• Member Since 11th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen May 14th


When I look into the future, I see failure.


Raven Song doesn't hate her job. Honest! It's just... it could be better, right? Most ponies she knows don't go in with this overwhelming feeling of gloom and misery; no storm cloud of self loathing following them onto the train in the morning. Then again, most ponies don't have to fetch tea for the Princess of Equestria.

Written for a speedwrite for Quills and Sofas where it... placed? I think? and edited with the help of Red and Kim. Art by mewnikitty on Tumblr and used with her permission.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

oh god apparently removing a chapter removes all the comments associated with that chapter... what a horrible mistake ive made D: well! for what its worth, this version contains a slightly updated ending thats hopefully less rushed and not quite as saccharine as the original. whoops

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Feb 3rd, 2021

Even if this was rewritten, it still has the same impact.

This is all sorts of odd. The least capable pony, the least suitable for the job, was hired for it and is now struggling.

...And? You're stuck waiting for a bit to drop and it never does.

When you think about it Twilight will always be the element of magic because she will never die so doesn’t that render the elements useless? And we can’t forget about the evil in a can which will eventually pop open that is Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis

She can still make new friends. However more likely is that she’ll pass the elements onto the next worthy candidates. Either that or she’ll just wield them all herself. C and L did all six among the two of them. I could see Twilight using them all by herself. Maybe not to their full effect, like when Celestia banished Luna instead of purifying her. My guess is that it’ll be a plot point in the next generation.

This is a pretty interesting look at an "everyone else dies" future, with Twilight having a... student, I guess, that has to deal with her unease. Though as that last sentence implies, I'm unsure what their relationship is. It was nice to see them help each other out and get a better understanding of their problems.

... I’m pretty sure I read this before.

Short, simple and with emotion. I liked this, and I liked both Raven and your portrayal of Post Season-finale Twilight

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