• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


This story is a sequel to Piecemeal Pupil

Sunset Shimmer writes a letter to the pony who has given her the worst gift she's ever received.

A stand-alone sequel. Preread and edited by Gay for Gadot. Recommended by TCC56! Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 78 )

Nice stream of consciousness. I enjoyed reading Sunset Shimmer's cynicism. One wonders if Sunset really hates Twilight, or if she's being all tsundere and trying to stop Twilight from "falling prey" to Princess Celestia and suffering the same fate as her (Sunset).

... Well. That was a thing Bitchy Sunset did. Not sure if the part after the letter was from Twilight's perspective, or Celestia's. Though the Sunset drawing in the trash leans toward Twilight. For me at least.

And the sad part is? Sunset is right. Not the personal insults to Twilight or her family. But everything else screams true to some extent. This though, really kicked me in the feels.

"But I also know ‘cause it is what she is trying to do to me."

Here it shows that Sunset is trying to save Twilight from making the same mistake she did. Or thinks she did anyway, by becoming Celestia's student.

I'm overthinking this probably.


... Well. That was a thing Bitchy Sunset did. Not sure if the part after the letter was from Twilight's perspective, or Celestia's. Though the Sunset drawing in the trash leans toward Twilight. For me at least.

In my letter stories, if I show the character afterward or have replies following and the like it meant that the character read them. (See stories like Her Own Sky, Distance Beyond Any Measure, and Favorable Alignment which make good use of letters) Here, it only has an objective narrator refers to it being confiscated and in the trash. Princess Celestia found it before Twilight could be bullied.

Sunset is probably too full of angst to know herself!

Thanks for letting me pre-read this one! Great insight into Sunset's pre-mirror self. Really sad to see Twilight's innocent gesture inspire so much resentment and anger... as well as how Celestia handles it.

From there, its contents were clearly read once, possibly even out loud to the author it was confiscated from.

This is the part that confuses me, is Sunset there as Celestia writes the sentence?

That little grape had it coming. Bulli hours are on for Sunny D.

That sentence is from an omniscient perspective. It's Celestia reading Sunset's own letter to her, though.

Makes sense. Celestia might have also seen what Sunset was trying to do behind the bullying. And if Twilight also saw it...

Well. Celestia can't have a Faithful Student with a mind of her own, now can she? One that she can't mold into what she wants. Unfortunately, Sunset was smarter than that and refused to be Sunbutt's lapdog.

Yeah. I'm overthinking it now, arent' I? Great story no matter what.

To be fair, Sunset did call Twilight a grape. I'd be very mad if someone did that to me!

That's what I was wondering, because she threw the letter and started writing a reprimand, but if she read the letter to Sunset, wouldn't she just reprimand Sunset in person instead of sending a letter later?

Letters are more properly passive-aggressive mom style. C'mon when is the last time a mom stopped at 'now listen here' and didn't throw in something like 'write me lines about X' or something else to go with it?

There's a grape idea, fruit puns might make you berry angry.

It's cause you're fruity.

Buy some apples.

I haven't read the story yet, but I want to come on here and comment already because every time I see a Sunset story from you I’m like damn I know this is going to be good


C'mon when is the last time a mom stopped at 'now listen here' and didn't throw in something like 'write me lines about X' or something else to go with it?

My mother's way of education in any school subject was, "You don't understand this? Write it a literal thousand times so you can see it in your dreams at night."


I’m like damn I know this is going to be good

Good in the sense that you're going to absorb this horse's childhood traumas? Yeah, I guess that fits someone's idea of good, somewhere.

No really, thank you.

Don't make me come over there and artichoke you for your veggie bad crimes. :raritywink:

Update: the first line just killed me “I heard you looked like a grape” :rainbowlaugh:

You are not overthinking it, you have come to the only reasonable conclusion.

Yikes. Sometimes I forget (or want to forget) just how big a b**ch Sunset used to be. I'm glad the Rainbow Beam™ scrubbed the nasty out of her.

I love your story my man!
Keep It up!

Thanks, gamer! Who knows how much more stuff I've got unpublished and lying around?

me, obviously

Oh, don't feel so down about it, peaches. Once you have the nasty scrubbed out, you get to be the reason EG was so good. Your stint as a villain was lackluster, but your stint as a hero makes you one of my favorite characters in G4 (in this voice's opinion).

Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you. I just wanted to call you a grape.

Everytime you post a Sunset story you tug on my heart strings. Great job.

well that was, ouch (twi called sunset "the pretty unicorn" and just ;-; she's so sweet and has no idea what she's in for)

and just

this is your universe's twilight, which...
she just makes me (very) sad every time she appears
to the point of avoiding things she shows up in, until today on a whim
whoops? (it's well written it just makes me sad)

Would you like me to do heartstring origami next?

Sunset is very pretty though! I’d pet her bacon face!
And yeah, at least she was spared some bullying
The Stellaura stories w/ her are by far my toughest though so I’d say everything else is minor in comparison to the existential hell they offer

This is great characterization of sunset prior to her reformation. Great read! :pinkiehappy:

10603869 She’s a delightful mean bean.
Thank you for subjecting this story to your literacy!

Oof. You did a really good job portraying an angry gifted teenager. Kids can be brutal.

At least Twilight ended up having a grape time eventually!

hmmmm, Sunset really wasn't trying to hide letter or Celestia saw that Sunset was writing something and immediately took this despite her disagree?
though Celestia could spot Sunset with letter when she was going to toss it to Twilight

I left those possibilities up to the reader to decide. The end result is more important, but depending on how you speculate that the letter was obtained can change what you think of the story.

it's kind of blur of impression of the story
Oh, you draw the picture by yourself? If yes, then well done

I did not. The artist is linked in the image source area.

You...dont like grapes. :fluttercry:

Nah, I like them. I wouldn't like being called one, lol.

What the buck is wrong with her? If I was twilight and I found that letter, sunset would dead on sight.

Wanting to wish death upon Sunset is a bit much. What she did is wrong, but she’s also a child with severe behavior problems.

A child? I thought she was a teenager.

Yes, but not by much. She’s like twelve here.

How about just blasting her? It doesn’t have to be fatal.

That would be an unjust assault.

Unjust? She literally talked crap about her mother.

Sunset is a childish bully. That doesn’t make physical retaliation against her okay. Especially if it isn’t in self-defense.

How about insulting her back?

Well, if Twilight had ever gotten the letter, she could have tried in the event that they saw one another again. But the letter was explicitly described as confiscated by Celestia.

But, if she did insult her back, would that be justified?

I guess it depends on how justified you see two kids bullying each other as. Also, Twilight is seven. The worst she can probably think of is 'doo-doo head' or something similar.

I’d be fine with that. Because, apparently you can’t blast her, even if the blast is non-fatal.

It's all so sad.
Twilight's drawing being torn up and thrown away. Sunset being at a place in her life where something so nice brings out such a vicious reaction.
I love it.

Hmm Under italian law there is a provisio for insults said under the just rage after being unjustly being insulted or being the subject of an unjust action, like for example calling someone who cut you of badly on the street a grape.

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