changed the votes.

Pollux looked down, read, and nodded, "Hmmm, it seems that all of the votes say we attack one at a time! Granted, I do not remember voting for alone but I guess if this is how the people voted then I guess we have no choice but to follow. Democracy wins!!!"

Persei smirked as he put away his book, "See? This will go smoothly. This is why you should always follow what the good book says!"

"We're all gonna fail you know," Antares said, before putting on a killer smile, "But at least we'll kill them all dead!"

"So how will we," snorted Cephei, growling, "do this?

"I suggest we send our weakest first." Cayrel looked at Antares,"Meaning, Antares, Pollux, Persei, Cephei, Fomalhaut, Altair, Arcturus. and then myself."

Antares frowned, "Are you saying I'm weak?! Well, that's a fair cop."

"I am FAIR WITH THIS! Now that we are decided, NOTHING can stop us!" said Pollux.

"Well, according to my good book, the sorting algorithm of evil works for our team. Granted, we are seen only as evil by those around us!"

"We Can bring the WINTER. Snow forecast, a downer, AGGGGGG!"

Fomalhaut rolled her eyes, "Oi, are we sure that Cephei is right in the head after all this time. But sad to say, you are holding off the best at the worst time.

"Oh, can we be a little gentle with the killing? I mean, we shouldn't hurt them that much. We just need to remind them of the power," Altair said.

Arcturus frowned, and then nodded. A warm smile came across his lips and the group nodded, tears in their eyes.

Scanlan began to sing as the group headed towards the exit of the city.

"Oh, I know this one!" Pinkie said happily as she began to sing.

There's a road calling you to stray
Step by step, pulling you away

Scanlan smiled and continued to play his lute as they walked alongside the field.

Under moon and star
Take the road, no matter how far

Where it leads no one ever knows
Don't look back, follow where it goes
Far beyond the sun
Take the road, wherever it runs

Rainbow Dash smiled as she walked along the path before taking flight. In the air, she watched as her friends walked beneath her. Looking ahead, she let out a gasp as she saw the winding long road ahead. Leading through the farms the path seemed to lead past some of the mountains to the north and some small flatland to the south. With a chuckle, she flew overhead to play with some of the clouds while listening to Pinkie and Scanlan sing.

The road goes on, ever ever on
Hill by hill, mile by mile
Field by field, stile by stile
The road goes on, ever ever on

The road goes on, ever ever on
Moor by moor, glen by glen
Vale by vale , fen by fen
The road goes on, ever ever on

Applejack walked with Twilight, looking at her as she held her head down. Smiling, she placed a hoof onto her shoulder to give a comforting smile. Twilight looked up at her friend and smiled back as she continued to walk. Deciding to join in with the song.

Mountain and valley, and pasture and meadow
Stretching unending, for mile after mile
Fenland and moorland, and shoreline and canyon
Bordered by hurdle and hedgerow and stile

"Come on Percy, join in!" Pinkie said, nudging Percival.

Percy shook his head, "Sorry, but I don't sing."

"Because he sucks at it," Scanlan joked. "I mean, it's ok. We all have problems with singing. Except for me, you know."

Percy frowned and began to sing.

One more mile then it's time to eat
Pick some pears, succulent and sweet

To the farthest shore
Take the Road, a hundred miles more

Rarity gingerly stepped over a puddle, while Fluttershy watched some birds flying overhead as they began to head into the woods.

Sweet pink trout, tickled from a stream
Milk a goat, churn it into cream

Far beyond the sun
Take the road, wherever it runs

The road goes on, ever ever on
Moor by moor, glen by glen
Vale by vale , fen by fen
The road goes on, ever ever on

"Ah, the Bramblewood Forest!" Scanlan said with a smile, “Home of various animals, trees, and the occasional armored... bear..."

In front of them was a lonely-looking armored bear sitting at a tree.

"Why would a bear need armor?" Rainbow Dash asked as Fluttershy flew up to it.

"Oh you poor thing, why are you so sad?" Fluttershy asked, "Are you lonely?"

The bear began to make small guttural noises and frowns, "I miss momma. I found some friends who talked me into an adventure and when I came back, mommy was missing."

"Oh, I am so sorry," Fluttershy said, patting his head. "What's your name, little guy."

"Trinket," the bear said, smiling. "Will you help me nice pony?"

"Yes. You can travel with us until you find her," Fluttershy said, and then walking back to her friends.

"His name is Trinket and he's lost. We're going to help him find his mother," Fluttershy said.

"Well, I guess if it's to help him out." Twilight thought for a moment,"Though a bear in armor is rather strange."

Fluttershy nodded, "He says his mom bought it for him."

"His mom... Okay, I get it now. What's her name?" Twilight asked.

"He says her name is, Vex'ahlia," Fluttershy said. Then she noticed a small look in Twilight's eyes and a look in Percy's, "Is something wrong?"

"... we'll explain later," Twilight said gravely.

Percy looked at her.

"I want to save it for when we meet them. Just know that we need to find her and her brother." Twilight said.

That night, the group made camp for the night. Scanlan was immediately kicked away from Rarity's bedroll while she snuggled herself in. Fluttershy sat on top of Trinket while the others snuggled around him. The only ones who were awake were Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Dash sighed as she kicked up the fire a little, "Something on your mind?" Applejack asked.

"Think we're good enough?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking at the fire and then up to Applejack. "To keep going I mean."

"Ah wasn't expecting you to lack confidence. Ah mean, you challenged that one mare without a second thought," Applejack said with a chuckle.

"That's because she was one mare and I had you. But this place, with these creatures and these new ponies, I just... I don't know," Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. "I just feel like we should've just accepted Silver's offer and moved on."

Applejack nodded, "I get ya. That alicorn's beatdown got to ya. Ah'm the same way."

"It's not just that. It just feels like we haven't had any chance to show what we can do. We practically let the changelings take us in-"

"You know the truth behind that one," Applejack said, frowning. "As much as I hate lying about it."

"Then there was the Storm King invasion! I mean, we could've taken him on you know! You saw it! The guys we brought in didn't help all that much and we had the strength we needed to. But nope, ran away because we needed to find the orb," Rainbow Dash sighed. "Maybe these guys are right and all we can do is just sing and dance and give out warm hugs."

"You know that ain’t true," Applejack said with a smile. "You're right, you and I, we probably could've beaten most of those guys without a second thought and got Twilight to fight Tempest to a standstill."

"But we would've gotten swarmed in the end, and then where Twilight would be. Without us," Applejack said, looking down in the dirt. "Look, sometimes we gotta run from something bigger to conserve our strength and take the high road. Sometimes, we gotta take the best way to make sure we don't lose anypony."

"Is that why Twilight sometimes runs from a timberwolf even though she could burninate the son of a bitch," Dash said. "Still mad at that."

"Yeah, that and she knew Spike and I had it. How else was she gonna get him to realize he was being an idiot." Applejack laughed. "Ah know these ponies seem like they are stronger and braver than us. But that ain’t true. They are just raised differently. They had years to fight monsters and all of that. We, didn't. But that don’t mean we're not strong. Pinkie's got ingenuity, Rarity's got precision, Fluttershy is a healer, and you and are the fastest and the strongest. We just need to find our own way of matching them. Maybe we’ll find it here. After all...we're the same."

Rainbow Dash sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Just don't start killing yourself over trying to be stronger than ever."

"I make no promises. But you know you will most likely stop me if it comes to that." Applejack said, getting up and walking to bed.

"Night," Dash said. "Oh, and watch out for whoever is watching us. Somepony has been since we came in."

"Got ya," Applejack said, going into bed.

There was a minor sound of shuffling from Twilight as she looked up at Dash, and then she let out a sigh.

There was a snarling sound as the group woke up.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash got to their hooves and stood in front of the group, followed by Percy. Fluttershy flew out and landed, listening to see if she could recognize the sound of growling.

Two double-headed dogs appeared from the edges, snarling with poisonous saliva coming from their maws.

"Oh, will you look at that..." Scanlan gulped, his horn glowing.

Rarity's horn began to glow, pulling out a small bow and arrow, "Mr. Shorthalt, what are those things?"

"Those would be Death Dogs. It wouldn't be a good idea to get bit!" He held out his hoof,"Bigby's Hoof, Chamon!" A large purple hoof came forth, smashing into one of the dogs.

Applejack nodded and ran right at one of the dogs and moved to the side. Readying one of her hooves, she delivered a hard right hook into its eye. Then she dodged to the side to kick it in the chest.

Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, "Flutters, wait here. Pinkie, Rarity, get ready to run with Twilight if this goes south." she then flew off to the dog that Scanlan was hitting with his magical hoof. She slammed both hooves into its back before to a cloud and pulling it down before kicking it and throwing out a lighting bolt.

Rarity aimed her bow and fired a shot at one of them, hearing Pinkie comment, "Didn't know you knew how to shoot!"

"Well dear, a lady must have her hobbies," Rarity said, smiling warmly while firing another shot at one of the creature's eyes.

"Ah, got ya," Pinkie said, hiding behind Trinket, "New let's see what we got here. Hmmm...hot sauce, some gum..."

The dog howled before leaping around and then jumping at Applejack's side.

Scanlan let out an,"Ew, as he held up the squished dog.

Applejack grunted in pain as one of his teeth managed to cut her. Then she spun around and gave him a double kick in the face, and as he reeled back twin gunshots rang out and went through the dog's head.

The other head snarled at Percy before a sabertoothed tiger came from a bush to strike at the dog with its claws.

“What the?" Applejack asked, "What on earth is that..." she asked, wavering back and forth as she began to feel woozy.

"Don't know, but if she's on our side," Dash said as the tiger slashed at its side and bit into its leg. Seeing an opening, Rainbow Dash began to spin in a small tornado and turned into a lightning-charged spinning bolt of electricity and slammed both legs into its side.

"Y...yeah..." Applejack said, before falling down to the ground.

"Applejack!" Fluttershy said, flying to her friend’s side and patting her down. Then she looked at the remaining head of the dog with a hard and powerful glare.

The dog let out a laughing bark before Percy shot it dead.

The tiger ran over to Applejack.

Twilight gasped,"Oh no she's-"

The tiger began to glow pitch white, transforming into a deer-like creature that had a pony-like face. She wore leather barding, which still showed her antler cutie mark,"A deer?"

The deer knelt down to Applejack,"Death Dogs have poisonous bites. It shouldn't be too hard to heal it with Lesser Restoration... I hope!" Her small antlers glowed as she put her hooves on Applejack.

"Wait, who are you, how could you do that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Fluttershy looked up, "Rainbow, such. She's trying to help. I can't fix this, I have never seen this poison before."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes while she watched the deer began to touch Applejack. After a few moments, Applejack began to glow a soft white and for a while, she did not move. Then she began to breathe evenly and her eyes opened up. Looking at the deer, Applejack said, "Are, you the one who healed me?"

"Ok, now start answering the questions," Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, um," The deer stammered,"Well, I'm a half-deer, I'm a druid, I was kinda watching you but I didn't know how to approach you," She gasped,"Oh, my name, right, I'm Keyleth of the Air Ashari, nice to meet you!"

"Watching us, why were you wat-"

"How did you turn into a tiger-like that? Can all druids do that? I met this adorable deer who talked about how he could control nature. Oh, could you tell me more about druids if it's not too much trouble? Can you talk to animals?" asked Fluttershy, uncharacteristically fast. Then she looked down, "Oh if that's not too much trouble that is."

"Oh, no it's fine!" She stammered,"I'm sorry, I'm not used to ponies not in my tribe so this is very new to me. I think all druids can turn into animals. I can teach you if you'd like, but I'm not sure if pegasus ponies are capable. I was watching you because I was trying to figure out how to say hi..."

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash,"This is the most I've ever seen Fluttershy be social."

"Tell me about it. She's not that talkative even with me," Rainbow whispered back.

"Can you talk with animals? We should really talk more about the animals you've met." Fluttershy then turned to the group, "That's Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Percy, and Scanlan. You shouldn't be so shy, we are actually really friendly."

"Oh, hi!" Keyleth waved to the others.

The rest waved back. Scanlan looked up as if he weren't really paying attention, and then looked to the reader, “Wow, we're getting the group together fast!"

"Well, I think we have to. The fans would get too impatient," Pinkie commented. then she looked up and smiled, "Wow, you can see them too!? HI ME!"

Keyleth looked at this.

"Don't ask, just, don't," Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Let's just call it, Pinkie being Pinkie."

"Oh, okay!" Keyleth said with a smile,"So, uh, what are you doing here?"

"We're heading towards Westruun," Dash said, "We need to find some sort of font to help our friend. And trying to get some items to help kick a god's ass."

"What's an Ashari," asked Applejack.

Keyleth gasped,"Wow, beating up a god!?" She turned to Applejack,"Well, the Ashari are a group of tribes that are tasked with guarding four paths to the elemental planes: Earth, Air, Water, Fire." She indicated herself,"I'm on my Aramente, a journey where a member of these tribes goes to each plane to become a master of each element."

"Wow!" Pinkie gasped, leaping on top of Applejack's head, "How many have you done so far?"

Keyleth turned away,"... one..." She kicked the ground,"I haven't gotten the chance to go to the others because it’s so dangerous here."

"We have noticed," Rarity said, looking back at one of the dead dogs.

Fluttershy stepped forward, "Would you like to come with us, and maybe we can help you? If... you don't mind that is," she added, lightly kicking the ground.

Rainbow Dash muttered, "Wow, meet one druid and she's become a regular Pinkie."

“ ’Member, we don't have anypony like her back home," Applejack said, "She's simply being ecstatic meeting somepony she can talk to on her level."

"Yeah, yeah," Dash said, looking a little down.

Keyleth gasped,"I would love that! It gets pretty lonely out here."

Scanlan walked forward,"Perfect. The first thing you need to learn, I'm the leader, and I make the decisions."

Percy coughed,"I'm pretty sure the princess makes the decisions." he indicated Twilight.

Scanlan looked at Twilight,"You're a princess!? I thought those wings were just a fashion statement!"

"How... could wings be a fashion statement?" asked Dash, shaking her head.

Rarity paused and began to think Fake wings. Make yourself look like a princess... hmmm.

Twilight let out a sheepish chuckle before looking away, "Um, yeah. I don't like to throw my weight around. And I guess I'm kind of the leader at the moment." though I am the weakest one here.

"And besides, we could use another healer. Fluttershy can only do so much," Applejack said.

Keyleth smiled,"Great! I can't wait to be friends!"

"You already are!" Pinkie said, glomping Keyleth tightly.

"Yay!" Keyleth hugged her back.

"Going to be one interesting trip," Applejack said.

As the moon hung high in the sky, Keyleth sat with Fluttershy before the small fire. Pausing for a moment, she lightly tapped her chin, “So, um, druid magic. How do explain it? It’s kind of like normal earth pony magic but different. Like, how they tend to it and manipulated through their hooves, druids connect to all parts of nature.”

“All parts?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yeah!” Keyleth said, eyes brightening. “Earth ponies just tend to things like trees and the ground, druids connect to everything. The wind, the fire, earth, and water, knowing everything is in a delicate balance.”

Fluttershy gasped, “Oh, I get it. Like how animals live in a cycle of predator and prey.”

“Now you are getting it,” Keyleth said, before blushing and saying, “Even if I don’t a little.”

“But pegasi magic works differently. We just feel a connection to an element through our wings, I don’t think I can learn it,” Fluttershy said.

Keylethlooked at her, “But you talk to Trinket. And you seemed to be able to care for him.”

“But, that’s just part of my special talent,” Fluttershy said.

“And it’s exactly the same as druid magic,” Keyleth said, “Your special talent is a link to tapping into druid magic. Just, follow the same feeling that you have when you need to talk to an animal or to help heal them.”

Or a second, Fluttershy closed her eyes and breathed, letting the magic of the weaving flow through. Breathing softly, she began to feel the magic and the world around her, each animal speaking through her. And for a moment, she could feel her body surrounded by green mana until she let go, panting, “I think I almost that.”

“It takes time,” Keyleth said, smiling, “Even I had troubles.”

With the morning coming, the group left their camp with their new party member. For a few miles, the group walked through the woods, listening to the sounds of animals calling or talking. Occasionally, Dash would fly ahead and scout, looking for a new monster. Down below, Twilight walked ahead with Scanlan, looking over her map and notes.

Applejack took a few steps back to stand with Percy, "Tell me, why did you wind up here? Why are you adventuring out here? We haven't had much of a chance to talk yet."

Percy looked at Applejack and sighed,"Why am I here? Well, I wish I could say is something as selfless as just wanting to help my princess, and sorta childhood acquaintance. But the reality is that I'm mainly here to get revenge." He looked at his own hooves as they walked,"There is a stallion here that I need to kill." He brought out his pistol,"Silas, Delilah, Volkermord, Stone Fell, and Anders. A list of ponies I need dead for what they did to my family." He looked at Applejack,"I am not a good stallion, Applejack."

Applejack pulled back when he mentioned the word kill, and then at the list on the pistol. Taking in what he said, she said, "I think you're wrong. A good stallion wouldn't be here right now, trying to help us."

"..." Percy said nothing, only letting out a small sigh. As they continued walking, he said,"Volkermord seemed to have had a strange interest in you."

"Me? Who is this guy? You mentioned him earlier, but Ah never met him before," Applejack said.

"He is an earth pony 'scientist.' However his idea of science is skewed. He only wants to prove that earth ponies are superior to any other race." Percy snarled,"He was respected in some circles until news of his horrible experiments came to light. Then he went to hiding... and found my hometown of Whitestone and began to work with the Briarwoods. The entire reason I was captured was that I had attempted to kill him." He looked at his pistol,"And now he has the designs for my guns."

"He just sounds mad. How could somepony think any one race is better than the others, we're all ponies. We're all equal," Applejack then sighed and looked to the gun. Shaking her head, she muttered to herself, "hate to see that kind of weapon in his hands." after walking a few more feet, she then added, "Let me guess, these Brairwoods killed your parents."

Percy shot Applejack a quick look before she continued, "Kind of figured from the way you were talking. You sound like Ah do when I think of my parents and home. A manticore killed them when they were walking with once. Never forgot it, the blood, the anger, the rage. But being focused on wanting revenge doesn't make you a bad stallion.

"... Vengeance can do a lot of bad to a pony," Percy said.

"But having a strong bond, and someone who cares about you can do more," Applejack said.

"Bonds, huh... pretty much our entire culture in a nutshell..." Percy sighed.

In the middle, Scanlan was playing a song on his little flute.

"That is such a great little tune," Pinkie said with a smile. "Soooooooo, backstory, give!"

Scanlan looked at her, and laughed,"Oh, that backstory is depressing, I don't think you want to hear it. All you need to know is that I am looking for a very important fjord pony."

"Ohhhh, how important?" Pinkie asked

Scanlan smiled,"Important enough to get me to cross the entire country for her." He let out a whistle through his flute,"Of course, I don't know how she's going to react to me, she hardly knows me! Though I hardly know her so..."

"Aw, it'll be fine!" Pinkie said with a smile, "You know what they say about a warm smile and a big hug!"

Scanlan grinned,"They fix everything?"

Pinkie nodded,"That and a tasty cupcake!"

"A tasty cupcake does solve everything, doesn't it!?" Scanlan said with a laugh,"Like keeping that Gibbering Mouther away from us!"

Pinkie laughed with Scanlan.

Fluttershy walked with Keyleth, "Um, Keyleth. Can I ask you to do something, if you are ok with it."

"Sure!" Keyleth said.

“What’s it like, connecting to nature as you do?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, it’s like you are binding with the world around you. Like you feel connected to everything all at once,” Keyleth said, “My mom said the difference between wizards and druids is that wizards have to learn to bend the weave to their control, we druids ask for a hoof in friendship.”

“I think, I can understand,” Fluttershy said.

“Of course, I think to help,” Keyleth said, “She walked to her side and began touching her wings,"We might need to use these somehow."

Fluttershy let out a small shiver as Keyleth toughed the wings, "Sorry, sensitive."

"Oh, sorry!" Keyleth said,"I forgot that about pegasi, even though I'm Air Ashari..."

"No, no. It's ok," Fluttershy said with a blush, Pegasi don’t talk about it much."

"I see," Keyleth said,"I'll keep that mind, especially if we meet other pegasi."


Twilight looked at Rarity and Rainbow Dash,"So... got any stories to tell?"

"Just a little peeved that Fluttershy ats all quiet around all of us, but she meets one druid, and boom, she's Pinkie!" Dash said.

Rarity looked up, "Dash, are you jealous?"

"No! Just a little peeved that my oldest friend barely talks around everyone else. I worked hard to get her out of her shell and one pony fixes it," Dash began to grumble a little to herself as she floated for a bit.

Rarity sighed and looked to Twilight, "Are you holding up, dear? I can't imagine it's been easy."

"Me, oh I've been fine!" Twilight rolled her eyes,"I only have to live without the one thing I'm known for a while!"

Rarity gave a little smirk, "Oh, and here I thought that they took away your sarcasm as well as your magic. But, I am glad that they kept that."

"Rarity, they couldn't take my sarcasm even if they killed me... and they have!" Twilight said.

"And I believe we are all grateful for that," Rarity joked.

"You better be, I'm not planning on dying again!" Twilight smiled,"I'm also not going to let any of you die either!"

"Oh, believe me, dying will always be the furthest thing on my mind," Rarity said, before looking back at her friend, "Were you always scared this would happen?"

Twilight sighed,"Why wouldn't I be? You know me right? I have a billion possibilities running through my mind about how we would die... some monster, some villain out for revenge. Sometimes we'd be together, other times we'd be by ourselves. It comes with the territory, doesn't it?"

“Indeed it does," Rarity said, looking down,a small sigh escaping her lips as she walked.

Twiligt looked at Rarity, "Are, you ok?"

"No, it's nothing. Really," Rarity said, "You know me, I am always understanding and completely aware of our responsibilities as heroes and knights of the realm."

"Ok," Twilight said with a pause, making a note in her head.

The group stopped as a mass of flesh and teeth was groaning in front of them.

"And what...is that?" asked Dash.

That..." Keyleth gulped,"Is a Gibbering Mouther. A highly dangerous creature! We should-"

"YAH!" A large grey stallion, roughly the size of Celestia, appeared in the air and slammed his ax into the gibbering mouther. he had a cask of ale cutie mark and wore a thick black beard

Scanlan blinked,"Oh, a shire pony? Well I suppose..." He trailed off as another pony came up behind the stallion.

The pony was a fjord mare, with a blond mane and tail. Her cutie mark was of a pony-like figure with large wings,"Good job, Grog!"

Meanwhile, in Scanlan's mind...

The mare's mane flowed as she swished her head back and forth. she combed it back with her hoof before looking at him,"Hey..."

Grog got back up and cracked his neck side to side. Looking at the monster, he listened to it roar. Then he let out a loud roar right back, making the monster quiver in fear and leave a little wet pool next to its blood. With a laugh he picked up his ax and went for two more slashes, cutting deep into the vile beast’s body. Then he grabbed its jaw and pulled, tearing it off and then ramming it back into the creature's eyes. Then he walked away, dusting himself off.

Rainbow Dash looked down at the splattered abomination from my deepest nightmares, and then back to Grog, then back to the scariest thing in my life, and then back to Grog, and then back to the child of a shoggoth, and then back to Grog. Growling she began to march up to him and putting her snout to his, "Hey, we called dibs on that thing!"

"Um, excuse me miss, but is he your friend?" asked Fluttershy.

"My, he is..." Rarity blushed as he looked at him, her eyes widening, "Big."

"Twilight, can ponies can grow that big?" Applejack asked.

N-not normally... " Twilight squeaked.

The mare smiled at Fluttershy,"Yep, his name's Grog. Don't worry, he's only like that when he sees something he wants to kill." She looked at Applejack,"You never seen a Shire pony before?"

"Oh, wait," Grog paused, looking at Rainbow dash, "Are you an Equestrian pony? From the," he paused, holding up one hoof, and then the other. After a few moments, he said, "The east?"

"Yeah?" Dash asked, pausing in utter horror as she remembered what she had promised.

"I thought you didn't like battle. I thought you just liked to sing, dance, and give warm hugs.” Grog said.

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, before hanging he head in defeat and whispering Damn it.

Applejack shook her head, "We don't have anypony like that back home. We come from Equestria and the last time Ah saw somepony that big was our princess. And your name-"


The girls turned to the loud sound from Grog and Rainbow's position. And they saw Grog standing in front of a deep pit where Rainbow's legs were sticking out, twitching, and feathers landing around the pit. A pained moan could be heard while Rainbow laid, her forelegs sticking up, and a giant hoofprint on her back.

"Grog!" the mare shouted.

"Pike," Grog said,"She hit me first, I thought it was a challenge!"

"We still shouldn't hit them, they are guests to our country!" Pike gave a very disappointed frown.

Grog then moaned, before looking down at Dash,"Sorry..."

"Its, ok. I think I saw my grandma for a few moments..." Dash moaned.

"Aint she dead?" asked Applejack, only for another moan from Dash to confirm how hard he hit.

"Could somepony get my feathers? I think they are over there with my pride..." Dash groaned.

Fluttershy sighed and reached down, helping Rainbow Dash up. After applying some ointment, she healed her friend, "Now Rainbow, why did you go and do such a thing?"

"Well, I did say that the next time a pony said that I would punch them! And I gotta keep my promise!" Dash said as Fluttershy affixed some bandages.

"So, why were you two traveling out here? Do ya two just normally find random monsters to kill?" asked Applejack.

Pike and Grog sat down with the rest of them,"Well, we were just taking a walk... and Grog also wanted to kill some random monsters. It gets pretty dangerous here in the Bramblewood, more so than other places." She smiled,"So, what brings you here? I didn't expect to see any ponies from Equestria here."

Scanlan brushed his mane,"I'm here from your dreams..."

Deciding now was a good time for their rations and meal, the group got out their food and began to share with Grog and Pike. Twilight quickly began to explain their quest and their reasons for coming. Pinkie smiled, "And that is how we got here!"

"Hmm, defeating gods, that's interesting, to say the least." Pike looked at Twilight, who had a grim look on her face,"But there's something you're not telling me."

"... I and Percy found your cousin, JB in Equestria. She's alive, but she was tortured by a stallion named Volkermord," Twilight said.

Pike's eyes widened,"JB!?" She looked down before glaring at Twilight,"What does he look like, and how fast can I put the hurt on him?"

Grog put a hoof on her shoulder,"I can take him on if you'd like." He smirked.

"So, I guess this means you are gonna help us out?" asked Applejack.

"Well, we were probably gonna help you out anyway, so yes!" Pike said with a smile.

Scanlan whispered while holding his hooves in a prayer position,"Thank you, Mercer!”

"Dibs on riding on top of Grog!" Pinkie shouted as she leaped on top of him.

Scanlan raised a hoof, before shaking his head,"Too easy, even for me."

Grog laughed as he walked with the group

Their journey continued for a day and a half, with no real attacks from any monsters. Along the way, Fluttershy listened to Keyleth discuss the various cure and medicines that could be found around the woods. Next to her, Pike walked alongside and would look at her medallion, “Um, excuse me,” Fluttershy asked, looking at the symbol, “But what is that pendant you are wearing?”

“Oh, this? This is a symbol from my goddess, Sarenrae,” Pike said, “I’m a cleric, we tend to gain magic from our gods.”

“You mean like the old gods or Celestia and Luna?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well there are plenty of gods out there for us clerics to gain power from,” Pike said, “Gods of the sun, gods of nature-”

“Nature?” gasped Fluttershy.

Twilight mainly kept to herself, focusing on the map as they managed to make their way out of the woods. Rainbow Dash floated behind Twilight and grumbled, "Twi, if we are not there yet, I swear to Celestia on high I am going to go mad!!!"

"Well, I'm sorry we can't go any faster, Rainbow!" Twilight said, “Unfortunately, cars are an invention from Sunset's world, so we're just going to have to stick to this.

"Look we are on a time limit and I hate being slow!" Dash shouted.

"I could polymorph everyone if you want?" Keyleth suggested.

Pinkie smiled, "Polymorph?"

Keyleth smiled,"Oh, that's where I can turn all of you into animals!"

"Oh, I would love to be an animal," Fluttershy whispered.

Applejack put a hoof to her chin, "It would get us there faster."

Twilight ignored her friends as she glared at Rainbow Dash, “Oh yeah, that time limit. One we wouldn’t even have or have a bigger one if it wasn’t for you!”

"Look, I just happen to have confidence in what we can do! They think we can't do this in three months, I am going to show them we can," Dash shouted to Twilight.

"Then maybe you should stop whining about having a time limit unless you want to fly ahead of us!?" Twilight shouted.

FINE! I WILL!" Dash said, taking off "And then, I'll come back and remind you why I am the fastest there is!"

Applejack walked to Twilight, "I think she is having some emotional issues."

Twilight sighed,"Yeah, she is."

Trinket then looked up with a growl.

"Trinket!" A blue half-deer flew down, wings fluttering as she gave the bear a hug,"There you are!"She began to rub his neck,"Did these ponies find you and take care of you!?" She turned to them,"Hello there!"

Percy looked at her then looked away,"Wow..."

"Howdy," Applejack said tipping her hat.

"Oh, you must be Vex!" Fluttershy said, flying over and petting Trinket, rubbing his fur. "We found him outside the forest all alone and scared. But I took care of him. He is such a good bear and really friendly. He said he missed you a lot."

Trinket happily nuzzled his mommy, letting out a purr.

"Look at that, he's happy," Fluttershy said.

Pinkie smiled, "Aw, such a happy reunion!"

Scanlan walked to Percy and lightly closed his mouth, "Stop drooling, we all can see your uvula."

Rarity stepped up to vex, "Excuse me, while all of this meeting is wonderful and I am very happy to see you reunited with your baby. I must ask you," she looked at Vex and her armor, "Where did you get that wonderful attire. It is simply divine!"

"Oh, I made it myself, part of my training as a Ranger darling." Vex said," But your outfit is even better, did you make that yourself?"

"Why yes, I did. How astute of you to notice," Rarity said with a warm smile and putting her hoof to her chest. "I tend to make all of my clothing, I am a dressmaker by trade. As a matter of fact, I would love to assist you one day. I may not be good at leatherworking but give me time."

"Oh, that would be wonderful darling. I was just saying..."

As they talked, Applejack slinked to Twilight, "Twi...When Rainbow Dash gets back, she is gonna scream that there are two of them."

"But what brings you out here darling?" asked Rarity.

"Well I'm here to look for two things, my bear." she petted Trinket,"... and my brother."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, "Your brother?"

"Vax'ildan, or Vax," Vex put a hoof to her face,"We kinda had a little tiff about our next job, and he ran off to prove himself."

"What kind of tiff?" asked Applejack.

Rarity sighed, "Well, whatever it was, I'm sure we can talk it over with once he calms down. We've recently had a friend of ours go off in a little bit of a tiff."

(A few minutes ago)

Rainbow Dash grumbled as she flew around. This was where she loved the most, and the place for her mind to be cleared. Thoughts of the past few days flowed through her mind, of Twilight's death and how she almost lost another friend. She began to grumble a little to herself about how she was feeling useless in comparison to these ponies of this country and how she was so easily beaten. Shaking her head, she continued to fly until she saw a small little mansion. Smirking, she said, "Hello exploration."

Landing on her hooves, she began to walk through, singing to herself, "give me a smidge of confidence

give me a speak of something that makes sense

give me an idea of dependency

give me a dash of Loyalty (Loyalty)"

"Man I love singing my song!" she chuckled as she continued to sneak through the mansion.

A male voice whispered behind her,"You know, you wouldn't be seen if you weren't singing your theme song, Speedy."

"Hey it's not like anypony is around to hear-" she paused, and then her wings shot out. Turning around, she asked, "Who said that? Where are you punk?"

"I said it." the voice said,"Vax'ildan's the name, but you can shorten to Vax if you wish. As for where I am, well, you'll have to try real hard to see me."

"I don't need to try hard!" Dash said, taking off into the air, "I just need the air advantage and a little lightning," she then began to rub her hooves together, causing lighting to crackle and light the dark room. "And I'll see you!"

A few black feathers fell from behind Rainbow,"I can fly too."

"Oh, big mistake emo boy," Dash said, "Because I can turn around very quickly!" she said, using her speed to move fast to get behind herself, and-

"WHAT?!" see nothing. "How did you, are you teleporting and you are just too wimpy to hide like a real pegasus?"

"No, I just really good reflexes... also I enjoy messing with ponies." Vax let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, ain’t we just a smart ass!" Dash said, growling. Then she flew up into the air and spun around, creating a small tornado that also rearranged the furniture, "HA! Dodge that one, emo!"

"I did," Vax said.

Rainbow Dash held up her hoof and then put her foreleg in the elbow, "Speak Equus buddy? Know what this means where I live?"

"Equus? Oh, are you Equestrian? Are you going to sing me to death?"

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, "Tell me...you ain’t a giant of a stallion are ya?"

"No. Ate you going to try and hit me?" Vax asked.

"Yea, because you are about to see why I am the fastest thing on the planet!" and with a shout, she began to run and strike and attack at every spot in the mansion.

There was a clicking sound, and a black blur flew off.

Rainbow Dash stood dumbfounded, and then her wings spread out. Narrowing her eyes, she growled and got into a racing stance, "OH!" pushing her hindleg back, she crouched, "IT! IS!" and then took off in a blue blur, "ON!"

The blur then stopped, revealing himself to be a black half-deer with wings. He was staring at something.

Rainbow Dash ran in front of him and panted, "HA! Told ya not to mess with me. And" she paused" Oh, a little deer boy huh? Didn't realize you were an emo half brain idiot. But now I cornered you. Did you really think you could outpace me?" she said, walking back and forth. "No pony beats Rainbow Dash, I don't care what kind of pony they are."

Vax stared.

"And that's what Twilight needs to understand. I can be egotistical and big-headed because I have the skills! And she should know it too. I mean, yeah, she's lost her magic and is in a bad place and needs us, but that's why she should rely on me!"

Vax stared some more.

"Because I can do it. We all have our own talents and skills. And my god, we are good at them. Just you wait, we'll make a name here and then we can show off what we can do." she then sighed, "I guess I just needed to cool off. I'm not really mad at her, y’know. Just annoyed. She's getting scared and anxious, and she knows she makes mistakes when she is like that. I guess that's coming from how she was born and raised/"

Vax stared and shuddered, letting out a small gulp.

"I think I'll head back and apologize. I just want to get this done and save everypony, y'know." Dash then frowned, "WILL YOU SAY SOMETHING AND LOOK AT ME!?""

Vax nudged her with his wing and then pointed in front of them.

"Oh no, I'm not stupid enough for that," Dash said, turning to look at the stone golem, "He thinks I'm that stupid to fall for it." she said before turning to face Vax. Then her ears drooped, as well as her wings. With a paler coat than usual, she looked back behind her at the giant stone golem. With a gulp, she took a few steps away and then took off in a blur of rainbows and blue. Vaw quickly followed behind her.


Outside and in the field, Vex continued to talk, "And that was when I told that deer that his so-called tacos were deplorable. Granted that made his twin mad. So Vax and I-"

Rainbow Dash ran by her in a blur, "Hey girls! Hey New Pony! A monsterschasingmegottagetgoing!"

Vax ran by,"Hey sis, hey new ponies! A monsterschasingmegottagetgoing!"

"I take it," Rarity said, watching the black blur, not seeing Grog smirking as he got up. Slowly, he began to walk away from the group, wielding his ax with a big grin.

"That's your brother?"

"Yup. That's your friend?"

Grog let out a battle cry as he raced off, much to Applejack's confusion. Rarity nodded to Vex, and sighed, "Seems she met your brother. That's good. It makes things easier."

Applejack stepped up, "Anypony want to ask what they meant by a monster is chasing them?"

That was when Grog flew through the air, shouting "He hits hard!!!!"

Twilight watched as a large stone golem rolled towards them,"Um, I think they were yelling about that!"

Applejack stood in front of Twilight, "Twi, you and Fluttershy hang back now. We got this."

Twilight grumbled,"Sure..."

The golem raised a hand, before lowering it,"Stay out." It said, before walking back to the mansion.

The ponies all just stood there, utter shock and amazement in their eyes as they watched the giant walk away. Rainbow Dash landed next to them with Vax following. Quirking an eyebrow, she said "That's it? He just wanted us to get out? Hey, Bu-"

before she could say another word, Applejack covered Dash's mouth while Pinkie...well...did what Pinkie did best. "She's awfully sorry mister."

"Mrs." the stone giant said. "Mrs. Aronowitz. I'm taking care of the house while the hubby is away."

It was then Pinkie noticed that the stone giant had a large pink apron and stone curlers in her hair. Letting out a silent nod in total understanding, she continued, "Dashie was just letting out some steam and she didn't mean to ransack your home."

"Kids today, no one respects the home and hearth," Aronowitz said, crossing her arms.

"So, here is a cheering-up cupcake and muffin just for you. To make up for it," Pinkie said, pulling the pan of cupcakes from her mane and handing it to the stone giant.

Percy looked at the campfire, and then the ingredients, and then the stove. He paused for a moment, "How did she-"

"The answer is Pinkie," Twilight said.

The giant took a few bites and nodded in approval, "Wow, this is good. Ya have to share with me the recipe."

"Here!" Pinkie said, handing the recipe to the giant.

Smiling, the giant said, "Aw thanks. This is going to make my kids so happy." she then began to walk back to her home.

Pinkie waved goodbye, "Bye, Mrs. Aronowitz!" and then she bounced back t the party, "What a nice lady."

Vex hugged her brother,"I'm sorry brother, but next time, don't ransack some poor stone golem's house!"

"I'm sorry too, but I didn't know it was occupied!" Vax said.

Rainbow Dash sighed, "Twi, look. I'm sorry all right. It's just I really want to show what we can do. I'm getting tired of all of these westerners thinking we just solve problems with singing and dancing and warm hugs." she then looked to Pinkie and shouted, "You don't count. So I figured w can show him up."

Rarity nodded, "I think we can say you are starting to lea..." Rarity paused as she looked at Vax.

"rn...." she looked at his handsome form, the sleekness of his coat, the sad look in his eyes that showed he ha been through. The dark gloss of his wings gave an air of mystery to him as Rarity felt a shiver up her spine.

("Don't come near me, lady Rarity. I'm, broken." Imaginary Vax said, a large gourd of sand on his back and a red tattoo that readout love on it)

"Oh my Celestia," Rarity said, fixing her mane.

(Possible boyfriends: 1. Vax. 2. Percy. 3. Grog. 4 Scanlan.)

"Are you alright, miss?" Vax asked.

Vex giggled at this,"Add another one to the pile, brother..."

Keyleth began tripping over herself,"Oh, uh, hi?"

"Maybe 2..."

"Oh, perfectly fine dear," Rarity said, smiling. Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Keyleth tripping and then said, "Oh, have you met our druid?"

Vax stared at Keyleth for a minute,"Not yet..."

"This lovely little doe is our druid, and I think we will talk more later," Rarity said, while also introducing the others, "And this is the rest of our little merry band, who I am sure Keyleth would be glad to show you."

As Rarity left the two, Applejacksmirked at this and made a whistling sound, before making an explosion. Rarity narrowed her eyes at this before giving off a whiff and whispering "Still have one more." this caused Applejack to chuckle at this.

Pinkie Pie walked over to Twilight and patted her shoulder, "What's wrong Twily? You got the 'I need to say something but I don't wanna’ look."

Twilight let out a shuddering sigh.

Percy placed a hoof on her shoulder,"You can't delay it forever."

"Vex, Vax?" Twilight said, causing the twins to look her way,"Your mom..."

Vax immediately glared,"What do you know of her?"

"... She was in Equestria... a stallion named Volkermord tortured her to death..."

Vex stomped up towards her,"Our mother died in a dragon attack, how could-"

"Elaina, right? Her name was Elaina." Percy said.

Vex's eyes widened in horror as she stepped back,"No..."

Vax looked away in silence, staring at the ground.

Vex snarled,"Where... is he!?"

"Here, in the country, but all we know." Twilight turned away.

"... We'll find him. And then we'll fucking kill him!" tears fell from her eyes as she turned away.

Rarity walked up to Vex and patted her back comfortingly, "We'll all help if you let us. I do believe that we may end up crossing paths with this stallion if things continue as they are."

"Not one for vengeance, but this stallion needs to answer for something like that," Applejack said, tipping her hat.

Rainbow Dash looked at Vax and smiled, "Yeah, we'll all help. Providing that emo can fight as well as he can smack talk."

Vax let out a hmph in response,"Well, if you can keep up with me, Speedy."

"Oh, I can do more than that, Emo," Dasi snarked, "Just wait for the next rumble and I'll show ya."

"Oh, wow, are you going to sing the problem away?"

Dash growled, "No, I'll tornado the problem away and then I'll-

"Ok you two, stop comparing wing sizes!" Applejack said, stepping up in between them.

Rarity looked at Vex, "Is your twin always like this?"

Vex let out a sigh,"Only when someone as overconfident as him shows up."

"Oh dear," Rarity gasped.

"Yeah, we're going to have to deal with those two for a while."

Rarity sighed and looked down, "Don't suppose you know of a silence spell?"

"I have not prepared that, unfortunately." Vex said.

Scanlan raised a hoof,"I know Silence!"

"Right, considering my options," Rarity said, "Keyleth you are on Vax duty, Fluttershy you get Dash."

"Yes mam," Fluttershy said walking with Dash as the group began to get ready to set off.

Keyleth blinked,"Oh, uh, okay!" She shimmied up to Vax,"Hi! Rarity told me to keep an eye on you!"

Vax smirked a bit,"Well, thank you."

The group set off. The lights of a town not too far off.

"Hey Scanlan," asked Applejack, "Is that the place?"

There was a large city with a wall around it,"Looks like it!" Scanlan said.

Twilight walked ahead, noticing that the front gates were blown open,"What in the?"

"What, did a pegasus overdo it on tornado duty?" asked Rainbow Dash as she flew around the gates

There was nopony in the streets, however, Rainbow would notice some hiding in the houses.

Rainbow Dash looked down, "Hey, there is somepony in here."

Pinkie pie nodded and walked up, wrapping her hoof against the door, "Hello?"

"Help us!" a voice came from beyond the door,"There's a beast in town! He's frightened us!"

"A beast?" squeaked Fluttershy.

"What kind of beast," asked Grog.

"... He sounded way too happy about that." The villager coughed,"He claims to be a god, waiting for those who ate from the Fruit s of Harmony to come to him at the old Temple.

Applejak smiled, "Well that's us. How is he keeping you all inside and why are you coughing?”

"Oh, that was a sarcastic cough. Your friend is very scary." The stallion said,"He slaughtered a lot of the town guard. He's so strong, we're too scared to come out."

Oh, is he really that strong," Grog asked smiling. "Good. Tell me where he is and he'll meet Martha."

"Don't worry, we'll help."

Scanlan looked at him,"Martha?"

Grog nodded, "Yes, Martha. Named after my dear auntie."

"He's waiting at the temple down south =h from here."

"Right, time to kick ass-" Rainbow Dash let out a yelp as her tail was pulled, "Yeow! Why the tail!"

"We need a plan on how to get in and handle this. We are facing a god and we need to figure out who and what we need to do in order to win."

Vax looked at Applejack,"You need someone to scout ahead?"

Scanlan looked at her,"How about someone with a mouth?"

"Right, how about Scanlan and Vax scout ahead. The god will be expecting us, but not two ponies. Then if he gets suspicious, you can lead him a little away out." Applejack said. "This can leave us to head into that temple and see what is there."

"Just try and not to get yourself killed," Dash snaked.

Pike looked back at Twilight as the plan was being discussed and walked to her, "Are you all right?"

"No...not really," Twilight said with a sigh, "Just watching Applejack talk like that, planning. It's just right now reminding me of how useless I really am without magic!"

"Oh," Pike said, nodding.

"You take away Applejack's strength, she's still got a clear head. Each of them still has something that makes them better without their unique strengths. All I am right now is the book nerd that needs protection. And I hate it more and more," Twilight said, running her foot along the ground.

Pike ran a hoof along Twilights, "Sarenae has a saying, one I kind of find solace in. Even when we think we have nothing, if we look deep inside, we find something bright inside that will show how special we are."

"That sounds like something Celestia once said," Twilight said, raising her head. "Pike I think-"

"Yo, Twilight! Scanlan, and Vax are already gone, lets move it!" Dashs aid.

"Right, let's go..."

Scanlan whistled as he walked down the street,"Right, no pressure. I'm going to die if I'm not careful, but no pressure."

Ahead was the purple manned grey coated form of Antares.

Vax clung to the shadows, and then he overheard Scanlan muttering, "Oh, don't be like that. Dying is not too bad, at least you lived a good life."

"Dude, I'm only 69 years old! That's young for a Fjord!" Scanlan hissed.

Vax gave a chuckle as he found a ledge to run up and leap to the rooftop, "I said good, not long. Now, just keep doing what you are the best at and give me an opening." he said, hiding behind a small chimney.

Antares looked around and then saw Scanlan. A smile came to his lips as he looked at the fjord, "Ah, a race I had never seen before until now. And what is your name good sir?

Scanlan pointed to himself. He came in wearing a mustache,"I am Burt Reynolds, Esquire. I came to inquire about your presence in this humble little town!"

Antares bowed and said, "A pleasure to meet you Burt. I am Antares, a god of emotion and control, and the reason why I am here is-" his face then narrowed in rage as he took on a very angry PErsona. "TO lure those annoying bitches here and kill them before hanging their bodies as a warning! Got a problem with that ya piece of shit small fry?"

Vax rolled his eyes as he leaped to another rooftop, almost slipping on the shingle, "Boy does he have issues." across his vision, he could see Vex slinking into a small empty building. "Stubby, be careful."

"Whoa!" Scanlan smirked,"No, I don't have a problem at all. But how do you know those mares are coming anyway? For all you know, they could be taking a detour somewhere else, and you'd be sitting here for no reason whatsoever!"

"Because, you fucking moron," Antares coughed a little, "Sorry, sometimes I get rage moments. But, the reason why I can figure is that this temple has what they need. I can feel old magic here. Ancient. Either a dragon is lying in wait here and protecting it, or there is an item here that can give them an edge."

His eyes narrowed and looked down at Scanlan, growling, "And while they need the help to save their asses, a god-like me doesn't! And I know they are coming! I sent a gibbering mouther out not too long ago and he hasn't been back. Unless that organization killed him, those FUCKTARDS killed it."

"Not exactly the nicest god," Vax whispered.

Grog began to tap his ax against a wall, counting, "1,3,5. 1,3,5. 1,3,5. Pike can I go smash yet?"

“No, Grog, wait for the signal, remember?" Pike said.

"Organization?" Scanlan cocked his head,"What organization are you speaking of?”

"Since we got here, we heard of these fucking hunters called the Slayer’s Take. They hunt monsters and I met one of their own. I told them to fuck off if they knew what was good for them!" Antares said, before softening, "Oh, I do hope you don't mind my cussing and swearing, I cant help it."

"Oh, I understand perfectly." Scanlan shook his head,"I have many mannerisms that I cannot help with!"

"Like fucking talking to much!" Antares said, stomping his hoof to Scanlan, "Now, are you going to leave my presence or will I rip your fucking Dick off and ram it down your through to give yourself a fucking blow job!" then he pulled back and blushed, "Um, if you please."

Vax shook his head and made a motion to tell Scanlan to move to the left and then to the right for his right angle.

"Now, that is one of my fantasies..." Scanlan coughed,"Excuse me," he moved to the left, and then to the right.

"What are you doing? Are you delaying your death you FOAL?!" asked Antares angrily. Then he frowned, "Or do you have another question?"

"Yes, um, have you spent enough time here?" Scanlan asked.

"Why no, I hav-"

Silently, Vax leaped from the top of a roof and jumped down onto Antares. Pulling out a dagger from his belt, he used a hoof to jab it deep into his neck and slash at the gods back. Then he leaped off, taking flight to another roof while throwing a third dagger. The god grabbed this and broke it in his magic. "Damn, that was my favorite dagger," Vax said.

"YOU TRICKED ME YOU FUCKING SHORT STACK!" Antares growled, magic flowing from his horn.

"Yeah, well, I kinda did, and,

It's too late to cast that spell,
It's too late!" HE shouted, horn glowing to disrupt Antares'.

"What?" Antares asked, feeling his magic short circuit for a brief second as two arrows shot into his flesh.

"Now?" asked Grog with a big freaking smile

Pike brandished her mace,"Now!"

Percy looked at the Mane 6,"Go."

"Wait, what about you guys?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Percy got ready to hold his gun,"Your destiny is back there. Ours is here."

Keyleth looked at him,"But aren't you from the same country?"

Percy turned her,"Yes, but I am better suited here."

Rainbow Dash frowned and looked down. Then she narrowed her eyes as she said, "Just don't die!"

"Not planning on it!" Vex said from afar.

The mane six watched for a few moments as the group of new friends made their way to the battlefield. For a brief moment, Rainbow Dash made a move to join, but Applejack stopped her with a foreleg and shook her head. Growling, Rainbow Dash ran with Applejack by her side towards the temple.

Antares frowned as he glared at Scanlan, his magic beginning to glow once more, "You bards are clever. in my time, you LITTLE ASSHOLES WERE NOTHING BUT OVERSEXED, Buttmonkey, wastes of space who think poop humor is hilarious.

"Hey, I'm not a butt monkey or a waste of space," Scanlan said.

"But I am sorry to say," Antares said, taking flight, "Your dreams of glory and that of your ally will be squa-URRRK!" he gasped as yellow streams of light erupted from the ground and grabbed his wings to pull him to the ground with a crash.

"Did you see that? It worked! I never used that spell before!" cheered Keyleth as Antares began to break free. As he did, he found himself face to face with a goliath-sized uppercut and then a slash from Grog.

Angrily, Antares punched Grog in the face, pushing him back a little. His lip cut, Grog wiped the blood away and looked at the alicorn with an almost animal-like sneer.

Percy ran to a set of boxes to the side and shot at Antares.

Antares felt one bullet hit him, before pulling up a shield in defense.

"Figured, an unknown weapon would only catch him off guard once!"Percy said, before running out and looking for another spot of cover.

Vex flew to the god's side, her antlers glowing for a bit,"There." She said. In her eyes, Antares was surrounded by a glowing aura. She took out her bow, a flame erupting around the arrow, and fired.

Antares let out a groan in pain as the arrow struck him in the side. Looking to his left, he slammed hoof into the ground to cause a large stone to lift up and be thrown a Vex. As he did a dagger was thrown from one of the buildings and cut deep into his cheek. Looking around for his attacker, he saw a glimpse of a feather and fired a firebolt at it. Eyes then oped in shock as another dagger was thrown at the side, the metal glowing red hot and into his foreleg.

As Vax landed next to Vex to check up on her, Antares lifted his hoof to try and slam into his back, only to be slashed in the side by Grog. HE growled, "Getting close is not a very smart thing to do, foal!"

"Neither is pissing me off, but you are doing it anyway," Grog said, pulling away his ax. Then he spun around to slash across the chest twice before hitting his chin with the hilt of the ax, breaking some of Antares teeth.

Keyleth looked at the various plants around the area and began to concentrate, her horns and eyes glowing a bright green. While Scanlan shouted, "Hey, you know how you got your name? Because Ants are really tiny and so are your balls!"


Pike chuckled a little at that before leaping onto one of the boxes, and causing her horn to glow, before firing a radiant bolt of energy from her mace,"Guiding Bolt!" She smiled,(This'll make things easier for everyone else to hit!)

Vex got up and nodded, before spinning around and shot another flaming arrow before flying off. Quickly finding purchase on the ground, she fired three more shots, each hit finding their mark into the wings of the alicorn

The growl of an angry bear came barreling towards Antares."Oh, how cute a bear," Antares said, before getting cut, "OH GODDESSES DAMNIT!"

"Good boy, Trinket!" Vex said with a smile. Seeing Vax throwing one of his daggers, she fired an arrow into the air, hitting the dagger and ricochetting, flying back to Antares. Before he could make a shield, the arrow split into hundreds of tiny thorns that slashed and cut into his body.

Percy rolled towards a saloon, doing a few more shots with his gun before going behind a pillar.

The shots flew, but only a few of them managed to make their mark before Antares put up a shield to block the shots. Looking to his left, he saw Vex preparing her arrow and began to raise his shield once more. He then let loose a series of screams and yelps as the branches of the trees began to cut and slash into his flesh while rocks pelted his skin.

Looking around he saw Keyleth using her earth magic. Smirking, he said, "You think you are a master of nature? well my dear," he then summoned a few tree branches and turned them into metal, "Eat this Bitch!!"

As the shards of metal flew at Keyleth, Scanlan pulled out his lyre and shouted, "And I strike, like THUNDERWAVE!" and rocked a wicked thread, allowing the wave of energy to knock the shards of metal out of the air. Keyleth smiled as she continued her spell, allowing rocks to slam into his face and roots to pull Antares into the ground.

Letting loose a growl, he looked to the left at Scanlan and snarled, "I can see that you will be the annoying one."

"No, I'm the handsome one," Scanlan bragged. "The annoying one is above you."

"What?" he asked and looked up, not seeing Grog slash twice with his ax.

"Whoops! I lied!" Scanlan said, "I mean in front of you. Ya skinny palooka!"

"Hey," Antares frowned, feeling pain, both from the attack and Grog's punch to the face, "That really hurt."

"So does this!" Vex said, firing three arrows, each one turning into flames as they struck into his chest.

"Vile BITCH!" he said, unleashing a lightning bolt, only to watch it fade away, bearly singing her fur. Turning his head, he saw Pike holding onto her symbol and whispering, allowing a faint blue glow to appear, "A cleric? Oh, ain’t that just a BITCH!

Pike looked up at him,"Flame Strike." She pointed at him, causing a pillar of flame to appear beneath him.

Percy watched this, and then ran into the saloon,"I need a barrel of wine!"

The bartender blinked,"Sir, is this really the-" Then Percy slammed a bag of bits down,"Okay!"

Percy lifted the barrel and then pointed it at the alicorn,"Magic, meet Science!" He bucked it towards him while the flames still kept going.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Grog shouted as he watched the barrel fly through the air and into the pillar of flames.

As the giant pillar circled him, burning and scarring his flesh, Antares looked up at the incoming barrel and growled, "You think I fear the corruption of wheat? I fear no bo-"

there was a roar of an explosion as the barrel ignited, causing a huge explosion that shook the village. Antares let loose a giant scream of pain and agony as the explosion rocked and incinerated around him.

As it exploded, he got to his knees and whimpered, "Piiiike!"

"Yes Grog?" asked Pike.

"I...would like to..." Grog lowered his head to Pike and began to cry loudly, "Cry!"

"Oh Grog," Pike said with a roll of her eyes and patted him on the neck. "We'll get you a barrel of ale when this is done."

Vax stood on top of the roof, "If this is done. Did it work?" asked Vax.

To answer Vax, there was a mournful scream of pain coming from the crater of the flame strike. Antares stood there, most of his fur was gone, blackened while his skin was blistering. Moaning, he walked towards the group as they began to gather. His horn, broken, sparked, and seemed to be a brother to his now destroyed wings, "You foals...y ou have done the impossible. You... have bested and killed a god without the powers of love or the increase of your mana. Impressive."

Scanlan smirked at this and thumbed his hoof, "What do you expect from our little group."

"Yes, and soon, the world will begin to know of your names. Soon, the other gods will be hunting for your hides like they hunt those who dine on the Tree of Harmony."

"Vex’ahila, Vax’ildan, Grog, Scanlan, Percy, Pike, Keyleth. If you are to be besting gods, you will need a name. One that will be sung in stories..." Antares moaned as his body began to fade.

"Well I got one," Scanlan said, "How about the S.H.I.-"

"There was a name of friends who won glory in their time, a group of people who desired to do the impossible and bring forth revolution. They have since faded with the generations," Antares moaned, "But today, I will bring forth the name once more. From this day forward, you will be known as...

Vox Machina!"

Scanlan shrugged,"I guess that works too."

Author's Note:

I know that we sped up the reunion of the girls, but let's face it...you knew it was coming and we didn't want to wait.

Let's play cameos!

That deer that was a chef? That was Taako from The Adventure Zone

That little deer Voltaire? He's my DND character for my campaign. The other one, Gwen? That's my brother's.

I couldn't help but be silly with Samus.

And yes, this is a Vox Machina crossover, and yes everyone is together in this chapter.