• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 3,366 Views, 570 Comments

Bluebird - Hammerhead

To fulfill his ambitions as a military officer, and to live closer to his friends at school, Gallus goes to the Royal Guard Academy. Things should go well for him, although he's the only griffon among his fellow cadets and superiors.

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Night at the Ball

Gallus stood there with a wineglass in talon, taking a sip now and then. It’d taken Scythe’s ability to translate languages on the fly for him to know that it was from the Royal Napony Vineyard or Vigneti Regali Naponi in Bitalian. A white wine, too sweet for his taste, but ponies seemed to like everything sweet.

He watched as Coalstone, his friends and a few nobles surrounded the night’s most esteemed guest, Prince Blueblood, as they all chatted away. For Gallus, his aim at the grand occasion was to have a word with the prince, otherwise dressing up in his dress reds wasn’t worth it.

Well, not his, not any more than his training armour was his, rather it was whatever dark red four buttoned jacket that fit. Not that it fitted any better than his armour, tight where it was supposed to be loose, and loose where it should be tight. If he’d been able to send that photo from the shoot earlier, shortly after the surprise announcement that they’d be attending this… Ball, Professor Pinkie would be insulted if he called this a party. If he had sent the picture, Professor Rarity would have arrived to save him from a fashion emergency.

The day started with a surprise assembly in the mess hall, where Commandant Authordox announced that the academy would be hosting a ball that evening. He said it was time for them to learn how to present themselves in a formal setting before passing the podium to who else, but Coalstone.

Coalstone’s speech was everything Gallus had expected, long-winded, full of praise for himself, unicorns despite his opening line. “Fellow cadets, I am both honoured and humbled to be leading this ball.

“As the Commandant has said, this is a test of our decorum, and as such, I wish for this ball to meet not merely a high standard, but the highest that we as future officers should display. We should show our upcoming guests that they can trust us to leave the protection of Equestria in our hooves both militarily and diplomatically.”

Then, he made a wide gesture with his hoof behind and upward, pointing towards a large painting. It featured an older white unicorn sitting in a red chair, giving a stern glance as if looking down on the cadets. The unicorn wore a black tunic with an array of medals in one long row on his left chest, with frilled epaulettes and a cocked hat that arched from back to front. “For instance, Major General Winstone, a pony who I greatly admire” stated Coalstone as he described the figure in the painting. “A strong military leader, a renowned commandant of this Academy, a revered Mayor of Canterlot…”

“…and great grandfather of Equestria’s biggest brown noser.” Already aware of Major General Winstone from Scythe, and Coalstone’s relation to the unicorn, Gallus couldn’t help but wisecrack under his breath and roll his eyes at the fawning on display.

Suddenly, a large snort sound erupted right next to Gallus, echoing across the hall. Coalstone paused and scanned the entire Larson company side of the room, only to see a long row of wide eyes and nervous faces, no pony willing to open their mouths to utter even the slightest noise. Those ponies made a fortunate shield for Scythe who was desperately holding his muzzle shut, hiding his tearfully restrained laughter in vain to avoid being seen or heard.

Upon finding nothing, Coalstone composed himself and continued. “He once said: ‘What makes the E.U.P. Guard the best military of the world isn’t just through physical strength, but also intelligence, decency, and respect from and towards our fellow pony.’” I say we should take those words and keep them in our minds for when we talk to our esteemed guests tonight. I don’t intend to be arrogant to say that I am personally familiar with our special guest of nobility, and I know he looks forward to what we will show.”

From there it had been a shortened day of classes, followed by a trip to supplies for their dress uniforms. Well, everyone but Coalstone who of course already had a tailored set. Returning to their dorms, they set to making themselves presentable. Satisfied with how he looked, Gallus was in the hallway when a prideful Pound Sterling had called out, “’ang on! D’ya think tha’d get away withou’ a photo dressed li’ a?” leaning out of the doorway with the camera in her outstretched hoof.

Begrudgingly, he sucked in his stomach and pushed his chest out to pose for the camera. Although he wasn’t a fan of having to pose for photos after being punished for not paying attention to one of Professor Rarity’s lessons, it was hard to say no to Pound Sterling’s eagerness to share her own experiences with her folks.

“Noice!” exclaimed Sterling after the camera flashed twice, and two photos printed out, one of which Gallus would receive.

He imagined the photo being like a professional photo of a general or colonel in the griffon army, what with the straight posture and steely stare, his features standing out in front of the mostly beige background. It made him look dignified and strong. He’d hardly had time to notice any physical changes, nor did any of his friends point it out, but the strenuous workout routine looked like it changed him, if only he had an earlier photo of himself to compare to.

“Hey! Looking good, Bluebird!” a sly voice crept in from over Gallus’ shoulder, taking the griffon by surprise. He saw Nicknames’ smirk as a tall pegasus looked at the photo. “Bet your ladybird is gonna love that.”

Nicknames’ cheeky remark caused Gallus to draw a blank, “My Ladybird?” he tilted his head wondering if this was a new nickname or Nicknames suddenly went onto the topic of insects.

“You know who…” Nicknames continued to tease, giving a wink and an elbow nudge into the griffon’s chest. “The pink one…?”

Gallus’ mind rushed back to the start of term when Nicknames and Staff Sergeant Razorwing embarrassed the griffon in front of the whole platoon by bringing up… her. Feeling his face go warm, he quickly shook away any attempt for his face to turn red. “Silverstream’s just one of my friends, alright,” he asserted.

But Nicknames was unconvinced, his smirk remained fixed on his smug face. “Sure she is, lovebird,” he remarked sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he made his way down the corridor to head towards the dining hall. “Bet you’re TOTALLY not thinking of sending a photo to her that makes you look like a stud.”

One by one, cadets made their way out of the dorms towards the cafeteria hall for muster before the ball. As Pound Sterling and Scythe left together, Gallus followed behind. However, as he made his way to the stairs, he stopped, there was a thought nagging him that prevented him from leaving just yet.

With a disgruntled groan, he quickly flew back into his dorm room. Upon finding an empty envelope, he got the photo of him in formal attire and stuffed it inside. He then wrote Silverstream’s name on the face of the envelope as a reminder for when he eventually returns, he has a letter to write and send.

Thankfully that was done, they were here, and now he just had to introduce himself to the guest of honour, if only he could get past Coalstone and his entourage. He could hear him preening before the audience, “I think having our unicorns in charge of operations does wonders, given our magical prowess and strategic thinking. Hopefully, you can trust us being in charge.”

“Well, I seem to recall my aunt Celestia telling me how she combined the three pony armies so the strength of earth ponies, the speed and flight of pegasus, and the magic and intelligence of unicorns, but with a new ruler I’m willing to see some changes.”

When Coalstone noticed Gallus waiting patiently behind, the unicorn made it clear to Gallus that he wasn’t an easy hurdle to pass. As Prince Blueblood was speaking, Coalstone’s horn began to glow. Gallus suddenly bumped into an invisible barrier. A barrier that pushed him back, and followed him no matter how he approached. Fine, if he was going to be that way, there were sure to be others to meet.

Luck handed him an opportunity, an older pegasus standing by himself. Gallus made a quick dash towards him, he’s had better luck getting along with the pegasus ponies here, surely a senior pegasus would converse with him. “Hey there, I’m Gallus,” he said with some enthusiasm as he thrust his arm towards the pony with a wide grin on his face.

The pegasus instinctively glanced over, his eyes then lit up with recognition and he grinned. “Hello there, General Windrush” he introduced himself, thrusting one of his forehooves into Gallus’ open claw to shake, the griffon finally got the jackpot. “Good to finally meet you pony to griffon, eh?”

“You’ve heard of me?” Gallus brows were raised with intrigue.

“Who hasn’t?” Windrush chuckled. “You were a hot topic amongst the Academy Board, the Commandant had a lot to say about you.”

“Good things, I hope?”

Windrush’s eyes began to wander. “Well, it was entertaining” he answered warily, Gallus’s brows drew together, causing the general to get defensive. “I mean I was in favour from the start when I found out you had passed the entrance exam and was set to enrol, but the look on the faces of the others when you did was priceless, and that’s even before the princess got involved.”

“I can imagine…” Gallus remarked in a lowered grumble before something odd caught up in his mind. “Wait… Princess Twilight Sparkle? What did she do?”

Windrush’s eyes shot open, he almost spat his drink out in surprise and panicked. “Uh… I need to have a word with somepony, think you can put this away for me…?” he responded hurriedly, passing his glass onto Gallus before he flew out of the hall.

Once more, Gallus furrowed his brow. It got off to a good start, but the moment he asked about Princess Twilight, General Windrush bolted out the room and Gallus ended up with two crystal glasses in his hooves. He groaned and then made his way to the edge of the hall to a vacant table, to place down the glasses before any pony wondered why he had two in his claws.

When he finally had his claws free, he found Scythe loitering by the wall, wistfully looking at the lively crowd going at the side. It made Gallus consider that he wouldn’t have been the only one having bad luck, some ponies needed a kick in the right direction.

He made his way towards the lonesome pegasus. “Oh, hey Gallus,” said a downcast Scythe upon catching the griffon approaching him. “How’s it going so far?”

“I’ve got better luck collecting glasses,” Gallus answered with a shrug. “You?”

“I haven’t talked to anypony…”

Gallus’ brows levelled at Scythe’s nervous answer, he figured the pegasus desperately needed the motivation to socialise. The griffon might have had a hard time, but at least he was trying, Scythe was on the verge of remaining a wallflower if he wasn’t going to move.

“Well, trying to find anyone in particular? Guess you know some…”

Scythe nodded, “I recognise a few” he admitted, his head began to scan the crowd, he’d nod in the direction of specific colonels and lieutenant colonels “those who work with my mum, dad, grandpa…”

“So then, any from the Canterlot Palace?” queried Gallus, causing Scythe to stop his scan of the room. “If I want to get there, I should know who I’ll be working for, right?”

The pegasus’ head arose as if in a mild realisation at the sense Gallus was making, before returning to the crowd. His eyes narrowed to focus in, seeing if there were any familiar ponies that he’d be certain to work in Canterlot for Gallus to talk to. “That one,” he said confidently, stretching his hoof out to point towards a unicorn conversing with two cadets. He had a brown coat and wore a red ceremonial tunic with a navy-blue sash holding his medals. Scythe felt certain the unicorn worked in Canterlot Palace.

“He was shaking hooves with Tomcat during his graduation ceremony, saying he looked forward to working with him.”

Gallus nodded, “Okay then, let’s go talk to him.” He grabbed onto Scythe’s outstretched hoof and started to pull him along towards the Canterlot Palace unicorn. He felt confident that if he had Scythe at his side, the three of them could hit it off better than just the two. Yet, when Scythe notices he’s being pulled, he begins to panic. “Uh… you go on ahead…” he agitates, pulling himself off.

“Come on, you can’t stay standing by the wall all night,” said Gallus with a slight chuckle, “it’s a party, not an interview.”

“I know, it’s just… what do I even talk about?” Scythe talked back, his head started to descend as he started to rub his forehooves together, “the captain knows my brother, which means he’ll know me…”

“Dude, just be yourself” Gallus reassured Scythe, pointing out all the ponies with wines in their hand, with a few downing glasses of free alcohol. “Everypony else is just drinking and laughing. Trust me, the captain would want to catch up with you, and if things get uncomfortable, I’ll help.”

The slight encouragement did calm the pegasus down, as he took a long deep breath and started to move forward.

“Well, it’d be nice to not be on my own at one of these… at least, with a friend instead of…”

“Mumbles there you are!” A familiar snooty and a yet terrifying voice called out, Coalstone looked down on the two with his arms folded and an annoyed look on his face. “We can’t have confirmed Palace cadets like you just standing talking to nopony, it looks bad on all of us.” Before either of the two could correct Coalstone, his horn started to glow again.

Gallus was pushed to the side into a table, and Scythe was pulled towards the unicorn who wrapped an arm around his neck into a headlock. Scythe in a wide-eyed panic was unable to move as Coalstone started to walk into the crowd. “Let’s go have a chat with our new bosses” he stated before turning back to look towards Gallus with a smirk and a flick of his forehoof, “Birdie be useful and hand out some drinks.”

“Hey, I’m not your servant!” Gallus snapped back, but Coalstone scoffed at the griffon and walked off with Scythe, who tried in vain to fight back. After a quick recovery, Gallus tried to follow, but suddenly the crowd started to shift as if a wave was pushing Gallus against the direction he wanted to go. He could feel elbows dig into him, chests and flanks pushing him from side to side.

It was a tight space, Gallus hated tight spaces, could feel his body tense up and his chest tightened as panic started to set in. There wasn’t even enough space to spread his wings out to fly upwards, he had no choice but to give up his search for Scythe and Coalstone, he needed to escape from these ponies closing in on him.

He found an exit to the outside, an escape and a source of fresh air, and so Gallus squeezed himself through a pair of large obstructive earth ponies to dart through it. Upon closing the door behind him, all the sounds of chatter seemed to cease, being reduced to the sound of muffling against the hardwood door.

Outside, only the light of the stars in the sky and the windows of the buildings lit up the scene, the only sounds were the seldom chirps of crickets, the only feeling against Gallus’ feathered and furred body was the cool outdoor breeze of the late-winter night. The heaving Gallus was fortunately all alone, allowed to regain air in his lungs for his chest to expand and his nerves to calm.

After one long deep sigh, his tightness was gone. “Sorry Scythe. Hope you’re hanging in there…” he grunted and punched the door in frustration, as he recalled to moments earlier Coalstone pushing him away, blocking him out, dragging away his friend. He could question why Coalstone was appointed to lead but given his “big deal” family connections there was no point.

Even if that unicorn wasn’t calling the shots, what chance did Gallus have? Most of those ponies didn’t take him seriously, either to be ignored, a servant, or a subject of debate. He questioned if there was any point to him being there, but it just so happened he wasn’t the only creature outside. In the corner of his vision stood a tall pony figure far enough from the lights to be completely in shadows.

It wasn’t uncommon for the odd cadet or staff member to spend the night out for a canter, an evening exercise before winding down for the night, but this pony stood completely stationary. Becoming curious, Gallus moved closer to inspect the silhouetted figure, slowly and carefully to not interrupt it.

He drew nearer, certain features were more obvious. The silhouette was of a tall pony, one with a long mane, and a horn. The horn glowed with a gold-like aura, as well as something small that the horn was levitating. The unicorn figure then lowered its head towards the small object and a short burst of sparks emerged, briefly showing a glimpse of a white horn and the muzzle of the unicorn, and whatever this object was it began to emit a small orange glow.

Finally, the unicorn brought the now glowing object towards its muzzle, and the sound of exhaling could be heard followed by a long-drawn-out breath. Smoke billowed out of the figure’s muzzle, which gave Gallus the brief impression that this unicorn was secretly a dragon. The smoke would have blown outwards and away, had not a sudden gust of wind decided to blow the smoke into Gallus’ face before it could completely evaporate.

The thick smoke smelt repugnant, like burnt fur combined with rotting meat and ashes, the whiff felt like Gallus lost a month out of his lifespan. When the smoke particles got into the griffon’s throat, it left a sharp razor-like feeling in his throat. Feeling queasy, he started to cough and gag as his body desperately tried to get the feeling back out the way it came in.

The sudden sounds of choking caught the unexpected attention of the unicorn. “Captain!” the unicorn exclaimed, suddenly sitting upright and towards Gallus, waving away any remaining smoke with one of its forehooves in a panic. “I only went out for some fresh air, I swear!”

As the smoke completely dissipated and the air was silent once again, the unicorn’s horn started to glow once more. This time, a light shone out from the horn, producing a small spotlight on the ground. The spotlight slowly moved up Gallus’ body as he managed to recover from the smoke, and as he looked back, recognition dawned on him as to who the unicorn was.

It was Prince Blueblood, golden mane and all. His anxious face seemed to ease the tension a bit, at the sight of some relief. “Oh, you’re Gallus, the griffon officer cadet, right?” he called out, as recognition dawned on him as well. “Sneaking out of the party, I see.” He followed with a smirk.

Gallus felt his heart stop, he wasn’t sure if it was because he’d just discovered that Prince Blueblood knew about him and what that entailed, or if it just occurred to him that he was just busted for sneaking out of the building after dark without any authority.

“Uh… I should go” the griffon stated, before immediately turning around and making his way towards the door.

“Ah-buh-buh-buh-buh!” Prince Blueblood halted Gallus, with his hoof raised and his magic aura tugging on the griffon’s tail. “Tis perhaps unwise to sneak back in, especially to face unneeded discipline from your superiors.”

Gallus stopped any effort to reach the door, even with how eloquent and pretentious Blueblood explained, he did have a point. Even if Gallus could try to explain his need to escape because of his claustrophobia, he was sure somepony like Razorwing or Authordox would discipline him anyway on something arbitrary like “not warning them ahead of time” or something of that ilk.

“Besides, the reason you cadets are putting on this occasion is to test your skills on formality and communication, surely you wouldn’t pass up a chance to test your skills with me?”

There was a brief pause, Gallus internally weighed up his options. If this could be the only chance he’d talk to Prince Blueblood for the whole night, there’s not much he’d have to lose. He turned back around to walk up and sit by the prince. Any chance to turn back was quickly halted when Prince Blueblood wrapped an arm around Gallus and pulled him in.

“Just before we go any further, you’re not to speak about this,” he told Gallus in a low voice while floating the source of the smoke up against his face. It was a cigarette, burnt slightly and crimped at one end. The young griffon had seen older griffons using them outside their homes, often giving off a sickly smell and thick smoke to avoid. Prince Blueblood dropped the cigarette in front of Gallus and then let go of the griffon to crush the cigarette with his hoof. “Aunt Celestia would banish me to the moon if she found out.”

He gulped; Gallus could suddenly feel some empathy with Prince Blueblood as he continued to stare at the crushed remains of the cigarette on the ground. He never smoked, for a good reason. “Yeah, if Grandpa Gruff found out I was smoking, I’d happily spend the rest of my days on the moon.”. The elder griffon hated the stuff, the smell, the smoke, the ashes even. He wouldn’t want cigarettes anywhere near his work or his research, stuff too priceless and valuable to be damaged.

Prince Blueblood quietly laughed and patted the griffon on the back. “Good lad. In fairness, there is a bit of truth to my prior excuse. Out of all the venues I’ve gone to, the Academy’s main hall gets rather stuffy. How are you finding the Academy, by the way?”

The first question of the night, Gallus figured that if this was a test, perhaps he should respond with something thought-provoking

“Honestly, it’s given me a new perspective on pony life.”

Prince Blueblood was intrigued by the answer, “In a good way or bad way?” Prince Blueblood followed with intrigue.

“Bit of both,” Gallus shrugged. “Most of the time I was in Ponyville, the only soldiers I ever saw in Equestria were the ones in Canterlot, but here I see it’s a lot bigger and varied. The training isn’t easy, but I guess that means they expect the best to come out of it.”

“Ponyville?” the prince raised an eyebrow before his memory caught up with him. “Ah yes, you’re one of the graduates from the princess’ school, aren’t you? The princess’ pet project,” emphasizing the word pet, causing Gallus’ hackles to rise. Waving a hoof for him to calm, “Worry not my boy, I think young Twilight has something far more important in mind for you, someone has to be the first after all.” He smiled at Gallus, “I’m sure your friends are proud to see you’re here.”

Gallus started to smile as he thought of them, “Yeah, my friends in Ponyville are happy for me.” he knew hadn’t heard from them in a while, but he was sure they thought of him regularly.

Though Blueblood started to chuckle. “I meant in the griffon territories” he clarified, which caused Gallus’ smile to quickly fade into a frown. “You know, I’ve been trying for some time to arrange a meeting or function with the Griffon Lords” Blueblood continued, aware of the thought of griffons bothering his griffon subject, and then sighed with a shrug and a shake of his head. “But either they have no interest, or they refuse to answer back. Perhaps centuries-old animosity still prevails, would you say so?”

The Griffon Lords is the modern government of the griffon territories, originally formed by the former advisors to King Guto before his passing and the end of the monarchy. Gallus never met any Lord, they moved operations from Griffonstone to Feathermore decades ago. He knew Grandpa Gruff had, more times than he’d like apparently, a bunch of rich landowners who like to argue over laws and be stubborn over any question of spending tax money on anything.

Why any sound-minded pony, let alone a unicorn monarch, would want to talk to them was anygriffon’s guess. Suspecting that the monarchy had something to do with him being at the Academy, it could be some political strategy. Historically though, Gallus also had a suspicion that the griffon lords wouldn’t appreciate the monarchy trying to get involved with their politics.

“Tell me, what plans do you have after leaving?” Blueblood then asked out of the blue, causing Gallus to snap himself out of thought. “I don’t think the Guard has an arrangement with the Griffon Army. Any… what do you call them… regiments… you intend to work for?”

“Canterlot Palace Royal Guards” Gallus answered confidently.

“Hmm, just as I expected….”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Griffons are prideful creatures by nature who set their aspirations higher than any other, and as such when they succeed, they exceed to greatness.” Blueblood recited in his mind; his eyes closed as if reading from memory. “At least from what I read in Bygone Griffons of Greatness.”

The griffon began to glare, he saw the stereotyping from a mile away this time. “Canterlot Palace is close by to my friends in Ponyville” he asserted, “I’m not trying to get there out of pride.”

“I’m sure that’s what the friendship graduate side of you says but I wouldn’t be ashamed of what the other sides of you say,” he said condescendingly, patting Gallus on the shoulder. “I’m sure the other griffons would be impressed to see one of their own being a protector of the highest authority in all Equestria, it’d be inspirational.”

“Even if that was true, it’s not like I’d be welcomed with open arms” grumbled Gallus as he folded his arms.

“What makes you say that?”

“Let’s just say, for some ponies 'decency and respect' doesn’t extend beyond their kind. Apparently, Canterlot Palace has a “no pets” policy.”

Prince Blueblood leant back; his head tilted with one of his brows peaking towards his maneline. There was a mixture of confusion of what kind of policy there was and if there was one in place, his eyes wandered to figure it out. Then it hit him. “Ah, I guess there are “Neighsayers” in the Academy?” Gallus looked puzzled, so he explained. “It’s what I like to call ponies who refuse to see the successes of Princess Twilight’s school. I guess those are the bad part of the Academy, and why you’re out here?”

Gallus couldn’t help but look down and away, the thought of Coalstone still standing around himself like he’s the centre of attention was enough to ward off Gallus’ thoughts of returning to the hall, even as the lights continued to shine out of the window and muffled chatter seeped through the doors.

“I wouldn’t blame you, in honesty I’m not a fan of these military balls either.”

“You’re not?” Gallus looked up towards the prince in surprise.

“You cadets have done a grand job as hosts, but If I had my way, I’d let Prince Shining Armor take my place” he confessed with a disappointed sigh. “He graduated here decades ago and as the former Captain of the Royal Guard, it would be nostalgic for him, but he has more important duties as Prince of the Crystal Empire. If I wanted to go to a fancy party, I’d arrange one at my mansion and invite all the wealthy and nobility.”

“Well, I’m sorry you have to put up with me,” the griffon scoffed and folded his arms.

“Truthfully, I went along anyway so I could talk to you,” said Blueblood, which caused Gallus’ face to contort out of confusion. “I was interested in your story, and wanted to learn more. I probably wouldn’t have felt that way years ago, would you believe some ponies thought I was shallow and obnoxious?” He might have asked rhetorically in jest, but it suddenly took Gallus a lot of energy not to give an honest answer.

“I’d have stayed that way had my aunts not sent me off on assignments around Equestria. I found myself talking about wine with Bitalians, making friends with Saddle Arabians, even discussing trade agreements with Prince Rutherford in Yakyakistan. I’ve learned new things about myself and found myself wanting to talk with every upstanding creature from every corner of the world.”

“Even the Griffon Lords?” asked Gallus, reminding the prince of how he’d been wanting to meet them.

Blueblood rubbed the back of his neck, “Well, I’m sure you can’t fault me for trying. If I don’t try and be friends with griffons, I’d be like a right neighsayer, wouldn’t I?” His face then lit up, as if he had an idea. “Perhaps that would be why having an officer like you in Canterlot Palace might be what the E.U.P. Guard needs.”

It didn’t take long for Gallus to figure what Prince Blueblood was talking about, that a griffon in the palace would help the guards not be these so-called “neighsayers”. He could see it being like his time at the Academy up to that point, how his experience started with the weird stares and shortcomings, but over time he had noticed it less and less. Sure, there were jerks like Coalstone, but Gallus felt like those would have to change.

As the pair stood outside, the lights and sounds of camaraderie inside the Academy took the attention of the prince and griffon.

“Looks like we’ve spent enough time outside, perhaps we should join the rest of the ponies in the Academy?” suggested Prince Blueblood.

“How should I explain my absence to my superiors?”

Despite the griffon’s concerns, the prince simply chortled and placed an arm around Gallus as they made their way back into the side entrance of the main hall.

“My dear Gallus, the good thing about being with me, is that you won’t have to explain anything.”

Meanwhile, the evening ball was still in its momentum, with chatting and clinking of wine glasses, it was impressive that the bottles hadn’t run dry. Some of the cadets were soldiering on to network with their guests, both Pound Sterling and Lightning Dust teamed up to converse with a captain in the Wing Corp whilst Nicknames tried to keep himself awake to talk to one of the Royal Engineers, nodding off occasionally.

Scythe on the other hoof wanted to leave, or at least go back to hanging around at the side of the hall. Unfortunately, he couldn’t leave in the middle of a conversation with the Captain of the Royal Guard, the brown unicorn that was to be his future boss in Canterlot Palace. Even if he could, he had the difficult task of unchaining himself from the unicorn that had an arm around his neck.

“It’s always good to see cadets from military families going through the Academy,” delightfully remarked the captain towards his two subjects. “Means new generations of cadets with passion and inspiration thanks to their youth while retaining experience and knowledge from their contemporaries.”

“Yes, I agree absolutely,” Coalstone interjected, making as much effort to proudly kiss up as he held his head high with his nose pointed towards the corner that meets the wall and the ceiling. “I’ve learned a lot from my father and grandfather, their knowledge will surely help me from the first day at the palace.”

“I hope neither of you is using your confirmed cadet statuses as pink tickets,” the captain followed up, raising a single eyebrow as he spoke before taking a sip from his glass. “One of my jobs is to make sure Princess Twilight Sparkle is satisfied with who will ensure the protection of Canterlot and its Palace, and so not only do we expect hardworking officers but ones who have a good rapport.”

“Oh of course,” answered Coalstone with slight agitation, “along with working hard in my studies, I also spend a lot of time with my good friends. Even Scythe Magnus and I have a good history, don’t we?”

The unicorn propped himself up with a huge fake grin on his face, his arm firmly around Scythe’s neck as if holding him in a “friendly hug”. However, Coalstone could see his “friend” with his ears down, and his face obscured as the pegasus looked down towards the floor, certainly not a good or convincing impression. The unicorn quickly remedied the issue, it took one forceful tug of his arm for Scythe’s ears to perk up and nod with a shaky grin on his face.

Suddenly, their debatably pleasant conversation was interrupted. “Ah, Captain Armour Plate, there you are!” A familiar and grand voice called out from behind Coalstone and Scythe, causing both to turn around. Prince Blueblood had made a return to the main hall after an unusually long absence. His presence was met with a wave of curious ponies that had dispersed behind him and murmured to one another.

Captain, with recognition dawning on his face, suddenly went into an emergency mode. “Your highness! Is there something urgent?” he asked whilst standing upright in attention.

The calm prince waved his hoof and laughed. “Relax, Captain, I’m sure the Palace is still in safe hooves while we’re here,” reassured Prince Blueblood, putting the captain at ease. “So, I went outside for some… fresh air… and when I was making my way back, I ended up having a fascinating conversation with this young cadet, and he had been hoping to speak with you.” Prince Blueblood stepped to the side, revealing Gallus stood behind him.

Captain recognised the cadet, although upon first impression his smile faded and he frowned as he locked eyes with Gallus.

“Ah, you’re the gr- “

“Yes, that’s right, he’s one of the graduates from Princess Twilight Sparkle’s School of Friendship,” Prince Blueblood interrupted, without losing the smile on his face as he calmly yet forcefully corrected the captain whilst proudly placing a hoof on the griffon’s shoulder. “Gallus is one of the fine cadets applying for an officer position with the Canterlot Palace.”

“O-oh is he now,” Captain Armour Plate feigned surprise with a wide grin as his Prince stared daggers towards him. “Well, we are quite selective, but we give applicants a fair chance”. After discreetly rubbing away a nervous sweat, he gestured his hoof towards Coalstone and Scythe to divert attention to himself. “As I was saying to these fellow cadets, I want to make sure our new officers are both hard-working and have a good rapport.” He then turned to Gallus, “I’m sure that won’t be an issue?”

Seeing that he finally got an opportunity to speak, Gallus wasn’t going to waste it as he made his way forward. “Not at all, sir,” he proudly shook his head. “I’ve been getting on well at the Academy, been learning a lot about the guard, and I like the challenges put on me.” He then squeezed himself in between Coalstone and Scythe, pushing the unicorn aside so that the pegasus pony could finally be free of the tight grip he was under. “The friends I’ve made both in my platoon and at home have helped me through it so far, and it’s not like I don’t help them out in return. Right Scythe?”

Scythe smiled and nodded, sincerely as his friend hugged him with one arm, he sighed with relief. No longer did he feel an urge to escape at that moment.

“Yeah, I’m glad to share a platoon with him.”

“Is that so?” Captain Armour Plate asked rhetorically, raising a curious eyebrow along with a smirk, if the silent Magnus can happily praise this young griffon, perhaps he does have a good rapport for the Palace. “I think I’ll have a word with my superiors tomorrow, I’m sure they’d be interested in having a word with a… graduate… when the time comes.”

As he prepared to take another sip of his glass, he looked down and noticed its contents were empty. “Looks like I could do with another drink,” he remarked before turning to the unicorn cadet nearest to him. “Coalstone, be a good host and fetch me a new glass, would you?” he requested, waving his hoof away from him.

“I’m not your…!” Coalstone snapped, he didn’t take kindly to being ordered. Before he could finish, his muzzle snapped shut in a panic as eyes all pointed towards him. Gallus, Captain Armour Plate, Scythe, even Prince Blueblood, all suddenly stare at him with either disapproval, surprise, or smarminess, it made it clear his objection wasn’t approved. “Yes, sir,” the unicorn grumbled in defeat, before turning away to get a glass of wine.

For the rest of the night, Gallus and Scythe chatted with Captain Armour Plate and Prince Blueblood. They talked about time at the academy, friendship, work, wine, and their futures. The two cadets had made a few other cadets feel a bit of envy, but after all the work they did setting up this grand night, it was worth it.

With ponies in high places at his side, Gallus could see himself with a chance at working for the Canterlot Palace, while Scythe could see himself having fun at the evening ball.

Author's Note:

Who'd have thunk that Prince Blueblood would be happy and open with other creatures.

Huge thanks to Javarod for going the extra mile on this one!