• Published 20th Jan 2021
  • 2,441 Views, 45 Comments

Mors Inversa - Podrick Equus

Rosa Maledicta, Queen of Bones, has just ended her crusade against the living. Now she stands alone in an empty world. She reflects upon her life and unlife, and the choices she took to get here.

  • ...

Vide te mox

Author's Note:

In this author's personal opinion, its best if you go into this chapter thinking of it as an alternate ending instead of a continuation to Vita Aeterna.

The icy wind rushed at Rosa as she fell. Though before she hadn't minded the freezing cold of the Dread Peninsula, now all her senses were turned up to eleven. The snowy particles striking her skin were almost scalding, and the quickly approaching ground wasn't doing her frail heart any favors at all.

Some part of her psyche screamed in panic, knowing that its end was fast approaching. She tried to suppress it, but it's hard to focus when one is in free fall.

For the first time in years, Rosa's eyes began to water. She cursed herself for being so weak-willed, but a mortal body's fear of death was hard to overcome. She knew it wouldn't matter soon, but she resorted to an old tactic she had utilized when she was scared.

She closed her eyes.

Rosa tried to steady her breath, waiting for the end to come. Soon, she wouldn't have to think about it anymore.




Nothing was happening...

Rosa started to become annoyed.

How long does it take to hit the ground? she grumbled internally, The tower wasn't that high.

The cold had numbed her senses so much that she couldn't even tell that she was falling anymore. Still, she didn't want to open her eyes and risk subjecting her fraying mind to more torment.


"Miss... Roooosaaa..." called out an otherworldy voice, emphasizing each syllable.

Rosa's eyes shot open. She was no longer falling. In fact, she was no longer anywhere. There was nothing but blackness in every direction. She seemed suspended in mid-air... if she could call it air. Have I died?

"Over here, Miss Rosa..."

Rosa jerked her head around, looking for the source of the mysterious voice. It seemed to come from every direction, yet she couldn't locate anything the black void around her. But as she turned her head for the fourth time, her eyes met with a strange figure. It was slightly larger than her, and was covered entirely from top to bottom with a ragged, black cloak. A misty darkness seemed to obscure its exposed features.

It wasn't that far away, yet Rosa couldn't make out any details about it. She started to get irritated, as she didn't appreciate being toyed with. "Who are you? And where am I?!"

The entity chuckled, its unnatural voice reverberating throughout the void. "Why, Miss Rosa... you really don't know?"

Rosa tried to ignite her horn, intending to cast light on the figure in front of her. However, nothing happened. She grunted, focusing intensely on casting her spell, yet with all her might she couldn't even make her horn glow.

She pointed her hoof at the the cloaked being with frustration, "What did you do to me?!"

Though Rosa couldn't see its face, she could have sworn that it was smiling. "Oh, nothing permanent... yet." said the entity with a hint of sympathy.

Rosa paused. She assumed that based upon her surroundings, or in this case lack thereof, that she had died. So was this creature supposed to be... "Are you Death?"

It circled around her, gliding across the blackness of the void. "Names have power, Miss Rosa. And I assure you, mine is certainly not Death."

So if its not Death, then... "Why am I here?" said Rosa, "I was busy jumping off my balcony, you know."

It stopped. "To say that you've been... busy... would be a gross understatement, Miss Rosa..."

Rosa was fed up. She was the Dread Queen of Bones, for crying out loud! She had dealt with the Windigos for playing games with her mind and body, and she wouldn't take that sort of treatment from this thing either! "Answer me! What are you, and what do you want?!" spoke Rosa with hostility.

"Why Miss Rosa, the questions of what I am and what I want aren't nearly as important as what I can... offer you..."

Rosa narrowed her eyes, "What could you possibly offer me? I've already accomplished everything I set out to do."

The being chuckled again, "I can think of one thing." It rose one of its limbs into the air. Suddenly, a bright flash accompanied with the sound of thunder originated from the tip of its enshrouded limb, blinding and deafening Rosa for a moment.

When Rosa opened her eyes again, she was no longer surrounded by blackness. Instead, she found herself in a stone cottage. She was very unsettled, and her nerves were very much on end. "What magic is this..." she wondered aloud, looking around the cottage in hopes that she could find out why she was brought here. It seemed to be quaint, simple, yet the furnishing was clean. It looked like whoever lived here took pride in having a clean home.

"A very special kind of magic, Miss Rosa."

With a loud snap crackling through the air, the mysterious being manifested itself into existence in front of Rosa. Its defining features were still obscured by shadows, much to her annoyance.

She immediately tried to yank off its cloak with her telekinesis, but she still couldn't seem to cast spells. Evidently, whatever prevented her from using magic extended to this place, too.

Rosa grumbled, still upset, "What is this place? Why have you brought me here?"

The entity raised a limb in the direction of the front door. "Watch."

"I'm not here to play games, whatever you are! Tell me, now!" demanded Rosa, stomping a hoof.

No sooner did she finish speaking than the doorknob began to turn. Rosa turned to look at the door. It opened without much fanfare, and in stepped a mare, humming a tune. Rosa's eyes widened, her mouth agape. Impossible...

Rosa was looking at herself. She looked slightly younger, her mane was longer, and although she had the scars of undeath on her, she seemed very much alive. It was her. It was Rosa.

The other Rosa cheerfully trotted forward, passing through the enshrouded entity like it wasn't even there. She went over to the kitchen counter, where she began to gather ingredients.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." said the cloaked being with a hint of humor.

"What is happening...?" questioned Rosa in disbelief, her eyes glued to her duplicate.

The entity floated towards the couch, where it stopped to... take a seat? It was hard for her to tell. "You see, Miss Rosa... you've accomplished a great deal in the past few years."

"Uh-huh... why can't see she us? Is this one of my memories?" Rosa returned her gaze to the rest of the cottage, examining it for anything that looked familiar. "Why don't I remember it?"

"We're not all the way here, so to speak. And this is not a memory, my undead friend. Or should I say, un-undead?"

"Then what is it? And why have you brought me here?!" said Rosa, immensely exasperated.

"Because," said the being, raising its limb towards the door once more, "I wanted to show you something."

Rosa turned her gaze towards the front door again. She wasn't used to not being in control of her surroundings, though clearly that thing was incredibly powerful. Still, if it wasn't Death, then what could it be? Some other unknown creature from the Afterlife, perhaps?

There was a knock at the door. "Be right there!" The other Rosa called out, who then set down the knife she was cutting vegetables with. She hurried over to the door and opened it. Her eyes went wide with surprise. "William? But I thought you were on a journey to the south!"

At the door was a well-groomed griffon, clad in the ceremonial armor of the knights of Arcturia. He looked somewhat tired, as if he'd neglected to rest. "I was," he said, "but I had found something truly miraculous."

"Surely it's not as important as your diplomatic mission!" reprimanded the other Rosa, "You did say you were going to open up the Order to outsiders!"

"I know, but this is more important." William smiled wearily, "May I come inside?"

The Queen of Bones was aghast. "What's HE doing here? I killed that wretched knight years ago!"

The cloaked being shushed her, "Need I remind you that most ponies would not get an opportunity like this?"

Her eyes narrowed. "What do you mean 'an opportunity?'" asked Rosa.

"Just watch."

The other Rosa stood aside to let William enter. Once inside, he removed the heavier portions of his armor, then set aside his sword.

"So," asked the other Rosa, "What brings you here on such short notice?"

The holy knight rummaged through his bags, as if he was looking for something. "Two things, actually."

The other Rosa tilted her head, curious. "I'm listening."

William took a deep breath as he grasped something inside of his bag. "Rosa... remember when you had confessed to me that you'd always wondered what it would be like to create life instead of ending it?"

"I do. William, what does that have to do with anything?"

The knight produced a small vial from his bag. "This is an elixir from the ancient springs in the Watertowns. It has been specially enchanted to help aspiring mothers be able to lay eggs. Or in your case, to bear foals."

"No..." spoke both Rosas with disbelief, but for different reasons.

William offered the vial to the stunned mare in front of him. "You can now realize that dream, Rosa."

Tears welled up in her eyes. The other Rosa gently levitated the vial out of William's claw, holding it close. "Thank you... thank you so much." She turned around and began to cry, not wanting to break down in front of him. "I don't know how I could ever repay you..."

"How about by accepting this?"

The sobbing mare turned around. What she saw broke her completely.

William was kneeling, and in his outstretched claws was a magnificent, sparkling ring. "Rosa, over the past few years I have come to see you in-hnn!"

"YES!" She practically threw herself at him. She grasped him as tightly as she could, tears streaming down her eyes. "Yes! I will..."

William merely returned her embrace. He closed his eyes, for he also began to cry tears of joy.

The Queen of Bones was at a loss for words. Here she was, seeing herself not only crying, but happy? At being proposed to by... by none other than William Steelbeak?! The very griffon that had first tried to thwart her plans? And to top it off, she had apparently wanted to become a mother?!?

"Do you want this?" said the cloaked being, suddenly moving in front of the Dread Queen.

Rosa was still trying to process everything that had happened. This was insane. She would never behave in such a way, yet there she was, falling hoof over heels for that blasted knight. She shook her head and managed to recover enough of her psyche to ask a pertinent question, "Why are you showing me this? What do you get out of this?"

It remained silent for a moment. "Think of it as a reward for all your hard work. You have succeeded in conquering the world, so now I am presenting you with an opportunity to enjoy an aspect of it that you would not have had the chance to." Rosa could have sworn that it almost sounded like it was pleading. "So I ask again: Do you want this?"

She sat in contemplation for some time. Everything about what she had just seen revolted her, so why did she feel a faint sense of longing? What small part of her was enticed by such a proposition?

I don't know.

Once again, she sighed in defeat. Despite mastering all manner of powerful dark magic, she still couldn't figure out how to master her own emotions.



Rosa found herself considering the being's offer. She was furious with herself for even thinking about it, but she couldn't help it. Why was she even entertaining the idea? Why? WHY?

She silently cursed herself and inquired further. "If I accept... would I be able to change my mind later?"

The cloaked being nodded, stating, "Yes, but then you would never get to see your daughter."

Rosa screamed at herself internally. She hated this, she hated this so much. But... she had to know. The being's answer burned itself into her mind so much that she simply could not refuse its offer anymore. She needed to see her daughter, as much as the concept of creating life disgusted her.

She took her face into her hooves and winced.

"...Okay. Fine. I'll try it."

With one final snap, everything went white.

Discord, the God of Chaos let out a heavy sigh of relief. He looked around himself as the cottage began to dissipate, revealing that he was still in his Realm of Chaos. He looked around into the endless abyss. He missed when it was a distorted purple, that was always one of his favorite colors... next to yellow and pink, of course. He smiled for the first time in years. With any luck, we'll see each other again, Miss Fluttershy...

He had spent the better part of the last year putting together this scheme. By the time he realized that he should have acted against the Dread Queen of Bones, it was too late. Most of the world was already dead, and even if she was defeated... nothing would ever be the same. Still, he had to try. He knew he couldn't take Rosa head on, so he had to figure out a way to get her to change her mind.

Once Equestria fell, however, he went back to the drawing board. His previous plans involved getting her to fall in love, or to guilt trip her into stopping her black crusade, but as time went on he realized that those were no longer viable options.

Discord had discreetly made his way into the ruins of the Canterlot Library, specifically the forbidden section of Dark Magic. Perusing through the piles and pieces of books, he had discovered something that might work. It was an old, dusted tome co-written by Star Swirl the Bearded himself.

What Never-Was and Couldn't-Be.

Inside its pages detailed the theoretical creation of an altered time travel spell, one that could be specially manipulated to let one visit alternate realities. Going sideways instead of back or forwards, as the author had put it.

Upon finishing the tome, Discord had briefly thought to abandon this reality entirely, since it would soon be lost to the Dread Queen's endless ranks of the dead. He decided against it, since he knew inside that he would be abandoning his friends here. And besides, he'd have to put up with some competition for Fluttershy's attention should he go to another reality... namely, himself.

Furthermore, he later came to realize that those alternate realities were not actually real, and were simply constructs made up by the spell.

Still, he had an idea of what to do. Utilizing the spell, he began to visit alternate possible realities, looking for one in which the Dread Queen was defeated. Surprisingly, almost every reality the spell showed him involved the Dread Queen being taken down, usually through the combined efforts of every major power in the world. Most of them still left the world a battered and scarred place, though. These were not what he was looking for.

Discord had needed to find a timeline in which Rosa voluntarily stopped her Crusade.

On and on he had searched, taking peeks into countless alternate realities. By the time he had found what he was looking for, the last strongholds of the living were already being sieged. He had needed to act fast.

He concocted a plan in which he would disguise himself as Death. Truthfully, Discord didn't like the fellow. Too moody in his opinion. He knew that Death would have its hooves full, though. It probably wouldn't notice Discord's scheme. Probably.

He would take Rosa to his Realm of Chaos, and rebuild it in the image of the alternate reality he saw. He would show her a world wherein she had redeemed herself, one where she had come to fully appreciate life and all of its gifts. He would offer her the chance to live out that life, while not forcing her to do so. It was important that she wanted to do it, after all. Otherwise she would probably start her black crusade once more.

He would tell her that the only way she would ever see that world is if she destroyed her Dread League, and surrendered herself to the Arcturians. If she accepted, he would use every last bit of his power to send her years back into her own timeline. If she refused, well... he would send her back anyways in hopes that she might reconsider. The alternative was a world without life, without chaos.

Now Discord sat on a wooden stool as what was left of his Realm of Chaos dissipated into nothingness.

Discord knew that the God of Time would not be happy with him for altering the past. That old coot was stuck in the past... figuratively speaking, of course. He'd face the consequences with a smile on his face, for he knew that somehow, somewhen, he would see Fluttershy's smiling face once again.

He raised his claw to scratch his chin, only to discover that his claw seemed to be transparent. Oh dear.

Discord examined the rest of himself and saw that he seemed to be fading away, much like his Realm of Chaos had deteriorated over the years. There wasn't any life left in the world, which meant that there was no randomness. No chaos. "Oh, the things I do for my friends." he chuckled.

Discord thought of all those souls that had died over the years. It seemed that he would be joining them soon. Truthfully he didn't know the full intricacies of time travel, so he could only hope that his plan had worked.

He felt his memories begin to fade away as well. He took one more breath, then closed his eyes.

"See you soon."

Comments ( 21 )

An excellent chapter featuring an excellent couple.

Wow, that was awesome, I really loved this chapter. I wish you the best of luck in your future stories

I don't play Dread League (or the Arcturian Order) often nor do I remember the details well, but the story is well written but... poorly researched. Rosa attending Canterlot University makes no sense at all since that would mean she is either alicorn-old and/or crossed an entire continent to attend Canterlot University or to flee to Magehold.

That said, to those asking why the Dread League doesn't get updates, tldr; The Dread League creator left the dev team so its superlow priority compared to everything else.

Edit: You respond too fast. I was editing my comment.

I'm curious, as I tried to do as much research as I could. What was "poorly researched" in your opinion?


Rosa attending Canterlot University makes no sense at all since that would mean she is either alicorn-old and/or crossed an entire continent to attend Canterlot University or to flee to Magehold.

Rosa did cross an entire continent. The official backstory for Rosa is that she was born and raised in Equestria, but was, and I quote, "shunned by the other ponies for her dark talents". She fled Equestria and ended up in Magehold.
In fact, if you look at her leader picture at the start of the game, she's clearly at least middle-aged. There's no discrepency with Rosa not only being born, raised, and attending higher education in Equestria, then fleeing halfway across the world and eventually becoming leader of the Dread League.

And the Arcturian Order dates back 1000 years and keeps the Dread League isolated by turning away anyone who isn't coming to join the order. Either she predates/roughly equals the Arcturian Order which makes her alicorn aged or she solo crossed/bypassed the continent including a country explicitly created, armed and mobilized to keep people out of Magehold.

In an isolated bubble, yes. Her backstory is fine. But in the greater context of EAW, no. Its bullshit. If we applied Rosa's logic to EAW, there should be a "Dark Magic Party" in every nation that undermines everything in preparation for the Dread League's arrival 'because vampires and liches'

Oh I love this and can't wait for a sequel. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who envisioned them having a hippogriff daughter.

Funny thing is out of all the times I've ever played Arcturian Order not once did Rosa willingly surrender it's always been a collection of powers supporting me or Me holding the wall until the hundred knights could arrive and use the shield of hope on her

They are talking nonsense

Loading a save and trying to get a interesting couple it seems:pinkiehappy:

Sad you can only give one like...

There is an event in the Firtree Magocracy where the leader sneaks past the Order and into the Dread League so that she can learn necromancy.

I think there's a misunderstanding here. When I said "official backstory", I meant the official backstory as told in the EAW mod itself. Additionally, when you play as the Dread League, you'll notice numerous references to a "Dread Calling", which is some unexplained magical force that attracts necromancers to Magehold. All of this paints a Dread League which is very welcoming to newcomers, so long as they're there for the right reasons. The "Detached Country" modifier you'll see on them in the game isn't meant to be taken that literally.

I really love this story definitely one of my favourites. I was really intrigued in how you would follow up the first chapter and you did not disappoint. I also like how you didn't make Rosa do a complete 180 on her beliefs but instead make her insecure about her choice, it makes it much more believable in my opinion. Discord being responsible for saving Rosa was very unexpected and funnily enough if you had told me Discord would make an appearance that I would think that it would ruin the story, but you implemented him very successfully.

Hey, Discord, just change the game pre-sets to one I've entitled "Discord's Wet Dream", it's pretty fucking wacky.

Thanks for your thoughts, but I don't think I'll be making a sequel to this anytime soon, if at all. The story is wrapped up pretty nicely, I'd say. It would be interesting though, seeing the Dread Queen of Bones try to adjust to a life she's unfamiliar with.

My next story will probably be about Barrad, specifically the Pentarchy.

This was a good story; but could someone direct me to any other about her to learn more? I'm seeing references, but don't know where to look. Thanks in advance

Well, do excuse the earlier shitposting. This is some pretty good stuff you've been writing. Thought the Discord twist was fun, though we do meme that Discord is in fact; the player.

...As I said on the EaW discord, I was hoping for a response that would let me reply with "no, this is patrick". But alas, that fell flat.


Mhmm, I liked it.
As someone who only watches (and not plays) EaW, both chapters were interesting.

I hope that when she finally got her "happy ever after", that she totally regrets that she literally caused Omnicide of the entire Equis in her past life!!!!!

You can't just "easily" ignore it, or much, much less forgive that.

This was pretty dang good!

Glad you liked it. Since I wrote this, a few aspects of this story (such as how Rosa wanted to be a doctor) are going to be utilized in the upcoming Dread League rework.

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