• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

Comments ( 19 )

I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to use that title without including bondage or some other variation of the "chain I beat you with until you understand who's in command here" joke. Commander Firefly's orders from back in the day. (For those playing at home, Firefly was a G1 pegasus and such an amazing flier that the Rainbow Dash's canon hospitalization happened as a result of trying to replicate her signature move, while the chain of command joke I'm talking about comes from the show called Firefly.)

Man, I'd love if this got a sequel or prequel involving Dash somehow.

Great story! It's a bit disappointing that there is no full version of the cover in the pack.

Well this was a fun read, keep it up


This isn't the gym I was looking for.

I've looked everywhere but I can't find that cover image anywhere on Twitter. I fucking hate Twitter but I can't find it on Derpi either. Any help?

That is the full image. It's not a crop.

Huh, who knew? Was hoping for some visual aid to go with this story before I read it but oh well.

Poor Soarin... He didn't get to get fucked in the ass by Thunderlane :raritydespair:

yo dude, Spoiler Alert?


Hm why do you read the comment before the story?

Only thing is that two inch is not really plausible for a pony. I mean the physiological structure wouldn't work

Don't know? some kind of a habit? :D

Well then you can't really complain about spoilers ^^;;; It's quite normal that the comment to a story will talk ABOUT the details in the story.
And just to say I have the habit of posting the correction for errors in the comment. So you are at risk of getting ACTUAL part of the story in there ^^;;;

ah! so you don't get the joke? :D
THat was Sarcasm, I don't really think its a real spoiler, I just wanted to give out some lols :D
But okay ^^

This was really well written and hot as hell. I love the relationship Soarin has with his fellow Wonderbolts and hope there will be more like this. It felt loving more than demeaning, which is a pleasant exception in this kind of story. Like and Favorite.

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