• Published 18th Jan 2021
  • 1,288 Views, 3 Comments

Shrunken Students - ShrunkenBro

Gallus, Sandbar and Smolder have shrunken down to size to steal test answers from a giant unaware Sunburst.

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Small students in a big class room

“This is seriously a bad idea.” Gallus barked staring up at the giant desk; he showed a very disapproving face showing off the length of his eyebrow.

“Well I agree with you a little, but we gotta do it Gallus.” Sandbar walked past the disapproved griffon.

“You're not gonna chicken out on us are you, chicken cat?” Smolder smirked trying to make the griffon angry.

“No! Just not really sure why we need to be this small.” The three students stood side by side on the floor of the classroom both smaller than a mouse, the students had gotten into one of the off limits positions Starlight Glimmer had in her office; she had confiscated it from a troubling student a month ago. And with the help of their friends both Sandbar, Gallus and Smolder had each taken a drop of the position and were tiny in seconds, Silverstream then carried her three tiny friends in a matchbox down to head stallion Sunburst’s office. Silverstream had dropped off the open match box by his closed door and quickly made her way to her next class whistling to herself.


“Okay can one of you fly me up there?” Sandbar asked.

“Sure.” Gallus picked himself up, taking flight hovering over Sandbar wrapping his claws around his belly lifting him up with ease. The soft spoken pony seemed very surprised by this.

“Wow, have you gotten stronger?”

“Oh yeah, been going through some training back at Canterlot Flash Magnus is making sure I’m in top shape. Besides I’m a griffon even without it I’d still be able to pick you up, that's what griffons did to you ponies long ago.”

“Hey girls, can you make out later we need to get those test answers before we're caught.” Smolder was already flying straight for Sunbusrt’s desk. Gallus lagged behind a bit carrying the extra weight despite Gallus’s bosting.

The three tiny students flew up to the desk, at there current size it was a desk made for the Gods, Smolder landed easily on the wooden surface she nearly slipped from the impact, Sandbar landed roughly beside making the dragon jump, Gallus fluttered down beside them gasping for air and looking tired.

“Sorry Sandbar. Couldn’t hold you for much longer.”

“Alright, let’s get those answers.” Smolder went running for the stack of books and folders. Sandbar and Gallus were slowly catching up to her, the three students came to a stop at the bottom of a book that had other books stacked on top of it, and at the very top of the paper tower was a folder.

“Just like we planned, right?” Gallus turned to Smolder who smiled and gave Gallus a nod.

Gallus and Smolder took flight once again flying up to the very top of the stacked tower Smolder flew to one corner of the folder while Gallus flew to another Gallus grabbed the pointed end Smolder did the same and with their combined strength the tiny dragon and griffon lifted the flap of the folder they flapped their wings in unisene going under the paper thin flap and together pushed with all their combined might.

“Come on guys, you can do it!”

“Just keep watching for Sunburst, Sandbar…” Gallus growled.

Smolder and Gallus managed to lift the folder flap up it only needed to be pushed completely over, the front flap of the folder was now open exposing the papers, Gallus and Smolder cheered victory then swooped pushing the papers down letting it float down to the center of the desk were Sandbar leaped onto it pinning the sheet so it wouldn’t fly away.

Gallus and Smolder fluttered down onto the desk running across the paper, Smolder rubbed her hands greedly looking over at the giant words, and Gallus smiled happy with his results. “Got the notes ready Sandbar?” Sandbar nodded, pulling out a notebook and started writing down the answers.

“You know what’s funny.” Sandbar chuckled.

“What?” Both Gallus and Smolder asked.

“The finals were about working together and we had to work together to get these answers.”

“Well even if we get caught we still followed the finals example.” Gallus shrugged.

“Kind of sappy, isn’t it?” Smolder raised an eyebrow.

“What are you gonna do, its pony stuff of course it’s gonna be sappy.”

The sound of door unlocking alerted the shrunken students they looked up with shocked faces seeing the door open and the would-be wizard walking into the room. Sunburst walked in reading a sheet of paper he was levitating with his magic with a cup of coffee floating beside him.

“Guys, quick hide!” Sandbar whispered the students ran to the stack of books hiding behind the stacked books as Sunburst walked to his desk, Sunburst hummed a happy little tune each of his steps made the desk tremble jerking the tiny students with every impact his hoof made to the floor, Sunburst levitated his cup over to the desk the tiny students could feel the rushing winds of the crashing cup, Sunburst gently settled the cup down but to his shrunken students it was more like the impact of a bomb.

The three students watched their giant teacher while he was still reading the sheet of paper levitating in his face. “Hmm. Very good, very good the students are putting in their best effort.” Sunburst’s titanic voice echoed in their tiny ears. He looked very happy with what he saw, Sandbar felt a twinge of guilt knowing he was cheating on his finals he hated seeing how happy his teacher was since he and his friends' good results would be only cause they cheated.

“Umm, guys I feel like we should just tell him.”

“WHAT! Are you crazy.” Smolder raised her voice but still kept it quiet.

“Hmm?” Sunburst’s voice echoed as he took his attention away from the paper, the students jumped and quickly hid behind the stack holding their mouths shut as the giant looked down. “What? Why are the papers out.” Sunburst quickly grabbed the test answers and stacked them in the folder. “Now that’s just odd, was someone in here?”

Sandbar, Gallus and Smolder shivered as they both slid to the side of the book in hopes to not be found by the giant teacher, the students lost their footing and a quake rumbled underneath them. Sunburst was tapping his hoof while rubbing his small beard under his chin as he tapped his hoof slightly; it knocked his tiny students down and even launched them slightly in the air, the students landed harshly on the slick wooden surface knocking the wind out of them as they landed. The slamming stopped then the students heard something else, Sunburst’s stomach was growling.
“O-Oh… Right, how could I forget.” Sunburst chuckled as he reached over, grabbing a paper bag with his mouth sitting down on the desk, he bore a cheerful smile. “Lunch time.” He cheered happily, closing his eyes with a goofy grin on his face.

“Now’s our chance.” Gallus quickly walked up to the pointed ends of the book they were hiding behind. “When he starts making his lunch will sneak past him and climb down the side of the desk.”

“Are you sure about that?” Sandbar asked nervously.

“Trust me, he won’t even notice us.” Gallus pressed himself into the side waiting for the moment to run.

Sunburst hummed a cheerful tune, he pulled out a plastic bag inside two slices of bread, another with lettuce and a slice of cheese and then a slab of meat, Gallus recognized that as bolongee. Sunburst unzipped the bag letting the two bread slices fly out with the help of his magic, he hummed happily setting one slice down on a paper plate leaving one to levitate in the air, Sunburst laid the bolongee folded on the bread. As Sunburst was about to add his lettuce he jumped in his seat as an idea or something he remembered just light in his head.

“Oh, right.” Sunburst the lettuce and cheese landed softly on the desk, the stallion leaned over to the side of his desk grabbing something.

“NOW! COME ON! RUN!” Gallus cawed. The three students took off Gallus and Smolder took flight while Sandbar lagged behind as he ran not as fast as the griffon and dragon’s flapping wings, the two flew over the cheese and lettuce leaving Sandbar to follow. Sandbar ran across the cheese slice, his hoof getting caught sticking into the yellow mass like soft ground, Sandbar pulled with all his might, he could feel the rumbling from Sunburst as he kept searching any moment now he could look up. Sandbar continued to pull till his hoof was finally free, he began to run until a hassy orange glow held him in place leaving the young Earth pony to panic.

“Guys! Help! Help! Help!” Sandbar screamed. Gallus and Smolder stopped in mid air and looked back seeing Sandbar struggling they began to fly for him but stopped as Sunburst rose back up levitating a bag of chips and a bottle of mayo, Sandbar tried to push out of the magical grip but to all his efforts it like like an ant fighting a pony, Sandbar watched in horror as he was levitated close to Sunburst, his giant teacher casually squirted some mayo on the balloonee spreading it on the meat slaps, Sandbar felt whiplash as the cheese and lettuce levitated down on top, Sandbar felt sick to his stomach looking up he saw Sunburst blocking out a light then came the last bread slice. “Wait! Professor Sunburst, wait! I’m down here, please stop!” Sandbar panicked. His please, we're unheard by the giant stallion.

The bread slice landed softly on top of the sandwich trapping Sandbar under it, Gallus and Smolder flew in place, not sure what to do. Sunburst looked over to his bag of chips unzipping it then reached down for another paper plate. “I’m gonna get him out.” Gallus dashed down towards the sandwich while his teacher was distracted. Gallus flew to the front of the sandwich and pushed himself under the bread slice. Gallus' army crawled inside leaving only his tail sticking out, he crawled further inside till he reached a familiar face.

“Gallus!” Sandbar’s mane was coded in cheese bits sticking to him, half of it was stuck to his face.

“Come on, let’s go!” Gallus grabbed a hold of Sandbar, the griffon yanked the pony loose with no effort and pushed him down the path he just crawled down. As they both crawled for escape, the pressure fell on top of them both, the same magical force that held Sandbar place now held both of them in place.

Sunburst lifted his sandwich up, he smiled ready to take a bite, the sandwich levitated closer to his open mouth. Sunburst felt something brush under his nostrils, making him stop then rub his nose. “Oof… What was that?” The confused unicorn blinked looking around the room. “Maybe it was just a bug.” Sunburst fixed his glasses back up to his eyes then levitated the sandwich back to his mouth, the same thing happened it almost made him sneeze, Sunburst quickly shook his head, getting annoyed he kept his eyes sharp for whatever it was.

Smolder flew past Sunburst’s nostrils ready to make her teacher sneeze if she had too, she wasn’t about to let her friends down, Sunburst glared all over the room waiting for her next attack, Sunburst prepared to take another bite Smolder quickly dashed at her teacher brushing her wings against his nose again. Sunburst jerked back, his horn still glowed holding the sandwich in his grip. Smolder growled in frustration dashing back at Sunburst buzzing around his face like a mad fly. She resorted to dashing under his chin then slamming herself into the bottom of his eyes, startling the stallion, Sunburst closed his eyes shaking his head and waving his hoof in the air trying to swipe at his attacker.

“Eh, g-go away! Go away!” Sunburst shouted in a panic.

Smolder flew circles around Sunburst’s head she her wings were getting tired but she kept going pushing herself to the limit but she kept going a white and orange pillar sized hoof came at she bite at her lip then stopped sailing at the hoof then flapped her wings creating a little gust of wind behind her as she dashed faster towards it flying under it then spinned around it and flew to a safer space, professor Rainbow Dash would be proud. The young dragon smirked happy with her trick, she looked seeing Sunburst’s magic still had hold of her friends sandwich prison, she gave a big gulp and dashed back at her giant teacher brushing her wings at his nose again. Smolder flew under Sunburst’s head his sudden jerk caught her off guard, she flew right into his beard getting tangled in his dark orange hairs Smolder struggled fighting the horrid trickling vines the more she fought the hairs wrapped around wings rendering her helpless. As she struggled, whether it was intentional or not a white hoof came flying at her, smacking her loose from the beard’s grip and knocking the wind out of the young dragon.

Smolder went limp as she sailed through the air falling right for an enormous black and brown lake being held by a giant coffee cup she flipped through the air till Smolder made a tiny splash sinking down into the hot liquids.

Sunburst slowly stopped waving his hooves and sheepishly opened his eyes his attacker had stopped. He slowly looked left then right he rubbed his chin puzzled by this sudden insect attack. “Well… I-I guess it’s gone now. Whatever it was.” Sunburst sighed with relief looking back at his sandwich untouched and unharmed, licking his lips happily he brought it up to his mouth for a bite.

Gallus and Sandbar felt some quakes as the sandwich was being tossed around making the boys feel sick to their stomachs, the thrashing all came to an end. They were able to move Sunburst must have let the sandwich go. They crawled their way to the seeping light that twinkled through the crack, the boys came to the end of the space poking through the front of the sandwich looking up to see Sunburst’s face drawing near, his muzzle grew bigger and bigger, the smile on his face grew wider. Then his orange lips parted making an ‘ahhh’ sound, the boys grew closer to their teacher’s mouth getting a better view of the huge boulder like row of teeth, the moist spongy pink tongue coded in humid drool a silver, white webs stuck to Sunburst’s tongue and the roof of his mouth. As the boys grew closer the tongue morphed down showing off the back of his tongue two huge fleshy lumps and passing them was a cave-like throat that could swallow a whole city, in the center of it was a giant fleshy flap that swayed gently with Sunburst’s breathing.

“GO BACK!” Gallus chawed making turkey sounds as he and Sandbar slipped back inside the sandwich, they pushed their way inside between the bread and cheese Sandbar despite the cheese sticking to his coat and legs he was keeping up with Gallus, they heard a loud crackling sound breaking through the muffled noise of the outside world. As Gallus' army crawled further down thine white blocks ripped through the surface, Gallus looked seeing he was between one of the piercing blocks he screamed holding his claws out as the teeth came down. Sandbar quickly crawled his way over to the griffon grabbing him by his legs and pulled him back, the teeth came smacking together just missing the griffon. “Thanks Sandbar.”

“No problem.” Sandbar smiled. Quaking rumbled the two around as the cheesey floor under them. The boys screamed and they fell down landing with a loud squishing sound. Sandbar and Gallus felt a wave of heat overtake them causing them to sweat, Sandbar was about to whip his head only to see saliva sticking to his hoof. “Eww…” Sandbar whipped his hoof trying to shake off the drool.

“Sandbar!” Gallus growled getting the drool splating on his face. Leaving an angry Gallus glaring down Sandbar while the drool dripped off his face.

The two screamed as the titanic member moved, the tongue moved the bite of the sandwich into Sunburst’s teeth. Gallus and Sandbar slid down the slimy surface Gallus clawed at the fleshy flooring only to slip out and squish out more saliva from the fleshy taste buds, Sandbar screamed slipping and flopping down the giant surface. Gallus quickly flapped his wings, taking flight hovering above the giant tongue, still dripping in Sunburst’s drool, Sandbar screamed as he was tossed and landed roughly on a hard surface. The young Earth pony rubbed his head then looked around seeing he was laying on Sunburst’s molar alongside him was a bite of food he and Gallus rode in on, the teeth started to come down crushing the food with its powerful pressure, Gallus made a mad dash right for the molars flying passed Sandbar then flew behind him wrapping his claws around his pony friend then flew between the smashing molars before they could connect together, the teeth ripped and grinned the sandwich bite into slimy, mushy bits.

“Thank you.” Sandbar looked up at Gallus smiling at him very grateful for his rescue. Gallus was about to speak up before the tongue went flat and then lifted up smacking into Sandbar and Gallus then pinned them to the roof of Sunburst’s mouth. Gallus tried to push the slimy member away leaving Sandbar being smothered between Gallus and the tongue, making the young pony sink into the spongy flesh, with Gallus on top of him Sandbar sank into the tongue smothering him into it he tried struggling but the fleshy folds prevented that. “Gal… Sto…”

The tongue dropped down saving the two from being smothered by the tongue, the boys looked around seeing the mouth was cleared from the sandwich a rumbling brought their attention to the back of Sunburst’s mouth as the back lumps slithered down unblocking the passage to his throat. “He must have swallowed the bite… Let’s try and avoid that.” Gallus sighed sounding out of breath. “So how are we gonna get out?”

“Guess we wait, until he opens his mouth again.” Sandbar shrugged. Just like clockwork Sunburst’s mouth began to open the rows of teeth parted and the lips separated revealing the outside world.

“Nows our chance.” Gallus leaped into the air grabbing a hold of Sandbar and made his way towards the front of Sunburst’s mouth. The light blinded him a bit as he got closer to the outside world. It was blocked out when Sunburst levitated the sandwich back into his mouth preventing them from escaping, Gallus held himself in the air trying to back up as the sandwich entered into Sunburst’s mouth. The teeth closed ripping another chunk out of the sandwich, the tongue made quick work of the bite this time by parting the sandwich bits of lettuce and cheese began to scatter pelting Gallus and Sandbar with the slimy bits, Gallus’s wings was coded in slimy cheese making the griffon flightless sending the two plummeting down into the center of Sunburst’s tongue with a loud splat and squish. Sandbar and Gallus found themselves in a small pool of saliva. Gallus stood up and tried flapping his wings; they were too wet to take flight. The chewing began again Sandbar and Gallus clung to the safety of the tongue’s slippery surface as it moved left and right, the fleshy member was like jello to the two students as they found themselves being tossed around bouncing on the tongue’s lumps and trying to grab hold of anything to keep them both from being knocked around.

The teeth created a mass of slop that seeped out from the moving rows of teeth and down the tongue as Sunburst’s jaws worked the food down his tongue and to his throat, Sandbar and Gallus began to run from the incoming blob “Where are we even running too?” Sandbar shouted at Gallus.

“I… I don’t know… There's nowhere to run!” Gallus screamed some tears beaming down the sides of his cheek.

The boys heard a gurgling sound echo around the mouth it’s source came from the abyss that was Sunburst’s throat, the back lumps of the tongue shifted down a blast of hot air shot out from his throat making his uvula wiggle sway dripping saliva off the fleshy orb’s end. Gallus started at the flap in the center of the throat swaying back gently; it may have been his cat-like instincts to want to jump at it, but he had a plan that he was hoping would work for his and Sandbar’s way of escape. As the boys ran Gallus kept flapping his wings aggressively shaking off the spit and grim he looked to his friend then like a tiger leaping at his pray Gallus jumped into the air spreading his wings wide then scooped Sandbar into his grasp and held him close taking a big flap taking off into the humid air Gallus along with Sandbar in his clutches dashed for the uvula, Gallus with the help of his wings and tail clinged to it as it swung back and forth reacting to Gallus’s sudden cling.

Sandbar reached his forelegs out grasping hold of the fleshy orb as well leaving them both clinging to the dangling uvula as it slowly swayed saliva ran down the slimy orb like raindrops dripping off of them soaking them but thankfully not there grip on the uvula, the boys cringed seeing the rising and fall of Sunburst’s tongue as he swallowed the remains of his meal as it slide down his into the pit below, giving the students a peek down their teacher’s throat. The tongue lifted up brushing up against the slimy fleshy orb, with their combined strength they held onto their only salvation, the back of the tongue smothered them both into the uvula leaving them to climb onto another side of the round fleshy orb and then cling to it once again as the tongue flopped down into place. Both Sandbar and Gallus hugged into the uvula for life; they both opened their eyes, seeing the mouth now motionless.

Both breathed heavily exhausted from this whole ordeal Sandbar climbed up a bit further to the orb still clinging to it. “Gallus….”


“Never. Never again am I gonna let you talk me into cheating.” Sandbar growled this may have been the first time Gallus ever heard Sandbar have any aggression in his voice. It was very surprising to the griffon.

“So… What do we do now?” Gallus asked, looking around watching the saliva drip into the soft spongy tongue, he could only see faint dim light through the closed teeth in front of Sunburst’s lips that quickly faded away as his lips closed.

Sunburst rubbed his lips with his hoof whipping away the gritty crumbs from his cheek and beard he levitated a chip into his mouth chewing it happily then gulping it down. He laid back in his chair feeling all his troubles lifting off his shoulders as he relaxed popping in chip after chip, Sunburst rubbed his belly joyously for some reason the meal was an extra kick, he didn’t add anything special to it but he was very happy with it. “I could go for more days like this.” Sunburst rested his hooves behind his head, his horn glowed levitating two books out of a saddle bag, a green one and a red one. “Oooo. The Darkness of Everfree and the Atlas of Lost Lands.” The unicorn gleefully smiled, clapping his hooves.

Smolder was lightheaded her vision was blurry it was nothing but brown and black she blinked slowly coming back to reality and realizing where she was quickly swimming to the to the shining top she surfaced coughing out some of the coffee she swallowed she stayed afloat swimming to a corner of the round lake, she was jerked back when the cup suddenly lifted she saw Sunburst growing larger and larger by the second he carelessly brought the cup to his lips turning the cup up to suck in all the liquids. Smolder quickly turned and tried to swim the waves along with gravity, betraying her, sending her closer and closer to Sunburst’s pucker lips.

“No! No! No!” Smolder shouted as Sunburst sucked her inside his mouth, the dragon screamed as the waves tossed her into the stallion’s mouth as she entered she saw her two friends hanging on Sunburst’s uvula the waves crashing into them like a rushing flood the pressure of the coffee quickly going down Sunburst’s throat made it hard for the boys to stay clinged to their only salvation, Smolder came screaming down crashing into the uvula and knocking Gallus and Sandbar loose sending the students down into Sunburst’s body.

Sunburst gulped down his coffee leaving his mug empty then set it down on the desk he sat back rubbing his belly then brought one of his books up to his face levitating chips into his mouth while he was reading. His cheeks swelled up a loud burp escaped his mouth; he was just happy Starlight wasn’t around to hear it.

They couldn’t see what was going on all they felt was a hard pressure that made them all feel like roller coaster they wanted to get off of, soon this all came to an end the students came to an opening sphincter once they entered into the chamber and free from the rushing tight tube they let out their screams, the students fell down into the chamber splashing into the green liquids Sandbar, Gallus and Smolder quickly swam to the surface gasping for air Gallus looked around in shock, Sandbar quickly swam to a floating chunk of bread while Smolder took flight trying to push open the tight lumpy sphincter that allowed them to enter. Sandbar looked around the stomach walls swayed in and out the walls were a soft spongy surface a light pink ruby like color, in the center of the stomach was a small lake of green stomach juices bubbling like a hot tub eating away at the chewed up lumps of food that Sunburst just ate. Gallus swam over to Sandbar climbing into the floating chunk and sitting beside him.

“Well… This could have gone better.” Gallus frowned.

Smolder gave up trying to push open the opening of the stomach then flew down to the chunk flopping down on it making it rock from the impack, the students sat in defeat all they could hear was the loud thumping of Sunburst’s heartbeat booming all around them along with the gurgling his stomach gave off. Sandbar dipped his hoof into the liquids surprised to see his hoof wasn’t phased by the juices. A small smile bared across his muzzle he wrapped his forelegs around Gallus and Smolder. “Don’t worry guys, it will be okay if we get into this together. We can get out of this together.”

“...Yeah, your right. If we got into this we can get out.” Gallus smiled.

“Guess it's better than living here, not really looking forward to learning how to make houses out of chewed food.” Smolder smugly smirked at Sandbar.

“So… How do we get out?” Gallus asked. Leaving the group in long pause.


The school hours had passed all the student had gone home leaving only Rockhoof waving goodbye to the students as they left for home, down the hall in one room muffled voices could be heard Starlight Glimmer’s door swung open a very angry Starlight trotted out of the room with an equally angry Sunburst walking out as well staring down the three students.

“Uhh… If it means anything we’re really sorry.” Sandbar said with his head down not wanting to make eye contact with either Starlight or Sunburst.

“Cheating was bad enough but you three put yourselves in danger.” Starlight growled.

“Ehh trust us, we’re not gonna do that again.” Gallus walked out with a grumpy look along with Smolder who both looked more unpleasant they were caught.

“I better not catch you three trying to do something like that again…” Sunburst was about to yell but his stomach gurgled causing him to burp, he held his belly whining from the ache. Starlight quickly rushed to Sunburst’s side and laid a hoof on his shoulder.

“Come on Sunburst let’s get you to the castle. You can rest there.” Starlight guided Sunburst down the hallway allowing the three to go outside the school.

“Guess will be in detention for a while huh?” Smolder sounded unamused.

“Yep.” Gallus bluntly spoke. “All that for nothing.”

“Well not all of it.” Sandbar pulled out some notes they were soaked and soggy. “I’m sure these are still salvagble.”

“Heh, I appreciate it Sandbar but I think we better just study.” Gallus chuckled. As the three friends walked off after a long day.

Comments ( 3 )

“No! Just not really sure why we need to be this small.” The three students stood side by side on the floor of the classroom both smaller than a mouse, the students had gotten into one of the off limits positions Starlight Glimmer had in her office; she had confiscated it from a troubling student a month ago. And with the help of their friends both Sandbar, Gallus and Smolder had each taken a drop of the position and were tiny in seconds, Silverstream then carried her three tiny friends in a matchbox down to head stallion Sunburst’s office. Silverstream had dropped off the open match box by his closed door and quickly made her way to her next class whistling to herself.

I think you mean potion.

Funny story, nonetheless :rainbowlaugh:
Also, welcome back. :twilightsmile: So, are you still going to continue Bite-Sized Spike? :moustache:

The students who don’t have the knack for Help Me with My Homework may end up lagging behind in their academic and that’s the main reason that number of students seeking homework help websites for getting correct assistance.

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