• Member Since 9th Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen May 26th


Hello! I write stories and never finish them. Hope you enjoy whatever


Alexander Chernovtsy, a World War II officer, dies on the field of battle saving his troops and finds himself in the magical land of Equestria as a Thestral filly. A hopeful wish from a wanting mother is granted in the process. How will Alex deal with the changes of being a pony and the traumas of his past life?

Cover Image: Pending

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 134 )

But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man.

Not to be nitpicky, but the UN wasn't founded until after the war ended, in October 1945. Maybe you mean Allied Forces?

I agree, but I don't think Eisenhower is talking about the organization United Nations as much as the nations that United against the axis. Plus, don't shoot the messager, that was copy-pasted

I would have read this if you didn't change his gender

Uh okay? The sex of the character is female and the gender of the character is boy. Does that help any?

Sorry if it was confusing for you

I wonder when hes going to tell the main 6 about ww1 and ww2

I actually like how you didn't change his gender, only his sex. So many stories do the whole gender swap thing so wrong. "Oh, this bloke is a cis male. Now let's change his body and force him to accept that he's now a cis female! That makes sense..."

Give it some time. He's still trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

Thanks, I tend to write a lot of TG and genderbend stuff and thought it'd be interesting if the character just stays the say gender identity just their sex has changed. His body is going to start affecting him but while I don't know if he'll accept his new body or if he'll just keep being the awesome dude we all know him if up for intuition stuff

“Nearly Tensy o’clock!”


a whole twoty copies

No, stop that. Stop it.

Hehe, the number system is cute though

Enjoyable read so far, Alex doesn't quite 'speak' how I imagine a soldier of the era. Or being that good of a flirt, though the others might be humoring him. But those are fairly minor nick picks for one of my favorite genre of stories and bat ponies make everything better.

Thanks! Remember that soldiers came from all walks of life and that not everyone was taught the same thing or experienced the same thing. I mean some famous mathematicians and writers participated in the World Wars. I think the dude who theorized black homes fought in world war 1. Plus, Americans then sounded just like Americans now just with different slang

I personally dislike constant references towards the cartoon sounds used in the shows in fictions. Such as bleeping and squeeky toys. They generally break the flow of the story when outright mentioned, except in cases where the story is about cartoon stuff being abused.

Twilight knew better than to believe that Alex was one niffy percent an adult.

The word percent felt jarring to me, considering the care taken with the base 6 numbering system. The word percent means out of (100)10, or (244)6 (a.k.a. twoty forsy four). In this context, I may have made up the word perniff, or found another way of phrasing this like, "Twilight knew better than to believe Alex was entirely an adult."

Words like centennial & millennium will also be problematic, unless they come from Alex's or another base 10 perspective.

Shit, I didn't think about that. Thanks for telling me. I probably would've completely forgot. Perniff is a pretty good word so I'm taking it, thanks, friend! May do a casual edit

Ah, gender issues the 'fun' part of a human reincarnation style story. Its something that has to be addressed, especially since it's so early on. But please don't let it consume the story. One of my favorite human to changling stories was consumed with drama near the end, and ended up killing it.

No worries, while it'll be a reoccurring thing here and there, it'll be in the background just like it was before. I won't annoy everyone with constant gender issues. Most of it will be resolved next chapter. So stay tuned for next time on Dragon Ball- er I mean A Filly named Alex


I never much liked the push for these types of characters to change their names to a pony name.

He likes his name why should he change it? Always seemed a bit too much of a "forget your past" move.

Also, that time limit on that spell is more than enough time to be "useful" shall we say.

Also, why base 6 instead of base 4, seems like pegasus propaganda :rainbowlaugh:

Pegasi used base 8, Unicorns used base 6, and Earth ponies used base 4. Unicorns were more known for their academics and so base 6 ended up being used

And wait for it

I am glad to read the new chapter! I am really enjoying this story a wait each new chapter.

I think someone from WWII would think of movies rather than television as something to watch.

TV was invented by 1927 and he probably has seen a TV before.

There is invented, and there is commercially available, affordable to the public, and with content to enjoy on it. You can do your research, but here is a link or two to get you started. TV was definitely new in 1944. According to that latter link,

By 1946 there were only about 20,000 TV sets in the entire country (roughly .02 percent of American households) and only six local TV stations in the United States: three in New York City, one in Schenectady, one in Chicago, and another in Philadelphia.

You would have been safer with radio in this time period.

I still like the story though. Don't give up! I thought you handled the gender issue rather well.

Fair, I won't disagree with you. Radio probably would've been the better choice but then I could introduce Crystal Vision hehe. You know. It's TV but in a crystal and magic

Eh, to be fair, the scene where TV is first mentioned does to. That "big long-winded explanation about a sport" could have mentioned or suggested the idea of watching a broadcast game. And it isn't unreasonable that Alex would know of televisions, even if he hadn't watched any himself before. I've heard of moon landings without being able to buy a ticket to ride a rocket to the moon myself.

Fair statement. I guess I wasn't thinking at the time. Oh well. Thanks for the input, I'ma go take a nap or at least tell myself that I should take a nap then never do it

So, as great as the story is, what happened to Fruitfly and Nactfyre from the first chapter?

They'll be around in a bit. Give it some time ;)

Too be fair, they did have theatres and moving pictures in the 40s, just not television. A projector would be perfectly fine. I think they used those a lot during briefings in the war.

Edit: Google says the television was invented in 1927.

You can ignore this post if you want to avoid being bored. Except this part, which is related: I hope we see Alex encounter and react to some of the technology that is decades beyond what he’s familiar with — like the arcade cabinet. (With or without Luna’s involvement. ;p )

I just wanted to say that Alex’s chances of seeing a television are really, extremely low. Even if he had seen one, he probably wouldn’t have appreciated it beyond its novelty and remained beholden to the radio.

There are a lot of factors at play here. One is that not many were being produced, making even the small ones a luxury. A second is that most of their time on the market, between their invention and the time of Alex’s death, was during the Great Depression, when a lot of people couldn’t afford that luxury. Another is that radios were still king during this time, to the point where TVs usually looked like radios, or were combination TV/radio, because people tended to see them as being more preferable simply because they were more affordable, prevalent, and already had all the programming they were familiar with. Finally, mass production of TVs didn’t really kick off until after the war, and even then not many American households had TVs by 1950; I think it was somewhere between ten and twenty percent. So, between the natural low production rate, the Great Depression, and an economy highly influenced by the needs of war, finding a TV was probably the equivalent of looking for a needle in a haystack.

Its nice to see a story where the ponies dont outright say what the protagonist is saying isnt real and not believing them.

Alright, before I continue, I'm going to guess this is a base 6 fic.

Ok just you know I’m gonna get confuse with the number of the story ok but overall good story

In the First Flight, I have pony number system down for everyone to look at

If it'll help you, you can use one hand to count 1-5 while your other hand is for Tensy-Fifsy.

Here's a good source to help you along if you need help

I love catching up with a fic right as the next chapter is posted.

I remember a story where discoed change there base value to 23 before he was turned to stone cause he had hoof, toe, And fingers

Read that one, don't remember the name, this story was inspired by it. Too bad it has no more updates T_T

I gave her a wide grin. “&$#@ right.” Oh, come on, that’s censored too?

I can't wait for something to go wrong just to have the huge amounts of bleeping punctuated by a few words that get mixed in :rainbowlaugh:


Actually fun fact, that is Eisenhower’s actual speech that’s being used in the beginning there. Very inspirational, but he did actually say United Nations.

Whipping one up should be comin' out tomorrow. I think this one will tie things together a bit

The story title makes Alex angry.

I gave her a big bright smile, “Oh, I know what the ladies like, princess.”

Ooooh, my boy got my reference. Thank you, someone finally caught it! Or at least they mentioned it

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