• Member Since 20th Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen May 22nd


Comments ( 43 )

Setting aside a few other... things in this chapter, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the idea that a single nation, attacking through a portal, would in turn make those they attack retaliate and systematically destroy an entire planet and enslave the survivors and regard them as little more then fodder. It honestly defies all logic, them retaliating and destroying Turkey, somewhat believable, them deciding to annihilate everyone, not so much.

Just my two cents

I would like an answer to that as well since one would think the question of Humanity having a one world government would have been discused and found to be not true after all the time the world net work of portal had to be around before hand.

What is disgusting about it is, I think the distinction was known but arrogance of immortal leaders could care less about it. Punishing all for the actions of some when the other humans had no control or knowledge of these actions cannot be found as Justified.

This is pretty interesting but! I really don't think we would lose to them though

Comment posted by Klaifferon deleted Dec 27th, 2020

Why didn't you respond to the comments of Leafwebs and NothingImpossible?

I was agreeing with nothingimpossiblie's sentiment, sorry for any confusion.

I did read all of the story as hosted by the other site, so my comment is moot; but the answer to it is emotionally crushing.

Interesting turn of events

Loving this read so far. So excited to see how the next chapter goes! :pinkiehappy: :heart:

You reply to comments by moving your mouse over to the right hand side of the comment you want to reply to and clicking on the >> that appears. Why isn't there a dark tag?

Man I know how to do basic tasks on the internet lol. I just don't go through the comments a lot, I merely post the story for those who might enjoy it.
What do you mean by a dark tag though? I mean, this story isn't really a grimdark or anything. Weird and improbable, yeah, but dark..?

What would actually happen:
Equestria tries to attack Earth, gets annihilated immediately. Survivors are enslaved by humans. The end.

make love not war, a lesson the ponies need to learn judging by twilight sparkle who came down with a case of celestia pox. Its the disease that prevent alicorns from governing or doing any real ruling for convoluted reasons. Could she change the rules to allow humans to be treated as equals; yes she can however she'd rather go with the flow.

"I'm sure you will." she smiles again but then her cheery expression fades a little "...Poor Dash didn't take her loss too well. She gets lonely at home now."

"What kind of loss?"

"Her pet tortoise..."

Okay, i’m getting vibes from an audio drama called “the heart’s shell” by Musescript, anybody know it by chance?

Kinda forced premise with humanity losing and being enslaved. We kind of have weapons of mass destruction and middles the ponies would have no concept of and therefore couldn’t defend against. But even if you pretend the ponies would beat humanity it’s kinda fucked they’d enslave civillians for a few attacks done by governments that the innocent people now slaves had nothing to do with. But I know this story isn’t about making sense, it’s about other things like most anime and other media are.

When you consider that unicorns, which make up a third of Equestria's population, can be if properly trained literal living weapons of mass destruction and when you consider that the alicorns are far beyond them in power.

"How much would they pay for you?"
I don't know, a griffin might pay a little. There is a fair bit of bacon and fat on this one. The drumsticks are rather thick and Meaty though.

"I do, but you'll have to break them in yourself." Goldbeak leads the mare off to some of the less-than-happy humans who can be aggressive or violent. The usual stock.

What does he mean by that?

Braeburn came by again today, hauling off three humans, you knew he was going to wreck them. And again, he eyed you like the one fruit he was too short to reach, your steep price tag keeping you from the sheriff's devious machinations.

Wreck them?

You can be sent to the mines, get chopped up when the birds get hungry or worse.... having your asshole stretched by some fag horse.

Luckily, there’s always an easy way out if something like that should happen.

Which is?

At first you wanted to defend yourself, tell them that it’s not the way it looks like or just tell them to fuck off. But you swallowed the words in the end. Sometimes the silence is golden.

Then use that to your advantage.

You might as well do the same thing, it’s not as if there’s anything else to do on this train and you had enough of landscapes for the time being. So you shut your eyelids, about to relax...

I would have been thinking of strategies to escape.

"I think I’ll go with you two. You know I’m not a fan of flying when I’m not in a hurry." smiles Fluttershy.


On the other hand, this means… that there’s no possible escape for you anymore. You can't possibly run away from a fucking cloud.

Nope. It’s still possible.

"Hey look,.. do you have a name?" the mare notices your hopeful smile, thinking it's a chance to strike up a conversation. She has no idea how much you despise her.

Drop the smile and don’t say anything.

She's gonna ask you about "it". You'd rather work on a rock farm than having to-


Can't exactly if she's sad or angry right now but you definitely must have hit a soft spot here.

I’m using that to my advantage.

"Y-yeah, sure. Or there's a couch too, but the bed is fine with me. T-tank used to sleep there as well." she stutters again in her three seconds of weak moment before regaining her pose "But I'm gonna have to wash you first, okay? I'm not letting you on a cushion like this."

I’m taking the couch.

After scrubbing every last piece of filth from your body, you rub one out as well, pretty much for the sake that you can, without anyone watching you and to relieve some stress… Which seems to work wonders, along with the hot water and a full belly.

Rub one out?

"Thank you..." you’re already disappearing, running to the bedroom, straight onto the bed… to curl up and cry.

What she made you do was the last straw, pulled by the series of events you had to go through before. Everything was bottling up in you for months.

I would use it as motivation to escape.

"Veeeery exhausted. I saw that. Crying this hard takes a toll."


"The walls here aren't as thick as you might think and you left the door half opened." she chuckles, reaching her hoof to you "It's okay though, you'll be alright. Come here."

This would have fueled my hatred even more.

Gordon Ramsay would be rolling in his grave. ...Unless he's alive, frying flowers somewhere right now.

Ok, now that’s funny.

You’re too nervous to enjoy it though, so your eyes eventually land on your hands. Then the basket. And finally, back to the source of your stress: The pegasus called Rainbow Dash.

Use it to your advantage.

"Well he should. They are savages you know..?! I've heard from Celestia about the horrible things they were doing before we came and I even saw photos from their slaughterhouses all over their planet. ...I'm not even really sure he'll be a good pet for you Dash."

Guess what, b*tch? Go f*ck yourself.

"Now listen, if you ever hurt my friend, you're gonna regret it. Deeply. Understand?" the purple mare turns at you as soon as the door to her workshop close behind the two of you.

I suggest you f*ck off.

"I don't know what she's seeing in you but you should not abuse her kindness.” this time it’s her , interrupting you “If you will, there will be consequences."

What kind of consequences, b*tch?

There are hundreds of arguments you could say about how hypocritical it is of her to expect you to care about feelings of someone who bought you as a mere thing. In a fucking discount that is. But there’s no point in arguing when you have no rights here, so you just swallow all those words back and reluctantly nod.

Anon, stop being a b*tch.

"Where do you think I get the energy from? Myself? As if I wanted to drain my own lifeforce for spells like these... You're way too curious. There's a good reason why magic isn't for humans.... Let's return you back now. And remember what I told you. This is a threat."

Yea, an empty threat.

To emphasize on that, she raises her wing, letting you see the button she can always press.

Push it.

"Alright Scoots, I'll be right back. Then I'll show you how he can wrestle too!" your mistress soars up to your ear before dashing off "Seriously Anon, be nice. If you were to hurt her in any way, you're dead, understand?"

Just point the middle finger at her.

It’s kinda taking you back to times when some of your relatives occasionally brought their kids to family events and you were that “cool uncle” who was willing to lift them and spin them in circles like a merry-go-round. You’d never refuse because you used to love that shit too when you were little.

I wonder where they are, now?

And on the way to the balloon, you meet Fluttershy again. She’s eager to know how you’re acclimating.

"I'm... getting by..." you answer shamefully because you’re slowly getting used to your life as a pet.

Just tell her the truth.

Also, she's constantly tasting everything in the process. Aou kinda hate that but,... whatever. Can't exactly tell her to fuck off.

Actually, you can.

I would think that humans wouldn't enslave ponies, if the reversed.
Unless it was an alternate human univers, with different values, and slavery was morally OK.

To many organisations would be against it on princeple alone.
And USA had a whole war about whether slavery was a good or bad thing.

Check out the negotiations-verse .

Honestly, I can’t feel sorry for neither anon or rainbow dash.

….But for some reason you're feeling freer than ever.


And since the day felt long, you took the time to tidy up the bedroom, as well as the rest of the house: Got rid of all the broken glass, cleaned the few bloodstains from the ground and replaced all the dirty bed sheets… also, prepared your pillow on the couch because that's where you're obviously sleeping.

That’s where you should have slept in the first place.

Now you can even see the opening code. ...It's: "369 / ♥"

What does that mean?

“... I know things between us didn't turn out the best way. Or the way I hoped they would. ..It was kind of foolish of me to think so, when I look back. I know I've hurt and humiliated you in many ways,. even enjoyed it sometimes... I just want you to know I'm sorry."

But, why now?

"A few,... believe it or not, there are those who feel it was wrong to take over Earth. I just had to find them and... I think I understand why they might be right."


".....Can I have a goodbye kiss? One you'd actually give willingly... I always wanted it, but,. I understand I never really deserved it."

A kiss that is...

Is he saying that or her?

The humans from the forest supposedly don't know they're occasionally being "helped" and they might think you're suspicious if you arrived with a pony by your side. So after thanking him and saying goodbye, you travel the last hour by foot.

Why not tell them?

"Brother, you're so far the saddest case we've got here." he chuckles, patting your shoulder "My name's Peter, come with me."

What are the others?

You're very aware the memories are tinted in pink now, because you constantly fought with her through those days. But it’s making you smile nonetheless.

Why pink?

"Say bye to others. Tell them I wish them the best and I appreciate all of you taking me in. But this isn't where I belong." you give him a gleeful smile before turning around.

Did his English change over time?

"I do, because..." she smiles excitedly, taking a deep breath,.. but then she hugs you again instead: "..nevermind, I'll tell you everything later. Now I'm just so happy to have you back."

What was she going to say?

And she's gone again, before you get to realize what exactly is going on. Leaving you there, chewing on the 4d cupcake.


"....Twilight was upset about me, leaving?" you glance at Rainbow Dash after swallowing the sweet pastry.

"...I may have told ponies you simply ran away,... I mean, I couldn't tell them I set you free, plus I thought I'd never see you again. So yeah, Twilight was pretty angry at you."

Why not?

"I didn't want to scare you off, okay?! ...And I did try, but you wouldn't let me..." she puckers up her lips. “You cut me off twice.”


"Nothing. It's just,.. I dunno, maybe you really should keep ‘us’ a secret. ...You saw Rarity's reaction. And she was always pretty cool with me to begin with. Imagine others all the others."

Actually, pinkie pie and fluttershy might be ok with it.

In the past, you overheard her multiple times, talking about being an incarnation or an element of loyalty, whatever that meant. You always thought it was just one of her many braggings.

...You still can’t say that you understand what it means but you know she’s serious when she says a thing like that.

Ask them about it.

"I'm sorry, no animals past this point." a nurse stops you when you want to follow the colorful pegasus.

F*ck you.

The first rays of a morning sun that shine on your face through the opened window make you withdraw from the dream realm to open your eyes and see the colorful mane with a blue pony nose sticking out of it.

Can luna go into his dreams?

"The poor boy must have got too domesticated to survive in the wild on his own..." the yellow pegasus next to her sighs.

Fluttershy, I love you, but shut up.

"Fluttershy must be right, the human merely realized it's convenient to return. And the poor Rainbow is too loyal for her own good to get rid of him." Twilight swiftly jumps to a conclusion.

Twilight, shut the f*ck up.

“That isn’t what I meant Twi-” Fluttershy starts...

Then what did she mean?

But when she sees you, kneeling down to comfort her friend, the purple unicorn's eye twitches in anger and her expression wrinkles into a painful cringe.

“You did this!!” she charges her horn with a purple, scary looking, magical aura “This is all your fault!!”

Twilight, everything you said came out of your own mouth.

"You should still check on Twilight, Rainbow..." Rarity nudges Dash after everyone’s let go of each other "...She saw the consequences of the war first hoof, it's hard to blame her for acting on emotions... "


"Rainbow, there wasn't a war between us and yaks or griffins... You just-... haven't seen the dead ponies, killed by humans. I knew some of them and I felt responsible for each and every one!"

What the f*ck that’s got to do with him? He was’t in the war.

"You're sitting on a throne of lies! This is just an elaborate manipulation!" Twilight bursts at you.

Go f*ck yourself.

And just like predicted, the purple alicorn isn't exactly pleased with what your ex-mistress, now special somepony, said. She looks furious when she glances at you two, defensively standing close to each other, as if ready to defend one another from the common threat:


Just jump the b*tch.

As much as she’d want to smite you where you stand so she could have her old friend back, the same she was before, it just isn’t possible. Too many things have changed and as tempting as it can be, violence or anger can’t solve the problem at this point.

Actually, it can.

“I hate you…” she eventually caves down instead, tears in her eyes “I just want my friend back. If only we never set hoof on your Celestiaforsaken planet...”

Honestly, I wouldn’t give a f*ck.

"If only it wasn’t so hard..." she exhales eventually, as if the anger inside her was deflating and losing its aggressive energy "I just wished I would never see another human again after the war… But when the portals didn't close properly and ponies started hauling humans to Equestria,.. none of that was supposed to happen.”

And you didn’t stop them?

"I don't think it's a miracle. Think about it, both of you. By Celestia, Rainbow, do you seriously want to do that to your kids? Letting it be a lonely mutant, a crossbreed, in a world that doesn't even want it?"

It doesn’t have to be.

"I already said it, I can't force a widespread law for humans to suddenly be treated differently..! The things are far beyond my own control!"

Wait a minute, has she tried before?

“...Perhaps I misjudged you Anon. Maybe there’s more to humans than I thought… At least to some…”

Has this b*tch even talked to a human?

Then she somewhat officially clears her throat, as if there were ponies present:

"As a princess, I give my word that both of the "foals" will have Equestrian citizenship and rights, just like their mother, and I'll do everything in my personal influence to provide their fair treatment here in Ponyville. And as a friend: ...I'm sorry I can't do more."

Sorry my a**.

"Thank you so much Princess." you bow respectfully to her direction.

"It's okay Twilight, I'm happy we get to stay friends…”


"They are... You know, I'm glad we stayed here." she smiles wearily, but in all sincerity "..But I'm really tired now.. Think I'm gonna have a rest..."

Won’t she bleed out?

Yet you made it clear, you don't want them to ruin their lives by becoming human rights activists or anything. It isn't their fight, if there even is anything to fight for.

Yea, let others do that.

Looking forward to reading this. :twilightsmile:
Question though.

The prologue is a first chapter of another story about Marble which its author sadly never finished.

Where can I find this story?

"I don't know what she's seeing in you but you should not abuse her kindness.” this time it’s her , interrupting you “If you will, there will be consequences."

Exactly. I would have told her to go f*ck herself.

After reading this I really want to know what happens to the children.... It's just such a great love story :heart:

This was such a damn good story. It’s even given me an idea for a story of my own

Yeah the concept is all babblers of doesn’t make sense but okay I’ll keep reading. Ponies sure are hypocrites. I’m thid universe. Ponies aren’t typically fans of slavery. Including the crystal ponies.

I know I'm late to the "party" but this is very well done. Great job.

I don't like rainbow dash in this story, I was feeling kinda bad for anon up until this point. This is just odd. If I were in his shoes, as soon as she let me control, I would tied her to something, run out, and let myself be mailed by a bear or something.

This is good. I was worried Anon was going to become a mindless slave with all the what seemed like foreshadowing earlier on. Epic.

Unfortunately, some people refuse to accept others, no matter how many movements or parades happen, others will judge people for being different. Some people are just awful. We have to deal with that. This gives a lot of vibes related to America's history with slavery. L Racism. #EverySingleLifeMatters

This seems like the kind of story you'd write just because of an urge, at least from my perspective.

Maybe a contrast to other fics out there that tend to be much more misanthropic or just pleasure fics.

I'd say this goes a bit further to something a little more nuanced, but misses perfection by a hair. Just a hair.

I'd go as far to give this about 8/10 and a Wholesome Seal of Approval.

Given the kind of fic this is, and how corny it comes off as at times, it gets its message across without sounding cringefully preachy.
Plus I still had to dock a point or two for the *ahem* oral sex and light fetishes (just not my thing yo).

How this fic felt deep down though:

I guess it was written partly because of some urge. More of them at the same time maybe.
I discovered that thread at 4chan, one I mentioned in the description. People were posting there how much they presume they would be worth as slaves to ponies. I found it ridiculous of course but interesting at the same time. People started taking it too seriously though and there was that one guy who began writing these greentexts which basically blindly praised the whole slavery thing. In the sense of being used as an object, being a good thing. (It wasn't the one who wrote the intro, that other guy was cheesy as hell, too cheesy to be referenced) I can't say why but I hated it so much that I just wanted to write a story to prove him wrong. That the whole idea of slavery is not something to be praised.
Luckily, I already found myself writing a few lines that people caught onto. The initial idea was simply based on a kink of getting dominated by the best horse™ but I felt like there should be a valid point in every story, or it doesn't amount to anything at all. So, I had my point to prove and the story to go with.
And people liked it, even though the whole idea of it was to undermine the topic of the thread that slowly began revolving around taking pleasure in being a slave and being abused.

Man, I really wrote a lot longer text than I initially planned here but I guess I needed to sort it out in my head as well.

Thanks for the review, I appreciate it.
Also, fuck yeah, Elden ring reference.


Yeah many of these things are hard to avoid especially when it's a story YOU want to tell and want to be good.

Also no problem. Still found it charming and wholesome!

PS: Well hello there, fellow Tarnished!

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