• Member Since 17th Jul, 2016
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I'm just someone who isn't much of a talker, but does like to share several ideas I've thought of.


Gilda has come a long way since she made up with Rainbow Dash. She’s now the ambassador of Griffonstone, her bakery is doing great, and she’s starting to make more friends. However, that might be an issue with two of them; Greta and Garble. Greta has been with Gilda since she and Dash made up and have been with each other pushing through life in Griffonstone. Garble hasn’t been with Gilda for long, but they both had a lot in common with each one trying to make up for their past actions.

There are special feelings that are being shown by both of them and Gilda is worried about which one she wants to get closer with.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 31 )

“Hey, you’ve done some stupid things in the past, but you’re making up for it. You’re not the worst creature I’ve seen.”

Oh Trust Me garble you really are not no more that Title to sludge if we ever see him again I really hope he gets it punishment soon 😡

“A what?!” Garble was a little confused by the Dragon Lord’s comment. “It’s nothing.” Ember decided to leave before she spilled any more information. She knew about the last time when she turned into a hippogriff by the same stone.

Lol well somebody has a little PTSD the last time that happened to her 😅

“I’ll try and make it work. See you soon, Garble.” Gilda flew off back to Griffonstone as Garble gave a bashful wave. The griffon was a little puzzled by it but she kept flying back home.

Ohhhh something's going on between these two 😁

Ohhh this is a pretty interesting situation so glida is doing a lot of selling bake stuff and not only that still trying to bring griffonstone to the Glorious then she's been thinking about garble and how much she had fun with him during the grand Galloping Gala which that was really cute so she made a decision to visit him when she got there they look they were pretty excited to see each other so garble showed her around the dragonlands which. Was pretty nice of him to do that and they look like they were surfing without the lava because you know lol but she has to get home because she has to check out the bakery but when she got back it looks like Greta had some problems with the customer but thankfully things have calmed down this time so she visit to the dragonlands again and once again it is pretty sweet to see them hanging out but it looks like Gabby told Gilda about how Greta has been acting lately and somehow Gilda kind of put things together that she found out that both of them has a crush on her and oh boy she got caught in a love triangle I wonder how this will work out I guess we'll find out next time

Ooh, interesting! Looking forward to seeing how this plays out!

“And the stream of silence was torture for me,” spoke a voice. Looking towards the entrance to see a kirin, Autumn Blaze, walking in with Queen Novo. “Oh, hey, there are other creatures here,” the kirin commented.

Oh so Autumn Blaze is going to be the ambassador for the Kirin instead of rain shine ok cool

“I swear if it’s another attack like with those three dummies,” Ember commented.

Oh she probably talking about those the legions of Doom although it would be very interesting if you put Grogar into your stories just to spice up the series

Ember quickly brought her boyfriend to a stop. “Even if we do something it’s going to be a lose-lose situation. If she chooses Garble over her, Greta’s going to resent her which will be bad since they live in the same place. If she chooses Greta over him, well he’s going to slip back the slippery slope and probably become a bully again.”

Oh boy that is a pretty tough situation about this love triangle dang and there's no winning in the situation somebody's going to get hurt poor glida 😥

Oh boy...well, it was at least nice for Ember and Thorax to try to help...but now they've got two feuding couples to deal with. I pray for their sanity. And offer consolation cookies *holds up plate of cookies* there are gems in some of them for Ember

“So, Gilda,” she called, “Is this Garble?” Gilda froze as her roommate flew over to join in the conversation.

Oh shoot here comes the more awkwardness and probably more drama and fighting yay :facehoof: oh boy here go

Oh yes, that was my idea. Since I'm the one who edits his stories, I decided which lines I'm gonna add. Some of them were missing.
And you're right, I should've added that to make this more interesting.

After this Trainwreck of disaster they probably need more than a cookies and Gems because things are going to get it really complicated

Well, I'd offer advice but I don't really have any

Yeah you could have him waited until the time is right just like what Tirek did back in season 2 through 4 saving his straight to for the attack

Ok things to not go very well as they expected to and it feels like they kind of escalated even worse but anyway so Twilight and the other creatures are discussing about the condition of griffonstone and how to help out which I think that's actually a pretty good idea to help them you know just to lend them a helping hand but unfortunately Gilda was thinking about something else about this love triangle she's in which is not a good place to be in so thorax and Ember try to see if they can talk to both Greta and garble so thorax was talking to Greta how she felt about Gilda which that confirm it so thorax try to help Gilda to practice how to approach Greta with no progress because she still doesn't want to hurt any of them and apparently ember was trying to see if she can try to help with this whole love problem going on and the dragonlands but apparently it did not go very well as she hoped for and she didn't even get the chance to talk to garble so she left and see if she can talk to Gilda and thorax about how to approach this but unfortunately garble showed up here and what do you know it so did Greta and things got really heating up between these two not even the leaders couldn't stop them as I said things really escalated really quickly and I wonder what Gilda is going to do about this well I guess we'll find out next time

Me either this is a very tough situation 😥

Aww, that was a sweet ending, great job with this story!

Also, I can just imagine Pharynx when Thor gets back: "And just where have you been? You're the king, you can't just waltz out of here whenever you feel like it."

I could totally hear Pharynx saying that.

Heh, yep. The Bugbros are a favorite of mine to write. I've gotten used to doing the Tsunderebug's sarcastic and witty banter with his brother.

“Yep. It’s probably for the best. I mean... We’re quite a distance apart and I don’t think we’d do well if we stayed at each other's home.”

“Right. I don’t like the idea of getting burned.” Both of them turned their attention to Greta, who remained a bit silent throughout this. She just smiled as she continued with the cleanup. “Don’t you have anything to say?”

Well not necessarily because look at thorax and Ember they somehow got the relationship and thorax got himself hurt from the lava but somehow they're still together but whatever I'm just pointing out there and that's their choice

Ok so that was a pretty interesting story so anyway thorax and ember try to figure out what to do next sense they kind of cause the trouble so thorax was going to founding glida and ember founding Greta and garble before they cause any trouble which Unfortunately they did in the city of Appaloosa and thorax finally found glida she basically couldn't do it not hurting both of there feelings but thorax told her that sometimes making the choice can be difficult but whatever you decide you just have to follow it what your heart say so with that they decide to find ember and the others meanwhile both of them were fighting while the Appaloosa citizens are also defending their home by throwing pies at them even though they didn't even care they still want to fight for glida heart but then ember and little heartstrong stop the fight and a good thing because things are going to get very ugly but shortly both thorax and Gilda showed up and she decided to talk to both Greta and garble about her decision but it looks like garble made he's Decision for her to go for Greta which that's pretty sweet of him to do that kind of sucks but hey he did the right thing ( even though I ship glida and garble together 😉 lol ) and it looks like they need to clean out one more mess meanwhile at the Dragon Land Prominence was having her little fit but then garble and the rest of them showed up so he decided to talk to her that sometimes things don't go too well sometimes but sometimes you just had to get up and try again and it could be very hard and he knows how it feels to be in her situation but sometimes it just happens and getting angry doesn't really help that was pretty nice of him to do that so with that said they all went home well that was a pretty interesting story as I said it's always good to see the other creatures how they been doing lately nice job on the store you guys keep up the good work

I think some people handle long-distance relationships better than others.

Yeah I guess that's true i still ship them though but hey it happens

I was honestly going back and forth if I would have Gilda dating Garble and Greta. It was a tough choice.

Yeah it was a pretty tough choice at least that's one thing that both Greta and garble have in common they both care for glida

Well, I’m interested that there are other people who were up for the GildaxGarble ship. I honestly would’ve gone all in if Greta wasn’t shipped with Gilda.

Yeah after reading your last story when they went to the Grand Galloping Gala I thought there was some chemistry between those two now don't get me wrong Greta and glida are cute together but I was just hoping for something like that

Yeah, sorry if you’re upset about Gilda and Garble getting together, and so was I, but Greta and Gilda just seemed to go together much better since they spent more time together in Griffonstone. And given how that place is right now, I say that’s a strong relationship.

Nah That's okay I still enjoyed the story and you're right they do have history together and it makes sense for them to get together 😊 even though I still ship garble and glida but hey that's just me

Drat! I was on Team Garble. Oh, well, good story!:twilightsmile:

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