• Published 18th Dec 2020
  • 985 Views, 3 Comments

Nerf War - Sunny Solaire

  • ...


Today seemed to crawl by longer than usual, which was strange. Every minute went by twice as long, while each hour felt like an eternity. Thankfully, it passed, and you managed to head to the store real quick to pick up what you needed. Now you're finally home from work, and not a moment too soon.

You pull into the assigned parking spot for your apartment and turn off the engine to your car. On your right, you see her car parked in her spot next to yours. That is good. That means she's home.

The two of you have been married for a few months now. You both spent about two weeks in Florida and the Caribbean on a Disney-centered honeymoon a couple weeks after saying your "I do"s, and had the best time ever. Neither of you wanted it to end. Especially her.

Pony Land, or Equestria, or whatever it was called had all kinds of magic and stuff to use and have fun with, according to her, but it didn't have a place like Disney World. She obviously had never been before. Seeing her eyes light up like diamonds when she saw the massive castle in the center of the Magic Kingdom for the first time instantly became your favorite memory from the trip. She said it reminded her of home.

A smile comes across your face as you remember it. That was the best trip you've ever been on in your life, and it's because you got to spend it with her: your "Happily Ever After". In fairy tales, that usually marks the end of the story, but in reality, it's just the beginning. A whole world of adventure and joy exists for you two out there, and you are so looking forward to it.

Despite your optimism, you want this particular part of your story to last just a little longer, so you've got a bit of a surprise in store for your new wife. You've been planning it for a few days, since you saw a video online, but you wanted to wait for the weekend before pulling it off yourself.

You exit the car and open the door to the backseat to grab the box containing her surprise. One end of the box is open by design for you to reach in and grab hold of it. The rest of the box is wrapped nicely to look just like a present. Which, that's what it is.

With a little chuckle, you close and lock your car before walking up to your apartment complex. You're on the first floor, thank goodness. You use your free hand to grab your keys and unlock the front door to head inside.

"Yoohoo! Sunset? I'm home." You say with a chipper tone.

You close the door and hang up your keys on the hook on the wall. A quick look around the place is all you need to figure out that she's been home all day. It looks like she's found a few projects to keep herself busy. The TV is on and playing Friends reruns in the living room, and there's a pile of clean, unfolded laundry on the couch.

She comes out of your bedroom from the back of the hallway holding an empty laundry basket. She's wearing a pair of black leggings and a loose-fitting rock band t-shirt that once belonged to you. Her feet are bare and her hair is done up in a ponytail. She looks absolutely gorgeous, albeit a little disheveled.

"Anon!" She beams and walks over to you to kiss, and give you a quick hug, which you return immediately. "How was your day?" She asks with a smile.

"Oh, it was way too long, but it's good now. And I got you something." You smile.

She giggles a little and releases the hug to look at you. "I was curious what that was. It's for me?" She asks as she looks at the present in your hand.

You nod at her and grin as she grabs the present. You do not let go of the grip on what's inside, so she merely pulls the box itself off. In your hand is a fully loaded Nerf gun and it's pointed directly at Sunset. Her eyes widen a bit as she stares at the toy weapon.

You motion to the box in her hand, your smile growing. "Look inside."

She cautiously reaches into the box and pulls out another Nerf gun, along with a package of foam bullets. Neither the gun nor the bullets are open. That would be too easy.

"I thought you might be kind of bored today, so here's what's going to happen." You begin. "You have fifteen seconds to load that and defend yourself before I shoot you with this one. You can hide if you want. Fifteen... Fourteen..."

"No!" She curses and throws the laundry basket on the ground as she runs away with a look of playful panic on her face. You turn around to give her a fair chance to go hide, but you don't stop counting. You can hear the package being torn apart as she no doubt frantically tries to load her Nerf gun. It gets silent behind you after a few seconds.

"...Five... Four..." You cock the Nerf gun and tighten your hold on the grip. "...Three... Two... One!"

You raise your weapon and turn around. Sunset is nowhere in sight. You lick your lips and look around, slowly moving into the kitchen and looking behind the counter to see if she's hiding there, which she isn't. You aren't surprised.

"Where is she?" You wonder aloud. On the counter, you spot Sunset's gecko, Ray, chilling out in his glass container on a rock. "Which way did she go, Ray?" He doesn't say anything though. He just looks at you with those same tired eyes and lazy smile. He always takes her side.

You scoff and leave him to hunt Sunset on your own, proceeding down the hallway towards your back bedroom with your weapon raised. You pass the washer and dryer on the left side of the hallway with the bathroom on the opposite side.

Making a left, you enter the bedroom. Your full-sized bed is made, and it's facing your dresser beneath the wall-mounted TV. You glance at the photos in their frames of you and Sunset together. One or two of them have the rest of your friends in them as well. You smile as you look at one of Pinkie Pie photobombing you two at Sugarcube Corner when you were all hanging out together once. Those were good times.

As you peek around your bed and see the nightstand on your side, you hear a plastic clicking sound from somewhere outside that makes you freeze in your tracks. You look out and see a bit of the familiar red and yellow in the mirror of the hallway bathroom.

"There you are!" You shout as you raise your Nerf gun and point it out the door.

"No! Anon!" She squeals.

You hear her hit the gun a couple times with her hand. It sounds like it jammed, but that doesn't stop you. You laugh and quickly move into the hallway, taking cover behind the corner before she can figure it out.

Sneaking a quick peek, you see her run into the shower and pull the curtain back. You giggle and turn on the bathroom light before pulling the trigger, shooting off a foam bullet toward her. It misses and hits the curtain instead.

She laughs as you pump the gun and it loads another foam bullet. She pulls back the curtain and aims her weapon at you, shooting off a round of her own. It barely misses you, and you quickly take cover behind the wall once again.

You hear her pump her gun again. You have a small window of opportunity to return fire, so you stand up and do just that. She yells and tucks her leg under herself to use it as a shield. She looks like a flamingo on one leg. Your foam bullet hits her on her thigh.

You let out a maniacal laugh that would make the Joker jealous, and run into your bedroom again before she can return fire right away. At the sound of a click behind you, you feel a foam bullet hit you right in the ass as you reach cover behind the bed.

"Ha! Got you!" She says triumphantly.

"No, you missed!" You reply.

"You liar!"

You laugh again and grab her foam bullet off the floor to use yourself. You quickly load it into your gun and look back toward the hallway from around the corner of the bed. Sunset isn't there anymore. Where did she go?

A second or two later, she turns the corner into the bedroom, holding her gun in one hand and the laundry basket in the other. She's using it as a shield.

"What now?!" She taunts. She takes a few steps towards you with a growing smile. "What now, huh?!"

"Hey, that's cheating!" You say as you look for an opening.

She laughs and stomps closer. You desperately try to find an exposed spot while also staying behind cover. The only open spot is her legs and feet, but you don't want to waste ammo on trying to hit her extremities.

She's closing in. Your only hope of escape is to vault over the bed and go around her. She shoots your side as you move across the bed, the both of you are laughing like little kids.

You return fire, but she moves out of the way. One of your foam bullets hits one of the pictures on the dresser, making it slide off the edge and fall onto the hardwood floor.

The both of you gasp as it shatters, spreading bits of glass onto the floor. Sunset immediately jumps onto the bed to avoid it.

"Oops. Sorry." You smile and give her a nervous laugh.

She giggles as well. "It's okay. We can replace it."

That's true. It's just a picture frame, thank goodness. The actual picture is okay though.

You step off the bed and walk around it to Sunset. The both of you set your guns down and look at the broken glass on the floor. The picture is of you and Sunset sharing a milkshake.

Since you're the one wearing shoes, you look over at her. "Here, let me carry you so you don't cut your feet." You hold your arms open a bit.

She smiles and moves closer to you so you can scoop her up into your arms and hold her. The both of you smile at each other as you share another quick kiss before you carry her out of your room and into the living room.

"I think you lost, Anon." She smirks.

You laugh and set her down. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll get you next time though." You wink. "Where's the broom? I'll clean that mess up."

She heads to the kitchen pantry to get the broom. You take it and proceed back to the bedroom to sweep up the glass and save the actual photo. She follows you and you hand the photo to her.

"Well Sunny, the weekend is finally here. What do you wanna do?" You ask as you throw the glass away.

Sunset looks at the photo in her hands. She doesn't reply right away, but a small smile grows on her face as she stares at it.

After a few seconds, she finally looks at you. "Wanna get milkshakes?"

"Milkshakes." You hum. "Sure. That sounds like lots of fun."

"Yay." She claps softly. "I need to finish the laundry first though. Will you help please?"

You chuckle a bit and head toward the pile of clothes on the couch. "Sure, I'll help, but not because you asked me to."

She giggles again. "Thank you."

You smile at her and give each other another kiss before sitting down on the couch together.

The two of you just stay there, watching TV and folding laundry together for the next few minutes, occasionally laughing at something funny that Chandler Bing said.

Once the laundry is all separated and folded, the both of you get up to put it all away and she starts getting ready to go. It doesn't usually take her very long to pretty herself up. She's already so pretty as it is. You still can't get over how lucky you got with her.

It's funny, but if someone had told you back in high school that you would fall in love with, and marry Sunset Shimmer, of all people, you would have thought they were insane.

She was the cruelest, meanest, most evil girl you had ever met in your life. A literal demon. She used that magic crown to take over your mind, among many others at that dance. That is, before your gal-pals went in and stopped her.

People can change though...

The fact that you're here now, happier than you've ever been in your whole life, watching her get ready to go get milkshakes together is proof of that. She did a total 180 after that dance, and became one of the nicest girls ever.

That other Princess Twilight Sparkle in Horse World really knows her friendship stuff. You haven't seen much of her lately, but you can't thank her enough for helping Sunset turn herself around.

You smile as you watch her finish up in front of the mirror. Like always, she looks amazing. She's now wearing her hair down like it usually is, an orange t-shirt, and some blue jeans.

She finishes putting on her shoes and smiles at you as she approaches. "Ready?"

"For you love, always." You smile.

You take her hand and the two of you head out the front door to your car to get some milkshakes. There's a good burger joint right down the street that sells them. It isn't as good as the ones at Sugarcube Corner, but they're not too shabby.

As long as you're with Sunset, you don't care where you go. It'll be great no matter what.

Author's Note:

I'm kind of in love with this fictional horse girl, in case that wasn't clear at this point.

inb4 "she's not real"
I already know that she's not real. That doesn't mean I can't dream.

Comments ( 3 )

Indeed we can dream my friend. :twilightsmile:

If not, then why do stories exist?

That was a great short fanfic and that would be great married to someone like that and still have so much fun :eeyup:

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