• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I think Twilight's best pony because I relate to her the best.



A family history project leads Flash to his grandparents' old house where he finds a photograph of a boy from the past who looks a lot like him. What was this boy like? Was he anything like Flash or did the similarities end with their appearances? Well, why don't we find out?

Featuring: The Canterlot High Baking Club

Inspired by: https://youtu.be/NN6iJN_PxDg
English translation of the original lyrics here
English fandub: https://youtu.be/oVqA7GWoedQ

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 31 )

These two, no shame, no shame.

I think 'face', is the better word given that having shame implies that there is 'honor' but having no face... well I'll let you infer, but I didn't grow up with Chinese parents... so...

On that note, if this story inspires you to check out Food Wars, I feel as if I have the responsibility to give you a warning about it first. It's NSFW. For some reason, whoever created this anime felt as if certain elements of this show would be best conveyed using an extreme amount of nudity. :ajbemused: It's a crying shame because it's got some pretty amazing characters and an overall decent plot. On top of that, it's inspired me to attempt flavor combinations and cooking techniques that I've never heard of. If it wasn't for the excessive nudity, it probably would have been safe for younger teenagers to watch. :ajbemused:

It's a Japanese thing, they tend to be ... how should I say it... sexuality is a more open topic in Japanese culture,

So Flash has his grandfather's picture, so what will happen next

“I might even call up my friend Rarity for suggestions if none of us can think of anything.”

If there isn't a fashion show with Rarity using the Humain-7 as the models, I am... I am... ... Well there better be

So what was Lionheart's Chinese name?

Shī xīn

If you want the actual characters, it's 狮心.

“We need to talk,” Birdie said to her boyfriend.

... well those are four words you never want to hear
... that ending hit the feels...:pinkiesad2:

Well Life goes on, glad that Flash, bit by bit is returning to it. But glad that Lion was able to propose... only wish he was here... kind of reminds me of my own grandfather's absence... hold on I need to cry...

I am okay now.

I think you're missing the 'zǐ' , but I take it 'Shi' is an accepted short hard for 'lion'.
It would be nice for a future entry to have Lionheart be called by his Chinese name, maybe Birdie could say something, like 'You are my lion,' in Chinese?

Yeah, if Lionheart can't even say his own name, what makes you think Birdie is going to be able to? No, I'm not going to have Birdie speak better Chinese than him just for the sake of irony.

I wasn't implying irony, I was just thinking 'who would actually call Lionheart their 'lion or shi zi', maybe his mother saying something like 'my child is now a real lion', or around those lines denoting that Lionheart is viewed as a man fully, but I think it's sweet that Birdie would learn one phrase, just one phrase, to denote how she views him. Again, irony had nothing to do with my thought process.
If you really wanted to, Tiger could say that he was 'a lazy lion or 'Lǎn shīzi' ( i think that's right) as a joke.
You know like 'Big brother was always a lazy lion, Gēgē yīzhí dōu shì lǎn shīzi' (I think that's right, again, didn't grow up knowing or using Chinese).
I am just spit-balling here

Well, in that case, here's what I have to say about that. A LOT went on in my head during the writing process that for various reasons didn't make it onto the page, and that's all I have to say about that. Maybe I'll elaborate more on the names in a different story, but I wouldn't count on it.

I story set before the very first story in your series is a bit surprising, but welcome.

Just like a little brother to pull pranks on their sibling like that.

That “I’m feeling tired” line at the end just hurts though.

That part with Flash’s friends got to me, not going to lie.

I actually didn’t notice that dynamic until you pointed it out, that is pretty funny actually.

The butterfly thing for twins is very sad, but at the same time very sweet that Pinkie tried to incorporate it for Flash.

Oh, didn't know grandpa Lionheart had a younger sister! Wonder if we'll meet her at some point in the present (if she's still alive of course). Guess I gotta keep reading to find out.
I really like the concept of Birdie connecting with Magnolia like the mother she never had, and how that makes Lionheart appreciate his own mother a little more. Gotta see how that develops into a relationship between the two.

By the way, what did you think of the part where Flash finds that photo of Lionheart as a teenager?

That ending, nooooooooooo :'D I keep forgetting this is on the same timeline as HNTFA :fluttercry:

Okay, gotta admit that all the Chinese was a little difficult to keep up with. I had to open a second tab with the author's note so that I could understand what they were saying. But I mean, I understand why you did it that way.

I really like the whole family dynamic here, including how Birdie is slowly becoming closer with them. It's great how she's indirectly helping Lionheart learn to appreciate his family a little bit more.


Pretty feelsy :') I like how Flash sees more of himself in the man he admired so much.

Also, if I was one of their neighboors, I'd for dang sure take one or two of those mooncakes! I've never had one in my life, but they seem so tastyyyyyy, I wish I could try them :rainbowwild:

So much sadness for such a little chapter :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:
I know Lionheart makes it out of the war relatively okay since he gets to meet his granson, but can't help but feel bad for Birdie here. Having your (in this case, future) husband going to war must be such a hard time. Specially if you were relying on him to be the one stable thing about your future.

Also, awww, Pinkie was a really sweetheart here.

Never expected Pinkie to become the MVP of the present part of this story, but I'm not complaining. I love how you wrote her here.

This story was really really sweet (with bits of sad, but still, loved how both parts ended). It was great reading Lionheart slowly grow closer to the man Flash knew him to be. And all the insights into Flash's family really make him more rounded and real as a character. I don't, I just love it.

Also, I don't know if you ever plan on expanding upon this (totally fine if you don't), but I'm fully expecting that sibling dynamic to continue on with Flash and Twiligiht's kids :raritywink::rainbowlaugh:


“Sis, is this another one of your weird experiments?” Lionheart asked, eyeing what looked like normal steamed buns suspiciously.

“Just try it. I really think I’ve got a winner this time,” Tigress retorted.

“That’s what you say about all of them, and sometimes, you couldn’t be more wrong like that time you tried to stuff a sweet potato casserole into a mooncake.”

“Not this time,” his sister huffed. “Besides, those sweet potato and marshmallow mooncakes weren’t that bad."

“They exploded, and the whole tray was covered in a hot, brown goo.”

So, this is a weird place to put a funny story, but I think I'm going to tell you guys anyway. Okay, when I write characters, I tend to put little bits and pieces of myself into them, and when I set out to write a story inspired by an anime ending song and my love of food, I thought to myself, "I can't write a story inspired by food without writing the part of me that likes doing crazy food experiments into one of the characters." That one character ended up being Tigress.

Of course, in the process of experimenting with food, there's bound to be more than a few mishaps, and I wanted to make sure I captured that in writing. I didn't want Tigress's failures in the kitchen to be some vague, "Oh, this person set the kitchen on fire once" disaster. I wanted something specific that could remotely actually happen in real life, and I went with exploding sweet potato and marshmallow mooncakes for two reasons. One, theoretically anything that can be made into a thick paste can be used as a mooncake filling, including sweet potatoes. Two, I knew that marshmallows tend to do weird things when you put them in an oven.

Last week, I was thinking about this one bit, and I thought to myself, "Why am I getting a weird sense of de ja vu from this one bit?" Then, I remembered. Back when I was in college, I was making snacks for my friends in my Bible study group, and I wanted to try out a recipe I had read about in the school newspaper for s'mores stuffed cookies. I was supposed to put a marshmallow and a piece of chocolate between two graham crackers, wrap the whole thing in cookie dough, and then bake everything, but I thought I could save a few bucks by not using the graham crackers. What I had failed to realize was that chocolate chip cookies aren't known for their structural integrity, and when you stuff something puffy, gooey, and melty into the middle of a chocolate chip cookie, you're further compromising what little structure that it has. The graham crackers were there to make up for compromising the cookie's structure. Long story short, the cookies collapsed on themselves causing the marshmallow and chocolate to ooze out, and I was left with, in my words, a tray covered in a hot, brown goo. :twilightsheepish::rainbowlaugh: Thankfully, college kids will eat anything free and homemade that doesn't come from the school cafeterias, so my friends were quite understanding of the whole mess. :twilightsheepish::rainbowlaugh: I can't believe I didn't even realize I went through something like that when I wrote this bit.

Oh my gosh :rainbowlaugh: Yeah, that part in the story felt natural for a reason. Good thing your friends weren't too bothered :twilightsheepish:

Oh the horror stories I could tell, but I shall be merciful and not

I kind of want a scene where Lionheart is called by his Chinese name by anyone but his mother

Like she said, I wouldn't count on it. Really doesn't seem like that's something she's way too interested in writing.

Was that a reference to an earlier chapter or are you just moody?

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