• Published 22nd Jan 2021
  • 221 Views, 4 Comments

Blood - Chemtest

Long ago, in the magical realm of Equestria, the alicorns came falling from above

  • ...


The morning sun shines down upon Cloudy Sky’s house, the warm spring rays casting light in through her windows. Laid within her bed, Cloudy slowly wakes up, yawning and rubbing at her eyes before rolling out of bed. She stretches her legs, taking a glance at her fields outside, before exiting the room and heading towards her kitchen.

Arriving in said kitchen, she floats over a bowl and a spoon from a pantry, filling her bowl with the stew from last night. She yawns lightly again as she trots into the dining room. She places her bowl and spoon down, taking a seat at her table, and taking a bite of the stew. As she does, though, she sees the bright green alicorn colt sat across from her at the table.

She coughs a bit, choking on her stew, clearing her throat after a second. She takes a breath, and looks back at the colt, “So... you are actually real, huh? Not just a dream?”

The colt nods, looking at her with a neutral expression.

She nods back, “Alright, guess I’m stuck with this then. I take it you can understand me, but can you speak? Like, normal pony speak, not some freaky winged unicorn speak?”

The colt nods again.

She looks pointedly at him, “And you aren’t speaking... why?”

The colt pauses, clearing his throat, and then speaking in a soft, gentle, and sophisticated voice, “You seemed afraid of me last night. I am trying to not cause more fear from you, so it would be better for me to stay silent then for me to talk.”

She slightly nods, “Well that’s dumb. You’re dumb. Stop being dumb. Where are your parents?”

He shakes his head, “I have no parents.”

She sighs, “Okay, allow me to phrase this in winged unicorn terms then. Where are the other winged unicorns?”

He shrugs, “I am unaware.”

She raises an eyebrow, “You don’t know?”

He nods, “I do not know if there even are others like me.”

Cloudy nods, “Well, there are. And they bring ruin, and destruction, and death with them. I heard from a traveler from Order Mountain, said one of your kind landed in the middle of their town. Next week, Minotaur come and slaughter the whole place, including that winged unicorn. One of them landed up near Mareland too, Griffons came and destroyed the town and hung the winged unicorn.”

He tilts his head, “Why would they kill them?”

She pauses, “That... I don’t know, but I don’t need to know. All I know is that your kind always have destruction come in their trail by way of those damned Minotaurs or Griffons.”

He nods, “Well that’s dumb. You’re dumb. Stop being dumb.”

She holds up a hoof, “Hold on now, you don’t get to say that back to me, that’s my phrase. And I ain’t about to let some winged unicorn smart mouth me in my own home.”

“Well that’s dumb.”

She frowns and points at him, “No.”

“You’re dumb.”

She shakes her head, “Stop it.”

“Stop being dumb.”

She sighs, “By all that’s good, you’re acting like a foal!”

The colt looks at himself, and looks back at her, raising an eyebrow.

She pauses, and settles down, “And... you are a foal. A helpless, probably scared foal.”

He nods.

She sighs, “I know you all bring destruction, I know I should be chasing you out of this house and cursing your name. I know... I know that’s the smart thing to do. But smart ain’t always right. And I’m not about to chase a colt out of my house for no real reason. No matter what race he is, a lost colt is a lost colt, and I’m a good pony.” She slides her stew over to him, “Go on and eat, guess I gotta get used to you.”

He smiles, using his own magic to begin to eat from the bowl.

She points a hoof at him, “But I’m making some rules, alright? Firstly, you are always to wear a cloak or a robe or something that covers your wings. If anypony else out there saw you were a winged unicorn, they’d probably kill you outta suspicion. Secondly, you’re gonna help me while you are here. Thirdly, the story is that I found you wandering the fields and decided to help you. Your parents are dead, you have no living family, you have no place to go, got it?”

He nods, “Yes, I do get it.”

She smiles, “Good. Now, I can’t promise this is going to be a permanent staying place, but I’m at least open to you staying here until other winged unicorns come to claim you. Now, we’re going into town today, and you are going to be well behaved. You will help me stock and put up my stand, and then you shall not scare off my customers, got it?”

He nods again, “Yes, I do get it.”

“Good. Now, I’m going to go get myself a bowl, and then we’re headed out.”

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