• Member Since 27th Sep, 2020
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Hi, I'm GRYFFINDOR123456 and I'm legally an adult. I love my little pony, Equestria Girls and G5 and I also love Harry Potter, Wednesday and Barbie!


The city of Canterlot is split into 14. 13 districts and the head. When Scootaloo’s name is picked out, Sunset Shimmer volunteers. Her other tribute, Flash Sentry is chosen, her ex boyfriend. Together, they must compete against their old friends, and new friends, and find out who will live... and who will die.


Chapters (6)
Comments ( 10 )

Why such short chapters?

Edit: Wooooow. If I wasn't already familiar with Hunger Games, I would be so lost. I didn't think you could go from morning of the tribute selection to already in the arena in just barely a thousand words. Gotta hand it to you, you did a thing.

I refuse to believe you aren't a time traveller

I’m adding more, and day 1(the game) is going to be longer than the others... hopefully!

I’m not! Just mixing two of my favourite stories together!!!

Yeah i know right? Good grief this is ridiculous. You could hardly called this a story. When you have chapters this short you might as well not bother creating individual chapters and just put it all-in-one page if typing no more than 200 - 300 words is your limit. A chapter should be at least 1000 - 2000 words minimum.

This right here is an utter joke, it comes off as lazy or very amateurish. This new author needs to stop for a moment and rethink what they need to improve as a writer before continuing forward.

I suggest they practice by writing one shot stories or short stories to improve typing more than just 300 words, before diving into multi chapter stories.

yeah, sorry if i offended you. But I was told to practice writing by my teachers at school.

And i have exams soon... So i thought if i practiced outside of school time, I would be better.

I’m used to writing 100-1000 word essays, as that what I was trained to do for about 8 years.

I’ll make the next chapter longer, and the next few won’t follow the Hunger Games. Deaths will be different and the chapters will be done by days. I promise that.

Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye

Pinkie Pie

I’ll update this soon, but maybe not that soon!

I am not offended. I am just disappointed is all. I think you could do better than this. If you try hard enough and stay focused.:trixieshiftleft:

I’ll try to make the next few chapters longer- That was the intention.
It may be a while until I finish it, but it is not on hiatus.

You don't need to rush. Take your time. Just try to make a habit of writing longer chapter stories from here on out rather than very short ones you've been mostly posting. If you're serious about being a writer you have to show viewers you're willing to put the work, the time, and effort into it. You're never going to get anywhere with the current way you're written your stories at the moment. Don't bother posting something that looks like it was done for writing practice. :twilightsmile:

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